.V- .-V- .., , j-r THE JOURNAL. j A m 'ill 1 . i vi - r-- if I -V.. A. ; t , . . . I am now opening any unusually . . v--' " :Ctaple and j - . . Comprising FULL LINES IS t . - all HOVJfiLTIJSa and SPECIALTIES for the n ( : ' ' r - Q, k.- !. ri;. u -W', ,:, ft-A liujers will find it to thet interest - Pritit Pri ti fa Priri Good BleacWn;Vard; wlli;ci'u,t - Better QuaUty 0 7i laadrjco JftUS? .eJSOTg 9VT- ' Will sell yon a fine 10c Bleach for 8o, Yard wide Brown Domestic 4 and 6c.' 11 i- Gingham (good) Scm'J ,:j ) hot .Ki-i.-p jom A fall line of 0-4 .Sheetinsr and lPillow Casing i-all widths which we will sell A goad Pillow Casinffr HAUBURGS.I ' - The attention of th trade is ealled to the most complete lineofEtanburg Embroideries we bavf vfirshowi Even 4ieeiullTf epreti, on " Also cll yonr attention to my . , I call jour apoia attioiBjjarntjractiTe at(tfk 0 r LACEf;GQOI)Si,;,EBGJN(1S, f JfP. . Woven Cbtlon and Linen Torchon Laces froui 1 to 5c. iQkrlentajs 18 to 25 s. A. Urge line of all kind of lace .bscartals, Unssian, JJrabant, liretonne, Valenciennes, Unipnres is immense . and are sarprisihgly lofin(pricef. jrJJice JCuWc s-cheapTat 60b.' , Laoe Collars S and Sc., worth 2a. Lacc Tisi uegl3 and TOc. I have-on hand , 1 verv large. Un of band-made Guipure Lacs.f WjU sejl sjpm fillr emittfl . , iw zoo., worm ouc. (in oiaca or cream;. 111 'WiftSll "FftbriCS .-'I Jweens, i'eroales, Uambrics, (jaliooes, ljawns. uinghams, etc., is immense, TSqIowj is the'assortraenf farJITar greaterTSnfprieeg ariSrl V are maryaleous m My stojek of DRESS G90D3 cannq I. fcarepilullliBe BERQI MDHAlRjj'TlJTJ DIJAP'D . ALMAS, Abetioan and -Imported; de T0NQUI1T, BATISTE CLOTnS, OTTQM.AN3,r , ahd EMPRESS OLOTGSJ ! Large r feiimplji , . : iiesrJIemstioneaHandkerohiefA8c.,oitli 1B4 Plaid' White IIa3lke. chiefs 3o. 1000 dos. Ladies' Hose, . full regnlar made Hose, in ladies childreV and' misses', .at half importati vtriees.. GoodlLineu CoJlarcSo. "J?'fWjttml irfi HfeeJles, Jfe; Ladi Needle Casket 10c. Knittine cetton 5c,rceular price 10c. . .Endless rarie v of Ladies' and .Children' Straw.IIat', JlandJiags aj; ?5, to, 00c.,' .orih double the money ' Picture Frames j in slV. yarieties. ' Albums 25c.t , wortS 50a. A large assortment of Tinware at half, prices. ' Ladies', children ail misses Qanxe Vests in all siies lOo, A K a 10;OpO lairs irs Ladies' Children and Misses' Gloves, ike uwgest ante I hate at 5c. " WORT0fAGroALXtl lYiM :85cn A FULL LINE.. Striped, Checked,' f and r Faney.r Striped. ClttPETS nd Oil CLOTHS ( fctftfiy' I have the largest stockf of that can be fonna in the city..,, Ihave 'AfV AAVite 'Iftivf am fitiAAe) are as good aj an4 IlO thos that can -t M- I am positively tho only Wholesate Dealer in the city. I giro nit trUe my undivided attentiop. -My second floor is f411edyith goods from top), to bottom for I kit trade fvify fc'ga1ite billjon can purchase in' any Northern Mar kef. " r"t" . v.p ' ' - : Police!:. Ctrcct" : ; -'' : : v New Berne, N. C. "trr :-..:n.."iJ ) large, fresh and a&afivto&'4fo3 Miw!if4.."l'r'i:i - ".j ., I Pancy:Dfy:G6ods; .Iv. LL JJEFARTMENTS, tad embTtciu toeome and exatpine my eiawawcjink- fa A. Pta nsr Vnrn ! at Rock Bottom. Prices. f i 4. for10cvr-former-priee-i5c. ." M -Li HAMBURGS. All-over Krabroideries.whioh wearo selling very for Lawns from 3 to So, My stock bf clowdj - o no competitors. My stock f ower than any quanhtj and quality. be wjualed ui XRIQQ n fiUALITj ftAStjaiJg IjBpSS, fXBAP n a 'ial aksortmenf of P I will gire you while .and Is triped, 5c. A full line lof- and up. I. 1 arr w r -k 9 r to QE.ilATTINGS;; COCOA ' MATTING fa Plwh aid Ladies' GhHdrea and Misses wfr'f them in all styles and sices, quantities bHibnghtJn ile cityiiadies' Opels jtSW Jf. C. MAY '31 1885,, ,11 ATWttTqE,.,, J A (ru Bxp4ltl frrklt Oak On the roorning of the 20th of .May . tbesetwo Drave men leit weir pieasam homes and made their war down the . , ' I n! M .H S lonaiy xuaaw criugwrwu wiui gnu in hand. aocomDanied bv .their trie- friends: a small' flee idoe "and a haS hound. Thus equipped they wereieat lesa. f rom tnetr laoes vou couiase that they were aware of the many dan gers awl ftardabips that, lay a beiorp them; but like Ijewis and Clark, they were determined to learn something c the unexplored oeuntryJ After react -ing .the i rivet thev stepped Jnto, the boat and commenced their Mangeroup journey, not knowing what moment they would be attacked' by the wild beasts of the forest, but having everjr oonfldeaceia Jtheir faithful .dogs ana truety. - gnst hey - proceeded widiy down the lovely eanal cut by convicts, and soon were lost sight pt In the thick forest.. After going .down; some ..dis tance they came to a large lake, 3 yards' across.;', This they thou -ht was the -home of catfish "and mud turtle. Around this laketthe growth, was not sb Uhiokf plenty signs f - -boar- and f cat. From this .led two small streams, from 4 to 6 feet in water, and "about 8 or p feet wide.'4 Going' down one of the streams some, distance ,they ,hecara worried, and, like, honest fllowa, theyi concluded,' after - Koonce" had gone ashore and climbed up a tree,' making all the d iscoyeries he could, to return home Thev were met in the e venial by.somo'frjends who LXpeO,t4 M learn something" from tneee 'brave explorers, but 1 they refused -to be Hnterviewsd, saying that theywould give" the publioi the beoent of their ! discoveries some time, The news had gone On ahead to their families, and they were ttwaitfnk their arrival..; The brave advisnturers soon came in sight, and ' amid 'the shouts of the bhlldxeta." the batklrfe At ' J the dogs, tney entered their homeIur dwsatigttea wunnjBirxpeqiyon. Tlie'eicle Eac;at Cfcarlollef N. CBAkLOTTK. If. C-A 'Iratfl-John Prince.-otWaahin(rtoaiDjC,w t champion oybielist of Anserica, won the four-mile race : Bgalnst ' four ' separate trottinar horses, on the crounds of .the Carolina Fair wAssociatiott to-dar and Lbeas this. erorM's veoor4lmakini n mile an4 law yards, u the unprecedented- time tf two minntes and m seconds;-4 Hft time was taken with stop watches by three members of qeChaKl lotto Bycjple Club, the watches varying onlv a Quarter of a second and the slow est time only being recorded.- TheTafr Association; wHlresena.mv.rinoO with.a beautiful modal in lienor I the . or: j in , - Ketios U MArlNefOk ..Notice (s .hereby given that, on and after June 1, 1885, a. Axed Wbitaiiidit, lehown from a Western River lantern, WUI b hxhibitoa -frent .the"! wooaen tower - retwntty -constructed -on Dap-I BxawUherToinifc hettr Newhurgn; 4ind- rson Mver; New Yorkr w i. rThe focal plane is. .81 feet above the ground.; and 4teet above'meair low water" ' .-'-t1 v-i-.-i ..-. I ' A fog-bell, 'struck by machinery, wlll be sounded, given a volley of blows-, at intervals' of 20 'BecondB,, during thitk and foggy, pMwt.:' T:' -A w ' ! ' tiae;idmlrl avy; Chm'n J SUaAUskaA .1.'. ' - " 18 S3. .....W. E. JN&IZMG? 10 C r5Ili0 iwf?1 JO 'a" ...4 .'l?VrlLOlflllBlk0 V ComBiission XlGrct-ats : ' tH TTTTOl r 1 "MTi . W MTrfi.V 'AVfl'- AW WJH ' fcfertotiTpermhrtrtnri,l--'VfV ! J. A. Gulon, Casbter Kfttl Bnk,uKiw lfei-he iiB. Robert. AgiU (X U.8S. C(J i - .Carter's BaVcarMcknk. i .Vt"-.-:-'-v-. io r-iiUVtlHC f " NICE LOT BTATIpNEBY, Jnat mselved atv: :--a- U w.jjtj.; j -r. Atao,'aa EtegantMArmnt ot KMBKOI DKHItO S1L-KHH. which Utiles will nleasft USUA RUU AIUJUC( ' k UOV U1SU ::CAlfE FjprjD A-H . L 1A;arecii'tfflIOtaiid oixim .' 'IB. .oiV Tl ,UT ',': rdlrf'HlS PtCE tail fj Loriliard '5ia & AxNs Snuffs. Grain SaCkK Rrwet. Twines. Canvas. Oakum. hpaintst t)ils"i eio.','elc, before purchas ing. ,,.--...- ...;.,. Yy.' V : Orders taken for Net and Seines. .: Agent for. Basard Powder Co, ... t-u-y. mw p, ULBIC1T, ov2dw ' ' " NEW BERNE,- N.1CJ tonsoeial;aetist Pttaonallv la attendaiice at hit H!rdrmlt4 Qd HhTtDg Hslona at the Ciamon Houte With tb bea-t of k atxl aw (rullare. SatUfmcllua Utunured to iboiw WUo.ptiLrun. is him. 4 ( , EOBEETS ' tl'JIEITrniSOlI New Durrio, IV. O'. Only first class Companies represen. ed in lTrs. IL'iini A:;::r.t L.-iraaes. -Total Capital over Torty Ilillions o . - Dolla:-B. . JurUlf x'tKh win m si' r-.' a V! Lib lilt I (Mil tt'ti t .'. n? i.. Tfir the inspection of our many Friondr ,.V wij.-.MWtmers. a rxi iJfCE AlSID WELt SELECTED STOCK SPnijlQ and ,0116 i ;;). .t".l.'-inv'''-;.-f,A '' ib Atit to'!'! nv I'. SUUUER ; GOODS I T It' J. 5 flTTATJO : t1 We'cdnfror ihS Vaio"of - Bh'oes made by ha ,Eit New York Shoe $ and cheerfully - recommend . them to those wishine to bnv a shoe that : 'will give entire satisfaction. ; Also. I hn RIWuU fMm VV. , - ..'.- .' Vly H,H I.-V..T j GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. 'i 1 rrfhe heathite-tShirts made-for ': ; in forced IJOB and back,,. Call and 'We hKi hav the agency for Car- liartV: The " CJothieV, 1 suooessor to : BahtwarTh Clothje Come and j see 'our.Vpeaiittfoi "Jirie samples,; Much 'Cheaper than ever "before. rTi.A 'fine agsortment of Gents'Straw , and Stiff UaU, from 50o. to 88.00. .n , ;'-Sde out beautiful line Collars,' : Cuffs." Ties. Handkerchiefs, Half we invite attention to our 81.00 pl&P S'l. Md vry.21.ea;y G' c, 28 inches wide, 3 roe Grain, the best yet offered fo he money. Also : a very neavy piece at voo. i : f ., Batins in all shades, very low.- ; 1 I Ladies' Dress Flannels, 63 inches; wide, latest shades, all wool, 75c. " Cashmeres and Ottomans, all cot-1 '6ri, from 25o. to 75c. Also, cheap- ? er grades from 10c, to 25o. WHITE GOODS ! 4 :,40ur stock of VWHITE ' GOODS i; to 40c. (special attention js called to l s the lSio. grade); Mull, beautiful ! quality, 43 in. wide, at40o.( Ladies 'Dress Robes of India Linen, with i I embroidery .to match: the latest : ; novelties in White Dress, Goods; I prices (94,00, $4.00, V5.00 and JfS.OO t ; eacn; riaues from oo. to 23c,, and: : an, pd less variety off Plaid Mus4 j lins, French ' Welting, - Persian 4twmainBO0'and,nai xwna.; ! l .' ' i i - -.1 ! I is Z; ; HOSIERY! : f Ladies'- and ' Children's , How black land colored, full rbgular : .-Also, a lot pf cheap Hosiery, 5c I.AkdlOo;---.- ,V;- trr ...m.I.. wt.;,.,f.An ...... ......w 1 ices and Edgings! 2 - i TArnhnii ValAiiniannn . QnattLl, A Oriental, and an endless variBtv of ,1 6 other -rinas, anvsold.ata very o : price. b-v.ah.rt ..t -.. . : f . Hamburg Edgings, the' pretties ; i (j- ... . . . ... . -'i - Swiss and All Over Embroidery, : 1 suitable for, trimming India linen ' ."f'rrjTr;?n'JV.'rv.vvvv,.v-4,'-v,,-"-- sceUaneous'S We have a beantifol lot Oil Cloths, i Aiiti.iiugi, huu iiemp carpets. '. I ; : " Bleached. TTnblnnnhAl mil fVI. ' r if.u;i . i tt: a. Napkins and Doylies' from 5o. up.: TeweUKtkll linen, large size, 10c; i : knotted fringe, full damask, 50o , i 'beautiful Quality; a vory fine dam;- : ask, 43 inches long, 23 inches wide, i 25c, the cheapest towel sold. Also, : t It vefy ehiap towels from-So. np. : s GixJTBS Black iilk. S5c. to f 1.00. t : Lisle Thread 16o. to 40e. -' I i viJADJKFBColored border : j So., usually 60.4 all linen hem- : ' stitched, 15o.-. ' ' ' - .A I ,i f-1PKKFUMKRY--Tapp8n,s Sweet Bye : J -and. Bye Extract, 25o.. Coming's : ; German ;Cologne 15c.' Golden : : Spray Cologne, 10c Good Extract, ': jS5c; Cologne, 5c." --- .- . 1 i S w: Ton,ST ..SOAPSrt-Beet assortment i Of 5c aoaps in the city Turkish : i Bath, 3c., formerly 5o. ' r ; f : $ j Envelopes and Wmrao Papki, f : good qualitv-5o. per qnire fdr : jpaper, 5c, per pack for envelopes. " " IVmV,o TIoi- U 1 . rri .1. I j Prnshes, furses," Pocket Books, ! I ScigHors, Shears,, Heed lea, Hie Rac, J J Braid, etc., etc. -: j" Oobsbts 85o.,' 40oi tOc.' and f 1.00. I i KAKu ilUIiuAB UO. aOK. . i- ( i ! Garter tXAsno 5c vard.- j; ..rixs best quality brass, 5c: paper j v..'...........' I TO CCTSY UEr.CHA:.T3 We t- ' 1 f - y that we sell a foJ manv gco3a ct ! iosale, and we invite in spection r-f i - r stock when ia need of any p -i s i ar Jine. ban.j u s pi iitnpon app!', -'" n. TT' B. ;Viv, .-:;.! i ,: -. . . .. SOLE AGE1TT Celclifateil Diamond ,-Stiirt!; -SHANGJT.,WRIAA;a:Ja'AliI; n; i i", .-.L';-I, V-' Jm j '( ft3 " Why don't you buy my shirts f - , sJr ready-made ? What's fteuse:'olJi;fr;,,'j 'tj. ;.in, wearing your eyes put over fine , ' . -4 ".V, neeai? worK, anu rt" trAnf 1 1ff 1o mnn iui vviy sititv utuiv of material. Look at thia ? Dia Houn " I've lust bought I sav. . - v' . : Maria,I amgoingtobuya(Mr iS3 - V l-'. - ' i i more xicht away. . . . - .' . . . right away, WE HAVE JUST LargestrStWSccJs WE EVER DROUGHT TO t IMS LlSnitET. 1 Read a partial list of the Immense Bargains ; we are offering this season; i tTvi" A'denti'-Fuii llegular1 Blade 'ck forsivwoAabe: 'V f ; Solid Gray Sock for20o. worth 35o. ; X , ( These Socks aro a great drive, and are ., .ciw-wt -t'i- tri:i . l.'.tiy.'..i. We have a larger assortment of them to' this market thia ieasou.",':' ' ;;XAWNsJ:tcoi;at5o; CALICOS w good as is madftrat 4o. kJ.V1 Li: j'r';'' . L.; , fYT; J - VTLl 1 J T, . Nice Bleached Domestic at - i Beautiful Worated Plaids, for 8o.i' lOo. and lfto.1 - . !.(!,,.' vom- : . , Half Wool Dress Goods at lOc - Half Wool Twilled Debaizoa Hun's Veilinsrs.r " ; r Cashmeres, .-. ' "' I fHJliAltiat fIt.tn.TnnTifl. s wr -s saea V si f ! Serges, ft ,.! 'I .! f.ji f . '!(. Mvostis. U Ji:. -it.' .... J. : O .f.JOJv, 7, it; i ;;.Y.:T. 10:1 1:n(rr:':rr.ii! f.T?'; And a hundred other kinds of DBES8 GOODS ia 30TII BLACK and COLORS, which we BOUGHT' AT JOB PBICJS. , Wf buy ,ptfew gwuun turn regmar way; uie urn vim ea iMorui nas causea any manuiacia- v ; rerato closo ont jobs at half cost it 1 from these that we buy. largely,, Uias . enabling us to retail at a much lower price than many other merchants pay at .' " - ' wholesale; If you want bargains, TRY. US. Y. " ' ' . ,' . '.YY m Uur Stock of BLACK GOODS w inch Black pashmeye at C5c; .r - t. : our Striped Summer Silks al 5Do;an4$ as fur Black SQks r' nly one piece left of a fine 'job lot, it Is fine Qrosgrain au4 very heavy; ' ' sell anywhere ifor flO; we sell it for 11.00. . . ' J: ' . :Y -Y have on) would -PlaidGinghaat-j: . India Lawn, 45 inches wide, for WHITE GOODS at Bottom Triort. Lovely Embroideries of all .styles from ; 2c, up.;"; We': bought a job '2 lot of-iOver 4th thousand -dollars, which enables us to retail lower than the, ' wholesale price nt isew xork. ' r We have a lovely Swis3 and Mull Embroidery,, Irisi Ppintr Bretons nd Oriental Lace. c.UJ 7 vTu-rUUa i 'V v Ask'fo see'our job in Ladies' Hose, Ve also have a good Stocking for 6e., fancy Hose for children for 5c j ; 'Y - ;We sell a splendid 25c. and 60o. Corset : V; ft ' C Handkercliiefi from 3e. up.' j ; r . Y, ' ' Y y Our All Wool Jerseys we only 11.25. J r CIOOlO . ' Y " 'ToVeis, large and heavy; "fbr Bo. and "a pure all lloen Towel for itiH Napkins, 4d.,alllinen. We sell SHOES, oh! so cheap. We t iiAuti i uin,a Jfitiuiiia, i . w. mrchante who trade with us are getting country ; therefow, if merchants want to DRAW TRADE, they call on us. We are not the only wholesale merchant in New Bertie, tut we sell so V any wholesale hills and sell country merchants so manv of our in! a V no Y:Dcn't fcrct cr.r rirrr.ir:. .' C:M : ...... . . . ... . FOE THE 'faillMAWUAfTi: urcaKing yuur pmm) . back trying to save a few cents! 7 '"' '' ' .-v ','; I don see thesavin' of it Whyi V r K 'l :s: ;-' V you can buy, shirts . now-a-days ' w -f-'; th'in Ihr J v .Vtf i r !. ' v www ., puugiiu a sav, ? to buy a doer mp, f RECEIVEI) TfflJ- going fast. If you peed any, call i . i ' r r "' r f' r i ' -:s '"V -i at Lower Prices than has been, bronchi " '-. - '-" f Aa', 1 .-.Mt,.,;t y,.. . . -:..;-;r. and 6c ; vi-.v, .,. ,'H:;"c7v" ' . v . .... .f-t'Jii'w- :'rV- v Xf - K " ,;', V! i. Go.' and 7c Jj&tffy-: Ladies ahd Children YTttafel. at . :. . s'. -V . y ' ' i ii ii i.r and 15c at 15c, worth 25c. : -. ' ' "i-' i.':i'''t- i'".a! a. '. ; : ,vo'l : Y lirjt "ti h.ii fO ..'.-:'.. f v BUntingS, -r;v -h Henrietta C!nth, r : a v, HII..IIJ Avi..ll.jl tremendos.T Wo have all woel 48 Y : ; i;Y't'i Ri. ;.i ,M, :, -J .J ; 'Y - worth 12es ,We have all k qds of c 1 i 1 c' ;"J,-" ' -U a Y -. '.Bne goods, for.25.,ffrtir(c.to 50o a splendid 8ock,rbr 5.,W nice ; ' '.. ' . ' ' v; ' . araclosiag ont our Stock of HOE3 -, . , , : . .-. , .... . ,. . . 1 avtil ! ..J-,l 4 all the trade in their so, '' i r f f 3 boy GOOD3 at LOW I j v ' ' ' ';-r ' '.''', -- Y'--M- -

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