. vrau taint an antidote for mil malarial uW ' jkrdart which, 10 fat a knowu, U tued in no . .other remedy. It contains no Quinine, nor . any mineral nor deleterious substance what- . erer, and consequently produces no Injurious otlect upon the constitution, but leaves Ilia . system ai healthy as it was before the attack.' v ; t VB WABSABT ATEB'B AGUE CURE ;',o care every ease of Fever and Ague, Inter. V.tuitUnt or Chill Fever, liemittent Fever, Jmnib Ague, Bilious Fever, and Urer Com- jilalnt caused by malaria. In case of failure, f ; utter due trial, dealers are authorized, Try our circular dated July 1st, 1882, t refund the :v money. .: f ; .Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co.,LowcII,Mase. .- - Sold by all Druggists. . ; FLand For Sa!e. ATBACT Of FORTY-FIVE ACHE3 on the Xorth Sldo of Mems River, opposite the Olty of New Berne. , , : N Wll bft sold altogether or in fifteen acre lots. : ." i- " . ' A No. 1 Dwelling and Outhouses. ' ;". Valuable for tracking. v , Apply to "iO X HEN it Y MILLER, oc21 ddkw lm Qoldsboro, N. 0. 11. W. WAHAB, . .f , (Successor to K H. WUidley,) y distillers' agent for V iue Rye and , Corn Whisky ' AT WHe5LESxlJ.fi. jWIKS AND. CIGARS . Uinger Ale, Pale Ale, Beer '!: 'PORTER. EEKGNER & Elf GEL BEER, cider, PURE FRENCH BRAHQY. . '? i II. W. "W AH Alt. i South Front St. New Bonw, JV. 0. . ,ep26-d&wly. - THE HENDERSON, HOUSE, 4 Now tinder the management of THORNTON 'BROS., is prepared to furnish Beard and i Iiodtflng at reasonable rates. - , LIVERY STABLES. " Horses and buggies constantly on hand for transporting pusstmgels to any neighboring town. . . ' ' i t.'-. THORNTON BROS., " , Henderson House, Middle (street, -' jydwiy ,, ;' : ' J'ewIrne.M,a NORFOLK? & BEAUFORT -BTBAttSIIII LINE. SemWeeftly luaido Service. The Fast SftUltiS ni (tommodlous Sound .. , i V i -Htearoer., , ' Captain JOEtSf ALKEB, ; Running Semi-Weekly bctwen v rv ' MOMEiB n'AB" ELIZABETH' CITIES, Touchlrg both ways all the available intcr ' mediate points of Cora Sound, Portsmoulli, Bnd the Southern shoraot Hydoeouutv, Wy-. socking Biy,Far,Cieeit, etc. - 'i t mn-oitgh a,i rangenients with arf M'rcwd fcri.Steafa3hln lnc' North,,East- ani? Went, find tliroutth bills of lading Issued fioni pblntff , bfniiilproent. ' ,:. Bates as low as, by any line, and tltne guar. ' leave Slorehead CltyTuesdays and Fridays ' " Leave EliJiabeth CltySupdayant rhwrsdaT nlghtaaTEN o.oiocK. ," .. , Connections for Passengers and Peilfchable Freights with Atlantie and North Carolina, and Norfolk (Southern Railroads, . GU ARAN 'TEED. - . Hpress Servlec on Ue lifp. jWfuytlier tnformationpply to : T m i r.'B. PAVlfc, Purser, on Board, i : iiW. MO'RRISi Gen. Freight Agt., , ; . HEARNE, - Morehead Olty, N. C. - ' General agent, Beaufort, N. a, : , ' Or th fcocal Asents of the line. ? oo-dw . SniTII & CREOLE JJuve now jjj stock arid are receding by - . gioniifier 9. fni ...yiatdWrtdv.M,''1";,-' Gun Tin, Glass, ;f : ; -' . v", Sator Doors, Blinds, XiX ''..i V"f; viows, Wlllow-waro. ' T Ueatiug and Cook Stoves. The , ' oln; rTr??5 i?!? r tiie hest in tho markets r : Buggy HarapsiiijSadi?4 ajtd, llrl41oa, am S np(Ut!fut .1 .vwp H ,' Wo seU'onp .but reUabla goods, and sell themLOW rorcAsu.- .' , KiddloSt.? NeW Berne-N. C Uc":!i:rs for Taxes. All Persons paying'theirTlenl and Personal Property Tax on or before oth November, t ..in fmaiu. in , MvmAtit Ofie-nalf of tne Trfx on iYouphers' Issued hy,U- present - : i JOHN H. BELL. ,HI8 U Tax Colleotor. -1 I V.i-- -l . THE JUURNL. NEW BSiiNE. N.C..N0V.13. 1884. i In Arctic Song-Bird. .' ;; ' It has often been remarked that there is no music in nature's soli tudes of ice. Mr. W. H. Gilder, who accompanied the sledge expe dition of 1879 through Great Fish River and Hayes River regions, nlludea with Borne feeling to the one little scrap of living song that he met there,' and the struggle it cost him to lay violent hands on the only species of Arctic creature that h is a tuneful voice. I shot two of an apparently dis tinct species Of snipe (he says), to preserve their skins lor the Smith sonian Institution Collection. One of them was distinguished by a sweet, simple song, somewhat simi lar tp the lark's, its silvery tones gushing forth as if in perfect ecstasy of enjoyment of sunshine and air, at the same time rising and poising itself npon its wings. It seemed almost inhuman to kiil the sweet little songster, particular ly as it was the only creature J saw in the Arctic that uttered a pleasant note. All other sonnd.-i were such as the scream of the hawk and the gull, the quack of the duck, tho yell of the wolf, the "oorT,' "ooff!" of the walrus, or tho bark of the seal all harsh and unmelodious, save the tones ot tins sweet little singer, Nothing but starvation or scientific research could justify the slaughter ot one ot tuese innocents. I believe I shut my eyes when I pulled the trigger of my gun, and I know my heart gave a regrotlul thump when I heard tho thud of its poor bleeding body on tho ground SchcatTcd's Search. JTOND OF WAGNER. "JD0 JOU know why that lady is so enthusi astic in her expressions of admire tion for the 'music of the future' of the great 'German master and prophet,' etc., and why she is so earnest in declaring that his lan guage speaks to her soul as no other could, and so on, and on, and onl ' "1 don t know, unless it is be cause she is fond of Wagner music." "Not at all; it is simply because sho is lond ol Wiig'n'er tongue. ' Bos ton Transcript. llolmeB' Sure Cure Mouth Wash and Dentifrice is an infallible cure for Ulce rated Sore Throat, Bleeding Gums, Sore Mouth and Ulcers. Cleans the Teeth and keeps the Gums healthy and puri nes -the breath. Prepared solely by Drs. J. P. & W. R. HOLMES, Dentists, 103 Mulberry street. Macon Georgia, For sale by R. N. Duffy, New Berno, N, C, and all Druggist3 and Dentists, au20dw3mo As a purifier, Ayer's Sarsaparilla acts directly and promptly. A single bottle will prove its merits. Many thousands of people are yearly saved from danger ous fevers by the exercise of a little timely care in properly cleansing the system by the use of this remedy. MEETINGS OF LODGES. St. Johns Lodge, No. 3, A. P. & A. M meots the 2d Wednesday night i n each month. New Berne Chapter, No. 43, R. A, M., meets od the 2nd Monday in each month at 8 p.m. New Berne Lodge, No. 443, Knights of Honor, meets on the 2d ana 4 th Kri day nights in each month. Assessment ijo. 140 is 'now due, and must ha paid on or before the 25th day or uctooer, lua-i. , Trent Cownoil, No, 4ll, Royal Ar- CAkvu, meets oh the 1st or Sd Friday nights in each month. Assessment No, Is now due, and must be paid on or before the day Eureka Lodge. No. 7, I. 0, 0, F. meets on the 2d and 4th, Mouday nights in eaph mpntth . ' Assessment xo. is now auo, ana must be paid on or before the day Nedse Council, No. 1, Order of Chosen Friends, meets on the 1st and 3d Wednesday nights in each month. Assessment No. uu is now due, ana must be paid otf or before tin ith dI of August, 1884. ; v'i ; : V ; OOSIIOPOUTAN CQUNCIL .10. 211, AKKtt ICAN LecIion op Honor, meets on the 1st and 8d Thursday night moach month Assessment No. oa is now aue, ana must be paid on or before the 7th day of August. 1884. : , - Local Branch No. 05, Order of the Iron Hall, meets on . the 3d Monday night in each month. -, , Assessment JNo. aa is row aue, ana must bp paid on "or before the 31st day of July, 1884,' .'1? ; y '. "?: v" Athenia Lodge. No. 8, Knights ob Pythias, meets on the 2d and 4th, Tues dav niehts in eaoh month. . F ', ; Atsessment JNo. vm is now aue, anu must be paid on or before the 80th day or, auiy, loo. , mi- . .u KLEN-SO-DOR, A SOAP, the best in the world for Laundry use: win muKe tne cioines wmw uu withmii. Hnalillnfirorbolllnfir. . v - -' It is the bebt w)ap for Toilet U6ake the ItaaH amnnl.h. nnft nnfl nleftl,. It Is the hetit soap So slaving, loaves the face smooth and soft, and prevents chapping, and cures barber's Hon, euros chapped hands, cures ring-wormand Anally will make you nTW-.. ' ''.JTml. h. PALMKR. ' .Second door from the comer of --' . . M llil le and South Front streets. . ;-: -v i . NeW Berne. N.C. iian at I tin Kftmn dace vott can find lood Cigars, Tobacco, etc., of all k inds, and Candles in areat variety atretuit.au goou. r aw f' s Rond rIx cpnts for postawe 1 " ri'M'ivn free, a costly t). - '..( ).,..; -l,i.-ti vlll h-l nil flyer's Cherry Pectoral- A " "OrrrUle, Ohio, Sept 10, 1881 . CCLDS. " nt been subject to k bron . chial atretdon, vita frequent . colds, for a nam bar of years, I hereby cer tify that Ayeb's Ciikbby Pectoral giro me prompt relief, and is the most effective remedy I have ever tried. , Jakcs A. HamiTOK, - - ditor ot The OrtteetU." ......... "MtGUead, Ohio, June M. 1881 : COUGHS. " I hve used Atkk s Cukrrt . PkctobaIi this spring for a se vere cough and rang trouble with good effect, and I am pleased to recommend it to any one similarly affected. HJLBVST BACCtHXAV, . Proprietor Globe Hotel.". FBEPABHB BT Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. PROFESSIONAL. C. R. THOMAS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on Craven street, in Stanly Bulldlne near corner of Pollock street. novldwly C. R. THOMAS, Jr., Attorney cvt Xiaw, BEAUFORT, N. C. Office on corner of Turner and Front streets. Will practice In Carteret and adJoinine counties. Prompt attention to collection of claims. . mmawiy . WILLIAM J. OLAEKE, COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Attends all the courts held at New Berne, North Carolina. Particular attention paid to collecting claims, and conveyancing. uniiert states commissioner. Sept. 18th, 1884. dw L. J. Moore. wm, E. Clarke. MOORE & CLARKE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, New Berno, N. C. Will practise In the Courts of Carteret. Cra ven. Greene. Hvde. Jones. Lenoir. Onulow and Pamlico counties. Also in the Supreme Court at Raleigh and the United States Courts at New Berne and itaicigii. collecting a specialty, apsdwtf GEORGE V. STRONG, DANIEL E. PERRY, Kinston, N. O Raleigh, N. 0. STRONG & PERRY, KINST05T, K. C, ATTORNEYS ANL COUNSELLORS AT LAW. Ravine formed a conartnershln for the practice of the law in Jones county, will regu larly attend the courts of the same. Prompt attention paid to collections. mayiz-ciiswu stuunu & rJSKKY. PHIL. HOLLAND, JR. OWEN H. GUION HOLLAND & GUION, .Attorneys at Law, Ofilco on Craven St., two doors above Pellock Will practice in the Counties of Craven Jones, Onslow, Carteret, Pamlico and Lenoir l'rompt attention paid to collections, apr2-dtwly. , M. SIMMOKS, CLEMENT MANLY SIMKiOHS a M AH LY , ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will practice In IheConrtsof Craven.. lones. Onslow, Carteret, Pamlico, Lenoir and Hyde, ana in run r euerai uouri ai jn ew rserne. feWJdAwlj DK. J. D. CLARK, NEWBERS, If. C. Office on Craven street, between Pollock and Broad. aprl7-d&wly CENTRAL HOTEL, W. E. PATTERSON, Pitor'x, NI3W BERNE, N. C. HIS WELL. KNOWN AND COMMODIOUS house, as its nam Implies, is situated in the ceutral and business portion of the city, hence recommends Itself for Us convenience to the travelling pnblic. Affording solicitors every opportunity of visiting business correspondents It has attentive sen-ants, and its table Is always luruiBuru wim Every Delicacy the Season Its roams are large, a,iry and well furnished. AN OMNIBUS or the accommodation of guests to and from trams na steamers ires 01 cnarge a special teature m nis city, A.11 the appurtenances, ot a modern FIRST CLASS HOTEL. April l-d-ly. , Go to John Dunn's FOR AN, ICE COLD GLASS OP Soda, Ginger Ale", Deep Rock OI5 vie ii v , AND BE SURE TO TRY HIS FINE CONFECTIONERIES. . h .... He keeps the best line of CIGARS la the olty,' v . ,. Pollock St., next door to Dank. mm A - i TAT,' : EA&TEBJl SOSTH HAROLlSiA MAKBLE SEW BIRSE, S. C. MONUMENTS, TOMBS,-,. And all kinds Grave and Building work in ITALIAN AL1ERIGAH MARBLE ' Orders will receive .prompt attention and satisfaction guaranteed,, . JOE K. WILJ.IS, Proprietor (Successor to George W. Olsypoole) ' Cop. rrOAD AD CRAVEN f , ; 100,000 BUSHELS OF RICE, For which we wUl pay the Highest Market Price. We will sell Rice, Corn, Cotton, in this or any othor market, for One Commission. LIBERAL ADVANCES MADS ON PRODUCE IN HAND. WE OFFER FOR SALE Choice (in stook and to arrive), at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES for CASH, consisting in part of: ' 50 hbls. "Eureka Extra" Flour, 50 bbls. "Daisy" Flour, 50 bbls. ''White Swan" Flour, 50 bbls. 'Hyde's Choice" Flour, 50 bbls. ''North Lake" Flour, 50 bbls. "None Better" Flour, 50 bbls. "St. George" Flour," that is as good as is made. 25 Sacks Rio Coffee, 10 Sacks '"Laguayra," ''Java" and "Mocha." 25 bbls. Pork. 10 boxes L. 0. Bellies and Backs. Best refined'and bucket Lard. 10 tubs Butter; 25 Cheese (best creamery). 50 boxes Crackers and (lakes. 25 bbls. of Molasses and Syrup. 20 bbls. of four year old "Fruit" Vinegar. 15 bbls. Sugar. Teas, Spices, Extracts, etc., etc. We carry as fine a lino of Canned Goods as can bo found in tho city. 1,000 boxes of Cigars from $1.10 to $15.00 per hundred. Lorillard and Gail and Ax's Snuff at manufacturer's prices. Tobacco cheap by the box. 50 boxes Soap. We offer a drive in Paper Sacks. If you d6 not think we are in earnest, call on or send Your orders direct and consign your produce to Walter X. Bxxrariis & Co., Rod Tront Store, South Front St., New Bern, N. C. octl4d&w To Cotton 1 AM NOW PKEPARED TO GIN COTTON at tho Gin of T. S. Howard on the Most Favorable Terms. I will also buy Seed Cotton and Market. Bagging and Ties furnished to my I will pay the Highest Market I am also prepared to buy or sell bale solicit consignments of same. References given when desired. When you have Cotton to Fell or Cotton to Gin, be sure to see me I am also Agent for the Celebrated PROLIFIC COTTON GROWER. OFFICE ONE DOOR NORTH ALPHEUS W. WOOD. OFPR STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS Georgia Cotton Gins, Feeders and Condensers. Lummus Cotton Gin, Self Feeder .and Condenser, with Patent Stationary Beater, which ittod with Adjustable ocod JJoard. The Monarch Cotton Press, the best hand press ever made. 3rbCall and examine Bamplo machines. Prices very low. GEO. ALLEN & CO- GARDNER MANUFACTURERS ROGK&VAYS Openiil Top Buggies Farm' and- Spring Wagons, Carts, Trucks Drays, Harness, Halters, Collars, Hames, Etc- Broad Street, opposite Alex. Milleir'e. REPAIRING IN ALL ITS GIVE US A CALL W..F. Ltprnegay & Co. Are Agents for the following Talbott & Sons, Richmond, , .. Engines, Boilers, Saw Watertown Steam Engine Cotton Gins: . ; ' Winship, Gnllett Patent Steel Tho Doss Cotton Press. ' After years of experience ia tho aoove AgeuuiCB Iliuillljr uecauso no UUJi0 AT TUJU LUWlliST rUSSUiLIU riUUJJiS. . X"'W Arcnt, A FULL LINE OF Groceries, Growers ! pay tho Highest Price of the customers at Cost- Price for Cotton Soed and Rice. cotton at the Lowest Brokerage, and OF COTTON EXCHANGE, a co. removesljhe sand and dust from the lint, fc CLENN AND DEALERS IN AND PHAETONS, BRANCI1ES NEATLY EXECUTED . jyl d&w6m Manufacturing Companies : Va. :. Mills, Grist Mills, Tobacco Machinery, Co., Vatertown, N. Y. :- : Portable, Stationary and Marine Engines and Boilers, ' TJrash and the Light Draft Cotton Bloom Perkins's Shingle Machinery Machinery Business, wo have selected the ucano vu iu.uidu uu puiiuuo .xxn uuu Announcement Extraordinary! With a view to conforming with the times, the PATRONS of DETRICK'S SALOON are respectfully notified that until further notice they will be permitted to use POOt, AND BILLIARD TABLES connected therewith OiRATIS; Charge only being made for refreshments. Also on hand at any time Imported Schweitzer and Ltmbnrger Cheese; Imported and American Bologna Sausage; Sauerkraut when in season. t , CALL AT "DETCICK'S" OLD STAND. G. L. PAPPENDICK, Assignee, ocl dw ROBERTS S BRO., TVholesule & Retail DEALERS IN Provisions' Groceries, Drv Goods" Boots and Sliced All of which wo are offering VEE"X LOW. Orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. dw i:ew bsene. n. c. Ferdinand Ulrich, ROGERIES AND DRY GOODS Boots uxnl Shoes, . t tCDes lvi::es. famts, Uil. CANVAS, gbai:; sacks. : LORILLAi:i STUFF At Manulncturer'8 Prices. :ETS ami SE1NE&. Foot Middle street, NEW E2RNE, N. (' d&w : 31 Court Place, LOUISVILLE, K' A rfrularly educate! an J Ipjrml'.i must laeceisnili ti uu rrciic l jr;-v. CnrAfl nil fnrinH nf PRTvATK CHRONIC and SUAL DIS-' EASES. , Spermatorrliea and Impotency fts thti result of self-abuse in y.mth, tfxutl excessei tn o , lurer years , or other caur-es, sml piodnoinfjt umi of tbt i"4 lwln eHn tu Ni'rvousiiuss, Ssiiiinnl Eintsions, (night mlB " ' linns by dreams), )imucs ot fcitflit, Defective Memury,rh)N ; tlcal Decay, 1'iin j.tes on Face, Aversion to Society ot Females, ConfuM.iu of IdeitB. Lost of Sexual Power, Ac, rendering Diarri(: Iniprotn-r Of unhappy re thoroughly and permn- . oeutly enred, sVPHUilS Pitlvely nrMl audn tirely er&dtu&Ud from tho syo OonOTTbOI GLEET, Stricture, Orchitis Reroift, Buptuc tik-i and other prtvtite dieiues quickly cured itUself-evi.lentthnt a phyiirinns who pny .racial attend. a cerlnia clact of disease's, and treating thousand i ann illy, ii)inrffreSt (kill, physicians k do wins; this 'artoftt P ittmmcnd (Arsons to my care. When It tft inconvenient vii.it the city for trentuient, medirines caa Irt sent priTt4l Mid isfeiy by ami I or express nnywlicre. Cnres Guaranteed in all CaM. uudertahn. Consultations inTMnnlly er Dy letter fre anl tait(4 Charnee reasouabla and eorrepotidenc) strictly contidfotiai K PRIVATE COUNSELOR Of 300 p-iufi, writ f any address, surely jen. d, for tntn cftil. Slmulii he read by all. Address aaalwv (lllu-e 1,, i.rs f-oiti 9 A. M.y-i 1'. M. SuiuUfi. i to 4P.M J. B. BROWJN , Barber and Hair Dresser," With twentv-flve years experience, and th Neatest and livst Furnished Saloon in the city, will give as good a shave as can be hud anywhere for TEN CENTS. New shop, new furniture, and satisiaction guaranteed. Hot and I old Uatlis can be had at all hours. Middle street, next to L. 11. Cutler. marltidlv 1 W. II. 1EWEV THE PRACTICAL ' TONSORIAL ARTIST, Personally in attendance at his HalrdressInK , and ShavinK iSaloon at the Uastou House, with the best worKmen. Satisfaction is assured to those who patron ize htm. d W. H. MORRIS. V, MORRIS, ESTABLISHED 1S17 !J. J. BUKOlsS, of H. C-t 'i WITH W. H. MORHIS & SOITS, Commission LlerchMs, Ms. 23, 25 & 27 Commerce St., , NORFOLK. VA, ' Special attention elven to sales of Cotton Grain, Peanuts nnd Country Produce gene, rally. Liberal cash a dvances made on con signments. Prompt ret urn 6 and highest mar' ket prices guaranteed. au2 dw tjanl JADES It ED HO L'D, Agent and Bottler;. OP THE BERGNER & EHGEL - , BREWING CO PHILADELPHIA; ' LAGER BEER; New Berne, N. C. ; This beer took premiums at the Cen tennial Exhibition at Philadelphia and thefarls Exposition. Keeps better thnn any other in warni climates, and is U '.1 favorite brand wherever knowti. '

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