Mi I I AgtieGiire oont&lns km kntldoto for all malarial dis order wliicb, to far ai known, la ated In no ibtUer remedy. It contains no Quinius, nor any mineral nor deleterious substance what-' -eirec, and consequently produce no Injurious effect upon tue constitution, but, ktres lie .system as healthy as It was before the attack. WE WA&&AXT AYEE'S AGUE CUM ' to aura erery ease ef Fever and Acne, Inter- .. - mluont or Chill Ferer, Remittent Fever, Dumb Ague, Bilious Fever, and Liver Com- . laliit caused by malaria. In ease of failure, artor due trial, dealer! are authorized, by our alrcular dated July lBt, 1682, to refund the . money. . ' . f Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. " - . Sold by n Druggists. - Go to John Dunn's f ... ... " FOR AN ' - - TP.17. i Ci TV (Vf A ftft op A . v , Sjda, Gmger Ate, Deep Rock ok VIC H "Y - 'AND BE SURE TO TRY HIS FINE CONFECTIONERIES. He keeps the" best line of ciQARS in the city, Pollock St., next door to Dank. rcwrwAjTAiB, , - v . (hiiccctuior uK,U. Wlndley,) DISTILLERS' AGENT FOR rs t - j n utrui-i ; I lire nye uUU uoru VYlllSKy . AT WHOLESALE. WILES AND CIGARS IN GEE AT IAHIE1Y, (JWffer Ale, Pale Ale, Beer O ' ' 'AND PORTER. BERGNER & ENGEL BEER, OIDEE, PURE FRENCH BRANDY. , . ,v . H. W. WAHAB, - - South Front St. New Berne, N". 0. i . ' aep26-dwly, N. M. Gr ASKILL, ; - MERCHANT TAILOR, liSl A " Das received his &0wk Snrin? Samrles. and is prepared to make up the latest and most fashionable do ' li thina-, tit lf Pifin.n ennda nf every quality and patterns al- 1 ,q :i t - ways on nana, til iA SAME ' trs old r&vr; sta-nd, 'vMlDlW8 Btkekt, plOdwly "VVL-New Berne. N. C. J.B.BROWN, Barber ' and Hair Dresser, With twenty-flve years -experience, and the Neatest and Best Furnished Saloon In the city, will give as good a shave as can De nod anywhere for TEN CENTS. New shop, new furniture, and satisfaction guaranteed. -Hot and Cold bath s can be 11 ad at aU hours. ' Middle street, next to JU 11. uutier. t . marlSdlv ; r , , els or draw- vice ny man uee. w . v,i,tinorl thrmiffh Tin aro noticed in l-.rt t.CiaNXlPlO ABtEMOAN, vhich hae ti.M inrmwt iii.Til.tlnn. n.nrl ia thomost Ihtln- biU'ftl newspape of its kind published in the VWi'M, The aav&nmgeuoiBucuBuuuuiH batnutee tntderitaoda. ' VUis large and splendidly flluatratod B( r 'or ia published WEEKLY at J3.20 ay l:,Hi aifmittad to be the test paper dov( 1 COSTS- ti. i it admitted to be the test paper devoted 8 L ism I'M KM fyJ f . VTo continne tc ! i i ,vt I act assolioi tors foi Ml J r-- patents, oaveata, i ! I traan-marlis, .copyrightB, cto.,foi i f 111 the United Statos, and to obtain pat i' ! 1U mts ia Canada. England, ftance, n-3s 1 Oermimy, and all other countries. I ,, 1 , ipi. wi vuiT vuars' TiractlCO. NO f:!i:u-" ioresaminatiou ofmou I .MouceccUamcs,inventiona,eneineennfl m . -.u Uf., an.l bnr doportmonts of industnal must De paidn or " tPiiTs i.TiMislicd in ahy country. BingU of August, 1384. ; joDics cv uau, if coma, Bold 1 all B6W Ad dress. Munn & Co., rnbliBhenSf jf Rrinn. 4(i Awericiur, .T1 Broadway, New lork. Handbook about patents mailed free. TUTORS COLD MEDiL CUITlfiS, ::f;Eicclsior-Afflcricaii Mars, EOBSON'iPATENT SILVER BtLt BANJOS, ,... n. n .cv. or our Agents only. -Choice Mnsto Boxes, . Fine Cornets. Band iiMtmmpnts.Orches in Iimtrnmentd, tin bttt Htriiu nnd Trim- . mltirra. Vidnlogwlfree: the journal; NEW BERNE. N. C., JUtY 27, 1884. Nerrons Prostration. There are two types of this disease, the one in which the patient has too much blood (the congestive), the one ia-which he has too little (the anaemic). ..- .In each type the symptoms are numerous. 'Among those or the first type are headache, dizziness, tnrobDing . or temples, difficulty in applying the. mind, vertigo, a dazed reeling, a coated tongue, constipa tion, strange sensation in the skin, scalp of the head and ears, melan choly, constant apprehension of fail ure of mind, w " Among those of the second type are sense of extremo exhaustion after meutal effort, dyspepsia, numb feelings in the arms and legs, weak ness, unwonted sleepiness followed at length by inability to sleep, despondency and apprehension, ol mental failure, as in the first typo nnHitinn 19 mainlv fliiAto fltp,p.asivfi brain - work, that political and social excitement and the rush for wealth pecuuany expose .a-mtMiuiius to ii. One , oi tho highest medical authorities in this country takes a different view. He says that the brain does its work with the mini mum of effort; that with due nutri ment and rest in sleep, it can work continuously during waking hours ; that instead of being injured , by severe labor, it is improved by it, if tue laoor is aone unaer normal con ditions; that mental activity, like muscular exercise, keeps the brain in a healthy state. "When a man says he is suffering from the eflects oi mental overwork the wise physician wants to know what his vices are. worry may De one. The worries oi nto do mtinite- '.V ni ly moie harm than the work ol life, how onerous soever it may be." It is doubtful whether the greed ot gain is greater in America than it is in other countries, and tha ma jority of men are not more disturbed by politics in this country than are tho mass of the people of many other nations. It is the very ease and luxury of our American life that cause tho mischief ; the indulgence in eating and drinking, the abuse of alcohol, and tobacco, social excesses, sedentary habits, and too luxurious lives Cenerallv. . The disease is functional. v. I lb IS nnt n.nnsnri hv nro-anio. tronb fi. Ouo " o . Or more Of the Organs IS not proper- ii i i. .1 i i. lyuoingiis worn, auu m wuiwt num DerieSS Symptoms are ine result of what is called "reflex" disturD- ance or excitement. Of course, the , ,T , . , . lUllieui win uccu uiauiucu ucif, uu h a normnnfinf, mnrnrflmnnt wi f ft. i.Ar.,1 nr. liimsfllf. A lady writes: "I have used Ayer's Sarsaparilla in my family for many years, and could not keep house without lit. For the relief of the tains conse quent upon female weaknesses and ir: regularities, L consider it witnout an ecual." . Arrival and Departure Mails. MAIL CLOSES; For North, West and South, via A. & N. C. R. R. at 8.30 a.m. For Beaufort and the East, at 6:00 p.m. - For Washington, Swift Creek, Hyde and Beaufort Counties Mondays, Wednes days, and Fridays at 5:00 a. m. lor Trenton, rouoitsviue ana mays' ville, daily at 7:30 a.m. 1 or urantsDoro, tiay Kiver an i v an demere, daily at 6 a. m. , : v OFFICE HOURS: ' In Money Order and Registered Let ter Department, from V a.m. to 4 p. m, In Mailing Department from v a. m to 5 p. m.. and from 7:ao to :au p. m Office open constantly between tnese hours except when mans are being a is tnbuted or sent. MEETINGS OFL0DES. '" St. Johns Lodge, No. 3, A. F. & A. M meets the 2d Wednesday night in each month. New Bernb Chapter, No. 4a, R. A, M. ; meets on the 2nd Monday in each month at o p.m. Nkw Berne lodge, jno. 443, knights of Honor, meets on the 2d and 4 th X iv dav nierhts in each month. iVSSessmenii no. ia ia uuw uue, auu . . -kt .in.. ,1 3 must be paid on or before the .Oth day of August, 1S84. - Trent council, wo. 4U, koyal ab canum, meets on the 1st or 8d Friday nichts in each month. , Assessment xho, is now due, ana must be paid on or before the day r . t Ua 17 t r i ra i.1 meets on the 2d and 4th Monday nights in each month. ' -,- A Assessment No. is now atw, and must be paid on or before the day Of. Netjse Cotjncil, No. -1.' Obdeb of Chosen Friends, meets ,0n the 1st and M Wednesdav mehts in each month. Assessment No. ou is now aue, and before tin- 9th day Cosmopolitan Council N o. 211, Amer ican Leoion op Honor, moots on tfce 1st and 3d Thursday night i in each month. . Assessment No. oo is now aue, ana must be paid on or before the 7th day of August, 1884. . . f , Local Branch No. 95, Obdeb op th Iron Hall, meets on , the 3d Monday night in eaoh month. - - Assessment No. 33 is now due, and must be paid on or before the 81st day of July, 1884, - Athenia' Lodoe. No. 8, Knwhts op Pythias, meets on the Zd and 4th lues day nights in each month. . A"fsa-smpr!t No. 123 ia now due, find PROFESSIONAL Wm. J. CLARKE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, : 3NT33"W 3J. O. Practises in the Courts or Carteret. Craven, Hyde, Jonaa, Ijenolr, Pamlloo and Wayne counties: also in the United StAtea Court at New Kerne. . Collection of seamen's wages and al cihiiii MgtuiiBt vebBeu a speciait, Olnce four doors above Gas ton House, mar21-dkwtr L. J. Moors. Va. S. CLabkb. MOORE & CLARKE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, New Berne N. C " .Will practise In the Courts of Carteret. Cra- iven, Qreeue, Hyde, Joues, Lenoir, Onslow anu rum iico counties. Also In the Supreme Court at Raleigh and the United States Courts at New Berne and italelgh. . r- Collecting a specialty. . ' . apSdwtf OKOROK V. BTKONQ, DAKIIL . PIBBT, Kinston.N.e Raleigh, N.O. STRONG & PERRY, KINSTOff, W. C, ATTORNEYS AIL COUNSELLORS AT LAW. Having formed a copartnership for the practice of the law in Jones county, will regu larly attend the courts of the same. Promot attention paid to collections. mayu-d&wu btkunu riuuiY. PHIL. EOLLAJTD. JB. ; OWKW H. STJION HOLLAND & GUION, Attorneys at iaw, Offloe on Craven st., two doors above Pellock Will Dractioe in the Counties of Craven Jones, Onslow, Carteret, Pamlico and Lenoir iroinpi attention id to collections. - - ap: i-cUtwly. v. . a. simmos, CTLKXKXT VAULT. SIMMONS & MANLY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will practloe In the Courts of Craven, Jones, Onslow. Carteret, Pamlico, Lenoir and Hyde, ana in me eaerai uourt at r.ew Berne. febfidAwly DK. J. D. CLARK, DENTIST, NEWBERH, If. C, Office on Craven street, between Pollock and Broad. aprl7-dAwly DR. G. L. SHACKELFORD, Surgeon Dentist NEW-BEEN", N. C. Office on Middle street, over Miss Kate Car- raway's Millinery Store, opposite Baptist unurcn. Ten Years Practical Experience, sep28dwly HOTELS. CENTRAL HOTEL, W. E. PATTERSON, Prop's. NEW BERNE. N. 0. mjns well known and'commodious Xhouse, as Its name implies, is situated inthe central and business portion ol the city, hence recommends itself for its convenience to the travelling public. Anoraing solicitors every oDuortunitv oi visitme business eorresnondents It has attentive servants, and its table is always furnished with E Delicacy of the Seasou It8 rooms are large, airy and well furaished , AN omnibus i,the ttC,eommo(1,ltl0 ot fnes, t0 '2 trains and steamers free of charge a special teature in cms oity, appnmanw, oi a muuern - . ' JT1JMJX .VUiASW Aprill-d-lv. pi QrprvVT TTrsTTQT? lXii.0 1 Ull tlJ V OJCi, NEW liERNE, N. C, S: K. STREET & SOK, Proprietors. The Only Flrst-olass House In the City. Omnibus connects with all Trains and Steamers. Large sample rooms for commeri oiai travelers. oeuv-au HOTEL, SMITHFIELD, N. C., D. W. FULLER, Prop'r, Ample accommodations at all times Sample rooms for commercial travel ers. Uharaes moderate. augadti NEW HOTEL, Snow Hill, Greene Co., N. 0. Well furnished, and Table suonlled with the bk r tne maricet anoras. Sample rooms for commercial travelers. RATES REASONABLE. W. E. ORIMSLET. fe!5-d4wtf ; J . Proprietor. Come One! Come All! And See! S- A.. EDWARDS, United Stateg Bounty ana Pen- sion (Jlaim Agent, ' Practices before all the Departments at Washington, D.C, , Have successfully collected the followlni named claims for pensions: Julius Vonviei New Berne. Brivate of Co. 1. 1st Cavalry, col Jan. 8lst. 1886.72; Irvin Hagee, Washington, 2-JrjpryJ"S"SSSSK private Co. 1) 88th col. troops, $1,178; Jennie Newby, New Berne, mother of Frank New- hv. nr1 vat Co. &. 86th ReE. col. trooDS. $1886 72; William Titus' Blal. New Berne, blacksmith wore: at rounury.xiuu, Aug. ztn, 1882; Felix Jarmon, fort work, $28 06, March n..-i ' .11,11. i u .S . 1 .. 1. n ...J rui lOO; E31JUUU UlWllil, IHW1 lUlb AOU, Sept. 4,1882; Luke Martin, fort work, Sept 2d, 1882: Joseph Gepson, James city, (ort worn, Stephen Walker, fort worK, $28. Jan. slst, 1882; Moses Murphy, March 2Sd, 1881; Guilford (Thflrnr. fort work. $18: Joseph Bryant. $88. Jan 81, 1882; Isaiah Re8pass,$190, Jan. 31. 1882; William moning, lor wurit m raiiruau Baups, $51, allowed e u ana, was. . . Labor Claims a Specialty.-" Residence near Mrs, Davenport's boardinz house, near live f oints. Office hour 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. marSdly ; SOOACRES VcI'jz'Jd Tiir.bcr Lend ' ON. ADAMS CREEK, . FOR SALE VERY CHEAP. xnis lana IS vptn-.iuiy iniunuin wuwmiui a virgin forest or Oak, Ash. Pine, Maple. Pop lar and uuus, wniieme sou is very ierniuu peculiarly adapted to the stiecessful oultlva tio.n of Cotton, Corn and Klce. - The traot contains 600 sores, nor or less, and is situated at tne neaa oi Atmms ixeea. in Oaven cou ntv. and distant from the Towa of Beaufort, In Carteret county, about four teen nines, anu is envuy accemiuie iruui A'm'rpl or from the comity road. " -'-" MANUFACTURERS IlOCKJlWflYS AflD PIIAETOHS; Farm and SpriDg Wagons, Carts, Trucks, . Drays, Harness, Halters, Collars, Hames, Etc. Broad ;j tStreet, opposite Alex. Miller'. KEPAIKING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES NEATLY EXECUTED. GIVE US A GALL OFFER THE Cox Cotton Planter, WHICH IS THE BEST KNOWN AND THE MOST RELIABLE ' v . 1 COTTON PLANTER. Improved Cotton Seed OSIEB. PEERLESS, DICKSON. CLUSTER, WILLIAMS. Cotton TPIbws & Sweeps IN GREAT VAltlETY. 500 HANDLED COTTON HOES Shovels, Spades, Forks Grass and Potato Hakes. TOOLS AND IMPLEMENTS OP EVERY KIND AT VERY LOW PRICER. BUILDERS' MATERIALS, BltlCK, LIME, CEMENT, PLASTER, PAINT, GLASS. ETC, FERTILIZERS, PRICES VERY LOW FOR CASH. W. P. SUMNER, National i .;i Xot-Oit, Vi - !Olise flafea, Wlro ' , --n m yiiiipiii ,-CrotiUuir,. Wlro 8t irou Ijrscnu iot ouuoirua. SUBSCRIBE TO THE New Berne Journal, ,; . ' Published Daily The Weekly Journal s a THIRTY-SIX COLUMN NEWSPAPER, and has now entered npon its SEVENTH VOLUME. Subgciiption prico per annum, ' six months, The Daily Journal Has entered !upon its FOUR COLUMNS. THIRD Snbseription price, per annum, '." v ' six months, r The JOURNAL is published in trict, and hag an extensive circulation in all the adjoiniDgounties. Address AND DEALERS IN M d&w6m ALLEN & CO. CELEBRATED IH El. F. a MINCKLKB, Sse's fire & Iron Go. Uakci-ictdbebs oi Cloth, Wire Connfor Kallinef, Wire Blgiw, Carting coal cri?eiiH, wtiauutr vanen, hmdiu vucureti. twoc Fences, liou Shutters, Counter Support8,so. ui-ueutlon wis I'aper. ' ' and Weekly at 00 00 VOLUME, and contains TWENTY- $6 00 3 00 the center ot a large Trucking Dis Ferdinand Ulricb, GROCERIES AND DRY GOODS Boots tknil Shoes, RcT)es Twines. Paints, OiL UANVAS, G RAINSACKS.: LOR1LI, A UL SNUFF At Manufacturer's Prices. NETS anl KK1NKS. Foot Middle sin 1 1, NEW liSRNE, N. (' d&w 17. P. S & CO. Having pnrohnsed the IIF.H 1'IIOXT STORK oi w. y. liaiiiince ,v Co . olter A CHOICE SELECTION OF FINE GROCERIES AND CONFECTIONERIES. We pnrcnase and soil for C'nsh, and kum antee PRICES AS LOW AS ANY IN THE CITY KOR SAMK GHADK OK GOODS. We ean suit the Most Faslld'o p. Call and you will be c onvl . We will conduct our GRAflV HISI MESS as before. nvsrodAw KTJNN ft CO., of tho Scirntific AMKnrCAS, con tinue to act as Solicitors fur I'Htents, Caveats, Trade Marks, qpyrtntB, for tho United 8tat, Oanodiu ABgiana, t rance, uernmny, etc. Hand Book about Patents sent free. Thlrty-spvon years' experience. Patents obtained tbnniKli MUNN It CO.are noticed lntheSoiKNTinc Amkuu an. tho largest, best, and most widely circulated udeMlllc paper. 3.5Ua(r. Weekly. Bpkmdld enirruvliiirs and Interestlni; in formation. Specimen eoiy of tbn Scientific Amer ican sent free. Artrln Mi M L'NN A 0., SoiKNTiric AMiaiOAH Office. 2tll Un mrliTay, New York. ROBERTS & BRO., "Wholosalo & Retail DEAL. Kits IN Provisions, Groceries, Dry Goods Boots and Shoes, All of which we are offerinff VERY LOW. Orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. dw NEW BERNE, N. C. 31 Court Place, LOUISVILLE, KY A regularly edwnted in legally qntir -ocyaiciaQ ua 10 t luccflaifuL m hU prutiw wU ircv.. QlOtt Cures all fontvj cf PRIVATE. 3HRONIC and SEXUAL XIS CASES. Spermatorrhea and Invnotency u tho remit of lelf-abuia lu youth, sexual excesses In ma turer yenn.or other causes, and producing soma of tlie t4 lowing eflttcUt NervouiiieM, SemSna) KmUsUma, (nlglil emi lions by dream), nirxineia of Sigbt, Dft;rtive Mfumry, 1'iiy ileal Decay, Plmpison Faot, Aversion lo Society of fc'umalt;, CoiifusloD of Ideai, Lou of Suxual Power, Ac, rendering narrlngt improper or anhappy, ara thoroujrlily and prma tttntly cured. SYPHILIS P'tlv,;ly d tirely rdleaUd from th ly.km. GoHOrrll6K UIjX Bnlcton. Urcbltlf, Hernia, (o Kup.ur Pllea and other private dliiaiei quickly rured It liieir-evideut.bat apliysiclaniwhoayiprfW tttentH wrisn civ oi oiwajes, ana ireaiiiiir mountim wniu ttv.aconlrei rrettiklll. Plivtlciani kiiowinir this facto! In recommend Dertoni to hit care. When 1 1 Is inconvenient t vUlttbe oity for treatment, medicine can be lent private tod safely by mall or ezpreti anywhere. inures unaranteea In aU Case undertaken. Cuusulutiona periooilly OT by letter fro Mitt fr.vlM Charges rtuooable and toirespoudence itriutly contidcnUal A PRIVATE COTJNSET OR Or 900 paffM, Hnt to any adtlreii, accnrely -wA..d, for tMrt, (Sn)cmtt. Should b reml by AiMn-n Mlliuvt imic. bouri from I A. U..lot P. M. gmida, ,. -J to i I; M b o Splits 1 HI If Wo m aUL;KJ o -I r rr Q ft 0 CD CD m m r 2 tr D o ft a fB w 2" Ml PATENTS DR. RICE, $1; A YEAR. $1. $1 A YEAR. $1 f: n G9 J TJ 37 D n i O Q O O 3 O NEW ELilSrN. C.

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