TWER'S Ague Cure ontaios an antidote for all malarial dl- , ; ordtn which, to far at known, It oied In no .' other remedy. It contains no Quinine, nor any mineral nor deleterious substance what- ever, and consequently produces no injurious effect upon the constitution, bat leaves the. system as healthy as it was before the attack. i VTE W1SRABT AUK'S AGUE CtJSB to cure every ease of FeTer and Ague, Inter mittent or Chill Fever, Remittent FeTer, Dumb Ague, Bilious Fever, and Liver Com plaint caused by malar!. In case of failure, after doe trial, dealers are authorized, by our circular dated July 1st, 1882, to refund the t money. Dr. J. C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. Land For Sale. : A TRACT of FORTY-FIVE ACRES on the North Bide of Neuae Rlyer, opposite (be City of New Berne. Will be sold altogether or In fifteen acre lota. . " A Vo. 1 Dwelling and nut houses. , Valuable for trucking. Apply to , V HENRY MILLER, bc21 dAw lm , Goldsboro, N. G. SI. W. WAHAB, (Successor to K H. Wlndley,) , , DISTILLERS' AGENT FOR uro Rye and Corn Whisky ' AT WHOLESALE. WILES AND CIGARS IN GREAT IARIE1Y, timger Ale, Pale Ale, Beer AND PORTER. XEEGNER & BAGEL BEER, CIDER, PURE FRENCH BRANDY. a. W. WAHAB. Smth. Front St. New Berne, N. 0. " nopiW-dAwly. ' TTTW TTETTTVETlSfiTi" TT0TISE . Now tinder the management of THORNTON BROS., Is prepared to furnish Board and JfOdglng at reasonaDie rates. . UVERY STABLES. ' , Horses and buggies constantly on hand for " transporting passengers to, any nel,hoorlng ' THORNTON BROS., Xs' Henderson House, Middle street, ' ' Jy28 dwly - 'ew Berne, N. C. COLD SPRINGS FARM ';F2'- ALE. I offbr for sale the above vnluablo property consisting of One Thousand Two Hundred an Blzty Five Aores, Four Hundred nnder cultivation, balance in timber, lying in . Craven county, four miles below Newborn by railroad. It is admirably situated between the A. A N. C. Railroad (half mile from it) and a deep navlgaoie cseok. Address ' V.'jf. JT. WOLFENDEN iytH dwtf i JKewbern.N.C. NORFOLK & BEAUFORT STEAMSHIP LINE Semi-Weekly Inside Service The ' Fast-Sailing and Commodious Sound - . Bieanfer ,p B W Q O XV . pifTAtiiJOHN WALkER.7 ' :' Jluniilua; Semi-Weekly between mmiil AUD ELIZABETH CITIES tauchlrg both ways all the available inter- 9 poinis Ol uoro ouuiiu. tUl LBlUUlim and' the Southern shore 01 Hyaecouni? wy socking Bay, Kar Creek, etc, ' Through arrangements all Railfoad t,,i HtfLiniihln lines. North. East and West. End through bllls: of lading issued from poi nts frfsNipraejin. - ; ' " Rates as low ft by any Hne, and time guar- "-" v SAILING DAYS, e'ai-e Morehead City Tuesdays and Fridays Iave'Kil'ziibeth City Siuiday arid FhnrsdaY nlghta at '&H o'clock, ; Connections for Passengers and perUtJifthle FreiKtits with AtlanHo and NortlLr;a.rJ,,Hn ldNrfokBouinorft Railroads, GUARAN- ' oppress ierviee on ine tine. tr.'fn'rti,ir information annlv to " I. B. DAV18, PurseT, od Board, SiVt. MC im.RlM.nnn. Freleht Aic't., ,TS4. K. IIKARNR. Mareuead City, N. V, loneral Agent. Keaufjlrt, N.O., . . s Qr Ujo Local AaeuU of taojlne. , offli-uw r:iTH a qredle l-Jfave ii'w la stock and ate reqeivlng by lull T.hiA of )Iarflyan, Stoycs, . P;ns, Tin, qiass, aa&U, Doors, SUnl? " Plows, Wlllow-varo. Heatlne and Cook Btoveg. The' ' ( ' (loldcn llarvest and Champion; the best In the market. t Bnifuy Harness, Saddles and Bridle, and a fnll line of - " :t:f:l Lnri Ooo-1 V'e i il 1 sell THE JOURNAL. SEW BE2NE, N C NOV. 5. 1884. Old-Fashioned Integrity. " Now and then a man ia discover ed who disregards that law of trade which bids one bny in the cheapest, and sell in the dearest market. In stead of doing that, he . obeys another law, soldom quoted in the marketplace "Whatsoever ' ye would that men should do onto you, even so do ye also unto them." Many years ago, there lived in Windham, If. 11., a farmer, named Samuel Clark, lie was not onlv an honest, but a very honest m an . When selling produce, or stock, no matter what might bo the mark et price, ho would not receive a penny more for the article than he, under similar circumstances, would be willing to pay for it. A neighbor once called on him to buy a cow, and asked the price. "Wait a moment, and I will toll you," said honest Samuel Clark. Walking away a few yards, he was overheard Baying to himself: "How much would Samuel Clark be willing to pay for that cow! Would he pay so mucli! naming a sum l. jno, ne wouldn't! lint Samuel vrould pay this sum rnamins another amonnt, and I will take that for lny COW.' ' Returning to the buyer, he named the price, and in a few minutos the cow was driven out of Samuel's yard. , . I A butcher stopped, ono day, be- fore the house of an old clerevman. and pointing to a calf in the yard, asked: "Do you Wish to sell that if : Cail, Sin" es: now inucn win you give lor tV answered the old minister. VaoI woo l.irrli tha ncilf ktoo f .t vv " kJ UJbu1 tuv ViWa v AHi-e I and the butcher offered a good sum. "DO you Ulink, Mr. , you COUld make yOlirselt Whole, ll you na il ma cn mnnh fAr nlf 9V aol? uiu uiu hvf iuuvu "j j vmi i "an.-1 cd the old ' disciple who thought more of the golden rule than of Sold- The butcher bousrht the calf, at the price ho had offered. After- 1 ... j.h: ii.. tL..ii. i. I wmus, iu leniug me uuecuoif, ne added: "Drat it, boys, a man must l miirhfv'maan wl.nM M,oof fl,of old parson!" Youths1 Companion. Holmes' Sure Cure Mouth Wash and Dentifrice is an infallible cure for Ulce rated Sore Throat, Bleeding Gums, Sore Houtu and Ulcers. Cleans the Teeth and keeps the Gums healthy and puri-1 hes the breath, rrepared solely by Drs. J. P. & W. R. HOLMES, Dentists, 103 Mulberry street. Macon Georgia, For sale by R. N. Duffy, New Berne, N, C, and all Druggists and Dentists. au20dw3mo MEETINGS OF LODGES ot. tiunno xiu. o, a., a- . a, xi. jjj.., meets the 2d Wednesday night in each month. New Berne Chapter, No. 40, R. A. M., meets on the 2nd Monday in each month at 8 p.m. . . r New Berne Lodge, No. 443, Knights of Honor, meets on the 2d and 4 th Fri day nights in each month Assessment INo. uuis now due, and must be paid on or before the 25th day oi uctooer, 1004, Trent Council, No. 411, Royal Ar canum, meets on the 1st or 3d Friday nights in eacn montn, Assessment jno. is now aue, ana must be paid on or before the day Eureka Lodge, No. 7, I. O. O. F, meets on the 2d and 4th Monday nights in each, month. Assessment No. is now due. and must be paid on or before tb.9 day Neuse Oocnck No. 1, Order of Chosen Friends, meets on the 1st and 3d Wednesday nights in each month. Assessment No. 00 is now due, and must be paid on or before tin 9th day of August, 1884. , tri a v T fmnv rm TTrxrrT ntrota n fV 1 of Assessment No. 53 is now due, anal. orbereth0,thday V 4MgtOU j, . ' 1 - LOCAL BRANCH NO. 05. ORDER OF THE iu nil, mww on ine oa flionuayi nisrllt m each month. . Assessment No. 83 is now due, and muoi uo uiu uu ui udauav mo oiou uajr - A .. 1 .. J (Ifl t . . .. , l - OI JUlVa 1001. -.. Hvthtas. mofir.q nn tn ana tiiri -tubs dav niorhts in eaoh.month tsesament Ko. 128 is now due, and must be paid on or before the 30th day or July, BROWN, OAK HALL, ' - Philadelphia:' A full line of card samples of ,vi. at grent piece foods stock - yClrllM Largest V, Mcrchant Tailoring 'f IJ and Clothing Housq ,sJ( i in America, 1 . , Vjjr , - ) WANAMAKER (j - THIMOF.rPNOW! - Although much is said about the tapor t&neeof a blood-purifying medicine, H may be possible thrt the subject has ncrer seriously claimed your attention. TOinl-o it now.' Almost etery person has some form of scrof ulous poison latent in his veins. ; When this develops ia Scrofulous Soms TJIoern, or eruptions, or ia the form of Rheumatism or Organie Diseases, the suffering that eu sues is terrible. Hance the gratitude bf those who discover, as thousands yearly do, that Ayer's Sarsaparilla w!U thoroughly eradicate this evil from the system. As well expect life without air as health without pure blood. Cleanse the blood with Ateb's SABgAfAan.T.a. : FBBPABEO BT ' ' ' Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Bold by all Druggists ; SI, six bottles for $5. PROFESSIONAL. WILLIAM J. CLARKE. COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Attends all the courts held at New Berne, Particular attention iiald to cnllnot.lnir claims, and conveyancing. uniiea Mtates coramismoner. Sept. 18th, 1881. dw L. J. Moore. Wm. E. Clabkr. MOORE & CLARKE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Vaw Rnvnu V i"! win practise in the courts of nrtert. m. ndVamac'oc6t?esfone8, Lenolr' 0n8low Also In the Supreme Court at Raleigh and aSaSt. """ayAiUl1 " fle"WM ana collecting a specialty. apsdwtf gkobqe v. stkono. danibl k. pkrrt. Raleigh, N.O. Klnston.N. O MMlSWM in SXKUJlli & rtuii&x, kinston, n. c, ATTORNEYS AE COUNSELLORS AT LAW. Having formed a copartnership for the fiw!nwui uieiuw in jones county, will regu- larly attend the courts of the same. Prcmpt r lTcuu I 'm rHIL- HOLLAND. JR. OWEN H. GOTON TTAT T" si lr-Tv a A nULL AJN u fc IjUIUJN, Attorneys n.t. .nw Office on Craven St.. two doors above Pellock Will practice In the Counties of Craven "". . rnuiuuu anu i,enoir nompi auenuon pala to co aPr29-dwiy. f..m. simmoks, CLEMENT MADLY. CIMMflUC 9, IHUIU ' " " " ra n J ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will practice in theCourtsof Craven, Jones, Onslow, Carteret,Pamllco, Lenoir and Hyde, in the Federal Court at New Berne. DK. J. D. CLARK, NKWBERtr. J. C. Office ou Craven street, between Pollock and Broad, aprl7-dwly CENTRAL HOTEL, W. E. PATTEESON. PbOP'b, NEW BERNE, N. C. mHIS WELL" KNOWN AND COMMODIOUS An honsc, as its name implies, is stniatfid in th central and business portion of tli city, beace recommends itself for its convenience to the travelling public. Affording solicitors ever; opportunity of visltinK business correspondents lt nas attentive sorvantB, and its table isalwavs turnisbod with Every Delicacy tit the Season I its rooms are large, airy and well furnished. 1 tm n-Hr-Kn-a-na 0r the accommodation of mests to and im i . . . . v . i trams ana si earners xree 01. cnarge n spcta( All the appurtenances, of a modem FIRST CLAS3 HOTEL. April 1-d-lv. to John Dunn's FOR AN tt att -nt i nn XvjXii jJ jD iTJuixOo OF Soda GlnffOr Ale Been EiOCk ' . V ' F OR VICHY AND BE SURE TO TRY HIS otnte! rnrn?T7.f?rTfrrT,T3T'n, Pollock St., next door to Bank. f,.,.l.lli.H.,..l.,.m...l I NflTinK. Having tinallfled as Administrator of I Thomas Harris, deceased, all persons havlsa Fonrtb day oi October, 15. ox-tniB notice I . .1 !! . J, IV i win 06 piaaiicu m vnv ox ineir recovery i a. iai-li. MOORK A ULARKE, Attorneys ior Aaminisiraror. ooww EASTERN NORTH CARQUHA MARBlE .WORKS SEW BEME, K. C. MONUMENTS, TOMBS, And all kinds Grave and Building work in ITAL1AN&AL1ERICAN OARiLE t OrderB will receive prompt attention and satisfaction guaranteed JOE K. WILIjIS, Frpprietor (uecesaorro.iB w.vwphb, , 100,000 BUSHELS OF RICE, For wlioh we will pay the Highest Market Price. We will Bell Rice, worn, vonon, in tnis or any ocnor market, ior une ommisaion. LIBERAL ADVANCES MADE ON PRODUCE IN HAND. WE OFFER FOR SALE Choice (in stock and to arrive), at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES for CASII, consisting in part of : 50 bbls. "Eureka Extra" Flour, 50 bbla. "Daisy" Flour, 50 bbls. "White Swan" Flour, 50 bbls. "Hyde's Choico" Flour, 50 bbls. "North Lake" Flour, 50 bbls. "None Better" Flour, 50 bbls. "St. George" Flour," 25 Sacks Rio Coffee, 10 Sacks "Laguayra," "Java" 25 bbls. Pork. 10 boxes. L. C. Best refined and bucket Lard. 10 tubs Butter ; 25 Cheese (best creamery). 50 boxes Crackers and (Jakes. 25 bbls. of Molasses and Syrup. 20 bbls. of four year old "Fruit" Vinegar. 15 bbls. Sugar. Teas, Spices. Extracts, etc., etc. We carry as fine a line of Canned Goods as can be found in the city. 1,000 boxes of Cigars from $1.10 to $15.00 per hundred. Loriliard and Gail and Ax's Snuff at manufacturer's prices. Tobacco cheap by the box, 50 boxes Soap. We offer a drive in Paper Sacks. If you do not think we are in earnest, call on or send your orders direct and consign your produce to Walter J?. Buittis & Co., Red Front Store, South Front St., New Berne, N. C. oct!4 d&w To Cotton I AM NOW PREPARED TO GEV COTTON" at the Gin of T. S. Iloward on the Most Favorable Terms. I will also buy Seed Cotton and Market. Bagging and Tics furnished to my I will nay the TTiffhflKf Marknt. I am also prepared to buy or sell bale solicit consignments of same. References given when desired. When you have Cotton to Fell or Cotton to Gin, be sure to see me I am also Agent for the Celebrated PROLIFIC COTTON GKOWER. OFFICE ONE DOOR NORTH ALPHEUS W. OOD. CEO. ALLEYS & CO. OPFlR nrmi a n K "TiiT fi ttti I H, A VI H, t H, Georgia Cotton Gins, Feeders and Condensers. Lummus Cotton Gin, Self Feeder and Condenser, I aent Stationary Beater, which removes the sand and dust from the lint. Vitinil with Adinstflhlii Sflfid Board. ,The Monarch Cotton Press, the best hand press ever made. Jt3rCall and examine samtrto machines. Prices very low. ' . -... GEO. ALLEN & CO- GMDWER MANTTPACTURERS WM UM TOB BUggieS, ROCKAWAYS Farm and Spring Wagons, Carts, Trucks, ' y. ' i Drays, Harness, Halters, Collars, Hames, Etc, Broad Street, opposite yVlex. Miller's. W REPAIRING IN ALL ITS GIVE US A CALL W-l- Ctomegay & Co. Are Agents for the following Talbott & Sons, Richmond, v : , Engines, Boilers, Saw Watertown Steam Engine V ' ' , Portable, Sl Cotton Gins - -': Winsbip, Gullett Tatent Steel The Boss Cotton Press " ' After years of experience i the i i. ... . . i v Lpy0 Agencies mainly because wo mnnn AT TJIK LOWEST TUSSlULJli FJJU.UJS8. ' A FULL LINE OF mcenes, that is as good as is made. and "Mocha." Bellies and Backs. Growers ! pay the Highest Price of the customers at Cost- Pricn for rot.tnn Snfid and Rice. cotton at the Lowest Brokerage, and OF COTTON EXCHANGE, A TT ATT Ti O A I II I ,h,K h CLE WW AND DEALERS IN AND PHAETONS, BRANCHES NEATLY EXECUTED. jjl d&w6m Manufacturing Companies : Va. : Mills, Grist Mills, Tobacco Machinery, Co., Watertown, N. Y. : itkinary and Marine Engines and Boilei&v t V"; ;' Brasb and the LigVt Draft Cotton Bloom. Perkins's Shingle Machinery Machinery Business, we have selected the j. i- i i rrnn -nfer desire to fumish our patrons THE BEST Announcement Exfraordh: With a view to conforming with the tin the PATRONS of DET RICK'S 8ALOON ( respectfully notified that until further no: they will be permitted to use POOL A' BILLIARD TABLES connected therewith GRATIS; Charge only being made for refreshments. Also on hand at any time ; v ' Imported Schweitzer and . Llmburg.. Cheese; Imported and American Eologn Sausage; Sauerkraut when in season. . CALL AT "DEHUCK'S" OLD STAND. Q. L. PArPENDICK, Assignee. oci dw . ROBERTS & BRO., . j Wholesale '8c Retail DEALERS IN Provisions5 Groceries, Drv Goods- -; 'J Boots and Shoes. All of which we are offering VEIL'S LOW. Orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. r GROCERIES AND DRY GOODS Boots and Shoes, ' . Rcues Twines. Paints, Oil, CANVAS, . GR-IISJ" SACKS. LOK1LJA lll SNUFF At Manufacturer's Prices. NETS and SKIN Eft. Foot Middle street, NEW E2RNE, N. V d&w 37 Court Place, LOUISVILLE, KY. A refiilafly )acat(l ai t IenH iTnlitwi? ohykiB aad tb- Cures all fnrM ctttlVATE. CHRONIC r-udSliXUAL DXS- bpermatorThea and lmpotency M tho retnlt of elf-bnt In youth, texo! cxcmmi 1 m- ;. turer yri, or other caiwi, tni producing torn of th tVA lowing eflot'tst Nt!rvouiiiMf Seminal EiuMona,(nlghfc ml - -ilon by dreunx), imnr-i of hfght Dafrctlv Memory, Pay Icil Decay, ttmplM 00 Fsc, Arenlon to Sodty of FcMleo, Confuiioo of Ideas, Lota of Sazual Power, Ac., reodcrlug narnaa improiwr m onnappy, art noivu(rniy aw pwui Mntly cured. gYPHIlilS pOritire,y 0BW nd ' , tlrely aradleaUd from tLa aytem GoHOTrn64 " GLEET, Stridor, Orchitis Rami, ftuptan rues ana utnor private oimhmi qtiKaiy careo ItllH-lfH'Tidauittiat a physician! woo p tetiai nmni, ft orttla claa of dlnai-ei, and treating lboaianda anno iJv.a-iuimaTeatah(Il. Fhvttciani k no win thli factolta tvt-i)tmnind nprtotii to niT car. When It U iaeoiveakntt :. viflttbecity f-ir trvatment, Dindlrtnet can ba wat privately ud iafeiy by mail or uprctt anywbr8. Cures Gnraxitd la all Cmami andertakn . . . . Cofiiuiutiutio iH'rwntlly r oy letter frno IM nvHc Charyai reaauuaUo and urrpondeiic itrfcUy confidoBtial . PRIVATE cousrssy-on of fflo pnpe tfnt ti any wl'hvM, rtunly sir thirty INII. 1 f on 9 A. M..t I". M. Mn U 4 tf. M " J. 15. BROWJN , .Barber and Hair Dresser, With twenty-five years experience, and tha Neatest and llcat uruished Saloon u the c'ty will Klve as Hood.a , sMave ascan De had any where for TKN CKNTS. New shop; new furnllure, and sntisracuon Knaranieeu. Hot and cold unt hs can no had at an Doors. Middle street, next to L. H. Cutler. marlHdlv W. II. DEWEY THE PUACTICAL T0NS0KIAL AKTIST, Personally in attendance at hlsHatrdresalng and Hliavlnc Knloon at the Gaston House, with the best workmen. Batibfacllon is assured to those who patron ize him. d W. H. MORIUS. F, MOBKIS. ESTABLISHED 18J7 :j. j. burgess, of c, WITH . V 1' W. H. MORRIS & SONS, Commission Ucrch'ts, Nos. 23, 25 &. 27 Commerce St., NORFOLK, VA, Srjecial attention Eiven to sales of Cotton Grain, Teanuts and Country Produce gene, rally. Liberal cash advances made on con signments. Prompt returns aud highest me aet prices guaraiueeu. . . auzaw uani Agent and Bottler OP THE . , - OI3L.KUKiVT13I BERG1TER & E1TGEL BREWINGCO1 PHILADELPHIA LAGER EE: New Dernei N. C. This beer took premiums at t' tennial Exhibition at rhiLul -' I the Paris Expoi; tion. Ke mil ub ivuiiii Willi C. L. IVES, O r. BROAD AD CRAV" '8., . . rn " 37;' . C p Mill).. . . any other in v-