'TV AKNvEHCEENI'. THS IUILY lOUWU f Xlmmm paper ' pit, ud aUr except . I O-'Vy, a St.uupar a,r,ti 0 tuf si asoaias.' UUwi M Clt liMcrlMriatWenuiiirvwttk f, ., T1IBNEKT BEKHK JOUKfAL, M eoJo- i , . papr,Upabllake4 ever Thareday nV:StSpar aeaam. ABVERTISINO SATIS (DAILY) Oae tack . aedar Mu;i week. Sit o asoat Lwt; f Vooatki, SUVM; ekx swath. li.OO; elva femtha. trnjm., . eeau ar hae lor rack aaertloa . ;' , , Ne adn.rUeasasi.ts will W I a is I tad Between . .oval Kauas ataajr prioa.-, - lotlcee ot kimM ar Jths, e: a lieee will ha iaaerted lraa. AU additional : inr ajiaaMKatar1 transient sdTcrtsssaM - teade la advance.' ateftnlar aattaea.stts mm M eUeetew praaeptly at the ead of kactj loawaateauoas eoataialag atwf .era dibcut .' 44 of VoJ "ktUra ra sailetieeVeWoossUna .. .MiuaawiaxpaettakaKMUkad tkal4oaaiu f kjaetUaials pwanakltUaa; withholds the''aae . f tk aether? or that wQI ask,, , am ifcaai eat ' blasts af thienater i,iM.r it i ufti bun I j(' ' Kmf paraon foaling aggrieved at any eaOujr , aaoakoamaaaaieauoaraaobU'ji the name. the author by application at thla office avowing wherein Ubs grievance exists. THE JOURNAL t.fb- .SEW BEBM AN. 0., JUNE t.:;t88 KaMMdMtba Postoaaoeat NewBerae.'N Hi fal&tibBct Um resuious adoij. i. -o ;t Pfondajr' tlii": Mart? trates j and ; County fc Oommfc-J regard, to Imsi V 1. n DaiiJ.iU29e'.aAIf ; upon the Governor 4n appointing the Board of irectorsi on the part of the State 'remains to oe seen. . It should be be irvVini that out pt ians-Miihs conniy there f ef e h&inijifbn$preMnt. 1 And ic was Verv eviTenfc that madT Jot thie' boidWWm views is those biveii $Ur. M ot, Mt ELI P 35 i-o f "That the Jaatice8 .i)honld not com- -4 " mlt ther; "Tres forjMigainstalease ' nf If -;er;e,lo3fcedwto ;wh 1 altrefaae Jjjjpwi V i 1 y;,:;--,-. J" It teare Vd iu favtif oi'a lease '" that thftMd:rnr. bj il directoijs ' ' MS never, maue anytwng aooveic "ipiiditnrea; a jTact 'taking in'tli I -. " whoM period f IM operations it cai ' '. be-shown that it has Boent aom ir ?M moreen ktaspgi t ' ' - - :.r.Av 4mtrolled iy the" cor poratio I cmW&i prectaiedsiriri f 'i kas sowceHf a'nyiharkef Value; be .ItnfksfiotekAilk can i, secure con ' nectins freirzbt jrates only at a dis . - f jjrutilge "K to1 "onr :'c6rn' 'ura hiDDers who seek marketa-far into -.V-V i. It. . . .? . . ' I . -; me intenot;. oy a lease 10 a corpora f?. oaicker tt-ansiiortationr :&im m arkets would .', ;eto ix ', (brionij -; AiaiaW shipping ; jfrodnctsj ' And v adwr ailja rental of $50,000 a year '.- irptidV. . (The Eastern ttyndlcate offered an 'average of $54,000 forj j thirty years) the debt of the cor- . poration conld be 'paid in a few! y, vears, and. :the, the-Btookholders V would Wginto1 'realise' somelbingj " for their investment. ' .,fw..1,i . fs'; A8 , againsti a lease it is argued : i thai ' the lessees - would -.work the road for the money , that is ia it tnat they wonld break np steamer connections ' at ' Kew Berne" and ; " M orebead Cityi ' advance freights, - .break up the aboptf in this ejajul r oppew fhe' p&ple'generaliy. - We ; .", ; rerily believe that these apprehen- . ' sioas dwell only in the imaginations i -cK. f ' 'tlwpobwitaff. lease That '.X 'y-?'- the lessees - will 'endearbilo make w . "." money ererybody will admit. We ' , FouldnptrJike for any corporario v r : M individuals to lease he road un lea they wonld try to make money. : -Thai is the main ' reason why'' the -'2 stkboWera art! restless rwnili' the , road w controlled by its directors; ;r':, y evfcrjr. annual - meeting for ' the last '.' S v . five 0 '-six years - the stockholders -S bare shown' a disposition to' tease V ; - tbir property, and it iscertaiary '.fcrfinse thejf are getting nothing as ' - , F controlled, by 4 the; jeonlpaayVV-Toj ' " . auale faoneyj' jH. seems to us there " must, be an effort' to build np and '- ;' develop the coualry along the line . of the roa..f Making' 'money will 'T;-' : result Vijrp'ni jibe prosperity of the -' Pcr' irom their oppression. The-.resolutions .as ; adopted by ' - ti e Justices ' opposes lease to s any : company of .pur 6wn,Thos price, Wm,Witbrow, Messrs. one its line, who are doetar I jamea and fiMtrp-a. thu'Mio i . . le albn i-t rrested, could to under,i thees resolutions, jid matter what price is offered, obtain a lease. :.. " I Would il aot I ave been better if the reso! .ions L J tsi nplj instruct ed the 01 not Jo vUe fojr ldi8e unless a certain amount could be obtained, and certain cuaranteea made as to snuiaioinj; shops, steamer lines, frent'ratcsVtcl WetMnkthlffTrotrhTnafB Vecvi, the beiterjOonrej Attdei think this is the opinion ,:of many people in .,iiii7;n a - " tt; ifi i.-'UkkW rram r EitkunreaJ ''Bladen . JBhV; , More, corn is benplanted in : tUia eoanty and ujaa !,conion.i v ioou--orn and oattoncropc aronnd Bladen boro are looking-tine arid 'doing en, to1 we ili'l'An' i Ui.. I...' .... .-- I i nn ui,(1 uvo,itH igam tiny msi irek,-;aud cot !icht gaHon 'nice cleaa i honfly .--Handy1' West,! of aampsoo oounty; atea recently; : . lie Vae tyr Wart phCXnadM.Piiid left him surviving about, 105 oIhI- dreq: ,MQd wgrandehildren obeyed the Divine eemmand. toStatsyille Lan&mhrk! The gant rains, of the 'pist ten. days have wMkti "pn the..Xarmer8 m bbbd 'soMta abtiiik rrvthinur iim,i Wft srheat vaod uoattkMMmGil .wboi committed ' stiidde' lastSatiir A t ilia Vl J4i ! AT"1 W itiU ' dayTettott'of'pjfih Ocqbrreppe i rrtkltAhWM'- T "nna a.An.HlA . pouuenatvk Aajwrsinewa jbrotbar of Alassrs. James and IS,1 CronjbV both fof nierly 'df tb) pla Ui(iBd as Tmpatredas a result days beijore .(y? death, while bennd hl 1 i.tUft la ughter were At work ' to gether in a field, lie ' told the little girl he wished She Would bltj hin in be h Ith'.ltec lioe and kill him. VTayBesville Jfetc$?' MrV Mallojr1, who ha traveled considerable our Ing the past week over the northern Lpart oIt the',' cpanty , reports i fine prospects for a- tobacco crop, lie also informs ns that tbe peach add apple crop in the vicinity of Crab 'Tree'witl be large notwithstanding tier, a relative of the great Quaker poet and a native of Southern Cali- lOrniai has purchased of the heirs Of Jas.56."Lovtf abd Drt;Welcb 03,000 acfw'Qf Mountain lanas i i. Sw'aib coun tj- for 0i,000. The Doctor ii tend8i.;utjlbciti2;i tbig 1 land foi' its tiniber'tandcatsd for'-tfazfng 'titj noses:j' -Thertf aTS still -afiVferal bni Kyip,.pf,Han,a)Wr saie. ny vine sam eatatei alii m.ftst Aw niwtwi Goldsboro- :Xrau; , Mr..'. Freeman , of this city, had the 01 i fortune Thursday-night of losin his fine' Jersey cbw'which die fromi the eflects of eatiiig too man finebretf T' Tines This, ' was h nest 00W. in.'tbe..Btate.t and ,wa L- it r' 1' 3 I it 11' . . 1 iuuuu uupircu uy - an wao aw ner. rrtWei learn that the W. & VV itaili'oad Company, -In-ftdditionfc "3hott Qutf; wUb ail. possible; Tim have put ."down,' i large lob :f new steel rail on t bo northern portion of the road." 'Tbey have also a cau Biderable quantity, " ol ' steel rail reaayor puiimg uownr wnicn,wi pd8h 1 the improvement io this, "din rction;1 The road is well ballasted its entire length, and is one' of the best equipped roads in ( the 6oath Bnow ILuLTelegrapki The friends of the Goldsboro, tSnpw Hillvandl OrekVine Railroad met at Golds each ther awd.iee-what .the pros pect was for building it. After a foil and free' conference, it was de cided to commence the surrey,' and tharservices of Mr.'; Pearson, who wot present 'at the meeting by t quest, - were engaged, and it is ex nedted'that the work will be befrnn at aii " early' da(e,' but ' that,; matter -was: left i to - ( the. 1 directors, i ' When the survey is finished and the line located books of subscription will be opened "Snowr Dill was repre sented by MesferkVW.yll '.-Dail,r.O. W. Sugg, O.. W,Dail and . John C. Dixon, and the county by Mr. B. 12. Best. These gentlemen?: pledged themselves for the payment of oar county's portion of , the costof sur veying the route, but of course the people will not allow them to bear the whole burden:'; In a short' time we" hope to be able "to announce that the, work of Constructing the road;, has beguo,! -The t telephone brings information that the surrey has begun, and the party is erpect ed here tonight; ' ,heiby.3Tin MragZ&n last Wed. nesday evening Mr. Hill Davis, while walking on the farm of Mrs. Nancy Davis, situated about a mile above New.ilouse, discovered indi cations of mica bedav '. Further in vestigations go far to prove that the new beds ' are large id -extent and the' quality1 of the mica; is ex cellent. About a week ago one of the finest mica mines yet known was d scovered 1 on 1 the farm of Green Dycus, on Sandy Bun, near Oak Spring.,-A-rstock company of fi ra (ra nf la tn a t A f Andrei f. isr i an1 comet," has been formed to work it. -11J. 2. Tails, one of 1 correspondents of the t cf A ': -icultare, makes :g rej Lit of the crors in k. Winter wheat, aver- the er c Deprrtr the f '.0 this f ct. agQS conu-lic j, 75; spring . wheat, acreage sown this spring compared withjast, 80, average condition 75; oats,, acreage ,), condition j 50; cjovef , i mvtizi condition J50; cottonl-acres2e.JJOOcondition 90; spring pastures, condition-; peaches) condition 80 f 'The spring has been remarkably late and crops are backward. Owing to the cool snaps, the winter crops hare frozen ontJ -The spring grain; crops, such asorn and oats, are doing tolera bly well 1 so far. The isnrin Z has beeb so cool and backward that the v a yy i 7 " r f v tuAy! " 7 I . THE 'COTTOJT JtOTtXENT. From Brailatreet'a.' :-- " , ' ' rTbb market tor futures daring the week was almost a duplicate of the one preceeaiog ic " xne uun rone of the Liverpool market on its open ing after the holidays had a depres sing effect1 upon ;the .'values of , the XTn -VBlr . L.nV. '''Tv,-' ,1n1W.n closed "last Triday at (11.04., Oft Mohdayit.bad, fallen, to-10.91, but rose' to," J.Q.O.O, pRoTufisday. tpn Wednesday it recedea to mi ing on Thursday to-10.85. ( ' It closed Friday at 10.84.1 rTbe 'general ten dnrr of price wftadowbwardl'and me average recline ifom me closing puiuut wi - iiMta weK wan imiy xo points on t the, old crop., fiDots weakened in SFmuathy: with futures. ana ewsei at iu id-ive; against lie. last;rweekv Tbr total- future sales this week wei e; 210,000 bales agauist 214,400' baJfttf-last .weefc s The vde- liveries ,on ' .cbntradt. were: ,800 amst. 2.70O bales last week. TnetoAal epotealea were1 2,530 bales against 3,105 bales last week-: ' The receipts at porta for the. week were 6,817 Dales jis , against 7,424 , bales lat;wek, and 8,136 bales last year. The total receipts at ports since September 1 were 4,675,738,' bales as against 4,715,000 bales at the same time last year The following comparative figures are given u May z: ; I,! ' V.. J ;., 1884.' Visible nipply , - '" 8,836,410 9,470,069 8.54? .849 Exp'tt since sept. I 8,030,085 Six days' receipt 5,099 Exp'U Or'g Britain 11,591 6,999 16,885 Kxports eontinent s,i67 . ; , 966 Export Franc ' " K " 771 "' . ' ' 99 Stock; New York i 816,458 818,063 Consolidated stock,"';' 447,14a ", 471,670 , Lue.,ioiKwing j fame .suows tue jlosinff nanotatiQa for ffntnreai at MHH ' 'i .W ' ') . - " - ... ifew , York) Friday evening, with comnarisnna: - ih 1. comparisons: -r --' 07 L -1885- aifiVM'V Maa B9:'M July'-1' ,f:W.M' U.0S I; ' 116 8eiemberl',,i0.e " 10 80' ,.' t' li.n tJotobrJ"lA.M ".".'10.44 TT.'.lm jraauirjr' ,10.84 J10.40 1' ;;il.07 rebnikry' -10.42. ;;- 10.60 j (t( 11-18 .The following is the comparative tiTerpool Matement.! ior the .dates named; uhuot'iv Lwx&vi' nM cA ii.-ii.li.Ht t.in $Vm?p,'u, kit SO.1.! Saieeot thS week1'1 18,000 ,l'?3,000 ' SkUa American-1 '18.000 'q Ann ij aaa Saieefo exDort '-'"a.OOO' ' . 5.300 '! 9kiMiorapewifutton....:... AoWal export1 ' 6,000 'H' i 4 AAA i i jj nnn ... V,WWV . rorwarded ." '8,000 J' 8,000, i Total Wk, TJvi' V96,0O0 " ' 817,000 , Ofwhiehta Amet. 747)00 y 640,000 ' fn .-ka4 awk: '1 Afl afWUI't.', '4i AAAi iniitwni'DWD.a w,wu t. , jwv W wafoh i Amer. 95,000 ,ooo; Atoount afloat jM,dW:il'r'iW,0 j 1 Of whioh U Amer'i'M.OpO'.y 45,000. I BradstreeVi'S Orleans corres pondent felegrap'hs tbfit since Thnrs pay me rooana movemenw in ( me locarcotton market has beea.slugg tsb; r f"3f ht sales bar been small and spots. :hare -declined 1-lflc, Jnfies have gone down 13 points, JulyB 17,1 Anstl, Septembers 13,'- Octo-i bers 12,' Koyemibers and Decern bers 10r; It is believed there that though tbe : statistical -position continues goodfias trade is so poor, and the time fortbe new crop is narrowing, bolder will have to liquidate if not already inclined to do x Though the erop may be backward, the ag gregate position 4nd prospects are Regarded as'good.'. .The Philadelphia market has developed little activity, but prices have been' well-maintain ed on a basis olUJc. for middling uplands.! At . Cincinnati cotton sales are small .and receipts Light. The Providence cotton market is qniet and nnebaagedy middling np- lanas being worth Uic, and middl ing gulfslV1;!'; V- ircticD. Mawihk. RlMroNf 41 ATDRFW8, SEVEN 8PK1NUU, H. w aotlr that they bava BKNTKU ttae titAW HI J, UUIIBK for the ea rning; aeaaon, kud will apara uo pmlna to give all those who choae to patronize theiu a pleasant home, comlortable rooms, etc. . A back will ruo regularly rroni tbe bonee to the 8pringi for the aocom modaUon of Bueata, . .. - Baadwlm aACAirs , Magholiaf Balm is f ia'. 'secret ' aU to beauty. Many a lady C7. es her fresh ness to, it4v. hD would rather not tell, ssJj : t c VtelL i --.'.vr .i") i Ex-T' P' I I t ..ijATTnr ,J . . V . i ( - Absolutely. Purei , Thta powder naver ivanea.i- Ar narvel "of PoritV. atrenicth. and wholeanraeneaa. Mora aoonomieal than the ordinary kinds, and oan not be aold in competition with the multitude of low teat, abort weight, alura orplioapbate nnwdera. Hold on I v In cana. koyal hakiho owiixCcl.1Uw Wall-ati. M.V;- iiovl.iTdwH If ' l ; "'I -i' ' 1111 " . A Kiss; bvr f. iJrWmTB'ltBmenrfi;'iihewtll pre bivi tnitanii Uv,fiMl ! that felsie hpve' bten held Ik high 'reptb,-bJ'botb, Bexea-WneUier aotlre of passive! ' ft has beri decided thata LEQATi KI8S lmpl(8 ACTION 4n bnTrf tlea; but when a lady almply conserils to, be kissed wiUloiH kctloa f br, ), It fonstl lute auly a ?A8SI Yft fcls- cwpel tleprired , BhQEly eusooused ,wlthUi, niow-emoow- ered and vluewilad verandah, ana almost oia Xrom view amid swec I-seep ted bpneysuok les, was seated a fair Atlanta nyjn I'D. i whose baantlrnl dark evca. alabaster eoraolexion and volnptuons eontodr, seeirtd to 'pAKB. the oniig gent by Tier'Ude, who eye and anon while circumnavigating ' htt slender waUt, gave her aiid then it ItE-BUBS to the amazement 'of a pedestrian who lulp pened to be passing that beautiful moonlight night. At that moment the lover wa heard to ask, "My deardarliJig Barah Jane, you are baeomln, more beautiful' every day'.' your eyes sparkle with more brilliancy, your once pale cheeks have been painted !' the roseate bees oi nature, anu you seem n nave entire ly regained yoer heatth. i Will yon tell me the cause of tbe ohangef ' - v (". ' , 'I have simply used that wonderful ly ef feoilve blood remedy known as 11. U. B." , . .;,,( I ..i--.:f - ' ' ', t" The 'Atlanta ConstitutlonJ In a long arllole relating; to n. B. B., or that elty.aays: - . (. ..' -,: t , The Blood Balm Vpnipany atarted ou year ago with 8102.00, hut to-day the business ean not be bought fqr 50,1001 ,t r - , ; -i, ' The demand and tba aatislaotion given is aald to be without a parallel, as IU action ft pronounced wonderful. u v:-.t- ". we are giaa o announce tnat pqr aruggisis av already aecured a gupply; and we .hope our readers rJU. supply themselves at once. It Is said to be the only apeedy and perma nent blood poison remedy olli'red. glvlue en tire aattefactlon tn All cases, before one bot lie nas Deen obq. For niwn iiiBeiwcn, n.iu nev Troubles. Hero f n la. ilatarrh. Old Ulcers. nd Bkln Diseases, try one bottl H. B. B. . iilood Balm Co., Atlanta, tia , will mall free of cost, a book filled with Information about tb blood, the Kidneys, Bcrnfuln, etc.. etc. i For sale in newnein by it. num.'' t "IT' I '1:10 111 ' HI'..' 'I pwCenttal Hotel, , j f,vVt!l?""WY'PATWAM,IIoU8l,-,' j XiJ,nt' At1riRsosr,. jProprtitw..:?. Xnnounces to his Mends and Die Traveling Publlo that this Elegant and Commodious Brick Building, has. been oiewly refitted throughout.. . ... .m ' V. ." The NK.W CENTRALIS situated on South Krout street, (most desirable location In tbe city). Near the confluence of Meuse aqd Trent rivers, 1t Is susceptible of a constant breeae,and hasa river view of 50 miles.. It has the benefits of sea breese and U free from moaqoltoea. , r . , . . . uners special inuucements o commercial men,- 'fi -mm .i-vjuj,. yi . ,j .. CuiHiBe of guperlur excellence, ... i; Omnibus and baggage wagon at all trains and steamers. ; ' i' ' ! Rates, sum per uay. r 1 -v w api7; , D hull ii -i ii Iillflil 'In l -'.j D. W. lllJlt'ET t Jfcm'ij-irj'V Pv.-t iswrt ijf.l jfS.f " ftt'V i-f'tt.iwi tirt'il OBD JEL10WSVIAL1 ';.-. a.,,!.'.',. -'.f'-X 3 New Berne; N. C. n t,; mayiaw:;Hi ( iSaSSaa ,,A., , ,r.-,ifr.r.M .;..- -'.' :V;."ff.i : x i .jya Only Exclusive GentsIishersin Nobby line of nothing for Men. Vouthshnd uu Line or milrls. The celcbralcd 1'earl. bom." lialbfleenn liutlershlrta at lake., all aisies, Jeans Drawers, 6oc.-, worth 75c. ',- - ' - ': ' Gray Hocks or white, three pair for 25a Genuine English U Ilosf , ?5c. French Ualbrlggan, silk clockeil, at 2V. i ' ' uelluioid collars and Cutis, i.lnen Collars, ; ,FuU Uneof ('ol)arft,allaiKes. I2U1. - . , . , White Ties, Hie per doaen. l'ercate Scarfs. 25c. for ft l1 '" . ' ' Colored, Bordered and White iJandkerchlefs, three for 25e full size, ,v, .. ..r; - . ; i Onr Kneiish Walking Phne, hand-made. Is the easiest 8hce for wear ever made. The sole Is exact-" ly the shape of the foot. i Btraw Hats from 5c. tip. Genuine Manilla Hats I i.' B- at $2.50, former price II.5U. . I "- ;-V". .. Kull sKRortment or Ties and Pcarfsjust received. - SLK! ".t-!!L New lot of Hoy's Polka lot Ties at Sio. i - - """" ' ' n... We will soon have another lot of Hoy's Rtraw Ha fast 50,1 Nobby styles. . - ' ' Hoy s Kvlra Knee I'onta at fl.fltl. Boy's Hnlts at Keduced Prices. ,. . , ' New lot of Walking CaneaJiiHt received; lim. anriup. . .- - -' ' A nleeHilk I'lnbrello, !i Inelies. pamirou frame. miilnlile for Indies and gentlemen, at 1PM, tmbroidered Velvet Slippers at el.on. j , Trunks, Valhies, etc. E0UAHD' 6!J0I7E: '.; maj22 dwtf ; F0H LAI Z3 ONLY. A REMEDY f-. 'lnrsri by Ihe best Pbyst elans and lrUKilttiH at its home. A RICMJfcBY tiiat Mr. C. W. O'Neill, Good water, Ala., says raided bis wife from an lu- valld's iieiijUiid lie believes vavea ner me. tHL.MKUl of which a prominent Atlanta meruiisut said : "I would have given smOaa . aoon as 1 would a nicaieior what two ooi- J tles of yonrswilMlnii dkl for my anugnter." a i ft. .11 f. u i in resara vo wnicn n. j.:iw sella, M 1, Druggist,, TbeuiMvl,li ia., says: "I can recall Uistauoes in which It af- , forded relief after all the usual remaUU s hail failed. j , 1 A REUKOr about which Dr. H. U. rVrrell, LaUrange, Ua wrltea :"I have uaed (of the last twenty years the medicine jam are putting op aud consider H tire best eoaabl nation ever gotten together for Ihe disease 1 for which It is recommended." A REMKDY about whlah Hr. Joel Hranham, Atlauu, said: "I have examined lha re- .clpe, and haveno baaitatlon In advising lta . use.ana ronaaenu recuiuinruu s RKHBDT which the Rev H. B Johnson. near Marietta, Oa says he has sed In his - family with the "utmost satisfaialon." and I ireoom mended it to three fawil es "who found It to be lust what II la recommeaaeu. a li V, M If. O V or which Pemberton. lvaaon . 4 Ueunison say I "We have been aelliag tt for many years, witn consianti) increasin .sales, ,'1'he article Is a staple with us, sni tenant ItaAliI (a ti, Artr. H . 1 A RRMBDY of which Umar, Rankin A la . mar say: ''We aold HU groaa In four months, - and never sold It In auy place bat what It ' ivttaavanieriajraln.-'f .' ' A REMEDY by which Dr. Baugb of La .Onurni. Ja.. savs: "I cured oneof the moat . ebstinaia cases of Vicarious Mkkbtkua- tion that ever came witnin my anuwieuge, 1 with afewhott;"'- " J 't a K"iiiir.ivnf wlili-li fir. J. tL Huns. Mota- . sulga. Am., sayat'-i am fully convinced that it iu nnrivHiod Kor i.aat eIaaa,.of dlaeaaea '4 .t.lnklt .t.hn. fnitir. ' . i A UEUKDT about which Malt John O. Whlt- ,er, of Atlanta, well, and favorably known ' all aver the United States As a General Insu ranss Airent. savai "l ased this remedy be fore the war. on a birxe plantat ion in a great , iumiroI rasas, at ways wiui nuauiuie iw A REMKD Ynbont whch Mr. 3: w! Strange, of I'artersvllle, Ua cerunea that one bottle cured two members oi nis raioiiy ui mpn ' AtraAl irregulurity.of many years standing - This Great Bemedf is ' BuiDMj'Si IJMALB. EBGEAT01 Rend fo our Treatise on vlleal th aUd Hsp- pluess of Woman," mailed free. . - i .1 J i . - Ukadfiei.d Kboulatob Co., I ,dt,li.'l : i .;. I - Atlanta, Ga. Korsale wholesale nnd retail by K. BKBUY, Newborn. N. C. , , , I- l J. A. MEADOWS, HI 1 AT STEAM -FLOURING MILLS, . . QFfER FOR BALK 10.000 Bushels White Corn, , 5.000 " 'Mill Feed, .' I 1,000 . " . Oats, ' ." 1,000 Bales TimothV Frosh Boltod Meal always on hand .in any quantity.. ' 1 J , , ( ,18 AT .,,(,, . V ,:! j THESPOT Soiling DniRS,' PaJnU, Oils, Varniah, Olasa, Putty, and all kinds Seeds.) ) CanvaSj Ropov Twine, Oakum; Galvan ized Spikes and Nails, and other , Ship tJuiiainuDuppuea- , -,, -,j ,( f . i f, CHEAP JTQR CASH. j decai-daw S I JAUES REDMOND, i1 ;.-ii.v,j'"t"'j.-i'. i 'sr-jj pr.TOT BERG1TER & ENGEL ! fr--i. v i BEEiWiiNG GO'S PHILADELPHIA ) -'r.;;.'.t LAGER BEKEi ljl-,ft, New Berne. N. Cr li .-. ... . V ; ...-. , .. i ... llifs beer. took premiums at the (Jen tenniai Exhibition at Philadelphia and thv f;&iftt&oi) keeps better thai) any other In warm climates, and is tbx favorite l it and wherever' known jj Jij For ale in kegs of crates. -V - dw" " ' J1"-1'1"1 u"' K -. Boysai Bottom irices..: Kntema or lllamond. Our 60c. Slih-t la the euual to any dollar undei-slilrta Penuerell Stand up, H, 1 1U. lu and 17 sizes, t So. i- - . f - t --.(' "gent pui:Ni?iu:r Opposite Ej-iiCi CI 'ZTCl sti:aiii:ks - THE JEUSE I TEEliT " RIVEE Steamboat Company . Toaooommodale troi ie soniuaend Trent rivers, will trun the following Schedule on aaasfw MOSWAYi-Marlh.iaiSr" .St.amtratoni , WHlleav fvlaAtorn a Mouilat s and 1 hars- -days, laying over at Harris' Lauding until 'In. eday aid Friday niutulnga, toucnlng at all lainUMga.sntelungfeirweta ferry and leave there by. 11 o'rKx-k aud cotowo Uh the J BlienandAah on tlnwe days.' , Then, ou, WedaMMlay and Saturday morn ings at a o'i'Iik k alie will leave Kew ilerue for Kljiaton knd luteripedlale luudingik .... Steamer Clanche- Will leave New Berne or Trenton every Mou. day, touching at all kn).iu.n., Returning. , leave Trenton Monday evening, laying over at diver's Landing until Tuesday morning, reaching New aterae ta tttuatto cuuuect with the steamer bhenaudoah , j ,l u j . - si. W.'i BTTBOli, Jn., t Newoern,' i. --iW. r. STAITLT,' Ktntton. ' ' i i D. 8. BABkna, rolloksTUla. . 7 T. WILSON. Agent at Trenton. - ' -.';. i. P. .oiKBEfcr. Jolly 014 nl4.' " J. B. Baicks. Quaker Bridge. i . , v-,- h.. an'ia,Qiri ainmwr, -. - ? . ao?aw , -,r s.insiou, . o . . " . t- T WWW VMM V WHWlfw aaaajBMWM WW ff f . HITHUTR Hlfl h 1111 1 . M niT 1 1-1 If UTaf A Mil M to go tuto .effect "on arid after' April lfi . U( mA n .i . .. . ir- in Tuesdays Leave New Berne at 6 'clock. W. hi1, for 4tke Landlnv. stonulnaal Adams Creek. ' .') Vandemere, Ktnnewall ami Bay boro, ar- ' ' . .- , 1 U o'clock, a. ui. 1 -'.. .. imv. iai. lAiunnv iiir Nw n.rnu mm. '. .tmlllo'oloeki iu , stopping at Bay boro, Mioue- - wall, vanaeuteru auu AnanMVfaea, ai 'ri riving a hew Berne, f rklsi fe. 2 a in. . ;i ixii. 'ii-i i'J ,;. Leave New Berne at 6 o'clock, p. to , for ' ) Lake Landing. atopiAngati AnamsUreek, - Vandemere, 8uaewall and Bayhoro, ar- " : ' ' vlvlng at Lake Ijiddlhg. Saturday, 1. .- -.. o clock. am., u AiiyiJ-hnti ... .: vj-.; : Mondays ' - Leave Lake Landing stIJa'alaoklm., for ., new uerue, slopping at nay Dora, tttone- " ' wall, Vandemere and Adams Creek, ar- riving at New Beme, o'eiook a.ai., Taes-. ' - days. ' , .':"' : - j ,f..-.l Mil'ViJ.f'.'l By this arrangement we are able to make -eloae eouueetlon with the Nbr4liera Steam- ' ers, also having good aocpnituod.kns both tor passengers and freight at very low ratee, ' : ; ask that the merchanta 4MadI produoera along , lta line to give It their cheerful support. ' Krelght received under cover every day of - -tbe week . 'r, ' , ' t . " ..' . Foe further Information enquire- artbaof , Aoe, Koot of Craven street, .' ' i.d in r : K. R. PIEKUB, AglNewerne,N.a. Or any of lta A genu at the JotlowUjuj plaess: -, ABK LEE, Adams Creek, - -. ., Ot 1, W ATSON.Lake LttBdlhg, 'v, , ,rl D. H. ABBOTT, Vandemera. V . ' ? J O. H. POWLER, tonewaH7 ' C ' ' i lanSldAWly! ..no JjinaraAMsnJurer.- SteamsbiD fe tioitiD ..i,j ifi on i;-m.ii inui " umUWEEELY LINE . ,. ? :l. Ilil1lLi1alKa.,la. U..a-l jAkkau.l .'. ' V fai'X 'al. V. fa 'lLr.i-VHDQf, Oiu "'"J't-1 . . ': .- . ' , . .... ...... . . . - , . V i -tesVi iu it t-jiiiittnitvoin ; ' .v i. i . t r j -a nn rk ....Nv.i'.i'? .jiir fliiw ,jii' t ! -.iiirrtiiVi, C,.'. - . 1T14TI I. , KIHtTH K It . V ll.T 1 : k , T i. .Tl" ' 'Tril " ' w ' v .1 Si 'iaii !".! -s-fulaa" ' ,t"i miJ.V..r. -VJL :! Will leave, anoa S.fivaf af aik au If twfoljr floathara Utili.il a, t'lii.iik Hu. - . .' MONDAY AND THTJIUSAV . j ' . for New. ftarne, 1tAftkmih.i. .Im.'aa atAHill-k' . lor. Elisabeth dity arar V 1. , , . . , t .. n V - -TlTlEBlrAY B.PBJDiri..,- T z at 4 p. m mkkfng close' cbuuactioa With Nor- ' i felk Southern K. Bi,:4aa! Noniha'B. 'tlea. - . aoae eoaaectloa-made at New Bern avith ' steamers for Kiaatoa, ' folIoluiTUIe, Trsntoa .' and all landinga oa tbe Nrnae aM'tfrant .' Rivera. No Ireishta received for ainnmoni n. . " . ' Tseadays and Fridays after 8!4p jn.;..itu . v'v t icikui iw, war.iou prompuy ana, iowt rales - i. guaranteed to dastiaatloa. - Fare to ' Llliabath ' -J.fi. City and return. 4. , To Norfolk, t. TuBal- .....w .w.m.T.wjw. - .. . .-c, I H.l ', .... B. V, ROBERTS, if'l, Nw Bars. - ,x 'OuLrsrraa ToaKa;4 ' "l " j,:'..' ill.-s .f:mt.tiiii Pf'l t gu; Norfolk. t:'A tj W.H.STAKroaasOaa'Jtrt Aft, " '" ? i if Bier ii tmTv ThekCFrfiiKut'Liiiii FOR NEW: YOU K',1 BOSTON, Mtea this daw wUl raseira .eiili la Yoflt n'tiK'ljt', .j:'or,NBersat i 1;--; i-.-;.,.r. : ; ; :P1EU 7, NOitTll K1VKM, f Office jrn ft'aitd IBtiUinioril''l Merchants thoold remember that Ihl. I. on A Af the beat Steam Liaaaaut of Toik, miikiag Sally oonuection with Baltimore for hew Barae: all Inside, and only on change. . SEMI-WEEKL'T gTl A MEKS ? Between Isi (.Ec-a -LILzrs. ' ?a 7 ' i, l fTouckhif at Korfclk) ii Leaving Kew Berae for Baltimore TTTT'iAY - FRIDAYS at 1 p m. Leave h. ' tm (Taw Berne WEUN tbBAYS dad S A w A m "" . p. m. ... -Ageauara'as foliewai V -";." ! EUBKN FOSTKl, Oanl Jy-nager, ' 1 ' -' V n.l ---.i- v..'.-..! MLigBtBtBal't.lM' AS, W. MopAKRIOK, Ag't. Norfolk, Ta. j; r W. P. Clyde A Do.. Philsilnlphia, II R0Btk .1 ' fearvsa. '.". i York a Balm. Trana. l ine, t'ir ,Nariarivar K. Sami.pun, hostnu, i .rni wbarf. - . - S. H. .K-K.-,!, i ruvi, e K. I - . D. 0.11 ink, I- I 1 . -,t. ..rf. , - 1 '8hipli-ve-i. ,s: n, 'I ,i n.'ssnj f,(nrly. , " I " u.i . . Friily. .ore, V ; .j,a ' ' Providence, gatnrdf.j- -through bills lauing given, sod rstoeganaa '; to all points, at the different nfTces cf the sipsnice. i - t -- i j . t..'r 311 ly S - v., . - . - I , r 1.1 it 'I ' fj-'j i . V- t .'..5 - 1 V4 -I ,1

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