(' O. -MARKS.' :9' i I am bow opening ui y unusually a$g?rlJn1th!i Jtafefive Btoctf pf . f oreign ana xfomesxic, ? . (Comprising JTil Zltfitf 12? DEM RTMENTS, and embracing all NOVELTIES and SPECIALTIES for the ' - I M AJ mm ' U k J n .THE JOURNAL. Buyers will find it to their interest to come and examine my commanding It ho aqueduct stock. iselow I wul enumerate some of my Uig Drives : Hie prpcsj il J U J 4 Aet Tf annel. . 1 The Governor of Samos, Abyssi: des Pasha, has at. last .succeeded, after years of workj in1 Uncovering tbe entranceao a, tunnel or wnicn Herodotns speaks with admiration as the work of EnhalinoVand Meg aira," and which according to the same authority, was , bnilt Paring tbe tenth century li. - U. The tnn nel, about 5,000 feefc, long, fas in tended water to Sarao8, .ad; Tuey are high and 5 leet deep which runs in the middle or pa tbe side. of the EOBERT FEORER & CO. . ''.' 4 "FRriT AND PRODI CE COimiSSIONDEALEBS, ... Forels and (tonthern Vralts ud . Vegetable, Specialties. N W. Cor. Front 4 Spruoe SU., 2Ui 3. Front St. , PIIILADELP1II. ,, KKrEKEKcis: National KUte Hank of Caiuden, N.. J. Sixth Nalotml llnuk of rnuaueipnuu a. u. t'arney, 01 rorwmouui, ai--. idiu 1 -. I " irlidw2ia , " ' M. OASKILL; MERCHANT TAILOR. TT1'. A Full T.inof '.ti,t HO . ilT ioods and Sani- 7f"- plea always ton r. i iamim snnnlv nf T rnc ll I 7 T the old seaport' t(M,pnm Mi ,K ' ,.t consist of wo pans. -j j j miu)e on the tunnel proper, o.teetl M4ihtlYX)'t:.ir4 notice, aua 6 feet wide; a 'canal! about .tTai o ? 'ow price as and naarlv"3 Ibcb' wide. al i-1!' i?. 7 niocun be m tne miouie or pn wie t 'V'i- L base of the. tnunetHid f eft running in this canal Kil&s aqueduct consist of eirthenl Ti iijt'eMi f each Infect long, 34 to 33 TOfefel short ut ns the had vwiiere in i -iii.Po'th (Jarolina. riUliS rrillis, "-rrillis," Ul 11 pel i aiu. LUtehoa in'-cIroamlteWte. thd wdesl : yl d' ; " avnraffinc ia inches m . tnickn&as.i i " ' ! ' il l fi'l n Better Quality 6, 7, and 8c. Will sell you a fine 10c? Bleach fof Be, J Tv V Yard wide Brown Domestic 4 and Bcl.lV,' ' , ' Gingham (good) 5c' Widths which we" wjll sell at( ck, Jtyttom .Prices. M ; A good Pillow Casing',' pit .for" .lOc.ifprmev 'price 15c. ; HAMBURG.S.IIAlUiUROS.HAJir.TJIlGS LMi-4ivi ' Fit guaranteed Hl'' ' Middle street' !& '.. . New Bdrno, Every other- joint hasa ho e, for TipvEk nn .ifi ffl,:;u; tmraEr Jma what nnrnnsn ha.i not vae been fdllvl . . , explained.-Mi Stainatiades, a preek ' W. IT.' DSWEY . tives notjee that he . . i . , - . .. . ' .I,. I Una rr van rtnfc f lift iiTon. Af ffmiiir trt Mnrft- archaBOlOglSt. ' UeUVes "Tihatl tuey. ad Cit Strict attention wilTbd Riven were Intended Jo facilitate,. he t0 bUEine9B'. Think of it! tweiveehaves make and a haircut for one dollar, and sham a full litii Af in.A-, svonrfvri (THiinxir nooino- in all cleaning ot the pipes ana to. 'LrJ.'i'l"rr:rb r the HOW Of water asiet.' ' r poo for 15o., at Dewey's Barber Shop at The canal is arched over,' but tne uaston nousc, wun iour cnairs. twenty-eight manhp! were lovJ. Zm ZS ued to admit the worknlea who were iiLnnon,ikI,nn,inli , , nmrfin. charged with cleaning and r)epair-l, -- ' ing ho aqueduct. , The, tuntiel. is JUiUU ViliilJliJJ cdtotnc most complete lino of Hamburg ifS The attention of the tra3d is ealV Embroideries we have ever shown Cambric, Nansooks, Swiss and white goods, ranging in prices from 3c. to 50c the entrances. This elbow: accord ing to M. Stamatiadc8, was (ttls6d Also call yonr attention to my All-over Embroidcrio,,which we arc selling very " 'Tly I call your speeial attention to my large aid attractive stock of rrr thA pnfinfrK. who had none fof the Patrons and the publio in general that instramentsnscd in tunnelbdlding am now occupying the Store.lately oc nowadavs. The tubBeritary near .!b7i.A8 VJt LACE GOODS 'EDGINGS. V&C. &0. a small, water course Which may given me heretofore, I have received by y - " VMir- JMMv ir7'"' ,,A' e have been quite a stream in olden every steamer since the fire a Woven Cotton and Linen Torchon Laces from 1 to oc. f Orientals 10 to 25c. timcg pierce8- the mountain Ejastri, POMPIiRTM WRW RTOCTC OV A lartro lino nf nil kind of laca. for Lanns from 3 to 5c. . Mv stock of ,hi..v. ... ('mm EscurialsjRussianVBrabantlBretonfic,- VaTcnmetftes, Ouipufes is, immense Fort Samos, and ends a few hqu- HtiwtiP' flllfl Simimfr fiond? and are ; surprisingly low In prioM.WIIjweCapa' aOcV cheap at 50c. dred yiird8 'from the old'tovfn of PPiiffo W DUliJ:UltJi UUJUS Lace Uollars 3 and 5c, w.orth iLaco ihues o,.ancl lUc.; J .nay on, nana I samos, about ten feet , below the which I will sell at REDUCED PRICES r.t krMl i-rtnln f! rUuwn T niAa "Will unit unn en IV 1a ao i mit.fo I i ti ii . i. I l - I ' . . .r r . ! fcij wgo nuw via uauu-iuaug vuuiv vtD. . j i .7 suriace. TQm Q6 mpuniHin Slope , pnr tu NFXT RIXTV DAYM T Will y : , to inecuy ine -BUDterraneAn iique- aoii KOods saved from the the BELOVV ,y .-..j. ir"; duct is protected :yr a massive cost Trust Fund Lifai-Associaiidii Eleven assessments in three years, average per year at following: . Ages: 25 " 30 35 40 45 50' ; 55 ' 1 - 60 ' $3.66 $4.03 $4.55 05.28 $6.01 $7.08 $7.70 $11.00 I Assessments Limited to Six a Year; ; ; Risks : written oa white "males between the ages of 15 and, 65, and on whit , females between 15 and 60.( , , t4 11 Ax f f . I t 1 i - ' The following 'membcra constitute the Local Advisory Board and to whom reference is made: ' ' ' . ...... . Gen. RonKRT Ransom, Civil Engineer TJ, S. '. . , : , ' " Sam'l W. Smallwoota, Commission Merchant.' " ' - , Dr. F. W. Hoouks. Medical Examiner. (iE04 II. Roberts, Teller National Bank, Newberp. ,Dr; CiIas. Duffy, jr., Modical Examiner. ' - - . ' W.'P.'BurruS, Commission Merchant. , : Thos. Daniels. Fish Dealer. ' . AV. L. Lewis, Dealer in Ice. - , . J. L. Rhbm, Truck and Cotton Farmer. S. 8. Willett, late U. S. Marine Service.. J. W. Smallwood, Insurance Agent. '''; E. W. Carpenter,. Clerk Superior. Court, Craven county. W. G. BrinsoK, Insurance Agent. E. B. IIackbckn, Gen'l Merchandise. . v , , , - . J. 1L Haokbukn, " . " ' ' ' ' ': . Isaac Patterson, Book-Keeper Clydo S S. Line. ' E. G. niLL, Real Estate Agent. . . - 'H.' 8. 'NoS, Elitor and Proprietor Daffy Journal. . . . - Dr. Frank Dtpfy. Medical Examiner. f " ' : : J. J. TotsoN, General Merchandise. - . Geo. N. Ivbs. Fish Dealer, j , " L r J. A. SiMreos, Contractor and Builder. ' ; 1 ' Alifx." Huxeu, General Merchandise. C. K. Hancock, Conductor A. & N. C. R. R. . ,; , i W. O. Willett, Farmer. ' Rev. C. A, Jenkens, Pastor Baptist Church. - . . Rev. V. W. Shields, Rector Episcopal Church. ; t ' . - J. V. Moore, Merchandise Broker. .. '. Henry Fkfnoh, Farmer. . . : . All Assessments and Dues. will be paid to Geo. It. IioRKETS, Local Trensnror. ; , J. W. SIALWOOD, Local Agent, cor. Stnth Front and Craven hIs, Dr. C. D, RICE, Manager Southern Department, RALEIGH, N.C. r , r i, for 25c, worth 50c. (in black or cream). toiWash Fabrics SSS&t ,; ' :"' Cl0THltlG. Sateens.' Percales. Cambrics. Calicoes. Lawns. Ginghams, etc., is immense. John. The preservation "oil tn:s t have a Larco tnd 'i"0 Selected Sot only is the assortment far, far greater, bat prrcej ore fat lower than any work which is truly wondorlb.1 Stock of the Latest Styles,' which I will other store will-sell. iso in MY 'INDIA LINHi and VICTORIA LAVNS are tnarvaieous in quantity ana quality. OF considering the imerlefcfi mchani:8cll LOWER than any other Uqu cal resources at the disposal of thetIie wty . builders-i-fornearly3,000 years is Gents'Turnisliing Goods, probably-due to the care taken by ; Hats, 'Trunks and Valises Eupahnos, who in air places where ! . 7 ' .Vlr"" "u" 1 the rock did not seem of sufficient tfae lowest possible prices imaginable Hirmness -lined-the -tnmicl iwith In BOOTS and SaOES I will not be I several layers: o ' brickf rjnn in g on nndersoid .' the top into h peaked arcfi3 A W ITTT peaiteu uicu. . . Clergyman. 11 !"flrj8 dwSm M. H. SULTAN, My stock of DRESS GOODS' cannot be equaled in PfilCfl or QUALITY! I have a full line SERGES, MOHAIRS, NON'S VEILINGS, DRAP'D ALMAS, American ahdortedASHMERES, AL1UTBOSS, DRAP JByh3s jrpi. at fte f rlTeW; Central Hotel. de TONQUIN, BATISTE CLOTHS, OTTOMANS, 'HENRIETTAS, eponeousliK .:1Juakhv: ' and EMPRESS CLOTHS. .Largo assortment of PLAIDS in ail dolors, and gged irf liailrngsdmelist on his 'iar :i w;.!6 js r.tt o, O. other goods too numerous to mention. doors to exclude the cold when a i. Patterson, Proprietor, r ; f ., J- pansuloner 8aw mm. tAnnonnoeii to nlgfrioritJs ndlho Traveling uecu, uewiy reniteu si tu.lt ed on Snntl able location la the contlneiiRC of Weuse and suweptible of n constant river vlowof '60 ml'es. It u.-lno ntnc na a Wr, has the Deiienuor sea brccre ana l rre rrom .ind affprw.ini trifld. r.nnvir.tpd nnd utters snuclal Indueeiueuis to commercial importation 8entenced to , confaneniQnt on board Cuisine cf suberlur excellence. IjAnieR' I - JI .1 I - - JA. A' I l.A. ........ ,.rn..m. nil ....l.ic. a -iniaru -i unm unci r,o lie seui 10 " eif " .,4Wk: JLOXOJLLJLPtIJX-JLlAXJLtj it l.stetn, iJr. i5yies." - . I fhewKWCKNtKALis . . . . ;i . . . : ; ... 1 "xes, yes,", reiorieu tuoiu man, Froct street, (xuogtut-sii is simply immense; everything is a ante, io suow you l win give you a i;and , mail ii8tetn wheresoever the ,6ar few prices: r .tr -tAltfi i . MnwAth ' .rr. . .,i..t i ;! ItlnJi?, w prices ; i . s.ilfsj it V Ladies' Ilcmstiched Hrfridkerdhfefs 5c., worth'lSc; Plain White Ilandker- thiefs 3c. 1000 doz. Ladies' Hose, whiteNand striped, 5c. A full 'line of full regular made Hose, in ladieB'children: and inissesV at hair ' trices, i Good Linen ' Collars Bel Tins (brass)f5c. Needles 5c. Ladies' Nnoilln f'oalrof 1 (o ICniffinrr oalfnn Af.. no&nla rin.io lilo ' Knrtlflafl vftriflt.v m . s . .. , . ana H)Hinnin. -v "v. . vA. T . . fe 6 -"r v isngiana ,wiu ins iamuy in lorry itatea, &,n&it qy. .."! apn fLdies and Children's Straw,. Hats,; .Hand,, aga((at f25. tp, 50o., worth davg : . - j . : double the money. Picture Frames lir'all "varieties. 'Albums 25c, worth .Xh'ig scutenoe w.cbanged by " ifOHICEJ-. NOTICE! Add r A larffA iLisnrtment nl Tinware lit, half firicy. -liadies' children and It"..- 'n i mri iJ,j-iiirIl. Ji ' " ' v ' 'r' i "r5.v?T.L'Wff w-v, w -jf;outiu in, nis own noose, a .guara was Wn Mttidn morh sale vested in laire' execnted-hv m i 1. i w i i i t t l:'irX;--:''';''A"''" plaeett over him., "Then the guard the Farmers-and Merchants' Steamboat A Splendid UnlaUndned DreSS Shirt 50 CentS, was .removed,-replaced and .ocain Company of Snow Hill, N.c, recorded - c'? ;-f WAr-. rffrlBri'ir,Tr,r removed. which 'evolutions the doc: in theCustom ; House air Wew , Berne, " ' u ) a ! v. .a fN, C, in Liber "Vt" i olio aau-248, Jan. tor described by saying' he had26 84 wU, L pursuance of Baid hperr auafdea. renamed nnd tf,is'l5tn Vru.vow .f vwt- aarded, while his Sentinel he '.called! the SOth davof April, 1885, In the To vn his ob-ter-VO-tory. ni;n M .i-IM . of New Berne, N. C, sell at Public n, , i . i. .Mi 11 li Oatcrvl the steamer 'or vessel called the m :w A.- 'iu-t7 "Carolina," machirfery, tackle, furni- X Or ilent, i I ture, and all other necessaries thereunto A ' FULL LINE OF vIEHSEYS. xo.000 Pairs Ladies' Children and Misses' G'ovos, flie biggest drive I have at 5c. to 35c, WORTH, ACTUALLY, 50c. to $1.0p4er pai ,t i( C'v ..I V "A At : 'A MMM 0VZ Lime bis. RcjcIc E05ENDALE AND LMtfCEMENT. :' 1 White Lead,' Paint,1 Oil, Varokh, Glass, Putty, iHtc, Etcr ; 1.-; . i.ii .M f . Lister and Whann's Plow Brand, Guano, Land XIntor and Ilioisplinte,r Etc Jile,; IMPROVED COTTON SEEDJ ? . GEO. ALLEN & CO. SBORO " lAf3!tlfi;flllLS; J. STRAU .. -. ''! "1 I 4- ; A "' - A. ' J- RICE MILLERS and Manufacturers Doors, Blinds, Sash, Mouldings, Mantels (Jcilingsr ' r Flooring'J Stair Rails, Balustebj Brackets, Newel Posts,.! , s : And all and 'every kind of Wpod'Wort'lor BuHdings " ! ! - WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES' A SPECIALTY, 'mi (iHaving , just equipped our Factory with a Complete OutCtof the Best and "-- i i l Latest Improved Machinery, wo, unhesitating, are prepared to nay that we can : v I compete in prices and class of work with any factory in our country. sy ; VW'. ' Estimates cheerfully niaije on a-U classes of wood worki' ' " - :k A ' AA-. ' , ' r ' ,marl7 dw8m-'i wa! -',- - " A- ri'fAA? )A.-i r-AJ:, A ' i-4- Striped, Striped. A FULL LINE 0F! MATTINGS, Checked, and .FancjCi COCOA MATTING in Plain CARPETS and OIL CLOTHS (aU tcidths). h and I have the largest stock of Ladies! Children and Misses '.that can be found in the city. I have them in tall styles and sizes, quantities and qualities. My ' ' " , -99,centsXuttdn Shoesr - are as good as any $1.50 ahoiB tiiat can be bought in the city. : Ladies' Opera ' . RiSwmM nt .; rumh AaHm met.- ; u . -j .t.! .t,.- . . t. . i. .t ''i appertainingv to satisfy the several obli itjb xriCK Dtoro uajoiuiDK iue oanKing - iion. conditiona cbtained in the lJZr i le?TS5 said' inortgaxe. 1 The ."Carolina" ia" in rronHeeiv '.ri; i excellent condition, description r of which, reference is hereby had to cer tificate of enrollment on record in the office of ihe Collector of Customs of New BenliN.'.On' J.i Wit' . r m - e I "li L. , t. il. i lerma 01 Baie win ub uhhii. ; .;, . stockof ththmtieaQdf Hdrtll W&tFOH -VMin' n0KER' r:i a .tJL. .- c' Mortgagee. is hereby given that I will make apbli-i I pftffiffQ'hfr - yarl9 w4w cation for a duplicate of the same. 1 " I . . vj(vix vtiRTll PSBnilSH 'JAMES C. HAHKlaUN, i! !'i !Tr'rr..?'r'.' , Possession eiven May 1st. 1885- &3dtt JOSy M KICHARD8QN. Certificale NolfcOl W&A shaWdf ,J.fl..nEfiD0vj3y KrTITff TJUDVTI ' :-: m a mm dfmt m n-vt Fcil to txasnino t.W uarjram ucuracr. I give this trade . . r' v i n ius, rom lop.- jio Aiif bill you . -. ' AijptfO mn oiTif. i 10.000 Bushels Whitd Corn' ' ' r I am noMtivelT tho onlv WJioicBat Deaiet , ' " my undivided attention. My second flop is filled with goods from topi-jto ' bottom for ti trait eMmitely. yjf gnanffifee 4 'atf h ' . can purchase in any Northern Market. . ; A'''- - f ; rfAiDon-tMForcetf Thelacc3 . r , v- 'liiM.-l-'t -,'fr.r rdT .,iAHii,i'.;j t- i, A-;-, -. r . ... Pollock Street; "itO'-Hfi; 4 At'n ti mi -i tt I ; i,uuu iijua juuy ia.y . Fresh Bolted Meal always on hand in any quantity? ' '!! ' marnawtr ' J. BBBCXSVJNI , JOB-Ki WILI,ISi Proprietor Barfcef ffitf Dress'er; H INSURE TOUR IIFE IF OPLE'S JUTUflL EpOUUEtlf S'll; GEO. ALLEN j6t COi, AGEr,td.f; '( it ;..'. . i . ii.- .v . ii . i .i . . . i i : m ". - . ' r ana are .payauiu uuriug me. mo or me ;assureav l oucies navo nvo coupons, j ' : , I attached, eachfor dne-fifth of the amount of tho PolfoftW lal I lA;. ? The coupons aro payable from four to ten years, according' to' age of 'Policy - . holder. T,hp ;.. ) - -A- 'f i u r : .; i The cost is moderate, and the paymehn are mad&'in 'monthly assessments. - ' This form of insurance will bo found very desirable, as it returns the pre- v ' lniums and'" Interest during life, and forms a safe investment for monthly 1 - ' savings. -. :'Viili ' i1 ;, . - .-:';, ; The Directors and Managers'', of .this 'Company are (nien, ofhig character, v - and the Tilan of insnranee is considered nerfeetlv Rafe. 1 ' ' r: i. :.iA.n:.f r. Ali -J, tiliV.1 h''-?." : , vircuiura uuu iuu miuruiawuu luruiautiu uu upnimauoa 10 GEO. ALLEN & CO. I :U.: ';.'.' ..i ) .-ft; . AGENT FOR THE COMPANY. . i i ; ' ; if - I r I e-Tf i.si.-ii.Kn;i'ft cdi.faftj'1 7 Hoiuments, Tombs, - Jiudankmas Orave'arid'BiilicilhWo'rk In MARBLE . Orders will receive prompt attention I ai)d, satisfaction guaranteed. With twentv-flve Tesn experience, And tho Neatest and Best Furnished Saloon id the I city, will give s Rood a nbav fiacnntic rml suy where for XKN OKNTS. New shop, nww I lurnnnre.ana satisiaciidn Ruaraiiieea. , O. E. MilXEn is my. authorized agenl , vtnotiiM ' 1 1 1 1 ma80-1vdw Ip Kinston HAY! HAY! H AYl HAY,!, ... n W 1SALT! SALT! SALT!. SALT! i.v.u , N 7T .,'.'i-'.-'.y.v vil.i ;r; 1,000 VSaeks Liverpol 0. A. Sdl. r ; RG5k ml ftr alerts; Gdibr .:::i: EI ,Jt; (;,!., (( .r..,.it -HI 4 1 1 I i. t 7 wa- ti TTtir OH ' Tint ttt nrrnnTiMf, , feb8dwtf , . ;- : 'i'NEWBERN,;N. 'll Middle Rtre' next dopr to yetrleli i. t - ..is :i . UarlSdlr . yUU':;,,; 'it srt