STEAMERS. an Transpcrtation Co'y. : New BURN, N. C, My 7, 1881. BUMMER SCHEDULE OF THE STEAMER ELM CITY to co Into effect on ana after May 19, 1884 ; It 4 Leave Bayboro at 8 a. m. for New itorne, stopping at Stonewall, Van - - demere, Pamlico, Smiths Creek, Adam Creek and Rlverdala, Tuv-Sxlsy ' ' ' ' .Xjeave New Berne for Hyde County at 1 pni , (topping at A Jam 8 Creek. Br this arrangement we are enabled to take close connection with the northern steamers. Thursday ,?. Leave Hyde County for New Berne at t a.m., stopping at Adams Ureek, Saturdays- - Leave New Berne for Bayboro at 8 a m., stopping at Rlverdale, Adams - Creek, Smiths Creek, Pamlico, Vau demere and Stonewall. Friday np for excursions. , 4,. Having good accommodation both for pas sengers aud freight at very low rates, ask that the merchants and producers along Its line give it their cheerful support ' Par farther information enquire at the of dee. Foot of Craven street. - RALPH GRAY.i .v ' Agent at New Berne. Vr any of Its Agents at the following places: ABK LEE, Adams Creek. " D. M. WATSON, Lake Landing, Hyde Co. - U. H. ABBOTT, Vandemere, C. H. FOWLER, Stonewall, t S. H. FOWLER, Bayboro, G. F. M. DAIL. Pamlico. W. H. JACOBS, Smiths Creek, MALDKTT BROS., Rlverdale. s- Freight received under cover every day v the week. , jan21d&wly "r7 THE TV CHICAGO COTTAGE ORGAN Has attained a standard of excellence which admits of no superior. It contains every improvement that inventive genius, uu ana money can prouuee. ' Theso excellent Organs aro cclebrnled for Volume, quality of tone, quick response, variety of combination, artistic design, beauty in finish, perfect construction, making them the most attractive, ornamental and desirable oixnr.s for bomes, schools, churches, lodges, societies, etc. ESTABLISHED REPUTATION, : tTXEQlTALED FACILITIES, SKILLED WORKMEX, BEST MATERIAL, COMBINED, HAKE THIS THE. POPULAR ORGAN Instruction Books & Piano Stools Catalogues & Price Lists, ou application, fbee. Tfc Chicago Cottage Organ Co. Comer Randolph and Ann SlresU '. T CHICAGO, Jit Stands at the Head. THE LIGHT RUNNING DOMESTIC. For ale by DUFFY & IVES. "mal3d ' ' Nbw Beknk . N. C. . EASTEEM NORTH CAROLINA MARBLE WORKS SEW BEEXE, N. C. ; ? V MONUMENTS, TOMBS, Audall kinds Grave and Building work In ITALIAJI4AMERICAN MARBLE . Orders will receive prompt attention and satisfaction guaranteed JOG K. WILIJS, Proprietor (Snooessor to Geerge W Claypoole) -Cor. BROAD -ttO CRAVEN St.. ' " - NEW BERNE, N. C 3 .EL Killer is my authorized agent Kinston. ; maSU-ivdw NOTICE. 1 (STATE OY NORTH CAROLINA, - ; - Craven County. ) Ti,o anliRcrllier havlna nnallfled as Execa t,.r nt t.ii Kjtute of Murv Ohadwlck. deceased, on the 8a aay or June, a.u, ueiure mo l'robate Court of Craven county, hereby notl li "s all persons having claims against said es t.ito to present them for pnyinentonor bs r 1 'the Wh davof June, 18,or this notice w .11 bj pleadsd in barof their recovery. A 11 persons Indebted to said estate Will liiimedml payment. . ; no this 17th dayof Jiine,l8M. N. M. CHAUWICK, -- :- . 1 . .Executor.- dot' f--rV ' 1 f OEGAI a " 4 WAR- B 1 EAKTED' If J M ' YEA3S. f jtjk 1 ZZiKJ ' I TWOROS - Words ta to " express my grnii tod," says Mr. 8tf CABTtK, of NashvUle, Twul, "fee th "ie&4 .fcriv?d rou . , . . Ayer'ci Sarsaparilla. Having been afflicted all my Iff with Scrof ula, my system seemed saturated with it. It eame oat hvBlotchee, Ulcers, and Mattery Mjns, ill Offlrmj nmj. ni.tRrmium 'that he was entirely cared by the me of Arcs' Sarsapakilla, and since dlseon-"" Unuing its me, eight month ago, ha hns had no return of the scrofulous symptom. 3 baneful infection! of the' Mood art promptly removed by this unequalled altera tive. ' ' Dp.I. C.Ayer 4Co", Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists; $1, l bottles for SS. STEAMKKS. TOE ITEUSElfi,' TEENT BIVER ' Steamboat Company win ran uve iouawinj k Bchedhij on ai-d after WeUnesilsvMay- v Stedmer Trent Will leave New Heme for PollokHville aid banks Landing every Wednesday ami 8tur- duy at MX A. Ai. Keturnin, will leve Banks Landing same day. , . ; AIMS cutuJduiiuaa'iiiD UJnvjini.iia ivj i v celve throtiKh freight the next day niter it arrives at isew jieine. , The1" steamer THEiiT can ., be ' chwered Mondaffs,TuesdavB,jrhursdaja and Ftidaja for excnrsions, etc. Steamer Kinston i v Will leave Newborn for KinBton every i I DAY and FRIDAY"; returning leaves Kin- iimJioAy- roared, especially the shoe Ing. - , . . c . , : t ' , ', ' r '' ' These steamers make close connection with the 0. 1). H 8. Co. and North Carolina Freight Line. or luruier information apply to W. K. BTYRON. Jit , at Newborn. W. V. Stanly, Kinstonu t .' & BARRDi PoUoksvilleS 8, Quiskuly, Jolly Old Field.. , ' - J. WHITE, Gen'l Manager, fcbidiw Kinston, N.C OLD JDOMIfcilOlv Steamship Company, .SEMI-WEEKLY LINE For lew YorK, Jialtimore, Nor folk, Boston,' Elizabeth City, Philadelphia,' Providence, and other Cities ON AND AFTEH Monda? Juy 2nd, 1883, UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE Steamer Shenandcah Will lftve, upon ariivnl of train on Norfolk Southern Rallied st Elizabeth City, every ' J MONDAY AUn THURSDAY for New Berne. Retoruinj? leaves New Heme lor Etizibcto Uity every TUESDAY AND FltJDAY at 4 p. m., raakinjr close connection with Nor folk Southern U. K. for Northern cities. Close connection made at New Berne with steamers for Kinston. Polloltsvtlle. Trenton and all. landings on the, Neuse and Trent TupxdiiTP Snd" Fridavl si let SU n m- ' Freight forwarded promptly and lowest rates guaranteed to destinution. Fare to Elizabeth City and return. 4. To Norfolk, 5. Tu Bal timore, 8. To New V orlc, 13.i. E. n. UOBKUTS, Ag't, MW Berne, CuLi'irpKrt jDBi . ; j y ' ,p..)- Ag'ts, Norfolk, V. A W. H. Stanfobd. Gen'IFr't Ae't, New Tork City ." iliaiige ef Pier, in Hew York. Fhe N. C. Freight Line FOR NEW YORK, boston, providence, IVortli and West softer tbls dae. will fjbcftlv freight In New Yoik IS i ior,wiJrnar 4 PIER 7, NOItTU RIV15R," Office of New York and Baltimore Transportation Co. Merchants should remember that this is one of the best Steam Lines out of Mew York, making dally connection with Baltimore for New Berne; an ineiae, ana eniy one cnange. SEMI-WEEKLY STEAMERS Between New Bene and -Baltimore. (Touching st Norfolk) LanviDg New Berne for Baltimore TUESDAYS FRIDAYS at 1 1 m. Leave Baltimore foJ New Bern WEDNESDAYS dud SATURDAYS Agents are as follews: EUBEN FOSTER, Oeo'l Jfanager, ?0 Light St., Bal't.Md. TAS. W. JicdARRICK, Ag.'t Karfolk, Ta.- W. P. Clyde tJ. blladelphis, 1 South Dunes. York4Ba.lto.Tran.. Line, Pier f.Nprto river I E. eampstm, uoeton, oil uentrsi wnarf. R. H. Rockwell, Providence R.I. D. 0. Mink. Fall RWer. Derrick? wharf. Ships leave Boston, Tuesdays and Saturdays. " " New York dail. ' : ". Baltimore, Wednesdays and SaturdafS " t ail Kiver, nonaays, wsanesaays. rnaays. . . " ' Protidence, Satnrdars. Through bills lading given, and rates gnsran- . to all points, at the different offices of the , mpanies. " iToid Breikige of Bulk and Ship via N. C. LINE. d ' 4larly8 H. OR . A gl. New Rerne.N U. S. MACE'S is the place For goods in the Druggist line He also keeps Hardware in heaps, .With Canvas, Rope and Twine. . All this is true, and much mora too, If you will find the "Bpot," . iHis goods are cheap as any keep) 'he place i Market Pock. THE JOURNAL.!! NEW BERNE. N. a. JULY 18, 1884. Effect of troy. Hendricks's Speech CHICAGO. July 14 Mr. Bell Mann, a well known .druggist of this city, who is under' indictment for collusion with Daniel Corrigan in obtaining money by" fraudulent vouchers on the Medical Bureau of the United States Naval Depart ment, wall released on 15,000 bail to-day for appearance before the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia.-. It is said that the lands in question amount to over $30,000. The statement is published here that Mann's indictment was pre cipitated by; the recent speech tf ex Gov. Hendricks. " f 'J The lYronf Shoe. "Here mister, you've '. dropped your overshoe!'' shonted a geutle-1 man in a Mission street car the other day, as an old man got out at a, crossing and hoisted his um brella. : -' ; ' , ; . . r The old party didn't appear tor bear, so the kind-hearted passenger. seized n No. 12 gum boot that to on the floor" and I hurled it after theb l,i a... l a. l f ODIIVIOUS party, hlS property taking , him fiouare in the, back of the neck ' as thfi XaT rolled aWSV, , m.. ' The passengers were all as- . tonisbed at the shoe-loser's lrnta-, ,. tion, lor he shook his fist angrily j,? nfirfi- rhA nr ami walU-Pil off with.' Ml 6 Car, ami WaiKCU OK Willi- thiower, until a little boy 6t6ppcd eating peanuts and said to him: "I guess you dropped that shoo yourself, mister; you've only got.oiic And the explosion ; nearly iarred the car off the track, as the. benev olent gentleman' ' climbed .' but to catch the next car back. I m m mi - , I Juries and " Bonnets.' -; I It is hard to tell what will and' what will not influence a jury.' Every lawyer, or officer of a court, '. has seen a jury swayed by 'trilles light as air." The Hew Bedford Mercury tells an anecdote Ing this fact: V An officer called for a young lady, I tho chief witness in an assault case, 1 and she appeared in a hat in which bright yellow predominated. "It you want to win that case, you will change that hat,'' said the offi cer. "It will prejudice thu jury against yon." '. ; Th gii'l put on a black hat with a red feather, and got acompromise verdict. The officer said that if the hat had been plain black without the red leather, she would probably nave convicted tne ueiepuant ot tne crime alleged. Job Work. The Journal office is prepared to print Bill Heads, Letter Heads, En-, velopes, Cards, TaR8,Circular Envelopes; etc., in neat and handsome style.. and also at Prices to Suit the times iAJive ;us atrial. v.: i V't .w V Chattel Mortgages, Real Estate Mort gages, Ueeds, iiien - Bonds, always on hand. Blanks for the appointment of .Over seers, and for making Overseer's report, pn hand. - . . ' for Rent, THE TWO VACANT STOKES BELOW THE CENTRAL HOTEL. " Apply at once to JOHNDDNN, Administrator. mar((dtf Attontlon, Soniherners. Southerners desirous of coin in North durlna the bummer can And comfortable rooms, with or without board, atS Wssver- ley fiace, new n orst vy. nesi oi reier ences can pe given. Central location, and Anenienttoevervciace. , k Refer to Captain T. M. Sontheate. of the stcameriHhenanaoan, j"uan ; NOTICE. State of Nokth caroi.ika, 1 craven L'ouuty. j The subscriber having nunliikd as Admin istrator of the estate of (Susan Grimes, de ceased, on the 5th (lay of June A.D. lBcl, be fore the Probate Court of Craven countv. herebv notifies all persons havens claims against said estate, to present them for pay ment on or before the 10th dav of June. It or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will make Immediate payment uone mis mil any oi jpne, i.hh JAS. C. HARRISON, JunlOCw Public Administrator. THE SEASON. ' REFRIGERATORS. IOE CREAM FEEEZERS, WATER COOLERS, an seasonable goods ef every description including . -. - FLYFAN8, WIRE DISH COVERS, FLY TRAPS, ETC., ETC. AT THE ' ' I I A. 11 r W A H E ... 'and House Furnishing Store' t OP t:'. ' - L. H. CUTLEK. " Full stock cotton and planters' hoes, eraln crad les, grass blades and briar hooks, etc. For the uest;goou ana lowest prices can on L. II. .CUTLER, dw 'Middle street. 'CUPID 'ii D:A VTen jmrid wears the Diamond shirt, - A His conquest's sure of hearts so tender,-., For when they see this manly guise, r ; " i .The ladies always quick surrender. V ' ' Surely the ladies are attracted ; by neatness of dress, which adds -so much to the general elegance of one's appearance. '.What's more; vital to a well-dressed man ''7s r " VI: : .lZl Z W pcc,i-uiug, ting smrxr ft....:c--.T-- - If your dealer dots not keep it, send his addro.a to Daniel Miller & Co., sole manufacturers, Balti more, Md."- i . For sale by ASA JONES, Mew Eerne. N.C. L P U I 1 DLim 7-MrtH fv NEVER f - i OUT OF ORDER. . C NO EQU irniip f An IINinNr S0UARF kftWYORK ill v Ml?0 . ftA . FOR SALE BY i J. L. STONE, Raleigh, 2,000,00 "SUBSCRIBERS Want It for 1884. The 'AMERICAN AflKI- cultubist Uwlay Is better than ever before. We have Increased our xorps of Editors and Artists, cplargcd an4 added to all our Deparl- ments. until the - Periodical Is now the reooe, th n. nlzed leading. Agricultural journal oi tne world, preseiulng. in -every Issue 1 00 Col limns of Original Reading flatter, from , theablest writers, and-rrearly $00 Original Illostrntlons. It is to lie interest of every one whose subscription hns expired, or who changing his place of residence, or moving West, lias for the time been dropicd out of our Great Army of Subscribers, to... i . ,- , GGHE BACK , nntt'nccopt of oftr Unparalleled Offer of Ihe Ajneric'ii Agriculturist For 1884.. A 4 Ptrlodlml. : A 600-Page Dictionary .-. i . : ; -.- tOOOHItiftrnltons. "Foes or.Jriends?" Morris' 11x18 Superb Plate Engraving. "In the Meadow," ' pupre's 13x17 Superb Plate Engraving. 12, Pieces Sheet Music -. - t , ;. -. ..... . r- r , - v ,i ; ,;. T-. - - - la place Of the Dictionary - rr&. TDST-PAiD. ACTIVE CANVASSERS WANTED. Send two a-oent stamp for a Hample Copy, and see what a WONDERFC!. Paper It Is now, Aauress-' ; ;- -- - i- ' Orange JuddCo. x David W. Judd, Prcs't j 751 DROADWAT NEW 'YORK ; DUVAIi'jSs. NORTOK'S HOUSE TONIC, : The Best Ecuic'M for Ectses Out. TRY If. For sale by J. HANCOCK l.i ;.).-. ,V. JORDAN ond aplSdw WAMSUTTAtS6,giOO LINEN. t a - -aaslss. -M,vfiiTf: mum NOTICE. SEASOU OF 1884 ! On and after JI'NE 1st, 1WI, CHTA P SUM MER EXCURSION TICKETS will bepliteed on sale from Points on A. k N. C. U H. to Morehead City, and to Points in Western North Carolina, good until octoltr Slst AI.xO: Saturday Night Tickets to Morthea l . y, good to return Tuerti(ymorn lug, at a ki iy reduced rate. . . 'WM. WW, niay25d . , len.PMs.Agt. A BvuM nutaaa Of Kentucky University, Iexingon. Ky. tbnHu - hMi, u. Mrtn t. um Mir. X. Taction Tim. aoupteU th. roll Diplonia Baiinn. Oonrn about 16 tj UM 7v j Svt l hmi'r, ). Tekrrpfijm)ll(r. Litennp Coarw 1 rrrft. L&dM. nccivftd. ft,0U0 laoowMfut (ridnMo. Over &00) f Banna to jmr fton li to U TMrt X M, rom SI BUM. Ia- 1 . . -i i. .1 i .ui .rft.MnKll. (nururi K. MimiAiM. nrauwa - . - i - SpeeiX aoarwa far Tnakara an Bmrtne lea. Ualnraltr DipWnaprniUdklUradaataa. TbU ksaDtlflil U aUd Ibr lu keallkralaM aad aootetT, and ti on leadlof Ratlroada. FmU 3Htm kf)M S4)t. ftft. Vor elreaUr. and fall pardoulara, MUraaatunaUdiiri. W1LBUB K. SMIT Ilhilaitaa, Kjp. KEW HAVSIT PALLADIUM. (DAILY AND WEEKLY.) ; ESTABLIaEED.l .1828 I Thu best ml-rertlsliiK medium 1 the North I for everv man lit North Carolina who has a farm, inltie, tract, of timber land or water I power tonull. The lMtors of our stait oorre : spondent have given the Palladium a great 'reputation throughout Now Knglnnd, as the ouiy real represHiiuicivu ui tu -iitr nem Sl.i'te, and nil New Knglanders who think oi tocatlriK In North Carolina send to the Pal- adwm toijet l''pee's" lotlers. . -For terms and otliBr pru ticulRis eddresK SETn O. J0H580K, Hubliiesii MniiiiKer Tiik Palladium, hi 12 New fluven, Oonn. THE SUN. 3JJ "W YOH.K. 1 About slxtvmililoi comcsofrnEStrNbave l Rone out ol our t'Ktabllshmeiit during the piist twelve nionui. ! If vou were to nnstft end to end nil the col umns of all Tub kunb printed and sold last venr vou would sox u continuous strip of lute- . resting Information, common sense wisdom, sound doctrine, ami unite wit long enough to renoh lrom frmtins; liouse siiunre to me to of Mount uoncrnicU8 in me moon, uicn oacn to Printing House square, aud then three QU'irters ol the way bnck. to the moon again. But Tiifc Sux Is written for the inhabitants I of the eari-h.; this same strip of Intelligence would girdle the globe twenty-seven or twenty eight times . 1 f every buyer of a copy of Thk Sun during the patit year has spent only one hour over It, and if lit wife or Ills grandfather has spent another hour, this newspaper in 1883 has af forded the human race thirteen thousand years of steady reading, niglit and day, i it is only In little calculations like these i that you cn form any Idea of the circulation , of the iftost popular of American newrfpapei s, or of lis Influence on the opinions and notions of American men and women. . . i The sits is, and will continue to be, a news paper which tells the truth without fear o. consequences, which gets at the facts no mat . ter how much the prooess costs, which pre ' sents the new of all the world without waste :! of words and in the inost. rendablo shape, which Is working with all Us heart for the cause or honest govern men I, and which there fore believes that the Republinnn party must go, and- mnst go in this ooming year of our Lord, Ml. . If you know Tux Sun, yon like It already, and you will read it with accustomed dili gence and profit during wlut Is sure to be the most interesting year in il history. If you do not vet know The Sun, It is high time to get into the sunshine. Te' o 5JaiTsuVcrlliers, i The several editions of Tim sun are sent b f mail, noNtpitld, ns follows: ; rAIlA' 50 cents a month, $0 a yew; with . Sundnvedlci"!!, $T. i SUiN' OA V Eight ptices. Thin edition furnish es the current news of the world, special I articles of exceptional Interest to every I body, and literary reviews o new books of theliiEhet merit. $1 a year. WEEKLY $1 ft vear. Eight pages of the best matter of thedailylssties; au Agricultural !. Department of unequalled value, special market reports, and, literary, scion iltlc and domestic intelligence make The - WKSK1.Y Sun the newspaper for thefnrm V' er's household. To clubs of ten with $10, nn extra copy free. Address I, . KSG LAND, Publisher,. The Su.s, N, YOlty. THE CENTURY. Programme for 1883'84. Toe programme for the fourteenth year of this magazine, and the thiid under the new niiiiict is Jf juiy thltiL' uiiuii JiiUM-esling and popular t linn ever.' with every season Thk t i n 1 1 showsadociiled gnm In circulation The new volume begins with November, and, when possible. suDseripuous sncuia oegtn with that Issue. The following, tiresome of the features ot tne coming year : t. A New NoveUby Oeorce W. Cable, au thor of "Old Creole Days," etc., entitled "Dr. .Sevier,'-astory of New Orleans life, the .time being the eve or tne late uivit war. 'JLtfe in the Thirteen Colonies." by Ed ward EgglfSton, separate Illustrated paper on subjects connected witn nje earjvnisvpry pi VUS cuuuiry, - .... Three Stories by Henry James. Of vow ing lengths, to appear through the year. The New Astronomy, untechnlcnl art! cles. by l'rof. s. P, Langley, describing the most interesting o recent uiscovertes in tne su n and stars. A Novelette by II, II. Boyeacn, author ot uunnar," etc. A vtvki ana spaiKimg story. The New Bra m American AKenltec ture, a scries of papers descriptive of t he best work of American architects In Public JSulld nigs, tJity and Country. Houses, etc. To be urotustly Illustrated, - i A Novelette by oiert urant, attuior oi oouiessions oi a mvoious uin," etc., enti tled "An Average JUaB," a story of New York, The Uread-wmners. one or the most re nii'knble novels ol the day. to be completed in January. ' ; 'Christianity and Wealth' with othe essays, by the author of "The tUirlstian Leagnl of Connecticut," etc., on the application of Christian morals to the present phases oo llioueru lilt;. . -.. 1 - ... . . 1 rencs, a series Of entertaining urticles, pro- iuseiv liniKiraieu. ... Seenes trom tne Novelists, tiawuiorne, Oeorge Kllot, and Cable, with .authentic drawings. : - ". i O n the Traelc or Ulysses, tne reooru ot a vacnt-cruise in tne Mediterranean, luentiiy ing the route of Ulvssis on his return from the Trot an war. . ; - i .. "Uai licia in Jfinglano," extracts trom ins mrvate journal Kepi aunng uts trip to Europe in 1867. "The Silverado Squatters," by IJopert iuis atevenson. autuor oi "iew Arawan Mg'Us." - - -.-: ' There will be papers ou outdoor England by John Burroughs and others, a beautifully Illustrated series on Dante, a number of pa pecs by the eminent French novelist Alphonse Duudet, articles ou art and archneology by Charles Dudley Warner and others, Illustrat ed papers on sport and 1 adventure, short stories by the lending writers, essays on time ly subjects; etc., etc. . bunscription price tl.UOayeur; single num bers sold every where, at So cents each. All dealers receive subscriptions, or remittance maybe made direct to the publishers by pos tal or express order, registered letter, bajik check, or drafts " . . . SPECIAL OFFERS. ' To eoablenewsubscribersto begin with the tint volt rr-e under Thk cktuby name, we make the following special offers: New subscribers beginning with November, 1883. may obtain the mfiKiiKine for one year from date, and the twenty-four previous num bers, unbound, for 88 W. Regular price for tlie three years, $12 on. Or, if preferred, a subscription and the twenty-four numbers bound in four elefiint volumes will be furnished fr tltt. Ki'i.tiiar I price, ', t . :'Y V', . Y. (elm RAILROADS. CHANGE OF; SCHEDULE, Atlantic k N. C. Railroad ' TIMS TABLE No. 7. " ' In EjTect 12;00 M.; Sunday, Juno 1st. , . - - ' . .1884,-.- ', EAS'I , WJtST. 1 Kxprfu, 1 1' kMsil l'J 4rr. L'm. j "UtZ Arr. P. at. P. M ' 4 li) Ooldsboro, 4 41 Lit Ontnjte,... A 10 KillKluu.. 31 Mt-vr Jlrrae, .. Morerwad lvot P at. A H A.M. 10 5 IDS o 7C 11 2(1 4 8 5 (Hi It) &4 10 21 t) 21 8 31 - 8 ml P, M., A. M. a. m EAST ' WEST. - No. 8 tflxad Ygt. k Pajw. TralD - No. 4 Mlxec Firt. Pass. Tra n ' STATIONS. Art; L'vs. Arr. ... j.'m. A M. 8 36 Oil 9 : 10 09 10 411 11 111 11 4S 12 12 A. H. 8 03 8 40 9 15 8 45 10 30 10 50 11 15 11 48 12 17 r.u. 7 i 8 41 aoi . 5 85 4 51 : 4 38 :1 I 3 30 a 07 a 65 r. k. 50 ' 6 31 64U 5 II : 4 5 t IS 8 40 8 12 3 55 3 25 r m. Goldboro,..,. Meet's ... La Grange,..., Vailing Oreek Kinston, Caswell.. ... Dover., . (lore Creek ...... Tuu'arora .. Clarke's ,.,. A, Newbern, . ... 12 ill U 32 1 4 P. M. i ' EAST. -WKST. tso 6. : Wised Fgl.ftj fasr. Train Arr. , I.'ve: N.sii. Mixed Kxt. & , Paw. Train.-' Arr.r'i:'vi STATIONS. , St.- i. v. ! , j ' i 4 -to- N'ewbern..-, . : p. st. : I as: 13 HI , ia 21 s II 52 : P. M. 12 39 12 SIS 6 26 ; 5 8: B (tt; 5l; 7 US; 7 7 55; 5 2! Riveniale 5 3D; CroMan ,.......,! 0 1; HHVKlk ! 9 5iii NewreTt 7 10 i Wild wood ,..! 7 15; Morehead City 11 57 U lhkHl 20 10 5H; 10 m 10 ao; -10 23 i 10 00 : lUoretiena uepnt.n; A. M A. X. ! A.M. A.N. ....I.. 4 Train 48 connects with Wilmington A Wel don Train bound North, leaving Uoldsboro 11:50 . m end with Richmond A Danville . Train West, leaving Qoldsbora 11:55 a m and Wilmington A WeldonTraln Sooth Train 4 connects with W.AW. Train bound South, iM'tving 4oldsboro 8 p.m. Train 47 cmm-win with Blcbmond i ; Imnvlllt Train rrivlii(r at Ooldbcro 4:00 p.m ' Trnins 1, 5 & H, Mondays, Wednesdays tnd Trains 17 i8, dally ezceptSunday Train 8, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdays, W. Dunn, , . Superivtendeuk. Midland N. C. Railway," TIME TABLE No. 4, In effect Thursday, Octobor 35, 1888, west east. No 1. Mixed Train. : No 2. : Vixe.1 lrain TATKIN: Arr. L'v. ;A. l'vs. r. if i : 9 29 I 9 45 9 55 I 10 13) 10 84 rtl lOold-horo...... 9 1 .i'Jopaiands'i....,- 9 i j Princeton...... , 65 : Holt's Mill 10 ltt - Pine Level Smthflpld A.M. ! 8 U I " A fit A.M. $'5.1 S 87 5 27 608 4 48 S 84 1 R rr 1 827 608 . DAILY EXCEPX SUNDAY. -fc , Tralir 2 connects with A. tt: a Pminkt rraln leaving Qoldsboro tT:a mm., and with W. 4 W. Train solne North at Oslo a m. mino South at 5: 15 p m and wltli R. D. tittln going We8tatl0:00a.rn. ... - . v Train No. i connects with A A N. O. train rrvlngatGoldHl)oro 8:2s p.m.; with It. A D, Train arriving nt 5:21 p.m., aud with W. 4 w. Trtliw arriving at 5:1$ p m. and fi OOp m. W. Dunn, ' Superintendent.' .iTORPlD DOWELS, : DISORDERED LIVCR. and ROALARIA. Bun V srkM IHI...T' - .. .Pints, Ung ot nVvliTr'', Eiltl .'v n? e3- Tleir aeUou oi, the all liii nn rfJ i 2 m. ?0 P'Whpt; roiiiovlna ; Tlt$! I J f,un" prwlnolntf upp... SMUan.l a vigorous body. VDTT'HPILLiHV ; trtlh dijiiy work and aroitperfeot u"u",8 ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. : nllla. unii uttvtm . l ., - that havo'douo we any Thoj-h" oleanedme out nicely. My annetl' l P londld food digests liadllj, ,,PnPd i Sow have liitluwjl passaprcg. I feel like n now man.- w.b. EDWARDS, PalwyrS,a - r SoMOTi-rywhore.aSe. Offl..MgmiTgt!,N.Y - JUTTS IIAIH DYE. ." Haih or WmgKKRg changed in. staiitlv toa ULOsgr nj. by i i30 Plication of this PT8. Sold by rugl"ts or wnt by OTOfew on receipt of j"". - Vim mmnntm mtmmt Vift M,wel oi, Mick M.,ia: tiJ ,,r4 Dy.sP!Pn, with Const ina. tion, two years, ami huve trii .ii.rTil?r kinds of 1884, 'Harper's "Young' People, - , j Ad Illustrated Weekly 16 Pages. Suited to Boys and Girls of from Six U . .. 81xt Vews of Age. ..Vol V, Commences Novemter S. 18S3. H4bpeb'S Youko PsoPtK is the best weekly for children in America. Southwestern Christian Advocate. All that the artist's skill can accomplish In the way of illustration has been done, und the best talent of the country has contributed to its text. -New England Journal of Kducation. Boston.- -- t- In Us special Held there is nothing that Ca be compared with It. Hartford Evening Post, ' .' .' : TERMS. - .' - . HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE, l. , Per Vear, Postage Prepaid, J " ' Si sole Numbers, Five Ontt each. Specimen copy sent on receipt of Three Cents. - The Volumes of "Harper's Yonng People" for 1881, 1882, and 188S, handsomely bound In Illuminated Cloth, will be sent by mail, rout, age prepaid, on receipt ofa Go each, tin-a Crises for each volume, suitable for !,... will be sent by mall, postpaid, ou rece 1 1.1 i centseaoh. He.miitHiices should he mml ! Monev Order or Hi flft, toavoi-i .eu .f)iii.h ,u'e iii.t to v