I i y. ' Many a Lady ; is beautiful, all but her skin ;: and nobody has ever told her how easy it is to put beauty on the skin. Beauty on the skin is Magnolia Balm. . II. W. WAIIAB, ii'ir hK H. Wludley,) ', - MSTIU.ERS' AGENT FOR " lure- Rye and ' Cora Whisky - avuoiksXi.k WILES AO CIGARS .v GiiEA r vaiue'j r, .'. .' Annger Ale,' Pale 'Ale, ' Beer and forte r. I t 1 KEGNEP. & ElTGEL BEER, ; .- i. ir.i - .' ; 1 CIDER, ', FSJRE FRENCH BRANDY. h'. w:vahab. iSi -jth Front St.'-New Berne, N. 0. "1 Coal, . , : Hay,. Hay, ,.. ..Wood, Yoodi Coal, Hay, Ico frWood, .FOB XUif BY , VATSOn & DANIELS. APPLY AT THEIR ' ' 1 rCEHOUSE, Near Foot of Middle street, J : ' New Berne, IV, CJ. s Call on us Colore purdiasiiifr else where. - ijio awiy . 1885. f . Harperjs. Magazine, ILLUSTRATED. With tho new volume, beginning in December, Harper's . Magazine wiU conclude its thirty-fifth joai, The oldest periodical of its type,1 It Vyet, in each new volume, a new magazine not Bimply because it presents freph subjects and new pictures, bttt also, and chiefly, because it stea'dily "Ad vances in the method itself Of maga zme making, w In a ,-wor.d, Vf he Magazine becomes more arid more-the faithful mirror of curen life and movement. Leading features' in ;tho attractive" programme for 1883 are: new serial novels bp Constance font moro Woojson and W. D'; Howells; a new " novel - entitled ' "At Hha.s Red Glove;'? descriptive illusiratdd papers' by F D. Millet, R. Swiin Gifford, E. A. Abbey, H. Gibson,ji and others; Goldsmith's "She Stoops to Conquer, Uustrated by Abbey; important" pa 1 iers on Art, Science, etc.'," i.-.. i - .4 - ; , Harper' Periodicals. s.; ,;; : ', ::, PKR YEAR: . ,;, , HARPER'S MAGAZINfc... (1ARPE1V8 WEEKXY....w.T..ii. ilARPER'S BAZAR.....,....;...;.U.;jj tlA RPEB'S YOUNG PEOPLE....,'..! 00 ...4 00 !:., 4 oo illi: ..2 00 ilAKPER'8 FRANKLIN SQUARE LI- ' H A RY, pne Year (52 Nnml)ers)...,......10 00 . - postage. Free to all . subscribers ' In iitho Pnlted States or Canada. ,....v 1 Xhe volumes of the UagaKino begin With tho Numbers for June, and JJe cembcr of each year. When no timo is specified, it will be unde'rstooil that tho subscriber -wishes to.-le";iii with f.lm (tnrrent number. i . . '.v Tho last 'eleven, Scmi-anriuil VolJ umcS of Ilarper's Magazine, " in .' neat (,'lofh binding, will bo sent by mail, postf aid, on receipt ot ijj.J.UW per vol nmo. Cloth Cases, for binding', 50 - pents each by mail, postpaid.. Index to Ilarper's Magazine, Al phabetical, Analytical, and Classified, for Volumes 1 to CO, inclusive, from June. 1850, to June, 1880, ono vol., fro, fcloth, 14.00. r ' ' -;' llemittanco "should bo - made by Post-Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chanca of loss.' Newspapers are not to copy this ad- vertisemcnt without the express ordef of Harper & Brothers. Address " UAHPlili&EBOTllEES, New York, THE JOURNAL. IEW BEENE. N. C."APKIL-1. 1SS3. Anns Eickberg. Iu the Jane of 1S79 two stories were publishea simultaneously, 'Tho Story of Leskeu" ia the Cen tury, or rather ia Scribners, and "The Professor of Dellingen," in Lippincott, and to both of these stories was appended the new name of "Anna Eichberg." Very clever Stones iney were, WHO ail 80ri9 Oil good qualities humor, pathos, sab tlety of preception, originality or plot, and, above all they fulfilled what Mr. lioweiis caii8 the very first requirement of a story, namely, "to be interesting." "The Story of Lesken" told of a VIOlin player wno in nis YOUID, mail with mnsic, forgot hia appointed wedding: day, in the excitement of going to hear a great musician play, and the bride meantime married the yonng musician's father, and then Lesken came to .'Alnerica and wedded music, and played, and ived, and died and- was lor gotten, It was one of the notable stories of that, season's . Scribner's. Every body, asked "who is Anna Eich- bergi'' and she proved to boa girl i, t , i.i , t, , I uuiciv vut ui - buuuuii iuo viiij I rlano-htrnf fho iliaHnorniohAfl mnni.l MMMta,uv& uwv.w m..vjUv 1 cian, claims iiiicaoerg mo uireciur. of the Uoston Conservatory of Mn sic. From that time Miss Eich berg's welcome into literature was assured. "Brown's" Uetreat ' was one of the ablest stories ever pub lished in the Atlantic Monthly the tain nf n r.onvict who kflnfc a stranffe ... - . . L ittlG SUOP, OVer. the dOOr Of WhlCb be bad put in a grim jest "lrown7s Uetreat." , -To come 1 between him self and tiie public nemaue use 01 a poor little waif,, who is sketched with a t.nnp.h nnr, nnwnrr.hv of Diet- eus. The bicnaea patnos ana nu- mor of this cbarming tale are beyond i Tt Ur, cfiii i IH.UniT. Xb.-.waa -OUUUCCUCU 1J Oiner Orilliant SlOries, among mem 'The Freak of Fate" in the Century, arid ''Mr. PampaWs Eepontance" and "Mr. Uarmicuaers Conversion'' in Lippincott'sfalso charming chil dren's stories, in St. Nicholas and Wide Awake. As a storyteller Miss Eichberg has, proved herself the possessor oi very rare powers. Her characters rtoe-they are not merely typos, they are individuals. lier plots also are very striking, Those who ;know Miss Eichberg well are aware of certain unpublish ed poems which prove her gifts to be not alone those demanded lor good prose. She wrote the .words oi the v. ell-known national hymn 40 Country Great and Free," to which lier lather composed the mn sic. After lit "was first published Miss Fichberg, then a shy school mi wil n-ron 4Vn1vn 4V s r s f 1T T . vt Off ft I iovf ,'Jhe poet opened the door uiiuavu auvx ocmu w u iu sumo,. wav; "juihs Jiiuuuertr, vuu uuiuu crowned with laurels. No wonder she was dumb with awo and pleas- are. Carry down your : broken class and Crocker; and have tbem cemented to. g ether by Dr. Scott. Also send and get fresh parched peanuts for 6 cts. per quart as bcom s, on oouia rrontBtreei .ppuween iiancocK ana imuaie Btreets, ftOYDprn, W LOOK, ipr cement ana npanut RiB'n at the door, xrv a nottie of Scott's Liniment and Blood Tonio for Rheumatism, etc. . Satisfaction guaran teedi ' -':v (v maridlm Clanks for overseer's reports and their appointments for sale at tms onice. tV" MEETINUS OF LODUES. i . 8t. J6hn3 Lodob, No. 8, A. F. & A. IL, 1 meets the 2d JVcdnesday night i n each montli. .;"""-. ':.."'-"..!-.. ' r, : New Bebn'b CbJapter, No. 46, R. A. M., meets on , the . 2nd Monday in each month at 8 p.m. New Bkens Iiodoe, No. 443, Kniqhts HEW liEENs IjODQE, 140. 44o, KNIOHTS OS Honor, meets on the 2d and 4 th Fri- dav nights in each month Assessment JNo. ui is now due, and must be paid on or before the 12th day of January, looo Teent. Council, No. 411, Roya l Ar canum, meets on the 1st or 3d t riday nights in each month, Assessment No. 64 is now -due, and must DP pain on or oeiore wie Mtn aay of Jauuary u,Hv.,,; . Eureka LodoeV No. 7, - meets on the 2d and 4th Monday nights in each month. Assessment No. is now due,' and must be paid on or before the day Ot. ' ' v ' -'-.-,':.-;::'- ::-,t . NeuSe Council, No. 1, order of r KllirL, UIOULB UU IUO IBS UUU 3d "Wednesday nights in each month. - Assessment No. 66 is now due, and I mnRt ha naid on of before tin 14th davl of January, laba.1 ': Cosmopolitan Council :io.211, Amer ican Legion of Honor, mi etsTm the 1st and 3d Thursday nifcht i in each month. 1 , Assessment No. (i2 is now due, and "must be paid on pr before the 14th day of January, 185, Local Branch No. 95, Order of the Iron Hall, meets on the 3d Monday night In each month. , ' Assessment No. 45 is now due, and must bo paid on or before the 1st day ofSebruary, 1835, Athenia Lodqe, No. 8, Knights of Pythias, meets on the 24 and 4Ui,Tues' aay nitriits in cacn month. Assessment No. 140 is now due, and must be paid on or before the 14th day or January, loos, Rt.m Civv Paimt; Nn. RS. Vnkvumiki. Legion, meets on the 2d and t Wed nesdavs in each month. - . Assessment No. is now due,' and must be paid on or before the day of , 188-, PKOFESSIONAL. : P. Hi FELLETICIl , ... i ATTOUXn T AT. L A 7i j ' NEW BESNE, N;C. Office on South Front irreeli third door from Uie oomer of Craven street. y Will cractlce In tbe Courts of Carteret. Jones, dnsiow and Craven. . ' Hpecial attention given tovna eolleenon or claims, and settling estate of deceased per- sons, , , . janiuwn O WEN H. GUION. ' ATTOKNEY AT LAW, : Manly, opposite G&Btou House., - will praotlc n the Coont.es of Craven1 Jones, Onslow, Carteret, Pamlico and Lenoir iTtmpi attention nam to collections. - K apr rsf-o. dAWlT. C. R. THOMAS, ATTORNEY 'AT LAW. A ft) a a An rVavAti I fitoti 1 V Hnlslfny near corner oirouooa street novwwiy C. R. THOMAS, Jr., , Attorney At liaw, BEAUFORT, N. C. ; 1 Office on corner of Turner and Front streets. Will practice In Carteret and adjoining Oonntiea, Prompt attention to collection of claims. - - novi awiy WILLIAM J, : CLARKE, (30TJNSELLOR AT LAW, . 1 AttATiia a.11 t.ViA Artnrta Vinl1 aft Vow Rama aortbroiina. t Iartloular attention paid to collecting claims, and conveyancing. United States Commissioner. Lj .... 1 Ct 1. Ido. . L. J. MOORK. . WX. E. CbABKS. MOORE & CLARKE, : ATTORNEYS AT LAW, New Berne, N. C. Will practise in the Courts of Carteret. Cra von. i.ruona. htm. . nnM Ann ?. nii na and Pamlico oonntiea. Alan In V.ik UnnMm. Hnnri a Dol.lnti unA thoUnited" Stosnrtsat Sew.ne and - 44 Collecting a specialty. apSdwtf GKORQIi V. STRONG, DANIEI, B. PKBRT, Rileigh,N.C. : Klnston, N.O STRONG & PERRY, KINSTON, If. C. ATTORNEY & ANL COUNSELLORS AT LAW, uavinx iormeu a eopartnersnin ior inf for the 111 rettu- nw,t. of thlawln .Toi.einntv. will rAlrli. lariyatienauiecourwor tne same, Prvmpt attention paid to collections. mayix-uswti , . . btkujxu f-UKi. r, M. BIMHOKS, CT.BMXKT MAM.Y 8INHQNS & MANLY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will practice In the Courts of Craven, Jones. Onslow. Carteret. Pamlico, Lenoir and Hyde. and in the Federal court at New Berne. febBd&wlj : ; DR. Da CLAKK, ; 1 NSWBBRR, N. C. Office-on Craven street,' between; Pollock and Broad. : . : " aprl7-dwly HOTELS., GEIHSLEY HOUSE, AT oiiuw xmi, ajiboub uui, lm j ... fnrn,ghBd. -nd Tanla -nnm,ed Vlth i me ukmt tne market anorus Sample rooms for commercial travelers. ' KATES REASOltABI.B.1! l h ,(t VT K GBIMSLEY, fo!5-dkwt f i -s . . Proprietor. GrASTON HOUSE, JN1SW liJUltJNK, JM. U., S: R. STEEET & SON, Proprietors. q-,. n, mr-as,. nnnaA i .hA mt.w omnibna conneou with . all Trains and l steamers. Large sample rooms for commer ciai travelers. "ohi HOTEL, SMI THFIELD, N. C D. W. FULLER,' Prop'r." . Ample accommodations at all times , sample rooms for. commercial travel' ers. unarges moderate. .. augaati FERDINAND ULRICI1 CAN BE FOUND AT i I rr, rl -t A1J CUJ 1. A VH tJCll U1U. lObUilU ON MIDDLE STEEET. GET HIS PSICES ON,' . Trillnnl Sr. Gail & Ax 'a Snuffs. Grain gack8) R3peS) Twine8, Canvas, Oakum fn.i. All. 1 I JTUlllbB, Vbv.,. CLO., UOJLVJXw fUlvll(B l"B- ' '' Orders taken for Nets and Seines. ' Agent for Hazard Powder Ob. ('," V. "'V.,V: P. ULRICH ' I nov26dw ' ; .: NEW BERNE, N. 0. I , :f t ..... . BTflTTPT ; ' f ''--"n .'WUlllyXi. btatk of Nobth CAnowsA, y . , ' Craven Oonnty.f The subscriber having qualified as Admin, istrator or the estate 01 Mary k. Bnnn deceaned, on the 2(th day of February, A.1). 1885. before ihe Probate Court of Craven county, hereby notifies all persons having claims against saw e.staie to present tnem for payment on or before the 27th day of Marc 11 Kvo, or mis notice win De pieaueu id bar of iheir recdvery. - 1 . " ' - All parsons Indebted to said estate will make immediate payment. -1 - Done this 2Uth day of Febrnnry, 1883. , ' -1AH C. HAKRIKON," - ' fcb27d6w ' , i. rublic Administrator. - eT, B. BRO WiM , ; Barber ; and ; Hair Dresser," With twenty -five years experience, and th Neatest and Bsst Furnished Bt'loon In the city, will give ns good a sMove as can be had anywhere for TEN CKNTg.. New sliop, new furniture, and satisfaction ennranteed. Middle stre next door to PetrlPk'f . ' mar:ilv '.- t .' v . . . '. s; - A Pri i fiend six cents for nostaes and receive free, a costly boj of goods'whtch will help al of either sex, to more money right away thai anvtlilna elue in this world. Fortunes awal' the .workers absolutely sure, At once addret I XKUJtiACU , Augusta, name. ' , maraaiy ItAILItOADS. CHA.iwE CF SChECwLEi r?3 WW 1 -S !! (j hut- Atlantic & N. C. Railroad TIME TABLE - , i. i I . : No. 13, f Ia Effect 13X0 If., Sunday, March 15, . - .-.1885. : - . EAST. WBST. EAST. WEST. - No. 1. No. 60 'Express ' -,:: -Expres, Pass.MaU STATIONS . ' . Para.asUa A Vr. Lre. . " 1 Art. il'vs. f.M. T.tt. , A.M. A.M. 5 (WQoldeboro, 1158 8 S 47 La Grani .... 11 20 11 22 t 17, 37 Kin.t. , , , 10 40 10 60 8 00 8 10 Nw Berne, 9 08 9 23 10 18 Dlorehe&d Depot,M. 8 50 r. M.P. M. .. . . . A. M. A. U No.s No.4 MlxsdFgt. V . MlxeFKt. Pass. Train. ' STATIONS. Pass. Tra'a Arr. L'ts. ' ' Arr. ie A. K. A, M. P. M . P. X. 8 10 1 Goldsboro,i...... 8 46 8 46 8 50 1 Best's ........ 8 0 8 10 9 10 9 25 LaQranBe,-... 7 81 7 4B 9 49 9 55 Fulling Orek.H.. 7 02 T 07 10 19 10 51 Kinston.-...... 8 08 8 88 11 07 U 12 Caswell-. 5 48 5 52 11 82 11 87 Dover . .. 5 2S 6 28 12 05 12 10 Core Greek . ...... 4 50 4 55 12 84 12 89 Tnecsrora 4 22 4 2ti 12 51 12 55 Clarke's . .. 4 07 4 10 1 27 Newbern, " 8 35 P.M. (P.M. ..:.. .,, ,. . . P, , P.M. EAST. WKST. No. 6. : HixedFgt.Ai Paw. Train, j : No, 6. t Mixed Fgt. STATIONS. ! Pass. Train, Arr. , L've: , ; r : Arr. L've A, M.I A.M. I i. i r.H.i P. r 6 SO? Newhirn.. ! 1 55; 8 14J' 8 18- Riverdale.............. 1 (Hi 8 26; 8 80s Oroatan 12 51 i 8 64 5 6 68 Havelock.. 12 22- 7 80: 7 44 f Newport 11 40; 7 f6: 8 00; Wild wood : 11 23- 8 28: 1 8 82- Morehead City. : 10 50- 8 87! ' '. Morehead Depot...! i A. M. A. M. i . i A. M.i 1 Of urn 12 27 11 50 11 28 10 55 10 40 A. V. Train 50 connects with Wllmineton AWcI don Train bound North, leaving Goldsboro 12:23 p. m and with Richmond A Danville Train West, leaving Goldsboro 12:80 p.m and nnuiiuKiuutt vveiuuu iruinauutiiat4:op.Jn. Train 61 conneotfi with Kfohmnnri A lkanvilu Traia, arriving at Qoldsbcro 4:50 p.m , and with Wilmington and WeHon Train from the worin at 4:57 p.m. Trains 4, 5 & 0, Mondays, Wednesdays and Trains 50 and 51. dnllv exeent Rnnriav. Train 3, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satiirdnys Train 51 supper at Klniitoii. ,. . .." ,' W. Dunn, , Superintendent. Midland N. C. Railway. TIME TABLE JVo,',10, In effect Sunday, March 15, 185 . WEST. KA8T No 1. No. 2. Mixed Train. Mixed Train STATIONS. Arr. L've. Arr. L've, P.M. I r.M. : 5 80 :.Goldiboro.. - S 49 rCopelands 0 02 -Princeton..., 09 -Holt's Mill.. , 6 25 Pine Level.. Smthfleld.... A.M. 5 , j 7 40 I 7 21 i . j 7 08 i , 7 01 : . : 0 45 : A.M 5 48 i (I 01 : 08 0 21 ! 9 40 j 7 22 7 6 7 02 0 40 0 3ii t3- DAILT EXCEPT SUNDAY. Train 2 connect with Wllmlneton A. Wei don Train leaving Goldsboro, going North i f.u p. m., ana wim mvnmona ft uanvllle Train going West, leaving Goldsboro 12:30 a. m.. and with A. AN. a Train, going East leaving Goldsboro 8:10 a.m. Train 1 connects with Wa WTroin from the North arrivinn Goldsboro 4:57 d. m . and with R 4 It Train from the West, arrivine Golds- Doro i:aup.m.,anu wun a jn irrrain from tne ast arriving uoiusuoroii:tua.m. nna7:Sl W. Dunn, , i Superintendent. JAtlES REDHOIiD 'Arent and Bottler t',!t-,: " '' Li: :V '3'-:; OF TOR f CELEBRATED BERGNER & ENGEL ' ! ' -BREWING C0TS PHDDELPHIA LAGER BEER j: New Berne, N. C. ? This beer took premiums at the Cen tennial Exhibition at Philadelphia and the Paris Exposition. , Keeps better than any other in warm climates, and is the favorite brand wherever known. '" For sale in kegs or crates - . dw Obtained, and all PATENT MUSI NESS at home or abroad attended to or MODERATE FEES, 4, Our office is opposite the U. S. Pat cnt Office, and we can obtain Pateuts in less time than those remote from WASHINGTON. Send MODEL OR DRAWING. We advise as to patentability frco of obarge r and we- CHARGE NO FEE UNLESS PATENT IS ALLOWS Wo refer, hero, to the Postmaster, the Supt, qf Money Order Div and to officials of the U, S, Patent Office; For circular, advioo, terms, and ref erenoos to actual clients in your own State or oounty, write to ,'.' , " V. A. SNOW & COt '.."' Opposite Patent Office, . . f, r 0 . 'WashingtoD.C.-., STEAMERS. . . THE . UEUSE & TEEKT EIVER k Steamboat Company t- t :t "f f : ' ' . . " .v -. I Will ninths following Schedule en and after Friday, August 23(1.1884; , . , Steamer Trent WUl leave New Berne for Polloksvtlle. Tren ton and Intermedial landing! every Wed nesday and Friday, returning on Tnarsaay and Saturday, - , - Steamer Einston it . - ....... Will leave Newborn for Einston every TUKS DAY and FRIDAY : returning leaves Kin ston for Newbern every MONDAY and THURSDAY; touching at Jolly Old Field and all Intermediate points both going and com- In Tliese steamers make close connection with th o. 1). . 8. Co. and North Carolina Freight ijkc r or lurmeriniormauon appiy to W. K. BTYRON, Ja, at Newbern. W. F. 8TAIK.Y. Klnston. ' "; 1 D. 8. Bakrus, Folio ksville.' rr-.j- 4 L T. WILSON. Agent at Trenton. ' J. P. Qothbrlt, Jolly Old Field. ' J. B BAsks. Quaker Bridge. J. M. WH'TE, Oen'l Manager, eb7d4w Kinston.N.C NEW-BERSB AP PAMLICO , Steam TransTDortation Co'v. NEW Bebnb, N. C.. Oct. 31, 1884. FALL SCHEDULE OF TBE STEAMER yELM CITY to go into effect on and after November 5, 1884 : Werlnefuiavfu- Leave New Berne at 2. m.. for Bayboro, stopping at Adams reek, Vandemere and Stonewall, ridays Leave Stonewall at 8 a.m. for Berne, stopping at Vandemere and Ada s Creek. Saturdays .Leave New tferne at p.m. tor i.aKe Landing, stopping at Adams Creek. Tuesdays Xieave l,hk Lanuing at iu a. m. tor jxew lierne, Btoppmg at Aiiams creeic. By this arrangement we are able to make close connection with the Northern steam ers, also having good accommodations both ior passengers ana ireignt at very low rates, ask that the merchants and producers along its line to give It their cheerful support. Freight received under cover every day of tbe week For further information enquire at the of fice. Foot of Craven street. n;. rt. piekuis. Agt. xNew rserne. n. c. Or any of Its Agents at the following places: auk L,w, Adams creek, G. I. WATSON, Lake Landing, U. H. ABBOTT, Vandemere, C. H. FOWLER, Stonewall, W. H. SAWYEIt, Bayboro, 8. H. GRAY. an21dwly General Manager. OL.I3 UOMilVIOlV Steamship Company. EMI-WEEKLY LINE Foi New York, Baltimore, Nor folk, Boston, Elizabeth City, Philadelphia, Providence, and other Cities. ON AND AFTER Mondav July 2nd, 1883 UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE Steamer Slienandoah Will leave, noon arrival of train on Norfolk soutnern Bulroad at Elisabeth City, every MONDAV AND THURSDAY for New Berne. Returning leaves Nw Berne ior jcuzaoetn city srery - TCESDAT AND FRIDAY at 4 p. m., making close connection with Nor, folk Southern R. R. for Northern cities. Close connection made at Mew Berne with steamers for Klnston. PolloksTille. Trenton and all landings on the Nense and Trent Kivers. wo freights received for shipment on Tuesdays and Friday! after 3 P-m. Freight forwarded promptly and lownt rates guaranteed to destination. Fare to Elizabeth city and return. 4. To Norfolk, 5. To Bal umoro.SB. To Wow York, 18.60. -E. B. ROBERTS, AH, New Berne, CULFKPPIR k TOBKBB, i ' ; : ' s Ag'ts. Norfolk, V. W.H.STANroEP, Qen'l Fr'tAt't. ,. H i"i i j i.- New York Oity. ;e of Pier in New Tori The N. C. Freight tine ; FOR NEW YORK, BOSTON, PROVIDENCE, and all point IVortii and West Liter this date will receive 'reitht In New York for New Berns at ( PIER 7, NORTH RIVER, Office of New Tori and Baltimore ry: Transportation Go. ' Merchants shonld remember that this Is one ot the best Steam Lines oat of New York, making daily connection with Baltimore for New Berne: .11 t : .1 . i i - ' an lustuo, muu uuiy uuv vuauga. - , U SEMI-WEEKLY ST EAMERS Between New- Berne and Baltimore, , , ; (Touching at Norfolk) , ' Leavina; New Berne for Baltinvors TtJESDAYS ' t'HUAYM at I pm. Leave Baltimore foi Sw Brne WEDNESDAYS dnd SATURDAYS Agents are as follows: ',..,... .. EUnitN FOSrER,Qeu'l Jfeiiaew, - ; ' - ' r , 90 Light St., Bal't Md. AS. W. UcCARKIUK, Ag'fc Norfolk, Ya. . W. P. Clyde A Jo.. Philadelphia, Vk South hKrvoe.' - ; '" " . -: .-. '"v ,:??':' York k Balto. Trans. Lin. PiHT t Norm E. Samt8un, Boston, S3 Central wharf. K. H. Rockwell. Providence R. 1. , ... '., D.C. Mink, Fall River, Derriok wharf. , 6hipleave-'llostnn,Tusdayand Saiurdsvs. " " New York daily. tt' Baltimore, Wednesdays and Ssturdaj ' " Fall River, Mondays, Wednesdays - , Fridays. .''-.. , . .. , . " ' Providence, Satnrd&re Through bills lading given, and- rates guaran ' to all polnU. at the different offices of the piiiei. j. ',. ; -i i,' "... 4yoid Imkgk cl Bnlk ind Ship ra "-.'' ' ;. 5.N.c;LINE.i.vv d, ' WarlOljSj H QAX Ksw Berns.N NOTICE. - State or North Caroi,1!c a, 1 . . ........ ... Craven Couuty, l - The subsorioer hnvlDir onalified as Admin istrator of the estate of Joshua 11 Brlnn. deceased, on the 5th day of March, A. 1, - before the Proiate Court of craven County, hereby noUSes ail persons having claims against said estate, 10 present them for paymatit en or before the 7th aay or March. 1ms, or this notice wiU be pleadud in bar of their recovery.- x - " Ait pirsona inaeDtea to saia tsuiie -win make immediate payment. c, ; i juonetnisotnaayoi Marcn.iuia. . JAM. 0 HARRISON. mar7w , . Pubilo Administrator.! j ROBERTS & BRO., WholoBulo & Hetiui DBlLKItS IN i ) ' ""'"' Protiaons6 v ..h:u''l - Groceries, Drv Goods' Boots and SIlocs All of which we are offering VERT WW, ' " " Orders solicited. ,..! Satisfaction guaranteed. dw NEW BEENE. N. C. 18S3." Harper's Weekly. ILLUSTRATED, j .i Harper's Weekly has now, for twenty years, maintained its position as the leading illustrated weekly news- paper in America. 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