r : -V'. " " -... . -t'V" .-; It 4V ' i-T ' mm lu sorts or StHT JlOl TlOA a faci tUat the greatgrand- hurts and many sorts of ails pf IfeiifiMTOilib. .'AlflAfi-. EASTERN NORTD C1R011JA ha mile vvo.nics, ;-' 2fEW BERNE, H.'ft . iLVSwMIa.a dax or two, -'r', wfJ 1 AritvoT aiAina' 0 aTO!?;JOM; oungmen - V. T . - " . And all ktnJS Grave and Building work . - v ...nn.n... ...nn. .- UMLiAuaMMtmuHn NAnaiX: . Orders vtU receive prompt attention and satisfaction guaranteed, .- y f f,; ( J o E K .W IL J lis , Proprietor,! '-, (SnoeewortoOorKaW.Clayi)001a)ii V : Cor. iBROAD A D CKiriav'S.. O. E. MnjJtB is my.'authbnzed agenik in Kinston. Mna80-lTd 9 ' :; VYoodjVooi Coal,:HtIce&W(i( ' ' ' .-.'-.W lii.n .',:'.! ' t'i r:t4- ' WATSON & DAIIIELS. : V Near Foot o( Middle street, ' New Berne, IV, C - f -r' fiT Call on ns bof ore purchasing else . where. ; jyl? dwly ':R0DERTS:&DR0.,! WiioloHxile Jfe : Itetml DBALRRM IN Prdvidons . ' Groceries, iB 'y ' .Drv Goods Boots and Shoes All of which we are offering VEB J Satistaptipn guaranteed, f-''"-1'6' Uih'-to !1tfi)P ?1 ; BrW Carroir'ai clerk', Wno'se polite; UCHB HI1U. tklLnVIO IUBUiisB ' o pdblie wiili Choicest 'Cigars arid Toftac co. Candies." Eaisins, : Nuts, Oranges, ljplpii'Iimonieto1,.(al8.o1jyio,pppula,r- to be the right man in the right place, j i D. H. HASSELL, - ftlwayB anpplled with (he Tory. rt'reni yiilief;fekTMulfoBitaelW h e Market (Torii. Call on him. . ' )ani-aiy V-BURrtUS'& CO., ''.'.GRAIN' AND COTTON. CCIIiilSSION MERCHANTS, '' NKW'EUNE,.N..CV;" feblldw . - - . , I ,, I i i It I 1 1 ' ! ' Green, Foy & Co.V i:..ik:dC::iISSICNKERCSANTS Office, Soutn Fuont Street, l. -. -Oi! FaciUt-W-s-tbr trnnsootlng i - r.nsliieoi:. Sj'hl receive i hcolc or dr.ft at sight; . , i. I .'J..xai:Ke 'nJnew-York, i,h niul rultlniore: will make loan k -, T jiircr, Pi,d make liberal , (,- 1, Rlce'rd ,, ii i i . 1 ... i- .tie r make . i. n, eitlior In tlilt mar- V ' a cl. ..i on -- NEW BEUNEL N. a. MAY 29 lfiSf! . V" Captured. father of Millard Fillmore, the thir tesnth President of I thel United ; States, jraS pirjiittlpff IpijaW toia.uy u.r. Drake m uis "xew England Legends," goes back to the lipq qujifter of the eighteenth cen tuny 'whew the mnrderona freo hooters, Llackbeard, Low and Phil lips, fiwept the Atlantio coast from Jamaica to Newfoundland. Phil lips, during his last piratical cruise, cantarca the Dolphin, OGUane Ann, la vessel-commanded Andrew Ilarriden. Sho was a better vessel th'hn uis own; and the pirate ac- ijohlingly ttansferred his black flag to tier,; ana sens tuo crew, away in another of his prizes, but retained Ilarriden dis- the pirate's crew John Fillmore and had '.captured and made pirates, against their win. They Vero brave fellows,' and had determined either to escape from the pirate's clutches. or to captara his vesser tind bring bun and bis murderous crew to jus tice.' Four of the crew were pledged t6 etJaud by them, and en Ilarriden beiDg,. made 'acquainted with the plot, ho was found to be 'ai eager as they could wish to strike a blow tft recover bis captured vessel. ,jXopn of a certain day was fixed upon., as the' hour for making the hazardous attempt. -When the time arrived, Clieesman, the leader, Fill more and Ilarriden were on deck. Kutyvtho- masteff, a pan of great strength and courage, was aft, and witnhim were the boatswain and thd crannef. t sk Btfc'aud'thl boatswain! were the twd whom" the conspirators most feared .. to encounter. Cheesman prpmisQ,' .however tci; tak care of the master if the others would take care of the boatswain . Ho firearms were to be used,, becausv the noise 6f the' - explosioTi 1 would alarm the rates below., ; A ,kft vr Ghee'sman, who had beeh made the ship's carpenter,: left his tools on deck, as if he wore going to nse them about the vessel, , and toot a turnup and down the qaartef -deck with Hut.- Fillmore, as if in sport, picked up an axe and .began twirl ing iton the .point. . ' i t . ' This was the signal agreed upon, and Cheesman grappled the master, and after ' ai short struggle,'' threw him into the sea. " Fillmore struck the boatswain with the axe, and he fell' lifeless on' the. deckV Phillips, the pirate chief, hearing the 1 noise of, the scuffle, trashed .from vthe cabin,' and was at once met ,by; ii ' : l . . , 1 I L ; i. i jneesmaD, who wounueu mm wiuu a . mallet. Ilarriden, to help him, sprang towards the pirate captain, but wascanght by , the . gunner. CheeBnran 'tripped- up the gunner's heels, and tossed him into the arms of a confederate who luted him bodily and threvrwm over bpam, Ilarriden then attacked Phillips, and in a momenti more" the pirate lay dead upon Jthe deck," . The captors then sprang into the hold, jyjd put th&re8t of the pirate crew in irons. '. The vessel was steered riot " Boston, where she ar rived on May 3, 17U4.- Two ox tue pirates! were hanged. . Fillmore, Cheesman and their confederates were acquitted. '. Johu Fillmore, the pirate in spite of himself was the great grandfather : of Millard Fill more, President of . the united States,,; ; 1 1 ' 1 r -New Central Hotel. i stfo ;,a&W'L.W.;'Kr.,' ' M' PATTTKRSOJT Proprietor. Atanbunoee hli floods and the Traveling Publlo (hat Uil)) . JsUegaot "ana uomrapaiona Brick Bulldiug has been newly refitted d'heNKWCFfNTtlAtteBltaated 'ori South Kront street (most deatrable location In the oltv.- Near the eonlluence of Neuse and Trent rivers, it is susceptible of a constant ureese, ana nas a river view oi pv nu'es..; n has the benehM of MS reeae And 1 free itpm mosquitoes. , Oilers special tadu'efciMnlsconfiiereial . Oaislrleef sMpeiier exoefllenee. J 1' Tl V-' nmnlhn. .ml hntrrrcuvA WfttfAn ut. nil lrainS and steamers. i- i1 t'f' tii V:? ''K L. . ltates. 2.00 per day.v:; -' ... apT7 Fresh; hM The Best the arket affords. Pork, Sausage fS nltori, Veal and Beef can be ifonml a'' ' ' 1 ' A An UmiaiI QtvAAt. ' ' ik&toVW ' ".'f'' - At Old Stand. BENJ, DAVIS, v 1 .V;;33ia:33ri..xi-i!JiSI.! AND (SHIPPER OP BANANAS.) 11 13outtiernf Fisli Fruits V iV.;."' AND . '--"r' . Produce a Specialty.;, 106 Barclay St. NEVYOnK. 'MST 0N8IGNM ENT8 SOMC1TED. ... . i i'UOMPT RETIFKSS MADE. NEW YonK Kkfkrkhcfs E, O. Plnrkfnrd, 75 to W Fulton Kish Wi'Het- 1 , a 1 .-,v. '!, 211 "Washington. ti.; i iu. i.. ier Co., Harrison t. ' Wii.minoton (N. 0) Ktwit--V, V. Purrims, PreHlilent 1st Nil"""'l ' : i tou Cumuilng Co ; W. K. L'avi. .. ;wu, aplOdCm i STrJonirs Lo(55k, No. 8, A. P. I meei ti tli d.Vfeinesdi j nignt I .oh 1 New Baartt CHAPTwt" NoT ,4,ET'a. M., meets on the Snd Monday in each' month at 8 p.m. . . . ! Niw Bebki Lodos, Mo. 443, Knights or honor, meets on the 2d and 4 tb Fr day nights tateacB monttv f ? 1 1 'Aaseeeihent No 149 is toriir 4p.nd must be paid on or before the 12th day oi January, 1000. . - , Trent Council. No. 411. Rota l AB Cancm. meets o the lut or 3d Friday nightt In ach inotsw V JT i Assessment no. o la now aue, ana must be paid on or before the 17th day of January, 1885;. . . i ! :,:, f j Eureka Lodok, No.' 7, L O. O. P.. meets on the 2d and 4th Monday nights meaenmontn. ;. , n, ?tAjsessment Ko. -4- is now du, and must be paid on or before the day oi Nicsb Council. No. 1. Ordeb or Chobeh Friends, meets on the 1st and Sd Wednesday nights in each month. Assessment No. 6ft is now aad must be paid on or before !. WiaAy or January, ibbo. Cosmopolitan Council No.211, Aimt- icm Lxoiorpr Honor, trn-eu en the 1st and SU Thursday niRhtt: in ach month- Assessment No. 62 is now due. and must be paid on or before the 14th day oi January, 1880 Local Branch No. 95. Ordkr or the Iron Hall, meets on the 8d Monday nignt in eacn montn. Assessment No., 45 is now due, and must be paid on or before the 1st day or. ceDruary, iobd. . Athknia Lodge. No. 8. Kwiohts or Ptthias, meets on the Sd and- 4th Tues day nights in each month. Atsessment. No. 140 is new due. and must be paid on or before the 14th day or January, 1880. Elk City Camp. No. 88. Fraternal legion, meet on the, 34 and 4th Wed nesdays in each month. Assessment No. is now due, and must be paid on or before the day of EOBEUT FR0RER & CO. : COMMISSION DEALERS, Forelff and Sonttaeni Crafts and . Vegetahlee, Bpeelaltlea. ; i. N. W. Cor. Front dk SpruoeBt.,J66B. Front St. FIIILADKLPHIA. . It ekkbinces: National Btata Raak of Camden, N. J. Sixth National Bank of Philadelphia. B.B. Carney, of Portsmouth, Va. aprl6dw2m CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. . .. . . ' MUM, Hi i : vii ' ;. r Atlantic I St N. ' C. ' Railroad , TIME TABLE No. IS, ; In Effect 12:00 M., Sunday, March 15, 1800. EA8T. No. hs xpre WEST. : 'No. 60 ' PawaMal .H.,WM Arr. IV v. Paan.AMall Arr. STATIONS r. h A. M. S07 6 47 v 871 Ooldsboro, ... II 58 If 90 : S U e 17 La uranf Kin.toa; ...... 2S2 60 10 S 8 0 8 00 Horeaead fiepel 10 18 SAO r-.-M.I F. M. A. K. A. M EAST. i WEST.- No.5 : MU1 Fct. A Paas. Train. Arr. L'v. A. M. a: m. . 8 101 8 48 8 DO B 10 t 25 9 49 9 65 10 1 10 61 11 07 ) 12 11 82 11 37 12 05 12 10 12 81 12 3 12 61 12 66 1 27 P. M. P. M. Wo. 4 MlxeFRt. Pus. Tra a. STATIuAS. Arr. i've P. M. 8 46 8 OS 7 SI 7 02 , 8 08 6 48 6 28 460 4 22 4 07 F. M. P. S). OoldeboiO... Best's La Orange,..., FalliagOnek. 8 10 7 46 7 07 jKin.ua,....,. Caswell , Dover. i.i.... 88 5 62 '28 4 65 (tore Creek .. Tntearora ........ OUrke'. Newbern, 4 4 10 S 16 pat' EAST. WEST. Is 'Na,. s BllxedF(t.a ,iPasSv trata. Mixed Vrt. :i. a pass. Train. STATIONS. Arr. ' L've a. .- fV'STi" 1 P. ar.tirjM 6 80! Newbenl ffll! 20': B 64i 7 80! 7 68tr '8 28; 8 87! 6 18: Rlverdale, 80! Oroataaii.Mw,.., ; 68! Havehwk... ! u 6i .-lass 1. 12 2i- 13 27 ; 7 44 : Newport ..m.....,. U 4i , Jl UJ ,1 O. 1 Vfr Mil bwi w nawooa , - 8 82 i Morehead Oitv. i 10 60? W 56 i Morehead Depots. ! IV U A. m. : A.M. j A. M.! A. M. Train 50 eonneoU with Wllmlnirton A Wol- don Train bound .North, leaving? Ooldsboro 12:2.1 p. m., and with BIchmond A Danville Train West, leaving Ctoldsaoro 10 pjn and tviiiniugiona weiaon4raiasuuuai4:BJQ Train 61 eonaeeta with Richmond ATMaville Train, arriving at4oldebero4:50 pm .and with Wilmington and JWeilon: Xraiu iron ttv North nt 4:57 p.m. , ..r . ,r i r Pr.-i.j,.,w , Trains 4, itl, Monday. Wednesdays and Fridays, . , m -'' 4 ; Trains au ana 61 j dairy wxeept BbndaT. n x i Trai n,8, Tueadays,Thuradassand &aU4ay4 -.Train 51 snpperat.Klnston. '.- a 4- la eftotBunaaT MaK WEST. K AST- No. 1. " . Mixed Train. - 1 M ianxedlrala j STATIONS. 'j : Arr. , .... L've. iH'i jiir,.i , ivsii . , : M.m. fAJt. ;7 0 t 7 02 6 80 IQoidUiore.. 1 ,j ja 7 49 921 5 4a e 4 v lUopxaaos i. 8 01 I; I 02 Prlncetoo.... i 8 OS i 0 ! Holt's Mill.. ! 4 24 ! 25 :PlneLTel.... j 0 40 j f ;8mthSld.....i-t t 708 3 Si -h 8 80 : : a.DAILl EXCEPT srNDAr.-w ' . i i ' , Train 2 eonneets with Wilmington- Wel don Train leaving GoMslxiro, soiug North 12:23 p. m and with Kti bmond a Danville Train golDg West, .leavunr Ooldsboro 12:80 a. m.. and with. A. A N. Cl. Irain, going leaving Ooldsboro 8: 10 a, ra. . Train lmn'iwii W A W Train from tbeH Noii h srrlvlii .,o.- .witii; p. ui , anil wii HAD 1 rum irom ine m, arrivlDg uoios boro 4:S0 p.m.,and with A N O Train from tne KuutarriviDg UoiuisUuo ll:iua.m, ami7l P. ni. ; , t , v , (Toi.'rt')." '- ' '..: .. L o;. vf :.,-.':': tr.'-r-j f -.Tciiiitenleni.' . . ... .. . . MM' . - - J Surgeoneittist I , Office on Mwdle street, opposite Bap Ust Church. Tnar23dVjy ill - 4o bird dooa rrom'-taeaoenf Craven sueet.1! , W1U practice In, the Courts of .Carteret. Jonea. Omaiaartt Cravaa.' Special atteatloaglvea to the eolleoilonof elaimf, and setUlng estate 'of deceased per- pona, , ,t. ,: ,t.. j.i r.. ,i t. viijauuiwu - V"' l i, i ATTOHNEYt'ATi JtAW, ' ' Offlea. formerly bectiplest nyi atmrnonsioY Stanly, opposite Oaston House., t tl ,,( WUI practice in the Counties oi Craven' Jones, Onslow, Carteret, Pamlico and Lenoir PromptttantUnpald to collections, - br29-dAwlv. vC. THOMAS, y ' A T TP R k)EJ YiA X AW. Office on Craven street,, n Stanly BniMlng near corner of Pollock street. , . , novfclwl Cv ft; THOMAS Jr 1 J.tto-M.ey ' '4a ' Xaca' BEAUFORT,' Kf. Office on comer of Turner and Front streets. Will practice In .Carteret and adjoining counties. . . . Prompt attention to collection of claims. . ,. t- "vdwiy ; . , . r-, . : COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Attends all the courts held at New Berne, North Carolina. . ' . Particular attention nald ' to collectlm Claims, and convey andnK- uniteariiates commissioner. SeaU 18th. 1884. " dw , L. J. Mooaa. , ? K clarkx. MOORE ds OLABKE, ATTORNEYS AT 1 A V, New Bf;rne. N. C. (i . Will practise In the Courts of Carteret. Cra ven. -Greene. Hyde, Jones. Lenoir. Onslow and Pamlico counties, Also in the qpreme court at Raleigh and is United States OourM at New Berne and the KAlalirh. -Collectlng a specialty, ap5 dwtf OLEMKNT MAKI.Y SJMMONS & MANLY, Will practice In theCourUof Craven.Jones. Onslow, Carteret, Pamlico, Lenoir and Hyde,' and In the Federal Court at New Berne. , febtfcMkwly -s a i 1 . , DK. J. D: CLARK, DENTIST,; ' rtKWBKRJr, ST. O. t Office on Craven streeW between Pollock and Broad. , . i . aprl7-dAwlr OFREE! ELlAbLE SELF CUBE orlte Vreicripdori ot oho of the most and Mcuttful specialists in the U. S. how retired) for the one ef Nervoaa Debility, Urt Maakood. Weakaasa anL Deemy. Seat in plaiq sealed envdopa Free. . Druggist, caa fill it Address DrT. WARD & COT. Louisiana. Mo. PHCEITIZ TOBACCO STOEE. f :., j. ...,1 i ! ; jfi'.- Phoenix-like I ariaeifrom the ashes. and locate', myself on- Middle street, next to the corner ot Mrs. Swert's Meat Market, where I fbali be please4 to see my old iriends, ana many new ones. -CIQAE3, good ones, TOBACCO, Plug Chewing, Fine-Cut Chewing, and many kinds of Smoking Tobacco, Tar Heel, Durham; Duker- of Durham, and Cigarettes; and Fine Candy, eto., etc. Call when you feet like it. -i ' ir '- WM. It. PALMER. . Maroh nth, 1885. , ,dw , aWVt! A a! 1 tflaf A W flH"f Wj n svwaw pwm nil wWs T '-5. 1 Tea wiuo aciLi, sia 1 to, tho. The -t ,lttTftJiieot tvej" or.. toiSlb. tS. seseriitssixi. sMmirtimutrrrBSB. eMPr(l-anrYT.!- a - , MIUI i n.' MB l.iaif'B van II 2 iku AavlluiaUarfMlLSl. hMMIMM,IMMHf .llf ... J. ... Unmra. ADTilg. Vloea A Other ArtloMe nil ii ll. irf t I I . i . t 1 233 "VHERVOUSDEBILITY . iinf t anH BnnMtrtMia rtliMtrMiisfliiaM. bai 11 ins tba killed Dhr- . sisiaaa. 4snrt front tt vtMrthhal IndiaOTVtiOiX.' too freo iiidulgenot oy owt bniin work. Avoid t iHXRVOUB I the impofttkinot preteit- A tiona remad tbr that t tTtHiMM. OH ovr Fi lK I Circuit end Trial Pack- , lafNtsHMl leani (fnttaitV v ; facta before taUiif treat-A -I mtnt clwwhera. Take ft Q' SURE Rkmeiit thai I IAS CUaSl-sVonsTisia, dosa i not Interfere with aiteiv r kn ts bwlwNt, or mh tMiaor bsoonTeDiD in . any way. Itoawled oa scfentiOe irjMkal princk rvl. Br dlrcsTt aoirlicalioB - fPHTSIOAI. DECAY. MYoutHt Middle eq r,w Trarto foovtr8ix VtARS BVUI WIMAIt ThOOamo OASca ' TBB4 tMtkfrtC to the Mat of tiiaeaa ft , itFaKiflo InflaeiKe l fen - tanamee t, feM -I aeUr Th. nu- . , nctkiMof the ka r nnbmterHtonMl. r- mil Amlka3f ti Ttaa igaraism te rMorerj, I'd. animttine: ment nf ItRk which mm ben vutodsivpiTCnlMUkuid 'hpMinthMQinnchMr ul ui. MpMll,..in. btHk j tmnph.Mlwriiel Vitus, On Monti, $300 . WO JlOnlhS. J O TamluuLt, 7 0. HARRIS feEMEDY CO.. rnCHtWKrA SUflUH, Tenth Sfc, BT. LOUIS, ltOtT.Ti jbfo P'RSONSI lio a TrusA. n f ar terms or onr Appliance, ilssaawsa.sM.ssst)'X aiJr,! !l CWIsVwaiSsai .AUUwllalliial ; : t ti V titv-f?! :.'i v";' r,f! " J . n' Vl:t t - U? With a View to conforming with -the times, r PATROa-of pipjacK'l AtOaf are respeoUnlly cotlfled thasntil further noties they will bepermltted tonse pqOUANB BILLLAftB TABLE8 wnrieee Uetirith '..n ... ljrJtA. A A i-..iti Charge only being made for refreshments. Also on hand at any tlme-7 ,. . " fiuvweM -4SrnWtter 5anO ? limbdreT1 Luaese; imported ana American poiagna Sansage; Saner kraut when lnafeaaon CALL Al-l st SC 'riTTICSpLBSTAlTD: : O, U fAPPKNfilCK, Aaslgnee. dwr !AMO W B-3f AT' L A W.' Offlee.oh' South' Front' street: i f'aSI ITATT.TMfrl a 11 r iii imev" s . RAtNOALOURg FORI ? . - v ' i -i 4 fcij TJABH.art iHbreparedjTo pJTer goods at ClotMnig in Endless Variety. Ladjes Cloth Gaiters at 80 cents a, P"''' 1 orown lmnenics at ess. a jnru. rnmsiroin ecu. a ynra np. Lawns and Whlto Piques at 1 eta. a yard. y mr - And athe faratojsfln. tjmenfrj.2 f J ; f J i ttL BTiee Assortaaeat of Oeats' Farml.hlng Goods, Straw Bud Fur Hate. ' Goods SavM,rfroto the PirawiU b aalff a a Sacrifice. We are SOLE AGENTS ft the A. A. BATTLB MEN'S w dvm n MWbu 9m.au ..lum. a warrvnuxi. Diiuuiuany 01 inem in any way.wuniu an reasonable, time give out, we will upon return of damaged pair ana statement as 10 lengm 01 wear, enner reuruo. "Ya T J 1 p.y tne wiriassr oy grte snother new pffr in exchange. j . 'Z-n 1st Middle Street, between Humphrey Ifutc&rd and A. H: Hoflon: ap30 dwtf DA!L BROTHERS, Wholesale Crocks, HAVE REMOVED TO Tflfeik c TWO STORES, SOUTH OF And keep 'of FLOUR, MEATS, (' 1 , NOLASslJS. SALT, TOBACCO, everything In the GROCERY. LOW Ml ICES for CAfifl.. ' LIME. 500 Bbls. Rock Lime, ' E0SE1TDALE AND PORTLAND CEMENT,' ' " PLASTEB, If AIlt, White Lead, Paint, Oil, Varnish, Glass, Putty, Etc., Etc. Lister and Whann's Li and Plaster and Phosphate, Eto., Etc., IMPROVED . " . , OOLDSBORO RICE AUD PLANING LULLS. J. STRAUSS & Co., Proo'rs. RIGB MIlERSlandManufactiirrirs DfM, Blinds, Sash, Mouldings, Mantels, Ceilings, Flooring, Stair Pails, Balusters, Brackets, Newel Posts, And all and every kind of rrame ' WINDOW AND DOOR Having just equipped our Factory with a Complete Outfit of tlieJict and LatQAtluproved Machinerywe. tonhesitetni'ff.' are Drfinarcd to siv tKht compete in prices and class of work with e-s v: 1 ru J n Kw Asi,iuiai.vD uuuuiuuv uiauu uu , marl T t I INSURE sXQUEt,LiPr IN THE PEOPLE'S MUTUAL GEO. ALLEN &. POLICIES. IssuefJ .in Amount? from $1,0()Q tg $5,000, And are payable during the life of the assured. Policies have, five coupons J .l, rl rV.l. ,i. ti: - 1 ' ' , . ' Tho coupons are payable from loir holder. . The cost is moderate, and the payments are mado in monthly assessments. This form of insurance will bo found very desirable, as it returns the nre- Ihe Directors and Managers of this and the plan of insurance is considered circulars ana iuti iniormauon iurnisnea on application to , ;., , ,ft'''Gt,o:',:lrlEJf,;t uo. ... DEAXiEll 11V if i! .J !:Wo '.'tin -1! -O - ' 'SALT! 1,000 Ssiis LiYcrFdbi' d: fealfc RccS Sill f ). ::iL:iIaATLi-:n. Pf craven BTnriiow'Epniss office, e. v r j . Are again In business, and having bough ttlielrgoods In the NEW TOBK and MAH8ACHCBETT8 MAKKET8 fconuafANUFACTyUEKS MidFlltST HANDS, CHEAP Men's Blue Flannel Suits at $11.00 and upwards. AUn'sC. Worsted Uuita at aio. . Ladles Gr. Button Boots at 05 centra pair. .very pair .,.'--ir--rf THEIR FORMER STAND COFFEE, SCGAB, S YRUPS, 4 ; . ',--, fi SNUFF ANI CIOAuS, and JjlXE. a W Ul-L STOCK and at a24 b fir.rCT Plow Brand Guano, . COTTON SEED. . GEO. ALLEN & CO. Wood Work for Buildings, or uncK. ' FRAMES A SPECIALTY. anv factory in our country. .1; r . 1 i J ail uiubbub ui wuou wurK. dwum 1 EUDDVUENT ASSOG'U, CO., AGENTS. to ten vears. according 'toaVe of PalicV Company are mun ,of high character; perfectly safe. l s, ,m . 1 at AGENT FOE THE COMPAKK 4" T"'"l:-.4w?S all JttM 1 I itw:n 8IQ!f OF FLAG. tjf-i vf. . ,.or.-;'liHr,. htA.ishn-X'? ' SALT I SALT ? SAITJ s . NEWBERN, IV. C. - - ' i J

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