VOL. 111. NEW BERNE. N. C. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 7. 1884. NO. 138. - t LOCAL NEWS. Jurnl Wlalatara Almanae. , San rise, 5:37 I Length of day. Sun sets, 6:19 f 12 hours, 43 minutes. , Moon rlsei at 7:43 p. m. V Secretary Folger is dead. ' The .Washington mail was behind time' last night. ; Sick borse the cause. The general delivery at the poetoflice , will be open this morning from 9" to 10 i o'clock.. , ;4 j Ij ;i . . :. v., Philemon Holland, jr., was at the Carteret convention and made an able - We are haying some very fine weather bow and Expect to gee new cotton roll h trig" ii soon. It twill be gladly wel- corned. ' . . Mrs. A. T. Jerkins will open a private school v at- her -residence She baa -a fine reDutation as an instructor. Bee card in another column - - '-, U. 8. Mace desires to return thanks - to the fire department, citizens and officers and crew of the revenue cutter .for valuable aid at the late fire. " Mr." Geo. Allen is getting his marl samples up in. such pretty shape as to .make one think lie is in a drug store . , when looking at the different jura. l' J nutlet HUtU Court. " , ' Justice E. G. Hity heard his first case under the hew appointment yesterday d3tete vs. Benj. Brinson : and Philip , - -' Wiggins: affray. Both guilty and each fined one dollar and cost. Grand Rally at Klaaton. The Democrats of Lenoir assembled en masse at Einston yesterday and raised a Cleveland and Scales flag pole and had speeches from W. A. Darden, Esq., of Greene; Governor Jarvisand General W. P. Roberts. There was a larga crowd and excellent order prevailed. Capt. Darden led off with a speech of about lml f an hour on National politics, closing with an eloquent appeal to the Democrats to do their duty in tliis con test. ' ' Governor Jarvis followed with powerful and telling speech. Indeed, it - wan pronounced by many to be the best speech tit 'y had ever heard from the' Governor or any other speaker on State politics. For one hour aud a half the vast assemblage gave him their undivided attention, many of them standing in the hot sun, while he piled up the fuets and figures in a forcible and convincing manner. There were many Republicans present and they gave mm good g-.teution. Gen. Roberts folluwed in a brief speech and made a fine impression. There were about one thousand prea- ent and we never saw more orderly crowd. Th Governor, Gen. Roberts, and a few friends, left after the speaking on a special for Goldsboro, stopping at La Grange, where the Governor put in an other hour, from the platform of the car, of his solid facts and overwhelming arguments for the Democratic party. 4'. Honors for tke Savants. . Hdstrxal, Sept. 8. The first meetine of the British 'Association in the New World haa come to an end. .This was thanksgiving day of the savants. After a few papers had been read in two or three of the sections which did not com- NEW8 FROM THE OLD WOULD. San Feakcisco, Sept 3. Ad- vices by the steamer City of Tokio, which arrived to-day from Hong Kong, are to the effect that toe German Government is calling in nlete their work vesterdar. the members its subjects who are in the Chinese of the association and it great throng of service. Lieut. Haffinclever, . in- citizens assemDiea in. vueen s mil to Dfrnnfnr In t ha t nrruo, arhnnt of Ud BP the meeting. ,. Many Of the VIS w.T: w.? r .Vrrrrrr; Mtori sat upon the stage, and others, who coast Of the province Of Chang-Tong, the two small galleries above it. Among nas oeen oraerea to resign, ane i those who sat. in one of the galleries . , f .!OBO aarpBKU w uvreuna. -,, .fludge Avery, Solicitor Galloway and W W. Carraway, Esq.; went through -16 Morekead last night. The Judge and Solicitor will return to Einston and hold court on Monday, Capt. Carraway will ! - - ' - 1 ill L stop over litre uu uis letum. . ;.-- j - -.. Janice Wititu'i Court Room. ' Justice Watson has fitted up a court room over the Rountree Bank and jus tice will be administered there here- - after. We heard a bass solo sounding there yesterday which was possibly, a . test of the accoustic qualities of the hall. Two civil cases have been turned out. The Color Line. We publish to-day the letter of E Merrick, upon the subject of Enquire Hill's appointment. It is strongly color Una in its tone, and even hints ut the belief that his appointment by the Democratic Legislature of 1871) carries a taint with it even unto now, although he was appointed as a Republican. The complaint however is squarely made that he is white aud for that reason should not have received the appoint' ment. Sleeting of Local Underwriters. At a meeting of the Local Board of Underwriters, held on the Gth inst., the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted: Whereas, The late fire has fully de monstrated the necessity for having brick buildings in the business portions of our city, and Whereas, Fires, such as that of the Sth inst., are seriously injurious (o New lierne trom an insurance standpoint i1 AMlgaed We regret to learn that losses by the late fire has compelled Jas. W. Moore .-and Hugh J. Lovick to make assign ments for the benefit of their creditors; The former to E. B. Hackburn and the latter to A. Lee. Where the cause of assignment is sol ;f .. .'-' .1 muicxuiu LIO 111 plain as it is in this instance, there will Resolved, By the agents doing busi be doubtless nothlnn but the most liberal ness for the various fire insurance com .j;wHtiAn oiQ,i iw thmi. m-oriifm-o panies represented here, and represent' U10UVRIVIUU J V IUUV4 VJ VUVIl uavuWALI 1 - - , . . , - " r :.-. r- - ing, as we do, the insurance interest of New Berne, that we will not nines anv rRouai. ; ; v -.' .' insurance upon any frame or corrugated Mr. Charles S. Bryan has returned to iron building or unon the stocks that Princeton to resume his studies. may be contained in such frame or cor- it r? .1 ' .1 nffa. aroMan in ujhnr. la tnnnn fta r.lna f rora a vjsit to p loriaa. "burnt district" on each Bide of Middle ' Mr; n. S Oracle was m town yester- street, belowBouth Front street. English employees of the Chinese fleet have resigned.? ' :-- , Dublin, Sept. 3 The London correspondent of the Public Exh press asserts that Gen. Lord Wolse- was the handsome young Prof. Sylvanus G. Thompson. He smiled even more charmingly than when he was elucidat ing the mysteries or electricity; but, al though his face was toward the au dience, it would be unscientific to af- A ll A . . . eywasso impressed by an inter-1-".!?..s Iff re view with Mr. Henry M. Stanley T mZ'lZ?. that ho immediately oneren the ever, that some of them, were smiling at tamons explorer an appointment in him. connection with his staff. Mr. Stan I Among the famous- men upon the ley asked if such an appointment ' vmvjmvu. u uwu b i k wonaeriui grizzled moustache and 8ervice, and Gen. Wolseley assured imperial of Louia Nanoleon stvlei Ad- liim that it did. Mr. Stanley there-1 miral Ommaner. a little old man. wear- minn (ilif.ilmul iwrniissinn fpnm t.hn ing yellow leather shoes; Sir Frederick King of Belgium, President of the Brrow,ell' ,la' man, whose face . y , ft .! . v resembles that of Dr. John Hall, and African International Association, hna uiiir ha5r fna nof.ir.iw in to accept the new honor, and wi 11 1 shape of a powdered wig, giving him start immediately for Egypt, I the appearance of a gentleman of the tnlmnv anr.f q An T7,non reaiowiBonooi; anawe isari or Kosse, LONDON, Sept. 3. An JUlgllSh LlU nnfrimml KJ.W l,i Official Who has been Connected for keak-shaned no., which snemn to ha many years with the consular ser- always oh the point of taking a step up vice in China, and has just returned ward and taking his upptr lip with it, to Enrona. Ravs that the rank and pm iwwn oi mcum aa- ci i' riu: Inounced that that institution had de u. ui un vum0BD uiu.j iv cided)in honor of the meeting of the soldiers in any sense of the . term. British Association, to bestow the de- Tuey are simply coolies dressed in gree of LL. D). upon Lord Rayleigh, the unitorra, Ifley a,renot capable Of Marquis oi uinsdowne, bir jonn iiao nmWatanrl nr t.liA first rnd mwnts aonaia, oirjuyou nayiair, rroi, rranic f ,i:ii ,.r ;i;. uu. yjau. xjuuiLiimi umiwu. vernon "m 111 7 "'"TS. VrW W Esq- 8 Henry Roscoe, Sir Their only ideas Of discipline are Thos. Bonney, Sir William Thompson, couinriscu iu siavisu buujwuuu w. T. tsianiord, mq.. frof. uoseley, to their ofheers, who are, in many uen. Lerroy, sir Richard Temple, Sir cases, almost as itrnorant ana uc tr0."- w'. aiu iroi. Asa uray, f ror. James riall, and ioio annuo, cumcij uii jmci, auuiof Landsdowne and sir John A. when orders were received trom the Macdonald were not present. Most of Pekin Qovernmppt for the massing th? others waUtect forward as their nftrnnna nn thfi Bnnthnrn frontier names were called and received their it ::i ..i,-: diplomas and the applause of the au aimuua-i, tuc piu uuuwi uw-uuii- dienCfi. Tjoril Rnvlefch then announced ties bad 0 troops to send, AH this that the association had decided to raise (lilomma they simply drafted a money for a medal to be won bv stu- horde of coolies, diseuised them as dents of applied scienco in McGill Col- soldiers, and then reported that the lef.e- , '". required number of troops had been JgJS pat m the field. This accoupts, to ipg the thanks of the association to the a large extent, ror iuo snameiui iu- government of Canada, to McGill Col efficient manner in which the artil- lege, to the city and citizens of Montreal, lerv of the Woo-Sung forts was to the local committees, to the various handled during the attach byAd- JZa?-S miral Courbet. When the governor telegraph companies who reduced rates of the forts gave orders for the and sometimes abolished charges alto- soldiers to nreDOie for action, the gether for the benefit of the savants, !ah wmlirul t.hnf; their ilnt.v waa to and, finally, to the newspapers. There ' tnau at 1 Ot n WAa-vli.4-lst thnnlr'a t-j-v lUn Prssident, Lord Rayleigh, which was 1 l M , . 1 1 i rccoiveu wun long-commuea appmuse. Lord Rayleigh, who is a handsome man when he sits down, although the tip of his nose has been growing red Einston Items. W. D. Pollock and Frank M. Harner. of Einston, ore students at Chapel Hill. James A. McDanlel. of this nlace. has entered Wake Forest College as a student. Willie F. Lewis, a graduate of Ein ston College, is bookkeeping at Dan ville, Virginia. This town is full of little boys, smok ing cigars and cigarettes, on their "primrose way to tho everlasting bonfire." Tho opening of Einston Collece and the Graded School has filled the town with girls and young ladies some dressed in "Mother Hubbards,'' others in the perfection of Parisian art. The scene is "gay and livelv still." Henry Archbell. who has for some while supplied a "want long felt" by keeping a first-class baking and candy manufacturing house, has just added a dining saloon " to his establishment, where one. can get a good "square meal" at any hour, with a nice young lady to say grace," ir he should be too great a sinner to attempt it himself. A ris ing young member of the Einston bar, who knows a good thing when he finds it and knows too where to find it, takes nis meals mere. The Free Press denies our statement that John F. Wooten was tendered the nomination for the Legislature and de clined before Mr. Grainger was nom inated. It is a little strange that Mr. Wooten should, as he did, arise in the convention and decline a nomination, if it had not been offered to him. Jus tice should be done to Mr. Wooten as well as to others; but we confess our ignorance of the workings of the Demo cratic managers of Lenoir. ted on fourth ballot, whereupon tha convention adjourned tine $ie. At the early part of the proceecV ings a feeling of strife and discorl seemed to exist. The friends of each of the aspirants made every possible efiort to nominate their man, but at the nomination of the candidates by the convention all seemed to join heartily in tho soloo tion aud u harmOnios spirit pre vailed and we predict an old time majority for the ticket iu Novem ber. Journal Oifice, Sept. 6. G pTilT ' COTTON-New York futur. closed) dull; Spots steady. Upl.inds 10 7-8J Orleans 11 1-8. '' . FUTUKES. ' .September,. 10.fi. ' October, 10.48 November, 10.3K December; 10.41 day; says he will begin tp pick out cot ton soon. v . Aiuitwu uuu luujr, J.'. uiJiui uuu 'Jady, returned from the North latt night, hurried Lome by the late fire. Dr. H. p. Harper arrived in the city last- 'night, and will preach to-day at Stony Branch; t - CUnrcli Service To-day. . "$L g. Church South Services at thp jjljeatre at 1 a. m. Sunday School at 4 o'clock n. m.' Seats free. All cor- , , 4ially invitei to attend. . -.i Christ Church -V. W. Shields, Reo tor. Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity ' Services at 11 a; m. Holy Communion and lat 6 p;, ni. ! Sunday School at 5 ' p. m. The public are always invited to :'- attend the services of this church. ' Baptist Church Rev. C. A. Jenkens, "". pastors' Services .at 11 a. m; and 8 p. m ' - Sundav Schoel at 4 p. m.- Seats free invited to at' ' "' tend'. V ' '-. 'V 4 Proper Move. . ;.. There is a move on foot by some of Resolved, That the secretary be re quested to furnish the foregoing to the Journal for publication, and to the Board of City Council. koberts & henderson, Watson & Street, W. G. Brinson, J. S. Long, Geo. Allen & Co. W. M. Watson, Seo'ty Injustice to the Colored Voters of Craven County. Editor Journal: The Probato Judge of Craven county, elected entirely by the colored voters of the oounty, has ap pointed E. G. Hill, Esq., Justice of the f eace in place of James uampbeli to nil the vacancy, when he should have ap pointed some colored voter of this county who has given him the office for four or Bix years and not E. G. Hill who was appointed by toe Democratic Leg islature of 1870. We, the colored voters of Craven county, ask the Judge who does he ex pect his election from in lo5, Mr. E. tf Hill, or ttye polored voters who have six or seven hundred majority in this county? The Judge must remember we an are not lor sale at this juncture and he may expect to meet ns in 1885, for. We shall not; stand this; we cannot clean the cruns. and not to fieht On one of the Chinese war ships the soldiers were so awkward m handling the ammunition as to tparinr iwav thft hows of thft vrhaI Bince he ha8 b?en Montreal, does not tearing away tne nows oi tne vessel t gracefui appearance when he and killing several meO, After gtanda hefor an aiiiflnnoB. H nrfim that occurrence sallows could ope hand into his pocket, crosses his uot bp prevailed upon to sight a legs, and accomplishes the feat of stand cannon, or, indeed, to approach one on .ne 1oo an? 0IJe toe' and tateB oftpr it wU lnadfld Thfl o-nvftrn- many other undignified and ungraceful alter It was loaded, ine govern- ptures. He has the British drawl to mw ai rv&m is umo wuBiauuy perfection, and speaks in the most slov sending absurd and contradictory enly manner. To-day, when he arose to orders, which, added to the mcom- return thanks for the honor done him, pentenco of the officers and men, cause fearful blunders and terrible scenes of confusion. liojfE. Sect. 3,-rfietween sunset n Vf rvvwl o tr hr c annn'aa f hia mnrn. u Wyuu., m lnnkiiiff Astrnnnmer Rnval nf Trfiland. ing there have Deemjju cases oi Hn rnh.nH rnBV wki,, cholera in Naples. From minnight I well-fed and well-contented Irish Smiday to noon Tuesday there American Alderman. He was the only b'urcitteenstoraisea sum by subscrip- P ejeciea ana caonot oe appomiea ny ttion. prfot he Amoskeag engine, -..vye.ask the Judge where is Dudley, ipaicu is io De exenangeu .witu tuw auv simons. uames addoic urawiora ' . . " . . I TV TT -1 1 Tfc 1 1 f f .1 -r f in nnmnnnv: bv the -owners, for a new nussey; narrou, nouoinu. wuen, aium- nni 1 vja Lint Cuj.' feood move ' for ford Kennedy, York,- Willis, Styron, one. : VV e think this a ooo move, tor and & hoBfc f otherg ?hpTO J might Desiuus ino neueooiij oi w yuu m a hit mention. -: ? ' :; '-' la milder, the DronnetvrrQf having Weask the Judge why don't he an ' ' . '. ' -..Li-i i. I nn!Af ft' ' PAtmiW?iiti wkrt la ilaiif!fiAi4 ",iv" rrT- , r r u t,t m,- tj eonnagrauonB w We will say mojre when necessary and'such abne'as it would have been . E. Merrick, with a southerly wind ' in its favor, a 5th warder. hrnn ,1 . fion-m hn a fitnPRS of . jnr. a. u. mu win noi support lucid . v " - I x-r i . ri . . r tt 1 1 . , , f i ,! L .ui.f.,i m w 'r overnor. mi. niu is not a thlpgs in holding on to this faithful old jept,blican by no means. We ask the servant mat nas aone so muuu iu mc ju(ige to appoint a Kopublican. nast for the protection of the city. V, e . , . E. M. would not appeal to i.enhmnt only in fi.A ...(ail trttit n t.ha. ntrnc nt inn lar.id i llUt'inher neiite'wi Be needed in L We hereby return our thanks to the W' i a u fv,;a ha nW nxemen ana citissens or i.ew iierne ror the future, aftdthat this one oanbeobj Lime, y. stance -durl ng the late firo taineaupon xavoraniB enn, b. iuiu near our store, on Middle street. should "stimulate a generous action on the'part of bur 'citieens, and wehave no doubt the company which has purchased ; it will meet the move on the part of our rGDlfl witti a 'generous liberality, and Humphrey & Howard. ' . The Blaine Scandal, Indianapolis; Md., Sept. 5. Elaine's attorneys havq filed an answer, denying tme truth or the derendantsanegationst i "" -Wanted, v Ijs make it Scatter of sound buslnets fne nexj step'witl probably be a demur- & second hind copying press..; i nnctpies as well. -. , , , , - , llBr y luo uvorrugiiurfB oi iuouoiouc.i luuuouutbjijr at luiruuiuc. these peculiarities appeared m a most striking light. Nevertheless, he is a famous servant, and he wag greeted with round after round of applause. lhe most taking speech made to-day was that of Prof. R. S.Bell, the jolly La Grange Items- Sim. Wooten left for Baltimore Tues day. Hy. E. Dillon returned, from his northern trip Wednesday. Four weeks since any rain to do any 3 III 1 kuou. it y jn BBnousiy nuri ine crops, W. 8. Uzeell, who has been quite sick, is, we are glad to say, improving, Profs. Starke and Walker, instructors in Davis High School, arrived this, week. Allen, oldest son of J. S. Wooten. is very sick, and at tost bearing was not improving. Sutton & Walters are ginning their first bale of new cotton to-day (Friday). uapt. jvicintyre gmned one also to-day, James Measley 's mules, running down Caswell street and back again, yester day, maae it nveiy lor awnue. The wagon was broken up. The protracted meeting at Lenoir In stitute naa resulted m nine accessions and about twelve professions up to Thursday night. The meetings continue. Our Collegiate Institute opened Mon- uay wiin near niiy pupus, ana otners expected next week. Capt. Davis opened Thursday, with what number I nave not learned. 0.ur merchants are receiving their fall stock ot goods. Ihe present outlook for the fall trade is not favorable about here, but the price of cotton may come to tne relief of farmers. W. P. Williamson and Donald Gil liam, the Republican and Democratic electors for this distviot, will address the people here on Thursday, the 25th instant. Give them a rousing attend ance., Dr. Hartley has a fine field of twonty acres of rice. It appears to be doing very well considering the dry weather. ABtalK live and a naif feet with a head ten or twelve inches was cut from the field to-day. Many of the grains in the head were nearly grown. BOSl XSiTlCltlAMKiT. Turpentine -Hard., Sl.OO: dip, 81.75. IUU ! l. VtJ, - ' Corn 75aS3c. Seed Cotton Ss.SOal 50. LOTTON PiF.EJ) $13.!50 per ton. Beeswax 95c. per lb. Honey COc. per gallon. Beep On foot, 5c. to 7c. Country Hams 13Jc. per lb. ija.is.u-i.jjc. per m. aoos 15c. per dozen. Fresh Pohk -7a8c. por pound. Peanuts 1.00al.G( vvr bushel. odder 80c. to SI per hundred. ONioNS-$1.50a3.00 per bbl. Field Peas Hides Dry, 10c; green 5c. TAIA0W 6c. per lb. Chickens Grown. aonnA, . 30a30c. Meal 85c. per bushel. Grapes Scuppernongs. Sl.00al.25, Oats 35 cts. per bushol. APPLES-50ca$t.OO per bush. Peaches 50a60c. per bush. Potatoes Sweet. 25acn(r. Turnips- Wool I2al7c. lier nmtnil. Shingles West xai.a ,in an,i inal; not wanted. Building 5 inch! hearts, $3.00; saps, Si. 50 per M. wholesale prices. New Mess Pork $19.00. L. 0., F. Backs, and Brllies lOalOio. SHGVLDEUS-Smoked. Nn. o tu. prime, 8 Jc. Smoked Joles tip. Lard 9a9c. Sugar 5a8o. FLOUR-$3.35a7.00. SALT-90c.aS?1.90 per sack. Molasses and Syrups 20a45c. and on Tuesday 72 fresh cases ana I 32 deaths. The epidemic is spread ing to the adjacent districts. At one of the savants to make public ac knowledgments of the fact that he had been admiring the pretty girls of Mon treal, and that his imagination bad been fired by descriptions of the delights of La Spezia there were 39 lresh cases tobogganing and Bhowshoeing. He and 13 deaths yesterday. The ower quarters of Naples are filthy trom doiective drainage. Nots fvmn iBStoH Editor .JouBNAiii'-Once more the streets of our little oity present a lively appearance, the schools have opened, and bright faces and fluttering muslin attract the attention of the passer-by. Old bachelors and widowers are wash ing their buggies and greasing the wheels for afternoon drives. Merehants are arranging store windows to catob bilU CJ Ul IlllO SVUWt I.UJ.11IJI14 4 ' uotton picKers ara ap wot ana nouse keepew aieliawlini for cooks. ' '-gcuppernones are coming in and quinine is in demand. junston uouege nas ninety-seven pupilB for first week. ; The graded school has a most excel lent superintendent said when the British Association came to Canada again he hoped it would be in tne winter tune, wnen those sports were at their heightand that the citi zens oi juontreai wouia nuiia a magnin cent palaoe for its meetings. Several references were made in the addresses to the drawing together in closer bonds of union of Canada and Great Britain, and Sir Lyon Flayfair was loudly applauded when ho declared that he believed in the political federa tion of Great Britain on the other side of the Atantio and Great Britain on this side, v.',r'; vl ?, ' - .' . A resolution was passed expressing the sympaty of the association with a plan for founding a free public library in Montreal and the savants, on the suggestion of Prof. Boyd Dawkins, promised to give the new library a start by presenting it with copies of their writings. . To-morrow the savants will scatter in Democratic Convention in Carteret Carteret county Democratic con vention met in the court house at Beaufort on Friday morning, Sep tember 5th, at y$ o'clock. The convention was called to or der by David Pearce, Esq. Dr. M. r . Aremlal was made temporary chairman, and L, A. Potter, secretary. A committee of one from each township were appointed on ere den tials. Also one from each town ship oil permanent organization. While tne committees were out preparing their reports tho conveu tion and all present were well en tortained by able speeehes by Dr. Arendal, Thos, J Hall, P. Holland, jr., of New Berne, W. B. Coiburn ana L. A. Potter. Private School. MRS. A. T. JERKINS will rem.m. th duties of her School at her resident ni Johnston street, on MONDAY. SEP TEMBER 15th, and respectfully solicits a share of the public mtronano. s71w CITY ORDINANCE. ' Be it ordained. That the nortion 1 1 the city lying east of Hancock strei t and south of Broad street, shall be known as the fare district of the city ofNevr Berne, N. C, and any person or person i who shall erect or cause to be erected , or attempt to erect any building or sha) t erect or attempt to erect or cause to hu ereoted, any ell or addition to any build ing now erected within said district de scribed as aforesaid without the con sent of the City Council, by reso lution of said body granting said permit, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction shall ba hned fifty (SaO dollars or imDrisoned thirty days and each day said building. eu or auaiiion snau so stand or remain in the course of erection shall be a violation of this ordinance. John II. Bell, Clerk. Notice. CUV IU IjUO UOioUU VL I if J!.i; i m . J 01 teachere e7MounSra Prof. Thomas RRouse. of Laflranee. !JA;1'e is the new teacher of mathematics at "iPuf!!Sf! the College. Wonder if so many bright eyes and pretty faces in his. classes Will affect his mind,, VatCti Out, professor, girls are very1 tninhing. , ine-pext meeting oi tne tenoir coun ty Teachers'! Association will be held in the chapel of Kinston College Saturday, September 13th, 10:30 a. m. , Publio in vited. ' " ; " . ' ' A friend of Major Carra way's "hen, says he would like, to p&e yieMaJO again. He has soyeral ."lies to. swan withhim,U vv"."-v p ing a sbeoial train for Philadelphia to attend he meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. ; All agreee that the meeting here has been a success, and all are glad that they came. Montreal will not soon t ii i (orgeii ine wise men irora prvia, ' Holme' Sure dura Month Wash and Penttfric'eis'ali ipfallihle oure for Ulce rated tore Throat, Bleeding Gums, Sore Mouth and Ulcers. Cleans the Teeth and keeps the Gums healthy and puri fies the breath. Prepared solely bv Drs. J. P. & W. R. HOLMES, Dentists, 103 Mulberry street. Macon Qaoria. r or sale ny tt. . Duffy, jMew Berne, N. U, ana au ;jjrjiggi5ta and .venjtistjs, fto20dw8mo " v There will be a Soecial Meetiner of th Commissioners of Craven county, at the Court House in New Berne, on SATUR DAY, September 13th, at 11 o'clock. JAS. A. BRYAN, sep61w Chairman. warranted. Hancock's Chill Pills, TO CURE Any Kind of Chills or Fever. For sale by all Drucaists at 50 cents ! per box. TRY THEM. EVERYTHING FIRST CLASS. Cast. SAM U. WATERS, Prop'r. Rear Entrance from the Hotel, .. seSdly Middle St., New Berne. N. t. Wanted, itffifl- Committee on credentials made CTIWT'R AT. TTriTPT. "RAT) men icjuiu uunu oi4 uuo iiunuouipo, i ABO wun one or wo excepiions, were BILLIARD ROOM. (Jommlttee on permanent organi zation reported Dr. M. F. Arendal chairman and L." A. Totter and Ralph Howland secretaries. The chair then announced nomi nations in order. . On motion, the vote be taken by. townships and a majority elects. jglue folkywjng ticket was nomina tedv 1 '- Coroner, T. C Davis. Surveyor, V. B. Salter. For - Kegister of Deeds John Eumly was nominated by; acclama For Superior Ooart Clerk. D. Davis wr! wmtQated by acclama- tion., For SherlfT, Jnoi Russell. . ! For Treasurer, Thos. Thomas. For House of Representatives, A. II. Chadwick, Esq., was nomina. KEROSENE 01I BBLH.' at 'Elsihty-flve cents. - . , , , j. . COTTON SEKD and SEED COTrOK at the highest nartcet price. I will contract to gin cotton at''-TUlrtT Cents per Hundred. ep dtf A. It. UENNISON. ' , t,i.):M , Hew Precinct MEETING BOARD COMMISSIONERPv Chavix Coujttt, Sept. 2d, 1881. Ordered. That a new vol nruinni tabllebed at Dover Ktati nn nrt the A t n.i ' andNaih Carolina Raiuoad, No. 3TawnsllBw , , J JOSEPH NElflON, ' epSdWlm Clerk Board CcmiulHsloMm." a4 1 jr.. 'ii .if' .t;'iT-! e' 1'