-x i r VOL; ill. NEW BEKNE. N. C, SATUKDAY, OCTOBEK 18, 1884. NO. 173. rr TI H "1 OURNAL tm 1 -A, J .t.1 1 A LOCAL NEWS. Joarii.l ninlattre Almanac. - Sun rises, 0:11 1 Length Of day, Sua sets, 5:20 1 11 hours, 0 minutes. . Moon rises at 5:$3 a. m. ' Register. . Mrg. M. D. Dewey gives notice of new millinery. Read what she says. Watchman Hill discovered the fire on yesterday morning, and is, now com plaining ' of a sore throat. He was de termined to let it be known.: We call attention to the change in the appointments of Hon. C. C. Clark. He will speak at Stonewall on Saturday, November lit. ; The appointment for "Balrd's creek has been withdrawn. Yesterday was the biggest day of the t season at the Exchange. The steamer ', Trent landed a full cargo cf cotton early.tn the morning and put back to - Polloksville for an'extra lot of 106 bales which she brought in yesterday eve ning. r Hfty, Democrats in the 3d ward not registered, and yet it is claimed that Scales will get 20,000 majority! What is the Club doing? - Whom do we want for Governor, Scales or York. The latter gentleman can be elected if the Democrats will stay away from the polls. The Elections, Our elections news is much better for the Democrats this morning. The Re publican majority in Ohio is cut down to 10,792 br a little over 13,000 plurality, while the Democratic majority in West Virginia bids fair to run up to 6,000. Let It Rain. , The dust for the last week or two has been very disagreeable, and, while pinny complaints are made, the most serious, said New i Berne's youngest at- torney yesterday, is that the young ladies refuse to go out driving until it rains. Cetarnlng from tbe Exposition. ' ' Several of our Jones county friends vfere in the city yesterday on their re turn from the Exposition. Among them were Sheriff Eoonce, Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Foy, Mrs. Joel A. Heath and J. N, Foscue, Esq. They were well pleased with the trip and pronounce the Expo sition a success. Fire Alarm. 'The furious ringing of the fire bell on Friday morning aroused everybody, many of whom ran out to find that the fire,: which was an out house on Mr. John Suter's lot, had been extinguished by ' the " nre department, ine young man who started to the Are and was met by & young lady on her return from it : who 'severely rebuked him for his tardi- . ness, promises to be on hand promptly next time, - " ConeVo the Country. ; L J,' Moore,; Esq., and family moved to their country residence about three miles from the city on yesterday. Mr. M.oore has built a neat dwelling, spacious barn, and qther out houses, faking a nice, cosy little country resi- dence, and at the same time will be in telephonic communication with his law office in this city. He can now lie down at night to pleasant dreams of fine cat , tie, sheep, pigs, turkeys, chickens and all the comforts of a good old-fashioned farm life, and at the same time continue his law business as usual. Happy man ReKlstration. , : Qanyass or tne second wara minis Wty-anowea . inat - many uemocraucrfo, "Half-Time in Schools.'.' which .voter? were n not registered. This is doubtless theoisem other wards; Many democrats h think their names are onineowmnnupaeaayoi eieu. tion that they can't vote,. We thought oneo ine nram ODects or organizing duts JjLto. that . every Pemoorat m VP?V1 f f ?rqa. oomnwiees , , , m .1. hitra hnnn annmnrad tai- flu a niirnnaa p.v, -r.v, r-i . duc are inov aitenainc to inia autvr Eyery Republicans name will be en- rolled, and don't you forget it. Demo- craw can register, vow ami eiect ouaies, p . i n i 1 or they can fail to register and let lorft . ' t n l l i- - - - 'I D3 etecie.s. im your cno.ee. s Where fo HeRlHer. The registration books of the city can t. m-j j. ii. ..nv i. iomiuni,vue iouuwiuSijmuvB - , 1st War4,ft Btp of Thos,. Co.,B. M. Gates, Registrar. ' .'.' . ana vv ara , at ine vny ieru s oinue, 11. UelL Kegistrarj,' . . y : , w vh-i U4vu Tyv,. '"'"""Mbv William L. Boruees Rpgistrar, '. . - - : - fith Ward, St. Phillips precinct, nt E, Q. HjU's office on Broad' street, K. G. TT-ii dmu-.. ; j v i t EverV voter should examine the book ena SC9 inaii nw name is properiy reiiio- tared. if The Signal Service Bureau report in dicates for to-day in this region partly clondlv weather with a lower tempera- turn, and nn extensive demand for um I r.-':! and hwivi.-r underwear, which 1 Pt 1 ; ic-i atchwerin Tartl Soap. Mr. Kimball, set up Borne very fine turtle soup yesterday to the patrons of his saloon and others, which was pro nounced, excellent. Esmball is a clever fellow and knows how to tickle the palate with the good things our market affords. A few doors from the Cotton Exchange is where he haugs out. Pnhllc Spcaklns, Hon. C. C. Clark will speak r.t New port, Carteret county, Thursday, Oct. 80th ; at New Berne before the Cleveland and Scales Club on Friday night, Oct. 81st, and at Stonewall, Pamlico county, on Saturday. Nov, 1st. Jas. A. Bryan and Clement Manly, Esqs., are billed to speak at Russell's in this county on Saturday, Oct. 25ih. Washington Bryan, Esq., spraka at Tuscarora to-day . . I - Ui. John a. Staples, candidate . for Elector at Large, will address thepeople nf Nflw An PrMnv nicriif ofrVi Maj. John Hughes and Jas. A. Bryan, Esq., are billed to speak at Fulcher's Store on Saturday, November 1st. Excursion To Raleigh. A special train will be run to Raleigh from Morehead City on Wednesdav, October 32nd, and return the same day, in order to give the people in this sei tion an opportunity of visiting the Ex position. The train will leave Morehead City at 3:00 a. m., Newport 3:45,. New Berne 5:10, Kinston 6;40, arriving at Raleigh at 10:00 a. m. Returning, will leave Raleigh at 5:00 p. m fri.: :n xui.i ivm give seven hours to visit the Exposition grounds in which time a great doal can be seen The fare for the round trip, including admission to the Exposition, is: From Morehead, 3.40; from Newport, $3.20; from New Berne, $3.70; from Kinston, 52.05; from La Grange, 1.00, Mr. Reuben toster, general manager of the North Carolina Freight Line, of Baltimore, is in the city looking after the remains of the burnt steamer Dc- fianee. Ho says in less than fifteen minutes after receiving Capt. Gray's telegram announcing the burning of the Defiance another steamer was ordered on the line, so there will be no interrup- tion in moving cotton from this point, Mr. Foster is glad to find that the fire did not result more disastrously than it did. He speaks in complimentary terms of Capt. Gray's good judgment in hav- ing the steamer moved from the rail- road wharf where there was so much . uanger oi a serious connagration, and returns his sincere thanks to the fire de partment for their efforts to save her. The North American Review, When the tide is at the full, it turns. Our educational methods have been growing In system and severity, if not in perfection, for many years; and the demands upon the pupil have constantly increased, until the necessities for grad' ing have become imperative, and the peculiarities of the individual are al most entirely ignored. It would seem impossible to carry this further, and any change now must be in some other direction. At this crisis, one of the brightest and most fearless of American writers comes forward with a strong argument against the whole system, a protest against the grading and cram- mine that take bo much of the vitaiitv out of the education we are giving to the rising generation. Edward Everett Hale, in the November number of .the My th American jt makes a plea every parent and every school board ought to consider seriously. The old question, "WJiere are we, and where drifting?,, never moro forcibly sue8ted than, by another article in the game numberi at in whicU Prof. Qil. dJacussea "The- African Problem.," The f that hfl give8 M t0 1 1 - .- of tbe negroes in tne unea etatea, n..! n j andthenroblem thev wi 1 force unon tu ' t ' oV tnr oonsideration. Tha other articles this number "Woman as a cal Factor." bv Judge Robert C. Pit- man; "Progress in Naval Armament," by Hobart Pasha, wfto thinks the Unitefl I Clint-a riAnnKiMn nnf had Kocn w aa in inf (auiCDuvgu.i,uw., r " 7 SSi bTS m Ancient poetry,;' by PnncipalJ. U, onaiip; . ixviuen oyeuue a jjuwhi untie," ny rroi. r.. j xoumans; "Over-Illustration," by Charles T. Gong- js a iin.i.:: m .i ci..tr i ) ..,-.-,s; . ; ; , ,; ' - ; TnanKs. L I return my "sincere thanks to the eentiemen or. ine-nre uepanmeni. ana S XZit nna jjre, . - . . j, BUTEB. In West Virginia the Democrats carry the State, in Ohio the Republicans, by what majorities is sell unsettled, but it has been conceded .iy all, wno have - seen it, that the display of gent's neCk- wear and lewelrv made this week by Sohwerin & Ash ig tho finest by a largo THE ELECTIONS. Colchbus, O., Oct 16. Unofficial re turns received last night from all but five counties in the State show Republi can majorities of 45.192. and DnmnnratiR majorities of 41 ,899; the net Republican nluralitv for the State is estimated at 1U.C03. I Comtmritr. O.. ObL l.TTftffimfti u t n v. s .i.. o.i. ehow the Republican plurality to be 13 115 1 I nlete. Late rotiimn. hnwvr. inA in Ai ivtui uq 11VJ1I VSU1U CUD BL111 1UUUU1 I that the Republicans have earned the state by at least 10,000 majority, and probably not over 12.000 at the outside. The Republicans elect ten Congressmen and th nmonrti. it tn and , and the Democrats elect Eleventh district is still in doubt. " V w I We6t Virginia returns are scattering. but continue to show Democratic gains over 1883, when the Democratic ma jority over the Democratic-Greenback t usion was 8,211. The entire Democratic r - .. ........... MrnrA Ml trnf I. V. rr Vwak. T I II II 1 1 r. TdS J a ii r r '-i js- tricts have given Democratic majorities. r Irr ITT TT. i. 4 0 TT 1 UUAttLlUSWK. V. VA.. WCS. 10. JV&mi- wna, tniS COUnty, gives a large IUSlonl uiajui )i nugiug iigui ouu lu i,uuu. iu.uz.-1 m..v.u.iU..:M...HonAi.i nnn r I weu, fusion candidate, leads this county nuu tun; iiuuu, uuiuwrsuu nominee for uovernor, will carry the State by 6,000. The Democrats in this county lose all officers excepta few con- stables and justices of the peace. Cincinnati, Oct. 17. The Commercial Gazette puts Ellisbury's (Democrat) ma jority over Hart (Republican) in the llth congressional district at 600. Dover. N. H., Oct. 16. A snowstorm l.istinc four hniira and acirrporat.inor 11 limneH onnnrrert at A Iron Knv t.hia mnrn.l -. ,- 1 ing. slight snow rails are reported throughout Strafford county, New Hainnshiifi. and York emm t.v. Malna. 1 1 ' lihAtKAL jNAns. I QUEENSTOWN, Oct. 14. The Cunard line steamer Oregoo, Gapt. McMicken, from New York Oct. 8 I , , .... . . m I T,. , I il.ov p. ui. io-uay. uo nauouai iin0 steamer America, which sailed from New York on the same day and at about the same hour, has not vet been Sighted. English bet- ting as to which would be Sighted first favored the Oregon. The Oregon arrived here at 2:50 a. m. to-day. LONDON, Oct. 14. The World this week has an ugly article headed "The Wabash Juggle." It urges the English holders of Wa bash bonds to inquire into the swindling practiced in regard to those serunties in past years, and says to them: "Find some means nn,.in;.rinnMfn,n.tw -nw,. u""b'8 -y UA01;. cise DUC ine suggest degree 01 merous friends, and especially his be firmnesa now and Gould will be reaved widow, we do most sincerely brought to his knees. Jov is onlv the moutbDiece of Gould, and it is time that English bondholders should show that they are not quite such tools as the peripatetic Presi- dential lion and his jackal imag- ine." Washington, Oct. 14. At3i o'clock this afternoon the President telephoned for Mr. Hatton, who drove immediately to the White House. The President then ten dered to him the office of Postmas- ter-General in complimentary terms. Mr. llatton returned to the Post Office Department, .where Judge La wrenson, who has SWOru in twenty-two postmaster generals, and has been in the Post Office De- partment tifty-five years, adminis- ierea ine oaia OI omce. iut. .nat ion is me yonugust inau ever an- l'wmu l" luu u uw . uepaiir ment, and perhaps to any Cab inet post, ha being only 37 years old. The first person Mr. flatten shook hands with after taking the oath was his only son, a bright lit tie fellow, who stood, at his father's siae.- m i WAR! WAE! WAR I 1UO KIVUVVDV TT lVIUMUD V r the last century is now about to open, a r-i i a .tji.- : may take an active part in this great political fight, it is of great importance that he should commence at once to lay 1 mmmanlia at mpa tl lav les in in his supplies of Groceries and Pry cue, in eu case iohowuib memrw-Politi- Goods at the Great Cheap Cash Store 3 L0"1??8 J cah,in nmendf n pit. HUMPHREY & HOWARD'S, that he !J&&! Ifi may give the necessary time to achieve the greatest viotory ever gained in these TTnitBd statea. Thn waf hw antnallv United States. The war has actually 1 7. i rll-.Z 'T oZ"I". hoonin frrtm f.hfl KrAHirl Antin.1 1 :hair rtrtarn peace until every man shoulders His Uet-bookandWdowntotheG . . Cheap Cash Store of HUMPHREY & HOWARD'S, and buys a supply of Dry uooas, urooeries, uoots ana bnoos, etc. Sold at the lowest living prices, dw The most fastidious smokers are edi tors, lawyers, doctorspreachers, stu dent and gentlemen of taste and leisure. Whether they incline to the pipe or ci garette, they must have a guarantee of a pure, mild,- fragrant, ethereal tobacco, which will bring comfort without in jury, and inspiration without excess. They therefore use, to the exclusion of all other tobaccos, Black wel Durnam' Long Cut. They kno.v? "about the soil and ctiinate in which it grows, Its free dom from impurities and its peculiar flavor and frncrrance. Therefore their MEMORIAL. Officers and Brothers of Lenoir Lodge Ao. 471, Knights of Honor, A.tnsfo, Upon your committee devolves the and painful duty of announcing the permanent absence from ourconvoca- wuns oi our wormy auu oeiuveu oro- ?er. Alexander rucoL, wnose eartniy uw wiui iimiy auu iiibduh wore bbv- f?d' "5 h08e T.9 lab?, m this world were ended, by his sudden A Yi I iinAnnnAi4 rfAtMinA t- hia hadv a???e on wo ma las" m Qe 0186 Tear J Ti .i . . a-t of his age, A native of Scotland, he located in fr w.nB". yu.n?.man' ""earning ZTTJZl bei?8 always prompt, punctual, honest ind nrrManhla rnonv o rtrl urillinry nf till times to perform every duty incumbent on nun, possessing a generous soul and a sympathetic heart, he soon won, and has ever held, the confidence and es teem of the community, liis, in a great measure, was the modest, unob- IFrHHC ITlHHNll LR. WHH LI1H ITIflllHHr.. 11 D 1 the quiet citizen. To rhSlSti!, K his intimate, personal friend, for he 7 it i "".V nnnlH ha nnarhara onrl anf in tin aniiora ' hut it wrailrl r.mn nnt nil nlnncrtho nnth. ...... r 1 way of his tell'. He was raised to full membership in our urder onthezothof tebruarv, A.D 1878, and at the very mooting at which he arrived at maturity as a Knieht of Honor he was elected Reoorter of our Lodge, which office he continuously held, with honor to himself and entire satisfaction to the brotherhood, up to the time of his death. In consideration of protracted services as Reporter, he was made fast Dictator, by special Act of the urand Lodge of North Carolina, io miiu tuiuutu oodoiuu, iiciu m .mi- " augunv, ioou, ouu, uomg xt r a.. -i. mon a u: elected by Lenoir Lodge, No. 471, he servea as itepreseniative m me urana TAJAAfc a.U 1. ,.i i liuugo at ibo iuui bu auuuai bcbbiuu, xiuiu in Kftlftich. N. i:.. in AncniRt. Zealous to nromote the intereRfs of thn I Irrlnr. in ita miRmnn nf nhimnthrnnv the faithful labors, untirine enerev and true devotion to its principles of our worthy brother, whose loss we so much ivo vutvaiu u kcdo vv Aba uicocub mag' uj 0a inn,f,nM. onA oin,i. we could not dispense with his services at the Reporter's desk, that be might pass the higher chairs in our Lodge, to which he was entitled, we are now con strained to bow with reverential sub mission to that dispensation of the Su preme Dictator of the universe which has made vacant his wonted seat and forever hushed his familiar voice. But though the moving lip, the flashing eye, the manly form shall no more grace our 1 sanctuary, lonir will memory catch with phonographic accuracy upon its vibra- Itory disk the sound-waves of his fervent utterances, whose welcome echoes break responsive in our hearts to-day. In the usual conflicts of opinion, may his rial- lowed memory silence every unkind word, subdue every discordant thought. and span every foible with the rainbow promise of peace and love. To his nu- tender our heartfelt condolence, com pending her to the protecting care of Him who has promised to be the widow's Ood And, in further testimony of our an preciation of our beloved brother, we recommend that the jewels and badges oi our ijoage do arapea in mourning to the end of the present quarter. Kecommending that this memorial be furnished to the Kinston Free Press and New Berne Journal, with a request to publish, and that a copy be i i sent to the widow of our deceased brother, we are, respectfully. J. w. COLLINS, Rich'd H. Lewis, Com. T. J. Mkacham, Kinston, N. C, Oct. 14, 1884. Henry Brown Keeps the best oyster clean and nice on board the hat at the market dock. A Caie TVIthont Hope. Jno. R. Booker, of Macon, Qa., writes: "In 1878 I was attaoked bv the most ravenous sort of cancerous sores, that rapidly over my body. I received the very best medical attention; was dosed with mercury and potash until I was so crippled with mercurial rheumatism that I could scarcely hobble about; my throat and mouth were badly ulcerated; my hair began to fall out. So wrecked was my general health, that I became a physical ruin and my life was a burden. For a long time I was bed-ridden, and "" "li TT'u"" S7 TTTL" " S" .ZZTZSl i catalogue of patent : I " vv.u vu.H.ue.u - cines, in each case following the direc- them benefited me in any way. When JT.i,iK menoed takingS. S. S. life was apparently hopeless I com Bed taking S. S. S. To this Specific T - - i;. T A. J T J I v J vw w w"vww I improvinff, and In a short time was per tly well. My hair has grown out irnmir" tyit nan r.n onn Brran trrn nova ra. :',r iC rTiTT-- Xf mouth are entirely cured; my appetite has returned, and for the first time in yean I enjoy my food. Every sore has disappeared from my body. I weigh as much as I ever did in my life, and am perfectly healthy in every way. The very germs of the cancerous affliction are destroyed. Hot only is tne malady that was preying on my life, and which every one pronounced incurable, entire- IV Cured, but lam alSO relieved OI tne bad effects of the mercury and potash mixtures that I wa- fed on for years. " Beware of ' 'Potash and Mercury mix tures, gotten up to imitate our specifio, tnev are dangerous. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. The Swift Specific Co., Drawer, At lanta, Ga;, 15a W. 23d St., N; Y., and COMMERCIAL. I Journal Office, Oct. 17, 0 P. M. COTTON. New York futures barely steady; spots quiet. Middling, 10; Low Middling 9 5-8; Good Ordinary 9. futures. morning, noon. 9.78 9.78 9.80 9.81 9.83 9.84 9.94 9.94 EVENING. October, November, December, January, New Berne market steady Sales of bales a 9 9 W ' Middling 9 3-16; Low Middling 8 15-10; Good Ordinary 8 5-8. DOMESTIC IQAKKET. Cottonseed $10.00 for Oct. Seed Cotton 83.75. BaUREls Kerosene, 49 eals., 85c. TuEPentink Hard, 1.00; dip, tfl.CO. TAB lOC.aSf l.iO. Corn 75a85c. Rice 80;to 90c. Beeswax 20c. per lb. Honey 60c. per gallon. . Beep On foot, 5c. to 7c. Country Hams 131c. per lb. Lard 13!c. per lb. Eggs 13c. per dozen. Fresh Pork 7a8o. per pound. Peanuts Sl.00al.50 per bushel. Fodder 60a75c. per hundred. Onions $1.56a2.00 per bbl. fiELD peas Hides Dry, 10c; green 5c. Tallow 6c. per lb. Chickens Grown, 40a50c; spring 20a30c. Meal 95c. per bushel. Grapes Scuppemongs, Sl.00al.25. Uats 35 cts. per bushel. Apples Mattamuskeet, 75c. pot bush Peaches 50aG0c. per bush. Potatoes Sweet, 40c. 12al7c. per pound. Shingles West India.dull and n m. inal; not wanted. Building 5 hearts, S3.00; saps, $1.50 per M. inch, WHOLESALE PRICES. New Mess Pork S18.00. L. C, F. Backs, and Bellies lOalOlc. Siioulders Smoked, No. 2, 8c; prime, bc. Nails Basis 10 s.2.75. Flour S3.00a7.00. Lard 8a9c. Suoar 5a8c. Salt 90c.aS1.00 per Back. MOLASSES AND SYRUPS 20a45c. 1 T 17 CI T? WT T7 AT M - '1 U XJ X-i TT J-i JL IS AT HOME AGAIN FROM The Northern Market, And will be ready on TUESDAY, OCTOBER - To show the Most .Astonishing (In price and quality) $Cilliixexy HiVer Drought here, uome to see us whether you want to buy or not, just to see how pretty and handsome are our I gooas, ana aoove an now cneap. oclSdtf 75,000 FIRST-CLASS HAND MADE BRICK, Call at C. E. FOY'S FOR SAMPLE. w WILLIE MIDYETT, QQj FECT I ONJER IN THE POST OFFICE, OlTersa Choice Stock of Candies, French and American Raisins, Nuts, Oranges, Lemons, And a Full Line of the Choicest Cigars and Smoking: Tobacco always on hand. a TERMS CASH. CALL AND SEE ME. . octu dtr DAN, KELLY Has opened, a ?R9TCLASS Shoeing Shop I OnCrfwen street. at E. a. Cnthberl' Machine Shop, and U prepared to do all kinds of work ln tho ; ' . '21 J. : BLACKSMITH LINE. He will shoe horses from the tamest to the wildest, and warrants M work to give satis faction. -. , u . . -. I Brtn i your wild horses and club-footed horses and knock-kneed horses and have them worked on. And any boras that cats or lorges onng mm to mo, ana u not stopped no pay. : , , - Albemarle & Ckapeaku Canal Compasj. The Annual Meeting- nf thn Htywvv,i.i of the Albemarle b Chesapeake Canal Com pany will be held at thelrOfflce in tho City of Norfolk on THURSDAY, OCTOBER) SSki at TWELVE, M. . yv uiu, ii. F. TEBAUXT. Nor.'olk, Va., Sept, 23d, 1881. , ocl2 td Brick, Brick. For sale in anv nunutltv nt nrim u. ... the times. r'" Brick have been examined by good Masons and prtmounced tlrst-claiis, Hamples can b seen at my store. Orders solicited. luneKtAwtf U. JONES. SMITH & CREOLE Have now In stock unj nre receiving hv slaimcr a Full Line of t Hardware. Stove, Guns, Tin, Glass, ' Sash, Doors, Blinds, Plows, Willow-ware, Healing autl Cook Sloven. The Golden Harvest and Champion, the best in tho market. . Bugey Harness, Snddlen and lii idleg, and a full line of Beautiful Lamp Goods. We sell none hut reliable Roods, and St 11 them LOW for CASH. . Middle St., New Berne, N. C. Fresh ieafs, The Uest the Market affords. Porlt, Sausage and lieef can he found ut CIIAS. K. NKLHON'8, On liroad Street, ' ocSdoin At Old Rhniiil- f HEW FIRM! NEW GOODS! The undersigned have just returned from : tho Northern Mumels, where they have pur chased a ' ' FULL LINE OF GOODS, Consisting of Dry Goods?, Groceries, Boots & Shoes, Hats and Caps, No tions, Wood and Willow ware, Cigars, Tobac co, Etc., Etc.. Wines & Liquors ot tho Purest Kind, Which we propose 'o sell C'HEAl for CASH Would be glad I.j iiave our friondsand cus tomers call and e mine before purchasing . elsewhere. Fresh Goods received by every Steamer, TAYLOR & SMITH, Middle Street, One Door above Ice House. sep20 d.lmwlt. p ri rr m p a t tt ft rn-PT TJ A T5 w mm AND BILLIARD ROOM. EVERYTHING FIltST CL.ASS. Cnpt. SAJI B. WATERS, Prop 'r. Hear Entrance from tho Hotel, ' seodly Middle St., New Berne, IV. t. KEROSENE OIL 1SBLS. at Eishty-nvO cents. COTTON SEED and SEED COTTON nt thn i highest market prii-e. j 1 will contract to gin cotton as cheap M the cheapest. sep3 dtf A. It. PENNISON, J. L. K1NSEY, Cotton Broker and Commission Merchant. 5, Consignments of Cotton and Grain ic licited. The Highest Trices Guaranteed. . NEW BERNE, N. C. oct3dwtf THE UNEIVALED . - NEW FM1ER QIRL COOK STOVE. Nothloir further Rnems nenfaanrv f.. mnlr tlie New Farmer Girl a Perfect and Beautllub I Cookini 27,"' S i Apparatus, it Has large Flues and. atenl Oven Shelf. Hwlnu-lmr Htiriii. Plate, Dee Ash Pit and Aslt Pan Door. The Cross Pieces all have cold air braces, and th covers are smooth and heavy. - .Largs Mingle Oven Doors, Tin-Lined, ' The larareur Increased sales or thin Rtutro. attest lta popnlarity--Everj Btove fully wtir- P. M.DRANEY. Sole A?rrr.t. 'n'y i 1 1 ! c corj'':1ence. 1203 a 'intEt.,riuia. iUldm .:" . . DAN. KELLY. 6c4 NEV7 CmNE, N. C. V -