Did you Sup- pose Mustang Liniment only good for horses ? It is (or inflanuna tioa of all fiesi. II. W. WAHAB, . . , - Kucmfwor to K. H.' Windier,) ' " r":ISTH.Li:RS' AGENT FOR Pure Rye &nd Corn Whisky ' , AT WHOLESALE. vISES-AHD CIGARS IN GREAT VARIE1T, 'imger Ale," Pale Ale, Beer ' AND PORTER. .; EB0NER & EUGEL BEEB, nnnr rnritnn nniunv ' i 1 unit. iihiiwu uiinnuu . II. W. WAHAB. Front St. New Berne, N. 0. Extraordinary! With a view to conforming with the times, PATRONS of DETRICK'S SALOON are r espeotfully notified that nntu further notice they will be permitted to nse POOL AND BILLIARD TABLES connected therewith V GRATIS; "Jharge only being made for refreshment. Also on hand at any time ; imported scnweitzer and Limburger Cheese; Imported and American Bologna Sausage; Sauerkraut when in season. CALL AT - 'DETEICK'S'V OLD STAKE G. L. PAPPENDICK, Assignee. Coals Coal, Nay, Hay,- Ica, Ice, Wood, Wood. Coal, Hay, Ice & Wood, TOR SALE BY " VATSOH & DANIELS. APPLY AT THEIR ICE HOUSE, ' Near Foot of Middle street, New Berne. JV. CJ. , "y , Call on us before purchasing else wnere. " jyio uwiy 1885. Harper's Magazine, - ILLUSTRATED. With the new volume, beginning in Decern ber, Harper's Magazine will conclude its thtrtv-nfth year. The oldest periodical of 1U type, It is yet, in each new volume, a new magazine, not simply because It presorts fresh subjects and new pictures, but also, and chiefly, because it steadily advances in the method itself of magazine making. In a word, the Magazine becomes more and more the faithful mirror of current life and move ment. Leading features in the attractive programme for 1885 are: new serial novels by Constance Fentmore Woolson and W. D. lloweils; a new novel entitled "At the Bed Ulove;" descriptive illustrated papers Dy x; 1). Millet. K. Bwaln Gilford. B. A. Abbey. H, Gibson, and others; Goldsmith's "She Stoops to Connner " illustrated by Abbey; important papers on Art, science, etc. . Harper's Periodicals. ' O i j feu year . - HARPER'S MAGAZINE. ,. ,-.$1 00 rvrrrrvs weekxy."...;;........;. oo HARPER'S BAZAR..L 4 00 HARrER'3 YOUNG PEOPLE 2 00 HARPER'S FRANKLIN SQUARE LI- I llAHV, One Tear (52 Nmnbef8)...;..-,...10 00 posiaue Free to all subscribers In the United titutesor Canada. The volumes of the Mn?a.lnebep;lii with the v h fi.p .liineaml lwoemberof each year. i i iln s citiHi 1, It will be under- t . i-siilmciiberwibhes tobegln with e r(- - i ininihejr, i ,(, ei. vHn' Heml-annual Volumes of ! a 'me, in neat cloth binding, -,: (.,, sriit hy iiiiiii, postpaid. on receiptor , i i r voiuiiiH. ( ituli ( uses, lor binding, s i..-.-hy minl,OMrMMd. , A Iphahetlcal, i . !r Voi nines 1 to .in. 1--- to June, lbdO, TILE JOURNAL. NEW BE2NE. N. C, MARCH 13. 1885. - A Jfew Definition. , ' ('I see there has been trouble on the Rio Grande, and that a number of Mexicans were killed, dont you snow," said an English tourist to a Texas gentleman in Austin, the other day. TiMYe3, a little fandango down thar. You bet the Americans will get away with the Greasers every time," replied the Texan. "Aw, don't you know, I cawn't see why you always call the people of the States Hamericans, when you talk of the other people of this coun try as Mexicans, and Canadians, Chilians, and Brazilians.' "Because, don't you know, it means Hammer-I-can the Hameri cans can hammer any nation on top of the ground. We hammered John Bull twice, don't you know, and we can do it again, and if any body doubts what I say I've got the tools to prove it." As the proof appeared to be some where about the buttNf a suspici ous looking revolver,Ahe tourist did not gainsay it, but concluded that he would get out of the beastly country at once. law Anecdote. . Charles Burton is one of the shrewdest lawyers in Galveston. He knows everybody in the city, and is such, an excellent judge of human nature that he can infallibly predict what verdict a jury will bring in. Not long since a jury in a case fail ed to agree upon a verdict. There was every indication of a hung jury. , "Gentlemen, I'll tell what we will do. Lawyer Burton always knows what kind of a verdict a jury" is going to bring in. Let us send for him and ask him what our verdict will be." - The suggestion was adopted, and Burton said they were going to find a verdict for the plamtifl,-which they did. The opposing attorney, However, heard oi it, and the conse quence was that a new trial was granted. The principal seasons illustrated at the roller skating rink are "fall" and "spring.'? Some of the remarks they provoke are summary. . - , Plain questions. - Mythical ideas are fanning the public brow with the breath or prejudice, ig' norance and humbuggerv. Have you the remotest idea that your scrofula was created by the use of potash and mer cury No matter what the cause, B. B B. is the peer of all other remedies. Do you presume that your troublesome catarrh is the result of mineral poison ing i B. B. B. is the quickest remedy. Are your chronic ulcers and boils and sores the result of potash and mercury? Medical gentlemen will not tell you so, but 15. B. 15. is the only sovereign rem edy , Were your terrible kidney troubles created .by mineral poisoning? Not a bit of it, but B. B. B. has proven to be a reliable remedy. Are your skin diseases your eczema, dry tetter, etc.; the effect of too much potash and mercury? The medical profession are the best nudges andtbey say nay, but B. B. B. makes more pronounced cures than all other preparations combined. or sale in Newborn by B. N. Duffy, To any body who has disease of throat or lungs, we will send proof that Piso's (jure lor consumption has curod the same complaints in other cases. Ad dress, E. T. Hazeltins, Warren, Pa. jy26 d&w -, 1 C; MEETINGS OF LODGES. -' St. Johns Lodge, No. 8, A. F. & A. M. meets the 2d Wednesday night in each month. New Berne Chapter, No. 46, R. A M., meets on the 2nd Monday in each month at o p.m. . New Berne Lodge. No. 443, Knights of Honor, meets on the 2d and 4 th Fn day nights in each month. Assessment ISO. 14U is now due. and must be paid on or before the 12th day of January, 1885. Trent Council, No. 411, Royal Ab- Oanum, meets on the 1st or 3d Friday nights in each month. Assessment jno. 04 is now due, and must be paid on or before the 17th day or January, 1000. Eureka Lodge, No. 7, I. O. O. F. meets on the 2d and 4th Monday nights in each month. Assessment No. ' is now due, and must be paid on or before the day Neuse Council, No. l, obdkr of Chosen Friends, meets on the 1st and 3d Wednesday nights in each month Assessment No. 60 is now due, and must be paid on or before tin 14th day of January, looo. " r Cosmopolitan Council No. 211, Amer ican Legion of Honor, meets on the 1st and 3d Thursday night in each month Assessment No. 02 is now due, and must be paid on or before the 14th day of January, looo. . ; Local Branch No. 95, Order of the Iron- Hall, meets on the 3d Monday night in each month. r . Assessment No. 45 ia now due, and must bo paid on or before the 1st day of February, 1S5. - Athenia Lodge, No. 8, Knights of Pythias, meets on the 2d and 4th Tues day nights m each month. Atsesoment No. 140 is now due, and must be paid on or before the Hth day of January, lBt5. ' Elm City Caot, No. CS, Fratfnal Lk'.'ion, !-" on the 21 and 4'. a , e c-.'- .i.ivi iit 'i moiu't. . ' . in uov 6 r : 1 PKOFESSIOSAL. P. H. PEIXETIEE, f ATTORNEY. AT LAW . NEW BERNE, N. a - Office on. South Front street, third doo: from the corner of Craven street. Will practice in the Courts or uarteret. Jones, Onslow and Crave. (special attention given to tne collection oi claims, and settling estate of deceased per sons. . Janldwtl OWEN II. GUION, ATTORNEY AT "LAW," Office formerly oocnpled by Blmmons A Manly, opposite Gaston Bouse. WU1 Draotioe In the Counties of Craven' Jones, Onslow, Carteret, Pamlioo and Lenoir rrompt attentionpald to collections. apntMMwiv. C. R. THOMAS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on Craven street.! n Stanly Buildtna near oorner of Pollock street. nov4dwly C. R. THOMAS, Jr., Attorney nt Iiaw, : , .' BEAUFORT, N. C. Office on corner of Turner and Front streets. Will Tjraotice In Carteret and adlolnins counties. Prompt attention to collection Of claims. , - nov4 awiy WILLIAM J. 0LAEKE, COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Attends all the courts held at New Berne. North Carolina. Particular attention paid to collecting claims, ano conveyancing. united states commissioner. Sept. 18th. 1881. dw L. J. Mooeb. Wm. E. Clakkb, MOORE & CLABKB. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, -New Berne, N. C. ' WUl practise In the Courts of Carteret. Cra ven, ureene, iiyue, jones, Lenoir, unsiow ana ramiico counties. Also in the Supreme Court at Raleigh and me united states (jourts at JNewerne ana Kaleigh. w coueoung a specialty, :. apo awtr OBOEOB Y. STRONG, SANIBL X. ntKBT. Raleigh, N. 0. AiUBtUU, 11, J STRONG & PERRY, KlnSTON, W. C, TTORNEYo ANL COUNSELLORS AT IAW. Havlnit formed a conartnershiD for the practice or trie law In Jones county, will regu larly attend the courts of the same. PrWmDt ttbbvutiuu miu mj coiiecuons. I. M. SIKMOKS, CLKMKNT KAITLT SIMMONS & MANLY, . ATTORNEYS AT. LAW. Will nractlce in the Courts of Oraven.Jones. unsiow, uarteret, ramnoo, ijenoir ana Myae, ana in tne j eaerai uourt at JNew juerne. febfidAwlJ , : ,. DE. J. D. CLAEK, DENTIST, V NKWBKRR, Bf. C. Office on Craven street, between Pollock and Broad.' ' aprl7-d&wly HOTELS. GEIMSLEY HOUSE, - AT : , ? ;: r. Snow Hill, Greene Co., N. U Well furnished, and Table sunnlled with uie iscst tne marKet anoras. Sample rooms for commercial travelers. RATES REACHABLE. W K GRIMSLEY, fel5-d&wt Proprietor. Gr ASTON HOUSE, " Kiaw ituicaii;, N. v., ; S: R. STREET & SON, Proprietors, The Only First-class House In the City, Omnibus connects with all Trains and Steamers. Laree samole rooms for coramer oiai travelers. : i. ocuomiu HOTEL, SMITHFIELD, N. C, D. W. FULLER, Prop'r. Ample accommodations at all times sample rooms lor commercial travel ers. ' (Jharcres moderate. . ", augodtl FERDINAND ULRIGII , ' CAN BE FOUND AT . . T. A; Green's Old Stand : ON MIDDLE STREET. 1 : GET HIS PRICES ON Groceries Lorillard & Gail & Ax's Snuffs, Grain Sacks, Rapes, Twines, Canvas, Oakum Paints, Oils, etc., etc., before purchas- Orders taken for Nets and Seines. Agent for Hazard Powder Co. P.ULRICH, nov26dw NEW BERNE, N. C. NOTICE. . State of Noeth Carolina, 1 , Graven County. J ; ' The subscriber having qualified as Admin istrator of the estate of Mary K. Bnnn deceased, on the 26th day of February, A.D. 1885, before the Probate Court of Craven county, hereby notifies all persons having clatma aeainst said Estate to present them for payment on or before the 27th day of March, 1KMJ, or tnis notice will De pieaaea in hcrnf t.hftir recoverv. . -. .. AH persons Indebted to said estate will make immediate payment. . Done this 26th day of February, 1885. jas. o. Harrison.- feb27d6w - Public Administrator. J. B. BROWJN, Barber and Hair Dresser, With twenty-ftve years experience, and ths Neatest and Best Furnished Saloon In the city, will give as good a shave as can be had anywhere for TEN CENTS. New shop, new furniture, and satisfaction guaranteed. Hot and Cold Baths can be had at all hours. Middle street, next to i tu sutler, marl8dlv - . . v , s, ' Pond six cents t 1 rpf-eive ii ' Jo( fns which v 1 t liH!M-y x .ill i W'.l id, i to-l .i ail ' f''.i RAILROADS. ;" CHANGE CF SCHEDULE. Atlantic & N. C, Railroad TIME TABLE No. 12. Ia Effect 13:00 M., Sunday, Deo. 21, ,,- 1884. EAST. I WIST. No. 47. No. Express, Paw.&Mal Arr7"'L'vk ExDress FsM.kMaU STATIONS irr. L't. P. M. r. m. A. H. 11 27 10 50 10 16 8 40 A.M. 1C5S 10 20 8 55 t'li 4 50 Ooldsboro, S25 5 58 7 40 528 6 18 La Grant v K.inton, 7 50 Mew Berne, 10 00 Morehead P. X. A. M. A. II EAST. WEST. No.S No. 4 Mlxei Fgt. Pass. Tra u Mixed F(tt. k raas. Train. STAT I02!S. An. L've. Arr. jj've. A. x. A. X. 8 45 9 25 10 00 10 36 II 15 11 86 12 00 12 82 1 00 r. m, 7 15 8 85 6 00 5 27 4 44 4 20 4 I 8 80 5 01 P. V. 6 89 6 15 6 44 5 04 4 28 4 06 8 31 Ooldsboro, .. Best s p La Gran ge, ..... Falling Creek....... KinBtonr........... Caawell ........ DoTer.... . Core Creek .. Tutcsrora Clarke't .. 9 31 45 10 21 11 00 U 81 11 55 12 28 12 58 8 06 2 50 225 1 12 150 . M. 1 15 2 50 Newbern, I P. If. P. K. P.M. EAST. WEST. No. 6. : j No,. : Mixed Fgt. 4 Mixed Fgt. 4: rass. Train. : STATIONS. Pass. Train. Arr. L've: ........ i ... Arr. L've. A, U.l A.M. : P. .: 1 25: 12 si; 12 21; 11 62: 11 10; 10 53: 10 20: P. U i 6 00- Newbern 5 44 : 5 49i Rlyerdale...... 12 30 12 2U 0 07, mi uroatan. 8 26: 6 81: Havelock., 11 57 7 (: 7 16: Newport 7 80 J 7 84: WUdwood 8 02 i 8 07: Morehead City 8 12: i Morehead DeDOt., 11 20 10 58 10 25 10 00 A. M. J A.M. : A. M. A. M. Train 48 connects with Wilmineton A Wei don Train bound North, leaving Goldsboro ll.Ul n w, ...I . U TI I -.1 .1 n 1 1 iTain west, leaving Ooldsboro 11:55 a.m and Wilmington a weldon Train south at4:37p.m. Train 4 connects with W. W. Train ho und South, leaving Ooldsboro 7:38 p.m. Train 47 connects with Richmond & Danville Train, arriving at Ooldsbcro 4:20 p.m. , and with w ummgion ana weiion iraln from tne North at 4:87 p.m. Trains 4, 6 8, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. (Trains 47 and 48, dally except Sunday. xmiu o, lueaaayB, rnursaaysana Saturdays Tram 47 supper at Kins ton. W. Dunn, Superintendent. Midland N. C. Railway. TIJO TABLE No. 8, In effect Sunday, Septemer 21, 1884; WEST. I EAST No. 1. : No. 2. : Mixed Train Arr. L've. Mixed Train. STATIONS. Arr. L've. P.M. jP.M. 8 00 -Goldiboro A.M. JlM. 6 S5 j 5 31 5 33 5 15 i 5 17 6 08 : 5 08 4 48 : 4 50 : 4 8li 8 22 j 8 24 -Oopelands ..... 1 8 88: j 40 -Princeton 8 47 8 47 -Holt's Mill '805 : a 07 : Pine Level 25 ; -Smthfleld t- DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. - Train 2 oonnects with Wilmington & Wel don Train leaving Goldsboro, going North 11:50 a. m., and with Richmond 4 Danville Train going West, leaving Goldsboro 11.-55 a. m.. and with A. in, o. Train, going East leaving Goldsboro 6:40 a.m. TralnlconnectswlthWAWTralnfrom h North arriving Goldsboro 5:37 p. m , and wit RAD Train from the West, arriving Golds boro 5:40 p.m..and with A & NO Train from the East arriving GoldBboro 11:27 a.m. and 7:31 p. m. W. Dunn, Superintendent. JAMES REDMOND, : Afent and Bottler! OF THE CElJ.EI5RATEI3j -fit y ;"i ' BERGNER & ENGEL BREWING GO'S PHILAtiELPHIA LAGER BEER New Berne, N. C. . This beer took premiums at the Cen tennial Exhibition at Philadelphia and the Paris Exposition. Keeps better than any other in warm climates,; and is the favorite brand wherever known, j For sale-in kegs or crates. , ' dw Obtained, and nil PATENT BUSI NESS at home or abroad attended to or MODERATE FEES. Our-office is opposite the U. S. Pat ent Office, and we can obtain Patents 1U iCOV tilLUU tUitU bUVpO AIUVbO liUUl ami MODEL OR DRA WINO. We advise as to h patentability free of oharg f ktii w CHARGE N&FEE UNLESS1 PA TENT ISALL 0 W- . lW icferf here,; to the Postmaster, the Supt. of Money Order Div, and to otlicials ol the t U. o.- latent Uflice, For circular, advico, terms,4 and ref erences to actual clients in your own bepot! state or county," vrnta to ' -O. A. SNOW & CO. ' Opposite Tatent OSce, Ytailunorj, D. C. 6T11AJ1EKS. KEW-BEm 1XD UXLICO Steam Transpcrtatim' : Co'y; l ' NXW BMJfS. N. a, Oct tl, 1884.' FALL SCHEDULE OF THE STEAMEB ELM CITY to ge Into effect on and after November 1864: . , . Wednesdays- Leave Mew Berne at stopping at Adams and StonewaU. 2, m., for Bayboro, reek. Vandemer rldays Leave Stonewall at 8 a.m. for Berne, stopping at Vandemere and Ada s Creek. r ' m Saturdays lieave new Berne at w p. m. ior imk 'Landing, stopping at Adams Creek, Tuesdays Leave Lake Landing at 10 a. m. tor New Berne, stopping at Adams Creek. By this arrangement we are able to make close connection with the Northern steam ers, also having good accommodations both for passengers and freight at very low rates, ask that the merchants and producers along its line to give it their cheerful support. Freight received under cover every day of the week For further Information enquire at theof- uoe, root oi uraven street. E. R. PIEKCE, Agt. New Berne, N. C, Or any of Its Agents at the following places: ABE LEE, Adams Creek, O. I. WATSON, Lake Landing, D. H. ABBOTTS Vandemere, O. H. FOWLER, StonewaU, W. IL SAWYER, Bayboro, S. H. GRAY. Jan21d&wly General Manager. THE 1TEUSE & TRENT RIVER Steamboat Company Will run the following Schedule on and after t riday, August 22U, 1884 : Steamer Trent Will leave New Berne for Polloksville, Tren ton and intermediate landings every Wed nesday and Friday, returning on Thursday and Saturday. Steamer Einston Will leave Newbern for Einston every TUFS DAY and FRIDAY ; returning leaves Kin ston for Newbern every MONDAY and THURSDAY; touching at Jolly Old Field and all Intermediate points both going and com- in . These steamers make close connection with the O. D. 8. 8. Co. and North Carolina Freight une. t or turtner information apply to W. K. STYRON.Js., at Newbern. W. F. Stanly, Kinston. D. 8. Babrtjs, Polloksville. I. T. WILSON, Agent at Trenton. J. P. Qtjinkblt, Jolly Old Field. J. B. Banks, Quaker Bridge. J. M. WHTTE, Gen'l Manager, eb7dw Kinston, N. C OLD IOMlIVIOIV Steamship Company. SEMI-WEEKLY LINE Pot New York, Baltimore, Nor folk, Boston, Elizabeth City, Philadelphia, Providence, and other Cities. ON AND AFTER Mondav July 2nd, 1883, UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE Steamer Shenandoah Will leave, upon arrival of train oa Norfolk aoutnem uaiiioad at Elizabeth City, every MONDAY AND THURSDAY for New Berne. Returning leaves New Berne ior ,iizaoem uny every TUESDAY AND FRIDAY at 4 p. m., making close connection with Nor folk Southern R. R. for Northern cities. Uloae connection made at New Berne with steamers for Kinston, Polloksville, Trenton and all landings on the Nense and Trent Kivers. wo ireignts received for shipment en Tuesdays and Fridays after 3 p.m. Freight forwarded promptly and lowast rates guaranteed to destination. Fare to Elisabeth uny ana return. 14. To Norfolk, 5. To Hal timore.SS. To New York, 18.60. E. B. ROBERTS, Ajj't, New Berne, OULPEPPSB & TURNKB, Ag'ts. Norfolk, V. A W. H. Stanford, Gen'l Fr't Ae't, New York Oity, Change of Pier in New York. The N. C. Freight Line FOR NE W YORK, BOSTON, PR0V1DEN0E, and all point ; North, and West Alter this date will receive 'reight in New Yoik ... for New Berna at PIER 7, NORTH RIVER, Office of New York and Baltimore Transportation Co. Merchants should remember that this is one of the beat Steam Lines out of New York, making daily connection with Baltimore for Mew Berne; all inside, and enly one change, . SEMI-WEEKLY STEAMERS Between New Berne and : Baltimore, (Touching at Norfolk) , Leaving New Berne for Baltimore TUESDAYS FRIDAYS at 1 p m. Leave Baltimore foj New Berne WEDNESDAYS dnd SATURDAYS C.p. m. ,. v-:" Agents are as f ollews: ' ' ! ETJBKN FOSTER, Oanl Jfanagar,' .' i ; MLightSt.Bal't.Vd. AS. W. McOARKICK, Ag't. Norfolk, Vs. .v W. P. Clyde Co.. Philadelphia, U South ". harvea. ' "'. ': .. ' V1 ' York Ji Balto.Tranw.Line.Pler TJIorui river E. Sampson, Boston, 53 Central wharf. K.H. Rockwell, Providence R. I. -. D. 0. Mink, Fall River, Derrick wharf. Bhipt leave Boston, Tuesday, and Saturdays. " " New York daily. ' Baltimore, Wednesdays and Saturday . " ' Fall River, Mondays, Wednesdays . Fridays. Providence, Satnrdays. Through bills lading given, and rates gnsran , to all points, at the different offices of the inpanles. ' lt . ' ' ivoid Breakage ol Balk id SMp Tia N. C. LUIS. d 4tarslyS H GRAY Agt New Berne.H cimisTQAs, (:::, I have on hand for HOLIDAY THAI URGE IB WELL SELICTE) SI -.- .' ' : or'.,-. Choice Osnccfi:n:rl ' ' ARD . ' ' Firvii: FRUITS, Florida Oranges. Malaga Gnines. fiann Citron, Raisins, Currants, Dates and t and I have captured Ban la Clans, Bug i Baggage, this year and brought him to store. . Come and see my Complete Assortment Toys and Holiday Goods, BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR O. AND YOUNG. . T : . .. ... a- Call early and make your selections. . JOHN DUNN, Santa Clans Headquarters, NEWBERN, N. C. Largest Stock, Greatest Variety ASD THE ' v Best Good AT THE - Lowest Prices, AT WILLIE S. MIDYETTJ On Neuse street, at the place call FROG POND. Give him a call. decSOdtf ; . ROBERTS fi BR0 Wholesale & Kettii DEALERS IN provisions0 Groceries, Dry Goods' Boots and Shoe I All of which we are offering VER LOW. , , Orders solicited. . Satisfaction guaranteed,' dw new: BEBJ&E, N. O. 1885. Harper's Weekly, ILLUSTRATED Harper's Weeklv haa now. f twenty years, maintained its rositid as the leadiDg illustrated weekly new paper in America. With a coastai' increase of literary and artistic r sources, it is able to offer for the ens ing year attractions unequalled by an, previous volume, embracing a capit:! illustrated serial story by WVjfl. No ris ; illustrated articles with speci;' reference to the "West and South, ii nln;n 41,. 'rlJ T? -!lJ- j New Orleans; entertaining short stcf ries, mostly illustrated, and importar papers Dy high authorities on the chu' topics of the day, . livery one who desires a trustworth political guidej an entertaining and i: ..a! ;i i , ' . i. suuuuve lauiny journal, entirely ire from objectionable features in eithc letter-press or illustrations, should sul scribe to Harper's Weekly. j v Harper's' Periodicals. ' PER TEAR: . .. ; HARPER'S WEEKLY ..,.......J4 C HARPER'S MAGAZINE .M..., i ( HARPER'S BAZAR t C HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE......' ......... a f HARPER'S FRAUiLI-'SQiRE"LIt BKARY, One Year (52 Numbers)... JO I Postage Free to all subscribers i the United States or Canada. The Volumes of the Weekly begi with the first number for January c each year. When no time is mei tioned, it will be understood that th subscriber wishes to commence wit the Number next atter the receipt c order. ' The last Fivo Annual Volumes c Harper's Weekly, in neat doth bint ing, will be sent by mail, postage paid or by express, free of expense (provid ed the freight does not exceed one do lar per volume), for $7 tier 'volume. Cloth Cases for each volume, sui able for binding, will be sent by mail postpaid, on receipt of $1 00 each. Remittance? should be made b Post-Office Money Order or Draft, t avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this ' eruBemem wunoui tno express oru of Harper & Brothers. ' V HARPER & BROTHERS, ::"t v.? f . ; New York. . lorerlet, inTentiona and patents vor published. r number illastrated with splendii enipravinLTS. 'i Koblioatien, furnishM ft mot Talnnble ennyt UiTHdi iformtfon which no person ahtmld be without. '1 PQlftntr Of th BCtENTTFIO in pu, h ti t einmlatiori nearly eonaU that of all othi imwi s o1h combined. Price, faft) a year. 1m romt tnhB. Rold br all newpidAiilRrfl. MilNArit.. 1 ifthftTW, No. 861 Broadwar, N. Y. atmn vo. t: lad Thirty- : fore Uie pa.nt 1ft And nave prepared more than One h , fdred Thousand applications f i enta in tue umtea rft'a ani in conntriefl. Caveats Trade-ai" riffhtB. Asfiiffnments. and all oihr t! fnr Heo.nrinir to invrvitora thoir r,".utB m i United fitatea, Canada, Enw 1 n i, I w Germany and other foritrn enunrti'. prtj ,; at short notice and on rpHnino t.- -ih. Information as to obtamp f t -t(,,h ffiTen without oh nrro. loi,. ; t.f inj. I t U1UU 011V Iir-n, A nv n i ii J A (In. am nntiood in tne h"i-n . - i - i f-ii kll ve fhewlvantaceof flUt'hnoiie isw.- i v -...a i enonBwhO wih to di-mo-'1 nf t"1"1 ' ' ' vl iiaUvviyt yvT ioic

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