roa I.Ian and Beast. Mustang Liniment is older than most men, and used . more and more every year. , H. W. WAIIAB, Huccessor UE wlndley,) )isTIIXEES' AGENT FOB T'nrft Rvft flora Whiskv AT WHOLES AjuE. WILES AND "CIGARS iv GREAT ARIE1 Y, Omger Ale, Paid Ale, Beer AND PORTER. J, KRONER & EXfGEL BEER, OIDER, i, PUF.E FTiKCH ERAHDt. II. W. WAIIAB. actk Front St. New Berne, N. 0. s:.:mi & gredle Have now In stock and are receiving by teamer a Full Line of Hardware, Stoves, Guns, Tin, Glass, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Plows, "Willow- iar. Heating and Cook Stoves. The Golden Harvest and Champion, the beet In the market. ; . .. . Bnggy Harness, Saddles and Bridle, and.a ' Oil line of . Beautiful Lamp Goods. " We sell none but reliable goode,and sell them LOW for CASH. Middle St, New Berne, N. C i . - nguuw ... Ddl Drc3., WHOLESALE GROCERS AND ; COMMISSION MERCHANTS, : 5 HEW BERNE. If. 0. dw nl IsatSftas Extrcsrdin&ry ! With a view to conforming with the times, "' PATRONS of DETBICK'3 SALOON are respectfully notified that nntll farther notice they will be permitted to aie POOL AND BILLIARD TABLES connected therewith (iRATIS ; Jharge only being made for refreshments. ' Alio on hand at any time . Imported Bchweltxer , and Llmbnrger -. Cheese; Imported and American Bologna Sausage; Sauerkraut when In season. , CALL AT . 'TTCTMCK'S" OLD STAND. O. L. PAPPENDICK, Assignee. ,. ooldw ,.- ,-. 1:6, lea, ' Vc:d,7od Uoal, Hay, Ice & Wood "FOR SALE BY u;;tcg:) & d.ii:iels ' APPLY AT THEIR ICE HOUSE I,-'- Near Foot of Middle street, -JV.' TJow Berne, N, 0. ' t J Cull on us before purchasing else tl it A. km t I !te prc.nii non of one of the most 'i succrssiul simialists in the U. S. cure of Jeryoi, iseblllty, t nss and leeay. Sent ne 1 ,'ee. Urugists can fill it ? & C Louisiana, Mt, . i , ' i -- !f1 B'T C'T)tS for pOBt.tKS i m ! o (' V 1ml ml ,'M. THE J0U11NAL. EISNE. N. C. FEB. 25, 1885. The Faith Cure in Old Institution. I should certainly be pointed oat to the believers in faith-cares that they have no right to try their be- lef on helpless children who cannot choose for themselves. Adults may, perhaps, be allowed, without any risk or loss to the community, to renounce medical treatment when they are ill, but they have no au thority to reject the aid of science for others. ; tfaith m the providen tial relief of other people from their physical, mental or financial troubles is really practiced by many all e time, who are quite uucon- scious of following a new colt in do ing so. When Jones hears Smith is in a bad way, and excuses his own inaction, by saying, "Ob, well, trust he will be taken care of r Jones is practicing much the same kind of faith-cure as is employed at the St. Louis hospital. In fact, faith in the watcbtut care of Providence over our neighbors and friends is the cover for more indolence and want of active charity and benevol ence than perhaps any other con ventional excuse in vogue, and the isc. Louis enthusiasts must not de ude themselves with the notion that they have discovered a brand-new cult. Their system is really as old as the hills, and its futility has been demonstrated so often that it is rather depressing to have to point out its fallacies again. New York The , College-Seed man in Politics. Illustrative of the suc cess of the college-bred man, no bet ter example canfbe afforded than by inviting attention to tne present Congress. There the collegian is found to largely outnumber the men who have risen to a place in the councils of the nation unaiaea dv the advantage of a college course. The foremost representatives in the Senate and the House are graduates, though exceptions are fonnd in Ed munds, Bayard, Pendleton and Wil son. of Iowa, inlthe Senate, and Carlisle, Curtin, Kelly, Eandall, and Reagan, of v the House, who never went to college. Kansas uity Jour nal. A Babred Joke in Japan. An American ' paragrapher who should go to Japan and auk : "What be comes of the pinsl'' or make a joke abent (Jharles Henry's distress De cause of a pin encountered in putt ing a girdle about Louetta Anas tatia's waist, or yet tell of the inor dtnate wickedness of little Jfeter in causing bis teacher to arise with more rapidity than he sat, by tne aid of one of those same pins, would be misunderstood and rejected of editors and readers, because there are no pins in that benighted coun try. Buffalo Express. The Atlanta Constitution, In a long article relating to the B. B. B of that citv. says: The Blood Balm Company started one year ago with $103.00, but to-day the business cannot be bought ior ou,uuui The demand and the satisfaction given is said to be without a parallel, as its action is pronounced wonderful. we are glad to announce that our druggists nave already secured a sup ply, and we hope our readers will sup dIv themselves at once. - It is said to be tne only Bpeeay ana ....... . . . permanent blood poison remedy ottered givine entire satisfaction m an oases before one bottle has been used, if or Blood Diseases, Kidney Troubles, Scrof ula, Catarrh, old Ulcers and Skin uit eases, try one bottle of a. a. ts. f or sale in Newborn by K. jn. vuny MEETINGS OF LODUES. St. Johns Lodge, No. 8, A. F. & A. M. meets the 2d Wednesday night in each month. ' New Burns Chapter, No. 48, B. a, M., meets on the. 2nd Monday in each month at o p.m. New Berne lodge, no. 44a, knights of Honor, meets on the 2d and 4 th i ri day nights m each month. Assessment no. 14 is now aue, ana must be paid on or before the 12th day of January, 1885. , TRENT COUNCIL, NO. 411, KOTAL AR CANUM, meets on the 1st or 8d Friday nights in each month. Assessment No. 64 is now due, and must be paid on or before the 17th day of January, 1885. Eureka Lodge, No. 7, I. O. O. F., meets on the 2d ami 4th Monday nights in each month. ' ' - Assessment -No. - is now due, and must be paid on or before the day Neuse Council, No. 1, Order of Chosen Friends, meets on the 1st and 8(1 Wednesday mebts in each month - Assessment No. 66 is now due, and must be paid on or before tun 14th day J Of January, looo. . Cosmopolitan Council No. 211, Amer ican Legion of Honor, mrets on the 1st and 3d Thursday mirhtt in each month. . Assessment No. 63 is now due, and must be paid on or before the 14th day of January, looo. . Local branch No. o, order of the Iron Hall, meets on the 8d Monday night m each month. Assessment No. 45 is now due, and must bo paid on or before the 1st day of February, 1885. ; ' Athenia. Lodge. No. 8, Knights of Pythias, meets on the 2d and 1th Tues day nights in each month. Assessment No. 140 is now due, and must be paid on or before the 14th day of January ,1885. Elm City Camp, No. 38, Fraternal Leoion, meets on the 2d and 4th Wed nesdays in each month. ; ARiiessiBcnt No. is now duo, and nnirt tm p:i.l oa or before the day of H. J. BAKER & BRO., 215 Feail St., Kew York. FEQFBirroBS or TEX ' East India Chemical Works (' IMPORTERS OF East India Goods, Chemicals Etc., Etc. MANUFACTURERS OF H. J. Baker & Bro's. Special ; Truck Fertilizer. For testimonials and any information call on or address J. J. WOLFENDM, NEW BERNE, N. C, General Agent for North Carolina ' . . oca) dwtr PROFESSIONAL. P.H. PEILETLEE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, - NEW BERNE, N. C. Office on South Front street, third door from the corner of Craven street. Will practice in the uoorta or uarteret. Jones. Onslow and Craven. Special attention Klven to the collection of claims, ana settling esmie or deceased per sons, janiawu OWJSIS II. GUIOIV, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office formerly ooonpled by Simmon A Manly, opposite Gaston House. WU1 praotlce in the Counties of Craven' Jones, Onslow, Carteret, Pamlico and Lenoir mrompt attention paid to collections. apr29-dwly. . C. R. THOMAS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on Craven street.l n Stanly Bnlldlns near corner oi rouocK street. noviawiy C. R. THOMAS, Jr., Attorney At Xjcs.-w, BEAUFORT, N. C. , Office on corner of Turner and Front streets. Will practice In Uarteret and adjoining counties. Prompt attention to collection of claims, novi dwly WILLIAM J.- CLARKE, COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Attends all the courts held at New Berne, North Carolina. Particular attention paid to ' collecting: Claims, ana conveyancing. united states (jommlssloner. . Sept. 18th, 1884. dw L. J. Moobs. Wm. E. Clabkk. MOORE & CLARKE, ATT0ENEYS AT LAW, New Berne, N. C. Will practise In the Courts of Carteret. Cra ven, Greene, Hyde, Jones, Lenoir, Onslow and Pamlico counties. Also In the Supreme Court at Raleigh and the United States Courts at New Feme an J Raleigh. r- uoiieoung a specialty, . apsawti SEOKGI V. STRONG, DANIEL S. PXXRT. Raleigh, N.C. Kinston,M.O STRONG & PERRY, KJNSTON, H. C, ' ATTORNEYS ML COUNSELLORS AT LAW. Havlne formed a oonartnershlD for the iraotlce of the law in Jones county, will regu- ny attpna me courts oi tne same, mmn attention paia to collections. ' mayi2-awtr hxmuku ft fjckky. '. X. SIMMOItS, - CLEMENT MANLY SIMMONS & MANLY, i ' ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will nractlce In theCourtsof Craven. Jones. unsiow, uarteret, raraiioo, iienoir ana iiyae, ana in tne r eaerai uoort at jiew uerne. . febdwlj :. 4 DE. J. D. CLAEK .DEivinsT;' ii. ; NBWBERH, If. O. Office on Craven street, between Pollock and Broad, i ' - ' ? aprl7 d4wly HOTELS. CENTRAL HOTEL, W. E. PATTEESON. PBOr'B, ' N E W BERNIT. N. C. rjlHIS WILL KNOWN AND COMMODIOUS A house, as its nam, implies. Is aituated in the ceutral and business portion of tht city, hence recommend. Itself -for It, oonTenlence to the trayeUinf public. Affording coUcitors I every opportunity of vislUnc badness correspondents It has attentive servants, and its table Is always furnished with Every Delicacy of.' the Season Its rooms are large, airy and weiunratsaea. V.-AN 0MNTBTJ3. - 1 or tbe accommodation of guests 'to and from trains and steamers free of -charge a special feature in tbls city.t um iwwwt All tbe appurtenances, oi a moaen FIRST CLASS HOTEL. April l-d-lv. . v - - GASTON HOUSE NEW BERNE, N. C, ; S: E. STREET & S02T, Proprietors, The Only First-class House In the City, Omnibus connects with all Trains and Steamers. Large sample rooms for commer oiai travelers. . ucum-uu HOTEL, SMITH FIELD, N. C. D. W. FULLEB, Prop'r. Ample accommodations at all times Sample rooms for commercial travel era.- CharRes moderate. aug3dtf FEHDIIIO ULQ1GI1 CAN BE FOUND AT - : j T. A. Green's Old Stand ON MIDDLE STREET. 3 GET EIS P3ICES ON , Groceries, Lorillard & Oail & Ax's Snuffs, Grain Sacks, Ropes, Twines, Canvas, Oakum, Paints, Oils, etc., etc, before purchas ing. ' '' ' Y- ' - : Orders taken for Nets and Seines. ' Agent for Hazard Powder Co, i novSMw ' NEW Er":Ti:, IT. C. RAILROADS. CHAH2E CF SCHEDULE. Atlantic & N. C. Railroad TIME TABLE No. 12, la Effect 12:00 M., Sunday, Dee. 21, ... 1884. EAST. WIST. No. 47. No. Express, Pass.aMal Express P&M.aMall AnTlrJ!! STATIONS' Arr. L'T. r. u, A. v. 11 27 A.M. 4 60 5 28 IS Ooldsboro, 5 25 i 68 L,a urangn. Kins ton, 1U 60 10SS 10 20 866 22 10 it) T 40 w oq.ugi .i.Bii Uorebead Depot,,.,, ' 8 40 10 00 r. u.i P. X. A. . A. M EAST. WEST. No. I No. 4 Mlxec Frt Pass. Tra'a. Hind Fgt. k Pass. Train. STATIONS. Ait. L'ye. Arr. ti're A. at. 8 46 26 10 00 10 86 11 15 86 12 00 12 82 p. x. 7 15 8 85 00 627 4 44 4 26 4 I 8 80 5 01 2 60 P. M. P. St, Ooldsboro, 9 21 9 46 vest's 6 89 6 16 LaOrance..., 10 24 Falling Creek, Kington...... CawelL Dover.... Oore Creek .. Taiearora Clarke's .. 644 11 00 11 81 604 4 28 4 08 8 84 8 06 11 65 12 28 12 68 100 1 16 1 12 260 225 160 Newbem, P. M. P. M. P.M. EAST. WEST. No. 6. : : No.s. HlxedFgt.; : Mixed Frt. ran. Train. ; STATIONS. ! Pass. Train. Arr. L've j Arr. L've. ': p. m . i p. h s l 25; a, u.i A.M. J 6 00! Newbern..M 6 49: Riyerdale.... 6 02j Croatan ...... 6 81; Havelock.... 7 16: Newport..... 5 441 6 67- 26! 7 02; 7 80; ...! 12 84i 12 39 . 12 21; 12 26 11 52: II 57 11 10: 11 20 10 68: 18 58 7 84- Wlldwood.. 8 02; 8 12t . M. i 8 07- Morehead City .; 10 20: 10 25 Korehead Depot..: i 10 00 A. H. ; i A. M. i A. M Train 48 connects with Wllmlnston A Wei don Train bound North, leaving Ooldsboro 11:60 a. m., and with Richmond A Danville Train West, leaving Ooldsboro 11:56 a.m and w umington w eiaon Train south at 4:87p jn, Train 4 connects with W. A W. Train bound outn, leaving uoidsboro 7:au p.m. Train 47 connects with Richmond ATlnnvillf Train, arriving at Ooldsbcro 4:20 p.m., and with Wilmington and Wellon Train from the North at :37 p.m. trains 4, o o, monuayg, weanesdays ana Fridays. ItTralns 47 and 48, dally except Snnday. x ri u o, x uesuay s, mursaay s ana (jaiuraay b Train 47 supper at Kinston. W. Dunn, Superintendent. Midland N. C. Railway. TIME TABLE No. 8, In effect Sunday, Septemer 21, 1884 WEST. EAST No. 1. No. 2. Mixed Train Mixed Train. STATIONS. Arr. L've. Arr. L've. P.M. iP.M. A.M. 1 6 65 i 6 81 i 6 15 6 08 ; 4 48 : A.M. 8 00 '.Goldiboro. 8 22 : 8 24 -Oopelands. ...... 8 88 i 40 -Princeton 8 47 ! 8 47 -Holt's Mill . 9 05 i 8 07 :Pine Level 683 6 17 6 08 450 4 8U 9 25 -Smthfleld - 1. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. "W Train 2 connects with Wilmlneton A Wei don Train' leaving Ooldsboro. Koine North 11:50 ft. m., and with Richmond It Danville Train going West, leaving GokUboro 11:55 a. m.. ana with a. ajn.u. Tram, going East leaving Ooldsboro 6:40 a.m. Train 1 connects with W W Train from h RAD Train from the West, arriving Oolds boro 5:40 p.m., and with A A NC Train from the Eastarriving Ooldsboro 11:27 a.m. and 7:81 p. m. W.Dunn, Superintendent. JAMES REDMOND, Afent and Bottler OF THE CELEBRATED BERGNER & E1TGEL BREWING CO 'S PHILADELPHIA LAGER BEER New Berne, N. C. This beer took premiums at the Cen tennial Exhibition at Philadelphia and the Paris Exposition. Keeps better than any other In warm climates, and is the favorite brand wherever known. For tale in kegs or crates. : dw Obtained, and all PATENT BUSI NESS at home or abroad attended to or MODERATE FEES. Out office is opposite the U. S. Pat ent Office, and we can obtain Patents in less time than those remote from WASHINGTON. Send MODEL OR DRAWING We advise as to patentability free of charge ; and we CHA KGENO FEE UNLESS PATENT IS ALLO W- ED. V. 1 v We refer, here, to the Postmaster, the Supt of Money Order Div., and to officials of the US.- Patent Office. For circular, advico, terms, and ref erences to actual clients in jour own State or county, write to U A. 8XOW & CO. : Opposite Patent Office, ' .. Washington, D. C. - J. y yf L xjr1 wr STEAMERS. IEW-BERX2 152 fiXUCO , Steam Transportation Co'y. New Bejsbb, K. C Oct. SL 1884. FALL SCHEDULE. OF THE STEAMER EOI CITY to to into effect on and after November!, 1864 - . . Wednesdays " Leave New Berne at X. m., ror isayDoro, topping at Adams reek, Vandemere and atone wall. Tidayi Leave Stonewall at 8 a.m. for Berne, topping at Vandemere and Ada s Creek. Saturdays Leave few iterne at p.m. ior im Landing, stopping at Adauis Creek. Tnesdays iave last lAnamg n iu a. m. ior new Berne, stopping at Adams Creek. By this arrangement we are able to make eloae connection with the Northern steam ers, also having good accommodations both for passengers and freight at very low rates, ask that the merchants and produoers along its line to give it their cheerful support. Freight received under cover every day of the week For further Information enquire at the of fice. Foot of Craven street. E. R. PIERCE, Agt. New Berne, N. C, Or any of its Agents at the following places: ABE LEE, Adams Creek. D. M. WATSON, Lake Landing. D. H. ABBOTT, Vandemere, C. H. FOWLER, BtonewaU, 8. H. FOWLER, Bayboro, S. H. GRAY. JanOlddVwly General Manager. THE ITEUSE & TEENT RIVER Steamboat Company Will run the following Schedule on and after Friday, August zza, ioi : Steamer Trent Will leave New Berne for Polloksvllle, Tren. ton and Intermediate landings every Wed' nesday and Friday, returning on Thursday ana Saturday. Steamer Kinston Will leave Newborn for Kinston every TUKS DAY and FRIDAY : returning leaves Kin ston for Newbern every MONDAY and THURSDAY: touching at Jolly Old Field and all intermediate points both going and com- in . These steamers make close connection with the O. D. 8. 8. Co. and North Carolina Freight Line. For further information apply to W. K. 8TYR0N, Jb., at Newbern. W. F. Stahly, Kinston. D. 8. Barbtts, Polloksvllle. I. T. WILSON, Agent at Trenton. J. P. Quinerlt, Jolly Old Field. J. B. Banks. Quaker Bridge. J. M. WETE, Gen'l Manager, eb7dw KlnBton,N.C OLD UOMIIVIOIV Steamship Company. SEMI-WEEKLY LINE For New York, Baltimore, Nor folk, Boston, Elizabeth City, Philadelphia, Providence, and other Cities. ON" AND AFTER Mondav July 2nd, 1883, UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE Steamer Shenandoah. Will leave, npon arrival of train on Norfolk Southern fiailroad at Elizabeth City, every MONDAY AND THTJRSDAV for New Berne. Betnrning leaves New Berne for Elizabeth City erery TUESDAY AND FRIDAY at 4 p. m., making close connection with Nor folk Southern B. B. for Northern oities. Close connection made at New Kerne with steamers for Kinston, PolloksTille, Trenton and all landings on tbe Nense and Trent Elvers. No freights received for shipment en Tuesdays and Fridays sfter SH p.m. ireiKhtiorwaraea promptly ana lowest rates guaranteed to destination. Fare to Elizabeth City and return. $4. To Norfolk, ,. To Bal timore,, to new xorit, vib.mi. K. B. ROBERTS, Ag-'t, New Berne, Cdxpsppib & TOBNSB, Ag'ts. Norfolk, V. A W. B. Stamford, Qen'l Fr't Ag't, New York City. Change of Pier in New York. The N. C. Freight Line FOR NEW YORK, BOSTON, PROVIDENCE, and all point North and. "West After this date will receive freight in New Yoik for New Bern at PIER 7, NORTH RIVER, Office of New York and Baltimore ' Transportation Co. Merchants should remember that this is one of the best Steam Lines out ot New York, making daily connection with Baltimore for New Berne; all inside, and only one change. SEMI-WEEKLY STEAMERS Between New Bene and Baltimore, (Touching at Norfolk) Leaving New Berne for Baltimore TUESDAYS FRIDAYS at 1 p m. Leave Baltimore foj New Berne WEDNESDAYS dnd SATURDAYS s.p.m. Agents are as follows: ETJBSN FOSTER, Gent Jfsnagsr, . M Light St, Bal't. Md AS. W. McCAKEICK, Ag't. Norfolk, Ya. W. P. Clyde 4 Co.. Philadelphia, IS South barves. - York ABalto-Tranr. Line, Fier TjNortnmer E. Sampson, Boston, BS Central wnan. , K. H. Rockwell, Providence B. I. n. 0. Mink. F.ll River. Derrick wharf. Ships leave Boston, Tuesdays and Saturdays. - H Now Vorlr risllv. ; Baltimore. Wednesdays aniBaturdsy " " Fall Blver, Mondays, Wednesdays , iriaays. - - Providence. Saturdays. Through bills lading given, and rates guaran to all points, at the different nffless of the oipanies. . ' Aioid Breakage ot Sulk and Ship ria N. C. LINE. d Mar MIy 8 K. GRAY, Agt, New Bsrne.N NOTICE. TH CAlOLrilA. Stat of Nokth caioixsa, l' Craven County. J The subscriber hsvlnat Qualified as Arim Istrator of the estate of James A. u . Sr., deceased, on the loth day of J . A.D. Iftao, before the Probate Court of 1 1 . county, hereby notifies all persons ha .. claims against saidFstaie to present thnu for payment on or before tbe 2Cih day of Jan nary, 18e, or this notice will be pleaded iu bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will . make Immediate payment. Done this loth day of January. 1885. J AS. C. HaKHJGN. janl(d6w Publlo Administrator. NOTICE. ' State or Noeth Caroliha, 1 Craven County. . The subsoriber having qualified as Admin istrator of the estate of Auner Whitehead, deceased, on the 28lh day of January, A.D. 1H85, before the Probate Court of Craven County, hereby notifies all persons having claims against said estate, lo present tbeni for payment on or before the 28th dav of Jan uary. 186, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. au persons indebted to said estate will make immediate payment. . .uone mis im oav or January, ihs. ABNEB P. WHITEHEAD, Ja29w - Administrator. SHERIFF'S SALE. In obedience to an Execution in mv hands in favor of E. Powell and H. Powell against R. C. Cleve, I will sell for Cash at Public Auction, at the Court House in New Berne, on the 1st Monday in March, A.D. 1885. beina: the 2nd dav of the month, at 12 o'clock, midday, all tne rignt, titie ana interest or the owner of a certain house and lot in Vanceboro, in Craven county, where the said de fendant resides. Jan. 21, 1885. M. HAHN, d4w Sheriff of Craven County. ' SHERIFF'S SALE. In obedience to an Execution in mr ' hands in favor of E. Powell and H. Powell against Henrietta White and E. F. White, I will sell for Cash at Public Auction, at the Court House in New, Berne, on the 1st Monday in March, be in the 2nd day of the month, A. D. 1885, at 12 o'clock, midday, all the right, title and interest of the owner of a cer tain house and lot in Vanceboro, in Craven county, where the said defend ants reside. , Jan. 21, 1885. M. HAHN, d4w Sheriff of Craven County. SHERIFF'S SALE. In obedience to an execution In mv hands in favor of Williesa Cuthbert against Emmet Cuthbert, I will sell at the court house door, in the city of New cerae, on tne nrst Monday in March (being the 2d day of said month), A.D. 1885, at 12 o'clock, midday, all the right, title and estate of the said Emmet Cuth bert in and to the following lands situ- atea in said uraven county, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Part of lot No. 326, corner of Hancock and Johnson streets; one acre more or less adjoining the land of Penny Bell and others on Jack Smiths road. v . : Terms of sale, cash. . V This 27th day of January, 1885. M. HAHN, Sheriff N j28dtd Craven County. MORTGAGE SALE. Under a power conferred npon me by . virtue of a certain mortgage executed to me by Wm. Colligan, Sr., bearing date the 5th day of August, 1884, and recorded in the records of Craven county, Book No. 89, folios 438 and 439, I will sell at Public Auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, at the court house door in the city of New Bern, on Wednesday, the 25th day of February, 1885, at 12 o'clock, M., the followinc property as described and conveyed'in said mortgage deed All those certain lots or tracts of land situate in the said city of New Bern, on the corner of West street and Scott's Alley, known and distinguished in the plan of the said city of. New Bern, as lets Nos. 85 and 86 on said West street. This 26th day of January, 1885. . PAUL JONES, By O. H. Gtjion, . Mortgagee. Atty. j28td SHERIFF'S SALE. In obedience to executions in my hands in favor of J. & E. Mahoney and against Wm. Colligan, Sr., I wUl sell at the court house door in the city of New Berne, on the 2d day of March, 1885, at ia o ciock, Ju., au tbe right, title and interest of the said Wm. Colligan, sr., in and to the following lands situated in said Craven county, and described as follows, to wit: One lot ' situated on Pollock street, ' Queen street and Scott's alley. One lot situated on West street. One lot situ ated on Randolph street. One lot east side of Scott's alley. One lot on Oak and Elm streets. One lot on Forbes alley. Terms of sale. Cash. New Berne, Jan. 27, 1885. M. HAHN, Sheriff j29dtd , Craven County. mimeTMie inni UIII1IO I I.IUOs IUUi I have on hand for HOLIDAY TRADE a URGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF r v . Choice Ccnfeciioncri:: ' AND . . FINE FRUITS, Florida Orances. Malaca Drnnps. Citron, Kaitius, Currants, Dales and Figs, and I have captured Banta Claus, Bag and Baggage, this year and brought him to my store. Come and see my Complete Assortment of Toys and Holiday Goods. BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR OLD AND YOUNG. Call early and make your selections. JOHN DCJNN, Santa Clans Headquarters, NEWBERN, N. C. GRDISLEY HOUSE, ! Snow Hill, Greene Co., II. u. Well famished, and Table supplied wit the BEST the market aflurds. Sample rooms for commercial travelers. RATES KEASOISABLr.. W. E. GIUV1 I.i'Y. felS-d&wtf l

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