big 3EiiiStl85. THE JO UIUTAL NEW ErriTS, N. C, iTAX 2?. 1885. 7 ii n I I ii i i . j I il I liii I i ' I II I am bow opening mj unusually large freea. and attractive stock of r j, r Staple andi liicyiDryaGoods 4 Comprising FULL'LXNMB IN ALU EATJffE'vdi.embriiig Bnyera will find it to their Interest to c6me ff3"exa"niinemy"coinman Jin .atocfc.,,.tfclow. I wUlenumwatosan ottigJJnves; "T;v 'fl Good Bleaching,' yard wide, Sc. v g : v;'-r titer. auality.6,"7,land 8c t r'i c f 5 ; tum cell you a fine 10c meacWrep V d 11 ; Yard wide Brown Domostio. 4 and 5o j Gingham Ooodl Ea. v -; I A fflOl: Uni or:iMr8heet& l5aWoiie al ' - widthe wnicn we wijl bgu . at. Boak.Botom Frfcea.. j.. . 'r A good'Pillow Casing; 64,' for 10o'., former price 15c. - . ' . .JTk attention of tk .trade is -ealled 4hnreBMonplee line of Ilanibnrii ' '.JEmbroideriei we have ever shown.-rEery grade is fully represented, on ; 'I fJabne, ianaooks, owisa and whtte 2004a, ranging in prices from so. to 6Uc. " i Also eall jonr attention to my lliviEmbjoiiries, which we are selling vert -. -i low. - . . . . .': VIll joorspeeiaj ; I -V Woren Cotton and linen Torchon Laces from 1 to W-Orientalil'10 to 25c i ; y v A large line of all kind of lace for ; Lawns ,fromii 3 to 5o. My stock of -v .' lnrials, Russian Brabant, l3retonne, ' Valenciennes, Guipures is immense ti : . vr;- T in. l rr ;. win lurprisingij low in prices, xiiuo uacu tp uuoap mt .wo. t i106 p0'8 3 an4 5c., worth li5.! Laos Fishuea 6, and 10c.f: I have -oa hand Tery large line of hand-made Guipuro Laces. Will sell yon silk lace mitta .tor 25c., worth 60c. (in black or cream). - iwti&vt nun vuvra X'' ' J.I1 .WftSIl rfl. briCS we acknowledge no competitors. stock of ''"f.tli Percales, Gambrics, Calicoes;" Lawnst:Ginghan)8, etc, is immense. .Not only is the assortment far, far greater, but prices are ar lower than any ;; ower store wiuaeu.. iMi .. ; i j vtt .- .!.: k 53 yV H-;vImt8TOOK of .' i:::!aiu::in:,c2d,;vioTon!ALAwns ' imrTaJfiofliln - : S M stock of DRESS OOdDaanot beldualed il 2KrOiV or tiMlIlT. " V W full lini SERGES, MOTAIBSlam,VBaiIGSr DiA:D '" ALMAS, American and Imported CASHMEBES - ALB ATBQSS, DBAP : de TONQUIS1, BATISTE CLOtHS t)TT(5MAKS5 HENRIETTAS, ' j I'rJ. and EMPRESS CLOTHS. Large assortment ;rLAIDS injtll colors, and '1; '"other goods too numerous to mention,! Jf ftifj, 2 A - is simply immense; everything ia a drive, t Tp 'show ,you L wiir gif"yon " ' '- ' Ladies' Hprnsttched Handkerchiera oc.( worth 15c Plain Yhite Ilandker- ::, . chiefs 8c. 1000 dot. Ladies' Hose,' white' and Striped.' T5c.v A full line of - fuU regular made Hose, in ladjes' children and nisses',at half importation . ' Drices. Good Linen Collars 5c. Pins YbrahsV 5c.k ' Keedles Sc. liadies' , , ' ' ! " si eedla Casket 10c. Knitting cotton 5c(., regular price 10c, Endless Tariety 1 v f Ladies' nd Children's Straw Hats.j Hand' at 25 to '50c.; worth sv"!' none. ' Picture Frames n alt ' tarieties. Albums 25o., worth r e. a Urge assortment of i in ware at naif prices. M4ies' ,nildren - 'I ttiaaw flaaie Vests in all sizes 10e id n'wU U rUss- -f Ws M. C 'v-V:A' Blendid TJnlaundried Dress SJiirt 50 cents. ;,': v-;.;,: QVAEASTEEp mEs; , , ' ;i -V' ; Ladies' Children and blisses' -Gloves, tke'ViggeH arir&I hart affict to 35o, WOKTU, ACTUALLY, 50c. to 1.00 pe pair. r;;i & ImmA'FXTLL LINE OFMATIN(JsrH'v); ' .Striped, Checked, .and Fancy, k COCOA UATTIXQ in Plain' and 8triped CARPETS and OIL CLOTHS (all width). vm, havo the largest stock of Lfidies'.Chillren and Misses '- , .(Vat can be found in the city.:-1 have1 theia jV all styles -and 'swell, quantities , aid qnalities. My . V-i ,-,r ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 5 '.' '' ' 4 V , ' '99 centa Button ,1 are as goodui any $l.f0 shoe that can be bought in the city Ladies' Opera 81irmers fiOcf Cloth Oaitfini flflk.' . t ' . ;--.:-.: ' V.T , r : 6 thit trade toy undivided attention. - My second floor s filled with goods from top to bo"-n for till irtde .exclumeW, 'rl btiara'afee', to duplicate any bill you ' can purchase In any Northern Mar vontireir tno only VY holesateUealer u udf let. Dont,Foigely TheElacp.d3s2 ;00n, New Berne, N. C. The Cow-Tree " , t 1 Tiiis singular and ' really wonder f al tree is thus spoken of ia Myers' "life nd Katnre Under the Trop- ica," ,as. the author aw ;lt grawing in Venezuela., He -says : "The most interesting form of vegetation and one that flourishes abundantly through the rngged mountain wads, is the famous palo de vaca or -cow tree.' From it is obtained, "by in cisions made in the trunk, a milkv juice," sweet and agTeeable? to 'the taste,- ana; which is considerably used as food, by -the natives. It furnishes an exceedingly nutritious fOOI... L'ii'Ji .J .;'. i!u!,ci:a.'Ji . i ,t j xne tree auains a great neignr, the coriaceous leaves being from six to ten inches in length. The wood is red, very hard anq durable, The fluid is put at Para upon the Amaf son te various uses, i' Wben-applieq rresn from the tree as a glue, lh milky sap hardens and holds with greater durability than thqprdinar cabinet-maker's glue. tIt also inakei good nstard,V.vt,ifttVf-a-'' " Amid the great Dumber of curt ons phenomena," says Humboldt "which I hare observed, in th course of my, travels, I,CQnfeaq there are few that have -made so- pdwerl ful an Impression 6d me as the cow tree.".,,;. 4. :,;.., i.-,.,, i t -.n. .There is, indeed, something pecul liarly impressive in this remarkable tree, wbish will not be obliterated from the mind of the traveller bv It. - . i j. m . i J mo-' many votuer wonuers oi iu equatorial region! tbt mavcomi under' his observation'. TbaVther should be a Jree mysteriously elab4 orating a substance devoid of all acidity or bitterness, .or any of the" deleterious qnalities usually belong-! ing to lacteseeat plants, and which is, moreover, a delicious and Wh,ftle4 some aliment,' is no less a remark-. aoie fact than a benencentprovision, for the-, inhabitants of fr; Jcbrfntry WhotelVmainTv nridtitha nalnml resonroes of the land tot supplying1 their wants. nx;.- m ..t.-j us .- It you have a bad .cold, Sine's Syrnp of Tar will enrefou. Onl?25o; For sata by R N. Oun-v k jf el dwlta f ; The Atlanta CensUMVon, In a lonjt article, relating to the B. D R. nf ifinl: nil.v ' uvfi' The Blood Balm Company started i ofae year ago with $102.00, but toaf the bnsmeas cannnt utr noa(?nT Tor 550,000 1 The demand im he aatisfaction kit en ia said to be Without a parallel, a jts action is" prononnced wond erfoi . I ' 'A We are glad to annouhae that our druggists'; have 'already secured a sup ply, ana we nope our readers, wiir suft piy tnemseiveaat onoe. ' ' i' ' ,,.v j It is said to be the bnlt sDoed v and permanent mood poison remedy offered. riviug enure sausiacuon in ait caaes b- ore ooobotu has beennsedi-For Blood Dloa otf Kidneys Troabtea. 8oorala uatarrn.oid uicenand Ukin t'iseases, rr oaa bottle of B. B.B. - ' ' For sale in Newborn by RA N.'Ouffyi Tak' Sine's Syruft Of ' Tar fdr oteh'a ana eoias. uniy 90i For sale by K, iIH lit ,1 v;m C:r.3 cnu Sc3 Tt:m I ait aJ-: -liJ f't'-ti ' -Ill- . sunnEn GOODS ! NOW READY-"'1 ' Sit flit nil) ft. i'l . if ?Ti ti'.ii uxt-Vt-i v ft- ' Itiiii: ii J For the inspection of our many Friends I .' i .O i apd Cnstpmers, a, j-. t j.? .tafft, vl"f.'.f rfJr Iil!l i '- ')Jr rK(.i v;iit- NICE AND WEJL SELECTED STOCK 'ii;Virr,t'WA. efftm"') .is it di aa -.fjoi;i ,8i:tsia'i pf-J u mum ftj MSrfj n iaiw ,-A ,1 if ....' jrv ' .iii,. ...'- ' ' 1 Mi 1 .'lt!l h SH M Jt' . J- ,iii;: l xJ 'tor5i w. ' l'', i.W.i. nV... ......4 4' We control the 'sales;' of 'Shoes I made by the East New. York "Shoe I lyompitiiT,. ior 1110 vnjt uuu can ; I cheerfuUy reoOmmead them 1 to -. f thoM Wishing-' to 'buy a 'shoo tlmt will give entire. satSsf action.': Also, ; cheap Shoes from 75c. up. ' . ; ' H dJI t Ail' -ti'.t.l , f-i .;..f;-'i f .":i i-j i litNId- rUHNISMNb UUUU5, ; I . ..!!.. i' -l tu ' ii.. Thf, beet-white Shirts made for : j $1.00, 2,200 linea. f, Best: muslin re j 1 inforced front and back. Calt and : 4-seait j . x e a'sfl nave tjie agency toifJar- ; hjtft.gJhadiOl'Uhier; ucceeeor to ; j Bald will. Tlje jQIpthier.( ome and ; j see bur fccaii 11 ul " line samples, : L Mii4h Clcapet tati Ivor" before. ) , : ibAlinepg3jitnJentf GeuU' Straw : : and Stiff Hate, from 60ot to $3 00. : ! i- See our. bewwtiful ' lino Collain,-: 1 Cuffs. .TteiiXIajtdlerehiers, Ualf : 4 HoaeietojtcV'..'."---i,'. : Atlantic im! Harti Carclini ailroii Ci 0V,.FBEIGHT OEPRTMKNT -(, 1 KWBBS,,0(.iIari.188S1, NOTICE TO SDIPPERg. , Krora and after data. th rWirir Viwlsht will be diacontlnaed, and .the Freight Xrain r1e th KsrhIbTi SctuMole, going 'eat Mmlay8.-we(lnetKlniaQd Fridays.! f4 ' FEn:::::::3iOLniG:i JAH MS IX)dNrj A ft-! MTV ' - rV . vtt-. m xV'Aiureen'g uia tana f . GET HIS FSICES DKHlI S i&roce iifetf. Lorillard ft Gail ft Az'aSfaaSslCUaln Sacks, Rapes, Twinesj Catfras Oakum, Painta, Oils, etc, etc. before pnrebas- Orders taken for Nets and J5eirjs.rn, Agent for Haaard Powder Co. 4 v . ' 1 . . TI TTTTlTy 'OSr.-lT nov28dw NEW BERNE, IL' 0. Mom of ttiricrrlij j:inmTa :a, , l8APOTA TOLU.w. ;jv? Also, MAKSH. MAtLOW" and other r resn uanaiea irom Koyster's. Just re ceived, at'.'-v -v.;V -; MRS. STANLY'S BOOK STOEELH nar88 dSm m . i. -4. i Pollok Street. The Brick Store adjoining the Banking iionse- or ureea,ttT E uo., on South Possession given Hay 1st, 1885. a3dtf JOHN A. RICHARDSON, W.HDEWEY! Panonallr la attendance at htiHatrdmalnt and Bliavlng ealooa a lb ajiuuQ Hoaa who lite peat worjtnien and new furniture. , isaiMHMiuou waaaurea to taoae who patron hi ' ,.,.t ... R0EIHT3 Z 'Uri'DEHSOIT New Ilerjio,' O. Only-;, first class -Corpf.-":? re'tnert". Hr. IL' ui " -1 1-rssc. . . Total Capital ovtr idly Lllllions o- DEESS GOODS ! 1 i - We invite attention to our $1.00 Black Dress Silk, 22 inches wide, : Land, very heavy Gros Grain, the. best iyet offered for the money. Alao ; NaVery hkvy piee at 76o. ' V 'Ti Batins in ail shades, very low. . , . ? LadleatDroBs ffannela, Si rnehes wide, latest shades, alt wool, 75o.- : Cashmeres and Ottomans, ail ool- j prs, from 25o. to 75o. Also, cheap- ; I -er graaes irom luo. to xoc COLE AGE17T FOR THE Co'GijraiGii Diaiiioiiil Sii i! HANG IT. HARIA 1 . '1 ' ; -ri . j ..,'. -i.--,,-w; )( J : f '4 ,i i'f.'H " I ''I : Lc';Why dont you buy my shirts i; ; ! j ready-inade ?,T Whars the use oi, ' J J '-i wearing your eyes out over fine-' t in ! : 1 j a ! t . needle work, and breaking your 4 ; ;'v vJ ,v u back trying to save a few cents 1 m (ii-; .; ''f-: U.I don't see thesavtf you can. buy shirts now-a-days. ji W-', viol... . ,' ,. . ? i for very little more -than the -cost tv- i - ; :. . ," -' ;V; y;'. '-' ''" f .:'WmteiY; tiUs,".DjAM.v .i-; .fij-i7uV'.j,'. , t i?; "' mond" I've" just bpught J flay. . " -' ' Maria'I am goiri to buy a .j'vf i;Wr5 " r ;? P.:"V-;;- ' j WE HAVE JtJST BECEIVED iTIIE I 4 1 S n I Er WW 'i,t a i;.-.' we ever drought to mis .::.:et. -lit . A ' I ' I i ' r :T. ..... t ;;itead . a, partial list of the Immense Bargains vl we-are.offering;tM;scb A Gents' Full Eegulaf Kado Sook for 18c., worth 30o.. it trt .-ti-i i7 jjraiTE GOODS! j consistaof India linen from 12o. j i to 40o. (special attention is called to 1 the 12io. grade); Mull, beautiful 1 i quality, 48 in. wide, at40o.: Ladies ; Dress Robes of India Linen, with : f embroidery to match r the' latest : novelties in White Dress Goods; t prices $4,00, $4.50, $5.00 and $6.00 each; Piques from So. to25o., and I rr.m Til..: J l ! nu buuiow vai.objr UL 1HIU IfiUS lins,"' French; Welting,"1 Persian Lawns', Nainsook and India Lawns.' j I-- . - . t -.- , . ., t at teat U m HOSIERY! T i .... . : - .'i 1 , .i Ladies!' and - Children's Hose,'; j black and colored, full regular Also, a lot oi cheap Uo8ierjv5o. ana ioo. j : s i , t sakyt I places and Edgings.; j J-""-Torchon, Valenoiehne, Spanish , j Oriental, and an endless variety of other kinds, all sold, at a very low : price. , . ? . I V..,. Hamburg Edgings,' the prettiest i In town, all widths and prices. : : - Swiss and All Over Embroidery v : suitable for trimming India linen . ann iawns. t-. :. . ...... 1, I i . .il ... rt t: mt. .ri 1 srlliscellaneoiis. " -I in We have a beautiful lot Oil Cloths, ; f If attings, and Hemp Carpets. ; ? ,. 'Bleached, Unbleached and Col- j bred Table Damask,' Russian Crash, i j Napkins and Doylies, from Sc, up. i Towels, all linen, large size, loo; 1 knotted fringe "full damask, 60o,- f beautiful quality; a very fine dam : ask, 43 inches long, 23 inches wide, i t 25o. the cheapest -towel sold. Also, : a lot very cheap towels from 5o. vff. : j ;'OKnra--Black Silk, 85c. to $1.00. i : Lisle Thread, 15o. to 40o- ' . Handkerchiefs Colored border, i j 8LV,U8bjoltV 5o.1, aH-linen ' fa-em-1 J, stitched, 15o. ' r , 1 s : , . , - : : PEAHUMEftr-iTfeppnn's Sweet Bye : : and,.Byo Extract,, 25c, , Coming's i Germanv"Colo'gne, 15c.' Golden i : Spray Cologne, 10c. Good Extract, J .j85c. -Cologne, 6c. i TortEi; Soaps. Best assortment i -.6f5c. soaps in.; th. city. Turkish 5 -. Bath, .Bet, formerly 5o. 1 -i '-Envelopes and Wmthio Papkh. 1 'ood quality 5c per quire for j .jiBper, oo. per paca tor Miveiones. s 5 Combs," Hair;, Brushes,,, Tooth 1 : .Brushes, .- Purses. Pocket Books: i: ScisHors, Shears, Need les, Ric Rao. ; oraia, etc., etc. ( . . , , , , : i : COK8ET9 33c, 40o. COc. and jj.OO. :' li-.PARr, Brrro'xs 8c dojs. , -.. r;,'.' Gakter Elastic 5c, yard,',.! '' ; j ; Flns best qaality brass, 5e. paper ... . i . j We say that we sell a r " 1 mrny goo.. fit w noJeBale, and we iuvno in spect'..i of our stock when in need of suyr lourjina. t,j . . a eentupon appl. ..on. ': Solid Gray Sock for IWc, worth 35o, These Socks are a great 'drive, and arfgoing ast.Tlf vJ'iiyV'i i CASSIMEEES for Gents' and Children's wear. Cannot be excelled. We have a larger assortment of them at Lower Prices than has been brought c to this 'market this season; r ti' i - . t :- v ' ' . : .f ltvffs1tTaV tJoWit 6ol.:--.; v'l .B j: u 11 cJiiR ,h CALICO- W good as ia tnade. at 4c. and 5c r'- i! ';H-V''ii',K;3ci:ri." JT4 Wide trnbleiBie4me8'i;6. 1 r-"r ' ; 'Splendid ; Heavy Domestic. ;4oi 'i;-' ir nv -vvC, v-"-''Nica iBleached Domestic t 'Bis;, 6c;-and ;7o. - ' -Efiautiful Worsied PJiaids for Ladie ad;Childrea'jt-J)tea, at! . 8c,,.10o. and 16o.. .;.'. , f, . , s i ii'V. 4p' V ' Half Wool Dress Goods at lOc, and I5c. ? ' Half Wool Twilled fDebaizes at i5e'.,wortn 25c.' n '. i rprrciiar wb tr k tro' '. ".'JV;.' ' f.A 'J 4 i v i l;i ill TlTElSr WE HAVE Nun's Veilings, ;l Cashmeres ; . : Albatross, -Ottamons; Serges, '' ' '. I f-f I'M'J- 1 rfi.U Myostis,2. ; Buntings, t r Henrietta doth, -Shally Delaine,-, pi.:i'i a; -'!;;.-Ui i And a hundred other kinds of DUI3S3 GOODS in BOTH BLACK and ; V : ' . COLORS, whioh we BOUGHT AT JOB PBICES. Wa bay bat few.' ' ' goods in a regular way , the hard Junes North has caused many mannfacta- .A ' rcrs to close out, jobs at half cost it is from these that we buy largely, tbua V-' enabling ns to retail at a muoh lower price than many other merchants pay at "A'Si ' i'"' wholesale." If 'jou want bargains, TRY, US.- ' 'V 'v: :i'?$t;" , i unr otocK oi jaliAViL UOOD1S is tremendous. . W e have all wool 48 : f inch Black Cashmere at C5c, ; , . . ...!,.- ,-- . , ,f , ... '..K , See our Stained Snmmfir Silka at 50o and as fur TtUaV ftiv ' have only one piece left of a fine job lot, it is fine Gresgraia and very heavy ; .' would sell anywhere for f 1.50; wo sell it for fl.M. , ?; s ;; i..4aV piaid-Ginghams 5c;::-:;; India Lawn. 45 Inohes wide, for 7c worth 19, W WHITE GOODS at Bottom Trices.' t ; Lovelv Embroideries of all stvles front lot of over a thousand dollars, which enables us to r el ail, lower than the wholesale price in New York. : ; ; "v " " " ' r " . ' . :. ' We -M ;iovely Swiss" and Kuji'lbroidfin ; iris!i!pcit Bretonne and Oriental Lace. ' -r ..,:. , . ; AsV to see our job in Ladies' Hoso, fine goods, for 25o., worth' 35ol to COo We also have a good Sfnn'Trino. for 5oJ a'anlendid "PwJVtos .V I t.U n fancy Hose for children for 5c. ; ,' '. ' . - ' " We sell ft jrptendjd 25. and 50o. CorSet ? " ' " Handkerohiefs from 8a; up. : m " '? ".:', 1 0nr AU'Wool JerSOyt are only tl.2a. V; :. . i Towels, large and he.avy,'for 5c, and a pure all linen Towel for 10c. Napkms, 4cv"all lipen. .j;,,-; , ' .f? ' VffZ r-a i-fjl fWosfJl SHOES 'Oh!, ao cheap,,. AVoareclosing out our E'ock ofer!C .at Hard-times prices.' " . f " - f- i f ' . We ate hot thCbnlv wrioWnl mnrplinnt i'n Van llmna J.,': i. c "T whblesale' bills'and sell countrv merehsnf.q ho Tnnnv if'c r i,.' merchants who' trade with us are getting all the trs ' s in t' e r ; country ; therefore, if mordants want to buy DRAW TRADE, they eall on ng. - ; Ten' t . fc r c t c;;r Eir-r !r GCCJDJ st LO .11 ; V . Ppl'irs. Jun24dlT II. B. i