.;,ti;in. . . GEQUGE ASH. THE JOURNAL. 3 ; p f i i 3 p r pa r w La j J ? 0 o y NEW BE2SS. N. C, FEB. 1, 1SS5. -:o: .Asian. ! , 'r,g moved into our New Quarters, The Brik Store, N. E. Cor :?cr.th Front and Middle streets, we will, in order to make fur our Larg Spring Stock, ecll for the Fext ?Iiii?tyIPa,ys ; OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF "?nfY Boots and Shoes, Gents' Furnishing a'. JUiillfj, Goods, Hats, Umbrellas, Tnlnks, Valises, Dlt Y GOODS AND NOTIONS, i GREATLY REDUCED PRICES! IjT REMEMBER, FOR TIIIRTY DATS. " SCHWERIN & ASH, " SIGN OF FLAG. AT . CM A SUPPLY OF FIRST AND BEST TRUCKERS PEAS, MOHAWK AND ROUND POD BEANS, TRUCKERS' SEED POTATOES, RUST PROOF OATS, STONO ACID PHOSPHATE, LISTER GUANO, BONE AND PERUVIAN GUANO, Also,WHANN AND OTHER FAVORITE BRANDS- KAINIT, LAND PLASTER, Etc Arrival and Departure Hails MAIL CLOSES." V For North, West and South, via A. & ri. C. B. R. at 8:80 a.m. For Beaufort and the , East, at 6.-00 r. m. For Washington, Swift Creek, Hyde and Beaufort Counties Mondays, Wednes days, and Fridays at 6:00 a. m. . For Trenton, Polloksvi lie and Mays- ville, daily at 7:30 a.m. For Urantsboro, Bay Kiver an i van- deinere, daily at 0 a. m. OFFICE HOURS: In Money Order and On nnrn Mi AT 10 Cents Per Pound AT ULRICAS. NOTICE. Statu or North cabouna, craven unuty. ) Fruit loom and Earlier 4-4 Domestic Bleached at Unheard of Prices, this week, . At A. II. BAKER'S. ter Department, from 9 a.m. to 4 p. m. In Mailing Department from VI a. m. to 5 p. m., and from 7:80 to 8:80 p. m. Office open constantly between these hours except when mails are being dis tributed or sent. The subscriber having nnaltlied as Admin- KOglBierea 1j61- deceased, on the ttsiuilayol jaumiry, A.D. 'Well, Didn't Keep It said the 18K5. before the Prnhato Court of Craven Countv. hereby untitles nil perilous having I claims uguiiiKt naui estate, id present mem for navrHijitniinr he lore Hie 2MH (lav I Jan uary. 1NS, or this notlcc.will be pleaded In I bar of tliutr recovery. All pwsrtii nidi hied to said estate win make immediate payment. ixmo mill 2ui day oi .January, AUNKB 1', WHITKHKA1V ;Ja29Gw' ..- Administrator. doctor, to a patient he had notsoeu . m ,, r ,-w a it rmfYTfT? VI V V -wJ IV1V1 VI J f V v M -w always supplied with the very best r'resh Meats. Beef. J'ork. Mutton and Hausaae that the Market affords. . Call on htm. , laiim-dly .-y LAW NOTICE. . CHAS. C. CLABK hn removed his office to WANTED!;.WANTED! 100,000 BUSHELS OF RICE, For which we will pay the Highest Market Price. We will sell Rice, Corn, Cotton, in this or any othor market, for One Commission. LIBERAL ADVANCES MADE ON PRODUCE IN HAND. along!" "Nearly starved to death.' "Why, didn't you have oys- tersl". . i "No, I couldn't get them the way you said and I was afraid it would be dangerous to eat them any other that formerly occupied pyeinric a noberta, on Craven street, Just above the Olork'i "Why that's odd. Couldn't get stewed oysters!" I told you you could eat stewed oysters with im punity." 'That's just it. 1 could get tue i . j 1. 1 4. T Bieweu oysters easy ouougu, uuu a tt'ii n-nn-n nn at ; sent to all the restaurants in the MOW; mil, UreeilG, VjO., IN. O. neighborhood for the impunity, and the blazed fools said they never had such a thing on the bill of fare." office. W. W. street. CLARK remains on South Front . . r : , Jnn7 dti GMMSLEY HOUSE,- WE OFFER FOB SKS A FULL LINE OF : hoice Crocerles, (in stock and to arrive)', at SOCK BOTTOM. PRICES for CASH, consisting in part of: - " '" : 50 bbls. "Eureka Extra" Flour, 'j 50 bbls. "Daisy" Flour, , - SObbla. "White Swan" Flour," 50 bbls. "Ilyde's Choice" Flour, , 50 bbls. "North Lake" Flour, ' - , . , 50 bbls. "None Better" Flour, 50 bbls. "St. George". Flour," that is as good as is made. 25 Sacks Bio Coifce, t . 10 Sacks "Laguayra," '.'Java" and "Mocha." 25 bbls. Pork. 10 boxes L. C. Bellies and Backa Best refined and bucket Lard. .' 10 tubs Butter ; 25 Cheese (best creamery). , 50 boxes Crackers and .Cakes. 25 bbls. of Molassesand Syrup. 20 bbls. of four year old "Fruit" Vinegar. 15 bbls. Sugar, ; Teas, Spicos, Extracts, etc., etc. We carry as fine a line of Canned Goods as can be found in the city. 1,000 boxes of Cigars from $1.10 to $15.00 per hundred. - Lorillard and Gail and Ax's Snuff at manufacturer's prices. Tobacco cheap by the box. ' 50 boxes Soap. ; . , We offer a drive in Paper Sacks. , If you do not think wo are in earnest, call on or send your orders direct and consign your produce to "Walter 3?. Hxixi?iis & Co., Red Front Store, South Front St., New Berne, N. C. ' -.' ' ' ' .. . OCtl4 d&W . ..- . ..... .. :.. .. .. GEO 3SL.J2 J hi M..XA MJL. y W V-T DEALERS IN General hardware, AT Check, Plain and Striped Nainsook at 5c, 8c and 10c, worth twice the money, Ar A. M. BAKER'S. . Well fnrnlshed. ttnd Tuhle supplied with the lil-iST the maiKetniiurus. tjampie rooms tor commercial travciera RATES REASONABLE. W. K. GKIMMIiKY, mm. V For snlo In any quantity at prices to sn the times. ; i . Jirlck liave been examined by good Allisons I and pronounced lirBt-olosg, .Mampieg can ne seen at my more, umeni K U. JONER. Out of thb Mouths op Babes. "Good evening. Tommy is your sister Clarissa at home!" "Yes. sin she's ' in the kitchin DODDinsr corn for you." - - . T . i sninn i Poppmjr corn lor meT Why, now solicited. very thoughtful! I like pop corn mnewdawtr very much." PPAR PPANS "Yes. sir. She said she was going M -"f t -"- i to put a pan of pop-corn under your ; GUANO, hint, she'd gtvo you the shake." JLaiD.lt and ACIQ rflOSpiiatfi, Chicago Merald. ; FOR SALE BY II A. IN COCK 13 It ON. Gov. Porter, of Indiana, tells a very lunny story on nimseu, ac 1 Ami nr win M 4- Vt n - (ad AtlIA in til CI lltA he was floored. During the recent Greatest Variety, ... ... i - . - campaign ne went into a smau town to make a speech, lie began some thing in this way: "My friends, I am glad to meet you again. 1 always like to come to Blankvilie, and to Bee, as l ao now, no manv old Mends." 1 h m ' ' ' mm m m m mm mm Just here a tall, gaunt uoosier, I V I L L 1 1 O . . M I U I fc I I '8, VlltU UUU 111 " I ii .1 1 M.J Largest Stock, AND TnE Best G6ods, , AT THE 'Lowest Iriccs, Lonsdale Cambric, Cheap! Cheap! Cheap! - At " A. M. BAKER'S. id a coonskin cap, inimitable voice: '. FROG POND. Give him a call. decBOdtf . , Notice. Name them, Governor, . name them!" And the Governor says ho was so broken up by this untimely inquiry for details that he could not name a mnn Tho TTnnniurn ltinrrhpfl orlnri. session lor a Charter tor a Bank to do a een' . , . ... r, .i!.j U'l banking bnslness In the City of New Uttiuieuiv, ituu iuo vauvtjiuui juiucu Berne, charter to conunus ror thirty years. ' . I IV AO UlMl'PI ,M UUV A W : Jan7 dW AnDlication by the nndersitrned and his associates will be made to the General As sembly of North Carolina at its approaching r in, too. "JName : 'em, uovernor, name 'eml" has become a byword in the Hoosier State. Jan.5thl885. af " Bend six cents for postage r rle.and receive free, a costly box I I lWIof g00dg which will help all Tm .9tttt TTptvP TTP , , Wlinn I of either sex, te more money right away thai. ill IS Olllill J.Xilrt UiT. YY UUU i on.hln-alan In t.Ma vrnrlil. Vnrtnnoa nxunl' PVthagOraS lived in Jiirmmgnam ne the workers absolutely sure, Atonceaildree An t,o f tuot TKU is Augusta. Maine. marwaiy uiauo icvvo luau tun juuuu vuuu vicinity ' should go home late at vicinity Hiiuuiu gu uumu late m rp ATT TTT A O night, thereby to cultivate personal Q J.. JN 1 J xlUijAtb courage. The custom is sun Kept up. Pittsburgh Chromcle. . ' " FOR YOUNG FOLKS. M ACHINERY, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEM'TS, BUILDERS' MATERIAL, Brick, Lime,. Cement, Plaster, Hair, Paint, Oil, Varnish, . Putty, Glass, Etc. . Solicit Consignments of Cotton, Rice, Etc., Which will be sold on arrival or Btored in our Brick Warehouse, " ON MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. :o: : Insurance ;Agcnts for Fire arid Life Policies. To any body who has disease of throat or lungs, we will send proof that Piso's Cure for - Consumption has cored the same complaints in other cases. Ad dress. E. T. Hazemtnk. ; , . , -' Warren, Pa. jv26 d&w m 'o Cotton Growers ! 1 AM NOW PREPARED TO ' gist -coarxoK" at the Gin of T. 8. Howard on the MOBt Favorable Terms. I will also buy Seed Cotton and pay the nighost Price of the lariet. -J Sagging and Ties fuminLed to my customers at Cost I will pay the Highest Market Price ft Cotton ;Socd and nice. I am "also prepared to buy or sell bale cotton at the Lowest Brokerage, and elicit consignments of same. EcfoTences givon when desired. Wbcnjyou have Cotton to sell or Cotton to Gin, he sure to see me ' I en also Agent for the Celebrated , ' ' 1 :0 lHUC COTTON GROWEIi; Sktn Disease. ;' ! I have a little daughter seven years old. who for the last four years has been afflicted with a peculiar skin erup tion on the face and one hand. I have tried seven or eight physicians, among them the best in California and in this province, but to no purpose. The child Kent growing worse, fortunately, i saw a statement in a St. Paul, Minn, paper, of a cure of a disease similar to that of my child. It was effected by Swift's Specific. I secured six bottles and commenced giving it to my little girl. In less than one week this terrible disease, which had baffled all (he known remedies within reach, began to disap' pear. Hhe has been taking it three months is perfectly well, and her skin is as clear as wax. n. A. SMITH. : Trenton, Ontario, Province Canada. March 28, 1884. ' . ' , .Wliat a Minister Kaya. Extreme weakness and general debit itv, produced by exposure and over work attendant upon my duties, were gradually developing into an utter pros tration of my system. Adopting the suggestions of intimate friends, who had experienced relief in similar cases by taking Swift's Specifio, I now find myself restored to a perfect condition of health and strength. Accept my ler vent wishes for your continued prosper ity in your well chosen and successful method for relieving those whosulfer. Rev. B. Stockton, D. D., i Stillwater Place, Stamford, Conn Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailetl'free. . r The Swift Specifio Co., Drawer 3, At- 1UIIU1, Uil, For sale in New Berne at II ANCOCK BROS. . ' , ATTRACTIONS FOR 1884-5. No printed periodical can tnltethe place of parent, pastor, or uciiooi-ieaeiier; uui a gooa magazine can supplement their work and in fluence to a wonderful degree. In view of this, it is not extravagant, to say that In stead of "Can we aUord to take St. Nicholas?" the question of eveiy earnest household in Unellsh-speaKinR countries, to-day. should be "Can we afford not to take Ht. Nicholas?" The magazine, durlnx its eleven lianuv years of existence, under the editorial charge - MART NAPES DODGE, has grown familiar to hundreds of thousands oi young readers: anuineir interest ami in. teiiiKe-.it. enjoyment nave constantly in. spired the editor and publisheisto fresh ef fort. To-day, its strength In Its wholesome growth, its sympathy with young life, its nearly recognition oi tne movement oi events, and its steadily increasing literary and pictorial resources. The following are some of the good tilings already secured for future numbers of St. Nicholas : H1 Own Fault," a serial story for boys, i by the popular author, J. T. Trowbridge, i ''Personally Conducted,'' illustrated pa pers on famous places in Europe. By Frank II. Stockton. Historic Girls.' ft companion series to "Historic Boys." By K. S. Rrooks. Heady for Bnslneis," smrsestiong to boys about to chooBe an occupation, based on personal Interviews with prominent rep resentatives oi various traues anu prores slons. By Q. j. Manson, "Driven Bnek to Kden." a serial. By K. P. Hoe. . "Talks for Trans Folks," s Series of popular papers, ball. 11. (Helen .Tncksnii). 'Among llie l.ntv-iiinkrr.," recollec tions of a boypfiK!) in the U. S. Senate, containing much jiolltlcal information, both liiKirnctivc unci auiUHing,. By li.iliiiiinl Al lot,. "Davy finil tli Goblin," a very funny serial story by a new writer, Clin, firry I. Short Slorles by I.onlxa M. A li'ott. L"Tli Progress of lnvention" descrlp tlvo papers, ny t'haH.K, Ilolton. :. "Art Work for Yonn Folks'') papers on decoiatlve liundlci'ail, by t Un, Ct. J.e tand. ".Sheep or SIIvrr" a story of Texan life. l!v the late Itev. WIHInm M, Rnkrr. "A ar,Inn of JlrU" being six short stories for uirln. bv Six Lendlne Writer "Tales of Two f Iot1lne.iilii"j stories of adventure, bv II, II. ICovexon. "Cartoons for Hoyannd OlrIs" funny pietnreR, by St. NIcliolns Ai-(Ikn, "From ISnch to Warner" brief, pointed biographies of great nuiHii iaim. By Agalha Tnnis- j Snerla! Pnpers by chosen writers. , The HlnKli niloim will be the work of the very best nvlisls and engravers, and there Will be plent.r of I ln'in. The siibser: ii l-i ice is '"1 a yen-, (mil nov i h ,i VlHt. ' : ' " ttl t . . i : v . f . T'limliern vt- 1 ' 4. y i e i Cotton Diaper, Cheap! Cheaper 1 Cheapest! At A; II. BAKER'S, Also, a Tremendous Job Lot Ilambunr and Laces, from 3c. to G0c, 70rth twice the mcnoy. Hundreds of . dilTcrcnt designs, incln:Ii: Flouncing, Etc. Will bo offered at T.0CK' EOIIOII this T7cek At A. 1 1 1 i f A'LlynHUS:V. in pri,.

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