THE JOURNAL. NEW BEENE. N. C. APRIL 1G. 13S5. Scrofula. I have had hereditary scrofula broken ( PROFESSIONAL. Men Think Frank Gilchee, Danville, Ky. Eczema. How a "Corner" Is Worked. The speculators in the grain mar kets often engineer a rise or a de cline in prices, almost entirely irres pective of the supply on hand, or ter taking six bottles the fearful ulcers even of the cron nroanects. Corn on my neck and arms disappeared and or wheat will frequently be quoted he 0 ?nly remani m? i ki.i i.!i,- r. my sufferings. Had I taken S. 8. S. at 00,Ci vouM v yuou nju n fir8t ! would havebeen awell man long vuo uiuutu o uimvciicxs tuuu iafj, i ago, other months. Tho newspaper re- Oct 18, 1884, prts may give tho cause ot these .... - ' I T nraa a4TttnA naarlv tfli9 vcara "gamble," or the efforts of specula- ZIvv,Ta"j iT ';": wis. ueuce m may luteroau our first ervsineUs. I was treated bv nhv readers to know how a "comer" in sicians. I was cured by Swift fa Spe grain is worked. cine. I used about thirty bottles and Corners in gram markets are only navo naa no wouoie wun since. 1 possible when there is an excess of JSS&K for some Short sales. And, if one under- time such was my prejudice to the Stands the theory and practice 01 name of it; but having tried it myself, shore sales, ho can readily under- I now believe it the best blood purifier stand the working of a corner. In in. a11 mJ knowledge. It did another ES AND CIGARS KVSrt IO ; f ft O 1 ILUVH UtJUU lCllQVt'U, HUU UOilOVC outonmefor eight years My mother(I)Ri Q SHACKELFORD, and one sister died with it, and I, sup-, . surgeon uenusi, i NEW BEENE, N. C. they know all about Mustang Linv iment Few do. Not to know I not to have. 11. W. WAHAB, ; nuccemor to K. H. Wlndley,) " 'ISTILT.ERS' AGENT FOR. lira Rye and Corn Whisky AT WHOLESALE.. I posing that I would go as other mem-! bers of the family bad, baa despairea or ; life. The treatment of mercury and : potash seemed to aggravate instead of curing the disease. In this condition 1 was pressed to use Swift sSpeciuo. AI LIME. Office on Middle street, opposite Bap- rx a heat, ameiy, deliver, but in speculation a man it cured me. R. II. Jones sella what he has not, with the hope Cartersville, Ga., Aug. 25, 1884. of hflinflr iihln tn hnv anil ilnlirAr Mia 0 J I -r .1 Lin- , J mwla ot. a .icnr fiirnrn Tint uhubuwji, bcvbu yrmo uiu, uao a . . "y"r- .-""Ibfinn Afflicted with eozema for two Amrv hnahAl tlina an III must IiaI ..... .. AU -D T'li.-J'' L - ".-""yeara-ana aner trying otner remeaies toi zuc, XiUC xue. XJCer uougnt oacs; ax some ngure, uiguer m vain.-1 gave her Swift's Specific 1 or lower, Deiore uie transaction is i. . .), ana one anaanair potties AND PORTER. . or can hfl r.loHfid. And richfc hnro is cured her sound and well. It is the whern t.hfi misc.hififp.nmAa in. Tn oest Wood remedy in the country. 1 UuJNJbii a XjHUHjIj ujuEK. regular business when a man sells I . 1 r". Mrs. M. S. Judkins. Cedartown Mill, July 33, 1884. OIDER, PURE FRENCH BRANDY. II. W. WAHAB. South Front St. New Berne, N. ft -tat-d4wir. anything that IS tno.enil 01 tue Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases transaction, but revorv speculative mailed free. sale involves another buying trans- Tne Swift Specific Co., Drawers, At anflAn r oAnol Dina onH nmnnnf I lallta, VJa. .i n:,. i 4. ii for sale in New Berne at HANCOCK iiuu 1111a 10 tttuuu - Btjiuug ouuny I BROS Decause in such aeais a man agrees to deliver what he does not yet own, and hence he is short or minus MEETINGS OF LODUES. Coal, Goal, lb;, Hay, Ice, Ice, l"!nol TTqit Toa fir Wnnrl , , t FOR SALE BY VATSOtl & DANIELS. tist Church. mar23 dwly P. H. PELLETIEE, ATTOUNEY AT LAW, NEW BERNE, JT. C. Office on South Front street, third door from the corner or Craven street. Will Dracttee In the Courts of Carteret. Jones, Onslow and Craven. Special attention siven to the collection of claims, and settling estate of deceased per sons. JttUlllWU OWEN II. OXTIOIV, ATTOKNEY AT LAW, Offloe formerly oecuuted by Simmons & Manly, opposite Gaston House. Will practice In the Counties of Craven Jones, Onslow, Carteret, Pamlico and Lenoir iTompi attention paw to collections, apria-ddiwly. 500 Bbls. Hock Lime, ROSEHDALE AND PORTLAND CEMENT, White Lead, Paint, Oil, Varnish, Glass, Putty, Etc., Etci Lister and Whann's Plow Brand Guano, ' and Plaster and Phosphate, Etc., lLte., IMPROVED COTTONSEED. GEO. ALLEN & CO. C. R. THOMAS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OfHce on Craven street.l n Stanly Building near corner of Pollock street. uovldwly C. R. THOMAS, Jr., Attornoy At Xj,i7rv BEAUFORT, N. C. Office on corner of Turner and Front streets, will practice In Carteret and adjoining couniie8. Prompt attention to collection of claims, nov4 dwly WILLIAM J. CLARKE, COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Attends all the courts held at New Berne, North Carolina. Particular attention paid to collecting Claims, ana conveyancing. United States Commissioner. Sept. 18th, 1881. dw MUTUAL r Trust Fund Life Association OIF JTEW YOEK. Statement showing cost for Assessments fer the year 1884, on each ?1,000 insurance, at following Ages: 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 $3.00 $3.30 $3.72 $4.32 $4.92 $5.52 $6.30 $9.00 Risks written on Males and Females between the ages of 15 and 05. Reference is made to the following Members in New Berne : W. P. Burrus, Joseph Einsey, W. L. Erwin, Gen. Robert Ransom, S. W. Smalvood, E. T. Berry, W. L. Lewis, J. L. Rhem, and others who joined tho association in 1883 and 1884. Dr. C. D. RICE, Manager Southern Department, RALEIGH, N. C. APPLY AT THEIR that amount of actual stuft, and is St. Johns Lodge, No. 3, A. F. & A. M., compelled to buy it at some price, meets the 2d Wednesday night i n each lie can buy it the next day, or he monui- can defer it a month longer if he New Berne Chapter, No. 46, R. A. chooses. The man who sold Sep- M-i meets on the 2nd Monday in each tember corn short in August must monin a 0 P-m buy back all that he sold before the New Berne Lodge, No. 443, Knights close of September, or pay the price op Honor, meets on the 2d and 4 th H rr lt nnu in mAnnir 1 uav UIKUH IU ootu UIUULU. . . . . I Aoaoaamont Nn la nftuj rlup nnrl During last August or betore, an milH. hn .H nn nT hpfnrA tho 12th' da. . i,i i r t." J iluujcuoo tiiuuuuu ui uuiu n aa ouiu i qi January, looo " 1U "U i'-- Trent council, No. 411, Royal Ar- aeuvery. xne price oi corn at inai CANUM- meet8 on the lst or 3d Fridav time was thought to be higher than nights in each month. it would be when September came Assessment No. 64 is now due, and round. Wheat was 80 low, and the must be paid on or before the 17th day . . ' I si P Inn .i n 1 WV'l promise ot the new crop was so good, VL j that traders concluded there would Eureka Lodge, No. 7, I. O. O. F. be adron of at least ten cents a meets on the- 2d and 4th Monday nights bushel, so they all rushed in to se- mf" A a cure a part of the prospective protit. must be paid on or before the - day ivuu it tuo uiitiiiuu mm ueuu iou or a . 7 , i. T Neuse Council, No. 1, Order of Jn p XT ( TT O 1? r s u JiU,,ail'riu"0U8Ul uus"0' Chosen Friends, meets on the lst and j J2j XL yj U io Xli i had been thus sold for future deliv- 3d Wednesday nights in each month. iei y. Home paiuos put iucii uouua i noooMuucui n. uv toffflther and bousrht un all tho cash m.ust be Paid. ??or before tln 14th day New Berne. W- t3. corn in the elevators, and then went 01 ary nt.r tho mnrlTAf; nnrl h i lin t.hfi UOSMOFOLITAN UOUNCIL i.o.ail, AMER Call on us before purchasing else- nrice. t akin T all that was offered. ICAN LEa,I0N of Honor, mretson the lst , M3 dwly V V ' ;.,r' irh j- Z u r uutj J:u' and 3d Thursday night i m each month. J'AO UW1J anil still hiddmff hichfir for more. . i. t. ?f j... 0 -D ABseBsmenii no. io auw uuo, auu Very soon some of the Shorts saw mU8t be paid on or before the 14th day the market going against them, and of January, 1S80 oegan to ouy duck at a loss wnai local Branch No. 95, Order op the they had previously sold. This, of Iron Hall, meets on the 3d Monday course, greatly increased the num- night in each month. ' ... , A a t a k : .1 1 heir nf hnvers. and sent the market aoB"suk u. u uu uuo, ouu up faster. After the boom was fn.irlv nnrlfir wav nn nnn darfid to saII Bhrrt. nnxr mnrA nnd thft onlv ATHENIA LODGE, No.. 8, KNIGHTS OF , i . , S ti .a Pythias, meets on the 2d and 4th Tues corn obtainable after that point was d ni n't8 jn each monthf reached was m tUe hands ot tne AtsesBment No. 140 is now due, and parties who were running the deal; must be paid on or before the 14th day hence they were at liberty to put of January, 1885 what price upon it they pleased, elm City Camp, No. 38, Fraternal Boot! and SnQeS provided they bought from day to Legion, meets on the 2d and 4th Wed I1H.V HI I.IIH 1114.1 I'.Iiril Willi. II i n mvuuwi o u vuu. uivuvm ai. Aa nnA oil u Assessment No, is now due, and 1U " V : fi": must be paid on or before the - day of corn supply, therefore, was virtual ly locked np by the parties running the corner. Those sellers who filled in or bought back what they sold before the price got too high, escaped irom the trap set for them with but little loss, but many others got mad and vowed they would not buy until they cot ready. The parties run ning the deal could not lorce tne L. J. MOOltE. WM. K. Cl.AliKK, MOORE & CLARKE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, New Berne, N. C. Will practise In the Courts of Carteret. Cnv ven, Greene, Hyde, Jones, Lenoir, Onslow anil Pamlico counties. Also In the Supreme Court at Raleigh and the United States Courts at New 1'ei ne and Bnlelgh. Mf Collecting a specialty, apSdwtf QKOBQE V. STRONG. BANIEI, K. PERRY. Raleigh, N.C. Klnston.N. O STRONG & PERRY, K1NSTON, . C. ATTORNEYS A.U COUNSELLORS AT LAW. Havine formed a copartnership for the firactlce of the law In Jones county, will regu arly attend the courts of the same. Prompt attention paid to collections. mayia-ddtwtr btkujnu ferry. SIMMONS & MANLY ATTOHNEYS AT LAW. Will practice In the Courtsof Craven, Jones, Onslow, Carteret, Pamlico, Lenoir and Hyde and in the euerai court at flew Kerne. febBd&wl DR. J. D. CLARK, DENTIST, NKWBKRH. N. C Offloe on Craven street, between Pollock and Broad. aprl7-dAwly where. ROBERTS & DRO Wholesale & I detail DEALERS IN Provisions Groceries, Assessment No, must be paid on or before the lst day of February, l8o, DryGoods' All of which we are offering YEA'S LOW. Orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed, dw NEW BERNE. N. C. THE BEE-HIVE la still flourishing under its new man BRement, with the addition of Mr. A, Byron Carroll as clerk, whose polite' , 188-. FHOI HARRIS' A RaoicalCure for' NERVOUS DEBIIjITYJ Organic weakness, FERDINAND ULRICH CAN BE FOUND AT T. A. Green's Old Stand ON MIDDLE STREET. GET HIS PRICES ON Groceries, Lorillard & Gail & Ax's Snuffs, Grain Sacks, Ropes, Twines, Canvas, Oakum Paints, Oils, etc., etc., before purchaS' ing. Orders taken for Nets and Seines. Agent for Hazard Powder Co. P. ULRICH, nov26dw NEW BERNE, N. C, J - - I mug lurj urjat tuum uuu iuiw vuu i Q TTTYR Y CAXj ness and affable manners in serving the delinquent fellows to buy until the decAIlV publio with Choicest Ugars ana loDac- iaSfc. jay of September, but they inYoung & Middle co, Candies, Raisins, nuts, uranges, could force them to put up margin Apples, Lemons, etc., also the popular money enough to more than cover HASSELL-MADE TAFFY, shows nun all the difference in price between the low point an d the high . Hence a corner always settles itself after awhile into a tussle between the victorious longs and mad shorts, and in this contest the price can be put up' to any figure the first party AT-U. w. WAiiAU'o thedealafe entirely at their mercy, aiway mppiiea with the very best Freshi an(j the shorts must eventually set- . Heats, Beef, Pork, Mutton and Saiisagethat jie a(; tne prjc0 flxed fot them by their antagonists, or appeal to the board of directors to come to their to be the right man in the right place D. H. HASSELL, d KING BEE. ed Men. TESTED FOR OVEn8w Years by use in many Thousand oases. U PACKAGE. TB-EATMEVT. One Month, $3.00! 1'wo Months, e.00 ' ffhroe Months, 7.00g "1 nil NERVOUSDEBIUTY lCBOAVIOWAKNESa r. nv.ftnri numarona . nhnnnrAdiflflOBes. bat Riniana. Trntilt from vnuthful indiscretion. too free indulgence, or over brain work. Avoid the imposition" preieu tioui remediet tot then frmihW fipt our Frcu Circular wid Trial Pack age, and learn Important fact before taking treat ment elsewnere. J.are SURG Remedy that has CUBED thousands, doea not interfere with aitcn tion to buiineM, or causa pain or inconvenience in any way. Founded on scientific medical princl- Slcf. By direct application the teat of dii eaae its specific influence ii fell vmnout oeiay. xnvuuv iiml fimptionaof the ho man organism It restored. The autmatins dementi of life, which nave been wasted areftlven back .and the patient becomes cheer fuland rapidlygafns both strength ami sexual vigor. KARRIS REMEDY CO., M'fqGhem:st3 QOGH N. Tenth St. ST. LOOTS MO. nn fiTURED PERSONS! Not a Trusa. U 0 AbK for terms of our Appliance.. W3 OXVQ XffOilXa TOIA he Market affords. Iaul9-dly Call on him. To Our Customers. WE ARE NOW LOCATED AT Eraul& Reel's v Old Stand, next to Banking House of Green, Foy & Co., tjowth Front etreet, and are pre pared to fill your orders promptly. THOB. GATES & CO. mar i) osr W: P. BURRUS & CO., GRAIN AND COTTON C2:miS3I0!T lIEECnANTS, NEW IiEIlNE, N. C. febHdw For Rent, HOUSE and LOT, corner Craven and re8CU0 and" HI a marginal price, union streets, recenuy occupied oyiur which appeal in thia case was sue- K. B. Jones. Apply to cessfal, though it is not always so. j. w. "WALKER, Such, in plain ana nncecnnicai ian- fel5 tf or W. F. R0UNTREE. guago, is a bnei description ot the Sns corn, corner of September, MRS-SUSAN STANLY AGENT FOR THE SALE OF ROYSTER'S CANDY New Bkene, N. C. April 7, 1885, Dr. C. D. Rice, Gen'l AoT, ' t Kaieigh, is. v.: , Deau Sis I take pleasure in stating that I have been a member of the Jlu tual Trust Fund Life Association of New York since September, 1883. I was thirty-five years old when I joined the company, and my insurance has cost me only $5.72 per year on the thoux sand AT HER BOOK STORE, mh28 dSm PotLOCK Street. Notice, Notice is hereby given that applica tion will be made to Board of Citv I cheerfully recommend the Associa- Council for privilege to erect by Stock ton to the public - Company a Market House at foot Middle Kespectiuny, street. . aaiaiuarKet uouse to oe turned a9 dwtf w. P. Burrus. over to city when it shall have paid in rentals for cost or construction, with t Real estate mortgages and deeds and fair equivalent for uso of capital in chattel mortgages for sale tfi this omce, vested. ,-. t ; . - apo dtf M. SIMMOKS, CLEMENT MANLY PHCENIX TOBACCO STOp Phoenix-like I arise from the ashes and locate myself on Middle street, next to the corner of Mrs. awert s Meat Market, where I shall be pleased to see my old friends, and many new ones. CIGARS, aood ones, TOBACCO Plug Chewing, Fine Cut Chewing, and many kinds of Smoking Tobacco, Tar Heel, Durham,, Duke of Durham, and Cigarettes; and Fine Candy, etc., etc. Call when you feel like it. WM. L. PALMER, Maroh 17th, 1885. . dw CHICAGO SCALE CO. t TOM WAflfll 8CAI.C MIL 1 Tin. sn. 4 Ton H, Beam Box Included Ul.l 1 1IN HaM mi. m The "Little Detective," U FRAME, 45. L UZ. W JO ID. MW tUttOTIIKBUZIS. BtdomilPBlCIUSinUUI. FORBES. TOOLS. &c. BUST rOBGK 1AOR KK LIUIIT WORK, till 40 lb. Anvil and Kit of TooU, SlO Firmer Mte UmiW momtf dolny odd job. Blowere. Anvils, vices utuer Articles AS, Uinuii rftiuw, nuuuuAUi tuetuu COLDSBORi RICE AtlD PLAflING MILLS. CrolclsToi?o, K". C, J. STRAUSS & Co., Prop rs, RICE MILLERS and Manufacturers Doors, Blinds, Sash, Mouldings, Mantels, Ceilings, Flooring, Stair Rails, Balusters, Brackets, Newel Posts, And all and every kind of Wood Work for Buildings, Jtrame or brick. WINDOW AND DOOH FRAMES A SPECIALTY. Having just equipped our Factory with a Comnlete Outfit of tlm Host nml Latest Improved Machinery, we, unhesitating, are prepared to say that we can compete in prices and class of work with any factory in our country. fc$r jisuiuaics cnceriuny maae on an classes ot wood work. marl7 dwGm INSURE YOUR LIFE IN THE PEOPLE'S MUTUAL ENDOWMENT ASSOGTI, GEO. ALLEN dt CO., AGENTS. POLICIES Issued in Amounts from $1,000 to $5,000, And are payable during the life of tho assured. Policies have five coupons attached, each for one-hfth of the amount of the Folicy. The coupons are payable from four to ten vears. according to as-o of Polinv holder. The cost is moderate, and the payments are made in monthly assessments. This form of insurance will be found very desirable, as it returns the nre- miums and interest during life, and forms a safe investment for monthly savings. . The Dircctors and Managers of this Company are men of high character, and the plan of insurance is considered perfectly safe. wuuuiaia uuu iun miurmauon iurnisnca on application to GEO. ALLEN & CO., AGENT FOE THE COMPANY. fa Ca Lm La DEALER I HAY! HAY! HAY! HAY! SALT! SALT! SALT! SALT! 1,000 Sacks Liverpool 6. L Salt. Reck Salt for Horses, Caitie9 Sheep, Etc. I TilCCS 'RELIABLE SELF CURE A favorite prescription of one of the most noted and successful specialists in the U. S. now retired)' for the cure of Nervona Debility, Lout Manhood. Wenkncil and Decay. Sent in plain sealed envelope Free. Druggists can fill it Address DR. WARD & CO.. Louisiana, Mo. W.H.DEWEY - THE PRACTICAL TONSOBIAL ARTIST Personally In attendance at blsHalrdregglni Biiuvins bhiuoh at me uasion nouae with the best workmen an,( new furniture. Satisfaction is assured to those who patron lie htia. . . d ROBERTS & HENDERSON General Insurance Agents, ISew Berne, N". O. Od1 first class Companies represcn. . ea in -,. Fire. Life and Accident Insurance. Total Capital over .Forty Millions th collars. -Jun24dly CRAVEN ST., BELOW EXPRESS OFFICE, fob8dwtf NEW11ERN. TV. Announcement Extraordinary! With a view to conforming with the times, - PATRONS of DETRICK'3 SALOON are respectfully notified that until further notice they will be permitted to nse POOL AND BILLIARD TABLES connected therewith GKRA.TIS; Charge only being made for refreshments. Also on hand at any time Imported Schweitaer - and , Llmburger Cheese; Imported and American Bologna Sausage; Sauerkraut when in season.' . - CALL AT r DETRICK'S" OLD STAND. ' Q. L. PAPPENDICK, Assignee.' . . ooldw . .. i ... , . J. l iiFannws at: TUINIOIV PCIaNT STEAM FLOURING MILLS, OFFER FOR SALE: " 10,000 Bushels White Corn, 5.000 " Mill Feed, 1,000 ' Oats, 1,000 Bales Timothy Hay. FreshlBolted Meallalways on hand in any quantity. , mar!7 dwtf

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