II. W..WAHAB, ..Hurcesaor U K H. W Indley,) lUbTlLLEllS AGENT FOR Pure Rye tM Cora Whisky W II E5 -AW D -a ,-v-, fN Q HEAT A HI El Y, 'ilDffei' Ale, Pale Ale, Beer v AND PORTER. ERGNER & MGEL BEER, CIDER, PUilE FRENCH BRANDY. II. V. YVAHAB. St. -New Berne, JV, O. (ptk Front epas-dAwiy. SHITII & CREOLE Have now In stock and are receiving by steamer a Full Line of . , r , ' , ... V" Hardware, Stovoa, -.. GunsTln, Glass, .-. Sash, Doors Blinds. , i Plows,, Willow-' aro. Heating and Cook Stoves. The Golden Harvest anl Champion, the best In the market. ' Bn gey Harness, Baddies andlirldloB, and ull line of V. Beautiful Lamp Goods. We sell none but reliable goods, and sell tbcm LOW for CASH. Middle St., New Berne, N. C- ' ocuuw . - - Announcement Extraordinary! W llh a view to conforming with the times, PATRONS of BETRICK'.H SALOON are respectfully notified that nntil further notice iliey will be permitted to use POOL AND BILLIARD TABLES connected therewith ' GRATWjII;ff Charge only being made for refreshments. - Also on hand at anytime Imported v'SehwoltiorfA and' '' Llmburger Cheese; Imported and American Bologna HaiiBoge; Sauerkraut when In season, - CALL AT 4 DETRICK'S" OLD STAND. a. L. PAPPENDICK, Assignee. oc4dw Dail Bros., WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COMMISSION MBKOIIANTS, WKW BEBItE. IT. O rlAw Coal, Goal, Hay, IIay, Icq, Ico, V7c:d,Vooi oalrllayVIce & Wood, FOR SALE BY uatsg: a dahiels. APPLY AT THEIR JOE HOUSE, . Near Foot of Middle street, New Berne, N f Call on us bofore purchasing else where. jyia awiy . Special -Potato Fertilizer, Special Cabbage Fertilizer, racial Pen Fertilizer. f -' Tr -Tt J p FcHil izcr j E;;ecLil Ican Fertilizer, ; P. i:atllsli - Fertilizer, -- - 1 Onion Fertilizer. SIM CIAL A.NI) COMPLETE FEKTILIZEKS FOK -.a i,i.c?:or,s. -CAI-L ON OR ADDRESS- I I. W0LEENDEN, r . Ij, c. oi i d w tf THE JOUENAL. NEW BERNE N. C, JAN. 29, 13S5. ;. Incidents. . . . There is in Philadelphia a mass iva stone buildinff into which, on a certain day of the week, a line of Iservani-girls may be seen - entering on one side and passing ont at the other. It ia a savings bank, fouud ed'nearly a century ago by the good Quakers for the help especially of this class and of laboring men. On other days mechanics, negroes, Italian organgrinders, Chinese washermen, professional beggars, with, here ana there a richly-clad woman who is laying away a 'nest- pe for her hahv.'' throne1 thn wait- rta i - o ing-room. Onthehago books of the bank there are some entries which hint at singular stories, in 1848 there is the receipt for the deposit of one hundred dollars by a wealthy old gentleman, in the name of a boy just born and named for him. The donor died, Laving forgotten loll almiif. hia IntiAcir. TIiaVidv rrr-AW I 1 . . . 1 to manhood, a nara-woiKing mo chanie who supported his old father and mother, lie wished to marry, but could not do so for lack of means when presto! this modest sum, which had been accumulating at compound interest, comes to light, and he is a comparatively rich man. - fin Anyxl.An ffAlnmn thnt triM 1 W i . . there is ad entry ot the deposit oi two , hundred . dollars, ' signed "George G. Osborne, able serman." Opposite is written, in clerkly hand, "This was the Eight Honorable George Gordon. Earl of Aberdeen. Tho money on his death was paid to his executors, llisr estate wnen he deposited it, was valued at three million dollars." - This "able seaman'7 was a vigor ous, stalwart young nobleman, who tired of the lilo at court, and broke loose, resolving to become one of the people and to earn his own bread. lie resisted all entreaties to return home, worked hard for years as a navy and on ship-board, put away his earnings, as we have seen, and rose to be mate 01 ms vessel before he died. A somewhat similar instanco was that of the elder line bf thehouseof Fairfax, which is to be found in a Virginia lamiiy.- JjOTU I'airiax steadily refused to accept the title, estates, and cares Of r his rank, and nveu ana uiea a piam iarmer. -r . . 1 Sweet (mm and JTlulleln. The sweet cum, as gathered from a tree of, the same name, growing along the email streams in the bouthern states, contains a stimulating expectorant prin ciple that loosens the phlegm producing the early morning cough, and stimulates the cnild to throw ott tne raise mem brane in croup and whooping cough. When combined with the healing muci laginous principle in the mullein plant of the old f elds, presents in Taylor's Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gdm and Mullein, the finest known remedy for Coughs, Croup, Whooping Cough and Consumption: and so palatable, any child is pleased to take it Ask your druggist for it. Send two-cent stamp for Taylor's Riddle Book, which is not only for the amusement of the little ones who will gather around your Knee to hear thepuzzhng questions, but con taining information for the health and welfare of every home. , WALTElt A. TAYIAJK, dwtfebl5 , , T Atlanta, Ga. To anv body who has disease of throat or lungs, we will send proof that Piso's Cure for Consumption has cured the same complaints in other cases. Ad dress, . : tt. X. tlAZELTINE, " - ,i warren, fa. , , jy26 daw . MEETISUS OFJiODUES. St. Johns Lodge, No. 3, A. F. & A. M., meets the 2d Wednesday night in each month. r New Beene Chapter, No. 48, R. A. M., meets on the 2nd Monday in each montn at s p.m. . . - . New Beene lodge, no. 443, Knights of Honor, meets on the 2d and 4 th Fri day nights in each, month, f Assessment jno. iwis now aue, ana must be paid on or before the 12th day of January, 1885. Trent Council, No. 411, Royal Ar canum, meets on the 1st or 3d Friday nights in eacn montn. r . Assessment No. 64 is now due , and must be paid on or before the 17th day of January, iood. Eureka Lodge, No. 7, I. O. 0. F., meets on the 2d and 4th Monday nights in each month. Assessment No. is now due, and must be paid on or before the -day Neuse Council. No. 1, Order of Chosen Friends, meets on the 1st and iia weanesuay nignts in eacn muuui. " Assessment No. CO is now due, and must be paid on or before tho 14th day of January, ioo&. Cosmopolitan CounctlNo. 211, Amer ican Legion of Honor, mrets on the 1st and 8d Thursday niRhti in each montn Assessment No. 63 is now due, and must be paid on or before the 14th day of January, loaa, Local Branch No. 95, Order of the Iron Hall, meets on the 3d Monday niirht in each month Assessment jno. a is now aue, ana must be paid on or before tho 1st day of February, 18S5. Atiienia Lodge, No. 8, Knights of Pythias, meqts on the 2d and 4th Tues day nights in eacn montn. AtHessment No. 110 is now due, and muf t be paid on or bofore the 14th day of January, KWj, Ciry Ca ro. Fpat; v.u. i 1 ' 'i V.'.v !- ! H. J. BAKER & BE 0ML 215 Pearl St., New York.' PROPBIBTORS 01 TBS East India Chemical Works IMPORTERS OP East India Goods. Chemicals ' Etc., Etc. ' MANUFACTURERS OF ;"; V H. J. Baker & Bro's. Special : Truck Fertilizer. For testimonials and any information I call Qn or address ' J. J. WOIFENDEJS, NEW BERNE, N. C, General Agent for North Carolina - oca a wit : PROFESSIONAL. P. H. PELLETIER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, NEW BERNE, N. C. Oflice on South Front street, third door I from the corner of Craven street. I Will practice In the Courts of Carteret,! Jones. Onslow and Craven. Mnralnl n.1.tjnt.lnn irlvfin to tho onllnntlnn Of I Claims, anu settling estate oi oeceasea per-1 niariwu ' OWE1N II. GTTIOIS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office formerly oeenoled by Simmons 41 Manly, opposite. Guston House. Will practice In the Connties of Craven' Jones, Onslow, Carteret, Pamlico and Lenoir rrompt attention paid to collections, . . aprai-awir. C. R. THOMAS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on Craven street.l n Stanly Building near corner oi r oliock street. nov4UWiy C. R. THOMAS, Jr., . Attorney at Iiaw, BEAUFORT, N. C. Office on corner of Turner and Front streets. Will practice In Carteret and adjoining counties. Prompt attention to collection of claims. novi owiy WILLIAM J. CLARKE, COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Attends all the courts held at New Berne, North Carolina. Particular attention paid to collecting. ntoMoSSS United States Commissioner. Sept. 18th; 1881. dw L. J. MoOBK. WM, E. CLARKE. MOOEE & OLABKE, ATT0ENE Y S AT LAW, New Berne. N. C, Will practise in the Courts of Oarteret,Cra- P?niT1coI5Sfe8foneB' Lenolr 0uBl0W Also in the Supreme Court at Raleigh and the United States Courts at New Berne and Raleigh. W collecting a specialty apoawu Okobok v. btroko, DASIIt . PKRRT, Klnston.N.O Rleigh,N.O. STRONG & PERKY, kinston, jr. c, ; ATTORNEYS ASL COUNSELLORS AT LAW. Having formed a copartnership for the! n: practice of the law In Jones county, will regu- larly attend the courts of the same. Pr mpt mayu-a&wu hxkujnu a fjuutx. t, M. SIMMONS, ' : OLKMENT HANI.T. SIMMONS & MANLY, ATTOKUETS AT LAW. Will practice In theCourtsbf Craven. Jones. Onslow, Carteret, Pamlico, Lenoir and Hyde, and in the Federal Court at New Berns. febtfdixwl) DR. J. D. GLAKK, JDEIVXIST, - 1 ; NEWBERN, R. C. Office on Craven street, between Pollock and Broad. prl7-d&wly " ( HOTELS.. CENTRAL HOTEL, ; W. E. PATTERSON. PB0rK, NEW BERNE, N. C. THIS WELL KNOWN AND COMMODIOUS house, as its name Implies, is skuated intbe centra) and business portion of the city, hence recommends itself for iu convenience to the travelling public. Affording solicitors every ODnortnnity of visitinK business correspondents It has attentive servants, and its table Is always tnrnlsnea wiin . i . - Every Delicacy of the Season Its rooms are large, airy ana wen turnunea. AW OWWTRTJS . or the accommodation of guests to and from trains and stealers free of charge a ipsdal feature in thi city, : All tne apponeuaui-ns, ui a uiuu.ro ' FIRST CLASS flOTEL. Aprill-d-lv. GASTON HOUSE, ' t NEW BEBME, N. C, v S: R. STEEET & SOK, Proprietors. : The Only First-oiass House m the city. Omnibus connects with all Trains and I Steamers. Large sample rooms foroommer clal travelers. oct28-dtf HOTEL, SMITHFIELD , N. C, f D. W. FULLEE, Prop'r. :. , Ample accommodations at all times Sample rooms tor commercial travel ers. Charges moderate. augSdtf' Fcr,Di::.:::D ulhic! CAN BE FOUND AT T. A. Green's Old Stand ON MIDDLE STEEET. i ; 4 : GET. HIS P2ICES ON h o c e rieoj Lorillard & Gail & Ax's Snuffs, Grain Sacks, Ropes, Twines, Canvas, Oakum, raints, Oils, etc.; etc., " before purchas. '3 tiil"n for Nets and Seines. i: rC RAILROADS. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. Atlantic & N. C. Railroad TIME TABLE No. 12.'." " In Effect 12:00 M., Sunday, Dec. 21, 1884. : :, EAST. WKST. r. u 4 50 5 28 1H Ooldsboro, -. 5 25 5 68 L,a urangi.. Kinston,..,... 7 40 7 50 10 00 p. a.j Morehead Depose, U&w U . . EAST. WEST. -. : No. 47. No. 48 , Express Express, Pass.AMsJl STATIONS Pasa.aMal Arr. L'tb. Art. . L've, , A. M l A.M. 11 27 10 50 10 53 it) le lo ao 40 8 55 A. H. A..M No.S No.4 Mixed F(tt. k Mliec'Fut. Pass. Train. STATIOAS. Pass. Ira n. Arr. L'ts. '" Arr. L'tsi a. M. A. H. r. K. P. M. 8 45 1 Goiasboro,. 7 15 9 21 9 251 Best's ..,,. 6 35 6 89 9 45 10 00 La Orange .. 6 00 6 15 10 21 10 86 FalllnsOreelt 5 27 5 44 1100 1115 Kinston,.... 4 44 5 04 1131 11 85 Caswell ......... 4 26 4 2S 11 12 00 Dover. 4 1 4 08 12 28 12 82 (lore Creek 8 30 8 84 12 56 1 00 Tatcarora 3 01 8 00 1 12 1 15 Clarice's 2 50. 2 50 1 50 Newbern, ( 2 25 P.M. (P.M. P. If . P.M. EAST. WEST. No. A : Vixed Fgt. 4: Pass. Train. No, 6. Mixed Fgt. A Pass. Train. Arr. L've. STATIONS. Arr. L've: A. M.j a.M. r. m. ; 1 '25 12 84: 12 21 ; 11 52; 11 lo; 10 53; 10 20; : A. m. ; P. M 12 89 12 26 11 57 11 20 10 10 25 10 00 A.M. 5 00 Newbern.. 5 41: 6 57: 6 26 7 02; 7 30; 8 02; 8 12- a. m. ; 5 49- Riverdale 6 02; Oroatan 6 81; Havelock : ' 7 1H; Newport ; 7 84; Wlldwood ; 8 07; Morehead City ; Morebead DepoU.; A. m. ; Train 48 connects with Wilmington A Wei don Train bound North, leaving Goldsboro 11:50 a. m.. and with Richmond & Danville Train West, leaving Goldsboro 11:55 a.m and Wilmington A Weldon Train South at 4:37p.rn Train 4 connects with W. A W. Train bo uud South, leaving Goldsboro 7:39 p.m. Train 47 connects with Richmond & Danville Train, arriving at Goldsbcro 4:20 p.rn , and With Wilmington and Wellon Train from the North at 4:37 p.m. Trains 4, 5 A 6, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. ( Trains 17 and 48, daily except Sunday. Train 8, Tuesdays, Thursdaygand Saturdays Train 47 supper at Kinston. W. Dunn, Superintendent. Midland N. C. Railway. TIMS TABLE No. 8, In effect Sunday, Septomer 21, 1884, WEST. I BAST No. 1. Mixed Train. No. 2. : Mixed Train :Arr. L've. I a.m. i A.M. . i 5 5 : : 6 81 5 5 33 . : 5 15 ! 5 17 STATIONS. Arr. L've. P. M. p.m. : 8 00 IGoldiboro........ 8 22 8 24 -Oopelands 8 88 40-; Princeton 8 47 i 8 47 i Holt's Mill 5 08 6 08 107 ; Pine Level : 4 48 4 50 4 Su IO 25 j ;8mthfleid ! t3- DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. V Train 2 connects with Wilmineton A Wei- aon iraiu leaving uoiusooro, going North 11:00 a. m ana wun Hicnmona s Danville Train going West, leaving GoldBboro 11:55 a. m.. and with A. ft N. 0. Train, going East leaving Goldsboro 0:40 a.m. Tral n 1 counectswlth W A W Train from h North arriving Goldsboro 5:87 p. m . and wit RAD Train from the West, arriving Golds- ooro o:w p. m., anu witn A a js c Train from the Eastarrlving Goldsboro 11:27 a.m. and 7:81 p. m. W. Dunn, Superintendent. JAMES REDMOND, Agent and Bottler OF THE CELEBRATED BEftGNEH & ENGEL ; BREWING GO'S PHILADELPHIA .LAGER BEER New Berne, N. C. . This beer took premiums at the Cen tennial Exhibition at Philadelphia and I the Paris Exposition. Keeps better than any other in warm climates, and is the I favorite brand wherever known. For sale in kegs or crates. - : d w 1 6 USTES.1 NORTH C1M1H1 . MARBLE WORKS : NEW BERNE, K. C. - s":---;"; MONUMENTS, TOMBS, And all kinds Grave and Building work In Tf,L"&f"Er.!C!l f'ARELE 0rderg wiU recdve prompt attention 6nd satisfaction guaranteed. , ;. JOH II. WILIJ3, Proprietor (Successor to Ci Cor. mO AD ... ,Xv,u W. Claypoole) D CRAVEN Sis., llKRNEs N. C f -' 1 r - f STEAMERS. m-nm m rmico , Steam Transportation Co'y. NW BlRKK, N. C Oct. 81, 1884. FALL 8CHEDCLK OF THE STEAMER - elm: city to go Into effect on and after November 5, van-. Wednesdays Leave New Berne at stopping at Adams and stonewall. Tldavs-1 2, m., for Bayboro, reek, Vandemere Leave Stonewall at 8 a.ra. for Berne, stopping at Vaudemere and Ads s Creek. Hatnrdava leave isew Jierne at s p.m. iur utxe landing, stopping at Adams Creek Tuesdavs jjeave uro tnainR ai iua. m. roriMew Berne, stopplug at Adams creek. Bv this arraneement we are able to make close connection with the Northern steam ers, also having good accommodations both for Dassensers and frelclit at very low rates. ask that the merchants and producers along lis line to elve it tneir cneeriui support. Freight received under cover every day of the week For further Information enquire at tneor- noe. Foot oi craven street. r.. u. flEKCK, Agi. iNew uerne, jn.u.. Or any of Its Agents at the following places: AUK Ij&k, Adams ureeK, D. M. WATSON, Lake Landing, D. H. ABBOTT, Vandemere, C. H. FOWIjKR, Stonewall, S. H. FOWLKR, Bayboro, S. H. GRAV. Ian21d&wly General Manager. THE 2TEUSE & TRENT EIVER Steamboat Company Will run the following Schedule on and after Friday, August 22d, 1881 : Steamer Trent Will leave New Berne for Polloksvllle, Tren ton and Intermediate landings every Wed nesday and Friday, returning on Thursday and Saturday. Steamer Kinston Will leave Newbern for Kinston every TUK8 DAY and FRIDAY : returning leaves Kin ston for Newbern every MONDAY and THURSDAY; touching at Jolly Old Field and all intermediate points Dotn going ana cum in . These steamers make close connection with the O. D. S. 8. Co. and North Carolina Freight une. For further miormation apply to W. K. STY RON, JR., at Newbern. W. F. Stanly, Kinston. D. S. BARRUS, Polloksvllle. I. T. WILSON, Agent at Trenton. J. P. Quinerly, Jolly Old Field. J. B. Banks, Quaker Bridge. J. M. WHITE, Gen'l Manager, eb7dAw Kinston, N.0 OLD DOMINION Ci-Li rt. niUUUlOlllU VUiUUailYi . SEMI-WEEKLY LINE F01 New York, Baltimore, Nor folk, Boston, Elizabeth City, Philadelphia, Providence, and other Cities. ON AND AFTER Monday July 2nd, 1883, UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE Steamer Shenandoah Will leave, upon arrival of train oa Norfolk southern uanroad at EiizaDetn uity, every MONDAY AND THURSDAY for New Berne. Returning leaves New Berne lor ttiizabetn Uity erery TUESDAY AND FRIDAY at i p. m., making close connection with Nor folk Southern R. R. for Northern cities. Close connection made at New Berne with steamers for Kinston. Polloksvllle. Trenton and all landings on tbe Neuse and Trent Rivers. No freights received for shipment on Tuesdays and Fridays after S'A p.m. r relent lorwaroea promptly ana lowast rates guaranteed to destination. Fare to Elizabeth City and return. 4. To Norfolk, &. To Bal timore.SS. To New York, 113.50. E. B. ROBERTS, Ag't, New Berne, ODLFBFFBR A TUBNKB, Ag'ts. Norfolk, V. A W. B. StaKfoed. Gen'l Trt Ag't, New York City. . Change of Pier in New York. The N. C. Freight Line! FOR NEW YORK, , BOSTON, PROVIDENCE, -1 and all point North and West After this date will receive freight In New York for New Bene at P1EK 7, NOKTll K1VEK, Office Of MVD York and Baltmore - . " . Transportation Co. Merchants should remember that this is one the best Steam Lines out of New York, making daily oonnection with Baltimore for New Berne; an inside, ana eniy one enange. SEMI-WEEKLY STEAMERS Between Hew ' Berne and ' - Baltimore, (Touching at Norfolk) Leaving New Berne for Baltimore TUESDAYS FRIDAYS at 1 p m Leave Baltimore New Berne WEDN tESD SDAYS dnd SATURDAYS . (.p.m. , Agents are as follews: EUBKN FOSTER, Oenl Jfanager, M Light St., Bal't.Md. AS. W, HcOARRIOK, Ag't. Norfolk, Ya. W. P. Clyde A Gw PhUadelpbia, IS South harvea. ' York JtBalto.Tranu.Llne.Pier 1 Jforto. river , E. Sampson, Boston, S3 Central wharf. K. H. Rockwell, Providence R. I. D.O. Mink. Fall River. Derriek wharf . : Ships leave Boston, Tuesdays and Saturdays. - new xors: aaiiy. . , u Baltimore. Wednesdays and Saturday i , " Faa River, Monday., Wednesdays Fridays. fc Providence, Saturdays. . . Through bills lading given, and rates guaran to all points, at the different offices of ntpaniea. IL 1 1 . ...?.lr.8 Of Bw I Z ..i c.. "5 Y.lj NOTICE- By virtue of a power of sale lna mortKaee deed, executed to Mvacham & Edwards en tneotn flay or April, ism, Dy u. H. wooten and wife, and recorded In the Reristei's office of Craven county, in. Book No. 80, Pages 107- lt-lt, I will sell at the Court House door In the town of New Berne. On Tuesdaj . the 24th day of February, 18X5, at 12 o'clock, M., for cash, the lauds described In said mortgage deed, containing' 800 acres moje or less. (Known as pari oi inrKey i rap plantation; see mortgage for further description.) To satisfy notes which said mortgage secures. . J. P. MTNN. jal74w Assignee of Meacham A Edwards. NOTICE. Stats of North Carolina, l uraven county. The subscriber having Qualified ns Admin istrator of the estate of James A. Buyduin, 8r , deceased, on the l"th dny of January, A.D. 18S5, before the Probate Court of Craven county, hereby notifies all persons having claims against said Estaie to present tltem for payment on or before the 20th day of Jnn uary, lKMf, or this notice will be pleaded In our oi tneir recovery. All persons Indebted to said estnto will . mnkelintnedlate payment. uoue mis ii)tn day or January, 1S85. J AS. C. HARRlt-ON, Janl6dw Public Administrator. Administrator's Sale. Pursuant to nulhoilty vested in him, (be undersigned will, on Momlaj the 2d day of February, 1SS5, at tho Court House door In Newbern, N. J Sell to tho highest bidder the Real Kstate belonging to tho estate of Thomas Fonner. dee'd, consisting of a tract of laud In Craven county on the south side of Ncuse river, west side of Great Marsh Out, adjoining the lands of Uambo Fenner on west, William Temple on south, containing one hundred acres more or less, belonging to the estate of Thomas Fenner. dee d. Terms f Sale: ono half cash; balance on a credit of six months. TIllo reserved until full payment Is made. Sale will commence at 12, M. JAS. C. HARRISON, Public Administrator, Adm'rofThos. Fenner, deed. . Newbern, N. C, Dec. 20, 1881. dlw Administrator's Sale. Pursuant to authority vested in htm. thn undersigned will, on Monday the 2d day of reuruniy, looj, lit lue UOUri HOU88 -door 111 Newbern, N. C, sell to the highest bidder Hie Real Estate belonging to the Estate of Susan Grimes, dee'd., consisting of Lot No 156 in the plan of the Lots of Joshua Scott's Kstate, on Richardson's Alley in the City of New- ' bern, N. C., which was conveyed by E. W. Carpenter, C. 8. C, to Susan Grimes, belong ing to the Estate of Susan Grimes, dee'd. Terms of Kale: one half cash: balannn on a. credit of six months. Title reserved until full payment is made. Sale will commence at 12, M. JAH. (,'. HAKlilSOU, Public Administrator, ' Adm'r of Susan Grimes, dee'd. . Newbern, N.C.. Dec 20, 18S1. diw SHERIFF'S SALE. In obedience to an Execution in mv hands in favor of E. Powell and II. Powell against R. C. Clevo, I will sell for Cash at Public Auction, at the Court House in New Berne, on the 1st Monday in March, A.D. 1835, being the 2nd day of the month, at 13 o'clock, midday, all the right, title and interest of the owner of a certain house and lot inVanceboro,' in uraven county, where the said de fendant resides. Jan. 21, 1885. M. HAHN. . d4w Sheriff of Craven County. SHERIFFS SALE. Iuo In obedience to an Execution iu my hands in favor of E. Powell and H 1 T 11 - TT 1 , .. . -n iruvveu iigaiuBi, Henrietta wmts ana ii. F. White, I will sell for Cash at Public Auction, at the Court House. in New Berne, on the 1st Monday in March, be ing the ana day of the month, A. D, 1885, at 12 o'clock, midday, all the right, title and interest of the owner of a cer tain house and lot in Vanceboro, in Crayen county, where the said defend ants reside. Jan. 21, 1885. M. HAHN, d4w Sheriff of Craven County. ' NOTICE. STATE OF NOKTll CAKOI.1NA, I uraven uouuty. J The subscriber havtne nuallfled ns Almin. istrator of the estate oi Ja. Alex. Rnvilsm. - Jr., deceased, ou the 13th day of January, A.D. 1000, uuiore tne rrooaie uouri. or uraven county, hereby notifies all persons having claims against said Estate to present them for payment on or before the 15th day of January, iodu, m hub uuucb win ue pieaueu iu uar of their recovery. .. All persons Indebted to said estate will make Immediate payment. ' ijone tins lam uay or Janunry, 1885. JAS. C. HAKRIHON. jaHSOd Public Administrator. NOTICE. Mary Gwaltnev havine this 12ih il fiv nf January, 1885, qualified as Admlnlstratrixof tne estate or Daniel Uwaltney, deceased, all persons having claims against the decedent are hereby notified to exhibit the same to tho said Administratrix on or before the 20th day of January, 18S0. jaipuw J1AKY UWALTNEY. Trinity College. The SPRING TERM will brein J ANTUnv 7th, and close JUNE Hth, 1885. - . TERMS: " Tuition in College Classes, per month r,m Tuition In Preparatory Depart ment, per month J2.50 to .too Tuition in Business Course, per month in) Telegraphy, Stenography and xype-w.riung (extras) each, perTcrm 1 isn Board, including furnished room, per mourn U.OOto 10.00 Particular attention will be paid to the Nat- I nral Sciences, English Literature, and tb Business Course. 'lhe laculty. now comnosed of seven mon. are specialists In their respective depart' ments, and, with additional Improved appar- a,t"sJB.m" PPances, are prepared to meet 1 m ueiuanus oi uie euucntK onal hiterPKlii nf the Church and patrons of the Institution. r ur vaiaiogue anu particulars address - ProC J. F. HEITMAN, Trinity College, Randolph Co., N.C janOd&wit , of I CHRISTMAS, 1884. I have on hand for HOLIDAY TRADE a fca LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK . OT . Clicico Confccli:r.:ri;: i .' ' and . ; ; - , . fine ;Firurrs, Florida Oranges, Malaga Grapes, Bananas, Citron, Raisins, Cnrrants, Datea and figs and I have captured Santa Claus, Bag am! Baggage, this year and brought him to mv store. ., J Com and sea my Complete Assortment of Toys and Holiday Goods, Bf,M CHRISTMA-S GIFTS FOR OU AND YOUNG. , , Call early and make your selections JOHNDUIIH, Santa Clat:3 nsadri::!--, the ?T. C. L