AVER'S Ague Cure eonUIm an antidote for all malarial dis order which, to far a known, li used in no . other remedy.- It contains no Quinine, nor Any mineral nor deleterious substance what- - . ever, and consequently produces rio Injurious , effect, upon the constitution, out leayes the system as health; m it was before the attack. . WE WARRMT AYEE'3 AGUE CUSS . to cure every case of Ferer and Ague, Inter- - - Aiitteut or Chill Fever, Remittent Fever, t Dumb Ague, Bilious Fever, and Uver Com- plaint caused by malaria. In caw of failure, - after due trial, dealers are authorized, by our . .. circular dated July 1st, 1842, to refund the .. cnoncy. " Dp. J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Masc. . . . Sold by all Draggiita. s - . II. W. WAUAB, ' ' (SuoctiMor u U. H. Wludley.) i i - '''. ' - :. ...... ',, DISTILLERS' AGENT FOR 1 THE JOUENAL. NEW BEENE. N. C SEPT. 10. 1884 PROFESSIOXAJV ' , ' Mozart ' By his fireside sat the chapelmaa ter of Salzburg, giving a musie-les-son to- his daughter, while little Wolfgang, who was Just three years old, stood near, listening: ' "Thou teachest Nannerl, papa teach me too,'' said the little fel low. . ,'But thou art a baby Wolfgang, wait my little man," answered the father. But the little man could not wait, and as soon as he found himself alone he went to the harpsichord, and with hia baby-fingers wander ing among the keys struck a perfect chord, which brought his father rushing to him, and from that day music-lessons were for him too. He had a wonderful memory for music and advanced rapidly in his studies. ; " The next vear the familv wAiifc tn Pufe RV6 bald Coril Whisk? Mannich, and little Wolfgang and ...... t .... . IXTnn.1 rt l AT WHOLESALE. .-, and played before the Emperor, Francis I., to the admiration and delight of all who heard them. This little Wolfgang was the fam " Will ES AlTjJ CIGAkSous Mozart, the music king. When uvo years oi age ne composed a con cerco for the harpsichord, which was correctly composed and written out but was so diflicult that an able musician would have found it im- linger Ale, raie iUe, .Deer SiCfl0rd. His father taught him only Wm. J. CLARKE ATTORNEY AT LAW, Practise, in the Courts of Carteret, Craven, l New Berne. EN&CO. AGENTS FOR Hyde, Jones, Lenoir, Pamlico and Wayne I counties : also in the United State Court at I Collection of seamen's waxes and al claims against vessels a specialty. , Office four doors above Gaston House. , martl-a&wtr IN QBE AT ABIE17f AND PORTER. BERGNER & EUGEL BEER, OIDER, PURE FRENCH BRANDY. " v H. W. WAHAB. on the harpsichord, but he kept a little violin upon which he learned to play without a teacher, and at one (time he rendered so well, six trios composed by Menzel, that his latner was overwheimea with joy and astonishment, and called the child, "little musio-king" by which name he was often afterward called. Before Mozart was eight years old he performed at the Courts of Fans, U J. MOOKS. , Wat. E. CLABU. MOORE & CLARKE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, New Berne, NJ C. WUl practise tn ths Courts of Carteret, Cra ven, Greene, Hyde, Jones, Lenoir, Onslow and Pamlico counties. Also in the Supreme Conn at Raleigh and the United States Courts at New Berne and Maletgh. 4W Collecting a specialty, apSdwtf 0ORQ . STBOJf O, DAHIKI. X. RBBT, Kaieigh, n. c. Klnston, N. e STRONG & PERRY, ATTORNEY B LU COUNSELLORS AT LAW. Having formed a copartnership for the practice of the law in Jones county, will regu larly attend the courts of the same. Prompt attention paid to collections. - maytf-d&wtf STRONG A PERRY. People's Mutual OF LOUISVILLE, K.Y. Issue Policies on Lives, payable in Five Instalments, at from 4 to 10 years intervals, according to tne age of the Insured. The premiums are paid on the assessment plan, as is usual in other Mutual Companies.. This is a new feature in Life Insurance, and enables the party to collect his insurance during life. It is practically a Savings Bank, in which to deposit small monthly amounts, to be drawn at the end of a certain period, with interest. We also issue Policies payable at death only, if desired. Circulars with full particulars furnished on application. FIRE POLICIES issued on best terms. GEO. ALLEN & CO. WATER COOLERS, . and seaconablo goods of every description, mciuaiug . FLY FANS, - ' ; WIRE DISH COVERS. FLY TRAPS, ETC. ETC., AT THE I 11 J TV A XI 13 AND House Furnishing Store OF L. H. CUTLEJK. Full stock cotton and planters' boos, (trail1 cradles, grass blades and briar hooks. etc. ror tne best.goods and lowest prices call t L. H. CUTLER, dw Middle street PHIX. BOIXAKB. . OWXN E. QXTIOK HOLLAND & GTJION, Attorneys at LaWj Office on Craven st, two doors above Pellook Will praotloe In the Counties of Craven Jones, Onslow, Carteret, Pamlloo and Lenoir rrompt attention pi id to collections. Awlr. W. K. BDfKOSS, ' CLEMENT MANLY. SIMMONS & MANLY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will practice in the Courts of Craven, Jones, Onslow, Carteret, Pamlloo, Lenoir and Hyde, and In the Federal Court aftlew Berne. febdd&wlj DR. J. D. CLARK, DENTIST NEWBERlt. If. 0. Office on Craven street, between Pollock and Broad. aprl7-diwly gpes sep26-dtwly. SvxtK JPront St. New Berne, N. 0. London, Munich and Vienna, and at JFaris he had for apiay-lenow the little Maria Antoinette. lie could play the works of the most celebrated masters and com posed much himself, dedicating six sonatas to the Queen of England. ,He traveled extensively m his child hood and played in many chnrches, i and before he was fifteen, he was made a Knight of the Golden Spar: Only SM7.50r0nlyi $47.50. The Mlcger Organs. ' If you are interested In nrusio and want to get a good Organ, be SURE THAT YOU BUY THE ALLEGE H ORGAN. You can get a boautirui vval.n vv uasb. HANI) CAH.VKW. DR. G. L. SHACKELFORD, Surgeon Dentist NEWBEEN, N. C. Office on Middle street, over Miss Kate Car tway's Millinery Store, opposite Baptist Churoh. Ten Years Practical Experience, sep28dwly reeds wit ARVED. richlv trimmed and ?M?Mr2S o by the Pope, and honors and praises with nine useful stops attached to my hrere showered upon him wherever Which work so easy that a child can play 1 110 went. XS;nowl"f,rvfdb, , .h. box. When fifteen years old he com atvii ami Hook lnjluded. and delivered on I nosrul his first, nnnra. andtliOUffh hfi .SgSfcofgi'ii died at the early age of thirty-five obdeu at ohce. NOTHiNq saved glorious legacy to the musical world. 0.X VJBjbAV. ' , i' Addresg, . , ,, '' 11. W. ALLEGER, wasbinsrton. ' NewJewey. Reteronoe-Flrst National Bank. .: , j - augl dw3io ' 1 t . Ills compositions are ot various styles, but all are stamped with the grace and beauty of a most gifted genius His name is immortal, and for more than one hundred years his sonatas, operas and masses have held a foremost place among classi cal music. mm i jwtnft)M Tit OnitGlvr States .GovBrnment, Sl -sh'J ZXL Wrf ppropriatei by the '.General Government. ; 0500,000, Contirbuted byUie,ClUienjol NewOrtesut. -! Appropiisted by the State of LouUUna. ' . u ,0100,000. l; Arrival and Departure Mails MAIL CLOSES. For North. West an4 South, via A. & N. C. R. B. at 8.80 a.m. For Beaufort and the Eat, at 6:00 p.m. For Washington, Swift Greek, Hyde and Beaufort Counties Mondays, weaneS' (lavs, find Fridavs at 5:00 a. m. For Trenton, jfoiioksvuie ana Mays v.ille. dailv at 7:30 a. m. For Qrantsboro, Bay River an 1 Van' demere, daily at 6 a. m. OFFICE HOURS: In Money Order and. Registered Let ter Department, from 9 a.m. to 4 p. m. In Mailing Department, irora va.ni, to 5 p. m., and from 7:8Q to 8;80 p. m. Office open constantly between thes,e hours e3?pept when mails are being dis tributed or sent. V MEETINGS OF LODGES GARDNER & GLENN MANTJFACTTJEEB3 AND DEALERS IN Open and Top Bn ROCKAYAYS AND PHAETONS, Farm and Spring Wagons, Carts, Trucks, Driys, Harness, Halters, Collars, Hames, Etc. Broad. Street, opposite Alex. Miller's. ET REPAIRING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES NEATLY EXECUTED GIVE US A CALL jyl d&w6m HOTELS. CENTRAL HOTEL. W. E. PATTEBSON, PBOrt. NEW BERNE, N. C. WIS WKLIi KNOWN Ami COMMODIOUS .bouse, as its name implies. Is situated In tho central and business portion of the city, hence recommends itself, tor its convenience to ths travelling public. Affording solicitors every opportunity ot visiting business correspondents It has attentive sorvwiti, and its table is always furnished with Every OoUeacy of tne Season Its rooms KC large, airy ana well tarnished. AN OMNIBUS or the accommodation of guests to and from trains and steamers Ires of charge a special feature in this city, All the appurtenances, ot a modern FIRST CLASS HOTEL. April l-d-lv. CEO. ALLEN & CO. STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS Georgia Cotton Gins, Feeders and Condensers. Lummus Cotton Gin, Self Feeder and Condenser, with Patent Stationary Beater, which removes the sand and dust from the lint, fitted with Adjustable Heed .board. The Monarch Cotton Press, the best hand press ever made. X3T Call and examine sample machines. Prices very low. . GEO. ALLEN & CO- THEiSEASON. REFRIGERATORS.' OE" CEEAM FREEZEES, Ferdinand Ulrich, ROCERIES AND DRY GOODS Boots and Shoes, Rcnes Twines. Faints, Oil. CANVAS, GRAIN SACKS. LOKILJjARD snuff At Manufacturer's Prices. NETS and SEINES. Foot Middle strcot, NEW EERNE, N. C dw PATENTS IfTTKN k CO., of the 8ciENTmo American, eon. Una to act as Solicitors fur Putenta, Cuveatts Trailo Uarki, CopjrUibU, for the United States, Canada, Sot land, Frauce, Gflrmniiy, etc. Hand Book about Pafcntfl tent froe. 'riiirtv-pvon yoars experience. ltenuoDtameutnrnuvrnaiuiNfl & iaj. are notitxi IntheSctKNTinc Amrkican. the largest, best, and mort widely circulated sck'ntlflc paper. $3.20ayeiir. Weekly, eplenntu envravinps ana uitereBiintc in. formation. Specimen cony of the 8cl entitle Auiei lean tent free. AddreD MUNN A CO., Scientific Amxaioaji Office, i Uroudnuy, New York. tlbii j ..ii,,., .im i i ) W. P. BUHNER. Tm. T. R. MtNCKLKR, SWT national fire & Iron Go. Detroit, UiNurAcTtnuou or GASTON HOUSE, NEW BERNE, N. C, S: R. STREET & SON, Proprietors. The Only First-class House in toe City. Omnibus connects with all Trains and Steamers. Largs sample rooms for oommer -cial travelers, oot29-dtf Cheese Bfe. Wire Cloth, Wire Counter Railings. Wire 8lgn, Centlne Ciestliis. Wiio 4c lion Koncca, Iron shutters, Counter Sunporte,sa. OfStnd (or CklaloEue. ' lO-Mentlon tbia Paper. HOTEL, SMITHFIELD, N. C, D. W. FULLER, Prop'r. Ample accommodations at all tiftw Sample rooms for commercia.; Wtw ers. Charges moderate. augSdtf SUBSCEIBE TO THE New Berne Journal, Published Daily and Weekly at ROBERTS & BRO., Wholesale S: Uetuil DEALERS IN Provisions5 Groceries, Drv Goods' Boots and Shoes- All of which we are offering VERY LOW. Orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. dw NEW BERNE. N. C. DR. RICE, 31 M Plan LOUISVILLE, KV.. A rerilnrly efaMtnl and legal'. iialllu. jhyiii lin and ts omtiact:iisfui.asliUpnuiceii-!tllirT-. ' Of I'KlVAliU. and s. Snow Hill, Greene Co., N. U. Well furnished, and Table supplied with me iJBT tne market anoras. Sample rooms: for commercial travelers. RATES REASONABLE, i W. E, GBmSUfY, fel5-dwtf - Prepiletor, pproprlsttd by the City of New Orlttni. From $5000 to $25,000, f Appropriated, by Innumerable SUtes, CiUes ' sod Foreign Countries, j ' " , ireeental, EvraSaM-tn4 ;Terrttoiy:iMh Union taeraain' nd nearly tilth Leading Nation! snd ' i 5 . Cwtnea ei the WoiloV if !; . . I hi B IgoMl Exhibit, the Biggest Bunding ind, h : '.''r ' Biggest industrial Ent In the'; " World's History. V 1 rTM(!ATrO!lti'f SiSIBITtAMBT0m, ; The cheapest rstes ot travel " the annus ox muupmuiuua ife-opl evtrywhers. .' '' ; l ir. mAArmmm i .... ik : ' v Ai ntmit. i IrUftirctetral,V.Cp.C.?- "xf r COW KEDil pnttBS, ''"p-Aincrlcai-'GiutarSr. . . .. - gun ba obtained of uty , f J A ,! or ou Agents only. 1 .-. f Choice Mnslc Boxes, A"- V. Fine Comets, Band !l Instrnmenti.Orchei l i tn Instruments, tlie bent Btrlnes and Trim- mlnga. Cutulogueiree, St. Johns Lodge, No. 3, A. F. & A. M., meetBthe 2d Wednesday night In each month. . ' .- 1 r ' New Berne Chapteb, No, 4ft, B. A; M., meets on the Snd, Jjiday in each month At o p.m. Nww brenb Lodoe. No. 443. Knights OS IJONQR, meets on tiie 2d and 4th' Fri- day nights in eaon momu. . - ' .1 , j Asflessment Noi' 142 is now due, and must be paid on, 6r before the 8th day Of AUgllBt, 1004. i ' v';' . f, , Trtcttt Cotjncil.No. 411. Royal Ah- cantjh, meet on the 1st or 8d Friday nicrhts in 6ach month. ' ' V . 1 Assessment No. is now due, and must be paid on. or before the day Ettrkka Lodge. No. 7, I. O. . F., meets on the 2d and 4th Monday nights in each month. : ' ' ' -' ' Assessment No. is no due, a?d must be paid on' or before the 7-day Netjbe -Council, No. 1, Oedeb of nirnstcv Frtends. meets on the 1st and i 3d Wednesday nights in each Wpnth. No. (10 is now due. and must ba paid n or before, tliq- 9th, day Or AUgUli, aoo., , . , .. . - Cosmopolitan Council Uo. 2Uv AstEfi- ican Legion' of Honor, inc ets on the 1st and 3d Thursday night t in each month. Assessment No. Bfj'ia nqw 4ue, an must be pa'li on .F PPf0.Te $e . I dfty of August. 10,0 : Local Branch No. 95, Ordkr of the Iron Hall meets on the 8d Monday night in eaoh month. ; ' ' Assessment No. 38 is now due, and must be paid on or before the 31st day of July, 1884. ; :,. ,! : ' athenia Lodge.'1 No. 8,-'I?NiaHT8 of Pythias, meets on the 2d and 4th Tues- Aav nio-htjj In tvneh month, f . 'vAtflestjment .No. 128 U-thw- duo, an4 must be paid on or befofo the CQtb. day of July, lui. Ia ; HEWHom, WEW BERWE, W. C. ComeOe! Come All! And See! H. A. EUWARDSj United States Bounty ana Pen- sion Claim ARenc Practices before all the Departments at I WUS111I1SUU, U. V, Have successfnlly collected the following named claims for pensions: Julius vonviei, New Berne, private of Co. 1,1st Cavalry, col , Jan. 81 st, $886.72 j Irvin Magee, Washington, N. 0- private CO.D 35th Regt., Col. Infantry, Jan. 182. 1789.72; Joseph Pate, New Berne, irlvate uo. u in coi. iroops, jnnie fewby, New Berne, mother of frank- New, by, private Co. G, Both Reg. col, lioppi, $188672; William Titus Rial, New )eine, blaoksmithwork at foundry, WOO, Aug. 29th,, 1882; Fell Jarmon, fort work, 128 06, March 234, Blmon Grooms, labor fort, $28,011, Karl 4. ikkz: ljuae juarbiu. iuri wwa, Dtiw, 1882; Joseph Gepson, Jaares. City, fort work, I Stephen Walker, fortworit,lfL Jan. sist.188) .a, loot; uutnun The Weekly Journal Is a THIETY-SIX COLUMN NEWSPAPER, and las bow entered upon its SEVENTH VOLUME. Cnr all CHRONIC Spermatorrnea ana Impotenoy uthtt rMUlt of wlf-ftbtiaa In youth, irxu&l txceu?s in n.sv lureryenrsor 0thr caucea, tnl ptotlnriug toiua of tb l4 lowlotf cfftfcU: Nerwouneu, Seminal KmUsion, (otpht mia iom by dream), Dimnr'i of bisht. Defective Nmory, Yhy iloat Iecay( rimplu on Face, Avertlon to Society o( Ft-mak't, Confusion of ideal. Lost of fiexuai fewer. Ac. rrnrUrlng narriago improir or OTihapry, ar thoroughly nd fstrma Mitly cured. SYPHllilS P'y cmr tirely siradlcatad from thi i lystem. GonOrrhft -GLEET. StrHim, OrchitU. Hernia. Auptur PUea and otlitr private diseases quickly nirud. ItUwlf-evidantthat a physicians who pny .pC.al attentw, t a Cfrtata oiaia of diMae$, and trenling tnou-aud mm Uy.an)uinirrcfttikHl. PliysicUn ImoHiDg thi 'actoilo ffciimmendperunito my care. Wbca It i. iuconvntntt Tif.il the city for treatment, meilii-inet can ba sent priTsvtelV uid lafely by mall or exprni anywhere. Cufm Guaranteed ia all Caiey undertaken. 1L t , ... Cousultations perioounp or by lcttw fr? and InvltetV Chargag reaiODabk aad orrspoidenc itrictly conhdmliai. PRIVATE COUNSEJ45R Of900pa(U.antto any addrea. lectmly waud, for thirty (')) cunt. Should be read 1y alU Addrrie aahova HBco ltouri from I A. M..tor. M. Suwla ft, i to 4 r. 11 Subscription price per annum, ' six monthMr $2 00 1 00 Moses Murphy, March The Daily Journal Cherry, fort work. $18; Joseph Eryant, 0, ti n.,iA tnn ita rTTTTTJ.T) "VIlTJIMK. Jan. 31, 1882; TsaUh Eespass,190, Jan. W. oui"wn 1 , ' $51, allowed Feb 2nd, 188 - ,,. . Labor Qlinis a Specialty. : neailence n?ar Mrs. Davepport Vi boardmcr house, near live foints. Office hour 0 a.m. to 9 p.m. mar8dT Subscription price, per annum, " six months, and contains TWENTT- f G 00 3 00 sop ValuillD Tip!::r Ur.d OX APAMS CEEEK, I0R SALE VERY CHEAP. This land Is especially valnnble. oontalnlng a viral,: fnrcitnf Oak. Ash. Pine. Mnle. Von- lar and Gum, while the soli Is very fertile and I peonllarly adapted to the successful eulUvtv, Finn nf Oatton. Corn and ltlce. - I The. traot contains 500 acres, more or lesa, I and is situated at tne neaa oi ausuis tree a in Craven connty.and distant from the Tow nf Ranrnrt. in Carteret county, abont four teen roues, aud is easily accessible troib Adams Greek pr from tbeccuuty road.1 ' qnmna Aaflv. and a orwat hanrflln. v ' Apply to ' ' WAtSON A'S'fREET,' pi6 .-'V '. ;" ? Keal Estate Afeetk ThP JOTTENAL is published in the center ot a large Trucking Dis- j , trict, and has an extensive circulation in all the adjoinipg wunties. .Ad.dress,, sirouKsrAX, NEW BERNE, N. C, $1 A YEAR. $1 p h P $1 A YEAR . $1' iu $ o is ' - sHf? S5w S.h.-s. x rio 9 lH H?S?cd -m ? ; rftft:!!!':1. p- w CD ,