' 1 '.I V Daim liNAL. L2J VOL. III. NEW BERNE. N. C., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25. 1885. NO. 281V 'Jr LOCAL NEWS. Fire.. At a little, after 10 o'clock hut night iMaj. Dennison's turpentine distillery, situated about midway between his gin house and oil mill, was discovered in flames. The alarm was given and the Button engine1 was on the spot in a few minutes and put on two streams of water, the Silsby engine being in the I shop for repairs. Fortunately the wind was right to take the flames, which were huge, out towards Trent river. This I circumstance and the timely arrival of j One Large Size Herring Safe for sale tne Button saved the gin house and the by Geo. Allen, Assignee. . loutnui. ine loss is not aenniteiy Known. Journal Miniature Almanac. New Berne, latitude, 85 6' North. - " - longitude, IV 3' West. Sun risee, 6.85 1 Length of day, . Sua sets, 5:51 1 11 hours, 16 minutes. , Moon sets at 8:86 a. m. ; ;,; business locals, c New Samples and New Goods at 103t H2w f,. , N. M. Gaskill's. La Grange Items. The weather is severely cold. Rev. Mr. Hires Breached here last Sunday and Sunday night, his regular appointment. -:: . Solomon Burroughs was married to Mrs. Sanders, of Jones, last week, O. K. w. Howard, J. r., officiating. V. H. Smith, of Wavne. was married to Miss Fannie Fields, of this county. last week. Capt. J. W. Rice. J. P.. officiated, . -: A large crowd in town Saturday eve ning. borne of our merchants complain that business was dull, while others say Jones County Items. in Trenton isoccu- Flre at Warsaw. Warsaw, N. C. Feb. 23. The Warsaw seminary was destroyed by fire to-night at 7:30. The loss on the Notice to Debtors of Asa Jones, accouuts must bo paid. , Geo, Axlkn, Assignee Ladies', Dress Goods, Below Cost to Close Stock, at Asa Jones s. Knvelooes and business cards printed In good style and cheap at the Journal The Fircmcu it was pretty fair. Your Two charges of turpentine had been run Capt W. A. Darden, representative off during the day, and Maj. Dennison the Legislature from Greene county, himself Had left the yard htw ISx 7, ounaay, , . , , . ,. ' , visiting Shade Wooten f our place and uauuico uoivi o vao uio to iuovimcicu No insurance. . DIED, Tuesday morning, Feb. 24th, Mrs, Mary E. Brinn, in the 59th year of her age. Funeral this afternoon 4 o'clock, at the M. E. Church. COMMERCIAL. office. i HUD W1J Cotton continues to boom. , . r , Shad were scarce in the market yes terday. ' . .. - .Local Branch No, 93, Order of the Iron Hall, meets to-night. , .; , Mr, N. 8. Richardson's job printing office is undergoing repairs. j The revenue! cutter Stevena returned from a cruise down the sound yester day evening.';1 ! The paint brush is improving the ap pearance of the fence around the Epis copal Churoh grounds. V . Tie steamer Trent takes up a cargo of paronatp pf lime to Polloksville to-day from Capt. White's mill. . . , John W. Small wood was opening a fine lot of lamps at Kimball's old stand near the Cotton Exchange, yesterday, . The : Shenandoah took out a large nlv-ol pnrcm vARtprrinv Avenlnp consist I . mven8i lpg oi ciams, nsn, nee, cotton, peas, etc, ' Men who want to borrow money or be run by a merchant, say the cold w$ather is an indication of a might good crop yeart:f:;'f,w'.':-: '-, - The steamer Kinston took out the "tieaTlest freight for Kinston and land ings along the Neuse yesterday that the has taken out in some time. The American Jack Fire Company held an important meeting on Monday night at the.offhe of the Secretary. The meeting was with especial reference to joining in the parade on the fourth of March. For this it is necessary that wheels be procured for their engine. To accomplish this, two subscription lists were started and committees raised to take them ground. The Company also received a dona tion of two trained goats, which were received with thanks, and while the Company will retain its corporate name in all legal matters, its name in common parlance hereafter will be the American Butting-Team Fire Engine Company. The officers say that while they may not get to a fire as promptly as the New Berne or Atlantics, nor do as much work, they can all but. Perioual. Mr. E, 3. Havens, who has been on a visit to his father, Mr. Johnathan Col. J. W. Isler, near here, About one hundred and seventy-five tons of kainit, nine tons Lee's prepared lime, ana about thirty tons of other fer tilizers have been shipped to this place this season. These figures show that kainit is taking the lead so far. We learn that some thief stole the Church Bible from Union Churoh on the south , side of Neuse, last week. About two weeks ago some unknown thief stole a bag of shot from the coun ter oi J. a. Wooten & Bro., in this place, When a thief gets ready to steal, it makes but little difference to him what he takes, judging from these thefts. Journal Office. Feb. 24. .8 P. M. COTTON. New York futures firm: spots firm. Middlingll l-4;Low Middling 10 13-16; Ordinary 10 1-4. FUTURES. July, January, February, March, April, May, June, August, September, October, November, December, 11.84 11.82 10.74 10.75 for a few days, left on the Swansboro Items. Hope we shall have better weather by the time Uleveland is inaugurated Doctor Blount is now ready to hear from those wishing a summer resort during the coming summer. Mr. E. B. Harget of Silver Dale is in town. Says he will have his new store at Smithville done some of these days. George Littleton and Capt. W. Daniels caught nine hundred mullets this week, some of them two inches in length, and oysters ana clams no end to them. Mr. Mallett is getting on finely with his school. He wants a few more music scholars. Come down and see him and his school, Friday the 2fth, instead of Friday the SJith inat., as stated in the The next enter tainment comes off here for the benefit of the school house. Mr. James B. Pollock of Kinston is in town prospecting for insurance on a new plan. Bays bis company pays be' fore you die if you insure with him. ewis King, Esq., of Jones county, is . in the city .withafinelot of turkeys, One gobler was swung out at Burrus' that weighed nineteen pounds'. Farm , era hive something to sell besides co- . . The statement that appeared in the . oubital of the 15th inst. in reference to the Order of tho Cincinnati, which fcrof. Ed.'-Graham Daves speaks of in hi ftommunication. published on the 2nd page of this issue, was clipped from i the Elizabeth City '.Economist. We call pro. Creecy's attention to Prof. Raves' jjmnjUnication. , , I'.irAi the. Commissioners of Wayne '.- , County.. .,' ',' ', ;; '.;, W: Captains Eobeits and Dixon, of the teamers- Kinston and Trent havo re. fcently niade trips to Spring Banks op Ntuse river in Wavno county and they "pomplain earnestly about tbo condition - pf (Jia draw in the Broadhurst bridge ip thatcoupty. Capt. Dixon was detained for three hours on his trip and Capt. Roberts nearly as long and the crews of the boats assisted the keeper in of ening the draw. The county commissioners should have the draw nut in 'condition at once and probably avoid the expense of a suit. Shenandoah yesterday evening for Phil adelphia. Mrs. A. E. Kimball and mother left JoVJtNAL. la8t we8k- on the Shenandoah yesterday evening for Norfolk, ... . ; Capt. J. S. Lane, of Stonewall, was in the city yesterday. , Prof. George has returned to the city to look after the pianos and other musical instruments. . ; Mr. D. M. St anton, of La Grange, is in the city. He is a strong advocate of labor-saving machinery. It is certainly the way to solve tho labor problem on Southern farms. Mrs. Mary Bayard Clarke is visiting Raleigh. Miss Irene Radcliff has returned from Every dwelling pied but one. The cold snap' has nearly ruined the buildinar ia six thousand dollars: no in turnips in our section. , surance. The furniture was partly in- Mrs. George N. Hill, who has been so sured. The property belonged to the very sick ror several days, stiH contin- Baptist Eastern Association, and W. M ues very sick. and D. 8. Kennedy were the principals Ira westbrook. a nauner atthenoor ornescnooi. si. u. w. house, died there with bowel consume- Aeirs and Observer. tion on Monday last. Mr. Mewborn, the Principal of the Trenton Academy, informs me that he has 21 pupils in attendance. The people of . Trenton and vicinity must consume a great many apples and oranges, as our contyctioners receive a fresh supply on nearly every boat. Eggs are plenty and as current here as silver money. You can purchase anything in our stores with plenty of this hen fruit from a pound of sugar to a suit or ciomes. Mr. Thos. C. Whitaker has his notices posted to sell out his entire stock of goods at auction for cost. I understand that be intends to try to make a farm pay him better than merchandising. Mr. A. C. Gooding, one of our suc cessful farmers, remarked in Trenton on Saturday last that the farmers were having a severe time about now as it was all eat and no work. The people of our county cry out hard times and no money, but the way a horse and a mule sold in. Trenton on Saturday for cash to close a mortgage, maKes us thinx that times are not so bad and money plenty. 'HDold nights are fearful to think of." said a colored man from Cypress creek on Saturday last. "Particularly," said he, "if bed covering is scarce." "But," says he, "we have one friend that saves us the fire place, well wooded and don't we use it 1" Mr. Thos. Harrison, who has been very Bick for several weeks, died on Monday morning last. W. H. Puckett preached his furneral. Mr. Harrison was a very old man, I suppose the old est in the county, aged nearly 89 years. iie was, all concede, a truly honest man, which is said to be the noblest work of God. Some times we have in Trenton, dur ing a crowd, the various characters enumerated below: We can find the handsome man who parts his hair in the middle, and if you could purchase him at his worth and sell him at w hat he thinkB he is worth, what a fortune you'd have. We can find him who en quires of all a kind of curious prodigy Sales of 81 That suits ust but we would like to have 7 M ev"ybodJ 8 buB1 the money to insure with nrst. wonder if they could pay that in advance; if so we will take au or 4(J cents worth. Plenty of duoks, ooona and fish, Heady killed ten fat ooona in two days this week, two at one shot and three up one tree. Everett McLean and Oapt. M. Bloodgood killed twenty-one fine ducks in two innings last week; killed them on the wing. Any one who loves this kind of sport will find Swansboro the place for it. ness, everybody's health, character. outgoes and incomes. We oan find him who drinks with all, particularly if it is others' set-up. We can find also the knowing man who is continually giving you advice how to fatten pigs; how to make money and grow rich speedily and do a host of wonderful things that you might do and he could do were he you. We can find the man who trades with all, who divides with, the mer chants, believing that it is right to build up and help all' alike. We can find Kinston. . . .. .. . . .. . u t j . u .. - t Yes. uieveiana a time to na freswent i o""1" nu mcv you ouu vvuuiu UUbreen,JMq.,and wite, oi ireu- . ( t annroftChin r wonder if ha sell you 11 eggs for dozen, provided ton,' are in the city. , will rive me the nostmaster'snlace here, you take their word and don't count O. H. nuinn. Van:. i loaves th morn. Qh. I foreot. he don't orive away those mew, weigu you i ounzes sugar, , -t T t-v ' .. " . ... i I.L... ;-i. . j mr cj inir fnrTftrhoro on nrofpBsional husiness Olhces, DUt One man tnougnt SO, guess. I ""6o Jwm (juuuu. youauuuu ing ror iarhoro on protessionai Dusmess. tnmnhn i m n some who look for all and if they find U. K. tsryan, ,sq., returnea irom offlca of B0m-8 kind or t 8nall eriBh you on the wrong road lead you out uaieign lasi nigui ana win leave snorny pretty soon. Any one wanting a first rate third-rate common school teacher at a big salary right away will please let me know. for his new field of labor down South. Miss Emily Benson, of Milburn, N. J., is in the city visiting Mrs. J. t. Ives. Initiirnnee. We call attention to the advertise ment of Geo. Allen & Co. in this issue in relation to the Popple's Mutual As suranoe Fund. .. This plan of insurance is receiving considerable attention, and is destiued to become a leading feature ia the business. The following letter contains information as to the progress it is making; . ' Office of Peoples' Mutual Assubance An Endowment Association, .-. 845 Fifth street, . ' Louisville, Ky., Feb. 19, 1883. One death occurred lately we failed to mention Miss Callie Sparks, and place you right. We can find some who, doctor ail: some with minerals, some with roots and yerbs;some kill, some cure, all charga. We can find a few who try to humbug all; some times they succeed and some timos they don't. we can nna iew wno ue to au ; some lie 11.48 11.49 11.55 11.65 11.77 New Berne market firm. bales at 9 to 10.60. Middling 10 7-16; Low Middling 10 1-8; Ordinary 9 7-16. RICE. New Berne upland $1.00a$1.09. domestic market. Cotton Seed $10.00. Seed Cotton $3.50. Barrels Kerosene, 49 gals., 85c Turpentine Hard, $1.15; dip, $1.75 TAR 75o.aS1.25. Corn 50a60c. Beeswax 20c. per lb. Honey 60o. per gallon. Beet On foot, 5c. to 7c. Country Hams 12o. per lb. " Lard 10c. per lb. Eaas 21o. per dozen. Fresh Pork 6c. per pound. Peanuts 60a75o. per bushel. Fodder 75o.a$1.00 per hundred Onions $1.56a2.00 per bbl. Field Peas Hides Dry, 10o.; green 5c. Tallow 5c. per lb. Chickens Grown, 40a50c. ; 20a30c. Meal 60c. per bushel. Oats 45 cts. per bushel. Turnips 50c. per bushel. Wool 12al7c. per pound. Potatoes Sweet, 25a50c. Fuks Coon skins, 80c; fox, 50c mink, oUo.; otter from 3a6 Shingles West India, dull and n om inal; not wanted. Building. 5 inch hearts, $3.00; saps, $1.50 per M. wholesale price8. New Mess Pork $14.75. Shoulders Smoked, No. 2, 7c prime, oo. C. R. and L. C. R.-7J. Nails Basis 10's,$2.50. Flour $3.50a7.00. Potatoes $3.00. Lard 8ia9c. Suoar Granulated, 7c. Salt Uuc.a$1.00 per sack. Molasses and Syrups 20a45c, Kerosene 10c. Powder $5.50. Shot $1.6Q. $250,000 II FIVE YEARS! Duricg February and March, 1890, we propose to pay to itizens of New Berne, for and on account of THE NATIONAL LIFE & MA TURITY ASSOCIATION of Washington, D. ftp One Thousand Dollars each x for Two Hundred and Fifty Cer tificates of Maturity Insur ance. WATSON & STEEET, : 22 d AGENTS. ' " spring USE :.'.;,. The Best and Cheapest Pure Carbonate of Lime A Natural Fertilizer. We are now prepared to supply the farmers of Eastern North Carolina with Pure Carbonate of Lime, ground at our Mill in New Berne. Thia is lime made of oyster shell, fresh from the bed, and is far superior to burnt lime, as it contains much animal mat ter. It is one of the . V Cheapest ana Best fertilizers now hi the Market. Composted with cotton seed or stabls manure it makes a complete fertilizer, and is indispensable to the fertility of the soil. As the supply will be limited, farmers are requested to send in orders imme diately. - - J. M. WHITE & CO. SOLD BY , GEO. ALLEN & CO., New Berne, L. HARVEY, Kinston, PATRICK & DIXON, Eookerton. felO dwtf daughter of I. T. Sparks, lately of our to make money, some to tell ghost town, but now of Polloksville. - Callie was a bright and good girl, a strict member of the M. E. Church, greatly beloved by all who knew her, and the pride of her parents at home and abroad She was stricken down by that grim monster, death, in the pride of life, by that dread disease, typhoid pneumonia, in the loth year ot ber aee. we qo not mourn for you, Callie, but we do sin cerely sympatn.ige WHO your grief yarns, some to trade horses, some to make you believe that their old dad was the dad of one great man and that man was their dad's son. Will close the enumeration this week, hope to re sume it next week. CHICAGO SCALE CO. JH l TO WAOOH SCiU, MO. TON, C&O. CrSSSi Ton fto, Inn Box Included. COTTON BUM fMMB.IM. The "Little Detective? U oi. toTfilb. 13, 100 OTHER BIZI9. ftdaM PRIC8 LIST faiCK. FORGES, TOOLS. &o. BEST rOKUK II1UI1 FOR LIGHT lf(UU(, tit 4 lb. Anvllmnd Kit of Tool. 810 Hiram Um ul MMjr Jk. Blowere. AnviK Vices A Other Artinlns ai mist rucsSt waowaiU mciiii. 11 fBheseljoats have other freights to carry GeXtten&Co, o that popt and probably beyond, ana Wg are peased to announce ,that our Delicate V0111em. have been using for a month or two in my household Swift s Bpecmc, tne trvuniar TinrHnn it It: linvirirr ll.pn lfin- stricken parent, May your loss be their gumed by the female portion of my eternal gain, :.;C family, and with the happiest results. No bad cases of sickness with us here, ated like ?harm , ? m T ,wif who but several cases of pneumonia around nad been in oaa neaitn.ior a long time, us and several deaths. Mr. Asa Smith, atd fr whom I had paid hundreds of uoiiara lur uuutuio uuu uieuiuiuea. xl ., l .jx.-j i. - t, jtninlnA "v-i ... n u .. - ... 1 . u M..nl. 4.nn:.t!l. I oi Aid &nn TaaTattiA .flttiKan Alan laof. f 7: . j.. tkiff iillba able from and after data Monday, aged about 75 years. Mr. A. began to bmld-hei up from thefirst count oi a ueuuieuk ui - -------- -r.c. l t u- j ' , ., ", t -.11 .l, to pay tne iuh amount oi me nrst ma- v- , uuiuw iraiioui We deem it only necessary to call the i certificate in citizen, died about the same time, aged attention of the commissioners to the porm jj0i g t0 foe henefipiary entitled about 58 years. A young woman, name unit that -th mav be fullv in- thereto.; The Peonies' Mutual is now not remembered, died at Mr. Sol. Corn' ii 'nA .cttoAmntomno. established on a secure footing, and we to's this week. She was living there tV""S- r -"nr- UredailvinreceiDtof the most flatterine A little daughter of Mr. Wm. Bell died rary,the Jfessenflfer, to cau tneir atten- and : encouragin(r letters approving its this week. Mr. Bell is the gentleman .t ' . , I i mi. Li:. I 1. : t: I nhn dose. Another female member of my family took it up with equally satisfac tory results. It is certainly the best tonic for delicate ladies that I have ever used, and I have tried them all. I have no doubt that want ot exercise, close confinement in poorly ventilated houses, NOT DEAD YET. Atlanta papers are giving the public some curious and wonderful cases that are quite interesting. It seems that a young lady of Atlanta has been reported as dead, but it came to the ears of the Atlanta .Journal that she was still alive, and he Ing en the alert for news, a reporter was sent to the residence to learn aU the facts. Miss Belle Dana way, who had been pronounced dead, met him at the door, stoutly denying that she waa dead. She said: For four years, rheumatism and neuralgia have resisted physicians and all other treat roent. My muscles Beemea to dry up, my flesh shrank away, my lolnts were swollen, painful and large, lo&t my appetite, was re. duced to 69 pounds in weieht and for months was expected to die. I commenced the use of B. B. B. and the action of one half a bottle EASTERN PRTJI CAROLINA - ARBLE WORKS, NEW BERNE, N C. nlan. The Dublic is beemnine to realize wno accidentally snot that ours is the onlv comoanv in the band recently. Mr. M, State that couples the two-fold benefit of paying the assured in cash his cou tiop to it. . ; JUgnellc Delineation. , ; ZmoM pois as they mature during life, and at Lovick, has received from the officers ath tQ hjB per80nal representative. of theVmped states coast geoaeuo uur- xhe Board of Ijirectors are determined ey the following magnetic delinea to spare no efforts to make this Company Udns. or Variations of the magnetic needle, at New Berne from 17C0 to present time: : the himself in the Russell, Mr. Q. W. Ward, Mrs. Nancy Ward and Mr. K. Willis are among hose who have been sick lately and on the mend a little. sewer gas poison and malarial poison nvinoed my friends that it would cure me. gave me Btrengtn, reneveu all pains and aches, added flesh to my bones, and when five I had gained 50 poundB 17G0 1770 1780 1790 1800 1810 . 1820' 1830 1840 1850 18(10 v:i . l ) 1. 5 East. ! West 1.50 1.90 2.20 2.40 2.80 2.10 , 1.80- 1.85-' 0.82 o.ai 0.43O-1.05'J- :i.C3'- 1.003 H i f "ures to the right of the period 1, s i many hundredths of a de .!. It -a multiplied by sixty will a t'3 Eurnber of minutes. Thus, in "3 .' o 1 .r""; tlo needle had varied to 3 T. i-t one dr:ree and thirty minutes. ! ': 1 Cf.ltl, IV r the equal of any in the land. With energy and enterprise tney nope to secure for the Peoples' Mutual that measure of success which will make it a power for good to all of its beneficiaries. Soliciting your co-operation and influ ence to aid in attaining this end, we are, Very truly, - ' Wh. L. Jackson, Pres't. Ed. N. Caldwell, Sec'y. - - Notice to Mariners. . Notice is hereby given that the front beacon of the Oak Island Range, North Carolina, is about to be moved 450 feet to the eastward of its present position, and that, during its removal and until its establishment in its new location, a red light will be shown from a lantern suspended from a mast in the position of the present light. - When the above named light is re established, it will, in connection with the new lights to be established in Cape Fear river, form a new system of ranRes, due notice of which will be' published hereafter. Py ordor of Use Lighthouse Board: , fc',iF.PH! : C. Rowan, Yiee-Admiral U. & Kavy, Chm'n. Stonewall Items. Geo. W, Lukens, while taking an in terest in a dog fight at Aurora in Beau fort county, succeeded in having his right hand badly bitten. ' He is supplied with a most excellent nurse. F. F. Cherry is off on a tour in the up per counties in the interest of his planter. It is decidedly the best for all purposes that I have ever seen. It will plant cot ton, corn, rice and peas to perfection. Ground hog days over or what not, the weather holds its own just the same. I have been fying for three weeks to have twelve bushels of oats sown, and only three and a quarter in the ground often produce sickness among our wives, daughters and sisters, and I be lieve Swift's Specific is the remedy for all this sort of blood poisoning. I know many of the best families ot this county are using it for this purpose, and I have never known or heard of any failure to give entire satisfaction. I have known the remedy a long time. I know it to be entirely Vegetable, and the best tonic and alterative, especially for females. ' F. L. Jones, J. r., yuitman, ua. ' "" . Geaeral Debility. For several years past my wile's health has been exceedingly feeble a general break down of the nervous sys tem. She was greatly reduced ia flesh. No remedy seemed to do her any good. In the spring of 1883 1 induced her to try Swift's Specific. The first bottle gave ber hope and twenty bottles pro duced wonderful results. She gained thirty pounds in flesh and it renovated her whole system, it is certainly tne bottles had been used of flesh, and I am to-day sound and well.' X ... . . up lovtnis time. greatest tonio in the world. Ed. Jewell, a nephew ot John Rob- vt 5 ixf 5 ft.'J. JJiflGlNfU bins of Vandemere, was accidentally , Indian Springs, Ga. Nov. S, 1884. Treatise on Blood and bkm Diseases mailed free. The Swift Specific Co.; Drawer 8, At lanta. Ga. ". For sale in New Berne at hajnuuuh BROS, v ! I? you are in need of bill, lotter or note heads, call at the Journal office and haye them printed neat and cheap. shot in his arm on last Sunday at the residence of Tom Cam pen, by Bent, son of Mr. T. Campen, white the boys were fooling with a pistol. Mr. X. Campen brought the wounded boy to Dr. Attmore. After an examination the Doctor pronounced the wound not serious and advised not extracting the ball for tho present, it being lodged ; t t0 I IS IT A LIE ? Borne one said that Potash was a poison; Who makes the asseitlon except those who desire to mislead and humbug youf He who danounces other remedies ag frauds, 1b quietly offering a vile oompound of his own bewaie of all such. .. Ask, your physUlan or your druggist if Potash produces all the horrors claimed for It by those who are compelled to traduce other preparations in order to appear respectable themselves. ' " .. . ; We claim that Potash properly combined with other remedies makes the grandest blood remedy ever known to man, and we olalm that B. B. B. is that remedy. - If afflicted with any form of blood poison. Scrofula, Rheumatism, Catarrh, Old Dicers and Sorts, Kidney Complaints, Female Dis eases, etc., the B. B B. wilt cure you at once; Menu to mooa BRim uo Atlanta, ua , lor Cody of their book FREK. For Sole In Newbern by R. N. DUFFY. 1 For Rent, HOUSE and LOT, corner Craven and Union streets, recently occupied by Mr. K. R. Jones. Apply to . " J. W. WALKER, ' fel5 tf Or W. F. ROUNTREE. Length of Trip will be from six fo ten days'. Steamer leaving her dock at MSW BLKfifi, Saturday Night, Feb. 28, at NINE o'clock. The fnre for round trf pi (board included) will be S;5C0. or $113.00 for Passge anil Sleeping Room, wllh Sl.HO per day for menls. Number of Tickets limited to OKTY-KlVi:. Qood accommodations will be elven to dos- sengers both on the piissnf-e and nt the steam er berth in Washington City. AU persona wishing to go will plraae notify Die agent In time so that he mm imike preparations. f or luriner wiormanon pppiy to K. K. P1EROE, Agent. Utlice footof Craven street. New Berne, N. C. v febll dtd GRAND EXCURSION!! THE STEAMER ELM CITY Will give an Excursion from NEW BERNE To WASHINGTON, D. 0.r For the benefit of those who desire to be, present at the -. Inauguration cf PRESIDENT CLEVEL1KD ON THE FOURTH OF MARCH. tf- Monuments, Tombs, And all kinds Grave and Building work la ITAUAK&EF.ICAN MARBLE Orders will receive cromnt attention and satisfaction guaranteed. , JOE K. WILLIS, Proprietor (Successor to George W. Claypoole) ' Cor. BROAD AW CRAVEN St., KEW BERNE, N. C G. E. Miller is my authorized asent in Kinston. maSO-lvdw .-...;18ir.'R.;B0ro, Next door to Ico House, on ' Middle street, will keep the best Fresh Meats, Beef, Mutton, Sausage, etc., the market affords. Give him a trial. Cg The highest price paid for F and Furs. feS t P0C0M0KE, The Great Potato Fertilizer, For Bale by" 23Jwtf E. H. 5IEAEO"

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