THE JOURNAL. ? . ; Ay ER'S r ejuUiusan antidote for all malarial, dls i.;i..!rwii.i:h,sofarknowu,isusnl iu no Hii T r .hretly. It contains l.o Quinine, nor any iii.wraj ior deleterious substauue wlist- ius. ml fcnitsemiantly produces no Injurious Juki iiiiirti the constitution, Lilt leaves liio ! iUium nuiiithv m it ,:. before the attack. 3 VA52A5J A YES'S iGUB CUUJ V 1 1 i'uih en rjt esiss u( Fever mill Ague, ' i : .-i-. i u lit-tr Chill Fever,' liciiiiltvnt iVvir, uiph .Igue, Bilious Fever, and i.iver Ciiii t .1 .ul emued by Hialarin.v lu case of fnRurr. . i K.e in -, 'dealers aie authorized, l.y i m u.ij.lar Mured 'Juiy "1st, lsK, to U.f lummy. DirJ.C.Ayer&Co.,Loweil,Wnsc. - ' f.-t : Sold by a'.l Druggists. 8a to'jghn'-Dumi' FOB AN EW BERNE. N. C. JULY 1J .4. 1 ---- - 'Raking tlio Aldus. ..' ' .Both faretossnfs und nVatness' Jrave their' disadvaiit si je, . lis uj Brooklyn fatuity discovert"! tho' otlier.d iy. Oiieiiiht tiii-liiiiy took ' out, hor dianioint f;u-iii!jjs, valued . at, four hundred d..!l us, mid wra; : . piug tin in iu a it t:e of .;t: ;' can-' - kssly lift tliiin on ihi' dii:iiif -rooui ! . maiittl. A relative, a wi ueat housi'keeper, ti tiding tbo (lt.uipled! : bit, of piper on the mantel, Jlirew if ; into the kitchen stove. i The nt'xt day the owuer of t ie i ' i ia nouds asked if any one bad seen ! !a bit of pnjter on the want 1, the jciiiefnl housekeeper vsfated wlutt the had done with it, and then the two " :u)x'oas ladies got t he sishee ut.of 1 1 h, stove and (iroceeded L" pass ; f.'iwm 'hrough a flour sieve. ,i -. Wlien about, half tho "tdiili'had - .- vr r " A'rt emptied on. t he sieve a Mna.ll IvJii U LiD It J JXk5a 1 1)1;"k iin(l .Yellow chunk lollc I over the edge ot the enal-sciitlp. It was si very warm piece of --old, cm "3 ri ' " 'a i n t -i land was all that remained !' iho !Ma, IrlDger Ale, iJpep IlOck mtmg. A little more rakli. and ;liie two di.mionds roiled on-: - f ilie ! ashes. i I hey were n hi tie du:, but Iwlieu cwol cuough lo haudi I hey OF OR VI C 11 V , i ' AND HE SURE TO TRY HIS FINE CONFECTIONERIES. Hk.fs t' line of C1GAHS In the ..Pollock St., nfx( (!i.mi- to Dank. A1 'IB 1 1 ViA 11 AH, i. ,r. M. .Wtmlluy,) ;d Corn Whisky vWIIj.ES A1TD CIGARS L O HEAT. AKIJ'1Y, . Umger Ale, Pale Ale, Beer : Vi i. .AND PORTER. i;:;iRGinaR & ejgel beer, CIDER, PORE FRENCH BRANDY. i. II. W. WAILAI5. Front St.. 'New Berne, N. C. nVO-dJiwIy. were 'found to bo tuidiniini-! cd in beauty and value. A Xew York jeweller reset them the same alter- nopii. - M ' - . - YiTy IMshonest. ;J1fiks "Why, what in lb.- tforld is the matter, inv hoT Blinks "1 it m ruined, utterly ruined.'' . "You can't mean it." "Ibit I do. I put all my niotn v into the bands of Ward, who pr. fnistd to nay me sixty pur cent a in nth.' "But how was he to do thatf 'He told me he had r ch Star route, Indian supply and other govern nielli, contracts." "Yes." "Well, instead' of robbing the government, and paying the profit to me like an honest man, he proved a villain." "Ah !" "Yes, he let the government, go and robbed inc." rhila. Call. Heard on the Street. "Papa, what did you mean when you said that a man who tried to barrow money of you had plenty of brass T "Well, my son, I meant that he was bold in the sense ol having sub lime cheek." "Is that the reason a policeman wears .so many brass buttons!" As a grim-looking cop happened to come along just . then, papa didn't express his opinion. A. x. Journal. . N. M. GASK1LL, MERCHANT TAILOa, -' 1116 received hie ViJiilljMlto make ud the latest an- t&6Bt fashionable clo thing. : . -r: .1 e a jrieuo guuus ut l,SJ every quality s and patterns al- I,;tf3 ways on hand. XiTS . - - SAME - . OLD i Middle Street, iplOdt?ly W- New Bern. N. C. (III tm tlm Mir- I Wo continue tc actassolicitorBfoi rntantfl. e&Teata. trade-marks, copyrights. eto.,foi ILTTR:iA Cfolaa anil in nMfl.111 Tilt ents in uanaaa, jsugiauu, I Germany, and all other countries. charirs for examination of moioU or draw ings." Advice by mail free. " '' :' ratonta odtameo wongn na ro u the SCIENTIFIC AJEERICAN, which hag tne largest circulauon, ana is me muij uiuu- .nll..l nnnranavinw f ifl lr4nl rUlhlinhna IU tllS l.l.'iniUI'l aw uu.u i' - . world. The ad vantages of such a notice every 'i'hia large and Bplonrtidly illustrated news paper is published wj&isiixiic at?if.Jttyear. tndia admittod to bathe best paper devoted trorlts, nd:'other departmonta of industrial .-ogress, published In any conntry. BingU copies by mailt 10 cents. Sold 1 u uew . Address, Mann & Co., pubiisnef.' Rcranr Sfio American, 261 Broadway, New York, y VI andbooi alxint patents mailod free. - - J. B. BROWIST,-: Barber . and Hair. Dresser, With twenty-five years experience, and the jNentest ana west u nrnisnea onioon in ino cltv. will ifivft br irood a shave as can be had anywhere for TEN CENTS. New shop, new uirrnture, anil satlRiactlon guaranteea. Hut and Oom Baths can be bad at all hours. Middle street, next to L. 1L Cutler. marlHdlv , TUTOTS COLD MEDAL GTITIBS , Eayncs' Excelsior - Americaii : Gnitars, ' DOBSON'S PATENT SILVER BELL BANJOS, w a. i . V u flan bo obtained of tw. - Pj.V f , or our Agent! only. f,-i Choice Music UOX8B, ' Fine Oornotn, 11nil ' . ; J 1 us riimeiUH.Orche- i. J I "Kf riii".i'i. tlio 'Wercyou everiu a squall," asked in old yachtsman of a worthy citi zen. "Well sir, I guess you are una ware that there has been only thir teen babies raised under the same roof with, me." - Arrival and Departure Mails. MAIL CLOSES. For North. West and South, via A. & N. C. E. B. at 8.80 a.m. For "Beaufort and the Eet, at 6:00 o. m. For Washington, Swift Creek, Byde and Beaufort Counties Mondays, Wednes days, and FridayB at 5:00 a. m. For Trenton, rouoKsvuie ana jsiays- ville, daily at 7 :30 a. m. ; For Grantsboro, cay Kiver ani van- demere, daily at 6 a. m. ' OFFICE HOURS: ' In Money -Order and Registered Let ter Department, from 9 a.m. to 4 p. m. In Mailing JJepartment from v a. m. to 5 p. m., and from 7:80 to 8:80 p. m. Office open constantly between these hours except when mails are being dis tributed or sent, .r-ti,,l;r7;,. . rToLti TcH ' m 1131.1 .- t-Tci-i m mm - f-io m -Ton V.J U a lt-J . iT3l-J tflci'if..l m. IK ?VTiIL-U S Mat's PtBtt lUi r 1 R ai: vmrcfs ta.o Se.ior rrv wh teff vmek. & -I t-n. r3Ma M& J -'MJJ-5-"- e - m&EW m .Q ii'WtS I fflJttXl?Jr uk MK:-r live year past .1 .'r Ifta I M fefta kSl,VivA ''KViAw. lrlW$K"S 1 havc usci1 constantly the black- St Wm I-f W$m L SllWViOT VN fJiliVlM we" Uurham Smoking Tobacco. St z v"t 1111 IA t IftF MwAXfil? ( I have rarely been without it I VVT 853 A X V"J-l4cWl W.W,4t"m TlM$!W& satisfactory smoking tobacco I bC . " IMmtUmMlJMm Ot Hvlfi)t iPml he ever used, and take great ' . . 1 YWVa)m : g 'SU RICHARD COKE A-UfiBS? tT h I V v lmsvmm'mfm i- GHMranflll AN OPEN LETTER. RRMP " r V Ml' A W iM -. .N.c MA 5gS5jg' piiS It yW8Bi!t$sSlgaa The Leaf iobacco grown m tbe Oolden Belt of North Carolina DBWU V J U;uz; iy :.' rpi cS 3 Bl eminently superior to all other for the manufacture of first-class smoking fiivjtM& jSJTSI pa-:- ' -i'.1 iMc&Ccl IkqSvI I k Xlstdr-zfffZn tobacco. Durham is the chief market for this fine erade of leaf tobacco. EClLill b3 1-it.ia. "WL T It. c. 7 'Si Kttfsa f 3S V&nM With oair mammoth Cacwiy and immeme storage warehouses at Durham Sve? il ,.!,- 1. I pVSSjT.ov-tMv.t. -KiSCfS? 1 tKmSllffljfi WC ve ,ac""'es tnat n0 '"er n possesses tor securing the very best gusajVSSj gj; I ..-i-j I I . . jllSS CO. asjfK leaf in texture, flavor and quality not equalled elsewhere. Command- Eslmlili t2l ''"'- j vtl r'-"-'-"' WPSW Ci-f rJRwffi!!:' ing the choice of all offerings, we spare no pains nor expense to get the 5 'wS I W ''''' I 1 t' 5S&!ggip wry best. Hence, .with the best raw material, the most complete out- PvywS? jP - I r ( 1 A 1 . - 9gcS9 1 CO MhR( we guarantee that Dlackwell's Durham is the purest -a Pv CJ P r SMli WlMi I i fMhjRA "celled, and that Blackwell's Dur- 079 fforf& MjCm Ft " v MEETISUS QF LODGES. ' fin .TnnNS Tinott. No. 8. A. F. & A.M.. meets the 2d .Wednesday night In each month. ; Nww Bprnk ChapteH. No. 43. R..A. M.. meets on the 2nd Monday in each month at o p.m. . Nbw RmRWH Lodoe. No. 443. KlMOHTS op Honor, meets on tne aa ana 4i;n in day nights in each month. AanRanmnnt No. 140 is now due. and must be paid on or before the 23d day or June, 1004. .-; n'nmiT Council. No. 411. Royal Ar fiivnM. -meets on the 1st or 8d Friday nights in each month. - AdRPDRment JNO. 0U 18 DOW ana. ana must be paid on or before the 10th day OI July, 1804. ' . - ltami "tnnon. Nrt. 7. T. O. 9: V. meets on the 2d and 4th Monday nights in eacn montn. AoaBaHmpnt No. is now dip. and must be paid on or before the day rJimsw Council: No. 1. Order of Chosen Friends, meets on the 1st and 3d Wednesday nights in eacn montn.. Assessment No. 58 ia now due, and must be paid on or before tin sutn aay of Juneiao. . . -: , PnsufnpnT.TTAN COUNOIL No. 211. AlTKR' ican Legion op Honor, hm ets on ttie 1st and 3d Thursday night t in each month. Assessment No. 53,is now due, and must be paid on or before tho 14th day of June. 1804. - Local Branch No. 95, Orofr of ttie Itwt Hall,- meets tn t'..3 2.1'.y W. P. BURRUS & CG. OH Having purchased the RED FUONT STORE oiw.r. uaiiance a uo , oner A CHOICE SELECTION "of FINE GROCERIES AND - ' . ; CONFECTIONERIES. Wepurcnase and sell for Cash, and guar antee , PRICES AS LOW AS AST IN THE CITT FOB 8 aME GRADE OF GOODS. We can suit the Host Fastidious. Call and you will be convinced. We will conduct our GRAIN BUSI NESS at before. . marSd&w 5 37 Court Place, LOUISVILLE, KY., A Tepnlarly edncttetl tnd letrtlly qnnlttled phyUoiaa And th most mcceieful, u lili practice wul prove. Cures aU forms f PRIVATE, CHRONIC Md SEXUAL 2IS EASES. - , Spermfttcrrliea and Impotency 3 tha tmoU of telf-ftbnM In youth, sexntl exceuci In di tureryetri, or other cftuei, nd prodiirtnir loine of the fcfc lowing eflocUt Nervouinea, Seminal Einiesions, (niRht emW torn by dreftim), Dimnrft of Sight, Defective Memory, Thy leal Decay, Pimplei on Face.Averilon to Society of Female, Confuiion of Ideai, Lost of Sexual Power, Ac, rendering ftiArriaga Improper o unhappy, are thoroughly and perma nently oared. SYPHXjwIS P0,iiivey CTre M"en Urely eradicated from t tyatom GonOTThef GLEET, fitrlctare, Orchitis, HerniS J" KuuUire l-Afs and other private disease quickly cured, itlaielf-evidentthat a phyblclans who pay .(pjtiftl tttenfroft eertnia alas of dlttaseB, and treating thousand! anm tily, acquire frreat kill, PhyilcUni know In k this (Art olttn r':omiiiendperionto my care. When It U Inconvenient to vi-H the city for treatment, tnedtclnei call be sent privately iid safely by Siall or expreu anywhere. Cures Onarauteed in all Case tuidertaken uonduitations peraonaiiy or oy letter rree anit mviuA. tauie i HOTELS. CENTRAL HOTEL, W. E. PATTERSON. PBOr'a, NEW BERNE, N. C. THIS WELL KNOWN AND COMMODIOUS house, as its name implies, is situated in the ceutral and business portion of the city, hence recommends itself for its convenience to the travelling public. Affording solicitors every opportunity of visiting business correspondents It has attentive servants, and its table is always furnished with Every Delicacy of the Season Its rooms aro large, airy and well furnished. AN OMNIBUS or the accommodation of guests to and from trains and meamers free of charge a special feature in this city, All the appurtenances, of a modern FIRST CLASS HOTEL. April 1-d-lv. Char ae I correspondence ttrklly conftdenluU. Of 510 pnget, lent to any addrcu, leoarely aeaiid, for thirty t'til) tiiU, Should be read by all. Address as above, Ollicn hi.ura from A. 4 P. M. Sundays, 8 to 41. Aw Ferdinand Ulrich, GROCERIES AND DRY GOODS Ooot3 anl -Shoes; Rci)es; Twines, Paints, Oil, CANVAS, - GRAIN' SACKS. LOItilil-AKD SNUFF ; : : At Manufacturer'a Prices. NETS aud SFINES. . : Foot Middle street, -, V , ' 'NEW E2RNE, N. ( dw , - DUVAL NORTON'S " ITOIJSE TONIC, ROBERTS & BRO., Wholesale Sc Retitil 1 DKA LKU.S.IN ;7.,"t 'f. -, i'i i , v'. Provisions, . .Groceries, Dry Goods" . Boots and Shoes, All of which we are offoring VEET LOW. ' Orders solicited. ', Satisfaction guaranteed. .", dw . v NEW BEENE. N. C. Til 13 SPOT. : U. S. MACE'S is the plane For (roods in the Druggist lint Ho nlso koepR Hardware in henj , . . Willi Canvas, luipe and Twine. A'! (' ! h - r-1 tmirh mnttt too, GASTON HOUSE, NEW BEKNE, N. C, S: R. STREET & SON, Proprietors. The Only First-class HouBe In the City. Omnibus connects with all Trains and Steamers. Iarge sample rooms for coinmerj oiiit travelers. . oouaniu Come One! Come All! And See! United States Bounty ana Pon gion Claim Affcnt, NEWBEIlPff, C. Practices before all Ihe Deparlinrnts lit Wnshingtoii. I .C, Have successfully collected the following named claims for pensions: Julius onvli i, New Berne, private of Co. 1. 1st Cavalry, en I . Jan. 3lst. $Hti.7: Irvln Miwe. Wivslnniiloii. N. 0 private Co. 1 ilitli Krut.. t.dl. Iniiint.iy. Jan. 1HS2. $7N9 7'J: Joseph 1'iiU", New iicrue, private Co. 1) ;l.stli col. troops. Sl.liS: Jrimi Newby, ?iew lteme, mother of I' lank ew- by, private Co. a. ith Keg. col. troops. $1868.72: William Titus Kial. New beine, blacksmith work at foundry. $100. Ana. aitb. 1H82; Felix .larmon. fort work, sat IW. Miircli 23d, 1SK2-. Simon Crooms, labor fort. S'js.i.s. Sept. 4, lXSi Luke Martin, fort work, Si pt "d, 1882; Joseph (iepson, James (Mty. loit work Stephen Walker, fort work. Sai. Jim. -list ISftJ Moses Murphv. March Awl. lfsM: (.uiltonl Cherry, fort woi k. 1: Joseph Krvnnl 1 1 1 do Jan 81, it-", jsman ueBpas,$imi, jiui. ,11, ions; William Moning, for work lu railroad shopc, $51, allowed Feb 2nd, 1888. Labor Claims a Specialty. Residence near Mrs. Davenport's boarding house, near Five Points. Office hour 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. marSdly HOTEL, SMITHFIELD, N. C, D. W. FULLER, Trop'r. - Ample accommodations at all times Sample rooms for commercial travel ers. Charges moderate. . augSdtf .HEW HOTEL, Snow Hill, Greene Co., rL U. Well furnished, and Table supplied with the BEST the market affords. Sample rooms for commercial travelers. RATES REASONABLE. ' . ; DT.E.GRIMSLEY, r felo-diwtf Proprietor. . : : NOTICE. ; STATU OF.NORTn CAR0MKA, 1 . .' . ,x . Craven County. 1 Tho subscriber having quallflod as Admin istrator of Hie estate of Susan Grimes, de ceased, on the 6th day of June A.D. 1881, be fore the Probate Court of Craven county, herebv notifies all person havinK claims against sftld estate, to present them for pay ment on or before the 101 h day of June, lh.5. or t his notice will be pleaded In bar of their reoovevv. All p. inin i,).,-). i. h! to vit.l rt-ite vi'l GOO ACKES V&luable Timber Land ' ON ADAMS CREEK, . FOR SALE VERY CHEAP This land Is especially valuable, containlw; a virgin forestof Oak, Ash, Pine, Maple, Pop lar and Gum, while the soil Is very fertile and' peculiarly adapted to the successful cultiva tion of Cotton, Corn and Klce. The tract contains 609 acres, more or less, and is situated at tbe head of. Adams Creek In Craven connty.and dlstantfrom the Towt, of Beaufort, In Carteret county, about four teen miles, and is easily accessible fioni Adams Creek or from the county road. Terras easy.aud a great bargain. Apply to - WATSON STREKT, ap29d ... , Kal Estate Agents. . Tar - A BmtnrM i:(lucU! AUaaH lb. Of Kentncby University, Lexington, 1 8tndfnu ean bcln any w-k-aT In th vcar. Tun U oonn.l' U' tho Full Dlidoma Pnvin Ctir. ft'h, Aet- f To till Coft, liioin.iiitK Tuition, -t o( Hoard In nfMutiv,", Td- r-uhy a n-'dnitv. i -.

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