ptcari Tnsspstetla. Co'y Stw Bxax,N.a,MayT.l8M. 8UV K& SCHSUULB OF THK STEAMER EII CITY to ( into effect on and after May 11,1881: ' . Leave Bayboro at 8 a. tit. for New Hern, stepping at Stonewall, Van deinere, Famllao, Smiths Creek, Adams Creek and filverdala. Tn- aday ' ' fiV' Leave Mew Berne tor HydeOourtyat a n m .atonnlns at Adams Creek. By thla arrangement we are enabled to make close connection with the Northern steaaaers. ( ; ' , . , Tnarsday " . . Leave Hyde Connty for New Berne . , , atf emn stopping at Aaanis Creek. Saturday-- rDe for Bayboro at 8 a, m., stopping at Rlverdale, Adams Creek. Smiths Creek, Famllao, Van : demere and Stonewall. - v Friday up for excursions. ; ' ' Having good accommodation both for pas sengers and freight at very low rates, ask that am aserenanta ana proaaoers aiong 11 nm glvalt their cheerful support. For farther Information enquire at the of Bea, Foot of Craven street. . RALPH GRAT, - - Agent at New Berne. Or any of its Agents at the following placas: ABE LEE, Adams Creek. D. M. WATSON, Lake Landing, Hyde Co, , D. H. ABBOTT, Vandemere, . C H. FOWLER, Stonewall, 8. H. FOWLKH, Bayboro, O. F. M. DAIL. Pamlico. W. H. JACOBS, Bmitha Creek, '. ' ( UALLETT BKOa. Kiverdale. : ' ! - Freight received under cover every day the week. Ian2ldwly yefs Cherry Pectoral.- ... . "OmilKOaio, Sept 19, W8X, COLDS, Having been subjeet to a broa v ehial arJertioa, with freq,aent colds, for s number of yean, I hereby eetv JOtj that Area's Cniaar Pectobal gives . " Be prompt relief, and Is the most effeotire remedy I have ever tried. , '- 1 Jamii A. Haii.towp . Sditorof Tkt ennt, -.l..i"Mt.eUead.Ohio,JnM.tt8i ' COUGHS. ' 1 taT wed Arutt Ckut PwrroEAU this spring for a se ver cough and long trouble with good effect, and I an pleased to recommend it to any cot similarly affected.' -' J t " Hastky Bacghvatt,' r t Proprietor Globe Hotel. : v ' . peifajiedbt j Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co.', Lowell, Mass. 5, ... ' Sold by all Druggists. ' THK CHICAGO COTTAGE ORGAN Has attained a standard of excellence which admits of no superior. It contains every Improvement that inventive genius, uuu ana money can pnmuce. ;V,- the NEUSE L TRENT RIVER Steamboat Company Will ran the following Schedule on aud after" Friday, August 23d, im : Steamer Trent Will leave New Berne for PoUoksvllle, Tren ton and Intermediate landings every Friday, returning on Saturday. , For Polloksvllle and return every Wednes day. - . m : . 'ftils en tbles the merchants to receive through freight the next day alter it arrives at New Berne. The steamer TRENT can be ehartered Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays for ex cursions, etc. ' . Steamer Kinston , , will la&va Nawharn for Kinston everv TUES DAY and FRIDAY; returning leaves Kin ston for Newbern every uuhuaj. aua THURSDAY; touching at Jolly Old Field and all intermediate points both going and earn la . ' Tli am steamers make close connection with the O. I, 8 S. Co. and North Oarolina Freight Line. For further information apply to , W. K. STl'ftON, Ja., at Newbern, W. F. Stahly, Kinston. ' D. 8. Babbus, PoUoksvllle. S. Quimiklt, Jolly Old Field. J. H. WHITE, Oen'l Manager, feb7d&w - Kinston. N.O ODI - j is- h m - ' i m EXCEL J ;:. EVERY V OECAI SiSTED m ; !y IEAES. THE JOURNAL. NETS BERNE. NJa. EEPT.'lO, 1884. - Seven Bpringi Items. T3- The cool nlcbU and hot dave makes the festive mosquito get around.; : Cotton cickttt hat commenced and S&mboand Dinah ar supremely happy'. When you buy a postage stamp don1! wait till you; write your letter to pay The attendance at the Springs this summer baa been greater than that of any previous season. Henry Spence is making brick to aid in the future building operations of this rustic burg. Long may be wave. The Democrats of Indian Springs township met on Saturday and elected eight delegates to tne county conven tion. " -i ", ' '. ' , i , Mr. Eugene Tucker aud lady and Kiss Maggie Boesseri from New Berne, are among the guests at'-: the Bea well Bouse.- .:.',:-? ii-in? I: :! Col. Charlotte, of Beaufort; and T. R. Cherry, of 'Geeepyijle,. have been rusticating in the Seponia- Bills, sketch ing, fishing, "etc.; The former gentle man was called away on Saturday on business in New York, , Goose Creek Items. ,, U 1 STATX or KoBTHCAaoUKA, I Sutvrtor Court, .... Oaven County. I Fall Term, last, R. W. Cator, W. J. H. 'Walterg, W. U. Pagan, J. McK. White, J. H.. F. P.. and Oeorje Uator, trading as Armstrong, Cator Co.; i.mmiuel Greenbaum, A. Koeaegburger and Heriuan Qreeubaum, tradlngoa lmnc-Ureenbaura A Hons: M. liecht aud 8. O. Ptttzel, trading as HecUt A Putzel; A. G., C; ii , aud IHivid HuUler, tradlog ea- Huteler Bros.; J. Ilftrs burg and U Fllesher, traciiug as J. llnrsburg A Co.; T . Wra., and A. Keruoud, tradiug aa Kerngood Bros.; Leon Selmger aud renj .Newman, trsdlugas Seltngrr A Newman; M , Henry and Uenj. Kree!uian trading aa M. Freodman A Hons; F.dward and Jutlus H. Btich. trading as 8tloh llros.; Abram and liewU Levy, trading as A. Levy A Uro.; S. U. Ureen baum and Wm, Jneephy, trading aa 8. H, Oreenbanm A Co.; Ohaa Griesvnian andMor ris Taylor, tmding"a8rlssman A Taylor; A. Erlanger, IL aud 0. Kouhelm, trading a Er langer, Boulielm A Co.; IxutioraColin.lnadore Ball and Adotph King, trading as Conn, Bail A Co.; Thos. J Smith, James J. QulKlej, A. It and C A. HcOown.tradtug as A. It. Mo Oownd: Co.; Wm. O., Huuib'ug and Philip Simon, trading as Wm. G. Hiimbura A. t'o Frank A Kills, Abrem B. ICpapp' and James T. Uorrow, tiadlug aa Kliis. Knapp1 Co : Nathan btiauHe, Lanlel Ktraas Lho, Loeb ' A Co on liehalf of themselves and all other credltorsoi m.aului4i ifc l.o.-:- . 1.1 J H I- ' PlftllltilTS, Axaiust - Wm. Sultan and Wui.tBen, trading an Wm. Rnltan A Co.; Wm. Cohen, Hunuali Unheu, (ieo. ureen. Alary HUltau. n. aaetumny, t:. at. opening, a. Asner, a. at. utock, r.ueue Haskett, Lewis H. French, Richard Dixon, T. A.Bell,asHimeeorJ. H. Bell, James M. Mayo, assignee or i uuusm ever ana ai. ti.Muiuin,. . ; ' Defendania - To E. M. BperllDg, II. Boohospy jind lary Kultan-Take notice; The above entitled action Is a creditor's bill brought by the plaintiff for themselves and all other oreditors of the dofeudnnts, Wm. Sultan A Co., to recover of said defendants Judgment for their respective debts as set out in complaint, xo nave ueoiarea leigueu, fictitious and fraudulent certain debts pre ferred in favor of ' flie defendants. K. M. Sperling, 41. Cohen, H. Borhospy ftnd Mary Sultan In a certain deed of trust uiade by Wm,, Sultan A Co. to Geo. Green, Dec. 20, lsS-1 To restrain sold Orien from Davlna said hlhged debts. To have the nsslgnmeut of certain ohuses in action and securities to H. Cohen ny wiu Cohen declared fraudulent THE CHEAPEST V, CAMPAIGN ; PAPER IN Tlllil STAT1 0. The News and Observeu club rates from now until December are ss fol lows: - r- . ; . : 5 copies, : , S 2 00 ; - .' 10 copies, - " 8 7? SO copies, 4 I ! $ 7 00 : 50 copies - 15 00 100 copies. V 28 00 u" Get up your clubs at once. You shoijUd BPe that every voter in your county hits a copy. AdJress, . . rlim AND OBSERVES. CO... : RALEIGH, N. C. IVOTKJE. SEASON OF 1884 ! On and afUr JUNE 1st. m. CHEAP SUM MEKliXt UHKlON TICKETS wUl be placed on sale fi-ora Point on A. ft N. O. R. K. to Morehead City, and to Polnta in weate-n North Carolina, good until October Slat. Saturday Nivht Tickets to Mornhea! ::x.r. good to return Tuesday atit,. WM. DUNII, iuav"xl v.: '' Hon. Pass. Afc Thou, Tillint (Imuii sre celebrated for volume, quality of toue, quick response, variety of combination, artistic design,. beauty in finish, perfect construction, making them the most attractive, ornamental and desirable organs for homes, schools, churches, lodges, societies, etc ESTABLISHED REPUTATION, J3TEeTJALED FACILITIES, 1 SKILLED WORKMEN, " BEST MATERIAL, COIIBiyED, MAKE THIS 1 , THK POPULAR OHOAH Instruction Books & Piano Stools Catalogues & Price Lists, on application, vbee. 7hs ChicagoTGottage Organ Ca Corner Randolph and Ann Street CHICAGO, ILL. H, A. Beel is bavin a dwelling-house erected. . 4 The Primitive i UaptiHts will dedicate their new church at Grantsboro next Crow'very-Kood.i JTinelweither saving fodder, and farmers aramaking good use of it Getting'' ra'tfeer dry for potatoes. , No marriages. JOue young lady says hard times cau bos it wait till times get better. She intends to be some one's bride. I think. t Very sickly about here.'.! Mr Xewis Jones b little cirl, aeed two years, died Thursday of congestive r fever. Mr. J Lester's wife died last week. Jur.JNoan Dixon is very sick; also six members of Mr. Asa furore s family, j v ; OLD DOMINION Steamship Company. SEMI-WEEKLY LINE For New Yoric, Baltimore, Nor folk, Boston, Elizabeth City, Philadelphia, Providence, and other Cities. ON AND AFTER Monday July 2nd, 1883, UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE Steamer Shenandoah Will leave, upon s.Tival of train oa Norfolk Southern Bailiuid at ttilzaoetn city, every HONDA! AND THURSDAY i fr Vsw Berne. Retiirninn leaves New Berne (or EMsaoetb Uity every ' ' TUESDAY AND FRIDAY at I P. taalcinc close connection with Nor folk. SoiiSra R. R. for Northern, cities. Close conaection made at Mew Seme with iiMmin for Kinston. Polloksvllle. Trenton and all laadiaits on the Nense and Trent Rivers, tfv freights received for shipment o Tnndsys and Fridays stter 9 p.m. Freliht lunrunled nrumutlv and lowest rates rnaraatoed to destination. Fere to Elisabeth City ssal return. 4. To Norfolk, 5. To Bui iimore.18. To New Yorlc,13jxi. : tC U. BOBERTS, Agtt New Bre, CBtrarrsa k Tdbhcb. Ac'ts. Norfolk, V. A ssr BT ajwrnRn nen'liVt Ac't. New York City. " Change jrfPiw in Hew York..! Tne fl. 0, ureignr une FOR NEW YORK, BOSTON, PROVIDENCE, and all points ' " ' xVortai and West: Altar tfcis daU wUl reseive frelifht In New York f h I forHewBerosat ; 1 ; PIER 7, NOBTH RIVBK, Office of New Tori and Baltimore ' Transportation Co. Merchants should remember that thie is one of " the beet Steam Lines ent of Hew York, making ' aU eonnectlon with Baltimore for Vevr Berne; . jUl inside, sad enly one chants. ; . i M-WEEKXYTE AMER Sctria lew Berne -and Baltimft (... nuKiM (Tonchmf at Korfellff " v davl WBetne fur Baltimore TUESDAYS , FHii)A5fatlpm. Leave Baltimore foi ,ew Berne WMf8SAYSdod SATUKUAYS . ;' ' ( '. . AeTaU ara as 4oUasi" ' " X&mSf rOSTKtrOeirt Jfanaer, k .;.Motliwst:;Bai,t.Bid. MM. weOAWUCK, A!t. Nosfol. Ta. W. t.Mr s Co.. fbiladaiphis, is Soata 5 i lit, AC. M mm. &MUa,aSas ' ESTERJi'S0IlTn CAROLINA MA-Tl'B LE W0RKB NEW BERNE, N. C. MONUMENTS, TOMBS, And ail kinds Grave and Building work in ITALIAN&AMERSGAN MARBLE Orders will receive prompt attention and satisfaction guaranteed. JOE K. WILLIS, Proprietor (Successor to Oeerge W. Claypoole) Cor. BROAD A" D CRAVEN Sts., i. & : i -i NEW BERNE, N. C jt E. Miller is my authorized agent Kinston, maiJO-ivaw . That Much was Certain. "Ma,'' whispered Pinder; Fitz- goober, after the funeral of a friend, "do yon . know where ' he went." . fj rT, ' "Hash, child,'' pantibnedNtbe mother, who saw that the question had been overheard, "of course 1 don't, and no one else does.", , "I do," yelled the boy, brightly, 'he went to the cemetery.'7 Allan, Constitution. "'' . rather!! J "V Your poor wearied wife loeine sleep- night after night nursing the little ones suffering from that night fiend to chil dren and horror to parents, croup, should have a bottle of Taylor's Chero kee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mul lein, an undoubted croup prevent ive, and cure for Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Consumption, and all lung and - bronohial troubles. Price 25cts. and S1.00. This with Dr. Biggers' Southern Remedy, an equally efficacious remedy for Cramp, Colic, Diarrhea, Dysentery, and chil dren suffering from the effects of teeth ing, presents a little Medicine unestno household should be without, for the speedy relief of sudden and dangerous attacks el tne lungs ana bowels. Ask your druggists for them. Manufactured by Walter A. Taylor, Atlanta, Oa., pro prietor of Taylor's Premium Cologne. augio awim It Stands at the Head. IKE LIGHT RUNNING -DOMESTIC y.or sale by : ' 1 DTTFFY & IVES. Naw Beenk N. C. mal2d ww ti m.itn Vtu.. f Jne.Pier f .Norm river cJS.Saeiawoa, Boston, as lienireiwuwi. '-J8. H. Koek7U, RtovWeene R. I. - D. O. Mink, rU Biver, Bnrt Wharf. ' Hfihips leave Bostan, Tneasil Samrdsys, - K. Ynrk dull. . t , Beltimot, Wednesdays aaBtnrdjl j Fall Kiver, Mondays, ivcBuay. Crldaya. -. ' ' - ;. -:. Providence, Saturdays. rWntmA bills lading fives, and rate It ' to all points, at the differeat ofl)ce of the oaaiea. ' . - t'.iii Irsihge ol Bulk isd Slip fii mr V VXTTi ,. A ' lit v. LAXee , , u CwM 1 8 H. Q BAY. kt New Beme.N St. Hary's School, EALEIGH, N. C. r The AliVEIfr TERM tW'fcTtlrfleml An miHl Heaslon. begina TIUBSDIV. JIKf TEHBEK Iltn, 1MB. For cataioaue auaress wie nenur, KV. BKNNJErr SMETE8, A.M. The, Methodist Advance, r.: : (VOLUME V,) - a ,inofflriftl orcan of Southern Mettiodiain, edited by Kev. W. M. Kooey, 1). D of the ,orth Carolina Conference. - la order Deuer u uieb wio wwiibn ui wjb people ana to enlarge its spnere 01 ubiui oesa,me price ui vno Auv Aatfl ua ucu 'tofsgd to One DoEar and Fifty Cents a VP.AR. (At aieht months for one dollar) payable alwayaTn.aavanoe making it one jf the cheapest papers mtneqoutn. Th Ai)v!('E Is an Indenencent Journal, obnnwiedirlnit allpiJlSMC ool w ejiuuUieni Methodism, but depeudlnj for favor entirely AniumMiti It is In harmony with all the WWiai journals "l llir viiuruu uu ie luwruv- ad to (ham tor many courtesies, ai an uik"- Dices none of them, but seeas to co-opera le with them Ui giving u ine people an unci nant.lnnablA HtirAAiirO. - L sample copies furnished free on applica- won. . mo-atjvI of or collecting same and for a rorelver of ann'ie fur the bona flde'rreditora of Wm. Bui- tan A CWtaou are therefore reoolred to an- Xeu r befora tUo Judge a f the Superior Court ot ('ray en county on the 12th Monday uftor the 1st Monday In KcpiemDir,- van, and an Kwer or ilcninr to Ktirt complaint as you may be advised, and If yoU fall JiidRinent will be taken axaiust yon tor tne rcuui mereiu oe- li, W. UAKl'K.M'KH, " (Merk Hun. Court.. Simmons Umt asd Holland & fliriow, '- auit7jU8wi.; . Arty's for Plaintiffs. . NOTICE. Stats or Nohth cauolina,- 1 . crii ven tsiuniy. ) , i. The subscriber hav ing onalltled s Admin, Istrator of the est'. to of ChnrN-s Sampson, deceased, on the day of AiigUHt-, A.D- 1884. beiore the Probato Court of Craven county, hereby notlflca all persons having claims against aaid Estate to present them for mvment on or before the 2utb day of Ansnst. lSsS. or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their lecovery. , All persons inaeoiea to saia estate win make immediate payment.. , lione this ZStn day or August. , . - U. C. KEHOE. ' an26i'W. . ...... Administrator, RAILHOAD3. CKAf.SE CF SCEEE-LE. Atlantic & N. C. Railroad. - - TIME TABLE A'o, - ' In Effect 12:00 M., Sunday, Aug. 31, KA.ST. Mo. 47. Eiprest Paes.cUaii Arr. It'if. STATIONr!,, Pue.Ual arr. it ve. P. . sis 8 41) 10 88 P. M.i P. HI, :. - :- A .. S r)ll;Gol(lBbiiro. .... I 2SI.a Grange. M..H....,M 7 (i Kiae ton, Q .til V 1) A a uu r w D,rn,,M , . tMorehead llcpot... P M. A, M 11 SO 1U 40 10 30 8 65 A. M. A.M w is le 10" 7 tu A. M. KA8T. I WEST.' No.$ Mixed Fgt. t Pass. Train. LArr. L've. A. M. . 8 8 ? 39 10 09 10 42 n re 11 88 12 0(1 12 22 12 68 P, A. M. 800 840 8 15 9 45 10 28 10 46 11 111 11 42 12 10 12 26 P M. STATI0.V3. Golds bo ro, best s La Gran (re, ..... Falling Creek - Kin9tn,,..-.,.... Caswell ........ I)over .... ... (tore Creek Taicarora ........... CUrke'e ............. Sewberu, -.....,,.. No. 4 Hixe Fgt Pass. Tr a Arr. ' a.e ' P. M. I 7 81 f 49 604! 5S5 4 61 483 . 8 886 ' S07 3 56 t P. u. 65 6 2t 6 40 su 4 85 4 IS 5 40 8 14 2 55 2 2 P.M. EAST. WKST. No. s. Mixed Fgt.:. Pass. Train, i STATItiNS. K1xedFirt.a Paee. Train. Arr. Ive: Coal, Coul, Hay, Hay, fee, Wood, Woodi Statk op Nohtji Carolina, h ..'tftven County The subscribe r having qualified as Executor of the estate of Andrew J. Bparks, deceased, on the 3d day of Heptnmlwr, A.D. 1884, before the rrouate conn oi uravea county, nerenv notlties all persons having claims aaamst said KstAto, to present them for payment on or before the Sd day of September, 1885, or thia notice will be pleaded in bar or their re covery. ' ah persons mueoiea to suiu hsuub win malte Vmmediate payment. Done this 3d day of September. 1884. . eepldHw 1 ' R. C. OAUNKR, Executor. ITOTICE. Coal, Hay, Ice & Wood, FOR SALE BY WATSON & DANIELS. APPLY AT THEIR ICE HOUSE, t-f: Keat Foot of Middle street. t Cull on us before purchasing else where. , r . jylo awly ICE WAR! WAR I WAR! y "l The ereatest political war perhaps for the last century is now about to open, and that every Cleveland or Blaine man may take an active part in this great political fight, it is of great importance that he should commence at once to lay in his supplies of Qrocferies and Dry Goods at the Great CheapCash Store of HUMPHREY & HOWARD'S, that he may give the necessary time to achieve tne greatest victory ever gained in tnese United States. The war has actually begun from the. Presidential Chair down to the lowest county offices. Some may cry peace, peace, but there will be no peace until every man shoulders his pocket-book ana goes down to the ureat Cheap Cash Store of HUMPHREY & HOWARD'S, and buys a supply of Dry (joods, uroceries, ttoots ana anoes, etc sola at tne lowest living prices, aw By taking Ayer 's Sarsaparilla many a poor Bujjerer wno submits to tne sur geon's knife because of "Jnalignant sores and scrofulous swelling, might be saved, sound and whole. This will purge out the corruptions which polluta tne niooa, ana Dy wmcn sucn com' plaints are originated and fed- V 11 u '' " ; Job Work.,; s The JouENAIi .office is prepared to print Bill Heads, Letter Heads, En, velopes, Cards, Tac8,Circular Envelopes- etc., in neat ana Handsome style, and also at prices to suit the times. Give us a trial. . , ;: Chattel Morteages, Real Estate Mort' gages, Deds, Lien Bonds, always on U1VUW.' ' r- H-,r" Blanks fortUe appointrnentof fiyer leers, and for makiriertOverseer a renort pnhandi n! ' ' 1 1 Rend six cents for nostacre fl r r7Dand reeeWa free, a costly box f M0r goods which will hep all, of either sex, ta more rooftey riaht away'than anything else In this world, Fortunes await the workers alMolutely anre, At once address Aif.up.uu.lAuguBia, ?iaine. maradly For Sale, Lease or Rent A Small Farm in. Jones Co. six miles from Trentotn six miles from Pplocksville two. .mUes .frpm ,Tre,nt river, and ajar Jhe famous Quaker Bridge road.. . f : - . Apply at once to - .. :v C. C. TAYLOR, s ; ; . New Berne, N. C. Aw Btatk ok North Carolina, 1 Craven county. ) 'Thn subscriber havlnsanallflod as Admin istrator of the estat of James McGregor, de ceased, on the 18th day of August, 1884, before the Probate Court of Cravm County, hereby not) ties all persona naving ouums againsi said F.KtiHe to present them for payment on or before the 25th day of August, l.uH5, or this notice will he pleaded in bar ot their recov ery. ..:' All persons inaeoiea to snia lisime win mnko Immediate payment. . , jjne this aid day or August, jh. ati22 6w Estate James McGregor. - A, .V. ! . ' ,: ,, i S VI i ffewheTn..; H Mi S II: fcivr- f .. H IM: Orottutu i ..i,. 48; A IB: Hnvi-LVh. 7 25; 7 -Hi. Newi 7 6: 8 Wl; WUdwotKl. , 8 8K; , 8 38; Jdireliend (-ity.i..-, iti i "'li-catinMl 1'fpot. A. M. ! A. M, j i i Arr. . ! '...i !T. Hi I I I 5fii : l;' Si; . It'S t li aj. I u 10- : 10 53! 1'iaaor : i ! A. M.; .'ve.. r- - 1 13 S : l'i 28 11 67 11 2(1 19 58 1(1 2,7 10 00. A.M. - Traiii connects with Wilmington A WeU don Train bound North, leaving Ooldshoro 11:51) ti. m and with Kichmond Danville Train West, leaving Goldsboro 11:56 a m and Wilmington & Weldon Train South atovlop.ra. Train I eonnecu with W. 4 W. Train bo nnd South, leaving Goldsboro 7:52- p.m. Train 47 connects with Richmond A Denville. Train 'arriving at Goldrhero 6:10 p.rn , and with Wilmington and Wei Ion Train from the North at 6:87 p.m. , Truius 4, 6 k B, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. - - . .; Trains 47 4 48. dally except Sunday. - Train 8, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdays - - Train 47 supper at Kinston. , W. Dunn, Superintendent. Go to John Dunn's Midland TUIE In effect Thursday, October 25, 1883. N. C. Railway; TABLE No, I,' WEST. 1 ! E4ST. No.l. Mixed Train. FOE AN GLASS OF Soda, Ginger Ale, Deep Rock I CHY ; AND BE SURE TO TRY HIS PINE COUFECTIONEEES. ... '.'" . . v , - ' "" -JZ ' He keeps the best line of ClGAIld in the via.) i -' , : Pollock St., uext door to Bank. ASA.SJONES,; Middle Street, Newbern, N. bEALER Ilf 'Z-V'f f' THE CENTURY. Programme for 1883-'84. . Tne programme for the fourteenth vear of this niugazlue, and the third under the new name, is if anything more interesting and popular than ever. With every season Trnc OMtmt shows a decided gain In circulation. The new volume begins with November, and, when possible, subscriptions should begin with that issue. The following are some of the features or me coining year : ; .- A Jew Novel, by Oeorae W. Cable, au thor of "Old Creole Days," etc., entitled "Dr. Sevier," a story of New Orleans life, the time being tne eve or tne late civu war. "Life in the Thirteen Colonies," by Ed ward Kggleston, separate Illustrated papers on subjects connected with the early history oi mis country, . - Three Stories by Henry James, of vary ing lengths, to appear through the year. The New Astronomy. nntchnlcal arti cles, by Prof.S. p. Tangier, describing the most interesting o! recent dlsooverles in the sunandstai'8. i : A Novelette by H, II. Boytsen, author of "Gnnmir," etc. a vivid aud sparkling story, The New Ki'a in American Architec ture, a series of papers descriptive of the best work oi American arciiwms in f nunc rtuitft inga, City and Cpnntry Houses, eto. To be profusely illustrated. A Novelette by Bobert Grant, author of "Confessions of a Frivolous Girl," etc., enti tled "An Average Man," a story or New York. The Bread-winners, one of the most re markable povcis of the. day, to be completed m januitry. - , , . Christ ianlty and Wealth." with othe essays, by the author of "The Christian Leagul of Connecticut," etc, on the application of Christian morals' to the present phases o modern life. . .- Coasting Abont the Gulf of St. lw rence, a series or entertaining articles, pro fusely Illustrated. - - Scenes from the Novelists, Hawthorne, George Eliot, and Cable, with authentio drawings. O n the Track of TJIysses, the record of a yaoht-crulse in the Mediterranean, Identify ing uie route ni uivsses on nis return irom the Trojan war. "Garfield in Encland." extracts from his privriie journal aepi aurmg nu trip to i-urope Arr. L've. 'TATICNS, . No.1-.;. t Mixed Xrain F. M. 5, i r. is. . a wj '.VTUluauuru... 8 2 f IM iOopelande t 45 j 9 i -Princeton.., 9 65 S 9 65 ; Holt's Mill . 10 18( IV 10 fPuie Level....... 10 84) iSmthfield .Arr., L've. -...' Vl4 SSI J 5 841. 627 SOU ! A-M. 5 6S 87 6 27 6 09 - -4 48 3. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. - v, ; Tralv 2 connects with A. 4 N. C. Freight Ti'ain leaving Goldsboro at 7:30 a.m., and with W. & W. Train going North at 9:50 ajn., going South at 6:45 p.m., and wth H. A D. train going WestatJo:OOa.mi j. ' - Train No. 1 connects with. A. A N. C. train arriving at Goldsboro 8:28 p.m,; with Ht AD. Train arriving at 5:20 p.m., aud with Wt A W . Trains arriving at 6:45 p.m. and 8.00p,in, - ''-i-'-'i. ' Tsnnn': t V i. ft -, . U4t Buperlntendent. 2,OOO,Q0Pf Staple abd Fancy Dry Goods igSj! " ' BOOTS, sPESu CLOTHISC, Ete. Agent for the DI AMONp 6HIRX .nlauh- -anea ii.uu. Liaunanea sx.X). And the celebrated Warner's Coraline Conet, nc si.w. . A full line of Gents'. Ladies' and Children's TJnderwear.Genta' Linen. Cellnloid and Paner uouars anu uuns., biik ana Liinen xianasei. ctneis, ail Kinus or uents', LAdles' and Chil dren's Hand and Machine Made Shoes. Rub ber Coats, Hats and Shoes, Ladles' Cloaks and jackets, ana everything usuauy Kept in a nrsi cuum wry uuous oture. ' . v . i ' ASA JONES. marSdAwly . Middle St.. p. Bantiat Cburob THE HENDERSON HOUSE, Kow tjiier the management of THORNTON ! Horses and buceles constantly on hand for transporting passengers- to any neighboring "'. J " fif I v- TttOBffrON TIROS.. '.' .euuyxson nonse, Miaaie street, lyffldwly' e .,f .tfotr JMn,lfc C- GREAT lEDtJCTION ff i Tothepnblio and 'Old Customers :- uwingtothp dull ness of timaa and scarcity of money I have come Jo be bottom orices r iiiwo ror iiniwi- made work. All styles ofv limits and Khoea of th i latest styles made to nt, and a sure guarantee. I also call the attention of the public to neat repairing done at short notice find at reduced rate-1 . ' j -..- 'E. II AVIANS. . -.' '';. '.. Middle strtet.thirS door below , ... '-vi : . . : . Central Hotel. iJew Berne, N. C, May 29, mi. . . . .... dUm There will be nailers on outdoor Knpland by John Burroughs andothera. a beautifully Illustrated series on Dante, a number of pa pers by the eminent French novelist Alphonse Daudet, articles on art and archeology by Charles Dudley Warner and others, Illustrat ed papers on Bport and adventure, short stories by the leading writers, essays on tlme- Subscription price $1.00 a year; single num bers sold everywhere, at 85 cents each. All dealers receive subscriptions, or remittance may be made direct to the publishers by pos tal or express order, registered letter,. bank check, or draft. , .--v . , i '!. SPECIA1. OKF15HS. ' v To enable new subscribers to begin with the first volume under Tun Okiukv name, we make the following special offers : New subscribers beeinnins with Novnmhnr. 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Send for Cata logue aud particulars. ' - " - t r . . Rev, M. Ia. HVQOD, D.D., Pres., v . iyiZ - Trinity ColeBe, Randolph Co., N.O. A 600-Pagd Dictionary -, 1000 IUvstrattona. Toes or Friends? ' Morris 1118 Snperfe Plat dngiavln. ; ( -In the eado pnprs 's 1 j'lT Snptrp Plate EujrravinK 12 Piepef Miisl( , . POST-PAID. A J ACTIVE CAHVASSFIIS Whv- Bend two 3-cent stump for a t-iu,.. and see what a WusPEm i n.PW. Adiire9s 1 ra CM In.