5' w1 1 11 V All r,$ortsr;ofrf r .n . btjrts,4and many sorts of ails oL f ' at f? heist J li i.-.M: . EiSTERS ROBTD' CAEOLIJIi it-.- can die ivojiKs; A . SEW VERSE. I. av : 't nr t J) -'-HI Hcnuments, TombsT i ' And ail kind! Grave and Bulldlnc ork: in ITALIANS AMERICAN MARBLE . Order will receive prompt' attention and satatf action guaranted.jjj 'j;irr,- JOB K, WILLIS, Proprietor (Successor to Gaorgre W. CTaypoole)' ' ' t ' ' dor. 19OAI A$D CRA PiAT St-. ' ' - O. B. Mit.t.kr is my authorized agent in Kington. ma30-lvdw T 4..Ut) J 1 1; t a U g us g ftui -: oiu ; i ; Coal, Pay, Ice. & Wood, TOB SALE BY .U i-'ici CATSO fi DA ELS. , 'V.J ' '"XpPLt" AT THEIK : ' ICEHOUSE, "Near Foot of Middle street, , . New Berne," JV,' O.' " 0 Call on ua before purrliaeinft else- nOBERTS & DR0.; & leta.l OKALBR8 IN Rrovidons.. Groceries, . . " - - Drv Goods - Boots andShoes Ail of which we are offering 'VKAV LOW. OrderftMol BEBNE. N. C. ftiS-DEE'IllVE1;;1?!' I i I' U 4 JI atUl flourishing , nader ito new man ,aKeeoC with. he addition o Mr., A. , Byron Carroll as clerk, whose itolite nesB and affable manners in serving the f public with Choicest Cigars anct fobae' Co, Candies, Raisins, Nuts, Oranges, Approti,Xemcais;eoA abiii'tbe.iiopiilar ; H ASSELI-M ADD TAFFY,' shows him to be the right man in the right place.1 -' i1"1 l'g;i4 l"y "king bee. " IT V.' W.-' WAHAB'S CORNER h ',lwavs mpplld wlthttie very .bert fre - HeBi Boer, PoVi. M utton nd Bansaf e that - he Market afford. Csll on him. ' ' ' .;i: V'P. BURRUS & CO., OEAIIT AND COTTON t n'KrTCiJTnW TTTTf nTTAWTS. NEW HEItNE, N. C.- febH dw . i. i Crccn, Foy;&.Co.,. 3 ti c:mssiw EERCHUIS i: ( l e, Soura Front Street, -r :r :rxrai isij o.' .' ! h 1 l!!:;.-f! for transacting I iiRiness. Will receive t i.j fiicifk or draft at WgHt; II , ir p-1 Kxiilmnee on New York, ' ':isii.l 1'nlUnioro: will make loan ' t -"r, 1 route liberal it ,i . t ii, R'ee an J i :')'.:! c i f " r n or make ) .i i- r !! t H niar- THE JOURNAL. NEW pEENRCrMAT 29. 1885 a. n Seeding to firm. ' 'Our greatest need now is, to grow more, grass; not more- acres,' bat can only be done by better nrepara tioir of the soil, and better seeding, Instead of throwing the seed in a haphazard way npon the the hard, weather-beaten ' ; surface of - the ground ' in the spring, the seeding should be postponed until the gram is cat and harvested. The soil is then. to be plowed with a shallow furrow, thoroughly well harrowed, and 'made fine and compact,' The seed mast be sown, and immediate ly brushed in .with the smoothing and brush barrow, which Is easily made- This levels -and firms the soil, as well as spreads and covers the seed. - It is well to use this har row crosswise of the harrow marks, and across the line of sowing, so as to spread the seed more evenly- It is better still to sow. the seed both ways, half each way, if the sower is not able to spread it quite evenly. The even sowing is very important, because bare spaces are a great in- hury in two ways;" one, that the ground is vacant, and will produce weeds in the bare spots; the other, that the grass is too crowded where it Is too thickly sown. Grass seed, if sown as here directed, will start up quickly and grow rapidly; if the seeding is done in July or early in August,: the young grass will be strong enough to resist the winter safely, and a heavy crop will be the result. American Agriculturist. A Eetolution in the Iron In DT7STEY. -The Xact that iron can )e produced ii Northerd "Alabama and in contiguous regions 'Cheaper than in Pennsylvania has created quite: a disturbance in the fron mar kets of this coantry. ' In Western Pennsylvania, however, a new" fac tor has cpme into play that has eqabjed certain manufacturers also to produce very cheap iron, T This is; aebompli8hed by nstng natural gas for fuel instead of coal.; This saves labor and money outlay. DcmoreWi. Scxofola. . Are any members of your family thus afflicted? i Have they scrofulous well- intrs of the (tlandsr ( Hare they any scrofulous s.ores or ulcers? If so, and it should be neglected, the peculiar taint, or poison, . may deposit itself in the substance of the lungs, producing consumption. Look well -to toe condi tion of your family, and if thus afflict ed, gire the proper remedy without de lay. Buy. that, wnton manes apsoiute cures in the shortest space of time. The unerring finger of public opinion points to B. B. B. as the most wonderful rem edy for scrofula ever' known. You need not take our word you need not know our names merit is all yon seek. Ask your neighbors, ask your druggist, ask or write to those who give tneir cer tificates and be convinced that B. B. B. is the quickest and most perfect Blood Purifier ever before known. - i ; For sale in Newhern-y R- N. Duffy : RECOVERED FROMTHE FIRE! Having recovered from the late fire, I hereby wish to call the attention of my Patrons and the publio in general that I am now occupying the Store lately oc cupied by Asa Jones, and wishing a Continuance of the liberal patronage given me heretofore, I have received by every steamer since the fire a , j COMPLETE NEW STOCK OF Spriiig and Summer Goods, which' I Vill sell at REDUCED PRICES. For the'NEXTSIxirY DAYS I wih sell goods saved, from the fire BELOW I have 'a'Lartre and Nice 'Selected Stock of the Latest Styles, which I will sell LOWER than any other House io tne citr." " ' -, 1 " a if It s Hats, Trunks an$ valises, at the lowest possible prices imaginable. In BOOTS and SHOES I will not M undersold. V t'lVmiK u --tvi'-'m v HrH. SULTAIT; p8dw8mvQ .;! (.x. " v,. ! ' Ilrsir. D. BEWEY Will display her LARGE AND COM- i 7,t" FLETS AHBUKTMlfilNT or . ; -f SPJKINU ANI StTMMElC HATS AND BOiniETS, ; . -Also the LATEST STYLES in " Fuct'1 Feiticrs. floite; ; Siblsss' itc ;-. , ion Thursday, April 1 20th, which she will be pleased to show to her friends and customers on that day. 1 1 . She also calls attention to her pretty selection of CHILDREN and INFANT'S CAPS.:-. ;U ,:- a23dtf : EOEEETS L HIIIE New Berne, N. C7. Orlj' Brst class Con:, pa r ' ed in e. life sni Aec'.:: 1- - T! 1 i ii"Sf 1 areatrfgioni tof tbrtder ami other Icrops raised ofi k mixed knn;4Thi8 Total Cii"i over Forty J... ' Doll: . J ? 0 XEETIKGS OF L0DE8. 8t. Johns Lodqx, Kb. r, A. Ft 41 A. M. ' moorifka 4rl MaA nnjtT mi I n each' Nw Bkrnk Chaftkb. No. 48. BrArr " EWBERNEfN." C. - M., meets on the 2nd Monday ia each monthatSD.m. ' l, w P , " ' ' - of. Honor, meets on the M and JJb je ri day nighU in each month. ' ' . -J o Us. i Assessment No. 140 ia now due, and must be paid on or before the 12th day of January, 1885.', Trent Cquhcii No. 411. Roya t'Ait- Cantjx, meeU on the 1st or 8d Friday nights in each month. - - ssessment No. 64 ia now due, and must be paid on or before the 17th day of January, 1883. Etjbkka Lodgk. No. 7, L O. O. F.. meets on the 3d and 4th Monday nights in each month. ; 1 -' jri-'5.. ( Assessment No. - ia now due, and must be paid on or before the day Nkusb Council, No. 1. Okdkb or Chosen Friends, meets on the st and 3d Wednesday nights in each month., - Assessment No. 66 ia now due, and must be paid on or before tin 14th day of January, 1880, Cosmopolitan Cora.cn, IU. 211, Ahbb- IOas Lkoion .of Hovok, nw-ets on the 1st and Sd Tnnrsday night in each month. Assessment No. 63 is now due, and must be paid on or before the 14th day of January, 1880. ; Local Branch No. 05. Order or tbb Iron Hall, meets on the 8d Monday night in each month. Assessment No. 45 is now due, and must be paid on or before the 1st day of February, 1885. , , Athenia Looas. No. 8. Knights or Ptthias, meets on the 3d and 4th Tuna- day nighU in each month. - . . , i Atsessment No. 140 ia new due, and must be paid on or before the 14th day of January, 1885. Elk City Camp. No. 88. Fraternal LiEqiob, meets on the 3d and un wee- nesdays in each month. . Assessment No. - ia now due, and must be paid on or before the day of 188-. The Han i iho f..cr.icy. "What alls you?" asked the man; I see yon are a sufferer, and can searoely get along." "us, yon see," replied the monkey, "my madder, she had what yon call scrofula, very much scrofula, my larder, he had heap sorea. some big, some little sores, long tame. They both took mneh medicines and died; the ores was all they left me." ' "Yes, yes," replied the man, "I.see how It la Yonr mother Inherited her disease, scrofula. and vour father caught his on the wing, and you inherited or was born with both eom- plaiats. But why pine away and die when you can be cured?" J. . . . , : "I been done ned over sixty bottles one drag store medicine, and It no good. Money all gone and sore here jet. Borne doctors charge heap money, but no good." (i "But my friend," aald the man. "yoa got hold of the wrong medicine. Go to the drug . i . i n. i m i. v. . w luu ,,vu, uuiw wa 0. A Pijimi miviv uilngallof it yon will feel better. ltUaqulok cure. It will cure all aorta of sores. Scrofula, Blood Poison caught en the wing, Itching Humors, Catarrh, Blood and Bkln diseases and Kidney Troubles." . ' "1 be so thankful for your kindness, and will go get li. B. B. to-day," replied the mon- Key, y i EYES.OF PIBE. "Oh, might I kiss those eyes of are, : Ten thousand scarce would quench desire BUU would I steep my Hps In bliss, . And dwell an age on every kisa."' ! r That young dude needs something for Uls blood; he U otterly too, fresh. ' B.B. B. Is the beat thing for him, because OnS bottle wil) care him. But that dude Is not all alone in his terrestrial glory-not by a )ng foil." Many others are considerably "rattled Joist now about the blood poison business, but B. u. d. win cure for toe least money ana in tns shortest time. The boom is coming. Purify, purify. . I "Oh. Joale." said little oteefnl Maud. "ir are going to have Soma noney made at oar nouee." "uow ao yoa anewr" asaea jeeie, "Beoause mamma sent the servant after three B's, an) I don't know what bees ate geod for only to make honey." , ', I Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Oa.; Will mail any one a most wonderful book Faaa. ' : ' For sale In Newbern by H. N. DUFFY.; 3! New Central Hotel.; POBMKRIT BATXMAM HOCSIV lint. PlTTKRaOK. PnariUM. Announces to his friends and the Traveling Public that this Elegant and Commodious Brick Building has been newly refltted throughout. .wi ' llie NEW CKNTRALU situated on Booth Front street, (most desirable location la the city). Near the oonfloenoe of Neuse aud Trent rivers, K Is susceptible of a constant breeze, ana has a river view or fie Biva it has the benefit of sea breesa and I fiee fren L mninnll1M- , . I - ..i i i- ' , Offers special Inducements to commercial men..- - . .. ""' i Cuisine or superisr excellence. - Omnibus and baggage wagon at all trains ana steamera.-, n ui". v r 1 totes, $a.W pee uayvK - w " aplt Merchant 1 Tailotv f i -i'i..xi "Tti : n V 1 odd riwrM' lTflwEerfi;Js'.C. ujf5 ,fi .-.ft AT FOWLER'S .FERRY, v' ' . '.'. .?.,??. ft .t5 ,lfAJI : Beautiful Grouiida for Croquet SWINGS, TABLES, SEATsl i : BATH-HOUSES FOB BOtBt&t)liS3 ANB G FNTLE M E IT, ; ' ' '-' J V T 'fZ-. j ,-. -i " ' . 't ;r,;r:-,'..;tliahf.lA 2STni.... Cool Drinks. Beer, Ala, rVarssparllla, eta. i maI9 lm . ... J. I FOWLER, r ! n a i i c s. , fou sat.:: nv"t 4i M jltakcoc:: i.im J7t P. H.PEIXETIEB, V offlee on. Boau'Kiontireet. third door -from the rnr, of Graven itreeUj y W1U petlc nPxhe Coon of1 Carteret. KweUI LalmJ, ,1 attentioa Kivai) toXhe eollection of ela! and etUina fHOate of aeaeaed per- eng. It., I tlillTf i i: i iht: ., , ,. .T'o' ATTORNJEYt'-AT LAW. ' Osnee Ibnaerl eoenpMd by"Blmjnoei Manly, opposite umuja boms. -- -.j Will .nraotlbe in theGbsmtlea of Craven1 Jones, onslow, Carteret, Pamlico and Lenoir rrompt aitenuoopaia to collections. ' - - t . prw-dawty.'. , C. R. THOMAS, . m m n n t n tr , m-T a tir Offlee-ea Craven street,! n Stanly Building near eoraer of rouoca street. novrawiy , C. R. THOMAS, Jr., ' , , WAUFOBTi it. C. Offlee ea eoraer of Turner and Fron t streets. ' WUl practloe; In Carteret and aniolnlng . Prompt attention to eolleetlon of claims, ii.- nov4dwly ... WIXLIAM J. 0LAKKE, J COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Attends all the courts held at New Berne, North CaioHaa. - Particular attention paid to collecting enums, ana conveyancing. United States Commies Ion dr. Sept. 18th. im, dw . I . !' V. L. J. Mooeb. , W, E. OLAaaa. MOORE & 0LAEKE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, 1 Nw Berne, N. C. Will practhie In the Courts of Carteret, Ora- tcd, urwat, nyue, jonaav ijenoir, unsiow and Pamlico ooontles. Alao in the Supreme Oonrt at Raleigh and the United, States 4oarta at Mew ferne and tuiieiga. sr uouecung a specialty, - apo awtr r. M. sryioas, :, clmxit mahi-t 8IUM0N8 ft MANLY, ! ; ATTORNEYS AT LAW. HTI1I ..tu. Im ik.nnn.i.nfa.... fnnu Onslow, Carteret, Pamlico, Lenoir and Hyde, ana in tne reaenu Lwurt at new nerne. DK. J.D. 0LAEK, hewiika, I, C. Ofltee en Craven street, between ' Pollock and Broad. , prt7-dwly Fresh Heats, i TnS Best the Market affords. Pork, Bausage Mutton, Veal and Beef can be found at " ' ' CHAS. U. NELSON 'B, , ; ' On BrOaa Street. JanaDdtf At Okl Stand. 7 KtUlZll SELF CURE I f A ttTorila piocrintioa. of one of ths most voted and (uccctslul speculitn in th U. Si fmnr retired) for lh cui of Xsmu Seblllty, Lm MmIm4, Wukieu md Dray. Seat ispbla sealed tnyolope Free, pniggitts caa fill iL Address PR. WARD sVCOm Loulalaea. Mo. IPHCEITIZ TOBACCO STORE. . e my- f-ney -f -1 J Tf fhasui-like I Arbeuaom the ashes. and locate, myself ron .Middle street, next td the eornerof Mrs. wwert's Heat Market where I shall be pleaded to see niy old friends; and many new ones. CIOAB3, .goof onea, .TOBACCO, Plug Chewing, Fine Cut Chewing, and many' kind of Smoking Tobacco, Tar Heel, Durham, unae oi jjurnam, ano ttes; and Fine tandyyeto.. etc. all when you feel like it. ' WM. L. PALMER. March 17th, 1889. , dw CgXQaVQO BOATiTl Cq s m wiws Rua. se. s tos, sh. Tea Smw. Hnua Hoi Iaeladed. BosSTUts Bir.is. Si.,ilif usr rau. rOSQES. TOOLS, ao. BSst soaui stsc roa uiht wuaa, aie lb. AmvII mm HliafTMla. Sie lowsr, ovtl. Vices a Other Articles lunia rauas, auwmiii a asuu. , -r '"TiyCTSOEBIUTT I . leosrndniuasroaai. ; f iMoorediwam,lMC.- -, a dins tne killed phW i p ji.lAl.fia. Manlt rram AVMVWte, f roathfal uidlaentioa, ' iMfreewalsanoaiOK 1 '-everbralnirark. avoid ' ths ImDOfritkraof Hew, , A aoruLOM eon v I Uot noaMlM ikrav tTSrleWKixa, '-fhrrgicAl! tf- XJiXAY, ' Till eu foe evrf a troubles.- Get our Fras CircoUT SMTrUl rVk wrvtuxl lans Irosomne K. iM bcfbts takinstnal.' ' ni ,i-wkm. Tmke S , 1 hr kimTani ' . ouaGD thouaivds, dots 1 nut inter with silts 1 i tot, to butlneM, or outte t Miner taoonventesot ia ! ur mfv Fotjuded oa KiaMlOs aitdkal srinet- j .lei. Br dlnctApplkfUioti 4 th fSltt Of dlWMS Its' ' VCARS BY USI IN HMTI TMOuaweOaia, nwioe- aiHom av kst itkous aeur. TMI .. Tin unl funettoDior the ho. unl fimctkini annaTrwJvLsin -. HO UiniHHii snaoami afllrK which Mt be . tXkd eVCKiVia awMtTJIMt I n pauient bmnitchief, , ful and mpidlytmin boll. ,-mrurf h tvnd exui TiiO : ro ik. uib, m.v o aTrtiMs) i oi anr -nianc Hi' u.u.,evi.iut T,r r; : vcxiri::rcin2i7i ' . , rf-x. '- r; . with a View tAaecrmfngVfth tSe times, f-: ;. .FATUOUS ef DETRlOK'3 BALOOMare raspeetfally notified that aa'tll further notice IheywUl, he Irshnltted to W POOU ANB BILLIARD TABLES eonnscted there wtth1 Jharge only bsliuj made for refresnmenta. , 'Also oa aeoni at any time ' - ' . Imported Sehweltsee and Llmburger Cheese; Imported, and Amertsan olegna Bausage; rteuerkrautwben in aeaaon. ' r CALL AT ,x0i ID. J W 111 1 II I. 1 ,r--. tflik: Vt Q. L, PArPFNDlCK. Aaslsmee. a , ra-i amNo Clothing in Endless .Variety. JaioSS" Ladles Cloth Gaiters at SO cents a pair. Ladies .(Jr. liutton llootsatUu cents a,iilr. . - Brown Domestics at 4J4 eta. a yard.. Prints front ttiyra up.J I JfJ f i y Lairaa and wlikt piques at 4 . arr9. f . And other Bargains too numerous to mention. , r 4'J Iflee Assert asiMt f Qesiei ivsUshlac Geods, W emd Far Mats. Goods Saved, from the Fire We are BOLE AGENTS for the A. A. BATTLE RED'S aaa BUWTS lLK sawKD S.e ihoei. u wwrimuuMt. nuotuu idjf oi uem in any way, reaaonable. ti me give out, we will upon return reimiintu pair and the iaon s - vsna statement aa to lengin or. wear, oney or give gaotner new pair a exchange. Middle Street, between ap3udwtf DADL BROTHER!?, Wholesale Crocers, HAVE KEMOVKD TO THEIR TWO. STORES, SOUTH OF An4 keep of FLOUR, MEATS, MOLiASsKS. SALT, TOBACCO. eveiythlnr ia the GROCERY LOW PRICES for CASH. . LIME. 500 Bbls- Rock Lime, ROSENDALE AND PORTLAND CEMENT, . .. PLA8TEK, HAIR, White Lead, Paint, Oil, Varnish, Glass, Putty, Etc., Etc. Lister and Whann's Lancl I'laster and IMPEOVED COLEDSBORO RICE AND PLANING LULLS, GroltlsIoi?o IV. C, J. STRAUSS & Co.. Proofs. RlCfe4 MILIARS and Blmds, Sash, Mouldings, Mantels, Ceilings, Flooring, Stair Rails, Balusters, Brackets, Newel Posts, And all and every kind of WINDOW AND DOOR j Havinir iut enninnail nnr Canrnrw j , j r J . ' .wupnw wuuuu vri cut; ill's, UUU lifttitfiT. TmriFAirAfl nntiaatl.ltni .. ,1 ,A .1... " " U.Uv.. J , .v uuMWIWUlgt IIUpUlUU LU flttjf 1 1 1 It L WC CUI1 compete in prices and class of work with any factory in our country. d$T intimates cheerfully made on ENSURE-TOTJEUFE IN THE PEOPLE'S UUTUAL OEO. ALLEN POLIGltiS iLued ill nounts' from '$UoO to $5,000, And are payable during tbe lift '.of! the. assured. Pol jcipg hvo five coupons attached, each for one-fifth of the amount of the' Policy. The coupons are payable from four to ten vears. accordinff in siro of PnKov holder. The cost is moderate, and the payments are made in monthly assegsmente. This form, of .insurance will- he fennnVevrroairaMn w ... miumi and ifltejesta. during life, and savings.. ..-,. ; ,- )'. -.- u. The Directors and Managers of this Company are men of high ctiaracter, and the plan of insurance is considered perfectly gafe. v' r;.ni.M a mi r..4:.u -i s-v' j ,. : .. . vuvwuo bum iuu uuunuauva iiuouiueu uu application to JDEAJLslilt. HAY i HAY ! HAY ! HAT ! v til I itHi. ri J, 1,000 $y( Kvrrr") Gj i- CRAVEN 1VENJBT., BSLOW: EXPRESS FFICE, " t MAX BCHWEW. GEfJuAi; A8II. .TffMfiiaL'': it w liiistiii avv. as b wwasii wiiii iiwii MAre again in bnsinees, and having bought their goods In th KEwyORK anaylAKHAClIUSETTS MAEKETS lA forJCA,aT.nowrT)SM to offer giXKbiar iiow piiioeb. . will Sacrifice. Every pair wunui any of damaged eitner reufud be sold, at a I I F l I fiurojiaiN'&'jHi' Humphrey Howard and A. II. HiAton. 8IUN OP FLAG. : .i i THEIR FORMER STAND, COFFEE. SUGAR, SVKUPS, SNUFF ANI CIGAttS, and LIKE, a fULL STOCK and at a24 li Plow Brand Guano Pliosphate, Kto., Etc., COTTON SEED. GEO. AIXEN &.C0. Manufacturers Doors, Wood Work for.. Buildings, FRAMES A SPECIALTY. larifli dAmnUn Vlnifit 41.1.' Ti. A..i all classes pf wood work. EIIDOYMENT ASSOC'N, & CO.. AGENTS. forms a safe investment for monthly r.: 1 . .x.v AGENT FOB THE COMPANY. . a-EsOfG'Ei1 IN . ';, w I Vial ttS' l'- fllTHii' riaVmi Mstritii m sa s 's w a s i w n i s WsAsiA i UsAllA i DiUil i Sill.; to at . j , i - a. feb3dwtf 4 V- - . .-