Many a Lady is beautiful, all but her skin ; and nobody has ever told her how easy it js to put beauty on the skin.- Beauty, on the skin is Magnolia Balm, .. , - U. W. WAHAB, MiaKHHur to K. H, Wlndley,) . ' "ISTIU.JCIW AGENT IFOR . re Rye and Com. Whisky AT WHOLESAi.K '.WILES, AND .CIGARS " - ,V O If EAT VAKIEIY, , linger Ale, Pale Ale, Beer 1. KliGNER 'ic1 Eft GEL BEER,' PURE FRENCH BRANDY. i'.,i'J ''',; 1"'..1 !. -X- J-'-l :i::!t ' r H. W. WAHAB. Si-utk Fronl"st.' New Berne, N. 0. Coal, Goal! Hay, Ilay, Ice, Ice, ;; Wood, Woai Coal, Hay, Ice & Wood, . FOR SALE BY .. ..v , - , . - : . j- s . .n -1' .... WATSON & DANIELS. '1-'.,".,V''il-'.;..;.:'.."-.xfK' JJ1t ''i )'l'tty: Jtiffi I V ; APPLY AT THEIR ; , J C E ITO TJ.SE, Near Foot of Middle street, fBF Call on us bofore purrbasing else- wnere. jyia awly RODEItTS & BROT Wholesale &. Retail DBA LRB.3 IN Provisions'' -1 Groceries, ' ''4 1 tX Li - ' Drv Goods'. Boots and Shoes All of wLich we are offering- VEIL'S LOW, W ' Orders solicited. X."" , Satisfaction guaranteed,. 7 ''" dw ' NEW BESNE. N. 0. SALE OF LAND. Laura Mcjlwain and others , John Moselr and others In pursuance of the-authority con tained in a ludument of the Superior Court of Craven county in the above- entitled special proceeding, the under signed will sell at the Court House, in the Cjty of New Berne, on Monday, the 4th day of Way, )88&, at 13, M., to the highest bidder, the land described as follows, to wit: A tract of, land in the county of Craven, on the south side of Neuse river, and both sides of Turkey . uuarters branch, near the bead thereof, beginning at a pine, Francis Fonville's corner in a line of the land patented by Joseph lnms, and running north ob, west 1Q0 pules, then south 87. west 118 peies, men sou to co, east iuu poies, then a direct line to the becinninir, .pontajning ope hundred acres more, or Terms of sals one-f fiurfh pasli 1 balance fip a credit 01 six months. - " ( . ' HENRY R. PSYAN, ' f; . raar21 4w Commibaioner. , Is still flourishing under its new man agement, with the, addition of Mr. A Byron Carroll as clerk, whoso polite nosa and affable manners in serving the public with Choicest Cigars and Tobac , -co, Candies, Raisins, Nuts, Oranges Apples, Lemons, etci, also .the popular IIASSELL-MADB TAFFY, shows hirn fo e flip r(ght man in the right place. D. II. HASSELL, - d . ' KING BEE. AT n. W. WAHAB'8 COENEE, always supplied with the very best Fresh 'a, Beef, I'ork, Mutton and Sausage that r A " irj'tBmria, call on him. iHuitf-Uiy -THE JOURNAL XEW BERE. N. C APRIL 2. 18S5. Fighting & Tiger With ft Hat. Yesterday morning early J; E. Gruber, on his way from LaG range to Titusviue, on erossinu the nrst bridge on the road was attacked by large tiger cat. Just stepping off the bridge and hearing something growl he turned around, thinking it was a dog, as .he heard some one whistling some distance behind him, bat at the second look he saw what it was just in time to pull off his hat ana beat it in the lace. u came from under the bridge into the road ust behind him. so that he baa to tarn at it: " He fonght it with his hat and Whooped at the top Of his I voice, when Sciety Warren answered and ran to his assistance, but on the arrival of Warren the cat had disappeared under the bridge, but soon came out at both of them, when Warren pulled out two pistols, handing one to Mr. Grnber. Then both fired three Shots apiece at it before it retreated into the thickest of the branch. Mr. Grabor was pretty well worried out when War ren came up. ' He had fought hard with his hat, walking backward away from the bridge all the while. t is evident that the tiger cat had young there, for the farther Gruber got from tha bridge the less trouble he had to keen it on. Tnusviue (Fla.) Star; , n ' - : Soaking Seed Corn. Farmers who are troubled by the crow s pulling up their corn in spring, should not put off the pur chasms: 01 material lor making a solution in which to soak their seed corn until it is wanted at planting time. Many do this, and regret it when, they see their young, crop tolled 'by the mischievous crows. lie materials needed are gas tat and blue vitriol.. For six bushels of corn, a half pint of tar and two pounds of blue vitriol are sufficient. be tar should be put into a. pail, with one gallon of warm water added to it, and then well stirred he scum that rises to the top must be Skimmed Off. Mix the Vitriol in . , it, -it. another vessel, and also with one gallon of water, and when both are well dissolved, mix together and sprinkle : over the seed corn, which should be mixed up until all the cornels are wet with the salution. f thf grains stick together,- add a ittle plaster of paris. Crows and Geld mice will not trouble corn thus prepared. New York Sun, Mountain Climate. Dr. Bre mer in a German journal advocates exercise in the higu, fine air of the mountains as the best protection against the diseases contracted in city life. The characteristics of the mountain climate are the low tern perature and air pressure, tho low relative humidity, the high per cent, of ozone, the strong light and isolation the lreedom irom dust anu bacteria. All these act well on the bodily health. The langs work witk rrreater strength, the heart beats faster',' the blood circulates more quickly, appetite is increased, petsniration becomes freer, the muscles become more energetic, ana the whole body gains in strength and endurance. Blanks for overseer's reports and their appointments for sale at this office. 1 I " "lt sn fifc-- tit awi a ftnil h - StI Johns Lobcra, No. 3, A. F. & A. M., meets the 2d "Wednesday night in each month. V $ 1! New Berne Chapter, No. 46, R. A. M., meets 'on the 2nd Monday in each month at 0 p.m, New Berne Lodge. No. 443, Knights I of Honor, meets on the 2d and 4 th Fri day merits in each month, Assessment jno. i4uis now aue, and must be paid on or before the 12th day of January, loo Trent Council, No. A 4 1 T . A I canum, meets on the 1st or 3d Friday uiguui iu isuku uiuuiiu. Assessment No. 64 is now due, and must be paid on or before the 17th day of January, looo. ; ; " Eureka Lodge, No. 7, I. O. O. F. meets on the 2d and 4th Monday nights in each month. , Assessment No. is now due, and must be paid on or before the day Neuse Council, No. -1, order of Cuo; en Friends, meets on the 1st and 8d Wednesday nights in each month Assessment No, 60 is now due, and must be paid on or before tin 14th day or January, iDoo.j Cosmopolitan Council :io. 211, Amer ican Legion of Honor, rw ets on the 1st and 3d Thursday night 1 in each month Assessment No. 63 is now due, and must be paid on or before the 14th day of January, loeo. LOCAL BRANCH No. 95, ORDER OF THE Iron Hall, meets on tho 3d. Monday night in each month. Assessment No. 45 is now due, and must be paid on or before the 1st day of February, lay a. f Athenia Lodge. No. 8, Knights of Pythias, meets on the 2d and 4th Tues day niehts in each month. Atsessment No. 140 is now due, and must be paid on or before the 14th day of January, lbiio. Elm- Crry Camp, No. 88,-Fraternal Legion, meets on the 2d and 4th Wed nesdays in each month. Assessment No. is now due, and must be paid on or before the day of , 1SS-. PROFESSION AIj. DR. G, L. SHACKELFORD, -1- Surgeon Dentist, r ':' ;: NEW BERNE, N. cl-' Offioe on Middle street, opposite Bap- UBtonurcru ;. -i ; 1 maraadwly . P. H. PELLETIEE, . ATTORNEY AT JLAW, NEW BERNE, N. C. t OfBea on Roath Front street, third door from ths corner of Craven straek -Will Dractlce In the Cotirta of Carteret. j ones, unsiow ana uravem, Special attention given to the collection of Mtm e"w 01 anwwPf,b 0VEN H, GUION, ATTOISNEY AT LAW, Manly, opposite Gaston House. Will praotlce In the Counties of Craven Jonea, Onslow, Carteret, Pamlico and Lenoir rrompi attention paid to collection. apr SWlV. C. R. THOMAS,- ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on Craven itreet.l n Htanlv Bnlldlna- near corner of Pollock street. novidwly n- n TitnMta Attorney At Xiaw, , BEAUFORTy N. C. Office on corner of Tnrnerand Front streets. Will practice In Carteret and adjoining counties. Prompt attention to eolleetion of olalms. , . novtawiy ... , WILLIAM J. CLARKE, COUNSELLOR AT LAW, , Attends all the courts held at New Berne, North Carolina. Particular attention paid to collecting claims, ana conveyancing. uniia states commissioner. ' ' Bent. 18th, 1884. .. ; dw li. J. MOORB. WM. E. CLABKK. MOORE & CLARKE. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, New Berne, N. C. Will practise in the Courts of Carteret. Cra ven, Oreene, Hyde, Jones, Lenoir, Onslow ana ramneo counties. Also in the Supreme Court at Ralelsh and the United States Courts at Mew Heme and Balelgh. mw collecting a specialty, apsawtr OKORGB V. STRONG. DANIEL K. PKRBT. . Kueign, . v. Kinston, . u STRONG & PERRY, KINSTON, If. C. " ATTORNEY S ANL COUNSELLORS AT LAW. Having formed a copartnership for the practice of the lawln Jones connty, will regn lany attend tne courts or tne attention paid to collections. rly attend the courts of the same. Prompt mayl2-dwtf , STRONG 4 PERRY, F, M. BIMMOK3, " CT.KMKNT VAULT SIMMONS & MANLY, ATTOKNETS AT LAW. Will practice in the Courts of Craven, Jones. unsiow, carteret, raraiico, ienoir anu iiyue. and in tne Federal court at rew uerne. , febOdiwlj DE. J. D; CLARK, IElVrriHX, NEWBERR. H. O. Office on Craven street, between Pollock and Broad. aprl7-dAwly , HOTELS. Snow Hill, Greene Co., N. U. Well furnished, and Table supplied with the BEST the market affords. Sample rooms ror commercial travelers. BATES REASONABLE. W K GRIM8I.EY, fel5-dAwt Proprietor. t Si'Vl IN Hill INH,' PiyiLY' NEW BERNE, K. C, Si E. STEEET & SOJT, Proprietors. The Only First-class House In the City, Omnibus connects with all Trains and Steamers. Large sample rooms for oommer clal travelers. oct2-dtf HOTEL, SMITHFIELD, N. C, D. W. FULLEB, Prop'r. , Ample accommodations at all times Sample roomB for commercial travel' Uhartces moderate. 1 ' augsatx FERDIIlflllD ULRICI1 CAN BE FOUND AT X. A, Gfeeil S OItt Stand ON MIDDLE STREET, ' get his prices on . Groceries; Lorillard & Gail & Ax's Snuffs, Grain Sacks, Rapes, Twines, Canvas, Oakum, Paints, Oils, etc., etoM before purchaS' Orders taken for Nets and Seines. r,Agont for Hazard Powder Co, V ' F. ULMCH, u nov26dw - - NEW BERNE. N. C. NOTICE. State Of North Carolina, . I Craven Xunty. J The subscriber haVlna auallflsd as Admin. nf tliA AfllAtA nf Mnrv K. Rnnn. deceased, on the ith day of February, a lk tha lwiKota i Vrtv nf flMtran county, hereby notifies alt persons having alalma asalnsl said sta to oresent them lor payment on or ueiora vne 17 vn nay 01 Marcn, ifo, or iiu uouue win u pieauvu in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will make immediate payment. . Done this 2th day of February, 1885. i - JA. U HAHKltlN, . , ,Ieb27d6vr ; ; . ' Pnbllo Administrator. J. B. BROWJN4 Barber and Hair Drcsserr With twentv-flve years experience, and ths Neatest and Best Furnished Bf.loon in the city, will give as pood a shave as can be had anywhere for Ih.A CKS'ld. New shop, new iurniture, anu siiiiKiiietiou guaraiiceeu, . Middlostre' nrxt door to Detrlok's, ' - majriSftr . . RAILROADS. J CHATiSE BF SCHEDULE. f. j iJ"li jiSa f i T Atlantic A C. Railroad TIME TABLE No 13, 1. ia .:i .i, ' la Effect 19:00 1M Sunday, March 15, 160. '! EAST. .J.i WBST. iiT No. II. KxDreu Ko.50 XxpreM, Pus.kM&U 8TATIOH9 Pan r. u. r. m A. M. A.M. .807 Ooldtboro, 11 6K 11 SO 6U 17 4 47 87 La Oran 1123 10 SO 0 23 ft 60 Kinaton,-., U 1 10 W - s 00 810 08 10 lit Korekead lpot,.... I P. M. A. M. A, M EAST. WEST., No.S No. 4 Mixed Frt A Mlxe Fgt Pass.Traia. 1 STATIONS. Fus. Tra a Arr. L-T8. Arr. ii'M A. M. A. M. 8 10 8 SO 8 25 865 10 51 11 12 11 87 12 10 12 89 P. M. 8 46 8 00 7 81 7 02 808 5 48 6 28 4 50 4 22 , 4 07 r. u. OoldbOIO,.'. . 8 41 10 8 48 10 18 11 OT 11 82 12 OS 12 84 12 61 127 8 10 7 46 La Orange, Falling Creek Klnston,..., Caswell. Dover M. (lore Creek ,... Tatesrora ........ Clarke's Newbern, 7 07 5 62 6 28 4 55 4 U 65 4 10 1 . P. X. 'IP... 8 3 P.M. P. M. EAST. WBST. No. t. I KlxedFttt: Past. Train., j N6T6. f Mixed Fgt. a .STATIONS. Pais. Train. Arr. fve: -. : Arr. L've. i .....H.M....NH IfMHMIMMMMmHXMH. ) A.M.i A.M.?' -, 1 i P.M.! ! 6 80! Newbern ! 1 65- 6 Hi 6 18; Rlverdale.. 1 04; 6 26; 6 SO; Cro&tan 12 51 54; 8 58; Havelock.. 12 22; 7 80; 7 44- Newport ....... i 11 40; T 66J 8 00!WUdwood .-.! 11 2S: 8 28; 8 82- Morehead City I 10 50: 8 87; - Morehe&d Depot.-! i A. u. ! A.M. i - I A.M.i P. M 1 09 12 56 12 27 11 50 11 28 10 55 10 40 A.M. Train 50 connects with Wilmington 4Wel- don Train bound North, leaving Cloldsboro 12:23 p. and with Richmond A Danville Train west, leaving uoldsboro 12:30 p.m and Wilmington A Weldon Train South at4:57p.m. .Train 61 connects with Richmond 4 Danville Train, arriving at Ooldsbcro 4:60 p.m , and with Wilmington and WeHon Train from the North at 4:57 p.m. Trains 4, 6 AO, Mondays, Wednesdays and Trains 50 and 61. dallv excent Snnilnv Train 8, Tuesdays, Thursdiiysand Saturdays i rain 01 supper at Klnslon. , . . W. Dunn, Superintendent. Midland N. C. Railway. TIME TABLE M. 10, In effect Sunday, March 15,1865 WEST. KAST No.l. Mixed Train. ! No. 2. Mixed Train STATIONS,' Arr. - L've. Arr. I've. r.M. it. it. i - a, v. ! km. I 6 SO ;Uol(Hboro.... .... : 7 40 5 48 i 5 49 (Copelands .... : 7 21 7 22 6 01 ! 0 02 Princeton 7 08 i 7 (l 0 08 1 24 1 UH i Holt's fflill........M 7 01 7 02 6 25 -Pine Level : 0 45 0 40 6 40 : :8mthfleld- 6 So . DAIL1 EXCEPT SUNDAY. - Train 2 connects with Wilmineton A Wel don Train leaving Goldsboro, going North aw p. m.. ana wun Kichiuona a Danville Train going West, leaving GoldBboro 12:30 a. m, ana wun a. a n. u. xrain, going bast leaving Goldsboro 8:10 a.m. Train 1 connects with W A w Train from the gorth arriving Goldsboro 4:57 p. m , and with A D Train from the West, arrivins OoUIk-I boro 4:50 p. m., and with A A N O Train from the Kast arriving Uoldsboro 11:60 a.m. and 7:31 P.m. . W. Dunn, ' Superintendent. JAMES REDMOND, .' " Afent and Bottler i 1 OF THK- CELEBRATED -.".' 1't il. ' BEBCrNEB & EUGEL BREWING CO $ A AAAAJAMUJJA UUI - LAGER BEER New Berne, N. C. , ,i .,'( : This beer took4 premTums at the Cen ..,.mi.M..i'.L , . tennitu xjxniuinuiit ns rouaueipnia ana the Paris JSjcnositjoB, Keeps potter thai) any other in warm, climates, and is tht favorite brand wherever known. -," For sale In kegs or crates. . dw PATENTS Obtained, and all PATENT BUSI- jVxfdo at home or abroad attended to or MODERATE FEES. 4 -u- Our office is opposite the U. 3. Pat ent Office, and we can .obtain Patents in less time ; than those remote from WASHINQTON. . i ,1. .v. ,,i . ; Send MODEL OR DRAWING. We advise as . to patentability free .of charge and we VHA K OE NO FEE UNLESS PATENT JS ALLOW- ; We refer kere, to. the Postmaster, the Supt of Money Order Div and to officials ; bf the U; S,. Patent 1 Office. For circular,' advice, ' "terms, and ref erences, to actual clieqts in your own State or county, write to - ' . t.Tu ; ' U. A. SNOW & CO I M Opposite Patent Office, V V, " WAshitgton.D. C. STEAMERS. neuse treitt: RIVER t Staamboat Company ; Will run the following Schedule on and after Friday, August 22d, law : . Steamer Trent Will leave New Bern for Polloksvllle. Tren ton and Intermediate landings every Wed nesday iM Vrlday, returning on Thursday and Saturday. Steamer Einston Will leave Newbern for KtaBton every TUBS DAT tnd FRIllAYr rnturnlnor leaves Kin ston for Newbern every MONDAY and THURSDAY; toaohlBgatJolly old Field and all intermediate points both going and coin- in . ,. f : These steamers make close connection with the O. D. 8. 8. Co. and North Carolina Freight Uue. For further Information apply to W. K. STY RON, Jr., at Newborn. W. F. Stablt, Klnston- D. S. Baebub, Polloksvllle. " X T.4 WTLSON.'Agent at Trenton. J. P. QU1N1BI.T, Jolly Old Field. J. B. Banes. Quaker Bridge. J. M. WH.TTE, Qen'l Manager, eb7dw Kinston.N.0 NEW-BERNE AND PAMLICO Steam Transportation Co'v. Nkw BkknK, N. C, Oct. 81, 1884. FALL SCHEDULE OF THE STEAMER 'elm city' " to go Into effect on and after November 5, 1884: Wednesdays- Leave New Berne at stopping at Adams and Stonewall. 2, m., for Bayboro, reek, Vandemere rldavs Leave stonewall at 8 a.m. ror Berne, stopping at Vaudemero and Ada s Creek. Saturdays Leave i.ew uerne at p.m. ror Landing, stopping at Adams Creek. Lake Tuesdays Lave laks Landing at iu a. m. ror ew Berne, stopping at Adams Creek. By this arrangement we are able to make close connection with the Northern steam ers, also having good accommodations both for passengers and freight at very low rates, ask that the merchants and producers along its line to give it ineir cneeriui support. Freight received under cover every day of the week For further information enquire at the of fice, Foot of Craven street. B. R. PIEKCE,Agt. New Berne, N.C. Or any of its Agents at the following places: ABC Li&a, Aaams ureeK, G. I. WATSON, Lake Landing, 1). H. ABBOTT, Vandemere, C. H. FOWLER, Stonewall, W. H. SAWYER, Bayboro, 8. H. GRAV, !an21d&wly General Manager. OL.X DOMINION Steamship Company. SEMI-WEEKLY LINE Foi New YorK, Baltimore, Nor folk, Boston, Elizabeth City, Philadelphia, Providence, and other Cities. ON AND AFTER Monday July 2nd, 1883, UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE Steamer. Shenandoah Will leave, npon arrival of train on Norfolk southern Railroad at Elisabeth City, every MONDAY AND THURSDAY for New Berne. Retnrnin leaves New Rerna lor jcuz&Dem uity every TUESDAY AND FRIDAY at 4 p. m., makinr close connection with Nor- lolK bontbern a. R. lor Northern cities, (Jlose connection made at New Kerne with steamers for Kinston, Polloksville, Trenton and all landinics on the Nense and Trent Kivers. no freights received for shipment on Tuesdays and Fridavs sfur SU n m. Freight forwarded promptly and lowest rates guaranteed to destination. Fare to Elizabeth Ulty ana return. 4. To Norfollt, (5. To Bal timore,sn. To Mew Xork,13.l. E. B. ROBERTS, Ag't, New Berne, COLFSPPKB A TDBKIB, ' ? t S ' Ai Wnrfnlk V .'H. Stakfobd, Qen'l frt Ae't. . 4 . new york City. . pl - . nr.. .v-v v t 5 0 L FUR NEW YORK, BOSTON, PROVIDENCE, -"'-"T1 North and West I Afte h dat wul receire reiiht in New York lurmwiwtwei , PIER 7S NORTH RIVER, 0flke of Nexn Jorlc and Baltimore ri-iV. i Transportation Co. Merchants should remember that this Is one of the beet Steam Lines out of New York, making dally connection with Baltimore for New Berne; allinslde, and only one change. . t SEMI-WEEKLY STEAMERS Between' New. Bene and Baltimore. r-i H fTonching at Norfolk) ' ! Leaving New Berne for Baltimore TUESDAYS . f ltUIAYN at 1 n m. LfllLve Kftltimnra 1m New Berne WEDNESDAYS dnd SATURDAYS Agents are as follews: ' 1 . " EUBSN FOSTER, Oonl Jrsnager, . M Light St, Bal't. Hd. AS. W. McCARRICK, Agt Noolk, VA. f I " W. P. Clyde ft 0v. Philadelphia,' II Santa hurtes.- . v . - ...... Yerk A Balto. Tran. Llne.Ptet TJJoru river E.Sampeoa, Boston, &S Central wharf. K. H. Rockwell, Providence B. I. D. O. Mink, Fall River. Derrick wharf . Shipe leave Boston, Tuesdays and SMordsys. ' New York daily. ' " Baltimore, Wednesdays nd 8ttirdy. ' ' " Fall River, Mondays, Wednesdays - Fridays. ' ' Providence, Saturdays. . through bills lading given, and rates gnarast ! to all prints at the dllTerent offlcee of the. ; mpanisM A ? V I'i .'; V' f '- . Iroid Breakage ol Bulk i:d Ship m r: K-vNvC. LINE..-.- d Mar M ly S H GRAY Agt N.w B.rns.N State of North Carolina, . 3 yraven. (.ouaty.i The subscriber havinc aualilied as Admin- " lstratorof tha estate of Juahua 11 Brlnn. deceased, on the 5th day of March, A. D. 1BS0, oeiore tne To hate Court of (.raven , County, hereby notifies all persons having claims against said estate, to present them nr paymens on or Deiore me 7 in oay u March. 1886, or this notice will be plf sild in ' bar of their recovery. . - . All persons indebted to said estate will make Immediate payment.- ion mis uui aay or March, inns. JA8. 0 HARRISON, mar7 6w Publlo Administrator. . 1885. .1 Harper's Weekly.j I LLV STItAT EI, . . IlARPEft's Weekly t as now, for " twenty years, maintained its position as the leading illustrated weekly news paper in America. With a constant incrcaso of literary and artistio re sources, it is able to offer for the ensu ing year attractions unequalled by any previous volume, embracing a capital illustrated serial story ty W. E. Nor- . ris; illustrated articles with special . referonce to the West and South, in cluding the World's Exposition at New Orleans; entertaining short sto ries, mostly illustrated, and important papers by high authorities on the chief topics of the day." " " Every one who dt sires a trustworthy political guide, an entertaining and in structive family journal, .entirelyfree from objectionable features in -either letter-press or illustrations, should sub scribe to Harper's Weekly. Harper's Periodicals. PER 'EAR: HARPER'S WEEKLy...... ......'.....i 00 HARPER'S MAGAZINE ..... 4 00 HARPER'S 1JAZAR 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE .... 2 CO HARPER'S FRANKLIN SQUARE LI BRARY, One Year (52 Nnmbers)..10 CO Poetage Free to all subscribers in the United States or Canada. The Volumes of the Weekly Win with the first number for January of each year. When no time is men tioned, it will be understood that the subscriber wishes to commence with the Number next alter the receipt of order. The last Five Annual Volumes or Harpers Week. v. in neat cloth bind- ing, will bo sent by mail, postage paid, or by express, free of expense (provid ed the freight does not exceed one. dol lar per volumo), for $7 per volume. tlotn Cases lor each volume, suit able for binding, will be sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of $1 00 each. Remittances should bo made bv Post-Office Money; Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss, v' . ' ' Newspapers aro not to copy this td- Vertisemcnt without the express order of Harper & Brothers. Address HARPER & BROTHERS, New York. 1885. Harper's Magazine, ILLUSTRATED. With the new volume, beginning in December, Harper's Magazine will concludo its thirty-fifth year. Tho oldest periodical of its type, it is yet, in each new volume, a new magazine, not simply because it presents fresh' subjects and new pictures,, but also, and chiefly, because it steadily ad vances in the method itself of maga zino making. In a I word, the Magazine becomes more and more the faithful mirror of current life and movement. Leading features in tho attractive programme for 1885 aro: new serial novels bf Constance Feni more Woolson and W. D. Ilowells; a new novel entitled "At the Red Glove;" descriptive illustrated papers by F. D. Millet, B. Swain Gifford, E. A. Abbey, II. Gibson, and others; Goldsmith's "She Stoops to Conquer,'' uustratoa Dy Abbey; important pa iers on Art, Science, etc. . Harper's Periodicals. PER YEAR: HARPER'S MAGAZINE...,.. i Otf HARPER'S weekly.';...L...:..'..;.1'..1:4 oo HARPER'S BAZAR ... 4 m rJARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE.....,..... 2 00 HARPER'S FRANKLIN SQUARE LI- PBARY, One Year (52 Numbers)....,..w.0 00 'Postaga Froe to all subscribers' -lnV th United States or Canada. . -( The volumes of .the Magazine begin with tho Numbers for June and De ' cember of each year. When no. time is specified, it wilf be understood that - the subscriber wishes to begin witb the current ndmben ' '- vm The last eleven Semi-annual - Vol uraes of Harper's. Magazine, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of 3.00 per vol ume. -Cloth Cases, , for binding, 60 cents eachby mail, postpaid. . v index to Harpers Magazine, Ah phabetical, Analytical and Classified,' for Volumes 1 to 60, inclusive, from June, 1850, to June, 1880, one vol 8to, Cloth, 14.00. 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