. S' A ! S 0 1 X C E 3 KM T. i I A1LY J0UAN4I ' tlam ppr it. ,1 daily except tl 1 at $i.UUp .-, ' o for six nontfc. . Miiwed to city c i L r t 50 cent periruatk. , 1 : , E hr' UERNE JOWUNAL, a S column i npuhllfhei evr Thursday at tl.00pt A v L JTISING RATKS (DAILY) Ob iaca i , v 59 rents on wwk,. life on moat t m wttai, f 1C.I); (iXBoatht, 1100; rive n num. tiiUKV ' .. r AlTei'iMmaw ndtr ( of "City Items' ii oeuu ir tin lor each amrtloa No aarartUamala will be iuerted aatwaea oeal Matw at any price. Kotioei of Harriacra or Deaths , not to exoeed pu itaes will b iaMrtnd Ire. All additional matter will becharged Iftcents per lint. Payment for tranaient advertisements moat be made In advance. Regular advertisements ill be collected promptly at the end of 'each month ; ; f . Ooaatnnieatlone eoniaiuinf new or a diacas ooa of local matters are solicited. Ho comaina CMion mast expect to be published that contains bjecUouabie personalities; withholds the nan f the author t or that will make more thaa one l iimn of this oaoer. .- ',. ?. t , Any person feeling aggrieved at any anony mous communication can obtain the name of the author by application at this office and showing wherein the grievance exists, THE JOUKNAL.7 II. S. NTJlflf. Editor, SEW BERNE, N. C. JAN. 16. 1885. Entered at the Post oUlce at New Berne, If 0. ' as MJoonl-clas matter. ! VALUABLE PEOPERTY. . IT 1 ' f . I. ,3 l..n , ve uave iretjueuuv ucaiu tctijjc tax payers Bay, 'So far as I am concerned I would be willing to give the county's Bteckin the At- J it LI 1 1 U auu viuuuua uuiuyuu to any corporation that will take it and run the road on business prin ciples. But here is what Governor Jaeyis says in regard to its value: The State still holds a large interest 'in this road, and I take great p!eaJare in saying that the property has been very much improved in the last two years, and is now in good condition. Recent decisions of the Federal courts have changed my opinion as to the legal status of the State's interest in this property, and I now believe it to be of such value thai the State should not part with it without due investigation and valuable consideration,' but this : valuable consideration may . be, in the construction' of other roads, as well as in the payment of money. . . . - Now, if it , is true that the con struction boud hohlers cannot 'sac rifice the State's interest, and there remains only a debt of $225,000, and this can be refunded at a reason able rate of interest, what hinder the old . ''Mullet Bond" from de claring a dividend within two or three' years! The receipts of the road, from what we. can learn, will be much larger this year than ever, probably reacli'irig one hundred and forty thousand dollars. It is said that the running expenses of a road should not exceed sixty per cent oi the receipts, and if this be true it will take no great mathematician to show that the interest on the debt can be naid and have a nice little balance left in the treasury. This matter is of more vital im portance to this section than any thing that may come before the General Assembly. Especially' is it so with the counties of Graven and rainlico. These, counties are paying dollar, for dollar,! principal and interest, for the building of the road. The payment of this debt is a serious draw back to the city of New Berno. We are prevented, on account of the hifeli taxes levied for this purpose, from levying taxes to 'make needed improvements in the city. (: But we" bejiere ; the day is breaking. Proper legislation and good management will yet enable the county to realize something for her stock in the Atlantic and North Carolina Eailroad. - . Condensed from Kews and Observer, THE GENERAL ASStMllLY v SENATE. 'T ' TnESBAY,' Jan. 13, 1885. - At ' 11 o'fclock the senate was callcd'to order, President Boykin in the chair.? v?' .ii.'-fA'.l'-.'.vii", , 6 A prayer was offered by the Eev. n sbinnr nf fh a Wirst UnnHst. MS t t KniUIIV I ww ww -.- vtw cborch; '( ' ,' " -'t 'i' -' " The minutes of yesterday , were read and there being no objection, the president pronounced them ap . proved.. ': :,';. ',::( KEPORTS ,OF STANDING- COMMIT ,. .' TEES.' - ' Mr. ltobbinii, of propositions and grievantesj reported adversely; on the bill requiring license to prac tice medicine. Ho also reported 1 m k the bill abont the public roads, n esting it go to the judiciary c himittee, and asked to be dis i " -;-ed from furtber service. ' , ' :'r. Winston, of propositions and vi? noes,' reported lavoraWy on ' ' ' ;,) of instruction to &Titors - : 'frtnf ives to i 1 (lie adversely oa bill in regard to sala ries of executive officers. - t , Mr. Graham gave notice of bis desire to file a minority report, s - BILLS AKD RESOLUTIONS. . Mr. Connor To amend sections of the Code in regard to redeeming lands sold for taxes. - -Judiciary.. . Mr. Taylor To amend the publio school law of North Carolina. Ed ucation. . , . -, Mr. Buxton To allow creditors to sue on claim in certain cases, be fore tbey "become due. - ..,.. Mr. Winston To create fifteen judicial districts.' Judiciary. : Mr. Connor; suggested that the bill be referred to the committee on reform of the judicial system. f .;, : Mr.. Winston accepted the i sug gestion, i '. ; ' -' Mr. Bond moved that the vote on the second and third readings of the bill in regard to the Eden ton graded school be - reconsidered. Carried; ?! - . f ' ' Mr, Bond moved that the bill be put on its second reading and that the ayes and noes betaken. There were forty : votes recorded in the affirmative, none in the negative. - 1 SAGE , (' , y That the house 'has resolved, to go into the counting, ascertaining and declaring the result of the vote cast in the- recent elections for exv ecutive officers erf the State at 12 m. this day and invites the senate to be present and unite with' the house in doing the same.; r ,' ' I On motion of Mr.. Alexander,, the senate took a .recess until the hour appointed when the senators pro ceeded arm-in-arm to the hall of .the house of representatives, President Boykin" leading the way, with Mr. B. M. Fur man, principal clerk, j At 4:30 the joint meeting of the two houses was declared "adjourned. President Boy kin called a meeting of the senate. Notice was given of the meeting of several committees. On. motion of Mr. Buxton,' the senate adjourned to meet at 11 o'clock to morrow. t .'.house. : ; The bouse met at 11 o'clock, Mr. Speaker Holt in the chair. ff': Prayer by Be v. Dr., Skinnerj of the First Baptist churcu. i Journal read and approved. .f':..;"';'. PETITIONS. J- ; : Mr. . Grainger To falter; -the county line of Jones county. f , 1 : Mr. narrill Against the repeal of the stock law iu certain portions of Bu ther ford cou n ty . ' ' Vr ' Vi.y'p : BILLS. : i, ,' : Mr. Beanian To amend the law in regard to roads and ferries. " . Mr. -Thorpe To Mork roads by taxation. - : "s Mr. Barden To repeal the act relating to last aiivingovcr ccrcaiu bridges in Greene county; v i Mr. Ward To work the public roads in ; Warren county by taxa tion. i---'-?-:r'vv: -;: ; Mr. Grainger To annex a por tion of Jones to Lenoir county. ! Mr. Slaughter, of Graham Eela- tive to transterrmg . lunatics to the asylums..:';,: j . . Mr. EatonTo submit to the voters of Vance county thequestlon of working the public roads by tax ation. -, $ ; i- -;0 ;.'v ' ." f V:. Mr. Gordon To amend the act establishing the weight of a bushel of grain. , :''? r::7 Mr. Adams To provide . for the payment of registrars and judges of elections. . i ' A MESSAGE r was received from the senate an nouncing that the' senate would proceed in a body at the hour of 12 o'clock m. for the purpose of ascer taining and declaring the result of the votes in the recent election ifor f "'4 On .motiqn. of Mr." Overman, message was ordered to be sent to the senate- proposing' to count the vote for .State officers at 12 o'clock m. .r-v:.;t:;v.r;v.;. Promptly at 12 o'clock m, the doorkeeper announced the approach of the senators, who entered and took seats within the bar of ,the house. - r" 'v Ur.t - President pro? tem" Boykin, of the senate, called the general assembly to order. . "' The two clerks called the rolls of their respective houses,' with the following result: ; 45 senators an swered to their names and 114 members of the bouse. The president of the senate ap pointed as tellers on the part of the senate Senators Alexander and Chadbonrne. , ; ; t ' ', i The speaker of the house ap pointed as tellers on the part of the house Messrs. Leazar and Bulla. The President of the Senate and Speaker of the House then pro ceeded to count the vote in the presence of toe. General Assembly as prescribed by law; Pending the official count of the vote, on, motion of. Mr Overman the General Assembly took a recess until 3:30 o'clock p. m. '", v ") ? "At 3:30 o'clock p.' m.' Mr, Speaker Holt called the House to order, and the Senators were announced, who came in aad resumed their seat. President pro tern. Boj kin, of the Senate, called the General Assembly to order and the --: t v s resinned mid ccrf inKi d' i ' I :d,' v. ' ;i :r.r- 1 t " ' result. TLo presiding officers of the Senate and House thep afaxed their signatures to the abstract of the vote, after whkh the Senate retired and Mr. Speaker Holt called the House to order. The following was the result as officially, announced: Governor, Scales, .143,249; York, 123,010; Lieutenant-Governor, Stedman, 142,890: Fairclotb, 120,039: Secre tary of State, . Saunders, 142,805; Chandler, 122,922; Auditor.Boberts, 142,800; Lawson, 121,754, Trasurer, Bain,' 142,893; Staunton, 122,908; Superintendent of 'Public Instruc tion, Finger, ,142,000; . Winston, 121,930; Attorney-General, David son, 142,867; Cooke, 122,502. On motion of Mr, Barringer,; the resolution relating to the inaugura tion of A. M. Scales, was then taken up and adopted. ; . : . . On motion of Mr. Womack, the Houso- adjourned .until to-morrow at 11 o'clock, ; : , ; , 1 .let Us Converse. The voice of the scientist or of the preacher is not required to em phasize the fact that an intense de sire for amusement marks the pres ent age.-. Fer the man or woman weaned by the . cares of an active life, recreation now and then is not only delightful, but healthlul. 'The writer's purpose: is neither, to point out the proper kind of amusements nor to indicate the extent to which they should be indulged; ' On the contrary, he merely wishes to inti mate that theje seems to be a grow ing tendency on, the part of many people to disregard- conversation. This' ia apparent in some ' homes where' a dififerent state of things would naturally be' expected.. ; In many , places , it has become the fashion, when a few; friends are in vited in "to spend the evening," to ignore the pleasure and profit do- rivable :from an" interchange; of deas, and spend the time in play ing a trivial game. ; unnappny, this practice is not confined to our 'young people.". It is natural that children ' should ; wish for amuse ments of a trifling character, but adults ought to be able to say with the Apostle: "When I became a man I put away childish things." The hope, of the fathers is. in the children.,!: What may wo. expect of our young people if .no efl'ort be made to check the excessive indul gence in parlor games that are so popular nowadays! At the saine time,' something better must be provided. Indeed, one ; might be pardoned for fearing that iu some places conversation is in danger or becoming a lost art. Hence, the question arises: "Whither are we drifting?" , . ; , ,. : In nine cases out Of . ten, on the part of those who give themselves up to nonsensical games, there will be no desire for anything of an en; nobliu'g nature. i; If we habitually neglect, to cultivate our minds,' we can hope for nothing but intellectual inferiority, and inability to converse with ease and" elegance. What is there more enjoyable than a . .bril liant, witty, conversation, enlivened by an occasional pun and sparkling repartee! It is true that we all cannot excel in this delightful ac complishment, any more than we can all excel in any branch of learn ing or business; but we can, at least, use tno talents , that we nave, whether they be one,' two or five. Though conversation, in its better part May be esteemed a gift, and not an art, Yet much depends, as in the tiller's toil, On culture and the sowing of the soil. ' It' is laid - that the ;, celebrated Samuel i Johnson ' for a' long time looked upon conversation as the chief t, amusement. : He .told Sir Joshua Beynolds that he had al ways made it a rule to talk upon every occasion as well as he could. "He, had thus obtained a mastery over Ins weapons which made him one of the most accomplished, con versational "gladiators.'J A great responsibility is , laid upon us to improve the mind. We should as certain f its' various faculties and susceptibilities, and earnestiysfrive to make as , much progress as pos sible. i We have the power of in trospection, and should' not fail to make good nse of it.- Of people who are negligent in this respect, it has been well 'said: "Thus multitudes live and . die: as truly strangers to themselves as to countries ol which they have heard the name,1 but whichjiuman foot has. never trod den." "A ready talker may not have any better natural ability than one who is "slow of speech,'' but on account of being ablo to express his thoughts in ; an intelligible . and forceful style, he is looked upon as belonging to the "aristocracy of intellect," while the other' is rele gated to the region of intellectual mediocrity. Tads. C. B. Fraseu, in Chicago Current.; , f ;; 1 irnij' . Ll " . For sate In any quantity at prices to sn the Mm eg. 1 Brick have been examined by good Masons and prnnonnced (lrHt-clHss. Maniples cuu pu wen at iny store., Ordern solicited. . uueilAwtf Y, E It. JONES. 'cr Rent, TWO I'M 1, nne of rrty ppi'rfl jiivl "-H )llll MM'-! ".' I .1 'j nl. T ' I. .. ( , .h-i- i- .i c. of ft 03- Absolutely Pure. ' This powder never varies. A warvel of purity, strength, and wnolesomenesti. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and can not be sold In competition with the multitude of low test, dhort weight, alum or phosphate Pnwders. Bold only in cans. Koyal Hakinq owdbbOo.1u Wall-st..N. Y. novls-lydw GREAT BARGAINS IN Clothing, , Shoes, Hats,- '.ii! ;nf .''."i -''...' ,'. .',."-' ' .1 ' , ; 1 s Dry Goods . and Notions, V WILL HE OFFERED During tho nxt 30 days ( - AT .Asa JToiie9, ' MIDDLE STREET. Closing Out Sale For Cash. . GEO. ALLEN, ' Assignee. Dec. 19,1884. 22-dlm . HEADQUARTERS FOR Lurn eoiiMlKiinientH roiillnunlly on lmnd, Ibwenent AHMOKIt it CO.. C'lilciiizo. III.. IjirgfHt Meat lieiiiem in the Worhl; HKHR ,fc CIKSF.L WrHt Witi-litnt'.ton, 1. 0., J'lonetr and Columbia Holier Mum. Daily iiii)lAliorH hv wire, and prices B Jiw nteedtheLOWKSl'. WHOLESALE TliADK ONLY. J. V. WILLIAMS NEW BERNE, N. i , , Jcooil.lin- c. GHBISTiAS, 1884. ' " . ' - v- . T- -' y ' ' ' y" .. I have on hand 'fur HOLIDAY THAOK ft URGE ANB WELL SELECTED STOCK Glioics GoBifeclionerics Awn Florida Oranges, Malaira Grapen, Bananas, Citron.' ltaieiiig. Currants, Dates and KlOT, and I have captured Santa lmis, Bag and Baggage, tils year and brought him to my store. Ooaie and see my Complete Assortment of Toys and Holiday Goods, BEAUTinrt curusTMAsoirrs kobols j Call early and make your Selections. ; ' JOHN DUNN, , Santa Claus Ileadqiiarters, NEWBEltN, N. O. Going! Going! Going! , COME AND SEE Ml'.' " Stock of ' : ; Holiday Goods Fresh from s . New York, GOLD, SILV i:R, V AND ' PLATED GOODS t OF ALL KINDS. V rX bought for CASH,' and can Hell to Suit the times. -' . ' ' : : Oomo before ttiey are all gbno'.'- Im possible to keep them at the prices I nave put on them. ' . 1 '. ' ;? DON'T FAIL TO COME TO : iMihvhK STREET, deeSldftw ., ..." IS AT TIIH SPO'L At Market Wharf, : '. . Soiling Drugs, Pdlnts, Oils, Varnisli, Glass, Futt3r, nn J nil kinds KrcJs. 1 : -ALSO Canvas. i:v. Lai' ' .nm, f!;ilvnn- wmmy) f sw at " Zealand Flour i A SUPPLY 07 FIEST AND JJEST THUCKEILS PIAS, IIOHAWK AND ROUND POD BEANS, TEUCKEaS SEED POTATOES, EU3T PROOF OATS, ST0N0 ACID PHOSPHATE, - LISTER GUANO, BONE AND PERUVIAN GUANO, Also, WHANN AND OTHER FAVORITE BRANDS. KAINIT, LAND PLASTER, Etc . . WILLIE niDYETT, CONFECTIONER, III THE POST OFFICE, Offers a Choice Stock of ,. , . , - Candies, Frcacli and' American Raisins, Nuts. Oranges, ;:;, JLcmons . -And a Full Line of the Choicest Cigars and Smoking Tobacco always on baud. -v 1, TJEHM3 CASH CALL AMU SEE UK octlldtf Wholesale Dealers. FLOUR. The Flour Uou&e of WYLIK. KMrrH & CO. of Baltimore has a national reputation for the extent of lueir Dusitiees ami character oi goods. : . ' . fhelr BRANDS Ot" FLOUR A HE A LAV IY8 OMKOKM, 8VKKTLY KhLIABLK and de- llverdd at the uowjisf MAUKfcT i-wiuaa. CAKES AND CRACKERS. The Old and Well Known Firm of JA8. IX MASON 4 CO. supply a full lino of every va riety of dikes and Crackers, batistnction In every Instance guaranteed. TOBACCO. The Wholesale Tobaoco House of FINK BK0THEU8 & CO., of Baltimore, no long and favorably known In this market, have made me their aeent fo: this section: and I will be pleased to receive orders for their superior lines of goods. Kvery variety of Tobacco at best prices. " ' . -- .., I am Solo Agen t hero for ; the above firms; being in daily receipt of teleerraDhio market Quotations, i can therefore guarantee LOWlvHI PRICES ami FULLEST SATIS FACTION. - Goods ordered by telegraph. . JAS. W. MOORE , '' docludwti ' FOR LADIES ONLY. A UGHBDV endorsed by the best 1'hyKi ciiuis mid DriiRKJsls t lis Home -A KKllKUY that Mr. O. W. O'Neill. Oood- water, A lH.,snys raised his wile nom an m Viiliil'ii lit-il.un'd ne believes saved her lilc. A It KM If. I) I' oi which prominent Atlanta nierciiani satu . i wmu iihvk Kivrn cwm siKin its I woirid a nlckle lor what two uoi- t i.-mif vour medicine did tor my daughter.' HI'.MIiUYiii regard U) wlilcli IS. J. !as suilH, M V, ' uruggist, lnomasvi.ie, s ib: "I can reell instanefs in which it.nf forded relief alter all the usual remedies liud failed. : , ' '-'...- f;..; A REBIKDY abont which Dr. H. B. Ferrell, LftJJ range, ua., wrues : -i nuvo useu nir me last twenty yearB the medicine you are putting up and consider it the best combi nation ever gotten together for'lhe disease fni whlf'h It. is reconimeniled.' A REMEDY about which Dr. Joel Branham, Atlanta, said: ,lI have examined the re cipe, and have no hesitation in advising Its .n.l Mi.HJa.ni nuinnini.ni) It" HBO, Bim vimiiucu.ij .... . v. . a nRMKiiY which theRev.11. U. Johnson, near Marietta, Ga., says he has used in his family with the "utmost satisfaction," and recommended It to three famil'es "who fonnd it to be lust what 11 ia rocommi iieled a Rir.iHTCnv of which l'omberton. lveson 4 Uennigou say: "We have been selling it for many years, wun consiaony lucreaniiiK sales. ' The article is a staple with us, and nf A.hnnlut.6 marit." A BKMEDY of which Lamar, Rankin & La mar say: "We sold 50 gross In four months, and never sold It In any place but what it was wanted again." A REMEDY by which Dr. Buugli of La Orange, ua., says: "i curea oneoi wiemoii nhstlnnte oases of VICARIOUS MENSTRUA TION that ever came within my knowledge, with a few bottles. ' . ' . - A REMEDY of which Dr. J. C. Huss. Nota- eulga, Ala., says: "I am fully convinced that ' It is unrivaled for that class . of diseases which it ctaima to cure." A KKMKDY about which Maj. John C. Whlt- ner, of Atlanta, wen ana iavoramy Known all overine uniteaotuiiegaBuueueraiiiiBU' ranee Agent, says: "I used this remedy be. fore the war, on a large plantation in a great number of cases, always with absolute sue cess." . A KENEDY about which Mr. J. W. Btratige, of i.'artersville, Oa , certifies that one bottle cured two memDers or nis iauuiy oi men strual Irregularity of many years standing -i ' r ' Thli Great Remedy Is I . RABFIELB'S FEMALE REGULATOR. ' Rend for our Treatise on "Health and Hap piness Of Woman," mailed free. ;. , . BltADJTIELD ItEGU&ATOB CO., dw : 1 . Atlanta. Ga. - KLEN-EO DOR A SOAP, the best In the world for Laundry use: will make the clothes white and sweet, without scalding or boiling. ., '. ; It is the best soap for Toilet use, makes the flesh smooth, soft and clean. It 1b the best soap for shaving, leaves the face smooth and soft, and prevents chapping, and cures barber's itch, cures chapped hands, cures ring-worm, and Anally will make you happy. Try It. For sale by - WM. Ij. palmkk, Second door from the corner of Middle and South Frontstreets, ..' New Hern e, N.C. Also at the sam61lftce you can find ?ood Cigars, Tobacco, etc., of all kinds, and Candle In great variety at retail, all good. , dw T. B. BROWJN , Barber and Hair Dresser, With twenty-five years experience, and the NeateHt and Best Furnished Saloon in the city, will give as good a shave as can be had anywhere for TF.N (JKNTH. New shop, now furniture, and satisfaction guaranteed. Hot and Cold Baths can be had atall hours. Middle street, next to L. 1L Cutler. marlKdlv , ..50 ' - AT 10 Cents' : FOU'ND! ROBERTS L HE1TDEES01T Gcceral Insurance Agents, New Berne, IV. J. Onl) flrst class Companies represent . - ed in - ' Fire. Life and Accident Insurance, Total Capital over Forty Millions oi Hollars. Jun24dlt ROBERTS C Cr.O., Whole sule & Retail DEALERS IN Provisions ' ' Groceries, . DrV Goods ' Boots and Shoes All of which we are offering VERT LOW. Orders solicited." ' I. - ...... t , .. , . ... ' ! . Satisfaction guaranteed. dw ' 1 NEW BESNE. N." a Anj. Send six cents for postage rilZGs?1.,"?:? " " linn waii uriLr ti of either ex, to more money rlebt away that ftnwralnn aIus 1 tUU I i . . . . "s uouiuvciv pure, n.1 unce Huarefr TRUE A CO . Augusta. Maine, -marlifldlv W. II. DEWE THB PRACTICAL TONSORIAL ARTIST Personally In attendance at his Hairdrcssint : and Shaving Baloon at the Gaston House Willi the best workmen. Satu-faclion Is assured to those who patron use him. ,....- -v . 4 - ( Guns and Gun" Implements COOKING & KEATING STOVES, SASH. BOORS, BLIHBS and. K0ULDIN5, . Lime, Cement, Plaster Paris, Hair, . PAINTS, OILS AN1 PUTTY. For the best goods and lowost prices call at L. H. CUTLER'S," -, NEW liEItNE. N. V, : An Independent Newspaper of Dem ocratic Principles, but not Controlled by any Set of Politicians or Manipulators; Devoted to Collecting and Publishing all the News of the Day in the most Inter- cctinrr lianA tinrl with tha rrmntpst nns. sible Promptness, Accuracy and Impar tiality; and to the Promotion of Demo cratic lebsas and Policy in the affairs of Government, Society and Industry. . Hate, 1m Matt, Pottpaidt DAILY, per Year $3 CJ DAILY, per Month V . , SUNDAY, per Year - r- 1 CD DAILY and SUNDAY per Year 7 C3 WEEKLY, per Year ; 1 C3 Address, THE SOT, Sew Tork Cttp. T. L. JLIiiM l! s Uottcn Urolicr ana Lcr.:c:;c3 . ..: ... i , l 1. Consignments of Cotton and Grain so Ucited. "5a The Highest Prices Guaranteed. NEW KERNE, N. C. V oct8dwtf ICEITTEAL H'OTEL I? AH BILLIAlli) ROOII. EVE11YTIIING FIItST CI.A? Capt. SAM 15. WATERS, Trop'r. Hear Entrance from the Hotel, solidly Middle St., Krr Ilemr, K. t.. SrOLI.TION w p4-rns int(-ri-s(r(l in . Yi f ') I - -1 1 Dpdll t-V ilil i ' s i V hi r 1 1 i r 1 vr 1 ii ittv hi :h i i i ) .rtri. . I '