4 . , id Sup- you pose Mustang liniment only good , j for horses? It 13 for mflamma- tion'of all flesh, ... ; ., . - . tr . . 'li " ? ii3lior::IlI 01 ICOnXDU , r .-'' ' . ,Miu-cp:ir to K. H. Wlndley.) .: v'lSTIU.KtiS' AGENT FOH ". l ure Rye and Corn Whisky ' '. AT WHOLrSAi,B. V71I.ES AM CIGARS 1 fN GREAT VAltlElY, Umger Ale, Pale Ale, Beer , , AND PORTER. EER6NEE A ENGEL BEER, 3 QHEIt;'i; PURE FRENCH BRANDY. iV "tA JFVfm. St.' New Berne, N. C. fir,n:u:::r.:nt Extraordinary! ' With a view to conforming with the times, PATRONS of DETRICK'3 SALOON are respectfully notified that until further notice lliey will be permitted to use POOL' AND BILLIARD TABLES connected therewith , Obarge only being made for refreshments. Also on hand at any time ' Imported Schweitzer ' and Llmburger - Cheese; Imported and American Bologna Sausage; Sauerkraut when in season. " CALL AT "DETRICK'S" OLD'STAHD. ' - O. L. PAPPENDICKAssfgAee? f -. ,- . .. . ocldW J ' V Hay, Hay, : Ice, Ice, 7ood,7ooi Coal, Hay, Ice &' Wood FOR SALE BY - WATSON & DANIELS. APPLY AT THEIR ICE HOUSE, - , Near Foot of Middle street, , New Berne, N"9 J.. tSr Gall on ua'bjtfoi pfirchasfbelsev where. i , v jyla awiy 1888. Harper's Magazine, - i ILLUSTRATED. , With the now volume, beninnlna in Decern ber, Harper's Magazine will conclude its . thirty-iifth year. The oldest periodical of Its , type, it is yet, in eaon new volume, a new marine, not simply because it preserts . fresh subjeots and new pictures, but alBo,and chiefly, because it steadily advances In the - method itelf of magazine making. In a ' Word, the Magaxlne becomes more and more the faithful mirror of ourrent life and move ment. Leading features in the attractive programme for 1885 are: new serial novels by - Constance Fentmore Woolson and W. I). Howe I is; a new novel entitled "At the Red ' Glove;" descrlptlwe, illustrated papers by F, li. Millet. R. Swain Glfford. E. A. Abbey. H, Gibson, and others: Goldsmith's "She Stoops : to Oonqner " illustrated by Abbey; Important papei qn Art, science, eio. '' ' Harper's Peirlpdicals, MIR "MlHk'.i'ijCKi , ; HARPEtt'S MAGaZINE..................v ;(fo 00 VAT.-fiy$ fj;ly i,3.X4....L i'DtlPOtO tl 1 CI t D ..... W J AA IIAUI. -JV q UArjail.,., .V,.H. 2 00 RAKl'ER'S FRANKLIN SQUARE LI liKARy, One Year (52 Numbers)........10 00 PoHtire Free to all subscribers ' in the On' ; " ' nor C' WS "f . irf ' - i .... k t I A w - Tue voInini'Rof the MagaKlnebegln with the Ni!ii'r fur J une and Decemueroieacn year. U i). i no lime Is Himclflcd, It will be under- unhhI innt tn hii i Hu'ilor wishes to begin with tatf-,Vl,lll!iil.MI , ' i in il-nn mal Volumes of T i . i;i !);., clotl! binding, v hi i h k . ii'. i, iiv nald. on receipt of f I on it viiitiiiie. CUhii ( iiHrs, lor binding, (,,ici!i m eni'h hy mail, pox nald, i.i . i' i irni'i s ii ' "ii.iiie, Alnhabollcal, a vMumI, in.. I OluNHinud.for Volumes 1 to JtniH, lhjii, to June, 1881), MI'I ,ii be mi! 1 1 , tonvn ilehyrost-Offlce (I ciiaiiceoi I t his nrlverf ise. ,. i -f Uurpur : i w York, .THE JOURNAL.. NEW BEKNE, N. C, MARCH 13. 1885. What fsVAahdll i Mahdi, or Mahadi, as D'llerbelot spells it, is an ancient titlo in the luuaicui wuim nuitu an uisu bij.ui- fieil simply director of the faithful. But in the coarse of Moslem history, land especially Moslem history in Africa, it dime to have another sijr- .nification related, to an accepted itm)phecy 'f JHohatn'wedrt-1 It neces- sarily Tefers to the African . part of Arabic history. By this secondary significance of the word the Mahadi is a certain: ancient leader come again. Bis appearance is the "second advent" of a prophet who lived in the old days,' and who, in all the meantime, has been with the immortals.- Mohammed, the twelfth Imam, and the twelfth in descent from Ali. is the real original. He is the Mahadi who comes again every now and then." He was hid den from the world at an early age and communed only with his disci ples through his lifetime, and finally did hot die, but "went up," with the fixed intention of returning to. re vive the glories of Moslem. As in the Christian theory and even in the history of several monarchies this legend of a prince who is to return has afforded a favotite pre tex for no end of impostors, so it did iu Islam. The most famous of these in past ages was Abulcassem Mpihamined jtoai'-Abdallali, the founder ot the latimit dynasty in Aftidar Mohammed had prophesied that in v300 years the sun would rise in, the west, and as Abnlcassem's glory was in 296 of the Hegira, it was held that the prophecy referred to him, and since then the idea of the Mahadi commonly had relation to a revival of the glories of Islam in that Western world of Mosle- mism, the provinces of Africa held by the Arabs. JV. Jf. Herald. Had Seen It All. One night while John McCiillough was playing Virginius" in Little Kock, a lean, old fellow from the hills, while tanding at the foot of the opera house stairs was accosted by an ac quaintance, who asked: .Uncle Billy, are you going to see the showT" 'What sort o' a show is it Liget" 'One o' these here, actin' shows, whar men an' women come out on a platform an' bow an' scrape." ".No, rjpssss in, it; LigoTN f , . . (f "No hossei,' Uncle Billy." " ' , "Then I don't believe I'll go np. r' . - j . '. at i . . enongn otnat sort o' thing when Abe Spiller's school shet down. -We've seed all they can do. Come on here an' let's go 'round here whar that fellow is playin' fiddle . in a ' grocery." ArMmaw Traveler. ; Society Note. Mrs. Snoberly, a very aristocratic New York lady received a visit from a friend, who among otuor gossip said: "Do you know that your son has been seen several times in company with , a seamstress? Everybody is talking about it." "O, that doesn't, amount to any thing," replied Mrs. Snoberly, sinil "But r am told that the young ady is perfectly respectable." "Horrible! Horrible! shrieked the .agonized mother. "He may. bring disgrace upon our family by marrying her." . " MEETINGS Otf 1;6dES J ihi r St. Johns Lodob, No. 3, A. F. & A. M., meets the "2A Wednesday night in each month. New Berne Chapter, No. 48, R. A. M.", meets on the 2nd Monday in each month at 0 p.m. New Berne Lodge, No. 443, Knights of Honor, meets on the 2d and 4 th Fri day nights in each month. Assessment No. 14'Jis now due, and must be paid on or before the 12th day or January, looo. : Trent Council, No. 411, Royal Ar canum, meets on the 1st or 3d Friday nights in each month. . , Assessment JNo. 04 is now due, ana must be paid on or before the 17th day 01 January, 1000. , - Eureka Lodged No. 7, I. O. O. F., meets on the 2d and 4th Monday nights in each month. - . Assessment No. is now due, and must be paid on or before the day or 1 . Neuse council, no. 1, . order of Chosen Friends, meets on the 1st and 3d Wednesday nights in each month. Assessment JNo. w is now due, and must be paid on or before, tho 14th day of January iaw. tv f - Cosmopolitan Council No. 211, Amer ica Lxttioij 0,Tl0NOR4'et8 00 the 1st and dd Thursday night 1 in each month. , , ABsessrnept Ino., ta is now tue And must be paid on before the 14th day of January. 1885. . Local Branch No. 5, Order of the Iron Hall, meets on the ,3d Monday R-ghtnj.eaca.nonU.;? ttl .IH ii Assessment No. 45 is now due, and must be paid on or before thej 1st day of February, 1883. Athenta Lodoe, Nq. 8, Knights of rYjuiAS, meets on the 2d and 4th Tues day nights in each month. Atsessment No. 140 is now due, and must bo-paid on - or before the 14th day or January, isaa. Elm Cirx1 Camp, No. 88, Fraternal Legion, meets on the 2d and 4th Wed nesdays in each month. Assessment No. is now due, and muot be paid on or before the day of PROFESSIONAL. chas. n. buottit, ;r A.TTOBNB Y A T- fc A W, ; KESTANSVILLK. BT. C. Practice IntheOonntlesof DuDlin. Lenoir Crsvea, Jones nd Onilow. collection of Claims a specialty. ' Correspondence solicited. nar5w6m OWEN H. GIT I O IV, ATTOICNEY AT MW, Office formerly occupied by Simmons A Manly, opposite Gaston House. - Will practice in the Counties of Craven' Jones, Onslow, Carteret, Pamltoo and Lenoir n paiaioei apr2H14Wlv. C. B. THOMAS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on Craven street.! n Stanly Building near comer or iouock street. noywwiy C. R.iTHOMAS, Jr., . Attorney At Xjaw, ' BEAUFORT N. C. Office on corner of Turner and Front streets. Will practice In Carteret and adjoining counties. Prompt attention to collection of claims. , - novi dwly- WILLIAM J. CLAKKE, COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Attends all- the courts beld at New Berne, North Carolina. Particular attention paid to collecting claims, and conveyancing. united states commissioner. Sept. 18th, 1884. dw L. J. Moork. ' WM. E. ClAkkb. MOORE & CLARKE, ATTORNEY S AT LAW, '- Now Berne, N. C. ' Will practise in the Courts of Carteret. Cra ven, Greene, Hyde, Jones, Lenoir, Onslow and Pamlico counties. Also in the Supreme Court at Raleigh and the United States Courts at New P-erne and Raleigh. -uouecting a specialty, apoawu QKOROB V. STRONG, DAMIBIi S. PIRRT, Raleigh, N.O. , Kinston, N.O STRONG & PERRY, KINSTON, W. C, ATTORNEYS ANL COUNSELLORS AT LAW, Having formed a copartnership for tht ractice of the law in Jones county, will regu irly attend the courts of the same. Prompt attention pam to collections. mayi-aswtr btkujmu a r&nt&x, f . X. SIMMONS, CLEMENT KAHLT SIMMONS & MANLY, ATTORNEYS AT LA.W. Will oraotice In the Courts of Craven. Jones. I Onslow, Carteret, Pamlico, Lenoir and Hyde, ana in tue Federal (jourt at JNew uerne. febOdiwU DR. J. D. CLAKK, DENTIST, ' NEWBEBH, If. C. Office on Craven street, between Pollock and Broad, prl7-dAwly HOTELS. GRIMSLEY HOUSE, Snow Hill, Greene Co.,- N. 0. Well furnished, and Table supplied with the BEST the market anords. . Sample rooms for commercial travelers. , RATES RKASOnAJBLK. ., ; W K GRIMSLEY, ; fel5-dwt Proprietor. GASTON HOUSE, .? ! NEW BERUE, NC, 7 8: E. STREET & SON, Proprietors. The Only First-class House in the City, Omnibus connects with . all . Trains and Steamers. Large sample rooms for commer dal travelers. ,' i oct29-dtf HOTEL. SMITHFIELD, N. C, D. W. FULLER, Prop'r. ; Ample accommodations at all times sample rooms ior commercial iravni- ers. Charges moderate. - augaati FERDINAND ULR1C1I i CAN BE FOUND AT T. A. Green's Old Stand ON MIDDLE STREET. y-'-.i . GET HIS PRICES ON 6.r oc e rie s9 Lorillard & Gail & Ax1? Snuffs Grain Sacks, Rapes, Twines,; Canvas, Oakum, Paints, Oils, etc., etc., before purchas ing. ' : ' i -Orders taken for Nets and Seines. Agent for Hazard Powder Co, P. T7LRICH, nov26dw NEW BERNE, N. 0. NOTICE. Statk oip Nobth Carolina, 1 1 Craven county. J Thn unhacrlriftr havlnir nnallfled as Admin istrator of the- estate of Mary K. Bnnn, I deceased,'; oh the , 20th day of February, I 1 1 ....r 1 r.. . 1. 1 1. l. n . - 1 ..... u. 1 ...... I county, hereby notilies all persons having Obtained, and all PATENT BU8I claims against said Estaie to present them VW.VS l,nm .V.v. A AA 4a for payment on or before the 27th day of marcn, loon, or unij nouce win oe pieaueo m All persons indebted to. aalA estate wl tase imiuwiiHiB uayjut:iik Done this 20th day of February, 18X5. JAS. O. HAKRIHGN. feb2746w - . . , . P.ublle-Adinlnlstrotor. J. B. BROWJN. Barber and Hair Dresser, With twenty-five years experience, and the Neatest and Bsst Furnished Hnloun in the city, will give as good a shave as oan be had anywhere for TJfiN CENTS. New shop, new furniture, and satisfaction guaranteed. Hot and Cold Baths Can be had at all hours. lllddlo street, next U3L.iL Cutler. , marlSdlv Rnnrl Blv itunl. for nnst.ofrc . - - . - . ki k it- . v. .......... . . . v , m m li j of goods which will help all of eX'iersex, tf more money rlKht away that any 10 Inn; eiw3 in thlsworld. Fortunes awai' (,. w.u i . pr al Nililtoly sure, Atonee nddrei J ',.L.t CU ,Auiistif, Maine. , mardly .1 CHAKSEJ3F-SCHEDULE. Atlantic & N. C. Railroad No. 13, ' f. . TIME TABLE In Effect 12.-00 M., Sunday, March 15, 1885. EAST. WKST. No. 61. I No. 60 I Expres, jPiss.tMai Ezuma PwiMatl STATIONS Arr. L't. r. m. r. m. A. M. 6 07 6 47 637 Ooldsboro,.., 11 &8 11 20 10 4 08 6 44 La Grang 11 2 10 50 923 6 50 4 17 B.insion,,.., New Berne,., 8 00 8 10 10 lit Morehsad Depot,..., P. M. P. M. A. M. A. H EAST. WEST. No.S No. 4 Mliei Fgt. i Pass. Tra a Mixed Frt. Pass. Train. STATIOJVS. Arr. L've. Arr. A.M, A. M. 8 10 8 50 9 25 9 55 10 51 11 12 11 87 p. M. 8 46 8 00 7 SI 7 02 608 5 48 5 28 4 50 4 22 407 i P. K. P. H, Ooldsboro, Best's La Grange, .. Falling Ureek..... Casweli ......... Dover !ore Creek Taecarora .-...... OUrke'. ....... Newbern, 8 46 9 10 9 49 S 10 7 4 7 07 10 19 11 W 6 88 5 62 5 28 11 82 Yi 05 12 10 4 55 4 2( 4 1U 12 84 12 SO 12 61 12 55 127 8 35 P. P. M. P.M. EAST. WEST. No. 6. : : No. . HlxedFgt.4: s MixedFnt.4 raw. iraiD. : STATIONS. i Pass. Train. Arr. L've: a.m.: 6 80- Newbern. 6 18- Riverdale. 6 30! Oroatan .. Arr. L've .... r. M. 1 661 1 04! 12 51! 12 22 11 40; 11 28 10 50: P. II : 6 14 i 1 09 12 58 6 54: 7 SO: 7 56: 8 28; 6 58: Havelock....... 1 7 44: Newport I 8 001 Wlldwood. ........... 8 82 i Horehead City 12 27 11 50 11 28 10 55 a;- i Morehead Depot... A.M. i i A 10 40 A. K. : A. M, Train 50 connects with Wllmineton AWel- don Train bound North, leaving Goldsboro 12:28 p. m., and with Richmond A Danville Train west, leaving uoldsboro 12:30 p.m and w jiuiiuKwiicE Tveiaon xTainauuLnat4:ap.m. Train 61 conoecta with Richmond & Danville Train, arriving at Goldsbcro 4:50 p.m , snd with Wllmineton and Wei Ion Train from the North at 4:57 p.m. . trains 4, u, Mondays, Wednesdays and rnuays. Trains au ana si. aai iv excent sumiav. Train 8, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays xniiu oi supper at junston. W. Dunn, Superintendent. Midland N. C. Railway. TIME TABLE No. 8, In effect Sunday, Septemer 21, 1884j west: i I KAST No. 1. No. 2. Mixed Train. Mixed Train STATIONS. Arr , L've. Arr. I've. P.M. (T.M. i ! A.M. AM : 8 00 IGoldaboro 5 65 i 8 22 : 8 21 -Oopelanda i 6 81 : 5 3 I 8 88 : Jj 40 -Princeton i 5 15 ! 5 17 8 47 : 8 47 -Holt's Mill : 5 08 : 6 08 9 05 : 9 07 : Pine Level... 4 48 : 4 50 19 25 : iSmthfleld.... 4 8u la. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. - Train 2 connects with Wilminston A Wel- don Train leaving Goldsboro, going North u:m) a. m., ana wim Kionmonu uanvuie Train aoine West., leavine Goldsboro 11:56 a. m.. and with A. ArJ. 0. Train, going East leaving Goldsboro 6:40 a.m. Train 1 connects witn w w Train from n North arriving Goldsboro 6:87 p. in , and wit RAD Train from the West, arrlvlnir Golds boro 5:40 p.m., and with A fc NO Train from the EastarrlviDg Goldsboro 11:27 a.m. and 7:31 p. m. - , W. Dunn, ; ',. Superintendent. JAMES REDMOND, Afent and Bottler. OF THE BEEGHEE & EKGEL ' . BREWING CO '$ PHILADELPHIA ' LAGER BEER 1 . i ' , ' 'New, BemeVN. C. This beer took, premiums at the Cen tennlal Exhibition at Philadelphia and the Paris Exposition,4 Keeps better than any other in warm climates, and is the favorite brand wherever known. ' ' - For sale in kegs or orates. dw NESS at home or abroad attended to or MODERATE FEES. Our office is opposite the U. 8. Pat ent Office, and We can obtain Patents in less time than those remote from WASHINGTON! Send MODEL, OR DRAWING. Wo advise as to. patentability free of charge; and we VII A KGE NO FEE UNLESS PATENT IS ALLOW ED. J'.", We refer, here, to the Postmaster, the Supt. of Money Order Div., and to ollicials of the U.S. Patent Office For circular, advice, terms, and ref erences to actual clients in your: own Mate or county, write to , . O. A. SNOW & CO. ; - Opposite Patent Office, - , ' ' '. , Washington, D..O, RA'lLltO'ADS. 8TEA3IE11S, THE REUSE !& TREFT RIVER Steamboat Company Will run the following Schedule on and after Friday, August CM. 1884: . Steamer Trent Will leave New Berne for Polloksville. Tren ton and Intermediate landings every Wed nesday and Friday, returning on Thursday and Saturday. Steamer Kinston Will leave Newbern for Kinston everyTDKS DAY and FRIDAY : returning leaves Kin st'in for Newbern every MONDAY and THURSDAY; touching at Jolly Old Field and all intermediate points Doth going ana cam- in . These steamers make close connection with the O. D. S. S. Co. nd North Carolina Freight Line.- For furtneriniormation apply to W. K. STYRON, JR., at Newbern. " W. F. StawlY. Kinston. D. S. Bakbcs, PolloksviUe. I. T. WILSON, Agent at Trenton. J. P. Quinerly, Jolly Old Field. J. B. Banks. Quaker Bridge. J. M. WHTTE, Gen'l Manager, et)7dbw Kinston. N.C NEW-BERNE AND PAMLICO Steam Transportation Co'y. New Bbrnk, N. C, Oct. 31, 1884. FALL SCHEDULE OF THE STEAMER ELM CITY to go into effect on and after November, 1881 : Wednesdays- Leave New Berne at stopping at Adams and Stonewall. 2, m., for Bayboro, reek, Vandemere riilavs Leave Stonewall at 8 a.m. for Berne, stopping at vanuemere anu Ada Bureek. Saturdays Leave inew uerne at u p. m. lor lakc Landing, stopping at Adams Creek. Tuesdays ienve Lake uinaing at lua. m. for New Berne, stopping at Adams Creek. By this arrangement we are able to make oiose connection wim me pionnern steam ers, also having good accommodations both for passengers and freight at very low rates, ask that the merchants and producers along its line to give it their cheerful support. Freight received under cover every day of the week For further Information enquire at the of fice, Foot of Craven street. E. R, PIERCE, Agt. New Berne, N. C, Or any of its Agents at the following places: ABE LEE, Adams Creek, G. I. WATSON, Lake Landing, D. H ABBOTT, Vandemere, C. H. FOWLER, Stonewall, W. H. SAWYER, Bayboro, S. H. GRAY. Jan21dAwly General Manager. OL.JD IOMIlVIOIV Steamship Company. fsEMI-WEEKLY LINE Fui New York, Baltimore, Nor- folk, Boston, Elizabeth City, Philadelphia, Providence, and other Cities. ON AND AFTER Monday July 2nd, 1883, UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE Steamer Shenandoah Will leave, upon arrival of train on Norfolk southern Bailroad at Elizabeth City, every MONDAY AND THURSDAY for New Berne. Returning leaves New Berne ior Elizabeth City every TUESDAY AND FRIDAY at 1 p. m., making close connection with Nor folk Southern R. B. for Northern cltiea Close connection made at New Heme with steamers for Kinston. Polloksville, Trenton and all landings on the Neuse and Trent Rivers. No freights received for shipment on Tuesdays and Fridays after p.m. Freight forwarded promptly and lowest rates guaranteed to destination. Fare to Elizabeth City and return. $4. To Norfolk, it. To Bal timore, 18. To New York, 113.60. K. B. ROBERTS, Ag't, New Berne, CULPEPPIR k TUBNSB, Y . Ag'ts. Norfolk, V. A W. H. Stancobd, Oen'l Fr't Ag't, New York City. Change of Pier in New York. The N. C. Freight Line FOR NEW YORK, BOSTON, PROVIDENCE, and all point Nortll and. "West After this date will receive 'reisht In New York for New Bern at i PIER 7, NORTH RIVER, Office of New Tori and Baltimore Transportation Co.' Merchants should remember that this is one of the best Steam Lines out of New York, making daily connection witn Baltimore lor new Berne ail inside, and only one cnange. f SEMI-WEEKLY STEAMERS etween New Berne : and Baltimore, . '. ' . (Toaohing at Norfolk) ; 5 Leaving Now Berne for Baltimore TUESDAYS - FRIDAYS at 1 n ra. Leave Baltimore fm New Berne WUNESDAYS dnd SATURDAYS s.p.ni, Agents are as tollews: " EUBBN FOSmt, Gen'l Jfanager, , . W Light St., Bal't.Hd. AS. WMcOARRICK, Ag't. Norfolk, Va. . W. P. Clyde Co.. Philadelphia, II South imrvtu. 1 ' ': , York k Balio. Trana. Line.Plef f .Norm river E. Sampson, Boston, 83 Central wharf. , 1. H. Rockwell, Providence R. 1. - - V!-- D. 0. Mink, Fall Klver, Derrick wharf. Shi pa Irave Boston, Tuesdays and Saturdays. ' , New xorK nany.. Bnititnore, Wednesdays aadSaturday " V-i 11 Ptrar Miindun. WAHnAaiiilva " - J Fsldayt.- . . - - ; ' .'m Brovitence, Sntnrdaj-s ' ' Through bills lading given, and ratea guaran ' to all points al the ditforent nfflces of the oipaniea."V"' '"."' "'-'J .V-:' . -M v: Ivoid Breakage cl Bulk and SMj Via' Mar to ly 8 K GRAY Agt New Berae.fi c:inisTi.::s, ioci. I have on hand for HOLIDAY TRACg LAE5E in WELI, SELECTED -STCwX " . of ' ' ; Chcico Confc'ciicncrics ", ' i AMD "S Florida Orances. Malara Granes. Bananas. Citron, Raisins, Currants, Dates and Figs, and l have captured Santa Clans, Bag and Baggage, this year and brought him ti niy alorM. . - - " - Cojaeandsee my Complete Assortment of Toys and Holiday Goods, BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR OLD AND YOUNG. . i . Call early and make your selections. JOHN DQOT, Santa Glaus Headquarters, t NEWBERN, N. C. ' Largest Stocky Greatest Variety . AKD THE ' ' : A ' Best Goods, AT THE - - ' -y- ! Lowest Xrices9 AT WILLIE S. MIDYETTS, On Neuse street, at the place called FROG POND. Give him a call. , dec30dtf ROBERTS & BRO.;- Wholesale 5fc Heta.il DEALKRS IN " Provisions1 Groceries, Drv Goods Boots and Shoes. All of which we are offering VSR'S LOW. Orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed, dw NEW BERNE. N. C. 1885. Harper's WeeklyU ILLUSTRATED. Harper's Weekly has now, for twenty years, maintained its position as the leading illustrated weekly news- paper in America. With a constant increase of literary and artistio re- sources, it is able to offer for the ensu ing year attractions unequalled by any previous volume, emDracing a capital illustrated serial story by W. E; Noi'! ta iiiuoviubVU ai uiuiO rf X vX 13 vial refcrenco to tho West and South, in- o nlinn 4 I, tVnM'a . iiuuiu iuu uuiiuo jAluollluu aft JNew Orleans; entertaining short sto-, ries, mostly illustrated, and important papers by high authorities on the chief topics ot the day. Every one who desires a trustworthy political guide, an entertaining and in-; st.rilfit.ivfi familv lnnrnnl. entiroiw froa J J .. J from objectionable features in either letter-press or illustrations, should sub scribe to Harper's Weekly. L V 1 Hoinu'ii Pullil. PER YEAR: HARPER'S WEEKLY 1 00 HARPER'S MAGAZINE 4 00 . HARPER'S BAZAR 4 00 . HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 2 00 HARPER'S FRANKLIN SQUARE LI BRARY, One Year (52 Numbers) .10 09 Postage Free to all subscribers in the United States or Canada. The Volumes of the Weekly begin with the first number for January of each year. When no time is men- tioned, it will bo understood that .tho, subscriber wishes to commence with tho Number next alter the receipt of order. . . ' Thn last Vvn Annnnl Vnlnmno or Harper's Weekly, in neat cloth bind-' ing, will be sent by mail, postage paid. - or by express, free of expense'(provid ed the freight does not exceed one dol- 1 1 f T . 1- . it per vuiuiiic rur j)i per volume. Cloth Cases for each volume, suit able for bindine. will be sentbv mml. Dostpaid. on recciDt of $1 00 each. B. 1 " Remittance? should be made by, Post-Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid cnanco oi loss. Newspapers aro not to copy this adx vertisement without tho express order of Harper & Brothers) . Addresa : ; i '",!, '" ': i" i I J HARPER & BBOTHEES;- . , ' . iNew xorlc. . coenlar Week Iv newspaper devoted tn acietuw. mecfaanioa. enffineerioir. dia M,vria. invAntlnna and natmilji .tap mihiiftked. l-IrerT- rv nnmbev illustrated with splendid engravinga. This . uioanon, lornisnea a most vainaoia eacyctopwiia oi mnation whiok no person shoald be without. Thfe aopnlaritv of the Bdmrmo Akebicah is anon th6 sa oi circulation nearlx equals that of all otbnr papers of Its elaaa combined, Prica, SiaO a year. Diacount to Dlnbs. Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN 00, Pab- Ishers, No, 3B1 Broadway. N. 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