est Coods Yet! AT THE ST POSSIBLE PRICES ! Are Drawing the Largest Crowds to "imoth Dry Goods Empormm ! STHE JOURNAL. KEW BERNE. N. a, DEC. 18,11884. 7hich place can be obtained a Large and Va 1 Assortment of the Latest Styles of Calicoes "3.; heavy unbleached Domestic at 4c; yard 1 o Sheeting and Shirting at 5c; in fact we are ring all qualities of these Goods at LOWEB TOES than ever before dreamed of, . Oplendid Line of Cashmere and Serge Goods the unheard of price of 10c 2:autiful half-wool Dress Goods at 10c, 12a, Ilice Plaids in assorted colors at 7c, 10c & 15c A lovely double-fold all-wool Plaid, 40 inches i :le, for Children. I lagnificent doublefold Ottoman Cloth for 3 dresses at way-dowii prices, beautiful half-wool double-fold Cashmere, in ' ick and other colors, for 35c, never before :M at less than, 50c Our stock of Black Goods is so exceedingly ice and sold at such Exceptionally Low Prices, at to keep up our assortment we frequently ave to employ the services of electricity, steam :ing too slow. The finest kinds of all-wool Cashmeres from To. up. Our black Ottoman Cloths, 44 in. wide, former 7 sold at 90c, and now being offered and sold t75c 7e also have a splendid Ottoman Cloth, all- col and 44 in. wide, at 60c 7ehave a beautiful assortment of Silks and atins m all shades at extremelv low tmces. W are now selling real English Debaize, :ught direct from the Importers. These goods car longer than any dress material that can 3 bought. It has been a long while since real ujlish Debaize has been offered in this market. A good solid colored cotton Dress Goods, makes :autirul dresses, at 5c. Ilice Ginghams in all styles and colors at 5c. Cond for samples, but BE SURE to state the tyle and quality of goods desired. Children's Hose are very cheap in price and ico in quauiy. eona colors anu. oiacK, very ::o, at25c. and up. We sell a splendid solid slored Hose at 10c; a good quality of Ladies' lose at 5c. Gents' Half-Hose at 5c. Oh! there is nothing ilie buying largely and paying cash; we lm ?rted Three Hundred Dozen of one kind, and at is the reason we bought them so very low. 1 11 1 1 ' W 11 1 sfl uoiorea Doraerea nanaKercnieis are very cap ; we bought stacks of them at low-ebb Jces, and we sell them from 3c. to the very ::t grades at 25c. 7e sell a nice heavy Towel for 5c, and an all a Towel for 10c. Napkins, all linen, from 4c. IOc each. Our prices cannot be beat. "cats' Undershirts, good heavy quality, for j.; a splendid ribbed shirt at 35c, former ce was 75c. o cell an all wool Jersey for $1.25, and we also have a !ete assoitment of Children's Jerseys.. Call and buy r child one for Christmas a useful present and will 3 her. -"e also have in colors a genuine French Eid for $1.25, :er price $2.00. rsets, Madame Foy's Side Lace and Skirt Supporter. :y lady with a weak back ought to wear them ; they i great relief; we have customers who will wear no r. '"' f - v . - . j:- i will find our prices reduced to suit the times. Zzi SHOES : we carry more Ladies' and Children's Shoes rny two Houses in the city, and we keep the best for that can he bought Our prices are extremely low. -1 fail to come and see us when trading; it will do you h:3 cur CHEAP G00D3, and the crowds that are al- 1 True Story, But ItLeares the Issue - in Doubt. "Yes," said old man Sapphira, dragging a box np to the stove in the country store, and loading in a fresh chew of tobacco, "yes, Jeemes Darby wuz a powerful Injin fighter. You know, in them days it vroz fashionable among the redskins to roast a feller at the stake, an' they hed it in fur Jeemes ef they ever kotch lain. He fit around fur nigh onto five year, an' killed about two dozen uv 'em, an', nv course, that didn't make 'em love Jeemes any better. Finally, one day, they slip ped np on him, and after a livelv scrimmage they took him in. They wuz tne gladdest set nv redskins j oa ever see, an' they made a bigger iiuiiabuloo over Darby than folks does now over a Presidential candi date. Jeemes wasn't no coward, an' he tuck bis misfortin' az cool az he could under the circumstances, an watcned 'em gittin ready, lie knowed it wuz goin' to be a picnic an' barbecue an' he wuz goin' to be called on to furnish the meat, but it didn't skeerhim much. When they wuz ready they yanked Jeemes np to the post an' hitched him to it tight an' fetched on their kinalin' wood. Then they lit it with some leaves uu' powder Uashed on to 'em an' the blaze began to shoot up purty lively. Jeemes scrunched, an' struggled, 'cause fire is hot even on a brave man's legs, but be never hollered. In a few minutes the blaze was creepin' up one side uv him an' the other wuz not much hurt. Jeemes noticed it, an' jist ez if he wuz at a Delmonico dinner, he sung out: " 'Look u'ar, yer skulkm' heathen; stir up the fire on 'tother 6ide. Jeemes Darby never did like rare meat, an' he don't want it half done now.' 'That wuz what I call heeroism boys, an' Jeemes orter had better luck than to be cooked fur a redskin picnic.'' "You don't believe that story, do youl'' asked one of the listeners. "In course I do. Jeemes told it to me hisself, an' Jeemes wouldn't lie." Merchant Traveler. Sweet (ium and Mullein. The sweet arum, as gathered from a tree of the Bame name, growing along the email streams in the southern States, contains a stimulating expectorant prin ciple that loosens the phlegm procluoing the early morning cough, and stimulates the child to throw off the false mem- brano in croup unci whooping cough, When combined with thehealinemuci laginous principle iu the mullein plant of the old fields, presents in Taylok'S Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mullein, the finest known remedy for Coughs, Croup, Whooping Cough and Consumption; and so palatable, any child is pleased to take it. Ask your druggist for it. Send two-cent stamp for Taylor's Riddle Book, which is not only for the amusement of the little ones who will gather around your knee to hear the puzzling questions, but con taining information for the health and welfare of every home. WALTER A. TAYLOR, dw tfeblS Atlanta, Ga. goto FOR Bargains! NOT CHEAP GOODS BUT FIRST-GLASS GOODS AT lhi York Prices. I have a Buyer in New York, who looks out for all Bar gains, and ships by every Steamer. PEft-GROVERS, ATTENT10H ! BTEAHEKJ. CElcMsfl Premier Extra Early Peas. At $3.50 per Bushel, POlreet from the Grower, la Scaled Bags utiiTCKa in KewDerne Tint b 11 may plant Bnlst' Premlrr Pea and save money at tbe start, we will deliver free in Kevrberne all orders of from oue bushel to one hundred bushels at $3.90 pet bushel, cash with order. This pea has made Its crop In forty-five days In a good season. None Other so Early. None so Productive. Mr. E. B. Ooxsnys: "The Bnist'e Premier Extra Early Pea I planted lust year were the earliest and most productive I had." Now is the time to get up your clubs Address ROBERT BUI3T, Jr. SEED GROWER, 933 and 094 JH irket St., Phllada, Pa. novl dv2m Forty years' experience, in everv clime on earth, has proved Ayer's onerry rectorai to oe the most reliable remedy for coughs, colds, and all lung diseases. Neglected colds of ten become incurable ailments. Deal with them in time, and prevent their becoming deep seated in the system. Dissolution of Copartnership. TUB! fnP A PTTCVOQtlTD 1, t- lng between PHILEMON HOLLAND. Jr.. i .1 tWir f .T TT iTIIom l .1.1. j ' . . . .uuunjui n.uiufl is mu uay aiBSOivea by mutual consent, Mr. Hollaud retiring. Mr. On Inn will iintltiiu th. ,..i if at the stand of the late Arm. PHILEMON HOLLAND, Jr., OWEN H. GTJION. December 8th, 1884. " 7dtf O WIS IV II. GMTIOIV, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office on Craven ft., two doors abovelPolloolr . Will practice In the Counties of Craven, Jones, Onslow, Carteret, Pamlico and Lenoir Prompt attention paid to collection. apr29-dwlv. SALE AND EXCHANGE 81'ABLES. Horses, Buggies ahd Ctrriages for Hire at Reasonable Kates. , CENTRAL HOTEL LOT, New Betne, N.C. J. W. STEWART, desldwlm Proprietor. Nice Ginghauis at 5c. Heavy yd. wide Brown Domestic at 5o., worth 8a. Good Brown Domestic at 4c. Best Calicoes, 4o. and 5c. Large heavy Towels at 5c, worth 10c. Large linen Napkins at 5o., worth 10c. Jerseys, all wool, $1.00, worth $2.25. Kid Gloves, 50cM" worth $1.00; very fine, former price SI. 50, reduced to 75c. A fine line of Ladies and Misses' Hose, in all colors, 10c. Full, regular made Hose, in all colors, 20c. to 25c. Double width Cashmeres at 25c., all colors. Black Ottoman Clotli at 25c, a bargain. . All wool Empress Cloth at 25c I have the largest stock of Black and Mourning Goods ever brought to New Berne, which I will sell 25 per cent, cheaper than can be bought else where iu the city, Come and see my novelties in Dress Goods. All wool Cufclnueres in all shades, 45c, worth 75c. Good Dress Goods at 12c, former price 18c. I have a fine lino of Ladies and Misses' Shoes always on hand, which will be Eold very cheap. All linen Torchon Lace at 5c, 1J inches wide. Hamburgs, 4c. and up. Buttons, 2c per dozen and up. Rucheing for the neck at 3c per yard. A nice Ladies' Hemstitched Band kerchief at 10c. Colored Bordered Handkerchief at 3o. Good Cant.n Flannel, 8c Corsets at 50c, worth 75c. Picture Frames, 5o. and up. Wo have them in Plush, Eustic and Vel vet. ' My Store is filled with Bargains, in fact I have nothing else. Towel Crash at 5c, worth 10c. I will open my Holiday Goods, of wnicn l have a Very Large Assort ment, in a few days. . Come and see for yourselves. Always have on hand a Large Line' of Dress Goods, consisting of Uasbmeres, Flaida, Ladies' (Jlothes,etc. which cannot be matched for the money in the State. My stock of Notions, Silks and Sat ins and Trimmings are immense. My Carpets and Oil Cloths are Cheaper than the Cheapest. At Cost. The Entire Stock of Hardware and House Furnishing Goods in Store, north east corner of Middle and South Front streets, will be closed out AT COST within the next THIRTY DAYS, by order of the assignee. nov26dwlm C. A. HART, AQT. MORTGAGE SALE. By vlrtueof the power of sale contained in a Mortgage Deed executed by Ed. J, White and wile, L. O White, to John O. Wooten, Jr , (and by him transferred to us), recorded In the office of Register of Deeds for Craven county, in Book 86, Folios 191, IBS, 198, 14 and 15 we will sell for cash at the COURT HOUHE In NEWBERN, N. C , on MONDAY. JANUARY 12th, 1885, at TWELVE o'clock! M., the property conveyed In said mortgage, beirtfTRlx hundred acres of land, near Cob ton.Tn said county of Craven, particularly described In the mortgage referred to above. MITCHELL A F1ELDH, . dec9dw3i)d , Assignees of Aiortgngee. ; CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, CIGArs, Tobacco and FnnT. ro.l Pnl'nrnnd f" EF Special Inducements are of fered to the Wholesale Trade. I will guarantee to sell the Trade at New York Trices. Ljjf Don't fail to come and examine my stock before purchasing. O. 'MARKS First Door from tbe Corner, Pollock-Street, v- oc7 d&w3m . . CENTRAL HOTEL BAH billiard noon. jrn IIAKDWAKE, Guns and Gun Implements COQKINS & HEATING STOVES, SASH, BOORS, BLUBS id MOULDING, Lime, Cement. Plaster Paris, Hair, PAUiTS, OILS AND PUTTY. For the best, goods and lowest prices call at L. B. CUTLER'S, HEW BERNE, N. C. Brick, Brisk. For sale in itnv Quantity at urlcftt to au the times. Brlclc lnve been examined by good Masons and pronounced llrst-clatis. samples can ue seen at my store, orders solicited. fuucsdAwtf K R. JONES. KEV-BEEXB AM PAILICI Steam Transportation Co'y. Kbw Bsrhs, . C. Oct Jl, l&St. , FALL SCHEDULE OF THB BTBAMSA C3ITY , to go into effest on and after Novsmber Sl - VSai : . Wednesdays Leave New Berne at S, m., for Bayboro, stopping at Adams reek, Vandemer and Stonewall. - - rldays " ' . Leave Stonewall at 8 a.m. for Bern, stopping at Vaudemer and Ada sflreek. .. Saturdays Leave Mew Bern at t p.m. for Landing, stopping at Adams Creek. Tuesdays ' . . ! Leave Lake Landlnn at 10 a. m. far Haw Berne, stopping at Adams Creek. By this arrangement we are able to make close connection with the Northern steam ers, also having good accommodations both for passengers and freight at very low rates, ask that the merchants and prodnoers along Its line to give it their cheerful support. Freight received under cover every day of tbe week . ' For further Information enquire at theof 11 oe, Foot of Craven street. E. R, FIKKCE, Agt. New Berne, N.C, Or any of lte Agents at the following places: -ABB LEE, Adams Creek. 1. M. WATSON, Lake Landing, -D. H. ABBOTT, Vandemere, O. H. FOWLER, Stonewall, . 8. H. FOWLER, Bayboro, S. H. GRAY, , Ian21d4wly General Manager. THE 1 teft HEUSE 4 TRENT RIVER Steamboat Convoauy Will run the following Schedule on and after Friday, August 22d, 1(181 : Steamer Trent Will leave New Berne for Polloksvllle, Tren ton and Intermediate landings every Wed nesday and Friday, returning on Thursday and Suturdey. Steamer Kington Will leave Newbern for Klnston every TDMe DAY and FRIDAY ; returning leaves Kln ston for Newbern every MONDAY and THURSDAY; touching at Jolly Old Field and all Intermediate points both going and oem la , These steamers make close connection with the O. D. 8 S. Co. and North Carolina Freight Line. For further Information apply to W. F. STANLY, Klnston. X. 0. Barbtts, Folloksvlllo. , I. T. WILSON. AarnntfttTrntA ' J. F. Qcixerly, Jolly Old Field. ! , J. B. Banks, Quaker Bridge, ' 3. il. WHITE. Qen'l Manairer. eU7d&w Klnston. N.O OLD JLOMllVIOIV Steamship Company.' WP.lWT.WTOinTrT.V T INC Fol New Yorn. Nor folk, Boston, Elizabeth City , Pkiladelphia, Providence, and other Cities, v DAN. KELLY Has opened a FIRST-CLASS Horse-Shoeing Shop On Craven street, at E.G. Cut. uert's Machine Shop, and is prepared to do all kinds of work in the BLACKSMITH LINE. He will shoe horses from the tamest to the wildest, uud warrants all work to give satis faction. Bring your wild horses and club-footed horses and knock-kneed horses and have themwoiked on. And uny horse that cuts or forges bring him to me, and if not stopped no pay. Si20d6m DAN. KKLLY. W. Fl. DEWEY THE PRACTICAL TONSORIAL ARTIST, Personally in attendance athlBHalrdressing and Shaving Saloon at the Gaston House, with the best workmen. Satisfaction is assured to those who patron ize him, d J. B. BROWJN, Barber and Hair Dresser, With twenty-five years experience, and tbe Neatest and Best Furnished Saloon in the city, will give as good a shave as can be had anywhere for TEN CENTS. New shop, new furniture, and satisfaction guaranteed. Hot and Cold Baths can be had at all hours. Middle street, next to L, H. Cutler. marlSdlv KLEN-SO-DOR, A SOAP, the best In the world lor Lanndry use; will make the clothes white and sweet, Without scalding or boiling. It Is the best soap for Toilet use, makes the flesh smooth, soft and olean. It is the best soap for shaving, leaves the face smooth and Rot t, and prevents chapping, and cures barber's itch, cures chapped hands, cures ring-worm, and finally will make you happy. Try it. For sale by WM. L. PALMER, Second door from the corner of Middle and South Front streets, Hew Hern N O Also at the same place yon can find ?ood Cigars, Tobacco, etc., of all kinds, and Candle In great variety at reta'.Uall good, dw WARKANTEl). Hancock'SCliill Pills, TO CURE ' Any Kind of, Chills or Fever, For sale ' by all Drnggisti at 50 cent per box. TRY THEM. , , . . , ; Cotton Broker and Commission Merchant. S Consignments of Cotton and Grain so liclted The Highest Prices Guaranteed. '. " NEW BEBNE, N. O. " ' octSdwtf . . r Oysters. ON AND AFTER Mondav July 2nd, 1883, UNTIL FURTHEK NOTICE Steamer Shenandoah win leave, npon a.rtTai ol train on Norloll Southern Rulroad at Elisabeth Oily, evsfy MONDAY A5D THURSDAY . for New Berne. Returning knaves New Bars for Elizabeth City tvery TUESDAY AND F1UDAY at 4 p. m., making class connection with Nor folk. Southern- R. R. . for Northern - cities. Close connection made at New Dornt with steamers for Klnston, PolloksTille, Trenton and all landings on the Nenss and Treat Rivers. No freights received for shipment ea Tuesdays and Fridays after SVi p m Freight forwarded promptly and lowtst rates guaranteed to destination. Fare to Elisabeth City -and return. 4. To Korfolk, S5. T Bal. timore.tS. To New York, $13.60. E. B. ROBERTS, Ag't, New Beraet OULriPFIB Jl TUEXXB, ' ' Ag'ts, Norfolk, T.A W. H. Sxasfosd, Osn'lfr't Ag't, New York (Sty. I have fitted up in flrRt-ctass order, on Cra ven street, one door from s. 1 rout street, Rooms for rny l'.iislncHW. I sm now f r ) tn'i-.i o lurnkh jv.t (.i i ( ... i Change of Pier in New York. ; The N. C. Freight Line FOR NEW YORE, BOSTON, PR0VIDEN0E, " and all point Jorth and West liter this date will raceire ! relght iu New Ywl , for Hew Bern it PIER 7, NORTH RIVER, Office of New - York and Baltimore Transportation Co. t . Merchants should remember that this Is on ot the best Steam Lines eut of How York, making daily connection with Baltimore for Mew Bwno; all inside, and only one change. i SEMI-WEEKLY, STEAMERS ; Betweon Hew Berae and Baltimore,' (Toncb lng at Norfolk) Leaving New Berne for Baltimore TUESDAYS FRIDAYS at 1 p m. Leave Baltimore foj New Bern WEDNESDAYS dud SATURDAY! ....p.m . ,. ,iv -x : Agents are as lollews: ETJB1SN FOSTER, OenT Jiiagr, - 0 Light St., Bal'l. Mi. AS. W. McCAERICK, Agt Norfolk, Va, V. P. Clyde A Co.. Philadelphia, 11 South harves. .' ' ' - . . York k Balto. Tran. Line, Pier 1,Norm"Hvr E. Sampson, Boston, 63 Central wharf. K. H. Bookwell, Providence B. I. D. O. Mink, Fall BiTer, Derrick wharf. ' ghlptleave Boston, Tuesdays and Satudsvs " . New York dally. . 1 . - u " . Baltimore Wednesdays and SatnnU . " Fall Biver, Mondays, Wednesu- i. Fridays. ' ProTldence, Satnrdaya Ihrongli bills lading given, and r' to all points, 'at the d! " ::3 aro