- i-. n Transportation Co'y. New Buwb. N. C, Oct SI. lS8t LL SCUKDCLK OF THS STEAM KK ELM CITY - i Into effect on and aftr Novembers, , ,iv W Berne t 12, m., for toro. . opping l Adams Creek. Vandemere i, ad Stonewall. leave Stonewall at 8 a.m. for New Beine, topplg at Vaudemere and Adtms Creek. iVTwew Berne at t P. m tor Lake Landing, (topping at Adams Creek. Leave Lake Landing at 10 a. m. for New Berne, stopping at Adams Creek. Py thU arrangement we are able to make Hom connection with the Northern steam, m, also having good accommodations both n..nr nri fmiirlit nt verv low rates. k ti.ot thaman-hiintii and Droduoers along line to give It their cheerful support, nintit received under cover every duy of ft Wr36iK) r or further Information enquire at the of so, foot of Craven street. ' K. R. PIEKCE, Agt. New Berne, N. C . Or any of it Agent at the following places: ABK LEE. Adams Creek. 1). M. WATSON, Lake Landing. D, H. ABBOTT, Vandemere, 0. H. FOWLER, Stonewall, ' ' S.H. FOWLER. Bayboro.RA lau21dwly General Manager. THE 1IEITSE & TRENT EIVEE Steamboat Company Will run the following Sohedale on and after Friday, August 22d,18Sl: i Steamer Trent Will leave Sevr Berne f.wPollokBvllle, Tren hiii Hud Intermediate landings every Wed newlay and Friday, returning on Thursday and tJuturduy. . Steamer Kinston Will leave Newbern for Kinston every TtTK iuviiuI PKIIIaV: returnlnz leaves lun- on ror Newbern every MONDAY aud I HITR.HDAY! touchin: at Jolly Old Field and all intermediate points both going unci cum in . v ;. V- '.' '..' Th iiwimpn make clone con necllnn with the 0. 1. 8 8. Co. and North Carolina Freight Line. For further luiormauou appiy 10 , ' w- K ST YftON, J., at Newbern W. F. STAKMT, Kinston. 1. 8. Babitos, Polloksvllle. ; ' I T. WILSON, Agent at Trentou. J." P. QtnxKRLY, Jolly Old Field. J. B, Bakes. Quaker Bridge. J. M. WHITE, Gen'l Manager, eb7d4w Kinston. N. C OLD DOMINION Steamship (tympany. SiUMI-WEEXLY LINE Vo. .'ow YorJK, Baltimore, Nor folk, Boston, Elizabeth City, Philadelphia, Providence, ' , and other Cities. ' . OK AND AFTER Mondav July 2nd, 1883, UNTit FURTHER NOTICE Steamer Slienandoali Will leave, npua ft.iiTii.) of train on Norfolk Southern Ruiliud nt Klizabotn Ulty, every ! ' . MON0A1 ASD THURSDAY for New Bern. Returning It-avesNew Berne fur Eliiabeib UUy every - TDE.HAT ASD PKIDAY nt i f. m.. makinK close connection with Nor- folK . sontnern K. K. lor Nortnern ciuee. (Jloae connection made at New Heme with stoamen for Kinston, ' Polloksville, Trenton and all landings on the Neuee and Trent Hi vers. No freights received for ehipmenton Tnesdnv and Fridays after 3U D m. Freight forwarded promptly and lowest ratei piutmntMid to daatinHtion. Fare to Elizabeth Citr and retorn. 4. To Norfolk, tS. ToBal- timore.W. Te New York, ls.l. K. B. BOBKBTS, AH, New Berne, OuLPirria 4 Tdrrib, Aft'tg. Norfolk, V. A . W. H. StANroiiD. Om'IFr't Ac't. New York City Change of Pier in Hew York. The N. C. Freight Line FOR NEW YORK, E0ST0N, 'PROVIDENCE, ; ' and all joints IVortU and A'est i !ter tbU dnt will receive 'reiKtit in New Yoi k -r, ; ;r" lor Hew Ber at . 11 EK 7, NORTH KIVI3K, ' Jloe of New York and BaUimore , . Transportation Co. " TArthanti ehonld remember tbat this Is o ne of beet Steam Linee eat of Kew York, making -f connection witb Baltimore lor new Berne: i mide, na enijnmeenange. . SEiII WEEKLY fiT EAMEKS trccn Hew Berne and ; Baltimore, ""' Tonchmt at Noriolk) Tinr Kew Berne for Baltimore TTJE8DAY8 r RIUAY8 at 1 p m. JeaT Baltimore foa , i erne WEDNESDAYS dnd SATURItAYS i. p. m. " :: ?cnu are aa lollewi: ,'JBEN FOSTKR, OenT Jfanager, " : 90 Light St., Bal't. Md 1. W. MeOARRIOK, Agit. Norfolk, V. ' . P. Clyde do.. Philadelphia, It Sooth i o iiBalto.Tran.t.ine,Pier f JJounrlTer tmnson, Boston, 3(;ntmi whart, j . f iwkwell, Providence B. I. . , in ir. Fall River. ierrick wharf. " i iiTe Boston, Toesdavsand Samrdays. " New .om ouiy. " Bsltiinore, Wednesdays andBatnrdaTi Fall Kkrer, Cionasyi, weunosoaya, .i '-.v. . ''.-'. ' ' ' r-rovldfince. Saterdavs. i h bills lading given, and rates guaran. ! points, at the different fifllees of the STCAME1W. , i - t GOODS ! A, Is selling as Cheap Goods as was eyer brought to this Market. Calico at 4c, former price Cc, Dome -tic 4e. . i-4 heavy Domestic 5c, reduced from 8c. Good Dress Goods at 5c, was 10c. Splendid Worsted Dress Goods at 15c, was 20c. Elegant Worsted Plaids for dresses at 15c. and 20. s j ; See our Black Goods. We have a tremendous stock bought way down. We are selling them very low, Only think of it, good black worsted dress goods for 15c. A cood Black Cashmere, all wool, 46 in. wide, for 48c; 6 yds. make a dress. Fine! all wool 44 in. Black Ottoman Cloth for 75c, former prico 90c. If you want a black dress see us and you won't regret it. And then such lovely colored Otto mans, etc., way down in prioe. Just read the list. Ott mars at 75c. All wool Cashmere, 40 in. wide, all colors, at 70c, former price was 85c. ' r I A nice Ciislimere m all colors at Joe former price 50c. See our Children's Hose in solid colors and fancy stripes, full, regular made, low uown in pricoroniy one. ior oil colors, former price was COc. - We soli a beautiful black Hose for Ladies and Children at 35c, former prices were 00c. We have a lovely Balbrisan Hose in light and heavy weight at only 25c. M.-DAKER . , . . v i i -Jspeak after hearing such eloquent Anu UT ?"u lvT 7 H : i Tf see our Lisle Hose- in lovely gray of amereni snaues. Iandkerchief for o and an all linen colored bordered Handkerchief at 10c, regular price was 2uc. Then look at our Jerseys, all wool, onl$1.25, good as formerly sold for oo nn "We have Satius and Silks at 75c. and 85c. I pint cup lull oi arsenic puis, ine pat Splendid Scrah and Ottoman Silks, ent medicine, pills, and potash mixtures brocaded, etc. We can show you the loveliest Jiut-: ton you ever saw way down in price, Bird, Jet, " Crochet, and a thousand different kin at way. down prices, t We sell as good a Button for 10c. we formerly sold for 25c. ;' . J S.9 A ffood 3-button Kid for 25c:, a bet- tcr 4-button Kid for 50c, and the best rv. tii. v-M . ; -NW n vJT T Rft Berne. Former prico was $1.50 per pair. Picture Frames at d Shopping, Bags way down. - CORSETS. Madame Foy's Side Laced, , Thompson's Glove Fitting, . Tatjapeco Boneless. 1 - ' French Woven;' -Abdominal. - , A tiTilorifliil arr,o1r of nr.t. mid "RovrM r . , w.v . ' CaBsimeres. ir-aimniina Ladies' Sacking, . : ; . Cloaking, i Beaver Cloth, etc, ; Hoop Skirts from 15c, to 40c. : Shoe Polish. ' Hamburgs are very low. -A BLANKETS We can sell a lino 11-4 all wool for S7.00, was $11.00: a good 10-4 for $5.00; and a nice pairjbrane in croup and whooping cough tr.r. io r.n I When combined with the healing muci CLOAKS ' ' VVenll ' in Tllnlr Tllm0n A a We sell ..a 10 Ulack Dolman, As- trican trimmed, for $8.00. An $8.00 Jacketfor $5.00. A grand 'heavy braided Jersey Jacket for $6.00 (price last fall for similar stvle was $11.00), and a good School Jacket for $1.25. A. M: BAKER, NEW 1IEKNE, N. O. octlOdw', Notice Is hereby given to an those that snfV fred by the last lire oir Middle street and the Market Dock, that I folly sympathize with theiu and wish them better lack next time. In the time they will be rtcongtruet Init. - ' ' They enn find pood Clears. Tobacco tor Chfwln or Smoking, t lisorettea, Kte. Also, good cool Sod Wetrr, ii""'' Ale, or Deep Kock ft verv lino ) ,ri,l iiw, BlWilVS in BDOll COTl'H . ...ii lor.. ... A! n.. h the ice JIoiixm-v- i. ' i- irvi.t'i..8 the journal: NEW EESNE. N. C, NOT. 8. 1884. - . "The Voudoo Doctor." It' was daring slave time "the voudoo doctor ' flourished.' He did a thriving business among runaway negroes, who were promised immun ity from punishment iu case of re capture for a small sum.' One of the voudoo doctor's meth ods of operating is to secure a black chicken and. two pieces of silver from a dune. Ho then procures a skillet, which he half fill with wa ter, placing tho pieces of silver, in the skillet onnosite each other. Tie then requests his dupe tot mentally ! name one of the pieces after tho enemy, whom he desires to circum vent. When the . water begins to boil ho drops an occasional . feather from the black chicken into the skillet, mumbling something which is, unintelligible. ; As soon as tho water boils the pieces oi money bo gin to rise and Jail, as thoy natur ally would do, and by a skilletf'ul manipulation of tkb skillet ho brings one of the pieees on top of the other tho one beneath, always being tho one named after the enemy ol his dupe. For this the dupe is ex pected to pay according , to ' his means from $1 up to $10. Wash iugton I'ost. . . " ',. -.- " ". How to Conduct Prayer Meetings. At the nieetinff of tho Baptist pnstors in Kew York the Iiev..Dr. Hiscox, of Mount Vernon, J. T., re.id an essay on "llow to Conduct the Prayer Meeting.? , IIo said that (hey should bo opened promptly i-viMi if rlifi f.hnn'h was o.mntv.. lie Laid that the iMistor niiahfc betrin wjt, prayer, and if he 'could sing to start a little bvrnu. and as theneojile came into the church he mignt ask tliem to assist, lie couliiHieil that Jl. A 1- ..1..-1.1 4- 4-.-.l-. . -1, r. ;. in enalrhnr l.nh Khmibl cive some one else a chance. "I once knew a minister." said ' he, "who was a smart man and had a nuts vuico ioi Bjiuitn-mf;. vuou came to the prayer meeting his ad- S UZS. Z rrrr " nV. ak: . . fc nMMgarv to sav ai)V. thins more, and tlie people were timid and did not like to get up and addresses by their paster' 1 J . . IAraenic riiie uj iud riuii t A BmltV. o Oainpwili Ol. mnr. wanra T no vinHm ffecta of ErV8ineias . aaliai tVDe of Ec,ema. that baffled all medical skill. I consulted the very best physicians in the United States to no good purpose. I gave every patent medicine that was recommended la faithful trial and received no benefit. I took large quantities or potash und a fed instead of curing the disease. They vStem I lost flesh, and energy I lost three years from my business- and spent $2,000 in a fruitless effort to regain my fem takings. S. S., and in a short time I entirely cured. . I waited a year after a cure was effected, and continued to take Swift's Specific off, and on as a sort of safeguard, before I was willing to make publij this marvelous cure. Being assured beyond the poagibility of A Aht thtlt iha ' ... wnB !Lmnmt i wrote this history , oi. my case lor the benefit of my fellow-men. . My skm is now as smooth as it was when a boy. I weigh more than I ever did in my life, ani my general health was never better. I passed through" last winter (which was an uausuallv cold one) without losing a single day from my business. ior the last- twelve months-1 have had no return of the erv sipelas in any shape , or form, or tiny touch of eczema." - "A Treatise on Blood and Skm Diseases mailed free, The Swift SDecmo Co.. Drawer 8. At lanta, Ga., 159 W. 23d St., N. Y., nd li!US Chestnut St., Phila. i - (KirnAf flnm anil Wnllotn k The sweet gum, as gathered from a tree of the same name, growing along the small Btreams in the Southern States contains a stimulating expectorant prin .inlA ttiof-. 1uicona tliA nlilAcrm Trnd,ifinfT I tha Anrlir mnrninirnntiorh. n.nr1 atimnlntAa J the child to throw off the false f mera ..:. ... : r ;.. Ii : : s -n n! i t of the old fields, presents in Taylor's CHEROKEE REMEDY OV SWEET UUM AND niMf m0f r-oinyha. 'Oronn. Whooninff Couirk and Consumption; and so palatable, any child is pleased to take it. Aslf your druggist for it. Send two-Cent tamp for Taylor's Riddle Book, Which" ia not only for the amusement of the little ones who will gather around youi knee to hear the 'puzzling (questions, .but con taining information for the beaitn ana welfare of every home. i WALTER A. TAYLOR. ' d w tfeblS Atlanta, Oa Once you1 catch the flavor and fra cracceof a pipe or cigarette oflilack well's Durham Long Cut, 'you can ap preciate this sentiment from the, ' luiv- eries of a Bachelor, ""That first taaia of the new smoke, and of the fragrant leaf is very graceful; it lias a bloom about it that you wish might last. 11 like your first love fresh, genial,' and rapturous." .-. :'- : ' . - v " . A fine constitution may b broken an ruined by simple neglect. Many bn 'i'.y ills result -from habitual conM.:p."'''n. Thpre is ro v-' 5ne cv Hi .' ' r 01 tf CIBCfS AXD MKSAGEKIE I -TO BK IN Horth Cwoll i Thli fur, ' ' ' WILL EXHIBIT AT -NEWBEEN, ) riAif KlV WEDNESDAY, J ItpYi UUI. f- i JOHN ROBINSON'S Vrj in big shows m n.i CO.MHINltD. .- . IM lienaseile.Woseam, School of Trained Ani niuls, Calibtliulc txhibltion, Aviary, : 3 0IEOUSES IJT3 i RIGS! : At one nnd the same time, aud AN ENOllMQUS ELEVATED BTAGK for lilcyollsW, iknttr)t, Olympian (Uipen and it,., - IJ, ti-V4 - . f.. w Cotue in Town i nrly to wciiro frond positlnim in Hi'i-1 lie (Mifn nrn nnwrnmir pitt?ii!) vmt!)H novelty mm ipo (loiisistlilK i it 51 S l!ra flntnln, 1 Nttfiun MubIoiiI Wmtuns. a Htvani Oi kh Htwuii Cal iopew, 1 Hun-UrlHlit Climiotjs, ,IIertl .if Wic- plianta. it, rnunpniuiM, in u:u I'orim, 13 DISTINCT KlDS OP Bit'SIC ! emale llmsg r.mid of 1.", Tronpn of HykiroU Tniiiloo Klnors. Drovt'B of iunrls.Ohtilcheg. HlmffeH, EIUr, Hiiffiilors, RlaiK'n, IJarnasanil ebraa leil inilrniiiiriMea Hi me HimvtM, .wu Horses, 100 PonloB, 111) Siountod Knielii. - 500,000 YARDS OF CANVAS. MA I'K RA- 1)1 AST MY l-LlJUTliiiTV I TUAViaAN'O MX I TS OWN SPECIAL T11AIJN CO UAKK! Fiv of Our LfKilins Pcolwre anil ' Novelties ares IH'NOiiJA 845,000 UllOVKOlf CilUAlFKS. aiiTa Dives J'roin Apex ! the Canviis, UK 1'eot, GIANT OX, Uirger than uu I'.le phant. . COLOTlAlK WHITE . . BUbFALO. Hurled 2: lVet lV tlio CATArt'LTr- ox wrrH a Soiiavale Horns and 3 Distinct, r-yos. '.'' QUACK, TATTOOED M'OMAN, With over50i; separate Anunftln ana I'lctuies Tattooed in herFle6li. fSO.OOO FLOCK OF OSTEICHKSI CAGES AND DENS 50- -50 Containing over 1,500 WILD BIUOR. BEAST: aud KKITILKH lrora every cnuio. .GIANT HORSE. 21 HANDS HIGH ! HINDOO FEMALE SNAKE CHARMER!" Female GIAWTESS . WEIGHING 720 POUNDS! LONG-HAIRED BELMONT SISTERS! ', Length of linlr, 88 inches. PAIE OR BABY ELEPIT ANTS ! v'.aw Yeari Old I . " , , oziaxia: Rolls and Balfenoes a Globe on a -lnch W Ire, . , luyioetnign., . . -,i Dana Zulu. A Tribe Hlndoor Tianpe Arab. Pair CnnnibnU," Pomalo Hnmpsoii, Ontpullsaralrof EiephniitH! v ..')' SSOIjA, ' '" Rlilcs a Bicycle. on s-lnch Wire Elevated , . . iuu reel ixign i ZENl'S Startling 858 Feet Hair-Slide, s i From Top of Canvas ! - Pair of SACRED BURMESE OATTLU two i ' .. .. UUU OI1U-1IU.H .... y . Saered White Double-Horned Rhinocoros, ELLA ZOLA WAlks on StUtB upon a Frnll .' wire iw r eel msni S10.000 White Nile Hippopotamus! : O FEMALE BICYCLE RIUEES-0 8-SIBEIUAN ROLLER BKATER&-8 MONSTER HERD OF- ELEPHANTS. Allages.alnesanaKinasi 110 Male and Female Artists! WE NKVEU AdvfiMao aa Act, Feature or .t Purformnnfie thnt we 10 Not Exhibit! TWO PERFORMANCES DAILY 1 '. c -Doors Open nt I and P. M. . cir d' Mi 5 NS&V? mm A 1 ii. i: ; .'a.vWltfc.r,iia-!ntMiWrl ... i i i.wwriT.v Tha Hapmolh Glolhsng Sfore Ready J Having just completed our assortment we take pleasure to call the attention of -r the publio to our . V . ,- : - ; u lniinepS!6c!(? Ahrl nvnrvfhinir hnlnnirlriir tnreto to make a rent's outfit Complete. W can safely assert that it cannot be surpassed by any other stookasto r , QUALITY, and ns regards PRICES we hare determined to- EQUALIZE OUR GOODS WITU TUB TIMES ASD CROPS. , , . - . . '" We offer.. ... . .. ....,.:. . . ," ':...,, . ' , C Jlil.lHnN S, BOYS' AND MEN S SUITS . ' from knoe-pants i5 veare) up to men's 40 inch waist, with PRICES FROM $.00 . ;1 SUIT Ul. CoDKequMitly we propose to FIT AND SUIT EVERY BOY AND -MAN in this conimutiitV. . , ' if -. . - As to the durability and tj.rureof our goods, we bave only to refer to.our , CiodH Rold in years past. ' - ' ' " ' ' ' Wo have this seasou GREATLY ENLARGED OURSTCCE OF GENTS' tW- "FRWEAR AND SILK NECKWEAR, and have added a FINE LINE OF CAS SIM KRES for gentlomou ' wear. - . v, We ore again selling ihtue celebrated REVERSIBLE ULSTERETESs&cii on . ouo side and frock on. thaxuber), which we were the first ones tp introduce andf ' which gavt such general satisfaction.' " . .'.' "' ,"' "- : J:A In Hats -we offer the "TOURIST" SOFT as the most fashionable, and all styles , v; in sttfF Dt-rbv 's. m..l draw narticular attention to our latest Btylvs 4 Button Cut- -M away Walkinc Sit in ia all the leading shades of blue, black, and wine color . artibiically utafie.. t.: ' ' , " 1 ' - I3oy's Suits and Overcoats from 83.C0 up. J V - ' In addition tu U: above we carry our usual lines of CARPET3,' LADIES - AND MISSES CLOAKS AND WALKING JACKETS, and are confident that '..' we can show the LARGEST VARIETY OF FINE TRUNKS AND VALISES. , . , A visit to our store will prove our assertions. ; ' ' s " " oc!7dw ; . Kespectfully yours, ; JOSEPH SCHYVERIN "; ; ' And Straw Hnta and Summer Knitu must be laid by, but before DOINU SO call r ' on us aud got your WINTER OUTFIT. - - - , . y - Boing tho ONLY EXCLUSIVE, UENT3' FUilNISHINQ STORE IN THE CITY, v -J..r' do not buy before you have given us a calj. - - . ' , ,: . ., We hnvo a Full Line of Seasonable Qoods. Our Stack of Clothing is now nearly ; , . ' complete.-' Nobby Sicks mid Cutaways, Suits of Diagonal, Cassimeres. ani ;.i Our line of Overcoats ia tho best we liave ever had. "" .-' ... r y'-:- Boya. Youths and Cliildren's Suits from $3.60 up. . Boy's Overcoats at $2 50. r Full lino of Underwear. Agents for the Celebrated Pearl ishirt. ; p't We soil a aood White Shirt, Lino,n Bosom ami Cuff Bands, at 686. -"'V,-Stacy. Adams & Co.'s- Shoes, acknowledged by all to be the Best Shoe sold In'i this market.' We have the exclusive' sale of thertu Our ?3.00 Stacy, Adams Co.'sSli.x? u the "Boss." . -;" ',-.-,'' Our Hat Stock is very complete, comprising ten different styles in stiff goods, New Tios und Scarfs. Gloves, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, Scarf Pins, Collnr and Cuff Buttons, at Popular Prices. , - ' ' j. ; ' :;" Carpets, Oil Cloths, Hugs, Trunks and Valises. , , . -; We have samples of Stair Carpets in great variety. ; v '-' - Rubber Coats, Boots and Shoes, etc., etc. . ,''; "-''.''' V J":- ' .'.'fsr MARBLE m - - . V: -EVT ES'S, S. C. x MONUMENTS, , TOMBS, And all fclndi Grave and Building work In ITALIAN AMERICAN GARBLE Orders will receive prompt attention and satisfaction guaranteed. , JOE E. WILMS, Proprietor , tHucoossor to George W. Ctoypoole) Cor. . BROAD A D CRAVEN Sts., J V. NEW BERNE. N. C J E. Milleb is my authorized agent ; Winston K -r .:, , . maSu-lTdw , .1. lur lIi SISY Cotton Eroker and Gomiission Imlul ; - tea. Consignments of Cotton and Grain o- Ucited. ( ..'i'-, .. (, ; ' The Highest Prices Guaranteed. ;'' V;: XliW.IJERNE.'Na '-. - ' octadwtf - ;- v -''A.- iters'. 5. ' All Persons paying their Real and Personal Property Tax ou or Defore 15th Noveinher, 1 will rtscciva In payment one-half of the Tax on Vouchers., issued hy the present lioura. : - .. . ,- " JOHN HT BELL, ! ocl3 td ''" ,' ':' .: ; i Tax Collector, SFiSTI! 5 CilEDLE Have r.iw. In stock and are recoivlng' by , - :'-s 8teimer a Full Line of , . Hardware, Stovc. .y ),T:j , CJuiiR, Tin, Class, . 1 ' ;L f . -r-A':..-. i, t.V . i ' ; Saih,"loors, JBIukIk, : s ; -v'f., i ? riowsVlllwiari, ; Hetiling and Coolf Stoves. , The " -'f l Golden Harvest and. Chainpioq, the1 UeHt In the market ' I ' ', : : r Buggy Hal-neB, Saddles and r.rldlts, and a full line of i f L M I mm; U-v. Opp. EPISCOPAL: OHUROH, POLLOCK STEEET, ixyy'y - ." - ". ocl5d&wtf m DAN. KELLY Has opened a FIU;X-Ci.ASS .'.' '' llomShpdng SEicp On Craven street, at E C.t'uti ftcrl's Mnclilne Shop, and is prepun d to do all kind of work in the BLACKSA1IT II LIJ?E.- He will sboohorstsfrora 'lliftaiuf itto lhk 7 . ; ' - wildest, and wanunts all woiktoglvesatis--1. V faction, ; - .' - - . ... . ; -. . r-'- Uring your wild horses and club-footed , . horses and knttck-kneed horses pnri- have--j " them woikodon And any horse tlmtouts or forges bring Ulin tu inu.aud If not stopped i no pay. I - ' : f' i;'.-'"i:-":.-v OysMrs. I have fUtcd us in ftmt-c as o.der.nn Cra von street, one door-from J. yronl t.lreet, ; UooKis for or.y Iinsinesi, ; ; ,v t . .-, I am now prepsrcn to ir.rnlt-o my old (:nd .' all new) patrons. Oysters In. evxry tyW oooked. .' - : - ' Also, fuinllles suPB led by tle pint. Quart Or gallon; ; ' s Thanking iuy piitvous for loht year I raU , ropage ; I hope to continue to serve them. . opt dwlf j ' A-15- KIMBALL, '. 1 1 COMMISSION MEECUAUT8, au22 HKW BERNE. W. C, f ! day ' Damaged Goods at MACE'S . .' AT ''-..,' . . 50 PKKC15KT, BELOW COST, Rnch as Hardware, eh I p Chandlery, 'bmsrs,' F.to., two doors below, old stand, Market Also we are opehlng a Laree Stock of NKW eooi8 In the above lino, whlr h will, be sold at the Lowest Prices. .,; Bt Wd'ff HancockVChill Pills, ' 'J' -f TO CURE Any Kind of Clailln or Vt r, 'FnrV '! Prnrgibtaat tO '''