y i 7. 7' . , , :t.llf..Jl w. t Kit- raj W! is vfif.; 'mu'l'i rr' n i nj . ' if.-: f I. : 1 rid; Itst wd'J' -it "' ' " l' "1 ' ' 1 J " -y . !.!!. ;r.-i )" no: i8.r; , .i. fu...y.. - vt-v V - :- . " r . 7 ' 7 . , - 7 - ' ' - " ' 1 ' ' ' 7 .-.. -7-7 : : ; - . II - vl 7 ri ,7 1 I A 7 7 v r ... l r T n lN rl , a II r I I . - - I ' II II M I 1 f , ) I I - , II v. II f ! fl.l lil 1,'iVLfKi 1 lV.fl,ri I llll I - II t 'l V - - - .fit1'.l iillllollul .. f - '.7- I .:. . uogai; , ' fiiiiii. ,Ww'CriA latitude, ." $tP ' NorUil-.' ; 7,h. longitude, 71 8' Wert. ' : "uri rwe', :43 J Length of dy . , " : , Sua. sett, 7:18 1 14 honra. S9 miuutes. 7 V mtt. ' .,. -' - '" .VII I 'l: . .! !. m Jtm09I . ,'l ,00di yrd of . BurUpa fop tanking :: bfTdww?A "'V . Vyi"--r tJ,;,-;rt',.? - BWX W. BKAUwooioTa, i 3d " " " ' . lw' i?rT 8 Front Sts. ' . TciCrkam 4NXN-T-On Middle St., ., second door Nortk of Dr. Cha. Duffy ' office. pUfrediq aoy part of the city lJT v.' ... .obtia .jiElBY.ANPRKWS. '"' If inbter Jaryis was to, sail for Brazil r " eyiejotidoa cairjed, -Jot .a large' cargo of truck yesterday. .; Uletailroiid'hatias are putting Hdn: " cock etreebfin Hftiof order. ' - : 'llnclilebetTiee 'have appeared in the market and go for ten cen te per quart. '" x'fha hni; 'pup 'departed ; for Hyde '- ceit'ntj) yeetefday erening oo regular ' schedule, with a large number of pas- Bgen.u i ...t f ...in'. . -i .' Tiia-ateamer A'w on brought down a f good cargo of Irish1 potatoes yesterday, arrfoiMg dno time to-connect with the . ; vJhe "romttnce" published in this issue . U interesting reading for New Berneans. Wii' .'jwould like for- some of our older oiUfeli t9 tell u4 whether or not there fa any foundation In fact for it. If there iijiot, then it muBt. have been written " by a New Bernean-, ot some one who is fanuliu with the character of our peo- -.pre.' iM4 i'l try H'J The Oea Hcsm. We 'call attentiph to ' the advertise ment of the Ocead House at Horehead City in this Issue. Dr. Qowerton is an experienced hotelWt,"attd, having re cently stopped "ftfc his house we can afely recotnniend it to the public. It fa pleasant' and agroeable house at whih Joyend heyiunypy monjbhsj 4 , A Deaiaad'n Ob Bwanalioro Correa " .ifniimJ qtik-iiurj i' Tom Brother! told us Thursday that ' . Mr. Folntlaf JtaoV a tew -thafmadeeleren . pDnd ofntterrom a wolf's mijking, We are not posted upon the .suhjecf of - lactibttgy Vxi tdla 'looks' lite'too iaany aquirreta." Bowver, w tell it as tWks . told tou8.-JPil7tto EmmUUn A Valble Sabieriber. , , : : We clip the'fbllo'wlnfe'from 'the Eliza- A friena has givennia his profit from one-tenth pf an acre n .strawberrioa the present season. ' His ' first ricking was i : ninety quart, which be sold for ?5 cents ' quart M10 tiM pioking. he sold for J ten. cento, A r, quart. . He says his pet . profit, .per, , estimating from. - the product p( p,ne;tentji ,wap $3QQ peg acre. " One;tentbof OO.pO, ,12Q.Q0, ,This ' will pay for the Economist terr yenre. This is a gotxl tovestJAenV foTthe btraw berrf g4f r.;J ,Hfl ,can read me Econ ormut with' pleasure and a clearoon r acienoje. (hij) n'i. tii'V f P . . ,c4 f.,,.'. : FrnialJfr;,Uejt 1m3.kw. ;(:.. Thepwse- dispatohes announce the ppolntment of ilatthias 'Manljr, Jf'pst- BastextqcNAW! Perne.Kt iWei ngrata .' late ilr. Manly upon his appaintinent, 1 and we bohgratulate the people of New BerMi PP iei Vs00 ? fortune ' in securing "the aervicee of - one- compe- tent, ootiadUelk.4h4r. -: We feel sure he will. so conduct his o S AtufilyrtndHeiUf' SsaibSe the secure moreiseifioienb ;eyicet for this point. - The force allowed here is inade- quaUJtbj pMapdii pt the, putoliccaBd . , we trust that Mr. Manly wilpromptly inform the department of ' trie situation. tier. E. MForliei waa jft Jhe city yes- terdayw j5f Vf-ly5 '.tJif'V. a to Whit.RnM. Kan., of Lenior. 18 1 intte'ity itfi raft of iRhb cypress and ashloM'J iitvi ; lUfises' KaWrft'ff, Matnie Wolfenderi andUaNuan are 'Visiting. friends in Kinston. JoEri1 W WSbeaP.-t&t? It &nes 'capiiZ&& in-thB cftri jesterd'ay'rBi ATI cotton fa looking tolerably, well. , Thomas' B. Oilmai Esq.vOf Jackson TiBe iOnslow county, was- in the city ' yesterday on his return from a trip North. J.as iHnrt'-SWi J I Mies Ella iveajof Staunton, Va. fa in ' the city en A vIsilTto her mother ,"vf ': J. C'lAcklnbOti' witll his daughter ahd niece, who have been visiting relatives , in the city,'lef(j f9r thqir hop.e in Brook lyn yesterday noraing,' 1r.,'ll , - 7 CaaHLt D. W. Eoberta." soa. of Capt Dan'T ' '.a, has returned1; from "the . Dvis High School at LaGrange. Capt Hotertivis higUly . pleased with . the Ifro.Tregs his sop has male at this excel- Orfcar4 Praaf, mm Tlnaotlij-,, 1; i it V'' Mr, S, WA Small wood .showed as yes terday a sample of orchard grass and timothy-grown on his lot in this city. It Is about thirty inches high and ready for mo wing- There is no doubt bat this valuable hay can be grown successfully and-' profitably in thie section. Arid when' We think Of its selling at twenty to twenty-five dollars per ton, and from two to four r tons can be made to the acre, we' "Wonder' why every farmer does cot havo. bis hay patch.. X. C. Teaeherr Asacsibly : NoteV. N Black Mountain, N. C, lS ; -f t- Jun 10th. 1885. Your correspondent left Kinston on the 9th, Inst.-' A large number of young gentlemen and young ladies embarked some for Col. Day is' Commencement at La Orange, two for Hickory, vis: Misses Annie and Mary Taylor, and tlie rest for Black Mountain.. ; Crops of corn and cotton are looking very well: some of the latter needs chopping out. , ' Miss Nannie tatham and Mies Ger trude Hooker are among the teachers here, also Alisa Uornella Uhapman. Mr. Heber Latham fa also , here, together with Meesis. J; Y. Joyner and White of La Grange. , . There are , ninety-five teachers here toqay, representing twenty-six' oounties. i The Assembly bids fair to be better represented than last year. The organization will take place tomorrow. , Mr; Eugene Harrell. editor of tho N. O. Teacher and secretary of the As sembly, has done wonders in the way of making everything comfortable for the teachers:: The hotel fa Ant-class in evert respect; warm and cold baths, electrio bells, etc. . . The ride ever the Blue Ridge is full of interest. Beautiful views meet the eye every minute. The air is inspiring and exhilarating. Tell the eastern teachers to come on. Board here for teachers is six, dollars per week, and . the good mountain beef and real butter beats even our fresh fish. Parties are already forming for tramps in the mountains; but this deponent, having been there. proposes to ride. Araciiel. The Stock Law Quest! n in Buncombe. The excitement among the people growing out of the conduct of the magistrates and board of commissioners at their recent ' joint meeting, in ad journing without considering their pe titions that had been filed, has, to a great extent, abated, although a num ber of as good citizens as. the oounty contains, are yet indignant at what they consider a gross and wanton dis regard" of their right to be heard, by petition, asking to be released from the operations of the stock law for the coonty. i enacted by. the last session of the General Assembly. The meeting advertised lor Saturday, will, in all probability, be one of con siderable size, and .composed of good and responsible 'citizens. . What action they will take, we are not able to for- that their proceedings will be charac terized by prudence and moderation.. Indignation meetings seldom accomp lish any good. Wo hope that nothing harsh or imprudent will be said or done, and that unity and good . feeling will ultimately prevail among our qwb peo ple on the question of the stock lpw, as well as all other important public ques UonB.rAsheville Advance. ' A Durham Sensation. ' William Maynor, a well known citi zen and once an esteemed one, of Dur ham, is in very serious trouble., A few nights since one of his daughters ran out of his bouse, screaming, and said that her father had. beaten her. A police officer arrested Maynor - and ho was taken to the guard house. . The .horrible S art of the affair was then developed, ine of i Maynor 's . daughters,' aged 19, swore out a warrant against her father, chairing that he had outraged her. Maynori .was arraigned berore Jiayor Freeland and C.' B. Green,' Esq., who heard the evidenoe of the young woman, Dillis Matnoft This was of such a character that Maynor was held, with out privilege or Dan, to appear attne next term of Durham superior, eouit He fa about 85 years of age, and has for some years, been street, commissioner of Durham. lie came from wake county, near Morrfaville.t and has been a resid- dent of Durham for, , perhaps twenty years. The reeling against mm at first ran so high that mob law was threatened, but wise counsels prevailed and the ex citement has in" great part subsided.-4 News and Observer. ,-v-,i"., s'11 ' '- -i.WX 7 7 The No-Fence Question . Yesterday Messrs. George V Strong and A. M. Lewis sued, out a summons against J the commissioners ,of Wake county, returnabiek.at August term of the Superior court. The lawyers sue at counsel for the opponents of the no-fence law. W Ihey seek to secure an injunction to reB train the commissioners from erecting the" fence aronn J the. county, until the legality of the act can be tested in the courts. The plaintiffs are: W. Ti Busbee, U L. Tonnoffaki, James Enf ninB,', Benjamin' Gardner 'and' ' James ':'.''-I The Ameer Marderedt ; ' i -; ST; ' Petebsbueo, 1 June ll.-s-The Na vosti, newspaper, reaffirms its statement that the Ameer of Afghanistan is dead. It says rumors "are being received con tinually both from the Caucasus and Afghan ' frontie.of the-, assas sination of the Ameer. ;The Kavosii adds that . ther .people of Afghanistan are In a ; etate 7of great excitement, rumors' of the death of the Ameer.having reached them, fol lowed by another rumor that Ayoub Khan, the former Ameer, now retained in Persia, will take the place of the murdered Ameer through the machina tions of Russia. Horrible Ooearreiee 1 Jtaacc. '." ! PaeB, June It. At Thiers, In the de partmeat Pay da Dome, a marder trial has been in progress for soma days. The circumstances of the murder and excit ing incidents of the trial have engrossed the attention of the people, and yester day, the last day of the trial, the court house was srowded with men. and wo men, . anxious . to witness the closing scene.. When the people were Reaving, immediately after the adjournment of court, and were jammed upon the stone stairway leading to the street, the lofty stairway fell. The scene that followed was appalling. Immense masses of masonry from above crashed down upon the struggling people below, grind ing through their flesh and bones, and maiming and mutilating them in a horrible manner.. The fall of the staircase and the shrieks of the people lying helpless In the ruins caused a panio in the court room, and there was a rush for the now wrecked exit. 1 Those who were in front were unable to withstand the' pressure from behind and were hurled down upon the men and women who were crushed in the fall of the staircase, and whom the people in the street were already striv ing to rescue. .When, at length the panic had exhausted itself and the im mense stone steps of the fallen stair case had been removed twenty per sons were taken from the ruins dead. The injured numbered not less than sixty, and many of theee will die of their injuries. A later dispatch from Thiers says that in addition to twenty persons killed in the oourt house disaster yesterday, fully one hundred persons were injured. Many of the injured are women and their wounds are of serious character. When the massive stone staircase fell the scne was fearful to witness. The immense stone steps above with the people upon them were precipitated upon the dead and dying below, adding to the horrors of the awful spectacle. The Political Crisis in England. London, June 11. The Queen has made an appointment to confer with Gladstone on the present crisis in Bri tish political affairs next Saturday, at Balmoral castle. The Queen has ar ranged to return to Windsor castle on the 80th inst. The Standard says it is understood that the Queen has requested Gladstone to transmit to ner his views in full on the political crisis, in order that ar rangements may be made to order an immediate change in the British minis try. It fa not expected that the Queen will accept the resignations of the min isters, or that any final decision will be reached concerning the question of changing the government until she re turns to Windsor castle. Tne conser vatives oando nothing, the paper ar. gues, until the Queen's wishes are made known, and in the meantime it fa doubtful if the Liberal cab. inet can hold together, so- great are the differences at present between its members. There exists a suspicion, which daily deepens, that the Gladstone ministry courted their recent defeat for the purpose of concealing behind Its ex citement their own dissensions. The statements made since the defeat by some of the liberal members who ab sented themselves from a vote on the fatal division show that the government might haye saved themselves on that vote if they had oared seriously to do so, JN early every hour Dringsa treeh ru mors concerning the ministerial ques tion. The latest of these rumors fa that the Marquis of Hartington, secretary of state , for war, will be asked by the Queen to reconstruct the Liberal min istry; Gladstone to retire. . Nothing re liable, however, has transpired today up to this hour: ' ' A Floral Tribute to Cluterlus. Richmond, Junlli Thomas J. CIu verius, the condemned murderer of Fannie Lillian Madison: today leeeiVed his first off ering of flowers. They came in a box through the mail fromWhit flams, vs., and bore a card directed in a lady's hand. This' fa the first expres sion of sympathy he has yet gotten out side of his immediate, family and inti mate friends ' : v7r:v.v; in , tivA- A movement was started today by the citizens to take up subscriptions for the erection of a monument over Miss Madi son's grave. ' ". .'V . ' ' , , ..The Cholera Spreading.',. ,1. Madriu. ' June : 11.. The cholera in Spain is spreading, and the increase In the number of cases now daily reported fa causing great alarm among the- peo ple.., At .Valencia there have .been, 48 cases reported since the previous re turns of yesterday. Castile announces liTdeaths. In the province of Murcla there are 60 eases resemblinr cholera. This, number, includes 28 cases in the city of JUurcia. . .. ; ; iikif - f CoNOORDj N7H., June 11. The Leg- lolafiva tantna ranicrhr nAminatiii Ui1 Blair for- re-election to the-' United States Senate on the first hallos. vWss E. Chandler received 37 votes. Five other candidates received, from 4 to 15 votes each. 'rrf .7,rlt r T r Poraker Nemlaatesl. ; ' SpRmamLD: O.: June fit. The Re publican State convention today nomi nated for Uovernor J. . r oraker, on the first ballot. ' 1 :.' .' ." ' ; ,7; The separate performances for King Louis of Bavaria closed last month, and the costly decorations, costumes, etc., used on the occasion, will . he . stored at once, and may, perhaps, never be. seen again by mortal eye. 1 a'"i r '' - ... . , ; , - . . To any body who has disease of throat or lungs, we will send proof that Pisa's Cure for. Consumption has , cured the same' complaints in other cases. Ad dress, .'r, E. T. Hazkltuji, :;aVUUi.:''- Warren, Pa. m v-nu. '"'! I'tii-: i.m.. ' ftjf;v tFfam LjrocWraig VlrglilMK . ,, CAPTIVATED. TAB PRESIDENT. ;-'-.(7f r.fij,.o!t "! " b-'-fcrtrM'T j Miss Luer Buck, a young Jady of Front Eoyal. -.Va,, recently .wrote to Grover Cleveland; asking a iitkeh neck tie for a crazy qailtv to be made and sold fos the benefit of thepoor.'1 In re Cy, she reoeivad ay pleasant autograph; Iter from the President, enclosing an elegant tie for the. purpose named. Miss Buck's letter. Was charmingly written in verte. It. has never 'been published before, and is as follows:. " ' My dear Mr. Cleveland. I know It's a ihime! , To bother you now, butl'iu not to blame, . At leant not ao mnob, fob Jaelt is the one ' who Drat pat me up to the thins 1 havadone. He told ma laat nlirht If I'd make for the Pair A oraxy-patch qaUt and put In aaqnara Of something that Cleveland had wore he would buy The thins for himself, no matter how high . The price I might set. And. so, don't you see If I manage this plan, how nice it will be Jack gives a neat sura to our Jf air for thepopr. neoeiving instead wnat ne values rar more ; And then, when t many Seas Jack, it la plain I'll own both the quilt and aieinento again. Mow, dear Mr. Cleveland, wont you just ask Your sister toaend me'Ua not much of ataxic) An old silken necktie, or handkerchief say Just a fragment of something you've worn , -any day,. , To lend to my handiwork dignity due? And, then, may the Fates most kindly help you ... Tot piece at the patch work you vs token In band And make of each section In all eur great land A square that will blend in color ana tone With those that surround, and. so, one by one The National crazy-squares, ckazy no mokk Grow Into symmetry ne'er known before I And still something mfrrsK l wish. May you win Borne true, earnest woman who, through thick and thin,. Will follow your fortunes as I'll follow Jack's And, not any further your patienoe to tax, I will close, Just adding this P, B. to say If your own Secretary be out of the way Or, too much engaged my petition to read Because it is shall. Just tell him to heed This admonition it never la wise, t The day of small things to neglect, or despise. For sometime, perhaps, In years not remote We women may have legal right to a vote, . And then if he wished to be President he Might covet the aid of e'en poor little me. "Verbum est" is the cue. Adieu, may you be As happy as good, prays your friend, , Alioe c. GENERAL NEWS.' Havana, June 9.--Gol. Angel Rod riguez, of the Sanchez expedition, has been captured. Bogota, June 9. The Colombian forces have suppressed the Insurgents at all important, points. Confidence in the Government is restored and busi ness prospects are improving. have notified the different officers of toe ' Internal , Revenue Department throughout the United Kingdom that the additional duties on spirits and beer have been abandoned. . ; London, June 9. A despatch from Cairo says: ''Some excitement has been caused here, among the English officers and residents by a Coptic merj chant from Khartoum who says he wit nessed the capture of Khartoum, and that immediately after the massacre of the garrison, the Mahdi demanded the head of Gen. Gordon for a trophy, but his warriors produced the bead or tne Austrian Consul, Mr.' Hansal. When the mistake was discovered a second search was made for Gen.' Gordon, but the Mahdi 's followers were unable to find any trace of the hero of Khartoum. They found several other Europeans, bus no documents were- found on their clothes to show1 that either of them was Gen. Gordon, The Copt says? that it fa possible that Gen. Gordon, seeing that all was: lost, may have escaped south." ; juauiuv, tfuue v.-r-j.ua ctvu guards ui this city have evaeaated their barracks. owing to the breaking -out of cholera there, u Of . fotarf eases in the: barracks three proved fatal i ; The men are now encamned in a village on. the outskirts to thoroughly "fumigate' and! disinfect the barracks and alt- private' houses 'in which cholera! haW made its appearance. There were- eight, suspected eases here yesterday. f There . were seven fresh , cases , of cholera 'in1' Valencia yesterday. ' All nertaotta arrlvinir in" Valencia br sea are subject te three days'' observation, and au persons Wiahlng Jo -iavei the city most snow a 'properly;, attested eertifl date of good health H. persons, ar- riving sroB' towns Whet cholera.caBea sre ptKkmptlylssnt to the hoepitafs. .' illCmmlUvm CSMKred: , The Swift Specific Company have the mosst i indubitable .evidence r as to I the enre of Cancer by Jtheirt famous medi cin:'k.' S. R. Anioncr bthers. John S. MorrdW,' an' old aqdjhighiy esteemed citiaea-of Florence,' Ala., rnakes the fol lowing statement as to the merits of this remedy; swiiha . itil i 1'1 "I have been suffering ,wth a Cancer in my risht ear, fox about three years. I tried various remedies' and Was treat ed with' Iodide1 of Potash; whichpro duced rheumatism 1 . Hy legs' and feet were streaOv. swoUeOvJO that! 1 Could aot walk. ;,About one year ago I was i- In tra dnirfV HnnTfin kinl. soon removed the trbuble In' m Umbs, and-. my rheumatism is' bow- entirely gone sad my Cancer la steadily improve ing, being better now than at any lime within, two years. .This medicine, has done me more eood. than anvthine else Ij haveV taken, and 1 feel 1 that f arfr on the road toaufpeeay eorev) undoubt edly 8wiftls SpeeiBoiia thetbest- blood arifier in the world." ' i,! ! -i . , John S. Uorrov,, . Plbrence, AlallSept. 23, 84. , 7 , 1 ;l ,;t i ".J4kA- J''" ' I!' 1 have had a1 eaacer n mf facet for usjny years. 1 1 have trie d a great many remedies, but without relief. , I almost gave up hope of ever being cured. Dr. Hard man, my son, recommended Swift's Speeirio, which 1 have taken With great results; My faoeiis almost wel and it is imposswtfr ior! sse to express saw thanks in. words for nvkali thi ms4ipine has done forme.. ... -i ri t . c' ifiin. OtiVK ITABhMiw" aWroe.'Oal.Sef: . 1884:" ,- J"( uh Treatise cm Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free, i 'i.-ii,i l-i.n o nr. The Swift Speoiflo Co. I Drawer 8, At lanu, Ga.. . ,i , , ti . r,,H - 7-. - " : ror sale la new Berne at HAKCUCK BE03 '"" !' i,;','..- r'i , COMMERCIAL; Jouxnal Ornoi, Jane IS I P. If. ' ' ' ' .' OOTToW. " New York, June 11. Futares closed qaiet and steady. - i . . June,-' 10.S1 September,' 10.84 July, 10.56 October, . 10.07 August, 10.84 November, 9.96 Spots steady; Middling 10 11-10; Low Middling 9 15-15; Ordinary 9 11-16. Dew uerne market Quiet. No sales. MiddlinR 911-10: LowMiddlinr 9 1-8; uruwarr o it-io. .; v ,, . i sonirnc Mabksx. Cotton Skkd $10.00. Sbkd Cotton $8.60, ' Baxbkls Kerosene, 49 gals., 85o. TtrapiirnNa Hard, $1.00; dip, $1.65. Ta 75o.a$l,25. Corn Oa7oS. ' Beeswax soo; per lb. Honet GOo. per gallon. Bm-On foot, So. to 7c Country Hams 12c. per lb. " Laed 10c. per lb. Boos lOo. per dozen. Fresh Pork 6o. per pound. Peanuts 60a75o. per bushel. Fodder 75c. a$l. 00 per hundred. Onions $1.56a2.00 per bbl. Field Peas Hides Dry, 10c.; green Be. Tallow 5c. per lb. Chickens Grown. 40aS0o.: SDrina 20a30c. Meal 65c. per bushel. Oats 50 eta. per bushel. Turnips 50c. per bushel. Wool 12al7o. per pound. Potatoes Sweet, 95a50c. wholesale pricks. New Mess Pork $12.00. Shoulders Smoked, No. 3, 5c; prime, Uc. u. K. and L. c. K. ojc. Flour $4.50a7.00. Lard 7tc. by the tierce. OCEAN HOUSE, MoreheadCity, N. C. This House, formerly the NEW BERNE HOUSE, having been THOROUGHLY RENOVATED large additions of furniture having been added, la now ready for the reception of Bum mer Visitors. The Table will be supplied with the VERY HKST this or any other market can afford. The Proprietor has determined the House shall be kept First-Class very respect Mir Terms to suit the times. Db. w. h. howbrton. Junei:) dwlm Manager. B. Schcdulo D. NOTICE. All parties doing business as merchants or otherwise, upon all goods bought In or out of the Btate, or any ethers liable under Schedule B," are required by law to list the same during the first TKN days In July. Persona failing to list within the time will ba placed on the delinquent list and will be charged with double tax, I will be at my office to receive the same, Blanks furnished. JOSEPH NELSON, , JunlSdtd , Register of Deeds, Prof. W. Es Egli Offers his services to the pnbllo as TTJflER AND HEPAIBER efall klaMU msUal Instruaieala. Pianos and Organs s specialty. Tuner for Btelnway, New York, three years: Nordhelmer, Canada, seven years; special tuner for Peace Institute, Kalelgb, and. Will. B. Lane, Goldsboro. Charges S3.U0. Work gaarSntead. CENTRAL HOTKL. Jun7d(lt New Berne, N. C. LandSale. Ry virtue of an order of tlis Superior Coort of Davidson county, North Carolina, made In the case at Bailie C. Mead or, Executrix of W W. FUe, 1 shall proceed to sell at Public Aso tion to the highest bidder for Cash, on the premises in tne city or Maw aerae, h. c, on Thursday, July 9th, 1885, the following city lots belonging to tne estate 01 saia w. w, j ue, h-wir Lots Nos. 228, 283. 878, 21. 26.25. Eight lots In Joshna Scott's Brick Yard Tract, numbered as louows: w, vn, iw, IUH, UK, 114, 115 and 116: also, one acre of land on Cy press street, outside of city limits; also twe cemetery lots. , , Persons desiring information lit reference to tne aDova, piease oali on ti. u IUH, Jteat Jfis- UEUKQB J. MBsVDOR, JuneS dtd Coiamlssiooir. Atlantic & North Carolim Mttid Cs, . , .BKCRETARY'S OFFICE, ' ' ,' . . , i snnJiR!, N. v., Kay th, im. , The Thirty-First Regular Annnal Meeting of the Stockholders of the Atlantic and North Carolina RailroadV Company will be held at un.nisAu yjnx on xuuiuvai, sua -S m vst -T a. tour - ' i - . . Fa a ROBERTA . Dentistry. ,i . Having reduced my apenaea, 'my' charges in luiura wiuqeasiouowac ; . (. ,,., , '- Extracting teeth.!., . ......$ M ruling teeth u.v...a ....Sl.OSto fcei , BeU of toeUt..u.. ..tltMW to tliUM I Partial sets teeth in proportion. 'oitice on. Middle street,, opposite BaptWt . ifr, J. , Db, 3. U SHACKKLKORDy aw ...' i burgeon Ventlst. I 1 " , If l'i H 'I'M. U-iUI At AAOAN'3 ' f. t - J 1,1 I s . 1 J ir-.ini ji ' MagnbUa: Balrh ; ). 'tV f Ufii I trl ir t 1 t t . . i& a i secret aid to beautyui! ! Many a ladvowed her fresh- i ness to tt,wha would Vathet' not , tell,ando tatit teli j J,t,-"7 i.!.i-f.t How River Pcsnuh" Fresh parched evejr day; 0 eta per quart iU N. C. .4W(iO With the fuowd. i, -'it Hw -' "tBapota Toluanfl.::: :: Newly Made' Candies' Rrom ROY8Ti.U'8 FACTOBT4 JasS-WcetveVJ 1 t M US. ST A NLY 'S STOKE, - - niariBditai Pollak street. ICE CREAM PARLOR! . . ..it' ,: ' 1 J . f. I have opened, in connection with myON fKCTIONEUY, an Ice Cream Parlon. Ice Cream and Krult Ices enn le had at all hours by tjie yfste pr Sfresia , 1 The utmost care will l taken In giving to my customers , , , . , A Good Article of lea Cream. The public are ronlinlly In vi(f Irr rtffl. v' ' k WILL OPEN, Wednesday .May. 6th. Very reBpoetfulI-,! John Duyy,., MALLETT & KAHI, FRUIT AND PRODUCE Commiss'n Mereiiants, 101 PARK PLACK, NEW VOttK. 1 Quick Sales & Prompt Returns RSFKHKNCKJi: Murchlson & Co , cor. Pearl StH., N Y JE. Kalil, Vlce-Pres. Uermanla Inst Co., B,-cA-au,on' 'ier NafI Bank, Newbern, .."i..Glbb'' Cashier Nat'! Bank, St. Augus tine, Kin. Holmes A Walters, Wilmington N C ap28 dwSm BENJ. W. DAVIS, GENEHAIi,,; Commission Merchant AND (SHIPPER OF BANANAS.) Southern Fish, Fruits and : Produce a Specialty. 106 Barclay St. NEW. YORK. - CON8K1NMKNTS SOLICITED. ' PROMPT RETURNS MADlS.'- New Yorit hrmrlvm 1.' rx ui . S. to 7 Jul ton Fish Marlcel;' Drotutn Co., 82 IlHrrigon Ht. wilmiboton (N. C ) RKHcitmnr-E F. , - . .. t .nb ..i,,mpiii,i iiaiii.: I rts ton Cummin a Co ; W. K. Duvls Bon. Hpiuuum ROBERTS & HEITPEJSON tteneru InsQiancii Agents, , New Berne, XV. iC3. Onlj flrwt class Companies repwsen . ea in Fir. Life Md Aeeiiefat Iflsnr'aBee. 1 ToUl Capital over Forty 'Mffiioris 6 JJollars, Jun24ilT JAMES REDMOND, ! r ' I ' n ' 1 J ; Arent and Bottler" "'" OP TDft - . . - 'i .,. tShtt .i BR33WINGCO,S ' II , . . . ' ,-, .1 A HH I j I, I PHILADELPHIA ' 1 4,1 ',UJ - LAGER BEER"-1 7' ' . It- , ' It ilt Hi New Berne, N. C.iAI Thto boeir took preniiilnis aVthe Cen tonnfal fexbiJbltlon1 at PhAStletntiVi anrf 1 the Paris teipos'ition'." eeps better aluES," ' " 7 w.jr vm. u wuut UIIIUBWJB, BDU IB UK favorite Trand wherever known. " ' U"' . i.'t'iL' iUiLL' "!!.. "u '""1 .7 m v. acta m ur UrBUJB. QW ill jtlli.J W ' P.'B MV ifc.i. ., GRAIN AND COTTONV.i -t (BoiiMissror 1 itoCHAWr fUhHdw it 1 1 fl-Mii !iiH ill d'Ni 'hii t'.ii .iioticeut tviff SPRINGS. N. Vb. glvo liotlorf Hint tbhuit, 1 4 snlna apaanir. and will !,. .... ,wt... . all. hoao rW chose to-'Hatroulke-them a.' f.' pteaaanthoine.eomrortable'Boa)s.eta li t .11 A hack will run regularly from rtie Honse to tbSpringaabrskeaccdminodatkitaorgaetlt.t I t, Hwitnrit hrr yxtxurin iv.f.ii . ": 7 l (o7 i J tiitil Invites the attention of tae pnblib M tha Aiu:. terent style of Hair Cutting, nainJly , PeakindVictorT ' , 7 "Z , ""' i T r BhaTlngaspeclaltyl4 VMil.-l Uxri ' HalB CnttinK la nn In... Ll ..j'.. . 1-, . art. f speak from lMr&ZyeZnTuZZ . - OallatUie Gaston Houi til'lfii v. . l;ct school. ' , 7 '' ' " ... '' ' ' ' .: . 7 ) ol ,Yf.i. fe! ;t . 4 X l f lli:H fJ-'lS ' fit-. ',..' .1 if';'i. . 1! Vi

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