I AVER'S , ' ilgtieOnre eontsJm an antidote for all malarial dis order which, 10 far u known, it used in no other remedy. It contains no Quinine, nor an j mineral nor deleterious substance, ht erer, and consequent!; produces no injurious effect upon the constitution, but leaTes the ' system as healthy as it was before the attack. WE WARRANT AIEK'8 AGUE CUBE to cur every ease of Fever and Ague, Inter mittent or Chill Fever, Remittent Fever, Dumb Ague, Bilious Fever, and Liver OonV ulaint caused by malaria. In case of failure, ' after due trial, dealers are authorized, by our circular dated July 1st, 1882, to refund the money. . ' Dr. J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mast. Sold by all Druggists. THE JOURNAL. NEW BERNE. N. C. OCT. 3. 1884. r" Tlie'Temper. ;; I If people generally knew what au j advantage to -them it was to. be ' t'tiAf.A nrnlil t fnipan bank facea m the world and infinitely less ill-temper. A man never gains any thing by exhibiting his annoyance by hia face,' much less by bursting into passion. As it is neither manly nor wise to yield like a child pett ishly to every cross., so it is alike foolish and absurd to allow feelings of anger; to deprive us of self- control. There never was a man in any controversy who lost his temper who did not come near losing his cause in csnsequence. If ever a If job aw growing Grij Vr Bald If your Hair la TMa, Brisk j, Cry, Harsh, or Wett j i 1 ; f , If yoiare.troobled wlthDandnuT ; Itching', or any Humor or DIs easo-of the Scalp, .v, ' TJ8X ; ' . igor. It heals nearly every disease peculiar t the sealp, checks the falling out of the. Hair and prevents It from turning gray, and is sa unequalled dressing and toilet article. . . --V nupabto bt ' a Dr. J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Ma$. .X SoldbyaUDroggista. " ' narQAn n ara t.hA noma. rf hid IT V "V A T-I A enemies it is when he is in a pa3- proverbially ill temper; friends drop PKOFESSIONAL. v .(Kuiv-eswr li K H. Wlndloy,) . "DISTlLI.EUy MJEJIT FOlt L.. J. Moobk. "Wx. K Clabkc MOORE & 0LABKEr away from them; even wives and ATTORNEYS AT LAW, children pradnally learn to fear them New Berne N C 4 Will practise in the Courts of Carteret, Cra- ! 1 ', r1" ' i : 1 , ' ," y '' Are Agents for the following Manufacturing Companies: Talbott it Sons, Richmond, Va. t - : , ''- ' , v Engines, Boilers, Saw Mills, Grist Mills, TobacMachinery . ": Watertown Steam Engine Co., Watertown, N. Y.: . fv; '.' '. J . Portable, Stationary and Marine Engines and Boilerr, Cotton jQlnjBV . -. - Winship, (jullett Patent Steel Brash and the Light Draft Cotton Bloom. The Boss Cotton Press. Perkins's Shingle Machinery. After years of experience in the Machinery Business, we have selected the above Agenoies mainly because we desire to furnish our patrons THE BEST GOODS AT THE LOWEST TOSSIBLE PRICES. - A. S. HUDSON, Agent, au7 dwtdeel HENDEKSON HOUSE, NEW BERNE, N. C. more than to love. Thousands of AT WIIOLESAi.fi. Also in the ftunreniA nnurt at RftlAtoh and the United States Courts at New Berne and naieign. r collecting a specialty, ap6 dwtf PnTfi RVrVrLTld (jOTTI VVhlskV men owe their want of seccess in I If 5DGrene iono, Lenoir, onsiow j- j I . . . I rwiuicu cuunues. temper. Nor have they the excuse that is an infirmity which cannot be restrained; for Washington, though naturally ol a most passionate dis WTTi T!S A TTT1 HTfT A P. S position, disciplined himsslf until ue i)usseu tut a jieisuu utteny liu IN ORE A T AKIE1 Y. passive (dinger ile,,Pae Ale, Beer SVciST ' '" 6B0R0K V. STROSO, DANIEL . PJCRRT, Kiieign, iN.U. Klnston.N. C STRONG & PERRY, KINSTOIV. Jf. C. No man who neglects his ATTORNEYS ANL COUNSELLORS AT LAW. temper Can be happy any more than Having formed a copartnership for the h ft ran makfithofifl hannv nronnn pracuce oi me iaw in jones county, win regu utjoau iiidao wiuBO uaypy l"uu.uu' farly attend the courts of the same. Prinipt Good temper isgold, is bej7ond price, attention paid to ooiiectiong. owxm h. onion , 1 AND rORTER. BERONER & ENGEL BEER, ; OIDER, - PURE FRENCH BRANDY. , v II, W. WAHAB. Sputh Front St. . New BerneN. 0. ep26-d&Wly, ; .-. ' :. ..- ' : PHIL. HOLLAND, JR. HOLLAND & GTJION, Attorneys at Law, society. Developing His Muscle, "What is that drab obiect hang ing from the lower limb Of that an- Office on Craven Bt., two doors above Pellock I . . ... . . 1 I Will nrftot.lnA In irTiA rrtiintlnii nf ronn trees'' aeSKUU a uuue 01 a Il CCKieu Jones, Onslow, Carteret, Pamlico and Lenoir COUntrv D0 V. I "ompt attention paia to collections. itmu ' i , .1 i . I . i L. ., i a i .. -, . oi ioot-Dau mat we scriKe :to mate simmoss, clkmeht kanlt. our 'mnsele' big." c I M H n U C fi, II Ml I V "May I try it!" asked the dude. w ' ' " I I guess so," replied the boy, as ATTORNEYS AT LAW. I Ue moved On a gOOU aiStanCC. , 1 Will practice in the Courts of Craven, Jones, So the dnde drew back and drove Y"l"TihnlJZnaJiJ' his fist right into an old-fashioned Onlv $47.50r Onl $47.50. hornets' nest, and got his sleeves J . r . " 1 . fnll.JMfJffe. and in the Federal Court at Mew Berne. febtkutwly ThoAlleger Organs. What Urows on Waterloo. On ilia fwi. flali-la nf WnforlnA nnrl aet good organ, be suRK that you (Linden, splendid crops of crimson uvx iiitu aiiJ.i.ui.n wiab. nnnniAB annear flVArv voar. Thn You can net a. beautiful WAX.NUT cask rrt"- "rr . HAND CARVED, richly trimmed and I PTOUlld WhlCb nourishes these IS sawed Fret worn, wane tne comDmaitonr -.a j TO:fi, romaina nf onlrUn n.naln ia nnnrnajiRed. Four f full setA of PaCKett Willi 10Q remains 01 S01nier8. ' reeds with nine useful stops attached to my fhe preparations of opium derived nAwPn.tflnt.Ktnn. Work Automatic Bellows 1 V. v . J- - . trom tne poppy nave been used in DE. J. D. CLARK, DENTIST, NEWBER.1V. N. C. Office on Craven stroet, between Pollock and Broad. aprl7-dAwly new Patent Stop. Work Automatic Bellows which work so easy that a child can play DR. G. L. SHACKELFORD, Surgeon Dentist rift wtt.hnnt frrnwinir tired. This Organ will be packed in a tight, box, Htool and Book included, and delivered on cars. here free of charee for only 847.50. Remember the regular price of this Organ is $75, but in order to introduce them I have de cided to oner a iimitea numner ior iti.. . ORDER AT ONCE. NOTHING SAVED BY DELAY. - , Address, , II. W. ALLEGER, - Washington, .' . " ' New Jersey. '. Reference First National Bank. , t . . . , . auicl dw.!m B0ARDIN(x, J - . BY ( Airy Rooms, Splendid View. Front Street. Beaufort. N. C GREAT REDUCTION I TothePubllo and "Old Customers : Owinetothe dull. nesB of times and : scarcity of money iNJ) I novo come to "the bottom prices J7 knnwn fur hand. ( - Hlu . - i A i .1. i. , T-i a a i maue, woriti ii feihbv.2j ,' styles of Boots latest styles made to fit, and a sure guarantee I also call the attention of the public to neat repairing done at short notice and at reduced raw-.. .- , M- call and see me. . ; , ? : .t ; Vfv iV-E. IIAY&NS, .; J i' 'Middle street, third door below .- ' . , , . Central Hotel. New Berne, N.C. May 29,1881.' - ddm ii '; M i; ;' ;n i' i i, .1.1 'i " i ' 'I ' - mflnra com MEpii erniiisr Eaynes' , Excelsior American Guitars, ; DOBSON'3 PATENT SILVER BELL BANJOS, - (Jan oe oDtainea oi n, or our Agents only. Choice Music Boxes, l ine Cornets, Band Intrnmnts,Orchei tra Instruments, tha i best Strings and Trim. mlngi. Catalogue! free. JOHHCIUTSESftCO. r S3 Oonh Street, ,. BOSTOa, MASl the form of laudanum and paregor ic. So, pain has been stilled by the Church. remains ot pain and death, and babies put to sleep by the dead bodies of men who fell in the deadly onslaught.' JVc?p xork Sunday Mer cury. - NEWBEE.N, IT. C. Office on Middle street, over Miss Kate Car raway's Millinery Store, opposite Baptist Ten Years Practical Experience, sep28ddwly HOTELS. To any body who has disease of throat or lungs, we will send proof that Piso's (Jure for uonsuroption has cured the same complaints in other cases. Ad dress, E. T. Hazeltine, warren, r&. jy20 d&w V , GEO. ALLEN & CO. THE SEASON. . REFRIGERATORS IOE ' OREAM FREEZERS, WATER COOLERS, and seasonable goods of every description1 Including , , , . FLY FANS, ' ' ' s WIRE DISH COVERS, FLY TRAPS, ETC., ETOi AT THK ii ab:i) v jv it i: AND - House Furnishing Store OP " v. ; ' - L. H. CUTLEU. . Full stock cotton and planters' hoes, eraist cradles, grass blades and briar hooks.ete. r or the bestoods and lowest prices call L. II. CUTLER, dw Middle stroct , Peopl 3t 5 nn . e s ko.utuai v -i - t-' Life AssMaace Comp'y OF LOUISVILLE, KY. Issue Policies on Lives, payable in Five Instalments, at from 4 to 10 years intervals, according to tne. age of the Insured. The premiums are paid on the assessment plan, as is usual in other Mutual Companies. This is a new feature in Life Insurance, and enables the party to collect his insurance during life. It is practically a Savings Bank, in which to deposit small monthly amounts, to be drawn at the end ot a certain period, with interest. We also issue Policies payable at death only, if desired. Circulars with full particulars furnished on application. FIRE POLICIES issued on best terms. GEO. ALLEN & CO. ggies Arrival and Departure Mails. & at , . MAIL CLOSES. for North, West and South, via A. N. U.K. K. at8;80a.m.. For Beaufort and the East, 6:00 p.m. For Washington, Swift Creek, Hyde and Beaufort Counties Mondays, VVednes days, and Fridays at 5:00 a; m. For Trenton, rolloksvme and Mays- vule, daily at 7:dU a. m. For urantsboro, Bay Kiver an 1 Van demere, daily at 0 a. m. 1 ' OFFICE HOURS: In Money Order and Registered Let- steamers. ter Department, from V a.m. to 4 p. m, In Mailing Department from V a. m. to 5 p. m., and from 7:30 to o:aU p. ra Office open constantly between these hours except when mails are being dis tributed or sent. ' 4 . CENTRAL. HOTEL, W.E. PATTEBSON, Paort. -NEW BERKE. K. C, mms WELIi KNOWN AND COMMODIOUS X house, as its name implies, is', situated in the central and business portion of the city, hence recommends itself for its convenience to the travelling public. Affording solicitors every opportunity of visiting business correspondents It has attentive servants, and its table 'is always furnished with ; J -. Every Delicacy of . the Season Its roomB are large, airy ana well inrnished.. , AN OMNIBUS or the accommodation of guests to and from trains and steamers free of Charge a special feature in this city, . , All the appurtenances, oi a modern . FIRST CLASS HOTEL. April 1-d-lv. GARDNER a GLENN MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN Open and Top Bu R0CKAV7AYS AND PHAETONS, Farm and Spring Wagons, Carts, Trucks Drays, Harness, Halters, Collars, Hames, Etc. Broad Street, opposite Alex. Miller's. 1 REPAIRING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES NEATLY EXECUTED GIVE US A CALL jyl d&wGm We Still Sra-rive! To -whom It mftv fVnem '. We would most resnectfullv announce that we are prepared to give prompt attention to all orders in the line of Wire and Iron Work, "Wire Cloth, vunn n..., uu ji tiuv nvu whet uhu i'uo..i u umici "i .... . , ------ era & Mill Furnishing trade of the United States who do not succeed in having their oraerg nuea promptly, win sena uiem to us we win enueavor uiuu mem wnuuut ueiuy. sw tjaiaiogu.es oi iron r encing ana oiner lines oi gouus iree uu uppucatiuu. Detrdt, NATIONAL WIRE & IRON CO. Mich GASTON HOUSE, S: R. STREET & SON, Proprietors. The Only First-class House in the City. . Omnibus connects with all Trains and Large sample rooms for commer clal travelers. oct2-dtf HOTEL, SMITHFIELD, N. C, D. W. FULLEE, Prpp'r. MEETINGS OF LODGES. Ample accommodations at all times Samnle rooms for commercial travel- St. Johns Lodge, No. 8, A. F. & A. M., era. Charees moderate. . ...... autcMtf meets tne ad Wednesday night in each month. New Behne Chapter, No. 48, R. A. M., meets on the 2nd Monday in each month at o p.m. New Berne Lodge, No. 443, Kniqhts 07 Honor; meets on the 2d and 4 th Fri day nights in each month. Assessment No. 142 is now due, and must be paid on or before the 9th day Of AUgUBt, 1004 Trent Council; No. 411," Royal Ar- GMMSLEY HOUSE, - Snow Hill, Greene Co., N. U. Well furnished, and Table supplied with tne BtBT tne mai net anoras. Sample rooms for commercial travelers. : RATES RBASOITABLfi. - W. El GRIMSLEY, . .. proprietor. fel5-dAwtf . NOTICE.' " Ordered Dy tne uoara oi commission . ii , ; Vj "7 ' ' ' ers of Craven county: That the Voting CANXM, meets on (the 1st or 8J Friday CnTOp AllT ATlt! SppI Precinct known as BED, HOUSE Pre- nig in each month. . WmeUliei WmeAUI iilia r, . , j x. ABspsRTnfint No. is now duo. and . -..-' ' clnct, JNO. otn iownsuip, ce sun ih nero by changed to R. B. bLACKLEDGE'S HOUSE at Camp Palmer, and will be known as Camp Palmer Precinct. . Sept; 13, 1884. ' ! JOS. NELSON, -sel4 dwlm : Clerk Board Com. Ori:!a. Assessment No. is now due, and must be paid on or before the day meets on the 2d and 4th Monday nights in each month. Assessment No. is now due: and must be paid on or before the day la. .;..- i .- ., 1 or - i 1V) s:ile In any quantity at prices to suit 1 lilies. ,-. .... f. -.v..,- ' ..'- . -v i ric.it liave been examined by good Masons .Hi iirimiiniicecl nrsn:l;iHH. . t-'iiniilcB can l e . aeenut Jits storo) Orders solicited. ,". '. '...-.:". ": : luuwtddtwtf " '" 1 :. '-tC R. JONES S. A. IS DWARDSj United States Bouaty ana Pen- sion Claim. Agent. , , NBWBBHN, MT. O Practices before all the Departments at Washington, U.C, , Have successfully collected the following named claims for pensions: Julius VonvieL new Heme, private oi uo. i.ist uavairy. coi , Jan. Kist, sto.va; irvin jnagee, nasnington, N. C, private Co. S 85th BegU, Col. Infantry, Jan. 1882, 789.72; Joseph Pate, New Berne, Neuse. Council, No. 1, Order of Chosen Friends, meets on the 1st and 8d Wednesday nights in each mouth. AsRossment No. BU la now due. and nrlvate Co. 1) KUthcol. trooDS. 11.178: Jennie .;,. Ut..il tm nr hatnm fl Qth Aav Newby. New Berne, mother of frank New- "v rr " " ' h,. rvrivAt Cm. O. USth Rea. col. Imona. of August, 1034. , 8188S72; William Titus Rial. New Berne, COSMOPOLITAN COUNCIL N 0. 211, AMKR- P. BCK"mm orK. u2JJj?J - . . At i iwz: reiiz JHnuuui iuFb wura, iw w. mum ICAN legion or mwoH, nifew on me xm im. Siraon Oroomf labor fort, ana oa lnursaay mgnt m eacn monw. MfteManm, ion wotkp lotsz: joaenn ueoBuu. tiaiiiroa jiy. lurt mvK. r-, twn snu ua. must be paid on or before the 7th day Mofeij jiurphy,' March aid, Shsu' GuiWord Of August, 1884. , ', ''.:f ?l ;' Cherry, fort work, $18; Joseph Kryant, 88 90, T fn i T t3.Tr XT CK OniMronil OT I ""v."i I y . lilBWUll ttllU t IT , JIHAJVUU r I . - " 1 - - I TT 11 JltkilJ 1UU 1 1 1 1 P t(. IVI a 44 11VU WUVffsI, cp that pursuant to the judgment IRON llALL, meets on tne ,aa MOnaay ?51, allowed eozna, luea. . 1 iiie above named action, the nightin each month. ' ,: ' .. . ( - Labor-Claims a Assessment No. 33 is now due, and must be paid on or before the 31st-day HTATK 'if NOKTH CAWOUNA, ) r ;y . Craveu County. i . 5 .. v-, Hnperlor Court Rravon County, . T. A. Green nnd others 1 VK... -.. 'v J - r.i H, i V. Ii ! cllaudotheis. ) To Klii V. Klssell and U. W. McLean r..i. ll i v iii'illti the ixiinnlnint was of- Kie hi. tne court house In Hitid . . inn IkI. day of Heptember, 18M. GROCERIES AND DRY GOODS! Boots anl Shoos, Rcues Twines. Paints, Oil, CANVAS, GRAIN SACKS. LOItlLLAI!l SNUFF At Manufacturer's Prices. NETS and SF.INUS. Foot Middle street, NEW PZUNE, N.T ROBERTS 5 3R0., Wholesale A: Hctail DKALERS I IV Provisions Groceries, Drv Goods Boots and Shoes- AUof which -we are offering VERY LOW. Orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. dw NEW BERNE. N. C. DR. RICE. 37 Court Place. LOUfSVlLLE. KY.. A regularly alnuted and legtWy t,nirio? physician and th' Uiott mca'tiful u liU prswticu wui (irev.. forms of PRIVATE. and. Vi! GEO. ALLEN a CO. OFPJiiJl STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS Georgia1 Cotton Gins, Feeders and Condensers. Luinimis Cotton Gin, Self Feeder and Condenser, with Patent Stationary Beater, which removes the sand and dust from the lint v, Fitted with Adjustable Heed Uoard. The Monarch Cotton Press, the best hand press ever made. J3T Call and examine sample machines. Prices very low. GEO- ALLEN & CO- f7niAi nil CHRONIC EASES, Spermatorrhea and Impotency u thi realt of lelf-abiiM la youth, sexual ticeswi in ma turer yr, or Qllmr causet and prinIiuinK ioni of. th lowitiif eHettai NLrvoiiaut:utSeiniuAl liiiiiMonj, (oijtlit ml ions by tlrvam), Iimnei of biRlit, Dcfootive Sletnfiry, I'li ikkl Iy, I'tmptea on Fioe, AverKlon to Stxdety of Ktrniatna, tonfiisf'in of ldeai, Lost of 6emal Power, Ac, tentii Hig nisrrMg improjwr 07 nnnppy, re tlitruiiuiy ana penna nutty cured. SYPHIjLIS Pltlvely cT4 tud o tlrely radlcaUa from tiw lystem. GoilOTX1iet GLEET, Strictm, OrchitU, Heraift. ',C fvtu.- cue j ower pnTAu ewi qmcmy rnrea tvistcii-ttvidtntioat a pnysicians who pay iatXnu iwnn ft ortaiftclwa of diMtues, and treatinc thonandt annu OT.itrnuirtitrreatakilL Fhrtlciant knowlnr ihi rat-tullr iKoiomend person to hit car. When H U inconvflnlent'. vUlt the city for treatment, medirincs can t lent privately ad utfely by mall or expruu anywhere. Cnres Gnarautd in all Casow andertaben. Consultations personally or ly Jettr e and fnrltrt. Chargei reaaonabll and corrwpoiidnc strictly coutidanliai. PRIVATE COUNSSTOR Of ?0ft piffs, Mnt to anyadliii, uourtly em Af tor ttilru l- t'j enuit. Mmuld tie real hy aiU Aihlrcsa an ahova "nice 1 n f'nm 8 A. M.. to 4 P. M. Sundavt. a to 4 l M J. B. BROWJN, Barber and Hair Dresser, With twentv-ftve vears exnerience. and lh Neatest and Best Furnished Saloon iu tho city, will give as Kood a shave as can be had anywhere for TEN CKNTS. New shop, new. furniture, and satisfaction guaranteed. Hot and told tialhs can be had at all hours. Middle street, next to L. 11. Cutler. -: lnarlSdlv SUBSCRIBE TO THE New Berne Journal, Published Daily and Weekly at The Weeliiy Journal ROBERTS & HENDERSON; General Insurance Agents, TVew Berne, IV. J. ' j Only first class Companies represent eu in Firo. Life and Accident Insurance. ; '. Total Capital over Forty Millions or Dollars. Jun24llv Is a TBJRTY-SIX COLUMN NEWSPAPER, and Las now entered opon its SEVENTH VOLUME. , 1 Sabscriptiou price per annum, v - six months, - 00 00 The Daily Journal Has entered vrpon its FOUR COLUMNS. THIRD'. VOLUME, and contains TWENTY- Sui)seripfci6n price, per annum, u u. six months, 10 00 3 00 tii mime wus bid off by for 1 ue Kinnof 7,loo. and that I 1- miKio iii-lore 11 ih Honor J. L. ul wild courts at tne court o. in 1m 1 ombe countv, ou jclolicr, l it, to have said sale of July, 1884. ATHtfNiA. Lodge, No. Lai) or Claims a Specialty. Residence near Mre. Davenport boarding bouse, near rive roipts. 8, Kniqhts of Office hour a.m. to 9 p.m. 'marBdly ivesi Pythias, meets on the 2d and 4th Tu6s- f Prit and receive free, a costly box day nights in each month. . , . " ' " 11 "of goods which will help all, Atdpsqmpuf. No 18 ii now- due and of either sex, te more moneyrlght away than AWessment rto. 1-a is novr aue, anu Rnythil)l?el8eIn thisworld. Fortunes await mil' t be paid on or peiore the 3Ji,n day tiieworkersabHoliitelysure, Atoncea-i"'. a ( f Ju'y, '." t. - . , ... TRUE 4 CO., Augusta, Maine, tuarajuly. 1 The JOURNAL is published in the center of a large Trucking Dis: tiict, and haaaa ejctciisive circulation in all tho adjoining counties. ' NEW BERNE, N. C. W. II. DEWEY THE PRACTICAL TONSORIAL ARTIST,.1 Personally in attendance at hlsHalrdressing f. and Btiaving Saloon at the tiastou House, with the best workmen. . Satisfact ion is assured to those who patron- ' ize him. (I . Wm. Pell Ballance & Co. WHOLESALE DEALERS IX . Vf ; Groceries, Cigars, SnufL; Tobaooo, . Fine Confectioneries, &c, &c,'. SOUTlt FRONT STREET, ) mayl2 NKWBERJf, IV. N. ; ,. ASA JOiNES, Middle Street, Newbern, N. u., Staple and Fancv Drv Goods ' unnTs siTnp rf itTinvn vu .. Aaentfor the DIAMOND RHTRT nla.tr. dried 11.00, Laundried tl.25, ' And the celebrated Warner's Uorallua Cort, ? ' ' ' Price tl.OO. . , . A full line of Gents, Ladles' and CtiildVeii'it " Underwear, Gents' Linen, Celluloid and Pane' , wumsnniiiimfl.,!)!! ana jjinea iifiniiKe y 1 chiefs, all kinds of Gents', Ladies' and Chll- ! dren'sHand and Machine Made Shoes, Knb ber Coats, Hats and Shoes, Ladles' Cloaks and ' Jackets, and everything usually kept in a Ursr- r class Dry Goods Store. " ! - ASA JONES, ' martdwly Middle St., on. Baptist Church

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