t N : 3 s - - 1: . II 'iv 1 4 , ... PCS THSIiAILT JOVA.hkL.1 xdama paper PUjUi-IkhI Si)y a leapt ct I 3-d-J.y, at llr 'r,t ' ) for aix noataa. , Lallvar, i to tit; niwcri ntIUeeiUpvU. TEE NEW BERNE JOUUNaL, s : cols B paper, ta pablUheil every Taorsusy a ateuifi tanas.- O t ADVERTISING BATES (DAILY) Osa lack , a dar fnu; oae WMk. $10 ' oae noath "Lis; ts' moalba, Slf.M; six swata. li.M; . r Mve as .. , . .,c Adve-i.inBU oader Head ol "City I , m-af baa sua en BasiUUS in1 Mo aderttenei.is will he Inaertod a aire tag ocsl Mauwaiaar orieaJ --"i j; , .;. Siitua ol Ktmi o-r lx-titbe. -hot to txcaad - ' am liaes will be laearted free. AU addkioaal ' natter will beakvsed litnu per I la. I " " PAweala fu trBJijit everUBeasaataf bbsI ';. la ad-ranee. Rul:ir aaer-ftae-nanta , villa colUctad promptly at the nd oli tack .. ,oaajueatiunoaiUBfa( kawa o a slates loa of local aliun ara aeilaiuSL MaraaiBaa uo a't eicl to t vMlabed that eoatalas aject .ijnerwBaJiu; witakolda thai Kama - f tha h . um; orth4 willpj-sfce . ora taasoV . ; tltuea U "lijtvanar f j, ; - - Any i a fceii v( BKKrleVed at any asony. mous,. m.Miioooanotitaia the natneof Jta auU. r t,y i "cation at this office and abowip" a LuLrlavanea exists. I j ;.mifRfTAj,. , -a; is ; t . . .' m town? .'.C.NtfA.Y 29. 18t5. . . -r rataradat tk Poat dated at Haw Bi . -,f i Maoo4-laa;aMUaT, FABTED AND HETUJMlED. Is L 1 entered tbla -woxl an hour ago, jet. I , aland Jier 'Still..-; M brain . ieem 'reeling. An . awful sorrow . ' -V- i - ;,,.; Sixty: miaoteR ago I was a jouttg, -V ktnpy xiri-r-a bride of two mouths' -gailjr.,iIowii wis voodlandpatu, and -' i.,- mwmt -husband, " witli m anotlier , ' ' women In his embrace! Iler white arnaa were round him: h fair hair y v waa-biftwa' across his 'breast:1 her t v' .; f!" j&Tie abfKet;the sigh tor the neohy $ It brought to iny, , poul tainiOwlihBt r '.J-- be, heart's dartihg, wlibim' 1 bad '"' --deied a' ktnz ninonsst. taen was Tbey did not see me. I listened fbt'no? 0rds. With tlla nbtind of ; uose passionate Kisses niung y ' cars with t that'f sbamefal scejie ' burning like Are within my braipf a I fled way into" the 4wjp$Vwcp - I eonldflnd,' like a wounded animal vainlj roshing from the -dart which1 is fixed-1 in its own ' breast. Ilojw ' - am I to go tomet , How shall J b(.r ' - to look " agai a upon his traitorous J; . . r n4Don't touch'nierr I eryi: i U f ' My vbasband and I are standing s'' face to face; he has dared to ofl'er 1 me a caress, Bertrjim, gravetj looks HtiiWitb sirprifte in Ufa eyes, j '' "Lenore, hara I offended you in . aawrTWteMk3."n T . KYoa hsrebnly killed every iedJ -, mg o aaectpoit a ever uave nau 101 . you.xnatja -aun-i say tiercel viu wt underatand Do"Ton'ndtT "Bertram, I haw : Just come from Oak wood!" Ila fi tarts, r but . there . tsem erfio. i:look of guilt en the1 calm, dark face l am keenly watohjng. Is be so base that be can thus deftly hit c j ott saw me there,n he quei $ 7t' ; v' v ,M.Ves, and I hate your' I exclaim ".' ianaHiuuig Biy, uuuu irum hib grasp i l.i' ? -Mjou are the vilest man I have eve; - known. ' I would not remain nndei ,'' v Yesterday I left my husband I only twenty-four hours agoyetj t ; seenva as ,. tbougb a entury of tttn i ' " : baa" passed ' since then, and I asl ' -i C myself.bow I shall live without. binj the lobr. blank years which stretch Aitr. ivaiftiv...tna) r 01 t ; 7 j 1 1. am trveUinff. by xpres tram t-''' to a little place among the mouni ' t.aina vtiAPA I i.sin hid mv miaan . la peace. ' I am alone in the poach and leaning my head back wearilv r t . atrainstr-tue cusuionaA fJ;-i)naer t - . ... WUIMICf 'BOtTllIO MOW IU0 Will t . now , take my place within that lost y home. . tito. n sw h thas eijHiew, aa r The cars enter a tunne they- emerge into daylight' there. ' cornea a piercing , scream from, thefl Jooomotive's whistle or an approacn lug traiu, and a deafening, blind hg crash, which, seems to swallowjl ;.; f!l recover consciousness, i.flp,! urn only bruised.' The collision baa ; taken place .pear a few farmhouses, i and the injured passengers are be . ing1 carried to these dwellings. - A ', dreadful scene meets aiypae as l alight; i,tha front "portion pfboth : traias . is completely wrecked. Amidst the , ertli. maimed titivate themselves, others white, still, wrapped in ' the last r dread sinister. A female figure is borne past ne on mfnVahouldAra.f fSfer part of Ler body looks 'crushed out of shape; even the pale face and long fair hair are madejgh;jrtljrfjiy AFiiiicmn a tain fa Af f.Ii-ixwl! -;Yher'."bate I aeen: such h'aif nS this before! . Like a Hash of light that seeaeja'Oakwood rises before my 8ls?it.!; Yesterday thosd poUIc'B t- r s were ttnng across Jiertraui's 1 I tiart forward. -A wild batrecl for this woman, who has mined my peace, , takes possession of my mind, driving out all pity., j I be. J r tl i 8o"nul"us.l It , seems to o as . 'iocah she and I , J.ave th world to ouf elrea. ' H Uo j-oa nof.waat yoaave done, with yoar shameful wilesf I cry. "flow dare yonsteal away my bnsband's heartl" . ' ' .She has, I see. no power litnove aught except her eyes. These with tf1ttshT8neu7Tjiefcding expression, turn to my ace, ,,; ,.w ; s.fw I - 'Adlet lipa more ! feebly; 'fihVnttera bnt oniwdrd--,Forgivert' and my weire monins have rolled slowly awayf Abnbi the 'flight' of time has brooght bo ' peace "to ' me. ' I am heart-hnngrr starving for the love I which once was my. Jaily lood.' ; xuongn i turn wiu loatbingrroin the thought of my bnsband, an In tense vearnmcr crows un in mv Soul do be' near hini to look once more upon bis countenance, - ' .. ThA. cifrnnrr iImita nt. mv' Imarl fconquers me;:-1 grow ' languid and weak. ; At last, yfeldme to an trr sietible impulse, I leave the dwelling I have for. a-year called me.and retarn.to the neighborhood 6f that' other house where dwells the bus- band whonl, in spite of all, ; I still I resolve to remain bere'nnknown. so.'that 'some day Ilmay. nnseeBL behold fiim.agaiu.fr -tst&j v it is not long before, one night, 1 steal forth in the darkness to stand, an Jur; later, front; of my lost home. . . -ia.Ar-;-'ia38wiTor .-i-H There is no light in' the drawing room.! Ue? does nohert poijupy ; toe apartment we so ' 6iten. sbaretl. ! 1 turn to his study window, Thati also is dark,; vvybere is net tr I lift my i eyea to bis cliambcr. Here a light' burns 'steadilyj whHe snuting' 'tsnaaow?, as or- iersoas moving' 4Qletlj.i. within, fall acress the blind. v i-t . !f i ,'m My head; grows aiek with wdread ful -. fearl lie is Hcrinay be dying; and I, Ills wife, Btand hero, a stranger, witlj no power to cross the threshold. , .ui 1 -i j oi : 'tl tremble with intense anxiety.: Oh, if some servant would Jbut opep; t.hft ilfwir. I hilirht Innnim Avhnt ia. the matter!', ..it thevdosktbey Voidd not recognise me.if"--?iw t. j A quick step comes an the gravel paten hasttryVjlS, fajhel Unheeding ,ui astonishment, "lie is not seriohsly JnrJn-jak ft Doctor .Taylor looks down grAvefy into mv agitated face as -lie an swers, "111 auto efttb; there is onlV a gleanrof ht i suea no tears: tney seein iroKen. The words ring . again ond Aeatn throngh my brainIlf nnto - daiai.4 ... i ii -y (tLm8t see faint, .WbUriay. elU9:liealL,l . oe go Bertram "j I. 'Vait rnnfit lot: ma keep mei not. Irani 'niydying' fans bafad f 1J wilr tot 1 aglkmii fi assure you Hrtiwwc si v.;i. ':-eii1ghl.your-liMfc would doJtbaL; Mrg,Tremaine, do you know,Cdanng-tbejnime he was uncoucioBSyour name was on hb ups aay and night r r ft .Ye';, yqc: ar:crlcieLrBaoaghi tb reananaa. .i, Mtuamn w a. I f "aA moiBehb'a'ailehcci; while" Ijebi hiatemfiao0;aoften then he aavs "Yoabhall be admitted on one cod dioQ.YAtjif jthati yoa irenjitin be hind the bed,. He will not perceiv your pSeacerrhM.yoi'mast; ptom ise jto,peakJiQnirerdi tia tlatne o iueM-BoweaK'tnan any agitatioi iay titfngulsli "It t 6nce 1 "M V . 'urpromiBe'Vla my . quick re W jsnternhe hiitKKrf Fftf a6 ifteriatef lita'tLdTdr the threshold f rE4band,a.rooair rlf yf teirf feTstrfgh (rffdcatibnr-HdW shall I bertha eight; which is bej fore me T Oh. Heaven,! how shall. lt tme,. and make no sign f t.a aa kn-K. r , aUV UWa VrVH JaaVSIV U MA DV WW wera iromioctor i;ayior,4eay ea tt ctjamtairv lie uotiona to tn art his handr , and. I glide into my ap pointed Place,: r v, mnitiVt :trrX iaPnI iiy;Wberet 1' stand ia in shadow, ao tbaW.kWdden; but I see the out line of a prostrate , fi gure; of a fac$ so wbitef ao haggard, that ft chills Jr.'Hi.1TW. . it.:u:i- I tM i 'h.iny darli.pg I I en1, humbly, "ray darting always, though b false to Me T! I" " thos wtr meet at -inDoetoTS"- faintly 1 says ' thy;1 huS; band'a voiee, "it ia nearly all over. This is surely death coming f - Tell me." V "You are very weak," replies the medical man, evasively. "That means yea fear j po-answer my qftf ftfgffT jV0 "4nt has been too bitter for me to regret it,, ia etia: DRfccbeforeol: die thra'igjsometliin5 wish of ay, thiit you m"ay'rei'eat4 Borne day to nfVwife.5 2ifu-a i'-,v S Li ataft -vioJenW-lrt' mVbidrng- place, but DoctoruTiiylorTriastSia warning glance in my direction. and I am eilent Is the secret of springing j forward, I'graapeq his arm. - ; liiom.r"si'v"-1'J tJ "Tell me what iv aisn.l 'iriwii.1 his falsehood to be revealed' here, and now The lov voice continues. -Thisis thes'ory:- . - . ' '. "I ars ? go, before,! met Lee re, my n fe, i I (1 in love with a jirl named CuixsUnce Fielding. ohe was very beautiful, and she did not disguise that she returned my pas sion. mads- her wta oSeiw yfWch was actepteBk QnthftVryaay I bad heldheriajnyarms, amaiva very day her lips had sworn dove vows to me'.C learnt she bad .been tnr tva tiw lhe fflarjt?ed of an- c4herV,aa; eajly':lmad in j that hour. -liCnsbing' into lier presence I poured forth in' Wtter ' words my rage ai per ,iecepwon.i i i.-i t. : w i ; J. She-threw herself at my , feet, imploring me to listen.T., k vih . Kot oae word l I cried. ' Your falsehood has crushed out all tha love I. gave yoq.t Bad you been my wife (before this truth,, pecame Known to. me, x wonia nave case you off as I do aawP'ffvif. -iWj (iT iFrom ' that inomeht she faded oat' of my ' heart. ,'. I. had ".deemed her all purity, all truth; I ,fbuird that, plighted to. one maB, she. yet allowed another to press her to his heart with tender- kisses on' I her perjured ' lips. tTbW i'kttowledge mad bet as dead fa me.a though I ha4 Aaep ,tbe . soda piled orer her 5-"- " - - . , . I laidre. fjhewas.am baa Oreaniea toy fire love Id bo-r-a pure-hearted, loving jromao'. and she teeanje ,my Wife. J tiSinilJ 01 1 ' k r u-jii i .- . "Twii iaotsM f JUad'of brlei; en- trancing j6y,wbiiy.darJtnKgirl- two. mouth nr. gowen : love a. pen in one hour life's bliss f aded OttfcWy; was .iert;in'. Diana 'uarkpeHB aione.J..v... ,.r l i ,,,nf-ivj ' Y6u know Oak wood, iwhicu lies on.'my grounds f iu I walked thfotigh there one dayand encountered tiie wont abadQ of a' woman ! once had;known.;r Thitf ghost .from, m, )asWaa ppiislapriTjPkheTatten nated fac the large blue eyes glit tered feverishly; the cheeky were bright with the fatal hectic of con- mpu.,v.i;:'r. fi: She buMtK-hf .tVUter. teare as ut . r "la ta m j . rfi cohereut'iiword' asstory11 of irildi waated'affecdori a'nd mad folly.4 ii:mamefd!lhe;,tead3td;hvm y6a-t0it,;mVahejw .traav il a jbvb i kwd-.unyo 4iqt; " "lIushT.l said..' wh J wrong ydul womanhoby0lliiig thisito met V nn arn s mitulum.m marriedJi i. .i. .a ui. ia.kL Lu.v&a.! auro jl ajiu. aw weu mutuor niui you .thu .day, Yput fAlaehood.had : killed ray ?ov,e. Hot tnyiwifb lsi;thejOn joy oftty hearaejicegitregnje Jin hever'cease W T!nli?tiit ,"uavjair tnus spoken,! sternly turned -away. -Bat she followed. me. v.rzytl UWsnolt j " Bertram, ahe cried, wild!; Mont tbrtsra me-wtth aueh "word uwm ft th6ygttvfb'at;i,i veen att, mac sne, tn at other womi lieaio.yonr, arms, and haa. a Tic to;. ywwV icareese whlcht is killing vaebu iueapainng intense love ror you, has drewtt m'ifrottt'lmr hotne rHfrom thet tah;lialt''hu8band,1to itfAJ' Abe juttered these worda- her vtpteut euiouon aeenie oe iqrc mg soui ana oodj "asunaer. si leant back agiinst a tree: her li whte-r-ber bosom, panting con vu Biveix.wiio every moorea preaui ;, l did not touch faeiw iNo shado jorpast tenderness awoke egainlh jny hreaalf u Tm pari Mmage of jay wiie arose oerpreme; wniie. besiaes btf !atainle88.1ova iiia; , womaB'b 8hamelo88 . avowal of -a ainful pas sion seemed loathsome ia1 toy- sight atfSW ;saw:thfr atert proach of my eyes. A wild stor fsf of .Jfeeli? ' owcjjii iwiuwp uvif luce, uuu v.iui., deu;ing oryi ere I "was aware of her purpose she-cast herself on my breast,iheTnn ckped'iand me her lipa on tniaeinl aiimvi j av . 'jA'I' atrugled toTreO'teyseir, ba ahectang desperately, Exerting pi her atreugth; io,; Ibr orio ' momerit she .lay there upon , my heartv'.while, giprin tuo, words-v am av ing-.bb' iJeli fe mf itere for a little wiitie r where l .hava m ob 2Pd to lajl'iLThent Iliad ruthlessly pnt tor aaMW!f .rS'i' 't.r ft inn w.aay: wiie in iwui and thought. I swear,! I had vowed ta be before the altar; but whai ta ah epfcld ae 'itfeh passionate love . aa this lavish ui-on him withQut some feeling , of i pity .Arising within- bis ueartf ' evj siijti lisuii-L-''; spoke hj few'srtothldg wbr lb herj sayihg whal! folly it .Was, to thus destroy her jDwa .houor'apd tarsiah hei wedded name hy .anaaireottoa which eould never tneet- with ' a re-' tBrn.i'ifoij v,;i itt'4'-'a t'ji""- :Oradaalljf she:iiifmQrCV4 look1 jOf ''shame passed across , her face,, and"; 'she'.said.-: 'Bertram, -1 should not thus -have t c trated fay selftdj-od, tad Ifiot Vuowu that I aaV djing ; Kerp 'my ere t '.for a short time,'! pray you. . Ia mercy to mjr wpmanliODi!, f r- net of my folly itayonr wU'e t..I I a St 'dead. She haa your Le " 1 I ," I have nothing I t : ; ilonH reveal taatjnrCl I i; 1 jonj rcprpsch."; .It , will tj la a few tof o Tor yVra'stilr-lingertD, In toy td" me- when I left you .that day, weeks at farthest; then you shall be free to tell her my storj .' : j "I olemnly gave her the promise Bhe ked.; Ithrght no one bad jriti ssed our rweeting, and 1 saw by Ler face that death wonld soon cancel .the" pledge." But when oq reaching home I met my wife's eyes, I knew with tertainty that she had sees u8ju8ttythe fatal? moneht when Constance; half maddened, bad -aat-berseh'. into my v arms. Gould she but have heard the words which passed, the true meeting of mac strange scene wouiu nave ueen apparent; bnt hearing nothing, jny guilt 1 seemed self-evident. I felt thin was soy yet no excuse could I uttery- the -promise given to Opn atanoe sealed my lips. ' In that very bourr with a few bieter-wordsr my wife left me." -'J ' ; "; i.n Bertram 'a voioe sinks almost to a whisper,; bub be struggles to idd, 'FromiBeime.i- ti'5 .i - to , seek 'itti , - .out Leuore i -r . and fj -i Uiiell iwrtw ben" then, solemnly, Pl.think this ..ia.',....;,,.;, deathi" -,i .An awful, silence a lain t sigh and forgetful of , all, save that my husband my darling is. passing away from me, I am on my knees, with that , dear head upheld - upon mtf Iwianm " " ' '. . .' . ' Doctor Taylor. utters no,!word of reproach: ' E very moment is !re. eiodsas' with 1 strong restoratives, r'Aj'tL ... 1 no raoors to onng oacs ine soui al most 'trembling for its flight upon the parted lips.: ' Some minutes of terrible suspense, then my Beuram opens his dark eyes calmly upon my agonized face.1-4 !' Joy seldom kills; lt-does no harm 10 BiBtMilV i'-A y.-..' "Lenorejiiyou .liave heard f" hb quesc!0ti8"i:i' ..u ; , . nrAJUr, Ou,uv lumbandl forgive me!" I cry.- In one glance, eye to'eyet , our hearts meet again.' never more to be amded, and our wedded hands are rcciasiHMi lorever. i.-mj, Many ' rears have nassed since then,'nnd.aSi sit1 here' finishing this history of the most trying period ol my life, Bertram' is ' Just returning from 'a drive with our two : boyB, and as 1 see them coming pp the same gravel walk on which 1 Jnct Dr. Taylor on, that enentful night, my- heart' is1" uplifted to God in pralsb ', and (thanksgiving for'c ithe gracious manner in .wnicu ue pro videntially r brought 'about' this precious aiid ''lasting ' re union. . 1 . IjTake SineV Syrup of. Tar lor coughs and coiaa.j .ynly JiSc vfor sale by (. N.DPWT.; .;j!imjJJ. . i febldwCm l mi; . 11V fir .1 1 i '!-. 'f t-!. I'M jii-f r)it Oi h' t ,il.-iiJ fill ;;a i nn 'o: "7T fti . - ms'ilj'.o 0.'!) liin AI)$plMte1y Pure. Tkra powdw never-' vanfea." A- lnarvei of parity , atrennth, and irboleaomeneaa. ' Wore oonomioal than the-orriloary klnda, and can not be pold In ooaj petition with Ota multitude of low teat, abort weight, alum or phosphate powriara. , Hukl only In oaha. . Kotal BakinO QW Pica 6pf U,W al l-t,, h . y f pm-lTd tr .U .tVttlHl1,nBAnr';''-':!1 fjOtlMISSION DEALER 8, JX '.Fovcltra atnl Scathcrai Frailu aa ; , V etetaklea, apeciaKiea. K.W. Cor, Front 4 Spracf Sta., 206 8. FronlSt, BurEBXHCIH: Natlonah tata Punk of Camden;' K. J.' Sixth NailonaT Bank of PhlatdaaBliW S.-B. -Carney, of Portamoiith, t. n-ift7 ni ft -.t .'.,; ii. oprl6daw2aa 15 I ffl a -lU-.ijl.Am-. I!ct:d"::rt:rs(cr Gcnb Fan!:!:!n 11 .tl fr 'i .:' ".'AT i . .. I'.Mi w 1.1 T.j.rr s4 h .j. , j - Only': taxclusive 'Gents'- ... Nobby line of Clot ling for Men, Youths and Boys at Bot tom lrks. "' fnn Line of Khlrls. The celelirnted lVrl, jilBma or Ulsmond. "boas." . ttaNlraan lTrMlerKhh-1s at ia;cv aH sizes, equal to any dollar undershirts, fepperell Jesus U)raweeat)..'rorfc Jsar . "v - 1 i, . Gi-ay Hock or while, Uire poir for 25c, Genuine ligllsh i Hoas, 20c. French Kalbrlggan, flkeloekpd. st sSle. ' ' - . , , - ' ' ' .i;-HeuiMl OoHanrsfta rnfr.'l,1neii roUnri, stand np, U, IVA lH add 17 slses, at 6c. ; ' '. ' , ,j 'nli Llneof tWUsrs. allehtes. 121o l!l.. " . . . , ' .. White Ties. 2., per dosen.( lreale Hesrfs. Sto. SV fi-'- ".r,rt feiJ aWtiiiiu!! J: CMored, Bordered snd White JdandkercliMs, three for !Be faltslse.1; - ; 1hfr KiiirHRh'-nlkln(i Shoe, hnnd-ninde, to the eoRiMrt iu forwearever made: The sole Inexact i , q uie swapv (A umi loot. , , w- . i. - , - r ..n"r" ''.'l Straw Hats from Se. nn. rUeaulne ManlUs HaU f ! ,' . - at ?'- '. former price l.:"i. v . , , ' ,. . ' - ; f ' " Y ml ao-'.rtim'Tit of Ties and rnrfajost received. ZHr- New h x Hoys folita I4TIp at i:-. ' ... Vvewill anonliave another lotof Hnv'a Straw Hntant : 5p. Nobby Styles. New lot of ill k ine Cniiesiiixt re- A nws. li I nibrelle. -M inolies. 1 i : .. .iiii.i... h1 Velvet Mllp!ni si ; mav22 dwtf a NO MORE TERBOB ! . .50 BIIRE PALI! " TlilHlnvaltuilile prep aration In li ul vu trl- uiuuU of aaicuilnc nklll. kid no niurci in it-mliuabie hrni-llt waa ever bestowed on the inothera if le wolrd, JjQ mi DISCEK! . a-it not ouly MhorW- cna the time of Intior and lemeua Hie Uili ll '' . i .,' TO 5: '"I ' '.. M0TI11R or CHILD. ,': The Dread of. Motherhood" . 'TiarMfoTlued ty'.t HOPE Klty or naln, bat, butter Uiun all! t greatly dl, tnlnUhee lha danger to life of both mother ami child, and It-avea H he mother in aconai. tlon utKhlv ftvorabie Ho apeedy recover: and far leas liable tUxxllnir. com nlaiona. and other alarming wymptoiua Ineldont to linKering ami puiuiui labor.- IU truly won derful eflloaey 111 tills recpeeC en tltlea : the MOTHKK'8 k'lUKND to be rank.d as one of Uia life-aavliig spoil. aueea gives io ; ine world bv the diacov 1AN0' erlea.. of, modern scl enne. t Krom all nature or JOY, the case it will - of course be understood that we eanuot publish certitloatee concerning this Hkmidv without wonndlng tha delicacy of the writers. Yet we have hundred! of sncn teatinionials on 'file. and no mother who . V. has once' need It . win ever again beitllhout SUFFERING WOMAX. trouble. .. . f j. it in ner ,iim oi A prominent physician latelv remarked to he proprietor, that If It were aumlssible to niaaa punne- Hie .esters ww rewi i n 'Mothers' Kreud would outsell anything on the market. 1 i ; , I moat eArnestly entreat every female ex nuiilnirtji Ivenonflned. to use Mothers' Keller. Coupled with this entreaty-1 will add that rinrinir a Imiir obstetrical nraetlce forty four years), I have never known it to full to pro- aooe.Bie and ni"a ueiivery, -. - , i O. J. U0LMK3. M. Un Atlanta, Oa. OurTrentlso on the. Health; and llsppl- hui. nf llnm.n" mallMl TrM. I"J I I, i aAriI.B KROlTI.ATijBOOw' 'it : - - Atlanta. G. For sale Wholesale and Retail by It. Berry New Berne. H.0 . , dw.aw J. fl. nEADOVS, AT .V-;ipN.l.IINT--; STEAM- FL0UHING MILLS, OFFER FOB SALKr ' ;.v j..r 'i-; f ,:-.7iv, 10,000 iushels Wliite Corn, V i O.WV y 1 :- . S rrn Mill, Feed, 1,000 v . i:i-V. 1,000 Bales Timothy Hay, Fresh Bolted Joal always on Aana m any quaauiy. w1 . imarl7 dwtf i t' 1 1 inn t,l Hi t j, i At Market viiarc f or i Selling Drugs, PlnU, Oils, Varnish, uiaas, rutty, ana au kinds ueeda, :; . Canvas, Rope .Twine,' Oakum, Oalvan iaed Spikes and Nails, and other Ship baikling Bapplles. " . ' j- Ann t. , , , nn '(! .dec81-dAW i, in'rfij! .1 JAHES REDLlCilD, " f'H "(t' v:-'-.. - --. ,r i i.'.s't Afent and i Bottler : S I It I' i, i1 i i it, l " , ' f' J ' ' 1 " J t , ti i.. Or TB i '. i f i j c'f 1 ! ' ' ' ' ' XJ Jt LEDK AT1213 BEEIG1TEE .E1TGEL - i t 4 BREWING GO'S PHILADELPHIA 'J ft. 'is-' 'ts,t-r,( LAGER BEER if. Mrnr tttrna : M ' f"? 1 This beer took premiums' at the Can; tennial Exhibition' at Philadelphia an4 the Paris Exposition. Keeps better than any othor in warm climates, and ia the favorite brand wherever "knowaV iS J ; For sale in keaa or crates. . rdw i Furnishers in the City. Our' 606. Bhlrt Is the and up. 'mil- ntf ?is'4i -Mi 'I f-i bt.-t K ii tniine. snilttMe for lndieesnd Benllemen, st irnuks. Valines, eic. - Oppoiite E; ' steAiii:i:s' ' the . ;; :teuse .&'.tre:it. river . Steamboat Company To accorauiodate trncke on Neuse and Trent . rivers, will. 'run Urn. (ollowinu Hcheduia on , atxlnrwr MO.VlY.May 18th, l5t ' ' ". Hteamer ja.Usa.toia - j f if leave' Kinstoif o'rf Moadath sld Thnrs- . r.?'',': days, laying over St ilarria ' Ismoing until 'J'- ': 'in, Sclav a.d Friday mornings, toiu ning at . ' I all landings, reaching Street's rerry and leave , ' ' mere uy 11 o cioen sod eoBuwj..uu the Bhenandonh on'thoee days. , Then, oil Wednesday and ftifurda morn- . ings at &'clo;k she will leave New Berue for Klnstou aud luteriuediate landings. S teamei BUiche Will leave New Betne fdr Trenton every Mon-- day, touching at all landings, ' Returning, -leave Trenlou Monday evening;, laying over : at Oliver's Landtag uutil Tuaay morning, . reaching New Jderne -in time to connect wlll the steamer Shenandoah . -.- , , ; - '. i; V. K, 8TTRON. Jta., at Newtiera. W. t. STAn,r, Kins too- j .p.& aUtm,nUokSTiue. , riV; l. T. WILSON, Agent at Trenton. ; :; "i -.'; . J. P. QWai,T, Jolly Old Field.- ' V A J. B. BAa. Quaker Bridge. , A " J. M. WHTK, Gsn'l Manager,- eb7d4w , Klusson.N.O Rw-uuiin rinrca , -Steam ' Ttts 8UMMKR 80H1SUCLE OK THE 8TEAatEB If-3-;!' ;fiiMjgiTV;;'' toKirliito effect on and after. April 111 1S . ; , i-jwij..,J - 1 'Vt. -4jJ.1 X. .., ;..... Tuieadays , . , , - , . - - Leave New Berne at 5 e'clock. p. m , for Lake LandlnsT, (lopping at Adams ureek, " Vandeinere. Htonewall and Bay bora, or (,, riving at lka Landings Wednksidajr, at 10 o'clock, a. m ,i ,. Thnrlys-,iJ " .-wj Leave laks Landing fori Hew (teres at Mo'clock,instoppii.gatBayborv,Stone- ' wall, Vsmiemere an Adams 4Jreek, ar -- riving al New Uerne, Krlda)S. S o..m.. Yxtiy-- i.i.,'Ui. j'.tJr.w.jj.' . , w,1;;.; . . jjeave N'ew Bern at 6S oVrlock, r.s ', for ' Iak Landing, slopping at Adams Creek. '. . Vandeiuere, tsuuieweti aad Bybore, or- ' jiving at lke,. LaudUig. Batniday. IS iMO'oroei ek.am. V;.- ; , Mondays-- Jeave Lake landing at Ito'elock.w., for , v 'Ms perue, stopping as vayuoro, t,ione wall, Vandeinere and Adams jUaaefc, ar rivlug at New Berue, 2 o'clock a,m., lues- .Ji:ti..O 5ri')i'-'t.f W-Mt. !,. i -Cl - Dy this arrangement we' 'ore' blV to Bisk ." eloaie oonneetlou with, the KoMbera steam. ' era, also having feood accommooatlona both for naasengers and Irelsht at very low rates. ask that the merchants and psodueers along - iu ihivw giw-tv' uieir cueeriui auppurs, -,. f'relKht received under reover aarerr.aUv of - the week' - ' . ' ' rnr fnrthnr Infnrmathr nSMinlra as ifce nf . Oce. foot of 4aven street, K. K. PIEKCK. Act. New Beme. pr. C . - Or an y of its A genu at the followrns slsess: '. w. ABB LKK, AdasMCreek,-' 'l- . i; O, J. WATSON, Lake Loudlnc,. - u. k . ? V. H. ABBOTT, Vandemera"' . ifO. H; rOWLJCrVStoaewall. j ti'jlli -i. ,: W. M. SAWVKB,',Bayboro1, -P i Steai f4 tMi ufok;.; BaaUtt TOIa!.. cWy, " "I.- FbIladjihfaVroiidlesa ;5 ! Io !.' .'! 'i J J ) ill f ''I! ,jtu;;-'t-.; ':-i u n t i ipr.u HT li tin iirifj j, ' Steaaer acaaiidcii ":; Wlir leave; a boa i.tlTai of WaU Korfaia SoaUpnt JUUiad at ElUahestvClty, svety . MONO AT JUDTaiKIDA: -" : for New Berae. aturaaiiiaaTa Nsw Barns tor Elisabeth qity wwy j ..,i,4umU ; ,.. ' si 1 p. in.; makinr cloaa couftactlon wll Nora, folk Boutlxra t,t R...fe Nerthera" Mnea. Oloae eotuectloa made ., at Ne w twnie . witk atesmers for Kinaton, ' ydllokeville, tren'toa snd all Isadliigs oa ..thhr) Mrliss isivSjJVraat Kivera. pro freights received for uiumealou Tuwdsys snd PridspsefterS p m !;-" " nl "' F reieht lorwar.ed nrountlv and.Jowaat Mea gnaraeteed ta dtmili. Tare to 'Kii2abeth -City ami return, at. To NoriolsJ Sa-i.Ta.Bal- , timors.ts. ToNawVork,l.t. , . - m. B. ROBERTS, Ast.Nsw Srae, : ODLrarrss a Tusssa, -" ' '.' ' . , - - . - AfU. MeHolk, 'A- W. H. STssPOSB,aa'laVt4fV " . . ruff f-'iv-.'f- it..-'myj ? tttf. TTr The "N;ct'ittht:iM-rr; v, . FOR NEW yORatto;:- ; and an 'kiint , Afur Otis dsts will raesiv fUckt In ,'Ke Yoik " frcrsiii-;, JorllswBerasstiii h-l(il'i.i -PI Kit 7, NORTH Rl Visit,1 'V Opx of-Kew 'Torh 'and, tali imorft - ' In. ,, '.' .'. ' ' ' ' Hi.rchanta ahould remamber that thi. la nn. a the beat btrnaa Lines out of -Maw Yoi s, maaing - daiif eonueetiea with Baltimore for; atw fcerns; all inmde, snd ouly oae change. i-:' t.rt ' (ToucolBf at Morfolk) ... -i 3 i ci isvlng Raw Berae for Baltimore- Tr""') -' ' FRIDAYS at p m. Lesva i-i" i ..j -Hew Berne WtUNKSDAYS dad SAl L.Aa S.p.av . . - - . ' AcaU are as foUaws: , ,'. ,; , , . ; -JSUBIN FOSTEB, Qanl jyansgar, , " SOLIeht BtBal't.ai . IS, tV. atcdAHRICK,A't.Norfuif, Vs. v .! . J.W. P..Clyds'a Co.. '- Chiladetphia,' II Snn'h ' . -'! hsrvwa. '1 7 J; . ' - ' ; York S BsltdTrsBa. f ine, Pier ',F-.nt r'-nt E.SamaoB, l-o..n, 6.H Jen fral 1, , i - ' aa. Rnrks-n, rrt.vui.-nre H. 1. ' ., D.0. Mink, . 1 f.ivrr. irn, k wkarf. ! 1 f " ) -.,e. . - ..a.-. '. - ' " l.i ' r, i . ,! Fn 'n; ' t-Tnxi ne, Patar-'' Throi: ti 1 i. i...,tg g.vMi, r to ail pint.s, st the e t . apn . t. . . :: ' r. 4 i - it V'4 '- U r-:1 -