THE JOURNAL.. Li DEALEll IIV NEW BETJS'S, N. C FEB. 17, 18S3. r ! HAY ! HAY ! HAY ! . SALT ! SALT ! SALT ! SALT ! I,CG0 S::ks LivorpscI G. A. Sail. Salt for Hcrses, Calllo, Sheep, Ets CRAVEN ST., BELOW EXPRESS OFFICE, febSdwtf IVEWOlSIilN i TV. c. MAX SCnWERIN. y u 'j Li GEOItQE ASH. Arrival and Departure Hails MAIL CLOSES. For North, West and South, via A. & Si. V. R.K. at 8.SQ a.m. For Beaufort and the East, at 6:00 pm. For Washington, Swift Creek, Hyde and Beaufort Counties Mondays,- Wednes days, and Fridays at 6:00 a. ni. tor Trenton, Folloksville and Mays- ville, daily at 7:80 a. m. t or Urantsboro, Bay Kiver an l Van- demere, daily at 6 a. in. . OFFICE HOUES: In Money Order and Registered Let ter Department, from 9 a.m. to 4 p. ru in Mailing Department from V a. m. to 5 p. m., and from 7:30 to 8:30 p. m. Office open constantly between these hours except when mails are being dis tributed or sent. , ' . -:o:- Having moved into our New Quarters, The Brick Store, N. E. COT ner Sonth Front and Middle streets, we will, in order to make room for our Large Spring Stock, sell for the . K"ext TIrii?ty Days '.. ..-..-, . OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF 1 1 Ll.rv Boots and Shoes, Gents' Furnishing Ecadlnj "Slffns." ; A frontiersman reada what ho calls "signs'' on the prairies as rea dily as a city man reads the sign boards in the street. Tracks, a broken twig, a crushed-weed, and the remains aronnd a camp-fire, are as legible to a cowboy as an adver tisement to a reader. ; A Texas paper illustrates this art of reading Preparatory to wiwai of on . hv t.h following nsirr!fTPartners. our Stock of, lolhing, Goods. Hats, Umbrellas, Trunks, Valises, gKiSKtaKiS 'signs" by tne following narra tive: " .: .. ." : .. '. ; "About two miles from town he suddenly checked his horse, gazed intently on the ground, ana said, DRY GOODK AND NOTIONS, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES I IT REMEMBER, FOR THIRTY DAYS. 1 ' SCHWERIN& ASH, SIGN OF FLAG. 2,000 Sac!. s 2,000 Sacks man). 1,000 Sacks Pine Island, 1,000 Sacks Pocomoke. Llved Bone, .init (guarantee Ger- Meadows' Extra Early Peas, Seed Po tatoes, Beans and other Garden and Field Seeds. ; Corper Pollock and Huldle Streets, Warehouse Cotton Exchange Place declOd&tf . NEWBERN.N. O President-Elect ' Grover Cleveland Has appointed J. W. HAMILTON to . , . take charge of the - - Bee-Hive, at the Post Office, for D. IL IIASSELL, Secretary of Stale. Hamilton ia always ready to sell CHOICEST CIGAKS and TOBACCO, CANDIES, KAIU.VS, NITS, ORANGES, APPLES, LEMONS, Era , ' TOGETHER WITH Hamilton's Favorite Taffy. . p. H. IIASSELL, jaSl tf , Proprietor. Fruit Loom and Earker 44 Domestic Elcaclicd at Unheard of Pricc3, this "week, At A. II. BAUER'S. fit Cast fsrJO Days. Preparatory to withdrawal of one of "TV T TJhtc Time to Bnyi here this morning.' "There was no advertisement on any of the trees offering a reward for a lost horse, and as there was no lost horse in sight, we were at a loss to understand how, if a horse was lost, our friend could know so much about it. " "The doctor inquired, 'How do yon Know tnac a norse nas oeen lost!' V'v?V?. "'I see his tracks.' ; " 'Are there not hundreds of horses pasturing on the prairie? and how do you know that this is not the We will now sell the balance of our Winter Stock of I track of one of them!' CLOTHING fend' OVERCOATS at COST. THIS IS A FACT. 'J :;-'.. .' ' ; .,v ;r: ..C2'-:X-:.: We do not expect to fit all, our stock is broken, but if we can fit you we will save you money. " ? Also, at COST, our Stock of BOYS and CHILDRRN 'S SHOES. Men 'b Rubbers, 50o; Self-acting. 75o.; Alaskas. $1.00. ' A few more of our 60o. White Shirts, linen bosoms and bands, Reinforced. - All wool Flannel Undershirts at $1.25; worth $1.75. Men's Shoes in great variety. Our $3.00 Shoes are the best in the Market. New Btock of Hats soon to arrive. Collars, Cuffs, celluloid and linen. British H. Hose at 25o., worth 85c. Full line of Neck Wear. S3" BE SURE AND SEE US. "'Because he is shod; and the horses herding on the prairies do not wearshoes.' , " 4How do yon know that he is a saddle-horse, and lost!' " 'l see a rope tracK aiongsiae ms trail. The horse has a saddle on, and the rope hangs from the born of the saddle.' " 'But why may he not be a horse that some one has ridden over this way this morning! and why do you insist that he is lost t' ' -1 ""'Because, if a man had been on his back, he w6uld have ridden him on a straight course. But this horse has moved from side to side of the road as he strolled along, andi that is a plain sign that be grazed as be went, and that he had no rider,' " 'After that, it would not sur prise me,' said the doctor, 'if you were to tell as tne age ot tne norse and the name of the owner.' f ; 'f " 'Well, - that would not be very hard to do. There are signs that have told me the owner's name, and there are other signs, that, if I had time to axamine, would ten me his age. I know he is one of old man Pendergrast's horses. Pendergrast has a large bunch of horses down in the bottom, and an old nigger down fliara Is-wia nil Ya Q Vina in tf anrl jiu w aiii,c;, i i wwn, wucbjj 8hoe8 no other horses except his, FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS r'. Will be SOLD AT cos r. An early call will secure bargains, such as: - - - 1 - Mamsutta Muslin at 10c. ' Fruit of the Loom 4-4 at 8o. An elegant Bleached Goods at 7 Something very fine at 6o..J And others at 4o. and Sc. An elegant line of Ladies, Misses and Children's Shoes at cost. Also, a full stock of Men's and liovs Hand and Ma chine Sewed Shoes. Ladies and Misses' Hosiery, Half Hose, Collars ind Cuffs, Ties, Laces and Embroideries. EVERYTHING AT COST. . Country merchants will find it great- - to their advantage to see us before all is disposed of. ' TERMS STRICTLY CASH. DUFFY & IVES, Middle street, ja21 dwlm . NEW BERNE, N. C. . Gentb' Furnishers, opp. Episcopal Church. WANTED! WANT 100,000 BUSHELS OF RICE, For which we will pay the Highest Market Price. We will Bell Rice, Corn, totton, in this or any otnor market, lor une commission. LIBERAL ADVANCES MADE ON PRODUCE IN HAND. WE OFFEE FOR 8 A LU A FULL LINE OF hoice Groceries in Tturt nf : r - . 50 bbla. "Eureka Extra" Flour, ' ; 50 bbls. '.'Daisy'' Flour, x 50 bbls. " White Swan" Flour,' ' 50 bbls. "North Lake" Flour, J 50 bbls. "None Better" Flour, 50 bbls. "St. George" Flour," that is as good aa ismadc. It 25 Sacks Rio Coffee, " '' 10 Sacks "Laguayra," ''Java" and "Mocha." 25 bbls. Pork. 10 boxes L. C. Bellies and Backs. Best refined and bucket Lard. . 10 tubs Butter ; 25 Chse (best creamery). . - 50 boxes' Crackers and Cakes. - - , . 25 bbls. of Molasses and Syrup. ' 20bbls. of four year old "Fruit" Vinegar. ' r ' 15 bbls; Sugar. Teas, Spices, Extracts, etc., etc. We carry as fine a line of (banned Goods as can be found in tho city. 1,000 boxes of Cigars from $L10 to $15.00 per hundred. Loriliard and Gail and Ax's Snuff at manufacturer's prices. J Tobacco cheap by the box. ' 50 boxes Soap. ' . We offer a drive in Parer Sacks. So we know his shoe-track just the same as we know his brand.' " A Gentleman whose house was under repair went out one day to see how the work progressed, and observing a quantity of. nails lying about, he said to the carpenter, "Why don't you take care of these nails! They'll certainly be lost.?' "No," replied the carpenter: you'll hnd them in the bill." Real estate mortgages and deeds and chattel mortgages for sale at this ouice. Sweet Gum and Mullein. The sweet gum. as gathered from a tree of the same name, growing along the small streams in the Southern btates, contains a stimulating expectorant prin ciple that loosens the phlegm producing the early morning cough, and stimulate the child to throw on the raise mem' If you do not think we are m earnest, call on or send your orders direct and brane in croup and whooping cough, consign your produce to ' . Red Front Store, South Front St.. New Berne, N. C. octl4 d&w HSN&-C J BALERS IJV eneral SH3ardware, When combined with the healing muci laginouB principle in the mullein plant of the old nelds, presents in xaylor b Cheeokeb Remedy of Sweet Gtjm and Mullein, the finest known remedy for Coughs, Croup, Whooping Cough ana Consumption; and bo palatable, any child is pleased to take it. Ask your drncrziBt for it. send two-cent stamp for Taylor's Riddle Book, which is not only for the amusement of the little ones who will gather around your knee to hear the nuzzling questions, out con taining information for the health and welfare of every home. WALTER A. TAYLOR. dwtfeblS ' Atlanta, Ga, M ACniNERY, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEM'TS, Erick, Lima, Cement,. Plaster, Hair, Paint, Oil, Varnish, Futty, Glass,1 Etc. Solicit Consignments of Cotton, Rice, Etc, 2C0 Tarrcls of -Y. l ii h will be sold on arrival or stored in our Brick Warehouse, Er.iljT HCC3 Pctr.tCC OIT LIOST FAVOEABLE TEEMS. . strictly r AT If. W. WAIIAB'S COIINEK; always supplied with the very best Fresh Meats, lieef, Tork. Mutton and Sansaeethat the Market afTnrdg. Call on him. . Jitultf-dly Vhclosalo Dsalsrs. FLOUR. The Flour House of WYLIK. SMITH & CO. of Baltimore has a national reputation for uie extent oi tneir Dusittess ana cnaraoter oi goods. Their BRANDS OF FLOtTK ARE ALW A.YS UNIFORM, BlKKiTLiY RH.LIABLK and de- liverea at lue luwjl;i.' uau&m' 1'jtuuu.a, CAKES AND CRACKERS. The Old and Well Known Firm of JA9. IX MASON CO. supply a lull line of every va riety of Cakes and Crackers. Satisfaction In every instance guaranteed. .TOBACCO. The Wholesale Tobacco Honse of FINK BROTHERS dc CO., of Baltimore, so long and favorably known in this market, have mode me their agent fo: this section; and I will be nleftsed to receive orders for their superior lines of goods. Every variety of Tobacco at. best prices. I am Sole Agent here for the above firms : being in daily receipt of telegraphic market quotations, 1 can therefore guarantee LOWEST RICES and FULLEST S ATI 8- ACTION. Goods ordered by telegraph. JAS. W. MOORE decludwtf Check, Plain and Striped Nainsook at 5c, 8c and 10c, worth twice the money, At A. II. BAKER'S. v Lonsdale Cambric, Cheap! Cheap! Cheap! At A. II. BAKER'S. Ono Thsusand Dollars EVERY FIVE YEARS ! You Do Not Die to Get It PAYS EEITER THAN A SAVINGS BANK, NATIONAL LIFE AND MATURITY INSURANCE ASSOC'N OF WASHINGTON, D. C. Incorporated and endorsed by the leading business and professional men of the capital. Do you wisn to avau yourseiveB ana family of its benefitsV Apply for further information to WATSON & STREET, : 3 : General Insurance gents, ja24 dlw3m .NEWBEEN, N. a Merchants, ankers and Manufacturers SHOULD READ ' BRADSTUEET'S A Weekly Journal of Trade, Finance, ,. . ,. . . and rubile Economy. , ' Sixteen PaRfiS every Ratnrday. Oftentines . ; Twenty rage. BometiniesTwenty - 4 . :, four Pages. FIVE DOLLARS A YEAR. -re an -J true to r " ' r C The foremost purpose of ErAdstrket'b is to be of practical Horvloeto buninons men. Its special tritde and lndnstrial reiwrts; its weekly epitome ol bankruptcies throughput the United and Canada, and thesum mnrle8 of assets and liabilities, are alone worth the subscription price; it synopses of recent legal decisions are exceedingly valu able. As commercial transactions, in the wider Bense, are coming to be more and more conducted on a statistical basis, the Informa tion contained In Hkaiwtkk.kt's is of the first importance both to producers aud middle men. . The trade and agricultural situation throughout the United mates and Canada la reportod by telraraph to liraust reel's np to the hour of publication. Cotton Diaper, . Cheap! Cheaper! Cheapest! Atv . A. n. BAKER'S. v Also, a Tremendous Job Lot IIanitiirr and Laces, from 3c. to G0c, 7orth twico tho mcnoy. Hundreds of diCcrcnt designs, inclucli Flouncing, Etc. Will bo offered at E0CK EOTTOII rr this vcoli SINGLl TIIC II copies, ti:n cents. At A. -:o: T 1 ; An i i J A. J M.

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