AVFR'Q - ! ,.- faal i. V Ague Cure . contains an Antidote for all malarial dls (. orders which, to far ai known, U need in no other remedy. Jt contains no Quinine, nor any mineral nor deleterious substance what- . rer,and consequently produces no injurious v effect upon the constitution, but leaves the system as health y as it was before tin attack. WE WABBABT AYEE'S AGUE CUKE to eure every ease of Fever and Ague, Inter mittent or Chill Fever, Remittent Fever, . Dumb Ague, Bilious Fever, and Liver Com ' plaint caused by malaria. In case of failute, after due trial, dealers are authorized, by our , circular dated July 1st, 1852, to refund the "tuoney. DrJ.C.Ayer&Co.,LoYvell,Mass. " Sold by all Druggists. W. VYiVO-AJj, , . - ' ' - , iiiicc9Mir Ut K H. Wludley,) DISTILLERS' AGENT FOR rare Xtye B.na Ooril WniSKy I-, ' AT V UOLESAj v 15 WIIiEb A 111) Oluiilia AT QBE AT ARIE1Y, Oinger Ale, Pale Ale, Beer AND PORTER. - BERGNER & EKTGEL BEER, CIDER, . PUP.E FRENCH BRANDY. H. W. WAIIAB. . South Front St. New Berne, JT. 0. sepZMdwiy. , n i A in pa n I itiin rn I UniV UDiV a3:iDU. . Thfi HBlP?yir IlrOTin "w w. Ifvou are Interested in rnnsio and want to You can get a beautiful wALKiiT cask HAND CARVED, rlchlv trimmed and sawed Fret work. While the combination of musio is unsurpassed Four (i) full gets of which work so easy that a child can play This Organ will be packed in a tight box, Stool and Book lnoluded, and delivered on cars here free of charge for only 84T.50. Kemember the regular price of this Organ is J7i)f but lnoraer u introauce mem i nave ae. elded to offer a limited number for S4T.50. OKDBR AT ONCE. NOTHING SAVED BY DELAY. Address, II. W. ALLEGER, WashinKton New Jewey Reference First National Bank, augldwiim GEE AT REDUCTION! Totho Public and O.d Customers : I Owing to the dull, nm of times and li f 'have' 0i)'me" to LI1U irutUIIU pilUOB Known lur imno- siyies of ! itoSt! and Shoes of the latest styles made to fit. and a sure guarantee . 1 also call the attention of the public to neat repairing done at siiort notice and at reduced . rate . Call and see me. , E.-HAVHNS, Middle street, tlilrd door bciow Central Hotel. New Berne, N. C. May 29, 18i. dam Btatb of North Cabouha, 1 Craven County, J ; ... Superior Court Craven Comity T, A..Oreun and others " vs. . Ellsa W. Bissell and others, 1 To Eliza W. Bissell and U. W. McLean : Take notice tbat pursuant to the Judgment rendered in the above named Action, the : propert y described in the complaint was of - ' lerea lor suie at mo uuum iiuubq m Bm 4 . muntv on the 1st day of September. 1884. ; when and where the same was bid off by James A. Bryan Wr the sum of 87,100. and that a mnt.inn will he made before His Honor J. L. ' (judirer, Judge of said court, at tne court m, to have said sale " , . . i r - the day of Uotobtjr, oqnnrmed ii. .. ... MANLY. epl2d wtit ' ;- Atto.ey for Plaintiffs.' HSBk S. , IIFlfiKa' DflfiKa wmti--'- Kor sale in any quantity at pfices to suit the tiroes. : ' 1. : ' Brlok have been examinea Dy gooa masons and pronounoed flrst-ciaas. Samples can re seuuaii mj siuro. uium. solicited, luuedtwtf K R. JONES. F.-G..-SIMMONS, COTTON BB.0KER and COlIMISSIOlf MERCHANT h , NEWBERN, N. C. , Prompt attention given to cbnsign. mnts. and the HIGHEST M AKKET PRICES obtained. , , ; : -i "jnr Patronage solicited. . scp2dw2m 1 C3LD SFnillQS ' FOll SALE, I o.Tor for sale the abpye ya-lnWp property ( .i "tig pj One Tioniiand To Hnndrecl t;itty Fly AereaFour Hundred nnder ativn c.n , balance" In timber, lying In t'raven county, four 'miles below Newbern by raUioad. It Is admirably situated between t'iH A. & N. C. r ilroad (half mile from it) r . " i ('(irp creelc. ;' ' ' 1 THE JOURNAL. NEW B SUITE, N. C OCT. 17. 1884. Onr Railroads. ' We often read in the newspapers that the men who have organized and conducted the railroad enter prises of the united States are grasping and soulless monopolists. No doubt, many of them are con trolled by-, seliisu ambition, and have been unscrupulous" in their methods. , Yet intheif very misconduct thev could not help benefiting the public. Think what wonders they have done during, the last forty years! Think what would be to-day the condition of the country if we had had no rail road monopolists! T. 1 oo . : I .1, r hundred million tons of merchandise -1 -.11 i WUllU IIVCUIJI-UIB UUlliUS a loll; Ufin rhnnsnnrl millinna nf 1illn.rn But the railroads did something more tnan merely carry this incon- I nnt xrr Vvl n rt r- Ann At nn a-k t.n- caused a very large part of it to be produced. The railroads mar be truly said to have created the bnsi ness that yielded this stupendous sum-total ot value. Tt Wiinld hn of little tish fftp Phi. cago to make mowin "machines bv too tnousanu, and JNew lork two hundred pianos a week, if there wero no way to get tnose bulky ar tides transported to the remote States of the Union. We have seen Wisconsin ininle ments reaping the rich oat harvest ol rrince Edward Island. Boston organs play church music in Van couver Island every Sunday. It was by the evil of soulless railroad monopolists that this beneficial mi racle has been wrought. During the same year, 1883, our railroads carried three hundred and twelve million of passengers, and carried them too, at the average of a little less than two and a halt centg per mile. That seems reasonable. When r.liA TOifnnf T.iAntAnnnr. fi-ronlv lioor1 . r "" "v tuonews ot her husband's rescue I 1, i r 4.1 j ' lOllU VYilO UCiUlJf 1UUI LUUU3UUU 1U11CS distant Ironi the port at which he ex.)ec(;e(j to arrive. Ten days travel Drought her to him. now mucn am tne monopolists make during 'the year by doing work nf ft,:,, fcjn(l fJnr. mnPU Tfc 01 , lu,18 Klnu -BOG mUCU. 10 W8S a bad year for them, and none of ns But the public gain Was beyond calcillll tion. Job Work. The Journal office is prepared to print urn Heads, Letter Heads, tin velopes, Cards, Tags.Circular Envelopes etc., in neat and handsome style, and also at prices to suit the times. Give us a trial. Chattel Mortgages, Real Estate Mort gages, Deeds, Lien Bonds, always on hand. Blanks for the appointment of Over- seers, and for making.Overseers report, on hand. ArTlval Departure Mails. MAIL CLOSES. For North. West and South, via A, N. C.R. R. at8.80a.m For Beaufort and the East, at 6:00 p. m. For Washington, Swift Creek, Hyde and Beaufort Counties Mondays, Wednes days, and Fridays at 5:00 a. m. For Trenton, Folloksville and Mays- ville, daily at 7:30 a. m. For Grantsboro, Bay River an 1 Van- demere, daily at 6 a. m. OFFICE HOURS: In Money Order and Registered Let ter Department, from 9 a.m. to 4 p. m. In Mailing Department from U a. m. to o p. m., and from 7:30 to 8:30 p. m . wince upen couBianwy ueiween inese a i-l i i . i Hours except wnen mans are being dis- 1 tributed or sent, MEETINGS OF LODGES. gTi Johns LODGE, No. 8, A. F. & A. M., meets the 2d Wednesday night i n each month. , . . NEW JdEHNK uhaftbk, no. 40, it. A. M., meets on the 2nd Monday in each I lUVilVU V Nsw Berne Lodoe, No. 443, Knights yn Hnwntt. mnnta on the 2(1 and at.h Fri, dav niehts in each month. , AnaBsamf.nt, No. 14fi in now flu p nnA v " T1 , " must be paid on or before the 2oth day i qi uctODer, 1004. ; Trent Council, No. 411: Royal Aa CANUM, meets on the lsti or 8d Friday nights in eacn montn. ; Assessment No. i8 now due , and must be paid on or before th, day .Eureka Imob, No. T, L O. G. F., meets on the 24 and 4th Monday nights in each month. Assessment No. is now due, and must be paid on or before the' day of . Neuse CtoTJNCiL, : No. 1, O&deh op Chosen Friends, meets on the 1st and 3d Wednesday nigbts in each month, Assessment No. ou la now due, and 9 of August,' 1884. CosiioPOUTAN Council No. 211, Amer ican Legion of Honor, me ets on the 1st and 3d Thursday night m each month, - Assessment No. 55 is now. due, and must be paid on or before the 7th day of August, bS. LooAii Branch No., 95, Order of the Iron Hall, meets on the od Monday niKht m eacn month Assessment No. .38 is now due, and must be paid on or before the 81st day of July, 1884. . , . yx-'J-' x Athenia Lodge,' No." 8, Knights of Pythias, meets' on the 2d and 4th Tues day nights in ench month, v AW' ment No. 128 is now duo, and 'I r-! I c i cr V'f'"- tV.o S'.",t('y flyers Chierry Peroral. " Omille,ObJo, Sept. 10,1881 CuLDSi " Having beea subjeot to a bran chlal affection, with frequent colds, for a number at years, 1 hereby cer tify that Aykb's Chikby Pectoral give me prompt relief, and is the most effective remedy I bare ever tried. . ' Juin A. Haxilton, ",V - Editor of Tht Otseeat" COUGHS. " 1 hT used ATUi'l Chxut Pkctobal this spring for a se vere coa Kb. and lung trouble with- good effect, and I am pleased to recommend it to any one similarly affected. HUIVBY BACQBKAir, ' Proprietor Globe Hotel. rBBPA&SD BT ' , Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by aU Druggists. PROFESSIONAL. WILLIAM J. CLAEKE, COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Attends all the courts held at New Berne, North Carolina. Particular attention paid to collecting claims, and conveyancing. uniiea states commissioner. Sept. 18th, 184. dw L. J. Moore. wk. E. Culru. MOORE &. OLABKE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, New Berne, N. C. Will practise in the Courts of Oarteret. Rn. ven, ureene, nyae, Jones, Renoir, Onslow and Pamlico counties. Also in the SUDreme Rourt at Ralelarh and the United States Courts at New Berne and uaieign. mt- collecting a specialty. ap6 dwtf GEORGE V. 8TRONO, DAKIEL E. PEBRT. mieign, jn.c. - Klnston,N. C STRONG & PERRY, KIITSTOir, If. c., ATTORNEYS AE COUNSELLORS AT LAW. Having formed a copartnership for the tractlce of the law in Jones county, will regu arly attend the courts of the same. Pramnt mayu-dAwtr iSTKUJHa A PERRY, PHII HOLLAND, JB. OWIN H. GUIOH HOLLAND & GUI0N, Attorneys at Law. Office on Craven st., two doors above Pellock Will practice in the Counties of Craven Jones, Onslow, Carteret, Pamlico and Lenoir rrompt attention paid to collections. apr29-dwly. F. M. SIMMONS, CLEMENT MANLT. SIMMONS & MANLY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will nractine in tti d PrairH nf n run Tnn. OnBlow, Carteret, Pamlico, Lenoir and Hyde, I febdd&wl DE. J. D. CLAKK, JDEIVXIST, NEWBERS, If. C. Office on Craven street, between Pollock and Broad. prl7-d4wly HOTELS. CENTRAL HOTEL, W. E. PATTERSON, Pbop'b, NEW BERNE, N. C. rtlHIS WELL KNOWN AND COMMODIOUS x nonse, as its name implies, is situated In the central and business portion of the city, hence recommends itself for its convenience to the travelling public. Affording solicitors every ui'puriumty ui vmuuK uuBiuess correspondents It has attentive servants, and its table Is always lurmsuuu wim , 1 Every Delicacy of the Season Its rooms are large, airy and well furnished. AN OMNIBUS or the accommodation of guests- to and from trains and steamers free of charge a special feature in this citv. All the appurtenances, of a modern FIRST CLASS HOTEL. April l-d-lv. Gr ASTON HOUSE, S: K. STREET & SOff, Proprietors. The Only First-class House In the City. Omnibus connects with all Trains and steamers, iarge sample rooms for commcr olal travelers. octiS-dtf HOTEL, SMITH FIELD, N. C., D. W. FULLEE, Prop'r. Ample accommodations at all times sample rooms for commercial travel ers. Charges moderate. aueadtf . GRIMSLEY HOUSE, AT ... Snow . Hill, Greene Co.; N. U. Well furnished, and Table sunrdled with vne Dr,ai iub maraei. aiiorus. Hampie rooms for commercial travelers. HATES REASONABLE. ;' : rW-;i;. .GBIMSLET. fel5-d4wtf . ;.- v. .. Proprietor. Go to John Dunn's v- ' ICE COLD GLASS ." op Soda, Ginger Ale, Deep Rock OB y i c w y, ANP BE SURE TO TRY HIS HH" CONFECTIONERIES. He keeps the best line of CIGARS in the Pollock St., next door to Bank. NOTICE. Thomas Harris, deceased, all persona having o aims againsttne aeoeaen m nerepyno- tinett to exhiDii tne same v me on or oerore tue rouriuaay ui cwor.iiwo.or uii uoiicai -, rnuu wiiu au will be pleaded In bai of their recovery-' mediate payment. ; ".'.,'': . A. ITATtV. "'" A ,1 v 'iil,'rit,r of Tuoinus liai ! ' 1, C ' tlif A MTPim f . i rtrv rtnrv tttcitxtt o rTA ttt r- . For which we will pay the Highest UOrn, Cotton, in tbis or any otbor market, for Une commission. . LIBEEAL ADVANCES MADE ON PRODUCE IN HAND. WE OFFER FOK SALE A FULL LINE OF Choice Groceries, (in stock and to arrive), at EOCK BOTTOM PRICES for CASII, consisting in part of : v 50 bbla. "Eureka Extra" Flour, 50 bbls. "Daisy" Flour, 50 bbls. White Swan" Flour, 50 bbls. "Hyde's Choice" Flour, 50 bbls. "North Lake" Flour, 50 bbls. "None Better" Flour, 50 bbls. "St. George" Flour," that is as good as is made. 25 Sacks Bio Coffee, 10 Sacks ''Laguayra," ''Java" and "Mocha." 25 bbls. Pork. 10 boxes L. C. Bellies and Backs. Best refined and bucket Lard. 10 tubs Butter ; 25 Cheese (best creamery). 50 boxes Crackers and Cakes. 25 bbls. of Molasses and Syrup. 20 bbla. of four year old "Fruit" Vinegar. 15 bbls. Sugar. Teas, Spices. Extracts, etc., etc. We carry as fine a line of Canned Goods as can be found in the city. 1,000 boxes of Cigars from $1.10 to $15.00 per hundred. Loriliard and Gail and Ax's Snuff at Tobacco cheap by the box. 50 boxes Soap. We offer a drive in Paper Sacks. If you do not think we are in earnest, consign your produce to Walter IP. Bxu?i?xis & Co.,! Red Front Store, South Front St., New Berne, N. C. octl4 d&w To Cotton I AM NOW PREPARED TO GIN COTTON at the Gin of T. S. Howard on th I will also buy Seed Cotton and Mftrlr Pt Bagging and Ties furnished to my I will pay the Highest Market I am also prepared to buy or sell bale solicit consignments of same. References given when desired. When you have Cotton to sell or I am also Agent for the Celebrated PROLIFIC COTTON GROWER. OFFICE ONE DOOR NORTH ALPHEUS W. WOOD. Manufacturers Open and Top Bu R0CKAV7AYS xi - i n ttt x: O , Drays, Harness, Halters, Collars, Hames, Etc. Broad (Street, opposite A.lex. Miller's. BP REPAIRING IN ALL ITS GIVE US A CALL . w . F. Etornegay & Co. Are Agents for the following Manufacturing Companies : Talbott & Sons, Richmond, Engines, Boilers, Saw Watertown Steam Engine Cotton Gins : . Winship, Gullett Patent Steel The Boss Cotton Press. After years of experience ia the above Agenoies mainly because we UUUDS AT TtlJa JjUW-UoX i'USSJJiJjlii I'KlLiliS. au7 dwtdeel E. ALLELE & C. STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS Georgia Cotton, Gins, Feeders and Condensers. . Lummus Cotton Gin, Self Feeder and Condenser, . ',..-., - a , , :tt. p-fAt Stat onsrw Rflftlflr. whfoh i " - V .', k ,7 J '. The Monarch Cotton Press, the best hand press ever made. TCall and examine Bamnle macliincs. ,' Prices tery low. ; v ''.' AM A W7l?n . Market Price. We will sell Rice, manufacturer's prices. call on or send your orders direct and Growers ! Most Favorable Terms. pay the Highest Price of the customers at Cost- Price for Cotton Seed and Rice. cotton at the Lowest Brokerage, and Cotton to Gin, be sure to see me. OF COTTON EXCHANGE, and dealers in AND PHAETONS, t j m i . D ' ' BRANCHES NEATLY EXECUTED. jyl d&w6m Va. : Mills, Grist Mills, Tobacco Machinery. Co., Watertown, N. Y. : ggies, Portable, Slafionary and Marine Engines and BoilerB. Braslt and the Light Draft Cotton Bloom. Perkins's Shingle Machinery. Machinery Business, we hare selected the desire to furnish our patrons THE BEST A. S. EUDSON, Agent, HENDERSON HOUSE,; NEW BERNE, N. 0. - . . ' "' removed thflRanJ ani rlnt fmm tnoHnt ; i " UKiauio cmk l noara. . . , f . . sM : THE SEASOK ' SEFRIGERATORS. IOE CKEAM FEEEZEH WATER COOLERS, lam! seasonable cods of every descrlj including FLY FANS, ' , . ' WIRE DISH COVERS, FLY TRAPS, ETC., ETC. AT THE ; ", II AR D W A Rj: . ash ' : 0 House Furnishing Store OP " , ' 1 L. H. CUTLEK. Full stock cotton and planters' hoes, giair cradles, grass blades and briar books, etc. For the best gxUs and lowest prices eail l L. II. CUTLER, ,' ' dw Middle street Ferdinand Ulrich, GROCERIES AND CRY GOODS Boots ivik! Shoes, Kcnes Twines. Paints, Oil. 13 ANY AS, ' ;v. GRAIIs" SACKS. LOiClLfKO SNUFF 7 X? ! At MauulVieturer's Prices. NETS and SEINES. , Foot Middle stroet, , - NEW EERNE, N. C d&w ; 1 "Wliolesale & Retail DEALERS IN Provisions Groceries, ' Drv GoodsE Boots and Shoes' All of which wo aro offering VEST LOW. 1 ! Orders solicitsd. Satisfaction guaranteed. dw NEW BERNE. N. C.' ' 31 (M PlSCG, LOUISVILLE, 10 post mci'tiiful, u Ui& practici- w'.a ir;-v, Cured all foravjs of PRIVATE. CHRONIC and SXUAI BIS EASES. Spermatorrhea and Impotoncy, lathe remit of self-sbme In ynntfl, exual exrtuei in VsV turcr yearf . or ottuT raufti, ainl pto.lncm totui of tl Kit lowing eHet'ts: N ervoun, Semiiml EmissioD, (nltit smt -lions hy dream!)), DhtmrM of bijrdt, Defective Mnory,rhyx irl I'cay, l'imiilon Face, Avtrt-ion toSwicty of Female!, I'onfiiM.m f Meast Lou of Soiual Powrp Aca nnt)erlii marriape Irnproj-er o anhapm", are thoroughly and parma neutly cured. SYXHllitS POitive'y c1 ada tirdy erftdicaUd (rota Ujo By.Utm GoUOTTliei GLEET. Stricture, Orchitli, Hernia, f Kuptun i'ilcs and other privr.te diseiuei quickly nired, Hieft lf-virtiiUttli.at a liyMi:ians who pay st"-tW attvnthtv .. Va certain cla?a of ditea.r., and treating thonanda amt -lUv, ariiuircafrroattkiil. fliysidsns lmoninv tlili fartoft rec.iiiiineiiil irs his to Diy crt. When It it Icrwiwenleiil'. viitt'ierity for tiLtitnient, nirdiririfj can b aeot private od sifcly by mail ,Miir!ai nnyw-lrrre. Cures Guaranteed in all Cm avdertAuen Ci-.isulWtlom i..T!..iia1Iy or by letter free and fnTttt CHara ruasouabla and currsoiidctiut p'-.-ictly contidMtiaJ , A PRIVATE CCUKSSTOR i; Of W n will lo any ali!re., smirely m-.At for tfttrn " i :0l.-.Hl . (Ui-nM res.l 1,)- .11. Ail.lrcr an l.ov '", i IWi.o I. .li". I -mil 9 A. ll..lo. 1'. M. 8MdSfcS4V.t J. B. BROWJN, Barber and Hair Dresser, With twenty-tlve years experience, and the Neatest and Best FurnlHhed Sftloon in the city, will give ns good a -shave as can be bad anywhere for TKN CENTS. New shop, new lurniture. and satisfaction guaranteed. Hot and Cold ISiiths can be had at all hours. Middle street, next to L. H. Cutler. marlSdlr , .;, S W. H.I)EWEY THE MiCTICAL i 1 1 n v 1 1 u i m . n w i v i - ' Personally in attendance at his HairdresslnB and Shaving Saloon at the U as ton House, . wiin me iiesi worKmen. Satisfaction Is assured to those who patron lze him. d ESTABLISHED 1817. '. it T TTTT rincfO j vr n ' W. H. MORRIS .& SOUS, - w- Nos. 23, 25 & 27 Commerce St., .; Snecial attention ttlven tn snip, of rmf tn' X"' Liberal8 H rdvan7e.PnUeCOongecon: siKnmenw. i-ronipi reiurnsana hlehest mar ket prices guaranteed. au2 dw tjanl ; 1 JAMES R ED MO ID, Agent and Bottler;-.. OP THE BERGUER & ENGEL ' BREWING GO 'S PHILADELPHIA ' LAGER BEER ' New Berne, N. ci ' ' - - I This beer took, premiums at tho Cen K:--. , .. ... : . . .. . sonniui JzniDitioa at muadelphia and if I the Pans Exposition. Keeps better t'aa any other in warm climates, and i3 t' favorite brahd wherever known.