THE JOUHNAlu PnOFESSlONAI RAILROADS. 8TEAMEKS. GniST...1Si (v .4 I have on band for HOLIDAY TRADE a Sup- you pose Mustang Liniment only good lor horses? It is for inflamma- , . tioa of all fiesh. ; - 7 . , II. W. WAHABj . ; .Successor to K.H,WlndleyJ - DISTILLEKS1 Pure Ryo and Com Whisky AT WUOLESAliR. WISES AND CIGARS IN GREAT VARIE1Y, .(Anger Ale, Pale Ale, Beer AND PORTER. J'EBGNER & Elf GEL BEER, OIDER, PURE FRENCH BRANDT. 11. w. wahab; Front St. New Berne, F. 0. scrr.snt rdinsry ! txtrc: With a view to oonroralng with the times, PATRONS Of DETRICK'3 BALOON M respectfully notified that until furthernotlce the? will be permitted to ne POOL AND BILLIARD TABLES connected therewith Charge only being made for refreshments. Also on hand at anytime Imported Sehweltzer and Limborger Cheese; Imported and American Bologna 8aosage; Sauerkraut when in season. 3ALL AT- 'DSTBICK'S" OLD Si'AUD. O. L. PAPPENDICK, Assignee, ocldw Seal, M, ? j . . . . leg, Is0, Vcod, Vo:i (oal, Hay, Ice & Wood FOE SALE BY UflTSQH 6 0MISELS. APPLY AT THEIR ICE HOUSE, : - Near Foot of Middle Btreet, ' New Berne, C7. (3 Call on ua before purchasing else where, avis awijX "1885. ' Harper's Magazine, ILLUSTRATED. With the new volume, beginning in Decern. ber, Harper's Magazine will eonclude its thlrty-nfUi year. The oldest periodical ox Its tvne. It is yet. in eaoh new volume, a new magazine, not simply because it presents fresh subjects and new pictures, but also, and chiefly, because it steadily advances in the niethoa itseir or magazine masing. in a word, the Magazine becomes more and more the faithful mirror of current life and move ment. Leading features in the attractive programme for 1885.are: new serial novels by Constance Fenlmore Woolson and W". C. Howslls; a new novel entitled "At the Bed wove;" aesenpuve liinstrarea papers Dy r, I. Millet. B. Swain Gilford. E. A. Abbey, U. Gibson, and others; Goldsmith's "She Stoops to Cononor ." Illustrated by Abbey; Important paper on pn, science, etc. Harper's Periodicals. FEB TEAR: ' HARPER'S MAGAZINE .............-..$l 00 ' HA'-FITTS WEEKLY.... 4 00 ivr.Fi.i.t's bazab..'.....'......'"..;.-1.:..1. 4 09 II r.PZR'S YOUNG PEOrLE.. ...n 2 00 UAU'SR-a FRANKLIN SQUARE LI r !t AKY, One Year (52 NumberB)........10 00 ! n Free to all subscribers in the Cniied states or Canada. T volumes of the Mniraztnebagin with the r s for June ana December 01 each year, : ! -no in (winlierl, it, will be uniier- 1 esiiisu.jriuev'wiBliestobogia with 1 . . . .it jtuiHoej. 1 :, hvhu betnl-annnal Volnroes of lu cent cloth binding 1 iiii.11, post'iHtu. ou recetntof Umsii t list's, lor binding, 1,1 nald. Alphabetical, mi. ir Volumes 1 to june, lbju, to June, 1M0, I le mivlft by PostOffloe "in turn r Ivcn t. OlUor Of L ;!..! Did NEW BERNE, N. a, MARCH 13. 1835. Hate Isn a Trade. TAn;nin ivit.V1i' T f Kinlr St os nBUjammt.u. i who said that if he had sons he would make every one of them learn mechanical trade. If that were necessary in the days of Franklin when competition in all the profes sions and 4genteel" walks of life was as nothing compared to what it is now, how much more is it nec essary in the present day 1 ' In the days of Franklm, fighting was going on all over" the world and competi tive examinations were still m the womb of the future, so that if a boy was good for nothing else he could always hire his strong arms to some ower and fight like tne umitn o'the Wind in the Fair Maid of erth for his "ayne hauna." now things are changed it is jostle, jostle, lostle and shove, shove, shove, in' terest counts for nothing, tne weak est goes to the wall, llow many young men are there in oar great cities either toiling lor a pittance or starving on none, who envy the carpenter or smith hia regular daily WStPPA. And who wish With all their I haorl-a tliaf thou tfiA pftnlrt vnrt ttfll U J , ' 1 t.hev do. BenanSfl a man starts as! a working carpenter, or blacksmith, it ia Tin rftasnn whv ha shrtnlri ftl wavs I remain so. He ought to have the saniB iticuiiiub ue wuiuu no a biws, narriAW uimA dav tn hftnm, a hrsfl. RflAtnP all this I waa triad to see that the university of Minn sotahadcidedtotend ent ' mecnamcal Uepartment. InlS I is as it should be and if every uni- versiiy in tne couuiry uau a uuyari- ment of the same nature where any 1 111 l sinaenc wno so uesireu wuw learn 1 a trsidft there wonld be fewer 'r?en- tlemen loafers" hanging around singing the old song, "we have no work to do-o."--Vanutf Fatr. Hard Times. The present distress in financial matters is felt in all the walks of ifs. The other day an Irish woman visited one of the finest residences in LMoomington and asked for aid in the plaintive language of one who acks the necessaries of Hie. ther railroad last summer, an' Oi to dhrisk for three wakes." "Poor woman!" the lady of the house sympathetically replied. "I know you , must . have suffered. Times are very hard, now, and I, too, am deprived of even the neces sities of life. I have not had but one sealskin sacqne this winter, and we are so straightened that 1 have nly had a chance to wear it to the the.atre eight times during the en- . Mie BUdSOn. '. - "UCU,DeeOrrar'CrieQ tne Deggar. "'J J")"'' ,:, suneriri' angei, cere ia a nan aoiiar to fo to thA Rhnw tins hlissori noifht. 0 - 1 O OS kin woaV on' malra a likTin' Hnf ycrsilf poyr crathr, has to depind upon me cuaruies av a cowiu ana whoite-Uvered world. 'TftrotepA aumi... 10 nuy uouy wuo lias awease 01 iiiruut or lunKB. we wuieenu rrooi wai riao uure lor uonsumption has cured the eame complain ta in other oases. Ad dress, E. T. mZELTlNB, . warren, fa. jyS8 dATw Real estate mortoaees and deeds and chattel mortgagss for sale at this office. MEETINGS OP LODGES. St. Johns Lodob, No. 8, A. F. & A. M., meets the 2d Wednesday night in each month. -- - , ' ' Nkw Beenk Chapter, No. 46, K. A. If., meets on the 2nd Monday in each month at 0 p.m. New Berne Lodob, No. 443, Knights of Honor, meets on the 2d and 4 th in day nights in each month, Assessment No. 149 is now due, and must be paid on or before the 12th day or January, looo. Trent Council, No. 411, Royal Ar canum, meets on the 1st or 8d Friday nignts m eacn montn. must be paid on or before the 17th day 01 January, loou. , Eureka Lodge, No. 7. I. O. O. F.. meets on the 2d and 4th Monday nights in eacn month, Assessment No. is now due, and must be paid on or before the day keusb coukcil, No. 1, Order of Chosen Friends, meets on the 1st and Sd Wednesday nights In each month Aesessment No. oti is now due, and must be naid on or before tUo 14th dav of January, 1835. . - : COSMOPOLITAN COUNCIL No. 211, AMES- I0AN LESION OF HONOR, mrets on the 1st and 8d Thursday night, in each month. Assessment No. 63 IS now due. and muft be paid on or before the 14th day 01 January, 18B0. ; ' LOoal' Branch No. 95, Order of the Iron Hall, meets on the Sd Monday nignt in eacn montn. . Assessment No. 45 is' now due, and must be paid on or before the 1st day or reoruary, 1S33, s; ; $ i -.y Athenia Lodoe, No. 8, Knights of Pythias, meets on the 2d and 4th Tues day nights in each month. Assessment No. 140 is now due, and must be paid on or before the 14th day 01 January, iood. Elm City Camp,. No. 88, Fraternal Legion, meots on the 2d and 4th Wed nesdays in each month. Assessment No. is now due, and mast be paid on or before the day of A T T O IS X E Y .AT Lj A,TT NEW BEEXE; N." Office on Bouth. front street, third door from the corner of Craven street. wul DrecUo8 m m. Couru of Carteret. Jones, Onslow and Cravem. Special attention given to tne collection 01 eluims, and settling estate of deceased per- janldwu . OWEN II. GUION, ATTORNEY AT IiAW, ; Office formerly occupied by Simmons A Manly, opposite Gaston House. . Will practice in the Counties of Craven' Jones, Onslow, Carteret, Pamlico and Lenoir Prompt attention paid to collections. apray-awrv. - . c. r. thomas, , att6rneyjat law. Office on Craven street,! n Stanly Building near corner of Pollock street. novldwly C. R. THOMAS, Jr., Attorney At Xms'w, BEAUFORT, N. C. Offlcoon corner of Turner and Front streets. Will practice in Carteret and adjoining oouuues. Prompt attention to collection of claims. nov awiy . WILLIAM J. 0LAEKE, COUNSELLOR AT lAt' Attend, all tno held M New Berne. North Carolina. -.. claims, ana conveyancing. united states commissioner. . dw L. J. Mooei. WM. K CIASXB. MOOBE & OLAEKE, immhpvvVS a m T. iw a 1 u aa 1 AA New" Beme, N. C, UGP the United States Courts at New Kerne and 5;lleotlnt 4 ipeoltaty. ; Psdwtf org ."0Of . . Baleigh.N.O. DAJfllL B. PKBBT. jLinston,A.u QTnnrrri , t3T?tj1v BIJXUAl IJi-JtX, KINSTOM, H. C, ATTORNEYS 1NL COUNSELLORS AT LAV. Having formed a copartnership for the practice of the law in Jones county, will regu- lariy aiuna me courts 01 we same. PmmDt anemioa pttia vo ooueci urns. mayl2-dfewtf , . STRONG 4 PERRY. -V- F. X. BIMWOSS, OUKKHT XXHLT 8IF.H1GKS S MANLY, ATTOBNETS AT LAW. : Will practice in the Conns of Craven.Jones. unsiow, tnerec, iTmiico, ienoir na iyai and in the Federal Court at New Berne. - leboa&wiy r l)xl. J. JJ, vJjAavIv, DENTIOT, NKVrF.JSRH. K. 0. Offlcs on Craven street, between Pollock and Broad. prl7-dAwly HOTELS. ; ;G3MSXH)r HOUSE, AT Snow Hill, Greene Co., IT. U I . Well fnrnlshed. and Table sUDDllod With Ue kbt inemarKeianoras. . - RATZS RjEASOSABLK. . . w b grimslbt. I leio-aswt , . , rropnetor. ASTON HOUSE t vnw Tir.itM rc w ti: g. gTBEET & S02T, Proprietors. I nr- 1 tti- -i rr 1 t rw 1 - . l ,i ,n tn a J atenmera. Lrse aamnle rooms for commer sieuu travelers. .. ... i,uu HOTEL, SMITHFIELD, N. C, D. W. FXJLLEB, Prop'r. Ample accommodations at all times Sample rooms lor commercial travel era. , Charges moderate. , aagsatt FERDKlAnO ULQIOn ' CAN BE FOUND AT m T. A.Green's Old Stan ON MIDDLE STREET. , GET HIS PRICES ON . Groceries Lorillard & Gail & Ax's Snuffs, Grain RopeBi TwmeB Canvas, Oakum I Paints, Oils, etc., etc., before purchas ing. ' Orders taken for Nets and Seines. Agent for Hazard Powder Co. 1 . F. ULEICE, nov26dw : .' NEW BERNE, N. NOTICE. Statb of North Cabolina, 1 - Craven County. J TVlo ilTiVionihoT lio wl.i it nnoltfl aA .a A A m tit lstrator of the estate of Mar? e. unnn heev,n ?ft?L01L oo'nnty, hereby notifies all persons havinir claims agalnBt said Estaie to present them SarKTorThS bar of their recovery. - A.11 persons maeDrea to snia estate mi make Immediate miyment. Done this 26th day of Febrnarr, 1885. JAS. 0. HAK1U8GN. febZ7d6w Pabllo Administrator. J.B.BRCWJS. Barber and Hair Dresser, With twenty-fly years experience, and th Neatest and Best Furnished Haloon In the olty, will give oh good a shave as can be had anywhere for TEN CENTS. New shop, new furniture, and satisfaction guaranteed. Hot and Cold Baths can be had at all hoars. juiauie street, nexixo JU tu VUtier, marl8dlT L . .and receive free, a corUv bn - - - - - -n goons wnien win lif to all of e' 1 r hpt, te more monpy rlirht s v that L any 'mm wiiRworta, roi'W" uni" " " sstSoltltt.iy At OiK'- I . j Augu,!-, ...iiue, ...ft... y. ,wCha:;eecfsci:eculiw Atlantic & -N.-C. Railroad TDOS TABLE No 13, Eflect 13:00 M., Sunday, Deo. 21, 1 .1884. EAST. HTM9T. EAST. WEST. NoTi No.S Mixed Fit. k Hlzec Fgt a Pass. Train. STATIONS. rui. Tra'n. Arr. L've. Arr. iive. A.M. A. M. 8 45 925 10 00 10 86 II 16 11 85 1300 P.M. 7 15 85 8 00 627 4 44 426 4 I 8 80 5 01 260 P.. r.x. Qolasboro, ISCS, s La Grange,....... Falling Creek... Kinstofi.MMMMM..,. Caswell.,. m DoTr....M.. Core Greek Tntcsrora OUrke's Newbern, ..., 689 15 644 604 4 28 4 08 8 84 9 45 10 24 1100 1181 11 55 12 28 12 66 12 83 1 00 8 06 360 1 12 160 1 16 22 TM. . M. r. sc. EAST. ' WEST. No. 4. s Mixed Fgt.: : MixedFKt.4 raw. Tram. STATIONS. j Pass. Train. Arr. L've; Arr. L've. 1 A, M. A.M. i r. M.j 1 25 12 Si 12 21 11 62: 11 10: 10 58: 10 20! r. x ! HID! newbern. 5 44 ; 6 49- Riverdale, 1! I! 6 67: 28: 7 02i 7 80! 8 02: Vll uroatan 6 81: Hsvelock, 1157 7 18! Newoort 11 20 7 84 j WUdwood.. 8 07! Morehead Olty ; 19 58 10 25 0 m i moreneia Depot.-: 5 10 00 A. M. ( A. M. ; A.M.! A.M. sew seeeeee m Train 48 connects with Wilmington A Wei don Train bound North, leaving Goldsboro 11:60 0. m.. and with Richmond & Danville Train West, leaving Goldsboro 11:55 a.m and W umington a weldon Train South at 4:37p.m. Train 4 connects with W.A W. Train ho nnd South, leavincc Goldsboro 7:39 rj.m. Train 47 connects with Richmond. Danville Train, arriving at Qoldsbcro 4:20 p.m., and with Wilmington and Wellon Train from the North at 4:87 p.m. Trains 4, 6 a 6, Mondays, Wednesdays and iTrains 47 and 48, daily exoept Sunday. Train 8, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays inuu supper at Jtanston. W. Dunn,- Superintendent. Midland N. C. Railway. TIME TABLE Wo. 8, In effect Sunday, Septemer 21, 1884 WEST. EAST No.l. : No. 2. Mixed Train. Mixed Train :Arr. L've. STATIONS. Arr. L've. F.X. : a.m. . i 6 85 : AJ(. i 8 00 '.Goldiboro... 8 22 5 8 24 JCocelands . 6 31 i 6 15 j 6 08 4 48 : 6 1 8 88 : i 40 ; Princeton i 8 47 i 8 47 iHolt's Mill 5 on;: aiff :iiTi.r.s..i : 6 17 6 450 4 80 9 25 igmthfleld......... ! ; 3V DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Train 2 oonnects with Wilmineton A Wel- don Train leaving Goldsboro, going North u:ou a. m., ana witn tuenmona uanviuei Train going West, leaving Goldsboro 11:55 a. mana witn a.,o, xrain, going East leaving uuiiwDuro a.m. Train 1 connect; with WW Train from h North arriving Goldsboro 6:37 p. m . and wit RAD Train from the West, arriving Golds boro 5:40 p. m., and with A A NO Train from I the East arriving Goldsboro 11:27 a.m. and 7:81 p.m. 1 W.Dnnn, Superintendent. J I ' ' ':.: V, I '' Afent and Bottler! OF THK CELEBRATED) BEKGNER & EUGEL , BBEWI1TG CO 'S ntTrr urmrwvmk LAGER BEER New Berne, N. C. This beer took premiums at the Cen tennial Exhibition - at Philadelphia and the Paris Exposition. ' Keeps better than any other in warm climates, and is th( favorite brand wherever known, . - For sale in kegs or crates. : ' dw Obtained, and all PA TENT B USI Aljiida t home or abroad attended to or MODERATE FEES. ; Our office is opposite the U. S. Pat ent Office, and we can obtain Patents in less timo than those remote from WASHINGTON. Send MODEL OR" DRAWING. Wo advise as to patentability free of charge ; and wo 'CHA ROE NO FEE UNLESS PATENT I510W- ED. v..:.v,.-,r. We refer, here, to the Postmaster, the Supt. of Money Order Div., and to omcialB or the u. . ratent Uffice. For cironlar, advioo, -terms, and ref erences to actual clients in your own bwm or county, write to V. A. SNOW & CO. Opposite Patent Office, Washington, D. C. No. 47. No. 41 ExpreM ? ' '-' Express,' FWkMaU STATIONS , Pass.Mai Arr. L've. . ., J: : ; ' Art. L'vs. r. m. r. . : - a.m. a. x. 4 SO flnM.Wo,, ,.,,-, ,,. - 11 27 B 25 5 28 L Gnuif x 10 60 10 53 6 58 6 J8 -.,.,....,. 10 U 10 20 7 40 T SO Hew Berne, at 40 8 65 10 00 JKorehead Depot 22 P. M. P. M. A. M. A. M 'iiU U VI Varwnnn Var REW-BL15S H3P1ILIC0 Steam TransxtatidCo'y. Niw Bum, N. O, Oct II. 1884. FALL OF THK BTEAMEB ELM CITY totf into effect on and after November, Wednesdays Leave New serne at x, m., jor uayooro, stopping at Adams and Stons wall. . reek, Vandemers Lave Bionewau ai s a.m. ror ' uerne, stopping at Vaudemere and Ada s Creek, futm-davs H ijeava rew ueme at p. m. lor uu Landing, stopping at Adams Creek. leave utke uinaing l lu a. m. ror new Kerne, stopping at Adams ureek. . By this arrangement we are able to make close connection with the Northern steam. ers, also having good accommodations both lor passengers ana ireigni at very low rates, ask that the merchants and producers along its line to eive it their cheerful support. Freight reoeived under cover every day of the week For further information enauire at the 01- uoe, root 01 craven street. is. k. riuji! Agt. rew Berne, . u.. Or any of Its Agents at the following places: ABE LEE, Adams Ureek. G. I. WATSON, Lake Landing, D. H. ABBOTT, Vandemere, O. H. FOWLER, Btonewall, W. H. 8AWIEB, Bayboro, B. H. GRAY. JanaidAwly General Manager. THE iNEUSE &-THENT EIVEE Steamboat Company Will ran the following Schedule on and after Friday, August ftd, loo4 : Steamer Trent Will leave New Berne for PolloksvUle. Tren ton and intermediate landlnes every Wed nesday and Friday, returning on Thursday auu outuraay. Steamer Kinston Will leave Newbern for Kinston every TUES DAT and FRIDAY ; returning leaves Kin s ton for Newbern every MONDAY and THURSDAY; touching at Jolly Old Field and an intermediate points ootn going ana oonv in These steamers make close connection with the O. D. S. S. Go. and North Carolina Freight uine. r or runner lniormation appiy to W. K. STYRON.Js., at Newbern. W. F. Stanly. Kinston. D. S. Babbus, Polloksville. I. T. WILSON, Agent at Trenton. J. P. Quinebly, Jolly Old Field. J. B. Banks, Quaker Bridge. J. M. WSTTE,Gen'l Manager, b7dw Kinston, N.O OLD DOMINION Steamship Company. SF. RII-WEEKLY LINE For New York, Baltimore, Nor folk, Boston, Elizabeth City, Philadelphia, Providence, and other Cities. ON AND AFTER Monday July 2nd, 1883, UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE Steamer Shenandoah Will leave, noon arrival of train on Norfolk Bouinern uamoaa at Euzabetn Olty, every MONDAY AND THURSDAY for New Berne. Retnrninr leavsa Naw Ratoa ior ji,iixaDeta uity arsry TUESDAY ASti FRIDAY at 4 D. m.. makinr claaa connection with Nor. folk Southern R. R. for Northern cities. Close conneotion made at New Berne with steamers for Kinston, Polloksville. Trenton and all landings on the Nense and Trent Hirers, ho freights received for shipment en Tnesdavs and Fridays after SM rt.m. Freight forwarded promptly and lowest rates guaranteed to destination. Fare to Elizabeth uity ana return. 14. To Norfolk. fS. To Hal To New York, 113.(0. K. B. ROBERTS, Ag't, New Bene, OVLNFFIB TOBRBB, Ag'ts. Norfolk, T. A W. H. Stahfobd, Geu'lIVt Ac't. NewYorkOlty. I HhanniB nf DIaa in Vanr VnnV 5 Thfi N. fi. FrA ffht Litia r ' ---o lunnciW x una, B0ST0NrPK0VIDEN0E, and all point North. an4 West liter this date will receive freight in New York .' for New Berne at PIER 7, NORTH RIVER, Office of Few JorJc and Baltimore Transportation Co. Merchants should remember that this is one of the best Steam Lines ent of New York, making aauy connection wun nainmore ior new jserne: ail inside, ana only one change. SEMI-WEEKLY STEAMERS .and Baltimore. (Touching at Norfolk) Leaving New Berne for Baltimore TUESDAYS FRIDAYS at 1 n m. Leave Rultlmnr. u UBS H BDU MOW JJGIUD New Berne WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS .- S.p.m. Agents are as follews: . ETJBKN FOSTER, 0enl Jfanager, WLightSt,Bal't.Ud. AS. Vf. KcOARRIOK, Ag't. Norfolk, Ta. W. P. Clyde Co., FhUadslphla, IS South harves. York k Balto. Tran. line, Pier T,Norin river E. Sampson, Boston, H Central wharf. E. H. Rockwell, Providence E. 1. D. 0. Mink, Fall River, Derrick wharf. ' Ships leave Boston, Tuesdays and Satnraays. " " New York daily. . " Baltimore, Wednesdays end Saturday " " Fail Elver, Mondays, Wednesdays ' Fridays. " Providence, Saturdays. Throsgh bills lading given, and rates guaran to all points, at the different otBcea of the sipanies. ,, , iTQid Breakage ot Bulk a:l Ship ria N. C. LINE. d . UartSlyl V GRAY Agt NewBemeJI LilSE kWmi SELECTED STCCI or Choice Confcclicn:ri:: ... AMD - " . FINE FHUITO, Florida Oranges, Malaga Grapes, Bananas, ntMnk T I .... . SA.. . 1 1 . - I utuvu. .VMiBiij tunnuwi Avoirs iiiiu r 'K-i and I have eaptnred ganta Clans, Bag and itaggage, tnia, year ana Drongnt nun to my store. Come and see my Complete Assortment of Toys and Holiday Goods, BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR OLD AND YOUNG, . Call early and make your selections. JOHN DUNN, . ; Santa Clans Headquarters, NEWBERN, N. C. Largest Stock, Greatest Variety ''-. .... ... -1 AND THE Best Goods, AT THE Lowest Xricefir, AT ' . ." WILLIE S. Ml DYE ITS'. On Neuse street, at the place called Give him a call. dec30dtf ROBERTS & BRO., Wliolesule & . ISetttH DKALEnS IN . Provisions5 , .. 4 ; ; , Groceries, DrvGoodsK , Boots and Shoes, All of which we are offering VEB"J LOW. .j ., . ... Orders solicited. t ,; Satisfaction guaranteed, dw NEW BERNE. N. C. 1885. Harper's Weekly ' ILLUSTRATED. Habpee's Weekly has now, for twenty years, maintained its nosition as the leading illustrated weekly news-'. paper in America. With a constant increase of literary and artistic re sources, it is able to offer for the ensu ing year attractions unequalled by any previous volume, embracing a capital illustrated serial story by W. ifi.' JNox- i 1 1 Incfrntprl nrnnloa with anunal reference to the West and South, in cluding the World's Exposition at New Orleans; entertaining . short sto ries, mostly illustrated, and important papers by high authorities on the chief topics of the day. - ii " Jciverv one who desires a trustworthy political guide, an entertaining and in structive family journal, entirely1 free from objectionable features in either letter-press or illustrations, should sub scribe to Harper's Weekly. ' Harper's" Periodicals. PER YEAR; . . v HARPER'S WEEKLY 09 HARPER'S MAGAZINE 4 00 HARPER'S BAZAR i 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE...-.-. -. 00 HARPER'SFRANKLINSQtETCi7"" BRARY, One Year (52 Numbers) 00 Poitage Free to all subscribers in the United States or Canada, ., The Volumes of the Weekly begin with the first number .for January of each year. When no ; time is men tioned, it will be understood that the subscriber wishes to commence with the Number next alter the receipt of order. u The last Five Annual Volumes of Harper's Weekly, in neat cloth bind ing, will be sent by mail, postage paid, VI fcJT CAlDOf AHvV Ul VAUUDQ yA. W &,U" ed the freight does not exceed one dol lar per volume j, tor $i per volume. Gloth Cases for each volume, suit able for binding, will be sent by mall, postpaid, on receipt of $1 00 eaeh.V AvuiJuauvtr puvuit v w uauv - fjjf Post-Office Money Order or Draft,' to avoid chance of loss. - . . Newspapers are not to copy this ad vertisement without the express brdcr of Harper & Brothers. - j.c(1 1683 i 'r if'-V S HARPER & BBOTHERsl ir . ''-: - ' '-: New York. rie most WpopnlarWeektynowepnpei to science, Biiichaniee, eniiinneriiiK, ii ' devbtei UMtiM mlntiAn..nH .a m-Ar nnhltHheu. i "VTV Bnmeer liiastrfttea wita spienaia engravinm. iu pabHoation, Inrniahes a meet raluable aroycloped s of Information which no person ahoald be without. 1 lia popnlaritr of the Scmrrrrio AhbbicaK Is snoh that na oiroulatvon nearly equals that ol ail other parwn ot tee elans combined, price, $3.20 a jmr, t to blnbe. Sold bj all newsdealers. Mll CU., 1 uu- Broad wiw. M. Y. ATENTS. had Thirty-n VArw nraolice bo- face the tnt OtHco and hare ptepaeed more than One hun dred Thouaand appnoauone ior pat ents in tin United Htates and lornnrn coontriea Oareats, Trade-Maritu, tiM V tigntft. Assignments, ana aii'O'oT puTa ' for securing to Inventors their r, u in the United States," Canada; Enviami, 1 inncis Qrnwny and other foreign emmtriort, piepu-tttl. at ahort notice and on reanonanie u-m. . Information as to obtaining patents r'orfnllf ffivun- without ciiarse, liand-f' - m. mia- io aeut I ree. Patents obtain'l t i. a knna !. aranoticcdin the Bimil ii (i . n froo. fhe advantage of auch nntiee in well m u bjau. eraonswhov.iphtodi!io!eoftntrp"- - - Ad-irvisMllNN 4 ;., Wiiue iHU....: . :na, iU bruadwarew Vorit. ,- t