i J t itf: i jUlfiiiMen "Think they know all about Mustang Lin-. ' ,, - ment Few do. Not to know I , not to have. . : ; u. w. waiiab, - - .hnweiworloli H. Wlndley.) ''ISTIU KllS' AGENT FOR " it Rye and Corn Whisky -" . AT WUOLESAi.K. vTIlES AND CIGARS fX GREAT VAKIE1Y, 'liger Ale, Pale Ale, Beer AND PORTER. KRONER & EltfGEL BEER, CIDER, . PURE FRENCH BRANDY. II. W. WAIIAB. ah Front St. New Berne. N. ft aa-ddwly. Goal, Coal, Hay, Hay, , ; Pice, Ice, iz r Vooa, Vooi Coal; Hay, Ice & Wood, FOR SALE BY WATSON & DANIELS. I ! APPLY AT THEIR ICEIHOUSE, Near Foot of Middle street, fif all oil ub before purchasing else where. , - jyl3 dwly ) u .j'" . w. '' ; : flOBERTS & BRO., ?JVVb61eNale Sc Heta.il 'Provisions8.: ' - Groceries,1 ; "; Drv Goods'' " ' ; 'Boots and Shoes - All ot "which aTe offering VERY U . i ..t !" Itim s-.-. w Orders solicited, , . 'i. ' 8a.iafac.ion guaranteed dw y NEW BERNE. H. O. Tilt BEE-HIVE j-; : Is styi flourishing under its new man n'eeuiithi the; addition of Mr. A. ' -Byron Carroll as clerk,, whose polite ' ness and affable manners inservingthe - - pubjic with Choicest Cigars and Tobac JOfUilCariliei;i "Raisins, :NuU, Oranges, ,, Apples. Lemons, etc, also tue popular HASSELL-MADE TAFFY, shows him r to be the right man in the right place. KINGTBEE. SWERT'li ' ' AT H, W. WAHAB'S CORNER, " ' always supplied WUh the very best presfe Heats, Beef, Pork, llutton find Sausage that QR.ijN' ANB COTTON ' COflSSJON MERCHANTS, ' ' EW UEUNE, N. C. . Tho Best in tho World. . ... . . -. m t It I- . - i h '.i - ' ' '---"Wited At ates1 Internal Revenue, Dep'y Collector's Office, 2d Pt- N New York, Jan. 15, 1885. -i 1 , ' MR. MoSQRLEV-Are you sWl alivet , If sflan you makmeaOr of dress . hoots; such? as you made tncJ about 42 Pears ago? Sb.me.pste. - . - . , . - : v, mov hpst hoots in the world. C."irorf 3 rsJr you made me (about 13 yeus ago) last nigni to a Dan. v Yours, ' A. COATS, s . . ' AddreslJ IO r'.:;;'i ; (Major OoaU. " I liepkmsn street,"" . THE JOURNAL; NEW BERNE. N. C, APRIL 30. 1885. Fca-Wecd as i fiannre. In the shore towns and in the districts penetrated by tide-water strearna and coves, Bea-weeds of various kinds are much used for fertilizing the land. There is great difference in the character and value of this marine vegetation, the most valuable coming from rocky shores and deep waters, and the less valu able from the flats and bays, where fresh water mingles with the tides. The Eel-grass (Zostera marina), which is. not a true alga, or sea wrack, grows abundantly both in shoal, brackish water and in the sen, but is the least valuable of sea weods. ' The Eock-wced (Fttous ves ieulosm) takes its common name from its strong attachment to rocks and bonlders that are found on many parts of the coast. The llibbon-weed 'Laminaria," also called Kelp, and the "mosses," so beautifully colored, grow m much deeper water, and are considered the best of all for dressing the land. These weeds are torn up from the bottom by the storms in winter and spring, and borne by the tides and winds in immense quantities to the shores, where they are stranded within reach of the farmer's teams. The value set upon this fertilizer differs very much in the localities where it is within easy reach. In some places the beaches are leased, and the wrack is caremlly gathered and removed soa-sonably to the yards, or to the fields where it is to be plowed in. In other districts all that lodges below high-water mark is free to the first comer, and is remove! in boats and scows. It just pays for gathering. Large quantities of it are taken from the shores of islands, and sold in the neighboring parts, at from one to two dollars a ton. The analysis of the ash of these weeds shows a large per cent of potash, and it is found to be a very valuable fertilizer for the potato and the turnip, and other root crops. In the villages, where the weed is landed and of fered for sale, there is an increas ing demand for it for use in village gardens, as well as upon the farms lying back in the country six or seven miles. Mixed with the mud taken from shallow coves, when it is gathered with rakes in scows, it makes a good absorbent for the cow yard and pig sty. It is sometimes used as. a top-dressing lor grass land, but this must bo attended with considerable loss of ammonia, as it decays rapidly. The most economi cal use of it is, to spread it broad cast upon land that is to be im mediately plowed for corn and pota tot's, or other main crops. The Jersey Cattle Boom. The' leading aim of the best breeders now seems to be to breed for the butter record. Th& is so much the case, that the great ma jority of Jersey cows that have a record below fourteen pounds of butter a week, aro comparatively cheap, while those with, a record of fourteen pounds a week, upwards to twonty-tive and thirty ponnds a week, are comparatively high. Those at the top of the scale are sought for and bring fabulous prices, or what would be called such a few years ago. Great emphasis is put upon this butter record, and tho condition of the tests, as to rations and previous feed of cow, conninu ally grow more precise and satisfac tory. The aim is, to show the value of a given animal on a specified value of rations, as a machine for making butter, or what tho cow will do on grass alone, in flush feed. These tests are made under the su pervision of the American Jersey Cattle Club, or under the direction of such witnesses as secure imparti ality and give entire confidence in their correctness. These butter records of the Jerseys are quite re markable, compared with the aver- ago yield of common oows. Tuey are remarkablo especially, as show- ne tho propotency of bulls. American Agriculturist. ! Delicate. Women. I have been using for a month or two in my nousenoia wut s specino, tne greater portion of it having been con' sumed by the f emale portion of my fam ilv. and with the happiest results, n aoted like a charm on my wife, who had been m bad health for a long time, and for whom I had paid hundreds of dollars for -doctors and medicines. It be&an to build her up from the first dose. Another female member of my family took it wt equally satisfactory results. " It is certainly7 the best tonic or delicate ladies that I have ever used and have tried them all. I have no doubt that want of exercise, close con finement in poorly ventilated houses. sewer gaa poison and malarial poison often produce sickness among our wives. daughters and sisters, and I believe Swift's Specino fa-the remedy for all this sort of .hiooa poisoning. . 4 Know manv of the best families of this county are using it tor tnu purpose, ana inave never ktfown or heard of any failure to give entire satisfaction. I have known the remedy a long time. I know it to be entirely vegetable, and the best tonic and alterative, especially for females. . j F. h. Jones,. J. P., Quitman, Ga. General DeblUtjv For several years past' ray wife's health has been exceedingly feeble a eerieral break down of the nervous 6ys -tem. one was greawy rouutcu m uoaa No remedy seemed to do her any jood In the spring of .1883 I induced her to try Swift's Specific. The first bottle gave her hope and twenty bottles pro- duced wonderful results. She gained thirty pounds In flesh and it renovated her whole system. It is certainly the T. J. HlGGINS. . Indian Springs, Qa., Nov. 8, '84. :, Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. The Swift Specific Co.,' Drawer S, At lanta, Ga. For sale in New Borne at HANCOCK BROS . MEETINGS OF LODUES. St. Jouns Lodge, No. 3, A. F. & A.M., meets the 2d Wednesday night in each month. New Berne Chapter, No. 46, R. A. M., meets on the 2nd Monday in each month at 8 p.m. New Berne Lodge. No. 443. Knights of Honor, meets on the 2d and 4 th Fri day nights in each month. Assessment No. 149 is now due, and must be paid on or before the. 12th day of January, 1885. Trent Council, No. 411, Royal Ar canum, meets on the 1st or 3d Friday nights in each month. Assessment do. 04 is now due, and must be paid on or before the 17th day of January, 1885. Eureka Lodge, No. 7, I. O. O. F., meets on the 2d and 4th Monday nights in each month. Assessment No. is now due, and must be paid on or before the day Neuse Council, No. 1, Order or Chosen Friends, meets on the 1st and 3d Wednesday nights m each month. Assessment Ho. bo is now due, and must be paid on or before tin 14th day or January, 1SS5. -Cosmopolitan Council Ho. 211, Amer ican Legion of Honor, inrets on the 1st and 3d Thursday night i in each month. Assessment No. 62 is now due, and must be paid on .or before the 14th day of January, 1885. Local Branch No. 95, Order of the Iron Hall, meets on the 3d Monday night in each month. Assessment No. 45 is now due, and must be paid on or before the 1st day of February, 1885. Athenia Lodge, No. 8, Knights of Pythias, meets on the 2d and 4th Tues day nights in each month. Atsessment No.' 140 is now due, and must be paid on or before the 14th day of January, 1885. Elm City Camp, No. 38, Fraternal Legion, meets on the 2d and 4th Wed nesdays in each month. Assessment No. is now due, and must be paid on or before the day of ,188-. Notice. Notice is hereby given that applica tion will be made to Board of City Council for privilege to erect By Stock Company a Market Home at foot Middle street. Said Market Bouse to be turned over to city when it shall have paid in rentals for ceet of construction, with a fair equivalent for use of capital in vested,, ap8dtf PHOT, f HERVOUSDEBIUTT A RADIOM.CURE FOB too freeindnlipnoe,or V NERVOUS w w over Drum won. atom nvAr brain won tn unpotuMnoi preuo tiooi raaedlct tx then DEBIIaTY tTouDWf . uei onr tnm Circular snd Trltl Pack age, and learn important fact! bcfbH taking, treat ment alKwhera. Take ft FHTSXCAIi DECAY. InYoung A Middle H CURED thouunda, does 'Alnoa IntHra with alt.n- ;eq inqn. tion to builnos, or eaun pain or inconvenlcTKa in any way. Founded, on KientiBo medical princt plaa. By direct appilcatioa la tha aeat of diaeaie itl Tssted tor oven 8ix! Years BVUBiiNMANY Thousand oases. Iipecifls toflaeoce ! felt without delay. Tha sat. - fV TRIAL PACKAQE TIIEA13LEXT. ural tunctionior mo no man organiem la mtored. Tho snunating: elements of lift, which lure been waited an giren back jukI the patient beeomef eheer inland rapidly tainabotll ' atrength and ezualTigor. One Month, - $8,001 Paro Months. B.OOl SbroeltosUiS, V.UU hbhhis Ktmruf vur.a ta m a Ma. a a mM aa M'FoCntiorra auotf n. xenin bi di. uivu, auk OUT OF THE FIRE! L. II. CUTLER ' IS NOW IN THE ODD FELLOWS BtJILDING Nearly opposite Ihe'old stand, with a FULL LINE OF Hardware and Cooking Stoves, LIME, CEMENT, RASTER PARIS, jlAIR. PAINTS, OILS AND PUTTY, Sash- Boors and Blinds AT COST! A NICE LOT OF CROCKERY Wilt bo pleased to see his former customers. dw Anncunccsr.:r(t Extrc:rdb;ry I With view to conforming with tbe times. PATRONS of DETRICK'3 SALOON are respectfully notified that flPiW. ftirther notice Ihey wi(l ha nersaed to M POOL AND BILLIARD TABLES connected therewith ' . ilTIS; ; Jharge only being mads for refreshments. Also on hand tny time ; Imported SchwelUser 7 and Llm burger Cheese; Imported and ArQeros,n Qp)gna Satiftnge; SqerruVbn Ln season.' 0414, at- DETEIC-TS" OLD STA1TD, ' ' 6. L, PAPPENDJCS, AJWW. Pd , s PROFESSIONAL. ; i ,. n T CTTAPTrPTTVffiTl JJXV. U. JU. tStXablX Hi IS UJW, j - T-i-li- SUTgcOIX lieiltlSt, m?.ir nmF N r. Offioa on Middle street, opposite Bap tist Church. 1: : mar23dwly P H. PELLETIEE, AXTOWKEY AT LAW, NEW BERNE, N. C. "? Oflloe on 8outh Front street, third dooi from the corner of Craven street. Will practice in the Courts of Carteret, Jones, Onslow and Craven. Special attention given to the collection of el&imi.and settling estate of deoeased. per sons. ... Janldwtl OWEN H. GTJION, . ATTORNEY AT LAW, ?U " Office formerly occupied by Simmons A Manly, -opposite Gaston House. .v, ' t . Will practice In the Counties of Craven' Jones, Onslow, Carteret, Pamlico and Lenoir Prompt attention paid to collections. . apr2IMUwlT'. . C. R. THOMAS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on Craven street.l n Stanly Building near corner of Pollock street. nov4dwly C. R. THOMAS, Jr., Attornoy at Ijaw, BEAUFORT, N.C. . Office on corner of Turner and Front streets. Will practice In Carteret and adjoining comities. Prompt attention to collection of claims, novldwly WILLIAM J. CLARKE, COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Attends all the courts held at New Berne, North Carolina. Particular attention paid to collecting elalms, and conveyancing. United States Commissioner. BepU 18th. 1884. dw L. J. Moor. Wm. E. Clarke. MOORE & CLARKE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, New Berne, N. C. Will practise in the Courts of Carteret, Cra ven, Greene, Hyde, Jones, Lenoir, Onslow and Pamlico counties. Also in the Supreme Court at Raleigh and the United States Courts at New heme and Raleigh. - Collecting a speoialty, ap5 dwtf F. M. 8IKM0K8, OXBHKNT MANLY SIMMONS & MANLY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will practice In the Courts of Craven, Jones, Onslow, Carteret, Pamlico, Lenoir and Hyde, and in the Federal Court at New Berne, febfid&wlj i)K. J. D. CLAKK, DENTIST, NEWBERR, N. C. Office on Craven street, between Pollock and Broad. aprl7-d&wly FERDINAND ULRIC1I CAN BE FOUND AT T. A. Breeds Old Stand ON MIDDLE STREET. GET HIS PRICES ON Groceries, Lorillard & Gail & Ax's Snuffs, Grain Sacks, Rapes, Twines, Canvas, Oakum, Paints, Oils, etc., etc., before purchas ing. . 1 Orders taken for Nets and Seines. Agent for Hazard Powder Co. P. ULRICH. nov26dw NEW BERNE, N. C. PHCEHIX TOBACCO STORE. Phoenix-like I arise from the ashes. and locate myself on Middle street. next to the corner of Mrs. owert s Meat Market, where I shall be pleased to see my old friends, and many new ones. CIGARS, good ones, TOBACCO, Plug Chewing, Fine Cut Chewing, and many kinds of Smoking Tobacco, Tar Heel, Durham, Duke of Durham, and Cigarettes; and Fine Candy, etc.. etc. Call when you feel like it. , - ' WM. L. PALMER. Maroh Uth, 1885. , dw CmCAGO SCALE CO. J) (11 to uoji seals, a I TO.I, 50. 7ITP0TTpM Be A M FRAME, S4S. w i suvvrnKKKinKa. mtama fkh:i uht nuM. F0S.ES. TOOLS. Ac. - m nrr roses iabh ms uhht work, sis 40 lk. Anvil ma Kit arToala. SlO Blower. Anviln, Vices OUt Article! FREE! HELIADLC oCLr VUHE A favorite, prescription of one of the most noted and aucctssiul tpecialisfc in the U. S. low retired) for too-euro of Herwcas Debility, .oat Mnnhood Weakness and Deeav. Si-nt in plain aealea envelope srree. uruggiata can fill it Address OR. WARD ft CO., Louisiana, Mo. WiflDEWEy , TUB PRACTICAL , ' ... TONSORtAL ARtflST, Personally ln attendance at his Halrdresstn& snd Shaving Saloon at the Gaston House With the best workmen and new furniture. Hatlsrantlon is assured to those who patron lie him. ROBERTS & HENDERSON Insurance AgenU, TVew Berric, TV'; ' CJ. Onlj ; first class Companies represen . ed in rtro. Life vA AttHnt Insurance. Total Capital, over Forty Millions o Dollars. Jun24dlv 4 Th Bert th Market afford. Fork, Bausoge nd Beef cn be found t i,;',,;;J,v1'i " CttAS. H SELSON'S, ' "i a On ?rod Btneet, rT 1 1 m 6 JapWdtf : . it n.v.AtOWSUsnd. 4 -0 Bargains ! t .4-. - GOOD GOODS FOR EVER SO LITTLE HONEY! ft We have just received the Finest, Largest and Cheapest Stock we ever brought to this Market. TO THE GENTLEMEN, We offer a Full and Regular Made Balbriggan Summer Sock, a -beauty, for only 18c, worth 30c. A Full Line of Fashionable Solid Gray Socks for 20c sells everywhere for 35c, and a Beautiful Heavy Sock, Solid Color, assorted, for 25c, worth 40c, ue agt-uts ior me jjiuinuuu ouirts, VUiiars ana uuns. OUR STOCK OF OASSIMERES, FOli GENTLEMEN'S ANP CHILDREN'S WEAR, cannot be excelled. We have a Beautiful Assortment and a Lareer Stock of tliem than has been brought to this Market by any one, and we are offering them VERY CHEAP. Call in and see them before they are picked over. .Mr. I3axtek has charge of this Department. Don't forget to afk him to show jou the Full Line of Gents' Regular Made Balbriggan Undershirts. ve have beautitul Uheviotts and Fancy Linen for Gents' Shirts. TO THE We have always offered BARGAINS. Cheap, but this Summer the bottom has Far Below tho Bottom. Call on us and Lawns at 5c Calico, 4c. Garner Percales, yard wide, lOc. Beautiful Worsted Plaids, 8c. and 10c, worth twice the money. Half Wool Plain and Twill Worsted, 10c and 1&. Debaize, Twilled, at 15c. Cotton Dress Goods t 5c. Hand Embroidered Luster for Dresses, btight of style, for 25c worth 40c. Nun's Veiling at half price. Lovely Double fold French If you want FINE GOODS, we Serges, Myostos, Prosics and OUR bTOOK OF IS TREMENDOUS. We have a 48 G5c, former price 85c, and a heavier quality of the same width for 85c, for mer price was $1.00. Summer In Gray and White, Black and White 50c. Our Black silk is tremendous wholesale. We Sell Nice Gingham At 5c. Better for 8c, 10c. and 12c only 15c. Ladies can wear nice goods We Offer Indian Lawns 45 inches wide, for 8c Vintm-ia Linen D'India 20c and 25c. Batiste at 18c, 25c. and 55c. Mull, 15c, 20c. and 25c. Striped and Plain Mull, Dimity, Pique, Mar sales, and several other things in White Goods, both in plaid and striped. Lovely Embroidery Suits in White and Colored Lawns. All Oyer Tucking in all styles, and Tucking and Buffling, Tuck ing and Lace Insertions, and wo Over Lace, Etc, Etc, Our Irish Points Are immense, ttotn in Whife and Cream. No store in New Berne has such, goodsaa our Jrish Points. Also, LACES of all kinds, including Oriental Linen, Torchon and Linen Edging)", Bretonne, CluDg, etc., etc. As for Hamburgs, Wc have over a Thousand Dollars Worth, bought in Job Lots, which we retail cheaper than the wholesale price in New York; -' We have a lovely stock of the nicest Mull and Swiss Embroidery. Whether you want it or not, come and see it. You have never seen such nice goods in New Berne. My Are always ready to show goods, want to wait on you, as the one bonus, thcreforo if you call upon your ,r. Ask to.uee our Jobs in Ladies' Hose, Solid Stripes and Ftfncy. We sell a uue iaiunggan anu a nue soiia ladies7 Hose for 5o. from 5c. up. We . Sell , the Best to b(5 found in New Berne. . Then Thompson's, Madame Foy's, etc. LADIES' HANDKERCHIEFS, Front Bp. ? Beautiful Al Linon Goods at 15o, and 20o.,'inoladug' lovely black borders. ' - ' " OUR ALL WOOL JERSEYS ARE'JONLY $1.25. . IGL0VES IN" ANY AND ALL KINDS, TOWELS are Cheap. Very Our Stock of Shoes is the CHEAPEST OE ALL.' I We have FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS WORTH of LADIES' and CHILDREN'S SHOES, which we are deter mined to close out CHEAP. Therefore we have marked them way down in price. -'Don't forget .us whea, you waat to buy Shoes. nt Itice' it you call on wan Bargains ! ! LADIES Last Fall we thought wo sold Goods dropped out, and wc find our Prices be surprised. Plaids, for children. can show you a line of Ottomans, Buntings. BLACK GOODS inch Black Cashmere, all wool, for Silks Stripes, Garnet, Maroon and Blue, at at $1.00 pcryard, worth $1.50 at Our Toile De Nord Gingham is for little money this season. for 8c. 10c. 12c. 15c. '0c and '5c have All Over Embroidery, All Clerks Please don't fail to call for the clerk jou who sells the most rroods cots an extra favorite clerk he gets tho credit for it. iiose ior zm. ana 6m. e also sell a Our stock of Children's IIosc is tremendous at all prices 25c and 50c. Corset we have Corelino, Tampico, Warner's, Cheap, Napkins are Cheap, but Goods for little money r': -