1 1 7 ' " r tif. i' ' f 'J'' ' 11m jouena. f o. r .1 .: v : A I S : L.J a.; I em low opening toy unusually targe, fresb and! attractive stock of . T embracing i i i. Staple.and Fancjr Dry-Goods ; . iCaaiamg'FiL LTSS INFILL hfXftTMEiffs. anTemb , all tfOTELTfES-BPECIALTrja SWi ?E'S,. Jjf. MAY 89.1886. Buyers will find it to their interest to come and examine my commanding .Afcik.&Ur-I-wiit wiwiuwle guiliU lit Ml J Elg UflveTI Prists PiittsAlst cti t Cssi. Heading , yWd wide? for? mm . TIetter Quality 6,7, and 8c. s vm sT7ili fell ypua fine lOcldap! ftrfial V c Tjvf CinKham (gopd.5c, m t !OJ stah A full line of J10-4 Sheeting, and, PJUlowCasing- in . , . wLSE VMci; vq illiieUiat &e&otol0 Prided1 ' A rood Pillow Casing, 64. for lQc., ormeru price. 16 ' e i- i i.i.j . tvl I : ? nAElBpRQOAffitli 1IAMBDRQS. . r The attention of the trade is ealled to tbia aioM tompieW liiwf Ilabmnrf !J. t. i i , n in . n r ii ' "T i rH-w otci nuunu. Xivecy trauo io luuy represeaieai . . - - i K'. Cainhrio, Nansooks, Swiss nd white goeds ranging in prices from So. to Also call your attention to my AJLt-OvefEraljibiderieSjwhich we are selling I call ypnr special attenUoarto my larg aollAlffactivrWoA Xf5& ; ,: ; WoTn Cotton wd Lmep yorhonJjaeea Aom l.WOrietlB 10- to 25o. S :v;:kA lf:MMlM4U4Af4Am.m My stock of , i' .' ii Cacttiili, EiwitD, Brtbwt, Eretoniie, Yalenciepnes, Guipures is immense ssdtr surprieinclv ?ow Irf prcos.'jWiceEice Caps 10c, cheap at dpe ' -6g Collars 3 and Sc., worth 25. Lace Fighuefl i 5 and 10c. Iihave.xtthind made j BlpurafLacesi , IV m sell yo'siriWe'hiItls ' IJu-g Imt'of hand-mad - V ?. TW 25o., Worth fido. fin black'or cream), . .NaIsdwinsedi-.'WT.hdtcrut is rolled that anuen UiDBe, me leaTening dnauuesor n oya mrnj; rowow K drippings or lard b. B84. the EjDyal Baking fowder removes any unpl ant taste, i sweet a ad finest butter. appetizlnf Equalities of ' the gentaine dame-made, American pi will rejoice that by the aid of Royal Bakrng Ponder in Iho nutnK if m M tnana nnitJi na all I digestible a it is delicious. : i ' I Us4 - - The Farewell Sjmphoay., ' A "1761, Haydn, ,w'a' pioii ted o'apenuiuUr to Potfoe JCiterhi zy,' W wealthy Anstratair ooble.A is patron ownefl ,a,;yeantifal countfy- sear, , wiiicd, .iq. ,aaaiuonno its natural beaotiesj included tyotli ea-, ten for musical, rehearsals, nud t lovdywa the sport thAtihrj ice arrived there eariyj i-spriBg i nd staid nntil the end of autumn,, It hiade the members bf the orches ;ra A'et.ttnhapty M WJatf IdhtCaWay iroui teir. iumiue8NaQair uayaiM woo nau pieniy oi leisure ior com position and" musicians pb.onKli to perform, nia i works, was the o?ly harfpy one. Ue loved and symia. tuizeij wit)iihe JB6D,nd atsUttbe wrot faritlieiQ.kiV FareWeirSym' pbonyThejr were yiT home-sik", aoov a&me 1 nnce snowea no signs of. leaving, ;fiaydn.JMt..Bpoami8 novel plan to make nim retnrnoM n menis, pne on. j;eam praying. At ite jMlScwanfojuv the Prince's 1.; other store will sell. ri"--;r T'f-'f Y --i- . OltAPD a, A TnSTIfNSENRIETTA asredt 'oTPLAfDS fn all colors, ai ,i,i m .i jin -a r r and KMPESS CLOTHS. j3arg other roods too numerous to ienti U t- 1 triifc immM&iittifl m. TSoiVwillirula chiefe 3c. 1000 do. Ladies' 'Hoser white, atul striped rfriA. "ij full regular inadeiOose, tn lakkildreieinl taisffesV at hall nricea. flood Linen Collani , ; I Needle Casket 10WJ aittiugit Sc.j'regularJee aodkeh full line half Importatii Needles 6c. Ladiei Oc. Endless Tarie of Ladies' and Children's. Straw Hats. Handrliairs at 25 ,ia ROe J ward , :wnfif iiid a: wvurw- j-ruiuca -iu 011 Tiirioit;. aiuuma um.. worw 60o. -- A large assortment of Tinware (ai jialf tpiices. Ladies' children ana : - rt it i- ! 11 -!-' 1n-' " J .' l ( " vV y pirs Ladies CliUdren and MissesJ.CJoTes, a4JS733tftOil ompeo wiecKea, ana rancy. t'UUUiV, JVLfltl J.lXlU,f ,crinr.aq v " , : '' 1 nave the largest stock of Lad large ies' Children and, Misses - ' s k,- .''v.-:; f.; .r- .t ' ,t;" ''V3- i. 3 .. r..,s ' that can be found in the city. I have them in all styles and sizes, qpantUies ' -V:r-?A.:td qualities.-. ' Mj1:,i.K,M.iir) Vl 1 eiracM. i4 . , 99 centss Botto3a(&f .li ,. - '-' ' are a good as any $1.50 shoe that can be.bcuight in the city. Ladies' Opera VBSiinersf)9otlai .''.,;;r; ; ; 1 V (-.1.11. ..t.vi:--" . j ! .-.1 I : ;N0WREADY .li?tui; ForXheiaspectioaoliour many Frinndr " i i Hi ' 4 :.... SEUCTEO STOCK .41 voh si - urA iii'W.yr V Pastry Wltliont Butter. . The American pie has . been subjected to more unjust abuse from foreign writers than any other Of our distinctive products. If we except the recent tirade against the American hog;. And yet w cannot say that; it ,aaa en altogether undeserved, because of the Tillianous compound, thicavhard and. 'heavy, that is too , often made to do duty 'as :a "crust, and which by conrtetry is called "pantry." Ught, -tender, flaky, and digestible pte-cruat and all kinds of pastry canie mwU most readily by the uas of Royal Baking Powder without any butter, pr with halfthe usual por tion, it preferred, or with a small (fuan tity of lard or other elrortepipg sp de sired. Pie-crnst , thus made., is muoh tnpre wholesome. and digestible, besides oeing mora economical ana easierj pre-1 . -c . U i , uuucr ii ueBireu. uue-mnu.niD wuiii w 7 1 J 1 1 1 - 'I" mmm r.;n!f,-iV 1m. VIC llIflHl HHBr a cunncD t!finnc . iiJJ1y;)aVMl.ia.ii.M uwuuy t , rendering the. crust. as si ort,: .il JJia te " id pleasant asif .toadepjn th woa s .5l-...05 Ci-l utter"."' Those who know the UU.rt.U.tt-i3.r.U..fc I.if.i ,;:!.;..,. itquaUtieaof ' the gen line s , ' " ' . ; j:i-i.'fi-"v';f;.i1:1 : ' .We control' the sajca. of -. Shoes i nade by the "'JEast New York Shoe Company, ;foe the city, And -can' i cheerfully fecommend . them to i those wishing to bay a shoe that i; iwiii give entire satisfaction. Also,; cheap Shoe from 70c. up. , ; . S-.ii w- lti j-i.. .... JA- H"t'r' IM- I''W .ft . .,t (n BENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. 'I The beat white Shirts made for .: 51,008,00 linen. Beet muBlin re- : - j .nforced front and baekj Gait and see it. "'" - JkVfl aiaa have the ageaey-tr-uar' theater, as..80Qa;.aa 0a. jmusicijin stonnedL neTleftrthe ataee....The Prince 'showed, hia , appreciation (of iuh . uiuhiu ami tue jokb oy rei urg ing tO; Vienna and allowing the musician toTeturn to tneir homqs. SIRING, N, C, give Jiotlce that they have HKNVHU theE Mln araon. and if! rtu. bD&i'fi liu balna to Kive atl- VMme - who ftojrffp. ; tjauoiilze Ijlienil a A hack will run regularly from thshome I the 8irlnm Jfortle acooumioilallon at 1 ZIALLETT1& KAHL, '.JJI01,iTiniterllla(r!-i'i--'..' Qnick Sales A: Prompt Return s. ; -. .jt erf it l-;ix ft d ft il 1 Miurchlon Oo , eor. FeRri'f9-.K -K ' 1 J:' K- KIi1. Vloc-PreMl flarmuiU Ina vi. 1 nuuuws wuign, wjiiwdkumI. ..Vfl.K. J '' '' Jill.: 7TM WI'J c lilW , m- T 1 , at . . . i P T. i Wl 1 W. Vt. ""A T B. B. Kobertm, Agen' JJartert Hi' ilqat received at : Mr. TSr AW. anElpeant A eall aodexamiuo. 5 "I OfUV. ,TATir:rrx imnt of J ."WBHOI. Ii JttUies ,, v a i iraae nly SVholesate Dealer iff tb citj.-J tpp tkuJufli . -My secobdVfibJIs !fiUe4lIlth! gUio J- exclusively I guarantee to duplicate any bill you y r ?t:ilWLia I am positively tho o: ay undivided attention. ,' bottom for tkil trade exclutivelg, can purchase in aov Northenuilarket mrm - Don't Forgot The -Jflace. iiJ 1 1 , ' t . a ; - n y ' FoliccIi,.trcct ... 5 hart, The . Clothier,' successor to Jbald uj, TieCiothter4f Uomo: and '; eemir fceatftiful"' Itne samples,' j I Jlfucft Qlwpcr than ever befor. ,. j s ',,!. A tine assortment of Oents'8traw! i i,ftnd Still Hats, from 50c. to $3.00. .; See, .our, beautiful-, line . Collars, : ' CuiTb, Ties,-. Jiandkerchiofs, : Half j f Hoae, .ete,,0to -;'.tii'i ' '. .fM.rrA,.(,M..f.:iT' ...... J ' Wo invite attention to our $1.00 : Black Dress Silk. 22 inches wide, i ! and very heavy Gros drain, the best i : yet offered for the , money, L Also :", very heavy piece at 75o. . ; 'm j U'i Satins inall shades,' very low. '-j j ! Ladies' DrtfW Flannels, 52 inches 'wide, latest shades, all wool, 75c. - ( Cashmeres and Ottomans, all col-t ( orsfrom 29c.' to 78c., Also, cheap- ; er grades.from, lQc. to 25o. t r 1 1 1 WHITE GOODS! : Our.tetock bf) WHITE GOODS i consist or India Linen' from 12Jc. : to 40(5. (special attention is called to; i 'J the l2Jc grade); , Mull.! beautiful i quality, 48. in. wide, at 40c.; Ladies J Drees. Robes of .India iiinen,iWith: - embroidery fo match; , the latest!: 2 novelties jn .White Dress Goods;!! ; prices W,00, f 4.50, 5.00 and $6.00 : , .each; Piques from ,5c.. to 25a. and : an enjueas, variety of Plaid Mua-:: iJina,.,,,i?renok,.i Welting, ' Persian.: Lt .awBs, Nainsook trod India Lawns. U ' . v',:!:i'i . ft! Oil 'ii Ladies and- Children's":. Hose 1 t tlack and colored,', full "regular ;j made, from 25o. to $1.00. h " m Also,.a lot of cheap Hosiery, 60.' ': :andl0fr.Xl;V','. .', 1 .places and-Edgings; fiorcnon; varenciemiB, upanisli. i' OrientaI,;ind an endless variety of T .f,iw"i muu H i verr loir 1 price. . -' . - .j;.,a.j;i widths end prices. '.-' J i Swms and Ail Over Embroid'ery, ) euktrble 'MjtriiBjiniilig fadja -linen ' V 'and Lawns. . ' ' . . ,i..io..tiis ,un-ll V"!" -.u-.m- M i 1.1 aii.i.nuM 1 : We have a beautiful lotOil Olnil,. j IfatttngiJ ani Hnp CafpeU. f Bleached, 'Xlnbleacried and Col- i I n: Up. it.: Miscellaneoiis ; vi va mjtin cauicaoBi, jsuoniau ur(UUI( 3 VartrrAjaTiiDojrjes fromSoi np. : icweis, an linen, large size. 10c : knotted, fringe, full damask, 50o beautiful dualityt a vory fine dam' ask, 43 inches long, 0- A-f4nrma-nirr HJfhn-a AW JVTvrViilimviiTiNi i UX XUJiJLi &Aii.AUiiX. 23 inp.KiM vrUa S j 25c.. the, cheapest towel sold. Also, : m, voiy iicn wwaia iruill uu. up. i; u JOlX)YESTBlack Siljt, 35e. to f 1.00. : ?LisleJhrekd;i5o.fto40olt . i . i : puui;iiiKrs voiorea poraer, j; ! 8c, . UBnaUySc; all; linen, hem- : : stitched. 15c - I i i . j. sPkrfcitery Tappsto's SwpV t Py : wand ye' Extract,' fedo Cgjning'a j uerman joiogne, 10c. Uolaen 4 V"dki"aiipklcES on LoriJlard- at Gail A Ar Snuffs, Grain Sacks, Bpesv Twines, Canvas, Oakum, Palata, Oils, eto. etc,: before purchas ing. lt.. -f t ... .- .!.' Miltl-WI'1 Orders takeajfor.Kota Mid Seines. Agent foVEaWrdYowiW Co. ;nov26Jw ,. KE.7 r.ZUNS. N.C "Will. 'ji rv vi3 v TOHSOEIAIVIST 5 Spray Cologne, 10c." GoodJErtract, : : TvllET Soaps. Best assortment : pt Mi-soaps m- the- crwriTurklsh: IBathi, 3cA, formerlySd. ti 7 , J Envelopes anp WnmNa Papeb; : : good qualit'y-'-Soi 1 per' 'quire for j paper, 6o. per pack for envelopes. lOom'gs,'! Uuir'.;Bruht8,i ' Tooth BAiRlies, Purses, Pocket Books, : : ScisttorSr Shears, Needles, Ric Rac, J Braid, etc, etc. , i - i . t m t i f Corsets 85c., 40c 60c and S1.00. i ; Peari. Buttons 5c. doa. ' : : Garter Elastkv-5c. yard. ,! .jNS-rbest.qoality brass, 5c paper j ... ,. , i.,,.,.,, ,' . to ccr'TRY"mc" Wevrou' y thaC" fell a Tmany poods at, Muolesale, aud we invite in spection of rour stock m ' i ia need of 6fy f ls in our line. 'SOLE AGElTTOir xuS vf- 7 (t t".'.:iil I'l It'' V,"' ; '"; , .HANG IT. MARIA 1 ... . - r t ' . : I . i . , A . .1 , i , l ... s v i1A J I v :.. ri HA . L i- z;t A: f't . " .- ' . ..'..'- f l i";:r 'ii -'. 'ri I l U -(iT 'r:.viV.i i1Vv v i;it.j :;:; t i'H tiTJ'in i.'i'ii 'Wt' j'iJ ftygi " ' j.i si - Why don't you buy my shirts. .. . rrt Y ' '' v. ,r .-. ready-made ? What's the use ol i.-V-; . t-,:H -(';r-H -ii : wearing your eyes out. Over fine- iH ifcYi- v ; H! J ?. i' -needle work! and breaking TOiiH :ii3 V -v O" "'''back'tryihg tosavea few cents ! tvh RryIl,t j-V'i'A-1 a.i f -,i ? i-dori't seethe savin' of it'-v WV.w'-'r?? - f"-V':.'uV , -:rNj;,; you can buy, shirts nawrXjy.: J vVl'P'ryeiy.little more than thecost-..wi1,?4w.u;i : v . V ' ,'. ,'iPf material Lookat this V.PiA-'Luvi' .;; ' ' , .'".",;.., mono !' I've just bought, I say.A .-'" !.LMaria,anlfioing u;,' ntu more ngnt away;;;, J;u,rr; . .: ... -.cuj-wiii v-C " M r '.liirllAVE '. JUST RECEIVER , TJtEj; 1"'' - '". 7E EVER BROUGHT TOiTt;iST."niET. . ieltf pwiiai list oT tHe ImnSense gain8jf W$ at-e. offering this season; ;t )r (.H rj tf) ; A'Oentt' 'Fu'U ieguiaVitoacie liiwari 30c.'1 -1 ' ;- -' ;:- ;v-k.? Solid GrityBock (br20o:.worth;S6o These Socks are a great drive, and are going" frit; if onff?f f 6U ' i early, ' ,tZ .- A ! sWaiFifctO 1 M-V :;;-;;;. f CASSIMEEES "for Gente' and Children's weai 1 Canuot U ; " t We have a larger ansortment ' of them at Lower Prices than has beta brought ; '"'. ' to this market this season.;;-' - - " ' , r:--:'':"' " pAWNSr;. .CAtlCO, M igoo'd as is 'made, at 4o. and ,5o. :jY6id ,Wide TTribJeached Dprnesjiio ft 6o..u; P0,t l Splendid Heavy 'Demestic at 4o. ' . . . .n1 , h Jticei Bleached Domestic t 5n Co, and 7c. ' ' -. ...oyii-? .. -. BeantifuLWorsted Plaldl, for Ladies and CJiiLlrfJirWa, it : v - it, ah, wooi ire&a uouas " . , . a-. -r ; ,Half Xobl TwiUedlDoDaizes at lSc worth 2fio. i. I t THEIJ iWli: HAVE '.j: t Nun'sllteilAngs:-. i n s Albatross, 10 - t.i t;H . . i -: berges, -;.rJ oaj5 eovt-a- 1 .1.; :m;I , vi .!:,r jiv.' i ) t 111 i 1 i t ' ' i 1. . i ' "ill 1 i 1 J Buntings,vf:r"'r ; 'm Henrietta Clcthr 0' ;', io,rr; ml n.."i::- Shallylilp, ;v And a handredViiiiher kinds' ;6f DXESS GOOP3 in "BOTn,,!PXAjpK and " ' OOLOKS. which , we BOUGHT j AT JOB, P3,IcESU We b A tbut few ' guuuo iu icgum wnjr , iuo iiuru uuies iu uas oauseu many manuiaciu- - : rerar tt tloso ouf-jobs at half oorftitJs from these' that we bay 1laiife!y.! that s'1 enabling ns to retail at U tnach lower price than many Other merchants pay at -.: wnoieaaie. it you want bargains,, I K Yl UB. d w :; !- sn aonkj, ni.v - . , v Our SttHBLkCK GOODS 'Uffien&iir'We'n? ineh Black Cashmere at. C6e.wr.it i i :?u'u" i-"& .. , t '"See uf Strirnftrl SwTnrriAr RilV at fifln and fi. Ti.ni, siiv. r have only one piece left of a fine, job lot, it is fine Grosgra ua?4 -very beavy ; . would sell anywhere for U0 : we sell it for tl,0(L'('. , (!i jj.'iAj, W (J . India Lawn' 45 inches wide, for 7c. worth ,12o. We have all kjadf of WHITE GOODS at Bottom Prices. lot wh Lovelv Embroideries of all stvles from.. 2c. jin tV. honest m. iah of over a thousand dollars which enables us 'to reiail lower thn the oleslewl jii Ncjr York. -;:,W.HOV fc'il AliO .y ' .it. 'I - We have a lovely Swiss arid Mull Embroidery, 'trTfofpt. Aw-toeeVWur Job inLadics llose, fine goods, for 25,, worth 35p. to Oo ' '' Weiilsoliave a gool Stocldng ' for 6c.,' a splendid gock for 5c, ehd t'3e faacy Hoe lor children for 6c. ... tfv-.'.. r i j X J ii-. . nfeelUip'lcndidW6CC0M aA KXAifD ; . .'uanaKerciiieisirom ic. up, , ,3trl3.n")ii:f.M- ;0iaEII.1HO' v9uf.AUWool Jerseys.eHy1'v'-'-viV-'f.ri?iit v:i - Towels, Jarge and heavv, for 6c, and a pure all linen Towel for lOo. ' l'.1; " i-.'.Weell STTOESy on so cheap.'.': !We are closing out our Stock of f TOl .'7' . Y '""' 'f c; .; : .si'.'.va:... i. j :W i.i. ' I in e are not the onlv wholesale mercbant in New Iime. liiil irn cr1! t- -iw wholesale-bills and sell country rnerchantso matiy of our jol s,' 1 i, t i frr-rchs'iil.Io'1ride witli . us .are cctting all the trade in their f ' ' w k' ' country ;, therefore, if roeroliant.4 want to buy GOODS at LG , a DKAWTPiADE, tin y ca.l on us. .... ....,M: .i-i, ...Dcn't-fcr-t cur rrrrdn;.''. C.iirc.:: 11 . ... : v4. Vfc vine Ail fc- uiiv u f-. Wita ln . riaeliOD iu ia.nn . . i ni-w J.irTi)ttir. j to iuoe ik ao puiroD AA , . , ,