FT BMW, jdET- 1 if i. :.J,'f-ii.! VOL. IV. NEW BERNE. N. C. FRIDAY, APEIL 10. 1885. NO. 9. LOCAL NEWS. jHrBainiolmtr Almaaae. Now Berne, latitude.' 35 8' North. r " longitude, 77 West. Sun rises. 5:83 I Length of day, Sun seta, 6:31 1 18 hours, 50 minutes. Moon rises at 2:43 a.m. ' BUSINESS LOCALS. . N. M. Gaskiil has a full line of spring samples. Suits cot and made to fit in the latest styles. Call and examine samples. ' ' ' ' aSswf M. II. Sultan has opened his stock of goods in the store recently occupied by .Asa Jones. ';" ;' ,VC m27tf A large io or Business varan juss re- , . , , . -yj I Geo. Alien Jk Ce. have pea boxes in fiadiness. - .New Berne Lodge No; 443, Knights of rtonor, meets to-night.' f. ' " " . It iB understood here that the Farmers' bank of Norfolk closed its doors on Thursday.' , - , . . . . Lewis Washington was moving a house yesterday on the premises of Major Hughes. ... , Mr. E. W. Small wood requests as to state that he is not a candidate for councilman in the second Ward. The schooner Cora, Capt. Flowers, arrived from Swan Quarter yesterday evening with a cargo of peas and beef cattle. ' . ' ." . " -" ' ' . . Moore & Brady hye pommenced driving oiling at Union Point, under the skillful superintendence of "Hi, : Gaston Manly.' Two buildings are to be erected, 28x100 feet each. , ' , "" Our local brokers were in receipt of r telegrams yesterday which indicated . excitement in the grain market, caused no doubt by a declaration of war be ' tween England and Russia. " ' . ' lr.u.aarxs nas reserved space iur his advertisement, which- win appear Sunday morning. He and his clerks v- v,..n;in .J t,;a ra- turn. from the north opening ana ar- ranging his big scock. IjOok out ior . .. what he has to say on Sunday morning The revival at Fifth Street Methodist church continues with unabated inter est. It will probably continue through .A.' t onH Inncfir If there is work to ... . . . I i i vf r ,jv.j - 1 A a TTn f Vnniiiv niiyhe r.hnrA nftn I been 264 professions, and 231 accessions. fcinn thn lt Jannarv the additions . . km m. - numDeraw. rvu.. oiur. . Trying to Get an Office. ' t The friends of Capt. Gates were sur- .tA .f.o. fn caa iohnt. nn effort . iri,. . ne was maamg w i uu.o. " at his lately purchased store a pennon 91 he 12 fp(t. Ha intends to stand - square for Civil Service Reform when i .m .o.wk' a new ha , cets tin. and will, suggest a new slogan: Instead of turn the lascals out, his will be keep the rascals out. Tax litter. s; 1 1 :,f ' - ' The .county commissioners have ap pointed the following gentlemen to list tho taxes for the present year: ' 1st 'township, W. H." Ellison; -2nd township, S. W. Latham; 3rd township, Jfe ,W. Biddle; 6th township, Wm. P. Stantont 6th township, T, H. Mallison; ?th township, Wm. Foy, 8th township, ' W. O. Brinson: 9th township, W. B. Lane. ' ' r .-"' 1 ii n.ni 'i . fPeaBeeord. By reference to the Journal files we ni tVio fii-at Rhinmant of neas made " " ' K . a tram New Berrie in 1884 was on the 11th ; dy of; April; Dr. House' and H. R. ' Bsyan, Esq., forwarded a box each pn that day. 'In 1833 the first shipment uTJ?t?I rr;T tmn ra lrtftiia hflinff , iudjo mi b " " . shipped on April 10th. ,it t i there will be any shipments this year befoethef 25th," though the crop has grown rapidly, for the last week or ten days. , ' Jarora for Spring Term. The county commissioners have drawn the following jurors for the spring term f the SuDerior court which convenes 'ontheUSth day of May: ; FIRST WEEK. VA ward Ilavens. colored. John E well, James F. Taylor, Jesse Brooks, colored, II. H. Simmons, colored, G. F. M. Dail, "! Y. Herrineton. E. E. Bryan, W.' A Thomas, John B.- Ernul, M. H.' Carr, David B. Caton, Thos. M. Gaton, A. E. T'urifv. Alexander Brinkley. Isaac B, Tn -in. Thomas Hooker.' Daniel Daugh- rttr Turpnl Pnttinher. colored. Joseph fnrd. colored. Asa E. Dunn, M. P. i!a!!v. rolored. Henrv French, Wm. Nobles, W. P. Toler, Uardy Willis, Asa Li. isynum. jonn r. ipocs, uuuu xi. Hell. F. P. Gaskins, John A. Nelson, F. Jerrv Heath. Charles E. Nel son, O. Marks and John P. C. Davis. second week. ' - r ri(!l Lane, A. R. Dennison, John I). ;. V l -. c M S. Langert, Moses Patterson, i n Tor nor. Jns. II; Hunter, D. W. ' A "if 1 Gafikins. James M. Wil- I i (' '.ins, E. R. Dudley,1 col., ,' r ..(',, f n. II. II. Williams. A. J. - - t. ' in. II. Watwn. Wm. Lorch Important Qacatlon. , . The inquiries propounded by '"Trent' as to what indueements will be offered the stockholders of the Atlantio and North Carolina railroad to lease to the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad Com pany, are very important; in fact,, they are of so much importance thatPresi j dent Bridgers will probably only an swer them to a body that has the power to make the lease. If, however,: he should regard a meeting of the citizens of this section, as suggested at a meet ing held at the Board Trade rooms last Monday night, of sufficient importance I to- call forth any promise from him, then the meeting should be composed of citizens nil ftlnnc the line and not of ... Smmoj!ofa conli ia HUM "J ... WU lUkU WWH.VU M.VUW. Einston and La Grange are important shipping points; tho county is a large stockholder, besides having many indi vidual stockholders, and - any meeting, outside -of the annual stockholders meeting, held for the , purpose of considering what is best to do with this property should have representatives from these points as well as others along the line. The opinion already prevails about Einston that New Berne thinks the road belongs to her, and it may be they have a cause for so thinking. A1 any rate a meeting to have any force with the Governor or stockholders of the company should be attended by all sections along the line of the road. To Shippers. , Wa call attention to tho advertise ment of Mr. Benj. W. Davis, which ap pears in this issue. By way of intro ducing Mr. Davis to our readers and shippers in this section we copy the fol lowing notice from the New York Mar ket Journal: ' Hardly nine months have passed since Mr. Benj. W. Davis left his native place, Wilmington, N. C.to locate in business in this city, and yet to day, at iia tsar- clay street, will be found the subject of . . very where as if twenty years m the business. Having received a thorough business education at nunie wuu vv. u. uuiib u tial firm8 in North Carolina, he desired to risk the chances held out by the Me tropolis to active, wide-awake men. and came here, and at once, by his genial manners and obliging disposition, made friends among the dealers of downtown, and, at once sending cards and circulars snippers, immeaiate.y received consignments of apples, etc . .. . .. i 1 . i , wnicn would naraiy reacn me BiaewaiK ere they were sohJ, and before the sun went down Mr. Davis would nave toe returns mailed to tne snipper, . mU,..t n, . tha f A 11 113 n V OVCIU- VA UlVUiuu ivvuiua id vw I real foundation of his success, and he is now soliciting and receiving consign- ments from all sections of New York, Pennsylvania and from his native State. From the Carolinas, besides vegetables and fruiti ho ais0 solicits and receives atl kinda of flsn turtie, tertapin, etc, on commission, and trade has become so great at these points that he haAes: tahhshed an agency at WJmington, N. C. and Moss Neck. N. C. He will the coming season handle fruit of all kinds, and on April 1st will take possession of more commodious Quarters at 106 Barclay street. Mr. Davis, still a very young man, has learned the lesson, that to haye a thing done wen one should see to it himself, and this he does his personal supervis ion is given to 'every detail of his busi ness, and it results as it always does, successfully, Confederate Bazaar at BaMmove. The . bazaar now open in the Fifth Regiment Armory at Baltimore for the benefit" of disabled Confederates of the Maryland line is reported as a grand affair. ' . .;;-''; The North Carolina table is under the management of Mrs. T. J. Boykin, president; Mrs. E. P. Ball, Mrs. J. W. Carmer, Mrs. J. S. Whedbee, Mrs. N. D. Norman, Mrs. Bartlet Johnson, Mr. nn New Berne should be proud of her rep. I .... r J MD resenraurea. ' Juro. uaiurai auu i vvneauee, in tu poinuviu Various states have tables or booths and there .is an endless variety of ar ticles offered at them. The results will doubtless be large. . To the Public. . Having heard from several parties that -the report is circulated that I am Annnaiui tn bAAnmor nn tne tire ueoart - ment in its present organization, I take this method of denying the insinuation, and I openly assert that the department has no firmer or truer menu man my- self and refer to my past record to prove the same. I have no doubt but that the above report has been cirou- lated in order to influence votes in the coming ward election, as I am a candi date for councilman from tne on wara. m - - thos. Daniels. New Bernb N.C., April 8, 1885. C. D. KICK, MANAGER ; . Southern Dep t.. - Raleigh, N. C. Dear Sir: I took a policy in the Mutual Trust Fund Life Association of Now York in Feb. 1884, and I am so well pleased with it that I have this day applied for an increase of my insur ance. Keepectiuny, d&wtf , Sam'l W. Smallwood. Take "Sine's Syrup of Tar for coughs and colds. Only k2Sc. Dor sale cy K. N. Duffy. febldwom What Dees the Lease Propose 1 Editor Jocbnal: As we are to Lave a meeting of -the business men and farmers to consider the proposition of a lease oi trie A. ecu. (J.Kaiiroad it would seem proper for the Wilmington and Weldon Company and the friends of lease to come to the front and inform the publio what they propose to do with the road, if they get it. i What can tho lessee promise the stockholders In the way of rent or divi dend? -: ' What improvements will the lessee make in the material condition of the road, rolling stock, eto. What degree of rapid transit will the lessee assure us, and what better facil than now enjoyed? . , Wbat increased benefits and advant ages may the people along the line of the road from Morehead to Goldsboro expect from a lease of the road? The A. & N. C. Railroad runs through one of the finest regions of the South for truck farming, the most of which is a barren waste, a. terra incognita to the outside world. What would the pro posed lessee do toward bringing these lands into notice, inducing truck farm ers to occupy them, and to stimulating general industries all along the liner In a general way what compensating advantages has the lessee to assure the people against the apprehended, natural and almost necessary discriminations which the Wilmington and Weldon Company may be expected to make in favor of itself, as against the cheap lines of water transportation out of New Berne, and against the progress and de- velopment of Ne.w Berne by heading off her trade from above? These are some of the things the neO' pie have a right to know from those into whose hands they may fall, and as the matter is one of general discus' sion, the proposed lessees are asked to come forward and respond to an anxious and interested public. . Trent, Einston Items. Four new dwellings in course of erection in Einston. Horde fish and herrings are dividing the honors with the shad now. Mr. Jas. A. Pridgen and lady left for New Orleans on Wednesday. Some of the Einston merchants are anticipating dull times this spring and summer. - Rev. Mr. Jones, the Pastor of the Methodist Church, has commenced series of meetings at his Church. Mr. H. Archbell will use artificial ice this season. It has proved to be more sol id, and lasts longer than natural ice, It would be well for our city fathers to look after the sanitary condition of our town, before the hot weather comes upon us, Miss Sudie Roberts of Chestertown Md., daughter of an old University classmate of the reporter, ia visiting relatives at Key. Israel Harding's. Only one hundred have registered up to date April 8th). Haskitt is the Registrar. , Two hundred more citizens names are needed to fill, out the com' plement of voters. Notwithstanding : the ' scarcity of flowers ; this season, the Episcopal Church here was beautifully decorated on Easter Sunday. The musio also was delightful-it could not have been otherwise, with the, performer and otherwise, with the : performer and singers that constitute the choir. The engineer of the mail train on the A. and N. C. Railroad bound west, on Wednesday morning, disco verd colored man asleep on the track near Einston. The train was stopped and the man was persuaded to get off the track. Soon afterwards, .the freight train from the west came along and ran over the man's bag of meal and piece of meat, just grazing the man himBeir. lie was intoxicated. Some Mad New Yorkers. . " Some of the maddest men in the country to-day are the members of a high-toned New York UluD, whose "shooting bar" is on the shores or uur rituck Sound, N. C. These gentlemen are fond of shooting ducks, and finding good sport in Currituck, came there and built a fine club house and bought a lot or two of land. Much to their surprise, they learned a few months ago that unless a man is a resident of the State he cannot go out in a boat to shoot ducks! He must shoot from the snore, or not at all! Result: the "local sports men" of Currituck, being residents, would go out in boats on the sound and bag all the game, while the JNortnerners, who had spent their money to build tne club house, pranced up and down the shore, but could seldom get a snot at a bird. , Here was a dilemma, until at last some one saw a way out of the difficulty. ;.. ' .';.;...-'" ;,:.-., v , It so happens that Curritucic owes a debt of several thousands of dollars. Now these moneyed men, who were al- i reauv spending 27,UU0 a year down there, offered to pay the whole debt of the connty if the people would,, give them the privilege of shooting on the souna. up w dhw jK'uutuio went a delegation armed with the money to pay off the entire Indebtedness, but, lo and behold, the Legislature refused to Dass the billl Well, amore disgusted crowd of duck-shooters than, these New Yorkers would be hard to una. Jiattf more Record. ,. . - . . . New Berne, N. C, April 7, 1885. O. D. Rice, Gen'l Ao't, Dk . Kaleisrh.N. u. Dear Sir I take pleasure in' statins that I have been a member of tbe mu tual Trust Fund Life Association of New York since Sentember. 1883. was thirty-five years old when I joined the comDanv, and mv insurance has cost me only $5.73 per year on the thou? Sana. ; ' v-..; -' ' I cheerfully recommend the Associa tion to thepublio. - , , '.. ' ,r Respectfully; i a9dwtf W. P. BurruS, THK HEART OF JESUS. WRITTEN FOB TBS BOSTON COMMON WIALTU. Embalmed and closed in silver case The heart of Bruce Lord Douglas bore. And when the Pany m round him pressed tie tossed the casket far before. 'In life," he oried, "you always led, While Douglas followed close behind: Go foremost still III cut my way ihe sacred heart of Bruce to find." The heart of Jesus I sacred heart I , I'll follow wheresoe'er it leads; Not dead, like Douglas' heart of Bruce; X or all mankind alike it bleeds. No single church in silver case inclosed the heart of Jesus holds: That generous heart, that loving heart, Humanity divine enfolds. But like the Douglas we must cut Our way through foes that heart to find. And feel that God so loved this world . He gave his heart for all mankind. Mary Bayard Claeke. General Grant's Condition. Nbw Yohk, April 8. Drs. Barker. Shrady, Douglass and Sands consulted at 2 p. m., and at 8:10 p. m. Dr. Barker came out. tie said "our patient is stronger to-day than yesterday. His pulse also shows it. He dropped asleep after examination. I have no fear of a critical result to-day or to night." a:BU p. u. At the consultation at 2 p. m. Drs. Barker. Sands. Shrady and Douglas were present, and it was agreed that the treatment used for the last 24 hours should be continued, and that the general condition of the patient was ira proved. His pulse is now sixty-six and fuller. Temperature ninety-nine de grees. (Signed) J. H. Douglas. M. D. Geo. T. Shrady, M. D. The Latest News. Washington, April 8. The comp troller of currency is informed by the examiners in charge of the suspended Exchange national bank, of Norfolk, that the bank is insolvent and will have to be placed in the hands of a receiver, The failure of this bank is regarded as a most serious one. The amount due. ' to depositors alone amounts to over 3,000,000. A committee repre senting the depositors waited on comp troller Cannon to-day and requested the appointment of a resident of Norfolk as receiver of the bank. Mr. Brown, of the comptroller s office, who is examin ing the affairs of the bank, has been summoned to Washington for the pur pose of conferring with the comptroller on the subject of the receivership. Rome, April 8. The Pope is again ill and is confined to his bed. His symp toms are so grave as to cause great solicitude. Boston, April 8. A suit has been brought in the supreme judicial court for Suffolk county, by the national soldiers' home for disabled volunteer soldiers, against Benjamin F. Butler, to recover $15,000 alleged to be due for failure to account while acting treasurer of the home. The ad-damnum of the writ is $20,000. The suit was entered at the present April term of the court. -Dublin, April 8. The Prince and Princess of Wales arrived at 2 p. m. and were accorded a splendid reception. In answer to the address of welcome, the Prince said he was delighted to renew his acquaintance with Dublin. The party were greeted everywhere with enthusiasm. The houses on both sides of the avenues-along which they pro ceeded were adorned with beautiful decorations, and the windows and roofs were crowded with spectators, eager to catch a glimpse of their future king and queen. Chicago, April 8. On the face of the returns every precinct m the city hav ing been heard from, the vote for mayor stands: Harrison, (Democrat) 42,920, Smith, (Republican) 42,586; Harrison's plurality B34.,,, The Kerlsed Old Tesfameut London, April 5. The revised edition of the Old Testament will be issued to the publio on May 1st. Several Ameri can publishers have made efforts to forestall the issue in England by at tempting to secure advance proofs. American publishers have ottered as high as $5,000 for single advance prints. It is not believed that any of these en terprising Yankees .have succeeded in getting what they sought. -Their efforts, becoming known, have caused those having the work under oontrol to adopt the strictest precautions to prevent ad' vance publications. ' . Investigations show that the recent reports, to the effect that the committee of revisers have found reason to believe their work will prove a popular failure; have been entirely without foundation, The orders for the revised Old - Testa ment already exceed those secured be fore publication for the revised edition of the New Testament. - '. . Ward Meeting. Democrats of the Ibird Ward are requested to meet at Weinstein Build ing Monday night, April utn, at a p. m, for the purpose of nominating a candi date for Councilman, and the transac tion of any other business that may come before them. .;.!,.,-..;,. , - Thos. Daniels, Chm'n. Startling Cases - Mr. R. R. Saulter, of Athens, Ga. says: "B. B. B. has cured on me an ulcer which has resisted all other treatment for 50 years." . ' j,' , . J. M. Ellis, of Atlanta, was cured of stubborn ' case of Eczema of twelve years standing by the use of B.B. B. ; ' I have been almost entirely cured of nasal catarrh of several years standing by 3 bottles of B. B. B. I have tried manv other remedies, but none equal B. B. B. It is a quick cure, while others are slow. J. J. hardy, . For sale in Newbern by R.' N. Duffy COMMEKCIAL. , Journal Oiiick. April 9. 8 P. M. " COTTON. New York futures quiet; spots steady. Middling 11 8-16; Low Middling 10 7-8; Good Ordinary 10 316. , ruTCBxs. April, 11.09 September, 11.14 May, 11.17 October, 10.67 June, 11.27 November, 10.50 July, 11.84 December, ,10.50 August, 11.43 January, 10.57 New. Berne market dull. No sales. Middling 10 1-8: Low Middling 9 13-16; Good Ordinary 91-8. 'KICK. New Berne upland $1.00a$1.09. 1 DOIdKSTIC MARKET. Cotton Seed $10.00. , Seed Cotton $3.50. Barrels Eerosene. 49 gals., 85c. Turpentine Hard, $1.15; dip, $1.75. tar 75o.a91.2a. Corn 50a60c. Beeswax 20o. per lb. Honey 60c. per gallon. Beef On foot, 5o. to 7c. Country Hams 12o. per lb. " Lard 10c. per lb. Egos lOo. per dozen. Fresh Pork 6o. per pound. Peanuts 60a75c. per bushel. Fodder 75o.a$1.00 per hundred. Onions $1.56a2.00 per bbl. Field Peas Hides Dry, 10c.; green 5c. Tallow 5c. per lb. Chickens Grown, 40a50c.; spring 20a30o. Meal 65c. per bushel. Oats 50 cts. per bushel. Turnips 50c. per bushel. Wool 12al7c. per pound. Potatoes Sweet, 25a50c. Furs Coon skins, 80o.; fox, 50c. mink, 50c; otter from $3ao. Shingles West India, dull and n m inal; not wanted. Building. 5 inch, hearts, $3.00; saps, $1.50 per M. wholesale prices. New Mess Pork $14.00. Shoulders Smoked, No. 2, 7c, prime, 8c. C. R. and L. C. R. 7a8o. Nails Basis 10's, $2.50.. Flour $3.50a7.00. Potatoes $3.00. Lard 7ia9c. Sugar Granulated, 6o. Salt 90o.a$1.00 per sack. Molasses and Syrups 20a45r, Eerosene 91c Powder $5.50. Shot $1.60. BENJ. W. DAVIS, Commission Merchant and (SHIPPER OF BANANAS.) Southern Fish, Fruits AND Produce a Specialty. 06 Barclay St. NEW YORE. - CONSIGNMENTS solicited. PROMPT RETURNS MADE. Nbw York Reverences E. Q. Blackford. 75 to 79 Fulton Fish Market; Brohan k Powell, 211 Washington st.; wm. Haalrer Co., 82 Harrison St. WILMINGTON (. U.I KEf EBENCM 5. IS. BurruBB, President 1st National Bank; Pres ton Camming & Co ; W. E. Davis A Son. apiuaum RECOVERED FROM THE FIRE ! Having recovered from the late fire, I hereby wish to call the attention of my Patrons and the publio in general that I am now occupying the Store lately oc cupied by Asa Jones, and wishing a continuance of the liberal patronage given me heretofore, I have received by every steamer since tbe fire a COMPLETE NEW STOCK OP Spring and Summer Goods, which I will sell at REDUCED PRICES. For the NEXT SIXTY DAYS I will sell goods saved from the fire BELOW COST. CLOTHING. I have a Large and Nice Selected Stock of the Latest Styles, which I will sell LOWER than any other House in the city. Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hats, Trunks and Valises, at the lowest possible prices imaginable. In BOOTS and SHOES I will not be undersold. M. H. SULTAN. ap8 d3m Warning! It having been brought to ouratten tion that one Oscar Williams, formerly Of Lenoir County, N. C, is representing himself as our Agent for Fire Insurance, and that he nas collected monies from divers persons in the Counties of Craven, Beaufort, Pamlico ana Hyde under such Jalse, representations; this is to warn the publio that said Williams is not our agent.'":-' . - . s WATSON e? STREET, :, ; . Gen. Ins. Agents, ap8dlw .H New Berne, N. C, For Rent, The Brick Store adjoining the Banking House of Green, Foy & Co., on South Front street. " ' , Possession given May 1st, 1885. , a3dtf JOHN A. RICHARDSON. CLOSING OUT Groceries, Tobacco, - Cigars, Stoves, Etc. Etc. Having determined to close out our . -' - stock, we offer our ENTIRE STOCE by - -the package - v. - At Cost for Cash Only. - a rare cnance to buy good Cigars, v Tobacco and Groceries at COST. ' A few fine Cook Stoves at cost also. Wm. Pell Ballance & Co. - - ap8dtf , . . Notice, Notice is hereby given that amplica tion will be made to Board of City Council for privilege to erect by 8tock Company a Market House at foot Middle street, baid Market House to be ruined over to city when it shall have paid in rentals for cost of construction, with a iair equivalent for use of capital in vested. an8iltf Notice. Certificate No. 801 foi one Bhareof thn stock of the Atlantio and North Caro lina Railroad, having been lost, notice is hereby given that I will make annli- cation for a duplicate of the same. ' JAMES C. HARRISON, Administrator of J. A. Suydam, Sr, apl d30d EHIAEUiS. JUST RECEIVED 4,000 POUNDS SUGAR-WEED CANVASSED lO Cents. - SOLD BY ACTUAL WEIGHT. F. ULRICH. mar20 lm For Rent, HOUSE and LOT, corner Craven and Union streets, recently occupied by Mr E. R. Jones. Apply to J. W. WALEER, fel5 tf Or W. F. ROUNTREE. NOTICE. Store and Furniture F0RJ3ALE. I will sell at Publio Auction, at the Store of F. BG5SSER, corner Middle and Broad streets, in the City of New Berne, OX SATUJIDAY, The 11th day of April, A.l.1885 The Store House occupied as a Furni ture Store by said Boesser: also the large lot of Furniture in said store, con veyed tome by said F. Boesser. Sale at TEN o'clock. ltd D. N. EILBUEN, Assignee. HE BEST BUILDING LIME IN THE WORLD. v The undersigned being satisfied that CARSON & SON'S CENTENNIAL MEDAL LIME is the best knowin in tbe world for building purposes, have ac cepted the sole Agency for New Berne, tbe Line or the "A. & N. C. R. R." and the territory tributary thereto; and are prepared to furnish it to builders, con sumers and the trade at prices far below wnat it nas ever sold at before in this market, either by the car load at points east of Best's on the "A. & N. C. R. R." or in lots to suit at New Berne. Gen. Meigs and Professor Baird place this Lime above all others; and from its purity (being absolutely free of magne sia) ana tne extra large size of its bar rels, it is warranted to go one-third fur ther than any other; thuB making it the best and cheapest Lime ever sold in this market. Special freight contracts en able us now to offer this Lime very low. OAESMITH & CO., Foot Pollock street, Now Berne.' . mh31 dw2w. : OUT OF THE FIRE ! L. II. CUTLER ' 18 NOW IN TOE ODD FELLOWS BCTILDINa Nearly opposite the old stand, with a FULL LINE OF Hardware and Cooking Stoves, LIME, CEMENT, PLASTER PARIS, HAIR, PAINTS, OILS AND PITTT,, Sash, Doors and Blinds ' ;f AT: COSTlii'-' A NICE LOT OF CROCKEEY - 2 "Will be pleased to see his former customers. -, ,-, . dw MRS. 8U8AN.STANLY : v AGENT FOR THE SALE OF . ROYSTER'S CANDY, , AT IIEK BOOK STORE, mh28d3n 1 v Pollock STitEE'f. - c