AYER'S AueOnre contains an antidote for all malarial dis orders which, so far as kuowu, ii used lu no otusr reuieuy. it contains no Quinine, nor any mineral nor deleterious sutstnuce what ( ever, and eonseqnently produoes noinjurioua effect upon the constitution, but leavea tho . , jystom aa healthy as it was before tlie attack. ; . WS WAEMHT ATEEjS AGUE CUBE - to cure every caae ot Fever and Ague, Inter. - mittent -or Clilll Fever, Ecmitteut Fever, Dumb Ague, Bilious Fever, and Liver Com plaint caused by malaria. In ease of failure, after due trial, dealers are authorized, by our ' v ' circular dated July 1st, 1682, to refund the money. - . Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co.,Lowell,Mass. Sold by all Druggists. Go to John Dunn's FOH AN ICE COLD GLASS OF Soda, Ginger Ale, Deep Rock OR VICHY, ' AND BE SURE TO TRY HIS FINE CONFECTIONEEIES. : He keeps the beat line of CKJARS in the Pollock St., next door to Bank. II; W. WAIIAB, " . ! ft .'. . ' . . H"ceeof to E. H. Whulley.) , nisijULElUS' AGENT FOE lore Rye and Cora Whisky . AT WHOLESALE. WILES AND CIGARS IN GREAT VAItlElY, Ginger Ale, Pale Ale, Beer ' , AND PQBTER, At ; ' . '. - "" ' 'v.'. -r: : .. . , - OIDER, DIIDC CDCNPU DDRUnv ),,lWMk I llbllVII uimiiwii IL VV. WAHAB. South Front St. New Berne, K 0. .. ep26-d&wly. N. M. GASKILL, MERCHANT TAIIOR, Has received his Spring Samples, and is prepared to make- ud the latest and most fashionable clo thing. Piece goods of every qualit; and patterns al ways on hand. . SAME. . ottv , T3fri-;"Is:-x8TAND, aplMiwly New Berne. N. Q, charts-- for examination .of models or draw mm. Aatice py man free. - -Patents obtained through ns are noticed In the SCIENTIFIC AKjAican, Trhich has II. a inMAat AtAn1f.fi'n - gtA a tia mnst infill eiitial ftewspaper of itekind published in the . patpnted understands. ' Thilarff and eplondidly illustrated news- ...i.1il.-Jlr'l?'I?T.V Q OH a vnim nntlis admitted to be tho best pnper devoted vrorksj fttnV other departmnta of industrial :opies by mv.il, 10 cents.- old sew Address. Kuan & Co.. publisnebSt.r Reran- Wo American, 2CI Broadway, Kew Yorii., , Handbook about patents mailed frne. - J. Bi BROW3ST, Barber, and Hair Dresser, With twenty-five years experience, and the Neatest and Best Furnished Bftloon in the city, will give as good a Bhave as can be had anywnere lor T-iurs vtia xss new gnop, new lunmuie, ana satisraciion gnaranteea. Hot and Cold Baths can be had at all hours. Middle street, next to U it. (juiier. , marlHdlv TIITCN'S CCLD MEDAL GUTTIES, . Is'.Msiof American Gnitars, ' COBSON'S PATENT SILVER BELL BANJOS, j - a . i '. . . Can be obtained or ns, ' f H t "v" or our Agents only. 1 J , , - ( hoioe Muiic Boxas. rl - Sv- Una Cornets, Band . ' Iiwtmments.Orche. h ' tra InHtruments, the bent btrlniM and Trim, n.l-i GUalogtul free, i TT"' sjL' ' I ,'We contoTie tc 1 1 I Hi -1 iactasBolioitorBfoi 5 i i r ahiiiinHiiiM4 patents, caveats, i I trademarks, copyrights. eto.,fa ! 1 1 the United BtaiteiLandto obtain pot. J J U enta in Canada. England, Franee, Li Gerniany, and all other countries. THE JOURNAL. SEW BERNE, N. C. JULY 18, 1884. Yery Tongh. ' A person should be quite sure of his facts before he broaches a theory; that is, unless he has the impudence of the Frenchman or the wit of Lord Mansfield, he Frenchman, on be ing told that the facts contradicted theory which he had rashly put forth, exclaimed, with frank impu dence, ''Do de facts contradict my the ory! Den so much de worse for de facts!" - - . On a trial before Lord Mansfield, witness named Elm gave his evidence with remarkable clearness although he was more than eighty years of age. Surprised at the old man's intelligence, his lordship ex amined him as to bis habits of liv ing, and found that he had through out life been an early riser and a ery temperate man. "Ay," remarked the Chief-Justice, m an approving tone, "I have al ways found that without tern perance and good early habits, longevity is never attained," The next witness, an elder brother of the early riser, also surprised him in the clearness ot the evidence he gave. "I suppose," observed Lord Mans field, "that you also are an early riser!" 'No, my lord," answered the vet eran, frankly. "I like my bed at all hours, and special-fje 1 like it oi a morning.'' "Ah! but like your brother, you are no doubt a temperate man?" asked the, judge, anxious for the tate ot his theory. "My lord," replied the ancient Elm, who lived in an age when drinking was a fashionable vice, "I am a very old man, and my memory is as clear as a bell, but I can't re member the night when I've gone to bed wholly sober." Lord Mansfield was silent. "Ah, my lord!" exclaimed Mr. Dunning, a lawyer, "this old man's case supports a theory upheld by many persons, that habitual intem perance is favorable to logevity." "iso, no," replied the Chief-Justice with a smile. "This old man and his brother merely teach us what every carpnter knows that Elm, whether it be wet or dry, is a very tough wood.77 You who eniov a ipe or cigarette cannot appreciate the luxury fully till you try a package of Blackwell's Dur ham Long (Jut. Don t be put out if ypu don't get it the first time you call at your tobacconist's. He will get it for you, if there is any life in him. The peculiar excellence of the Durnam to bacco, and this brand in particular, is so well established among all appre ciative smokers, that a tobacconist must be regarded as quite out of date who don't provide his customers with it. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the most effect ive blood-puritier ever devised. It is recommended by the best physicians Arrival and Departure Mails. MAIL CLOSES. For North, "West and South, via A. & N. U.K. K. at 8.30 a.m. For Beaufort and the East, at 6:00 p.m. For Washington, Swift Creek, Hyde and Beaufort Counties Mondays, Wednes days, and Fridays at 5:00 a. m. For Trenton, foiioKsviiie ana Mays ville, daily at 7:30 a. m. f or Urantsboro, Bay Kiver an i van demere, daily at 0 a. m.k OFFICE nOTJKS: In Money Order and Registered Let ter Department, from 9 a.m. to 4 p. m. In Mailing Department from U a. m to 5 p. m.. and from 7:30 to 8:30 p. m Office open constantly between these hours except when mails are being dis tributed or sent. MEETINGS OP LODttES. St. Johns Lodge, No. S, A. F. & A. M, meets the 2d Wednesday night 1 n each month. , . .. New Berne Chapter, No. 43, R. A, M., meets on the Snd Monday in each month at o p.m. New Berne Lodoe, No. 443, Knights of Honor, meets on the 2d and 4th Fn day nights In each month. Assessment jno, 14a is now due, and must be paid on or before the Vth day of August, 1884. - Trent Council, No." 411, Royal Ar canum, meets on the 1st or 3d Friday nights in eacn montn. Assessment Ho. is now due, and must be paid on or before the day Eureka Lodge, No. 7, I, O. 9. F. meets on the 2d and 4th Monday nights in each month. Assessment No. is now due, and must be paid on or before the da Neusk Council, No. " 1, Order tjF Chosen Friends, meets on' the 1st. and 8d Wednesday nights in each morth. , Assessment No, 60 is now diie, and must be paid on or before tin dtl day of August, 1884. , : i s Cosmopolitan Council U o. 2ll -American Legion op Honor, mrets oa, tfce 1st and 3d Thursday night in eah month. ; Assessment No. 55 is now due, and muBt be paid en or before the 7th day of August, 1884.. Local Branch No. 95, Order of thb Iron Hall, meets on . the 3d Monday night in each month. - .Assessment No. 88 is' now due, and must be paid on or before the 81st day of July, 1884. - .;. Athenia Lodge, No. 8,. Knights of Pythias, meets on the 2d and 4th Tues day nights in each month. 1 Ataesiiment No. 128 is ew due, and. rnt I'O pi 1 cn or If " - Z 'i c'ly PROFESSIONAL. Wm; J. CL ARKE, ATTOENEY AT LAW, .-. NEW BEHNE, X?. . Practlnei In the Court of Carteret. Craven, Hyde, Jones, Lenoir, Pamlico and Wayne counties: alko In the United Statea Court at New Berne. i- . n. Collection of seamen's wages and ml claims against veaaela a specialty . - . . Olllee four doors above Gaston House. ' ; ' . , mar21-a4wtf .. U J. Moor.. WH E. CLAKKK. MOORE & CLARKE, ATTORNEYS! AT LAW, New Berne, N. C.- WUl practise In the Courts of Carteret, Cra ven, Greene, Hyde, Jones, Lenoir, Onslow and Pamlico counties. Also in the minreme Court at Ralelffh and the United States Courts at Mew Berne and - collecting speouuty, ap5dwtf OKOnCK V. STRONG, DAHIKTj X. PIRBT, Klnston,M.e Raleigh, N.O. STRONG & PERRY, - KINSTOIf, jr. c, ATTORNEYS ASL COUNSELLORS AT IAW. Having formed a eonartnershiD for the practice of the law in Jones county, will regu larly attend the courts of the same. Promnt tkbteuiiiuu paiu iru ouiiections. mayiZ-CUWU SXKONU ft PERRY. PHIL. HOUtAJlD, JR. own h. auioR HOLLAND & GUION. Attorneys at iuaw. Office on Craven st., two doors above PeUoek WiU nraetioe In the Counties of Craven Jones, Onslow, Carteret, Pamlico and Lenoir rrompt attention paid to collections. apr29-dwlv. H. 8IMMOS8, CLXHKNT MANLY. SIMMONS & MANLY ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will practice In the Conrtsnf Craven. .Tnnna. Onslow, Carteret, Pamlico, Lenoir and Hyde, nuu in me r eaerai uouri at new iierne. leDW&wlj DR. G. L. SHACKELFORD. Surgeon Dentist NEWBEEN, N. 0. rimn uujt. ... hi y . - uii iuiuuio Dbrcob, uver iuinB ivuiir iir raway's Millinery Store, opposite Baptist Church. Ten Tears Practical Experience, sepUtklAwly DK. Jk D. CLAKK, D E NTI8T, NKWBKRlf, If. O. Office on Craven street, between Pollock and Broad. aprU-doYwly HOTELS. CENTRAL HOTEL, W. E. PATTEBSON. Pbop-b. NEW BERNE, N . C. THIS WELL KNOWN AND COMMODIOUS house, as its name implies, is situated in tbe central and business portion of the city, hence reuummenue 110011 jur lie convenience 10 me travelling public. Affording solicitors every opportunity of visiting business correspondents It hag attentive servants, and its table is always lurmsuea wun Every Delicacy of the Season Its rooms are large, airy and well furnished. AN OMNIBUS . or the accommodation of guests to and' tram' trains snd steamers free of charge a s feature In this city, All the appurtenances, 01 a modern . FIRST CLASS HOTEL. April 1-d-lT. GASTON HOUSE, NEW BERNE, N. C.. i S: E. STEEET & SON, Proprietors. The Only First-class House In the. City. Omnibus connects with all Trains and Steamers, Large sample rooms for commer) oial travelers. oct29-dtf HOTEL, SMITHFIELD, N. C, D. W. FULLER, Prop'r. Ample accommodationa at all times Sample rooms for commercial travel ers. UnarRes moderate. augSdtf r NEW HOTEL, '' AT - v Snow Hill, Greene Co., N. U 1 j, Well furnished, and Table surmlied with the BEST the market affords. Sample rooms for commercial travelers. RATE8 REASONABLE!. VT. K GRIMSLET. felS-dAwtf ProtwteV or. Come One! ComeAUl ArdSeel UU1U3U oiuies jduuui,' . , Bion Claim Af, Pen- o.. "gjr'tmenu at named claims for he? 'lleoted the New BeroirivauFr '8long! Jnllui Vonvlel, Tar? fUKL &T2- Ir i 1, 1st Cavalry, col , i?aA 3l$..Zr?'-.iT vln Maeee. Washlneton. prl private Co. u w rTi Newby, New W liu wit muv yi, V7, uvi-ura jrne, mother of Frank New G, 85th Reg. col, troops, by. rlvate Co S188I .72: W1U hlnOsTBTTllth T IU AWW UWUO, sst Simon Grooms, labor fort, $28.0(1, ruiBV'F tf Lnke Martin, fort work, Sept 2d, i, . J' eph Oepson, James City, fort work, Sf'jphO n Walker, fort work,28, Jan. slst, 1882; iosea Mumhv. March 23d. 1881: . Guilford Cheny, fort work. 818; Joseph Bryant, 83 90, Tnn Qt T,. I.. Dnaa T ft, 1004 William Monlng, for work in railroad shops, wi,uowea t eo ma, una. ' Labor Claims a Specialty, Residence near Mrs. Davenport's Doaraintr House, near rive Jfoints. Office hour 9 A.M. to 9 p.m. . mar8dly 500 ACRES Valuable Tir.icr Lend OK ADAMS CREEK, ; FOE SALE VERY CHEAP. This laud Is wseclally valuable, eontalnlns it virgin foreatof Oak, Ash. Pine, Maple, Pop lar ana uum wnue ine sou is very leriueana peculiarly adapted to tbe successful cultiva tion of Cotton, Corn and Rice.' 1' The tract contains 600 acres; moito or less, ana is suuaivea at vne neau oi AUams ureeK In Craven ctnintv.and dlstan t from the To wt of Beautort In Carteret county, about four teen mues,, ana is easily amcessioie irom AitftmH lire it or from the county road. . Turn's erisy,and a (font tiartmln. A 'til. WAi "N hi PTTT, Cincinnati Prices! Gardner Are prepared for making Carts, Wagons work and prices. They have a JNo. l ing Yehicles of all kinds and for SHOEING HORSES. Our work is FIRST-CLASS. Give us a trial. jyl d&w6m BROAD STREET, NEW BERNE, N. C. W. J. SUUNKIl, National Detroit, CbMae Safe, wire till jPf ii" -tTtt r- Crostiue, Wu & lio" y Send tor Catalogue. CEO. ALLEN & CO, OFFER THE CELEBRATED Cox Cotton Planter, WHICH IS THE BEST KNOWN COTTON Improved Cotton Seed . . , tVtT 1 OSIER, PEERLESS, DICKSON, CLUSTER, WILLIAMS Cotton Plows & Sweeps IN GREAT 500 HANDLED Shovels, Spnd08, Forks, TOOLS AND IMPLEMENTS OP EVERY KIND AT VERY LOW PRICER. BUILDERS' MATERIALS, BRICK, LIME, CEMENT, PLASTER, PAINT, GLASS. ETC. FERTILIZERS, PRICES VEBV LOW POE CASH. SUBSCRIBE TO THI5 New Berne Journal, Published Daily and Weekly at NEW BERNE, N. C. the Weekly Journal Is a THIRTY-SIX COLUMN upon its SEVENTH VOLUME. Subscription price per annum, " ' six months, The Daily Journal Has entered 'upon its THIliD VOLUME, and contains TWENTY FOUR COLUMNS.' : Subscription price, per annum, W 0 six months, - ow The JOURNAL is. published trict, and has n extensive circulation in all tt foining counties. ( Address ' " WORE! !' & Glenn and Buggies, and GUAKANlHih JBiacKsmitn ana are preparea ior repair Pun. r. R. HINCILKR, Sic' Wire & Iron Co. HunnucTuams or Cloth, Wire Counter Palllac. Wirt Slgtu, Cutlnc Ponces, iron ShuiUin, UounUir SupporU,t. K-Mention thu Paper. AND THE MOST RELIABLE PLANTER. VAKIETY. COTTON HOES Grass and Potato Bakes. NEWSFAPEE, and has now entered $2 00 1 00 in tbe center of a largo Trucking rir:T crnc, n. c ;-JFrdinand Ulrich, GROCERIES AND DRY GOODS Boots and Shoes, Rci)es. Twines. Paints, Oil, CANVAS, GRAIN SACKS. LOlllLIiAKD SNUFF At Manufacturer's Prices. NETS and SHINES. Foot Middle street, NEW ESRNE, N. I' dw . DR. RICE 37 Coirt Flac& LOUISVILLE. K A KpuUrly taeftted and legal 4nal'btk l.ykkiaa ul Ui auosk tacctaAiai, m nu rrmcucj a t - . Cures aU font cf VRIVATB. CHRONIC and SuXPAL DIS EASES. Spermatorrhea and Ixnpoteney Ui retult of lelf-abnie la youth, fexoil m.cmi in m turer yar, or oilier raiisei, ami ioiIiii-iiif mn of tin ' lowlnir ctK'i-U : Kf rvou'iiew, Stmitial Kiuir;Hni, (olhl ni' flom by itrt arf, IHnmrf of M-.-l I, lVfeillvv Mtmorv.I l y leal Iiciyf l'inil4 on Far, Aver ion to fSoclrtjr ol t tmali. Confu-ion of Ideas, Lost of Sexual ruwrt Ac remUiii aiarriairt niproHT or nnhsppv, are thirihly and triiia oaaUy cured. SYPHILIS pwitUly re4 aud tir It radleaUd Irom Ui .icia- GoilOTVllt GLEETt P'rlctore, Orel. it t. Hernia,, &uptur Vile and oilier private dlream quickly curcU Ulftfcvlft-vitUnttliai a ).hytici:itii w !to jmy .T .' ltcnnul a ct-rtnia cla- of diieaii, aa J tn-itin thou'Uidt annu dly,aninirei great tkill. pliyikiunf knu.Utjt tlii 'art r-t timiiifiHl erkoii to my Ck-e. WIh-h H I in-n iT t to riiit th) city for treatment, miIfiio can be wt invatij tad afeiy by mall or ex(re?i anywhere. Cnres Gnaranteed inall Case nudertakeiie Cidimiuiioiii t.fr.onally or by letter free am) hiTtt4 Charil toatunatill and corrwVpondetwu strictly confi-Uotiai A PRIVATE COUNSET OR Of fflfl wj;ip iptiI to ai.yad 'r. -'s, s,-corely jea.jl, tor ttinV, i ') tvi.t.. li-iiM n-rt.l !v all. A.l.IrvF aa a(Hiv HilW h..ur.fo:u A. M.,t 4 l M. SarnU,,, a to 41'. 41 PAT MTJHH A CO., of the MTJHH A CO., of the Scientific American, con tinue to act as Solicitors fur 1'ntents, Caveats, Trade Marks, CopTrifrbts, for tho United States, Canndn. England, France, Germany, eto. Hand Book about Patents sent free. ThUt y-RPven ycurs' experienco. Patents obtained tliroiidh MU N N 4 CO. arc noticed IntheSciKNTmc Ameuican. the largest, beat, und most widely circulated sclvntlBo paper. (:l.3Uayear. Weekly, splendid enu-ruvinr s and Interestlnu In formation. Specimen enpy of t ha Hcll'uliftc A mor lean sent free. Art tr -v. ..I'JNN &CO., Scikntu'IC AMSBIOiJC Office, l U: -ulwiiy. New York. ROBERTS S "Wholesale ISetttil DEALKUH.IN I Provisions, Groceries, Drv Goods Boots and Shoes. All of which -we are offering VERY LOW. Orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. dw NEW BERNE, N. C. V. P. BURRUS & CO. Having purchased the RET) FRONT STORK of W. I. Bnlltuice Oo , oiler A CHOICE SELECTION OF PINE GROCERIES AND CONFECTIONERIES. We purchase "and sell for Cash, and cuai- antee PRICES AS LOW AS ANY IN THE CITY for s ame grade of goods; - V can suit the Most Fastidious. Call and you will be convinced. We will conduct our GRAIN BUSI If ESS as before. murSd&w 5! 4 It $1 A YEAR. $1 $1 A year . $1 CO ft) Jt CD A t H3H Dis

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