t::n Transpcrtaticn Co'y Knr bms. n. O. bet is, 1884. FALL 8CHEDTJLE OK THE BTEAMEK ELM CITY 1 - g i into effect on nd after October 15, 1881 : ." "'ftVS ' " 1 f ave New Bern for Lske Landing 4 SJn. k lopping at Adams Creek. Taf-silays ' 1 1 'K Lva lAke Lauding tor New Bern 8 a.m. mopping at Adam Creek, Wednesdays ' ''",' Leave New Berne 8 a.m. tor Bayboro, uppln at Adams Creek, Vandemere and Stonewall. , ThnredaysA- . ' . Leave Bayboro 10 a.m. for New Berne, topping at Stonewall, Vandemere and Adanis Creek. t'rldays-. " ' Leave Kew Berne 4 am., arrive at Make lvavllle U m., leave liakelyeville 1 p.m. fur Leachvtlle, making close connection at Makelytvllle with boat running to Washington, N.C ; . Saturday Leave Leach vtlle a m. for Makelvsvillo, leave Makelytvllle p.m. for New Berne By tbl arrangement we are able to make close connection with the Northern steam ers, also having good accommodation both fur rmstiengert and freight at very low rate, Htk that the merchanta and producer along line to give It their eheerful support, i L tjinht received under cover every day of too wok ror farther Information enquire at the of Ooe, Foot of Craven street. . ' . . K. K. PIERCE, Agt. New Berne,KO , Or any of it Agents at the following places: v ABB LKE, Adam Creek. 1. M. WATSON, Lake Landing. D. H. ABBOTT, Vandemere, O. 1L KOWLER, Stonewall, 8. H. FOWLER, Bayboro, M. MAKELY, Makelysvllle. 8. H. GRAT. lanJldAwly ' General Manager. , THE 1TEUSE & TKMT RIVER V; Steamboat Company Will run the following Schedule on and after Friday, Augost HBO, 1WI : r Steamer Trent Will leave Sew Borne f,r Polloksville, Tren uni and lutermedlaie landlues every Wed nesday and Friday, returning on Thursday ana uataraay. , Steamer Einston Will leave Newbern for Kington every TUES DAY and FRIDAY; returning leaves Kln ttton for Newbern every MONDAY aud THURSDAY: touching at Jolly Old Field and all intermediate points now going ana cam in . ; These steamers make close connection with the 0. 1. 8. a Co. and North Carolina Freight Line Forfurtneriniormauonappiy to .':.-, W. K. 8TYR0N, Ja., at Newbern. W. F. Stasly, Klnston. D. 8. Barrub, Polloksville. '- : I. T. WILSON, Agent at Trenton. J. P. Qumhrly, Jolly Old Field. - J, B. Banks, Quaker Bridge. J. IS, WHITE, Gen'l Manager, feb7dw Klnston.N.0 OLD OOMIIVIOIV Steamship Company, SEMI-WEEKLY LINE Foe New Yoxk, Baltimore, Nor folk, Boston, Elizabeth City, Philadelphia, Providence, - and other Cities. ON AND AFTER Monday July 2nd,' 1883, UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE " Steamer Shenandoah Will leaf, aptia a.iival of train on Norfolk Soiiwern KuuMa st cuzabetn uity, every !0 MONDAY A.WD THTJRSDAY " f ir Nw Bsrne. Rflturntux leaesNew Berne lor bllssbetn Ulty every , :r .TUESDAY AND FRIDAY al 1 p. ra., raftltini close connectiftn with Nor folk: Southern E. B. for Northern cities. (4oB coanection mads st New Heme with tiner tor Kineton, Po)loksille, "Trenton and all landlnirs on the Neuse and Trent Rtrers. flo freights received for shipment en T uosdays sod Fridays sfter S4 P m. FreiRht forwarded promptly and lowest rates fiaranteed to destlnittion. Fare to Elizabeth ( :ity and return. 4. - To Norfolk, $5. To Hai ti more, $8, To New York, 13.S0. . E. tt. UOBBRTSt Ag't, New Beme, Oci.pprsit t Tcbhib,. ' . ;":::'-"t,y.i Ag'ts, Norfolk, T. A W. H:. S$ f AiirouD, Oen'l Irt Ag't, . . . , New York City. Changs of Pier in Hew York. Tho;Ni C. Freight Line FOR NEW YORK, E0ST0N,;PRqvrDEN0EK i , ;i and all points ' - ; TSariAk and "West ' r this date wilt reeeire freight la New Yoik ' - ' , lor Hew Berne at PIBB 7, NORTH KIVEIf , a of Hew York and Baltimore ; Transportation Co. 'xrchsnts should remember that this Is one at i..mt Steam Lines eat ol Kew York, making v connection with Baltimore for Kew Berne; .aside, and snlj one change, C 2HIWEEKLY ST E A M E B S ' Kow Ionia and BaltiiorB, (Toncbtng at Korfolk) ' .l Kew Berne for Baltimore TUESDAYS j jjAYS at 1 p m. JUeare Baltimore ioj v s eras WEDNESDAYS dnd SATURDAYS rt. p. m. .. ' -:--:r .liU are as lollsvs: , ' , ' , r FOSTHl, Gen! Jfanajor, ' : i " SO Light St., Bal't. Md. 5. W. MoCAEBiCK, Ag't Norfolk, Va. J " . r. Clyde Co.. 'Philadelphia, It South rTM ' .... ' .. ' '- ' -rk 4 Balto. Tranr. Line.Pier T.Worin rlTer mnm, Boston, 8 uentraiwnan. , . t K kwell, Proridence R. I. ' mk. Fall RWer, Derrick wharf. - , ,Y(.Boton, Tneedajs and Starlays. " Nw York dsilT. i " " Baltimore, Wednesdays nd8stnrtys " tail Kiver, monaji, weanesuays. " rrovi'lence. Satnrdars. r i iniic liuiing given, and rates gowan r inte at the different offices of th NORFOLK & BEAUFOET , STEAJISIIIP LINE. -. . i . - Semi-XTWkly Inside Service. The Font-Sailing and Commodious Bound bu-atner -iv o n ay; o o i." 'Captadi JOHN .WALKER, Runatug Semi-Weekly fcetvrectt - MOKEEEiD ; IM ELIZABETH CITIES, Tonchlcg both way all the available inter, mediate point of core bound, Portsmouth, and the southern shore of ily tie county Wy locking Bajr, tar .Creek, ate ... - Throaah suranxements with all Railroad and Steamship lines. North. Ji-tt and West, and through bill of lading Issued from points of shipment. . Kates a low as by any line, and time guar anteed. - SAILINM PAYS, . Leaco Morckcad City Tuewdsiya and Friday atKlXi.m. v Leave E'lTabrth City Sumiay and l'hursday night at TKN o'clock. Connections for PinwenROr am? Perishable Freight wiih Atlantlo.atKl N- lia Carolina, and Norfol Southern Railroads, UUARAN TKtD. . Kxpres Service ou tbe line. For further information apply to . ;- v I. U. DAVIS, Puraer, on Board, " J. W. MdKKIS, Geu. Freight A't., ' WM. A. H K A KNE, Morehon.d Cil", N. C. . Oenei-el Agent, Seaufort, N. C, Or the Locnl Asent of the line. oc0-dw THE HICAGO COTTAGE ORG AM las attained a standard of excellence uhkli JniiUof no superior. . Tt contains every Improvement that inventive .-'.'uius, akill and money can produce These excellent Organs are- celebrated fnr volume, quality of tone, quiok response, A-ariciy cf combination, artistic desipn, beauty in finish, perfect construction, making them tlio ranst attractive, ornamental and rterireble orpans ior homes, schools, churches, lodges, societies, lie ESTABLISHED KEPCTATiOX, UNEQUALLED FACILITIES. SKILLED WORKS EX, BEST MATEKIAL, COMBINED, BAKB THIS THE POPULAR ORGAH Instruction Books & Piano Stools "Catalogues & Price Lists, on application, fekb. ?W Chicago Collage Organ Co. Corner Randolph and Ann Street CHICAGO, i' l. ,: USllU Km CAROLINA M1HB LB WORKS JTEW-BEEXE, K. C. MONUMENTS, TOMBS, : And all kinds Grave and Building work In ITALSAK&Af.lERICAH GARBLE Orders will receive prompt attentioti ana satietaction gnaranteea JOE K. WILLIS, Proprietor (BocoessortoGeerKe W.Claypoole) Cor. BROAD A I) CRAVEN Sts ., , NEW BERNE, V. C J E. MilLke is my authorized agent Einston. . naaoO-ivdw THE HE1IDE3 SON HOUSE, Now under the management of THORNTON HHOS., is prepared to lumibU Uoard and Lodging at reasonable rates. MVEBY STABLES. Horses and buggies constantly en band for transporting passengers to any neighboring wwn. . '. THORNTON BROS., , Henderson n,onse, Middle street, JyiBdwly . , New Berne, N. 0. VVantsd, KEROSENE OIL BULS. at Elghty-flv cents. COTTON SEED and SEEU CO'lTON at the highest market price. , - I wiU contract to gin cotton as cheap as the okeapesL , - . .. -. '. - ' sep3 dtf - ; A. K. DENSISON. NORTH CAROLINA. . ' - Jones Coucty. i Bnperior Conrt, Joseph B. Banks, Adm'r of Owen Harrison ana u. w. iiarnson, i. u. uanKs, r.. v. Aier- . rut ana ner nusDna James Memtt, ; .', . .Against . i ; .. "i C. M. Harrison. 4 - To C M. Harrison, Deiendant: -j-.j ' The obiect of the above entitled action against you is to sell eertain lands of Owen Harrison, late of Jones county, to make as sets to nuy his debts, and the plaintiff Joseph B. Banks asks for dower oat of the proceeds of said lands. Yen are therefore notified to appear before Thomas J. Whitakei, Clerk of ine superior (jounoi jones county, at nis of fice in Trenton. on the 20th day ol November J88t, and answer or demur to the complaint which will be on file in said office, and in de fault thereof the plain tills will apply to the court loruiereneiaemanaea. .... Given under my hand and seal this the 16ln aay i sepiemoer, ikm.- . . .. i . Tone li wmTiiriro 2S afiw j-j i . ; i . j. , v i ;U , ja a a r;-vnf 0LG1R 1 r". v"T . 4"" NWIA "ait, jiu.A,&ir i Ww ; WHOLESALE GROCERS THE JOURNAL. KEW BERNE. H.C'OCT. 16, 1884. ' X Temperance Prince. There was once alittle prince who taught hi8 ;gtandfathov the old lesson, temperance. , The little fellow s name was Cyras, and when he be came a man he did so many great! and noble deeda that be was called Cjrns the Great.' King of Persia, lie had been brought np to a very si ri) pie mode of life, . foregoing all! the laxuries and ease that we nata uujr eujpuse u juuug piiucu euuuui be entitled to, so that: he might be- - 1. I i. , iL 1 . ! 1 it l.i. w u. i:r.. r. I tuiu ucijj iu uiia.u' vp tug nia vi .it (TPftftf AAllllAI. . .". Is"' 1 ' . Bab when he was thirteen years old his mother took hint to Media to ftoir fhA rlA IsTin rm lno MMAnrir.iftiA and here he, saw alt the pride and mxnry ana magnificent that reigned suprerae at the coqrtj ipr Astyaged loved pomp .aud.. costly Bhow, and! ixcu nijaiei. ; iut :Lue cuing tuac niAQr -acrnnictrfli Trtnr rr" I rmio nac3 I the . intemnerance. Htf.hfld been taught to be strictly'tempcrate, and it surpi ised,aid mprtifted him to se . the noblo lords, and Teveu thBtltinffJ himself, become foolishly. ! drunk at the great feasts. ,j 7J. V, .ft - V Uue day Cyrus, in piss liigb; mn- uniug ..jura,; anuwim acs h9 EZ, Iv'rT tnOHA (lavs. Tftrl fcrinip thr tirttr ilIj ' v ZZlIlJT?- ed to hiia'hiawino.-bufcfbefore the king drank of it, the enp-bearer al- ways tastea it to maKe - sure st was u.u iiuuuiiou. Little (Jvrna-nresRTitra 1!iHnn to the Kincr with-inue.li easnrMtfl 0-rswift. and the eM mmiflrpn-wdHSiU. P . . " -r- r r ghted: but as he took the eu hof Said ! , i ''But my boy, you forgot one tumg. xou lorgoc to taste tuoi ., . , . , t -,, , I "Not at all," said Cvrus. "It was not through iprgetfulness that omitreu inai pare pi tne ceremo- ny, "Why then!',' , ; ... ,A ".Because 1 was afraid there was poison in the Honor." replied the oy. "Poison, child I" cried thor.old Kincr., "Poison, and vat vori pavdi it to me! Why what do yon i mean!" l! ' t-V 1 1 "Yes, grandfather," answered n- urri. 5 uv yjiuo. v aucic in iiuisuu vuugu.iji it. fnr at aTAflst. Xtrlipn f tin Inrrla nf thfl conrt. and thft ffnnsts. drink . n. litf.lft nf r.haf. linnnr thai h'eaAt oflr. turned and they act like fools. Yonr ftfends hooted and sang and made 8trange noises, and you yourself could scarcely stand npori your lOU ' - "vvny." ,Baiai .iue Jiing,- "nave (mn .. - . . . i tit you never seen your father do the same phing T" : ; i - .v. vever, cried uyrus. ;- a T rViiT- w . i drinks!" asked the Kin t?; M be ''When he drinks.'' answered Cvrus. "his thirst is nnenr.hert with water.0 JTAlMco-:r I - - v m '. , ,, ,s. "Why go about with that aohintf head?! Try Ayer's Pillsr They wilj rfilieve.the1 Btomacn, restore the digestive organs to healthy action, remove the obstruction!? that depress nerves and brain, and thus cure your headache permanently. . ; f i rhhn WAR! Witt! ffAE The greatest political war Vrhans the last century is now about to Open, and that every Cleveland or Blaine man may take an active part In this great political fight, ft is of great importance that he should commence at once to lay, in his supplies of Groceries and .Dry' Goods at the Great Cheap Cash Store of HUMPHREY & HOWARD'S, that he may give the necessary time to achieve the greatest victory ever trained in these United States. The war has actually begun from the Presidential Chair down w mo iwweHicouniy omces, ; Dome may peace until every man, shoulders .his pocket-book and goes down to the Great uneap-uasn store or HUMPHREY & HOWARD'S, and buys a supply of. Drj Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoesetc. ooia at ine lowest living prices NEW STORE ! NEW;FIRM! ; : . . . '.HEW.GOODSI ine nnaersignea nave just returnej worn SLeda FTTf.f. I.iVP! ftff 'nnnrtQ Consisting of Dry, Goods, Groceries, Boots Shoes,1 Hats aud Caps, No tiona, "Wood And Willow ware, Cigars, Tobac- - , ...... co, Etc., Etc., j ',,; Wined & Liquors ot ,tlie Pureat CO, Etc., Etc., Which we propose to sell CHEAP tor CAfeff :nri.i.J....ii .... .... . ' . . tomers call and examine before pnrclijislng Fresh Goods received by every Bteamer t TAYLOR & SMITH; - j ,i - I Mladle Street. One Door nbdve i lco ITouse. j. - 't sep20 dSm wit GC Bmm im ... , ... . . V .-l. .- . -: Ig gelling a Cheap Goods . - -''. - as WM.oypjf; brought to this V - , ivlttf acti Calico at 4o, former prico Cc. nomeui 4 p T- t " f" - . .' i i 1 r k i ' i i ' i . f , heavy, Ponstio 5c., : reducodi lum 00 Good Dress Goods at 5cM was 10c Splendid VVorsted Dress Goods at 15c., was zUc egant Worsted Plaids for dresses " l- BCl " " , See our Black Goods.. Wo have a tremendous stock bonjrht'wav down. We ar3 solliug thorn very low, Only think, of it; good .black' worsted, dress fgoods for loc t . . . . a,mprt wnrtl fa. wide, for 48c.; G, yds. make a . ' 7 dress. Fine all wool 14 in. Black Ottoman Cloth, tot Jfo., Tonnor price 90c. if you want a ul dress sco us and Mroo won'tYCe-rct it i ., . - Ana then sneii .lovely colored WW mans, etc., way uown in price. ,j dst "i-Wr-- TUPtt tne I,S1, yww a5 uc- K ATI wool (1."is1imf!rf. 40 in. wldo.' all colore Mt70o.. former trice was 85o. -. - r n . . A nice Cashmere m all coloi s at 35o ,CF P0"0- "1; '.:See but Children's II oso in solid colors ana lancy stripes, lull, regular made, low down m ptice, only BDc. lor oil colors, former ; price was GOo. t.j:. ".ii prices wertj uw( We have a lovely Jialbriffan Hose in light . and heavy weight at only 25o. ,SWAnn';nti r,oienB.i 'atn nnr, ts1a TTn. in r,rn f .. ry.. . J &--V " Miaerent shades. : ' ' " '" ' - peaumui coiorea uoruurew Hapdkerohief for fo., and an all linen colored bordered Handkerchief at 10c, wgular prico was" 25c - Then look at our Jeraeva. all wool. bnljr $1.25, good as formerly sold for DO Aft We hare Satins at 50c. ; .Bilks at 50c. and 60o. ( Splendid Sarah and Ottoman Silks', brocaded, etc. vf , i . , v - v We can show you the loveliest Bat ton "yotf ever saw way down in price Bird," Jet," Crochet, and a thousand amereni Kinag at way aown pices, ! "We sell as pood a Button for 10c. as we formerly sold for 25c. ;, i ',r- - 4 ( i A cood 8-hutton Kid for 25c. a bet ter 4-button Kid for 50., and the best Kid fever soldiri New. Berne.' for One fjdllar. .Eormer 'price was $1 50 per i Picture Frames ki d Shopping Bags waydown ;-,;: ::;'. ;'coxiSET8. ' Madame Foy'tf Side Laced, ' ; Thompson's Glove Fitting- r , ' Tampsc6 Boneloss " ifrencn woven, ..; - -t Abdominal. t"; - - - i splendid stock of Gents aud Bpy! j UMBtmeres. . LadidB' Sapking, " jf,T2 1 1 i f lOl6akinL . . : - ; -V.ver Olotli fii. v i . - 1 . ; . .f,. , VtC t dioop BKirra irom ioc, to tw. . . Hoop Shoe Polish. Ilamlurgf are very low. , BLANKETS We can sell a fine lli-4.all..wool for A7.00. was 111.00 : a good 10-4 for 5.00 : and anice pair CLOAKS. AVflRoll aJilfl Rlfto.k Dolman. An- v. l.. t,:mmaA u. .oft no - a. 8 no i&M 'A '.grand heavy braided Jersey Jacket for ifcb.00 (price last fall for similar style was $11.00) and s cood (school Jacket for Sl.zo, 1 A 1 Tl A TT T7 R , - XJl.. XV.liXl ii l JGWrBICBNE; K.'C. ' , v.Jiiw VTnpflrt r : - I P!i n T. nn j l.liSw) U ws.i.swty I 0 sill Notice" Ulierebv1 Civerf to ail those that snf'- fered by the last lire on Middle street and the Market dock, that I iuuy eympainme with Uieta and wikM them better luck next 1 1 wine, in ine lime tney wiii ue rM;uuBirui;c- lliev can flod rnoil n-ra, Tl.-, r for TIIK GOLD wEA IS And Straw Ilata and Summer Suits niut be laid br, but before DOKQ SO call on us and get your WINTER OUTFIT. r.. ... ,-v- . - Being the ONLY EXCLUSIVE GENT5' FURNISHISQ STORE IN THE CITY, do not buy beforo you have given us a cull. ' .... . ,: ... . We have a Full Line ofSeasonabie Goods. Our Stock of Gothing is now nearly complete. Nobby S3cks and Cutaways, Suits of Diagonal, Cafisimerea and" Corkecrews. . . . . . . . .. ,,. . . ., Our line of Overcoats is the best we have ever had. . :. . ' - ' Boya. Youtlm and Children's Suite from $3.50 up. Boy's Overcoats at $3.60. Full line of Undorwear. Agents for the Celebrated Pearl Bhirt. . ' We sell a good White Shirt, Linen Bosom and Cuff Bands, at 63o. ; ' Stacy, Adams & Co.'s Shoes, acknowledcred bv all to be tha Best Shoe aoM in . this market. We have the exclusive sale Co.'s Shoe is the "Bobs." . ; Our Hat Stock h very complete, comprising ten different styles in stiff goods, New Ties and Scarfs. Gloves. Hosiery. HandkerchipfR. Susrandflra. Scarf Pinn. Collar and Cuff Buttons, at popular Prices. carpets, ua uiotbs, Kugs, Trunks and Valises.' - 1 v 1 : . . 't ' We havo samples of Stair Carpets in great variety. ' ',:. Rubber Coats, Boots and-Shoes, etc., etc.- " - - " IS For SaSs . SEVENTY-JIVE THOUSAND BRICK at EIGOT DOLI.AHS per thousand. . Tlio tibov brick r made by CUtTord Biuip son. A xiiniple e:iii ! wn at uiy Htore. Apply to '. K. r OY CO . Brick ItlocH, Middle street, soplOdtt : ' ' ' Newborn, . C.. Damaged Goods at ilAGE'S ;: -. '.v.'. AT. ; ;" 50 VIM CENT. msLovr tosr, Rucli as Hardware, Ship Chandlery, Pruirs, Etc., two doors below .old stand, Mattel Wharf. " . - AlH(v we are oponlnga Lnige Ptocli of n jv uuuus in me auovo mm, wiuin win Iw sold at the bowestrtlces. seJOW E N T ?u A L II 0 T EL BAR 33ILLIAIJD ROOM. 12VKilYMtIXG FIKST "CLASS. Cnpt. S.VM B. WATKUS, Parou'r. ' Hear Entrance from the Hotel, : scSdty Middle 8t Kew Beme. N, C. GOLD SFRINSS FARH!: I oil. r for sale the above valuable property coositiuK yf tno Thousiind Two Hundred anv Hixly Five Acres, Kour Hundred under cultlvtitloii, bahmco. iu Umber, lying; in Craven county, four miles below Newbern by railroad. It la admirably situated between the A. & y. C. Kallroad (half mile from it) aud a deep navigable ereek. . Address , ' t J. J. WOLKENHEN Jy2fldwtf . . , ;i v s Newbern, N.O. Gcttoi Brcker and Ccnimssion Merchant. t Consignments of Cotton find Grain so licited. - ".-'-j""' - .-,.:.; V Tlis lliphcst. Prices Ciuanmieed. 1 ' ' BiR5Nis;K."c.,;-;';-, i Your attention is called ta the i1fi:iY iVfTRAGTIOIIS I offer this season, the ; IiAEBiST -Ever Snown 'S ?NewMe, - . ConsiBting in leading articles, 'f .' : BEAUTIFUL SOLID GOLD WATCjIES : CIIAIXS, CHARMS, Z.ACE PISS,; NECK CHAINS, LDCmUHB PENBEHTS, PIAIN AND FANCY. y: Bangle and Chain Bracelets, ' R11TGS W SVEXT VAEIETT." Fine Perisoopic Spectacles and Eye Glasses in Rubber, Steel, Celluloid, Sil ver and Gold Frames. . A new method of fitting the eyes correctly. v Call and examino stock; no trouble showgoods. ,- ii--- ; .',;. -'. . - , ' IteBpectfully, 1 - - 1 r , . . " B. A. BELL, Jeweler, Middle st., New Berne, N. C. .-N. B.- I will give Fifty ($50.00) Dol lars for any article ever 6old by me for Gold or Silver that was not. . ;,octlldlT . . U. A, Bell., , IrnTKTT ft CO., of t.h PTvrmo AMrT1TPN of them. - Our 3.00 Stacy, Adams ft i 'V . ;.. ..-.,?:,". . i HOWARD & J0.1ES, 0pp. EPISCOPAL GHDBOBlv: . TOLLOCK STREET, KW.: V. CJ. ,f;cis d&wtf . - - lySVW-! V CHANGE OF SChhOiiLE. ' TL "7. "ii ii iWfi t r- ..." k.t, I i i .. .-J.J... if: .tlautic & N. C. Railroad TIME TABLE No. 8 fjn EiTect 12:00 M.. Sunday;- Sept. 2i, " .1884. V .;- ' - r' :' - KAST. WBST. '; N. ss . 'Ezpres, Pass: & Hal -. Arr, !' Exprefs Pnss.iMal) in-. - I."ve. STATION? r. m. 0 25 8 58 8 411 10 SU P. M A. M. II 27! A.H. ic w i 20 8 03 ' Ha . 6 50! 6 3H Ooldrboro, ....., I T -. fm II) 50 T IH;Kineton,.K..m. H B'J New Brne .. iiiloreli.nd !ot,... r m. . - , ... 10 1(1 8 10 P. . A . If .' EAST I WEST. ' N6.S Mlxod Vict. 4 Pas. Train. No. Mix Fit, Pua..Tis'i,.v : STATIOAV Arr. ' L've. Arr. - Ai't A. 11. 6 40 7 20 7 65 8 m 9 03 '9 24 9 55 10 2,'i 10 51 dold..boro..... Beet's La Grange, Fi i mg uw Kinstun,.MH.M,. CaswellM.. n,.iM.. r. . i i ai 8 49 ' a 04 5 86 4 51 .'4 8 .4 8 86 r. . 8 66 8 29. 5 0 6 ir I 85 4 1.1 v 8 40 : 8 1 '' 2 55 926 P.M.' v f 10 7 4fJ 8 11 , 8 48 9 21 44 10 2S in 49 11 08 11 87 Dover., (lore Creek Tntctrora Olsrke's Hewbern.-i 8 07 2 65 11 05 I k. U, I A. M P.K, EAST. WEST. - No. 6. . .' i , . .,, . . No,. Mixed F(tt.i ' : ' - ' ,. f Mixed Fgt. a Past. Train. STATIONS. 1 Pass. Train. - . "' . ' v'K Arr. '",' "it'.T i 6 5'i 00: : SHf 7 15; 7 Hi 8 IS 8 a- A. M. ,. ; j , , L've: ; ? , : Arr, IVra. ' isMsyets sJsns, . A.M. i I P. M.I P. M 5 10- Newborn...,,. J K" 6 01- RiverdAle......M....! 12 84! 12 .. 6 14 CroatAn 12 21 Ml 24 ' 6 48- Il!velock..........i 11 52; , 11 67 7 29- Newport...;. ...... 1 1110- 1120 7 45- WiUIwood. m.J 10 68! 1 68 8 18 Morehead Otty...i 10 20 i IV I Morehead Depot.-: . i 10 00 A.M. ! . . : A.M.! a.m. Tmin 48 connects with Wl'Jn;tngtoi ft Wei. dou Tralu bound North, lt-aving Oolilsboro 11:50 a. m., and with PJchiuoml A Danville " Train West, leaving GoWsbcro 11:55 a m and Wilmington t Weldon Train Mouth at5:H7p.rn. Train I connects with W. & W. Train bo und South, leaving ttoldsboro 7a2 p.jn, , - Train 47 eonuects with Hlchmona ft TJsnrlU i rain, arriving at uoiatbcro 5N r.u .endwlln Wilmington and -j WeHon-- Triiln Iron) tbe North at 6:37 p.m. - . . ' :- . " Trains fi a.tt, Mondajit, Wtduwtduys snd Fridays. ..... - - Trains 47, 48, 8 ft 4, daily except Kunday.' ' " Train .47 rapper at Klnt. v .- . ' ,. . j ; ' ," v X V7, Dunn, ' Superintendent. - midland N; - C. Railway. . , TIME TABLE Xo 8,7. . In effect Sunday, Septemer SI, 1884.. ' WEST. EAST. No.l. Mixed Train. No.! Mixed Train jArr. I've. STATIONS.1 Arr. L've. r. m. I A M. AX. 688 6 17 5 08 4 CO 4 80 8 00 -Ooldiboro... 8 24 ;Oorelands 'V DM ! S81 8 88 ! i 40 -Princeton...... 8 47 i 8 47 Holt's Mill.... 9 05 j 8 07 -PlneLeTel..... 25 ! ;8mthfleld.MM.. ! a ir 1: 6 08 4 48 : . 1&. DAXbX EXCEPT BUN DAT. - Train 2 connects with WilminBton A wi. don Train leaving Goldsboro, going North ii;uu n. m,, uuu wiiu xuuumona a Danville Train going West, leaving Goldnboro 11-55 a. m.. and with A. ft N. 0. Train, eoint East. ' leaving Goldsboro 6:40 a.m. . " - Trai n 1 con nects with W A W Train from th e North arriving Goldsboro 6:87 p. m , and with BAD Train from the West, arriving Golds boro 6:40 p. ra.. and with A ft N O Train from the East arriving Goldsboro 11:27 a.m. aud TM p.m. : ." -. ... ,.,,.), - , . . W. Dnnn, '.Superintendent.' WARKANTE U. , Hancock's Chill Pilbr , TO CURE ' - Any Kind of Chills "nr Fever. For sale by all Druggists at 50 cents per box. THY THEM. ' - TILTOS'3 GCID HSDiL CUITi"t, Eajiics' ' Excelsior Ancrlcaa L2 ' tODSON'S PATENT SILVER BELL Z"'.Z 1J A '' ' CV.n bo o-'.-.l-..l c; c-.ir A 2cats r hoi-(i M ul'v, 1 ine orm In-.H-uir .-.- 1 1V' J ISO, fc.Ml (" .. .. V V., t ii it .""a receive Tree, s enwt 'y l.f I or 1 - n l; (u AND Off'' COMMir"I01T IIEHCIJAETS, Pfnd six cents for posting

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