- f ... - ' r fT'-TT'.'ll M 5. j o s . y. z i ii v.u a 65t I jr.:' I A 1 n h HboIih ' HUT ., j.. I.. M ." 1 VOIiieIFf NEW BEKNEI mm.. SATlDRlAaiJNK27, 1885: NO.'J.,?i T1 "V ' ,'uV-'. LOCAI.JS'EWSi,'. p." New Berne latitude, 85s ' North. ' : " . - longitude, 77 3'. West.- Sou rise, 4:46 I Length of day, f Sua Bets. 7:19 1 14 hours, 83 miuutea. - Moon N;U afcMI amii.'i Ji! , .. C T4Tt:POT:JMIood shoe maker. ? Apply :.v i. to -. -''J MeHnRwnr"4" - Near cornoiol Middle aod Pcrilock Bte., '. .'i .-, A part ofithe eteamship QcIOboro'$ ' 1 ' ' cargo was k:ttiousand 'emptV, -Hour bar , ' . .... . .... A Mr. Ealpli'tJray is acting -1600 agent of tha NewBerne and Pamlico Trans portatidn 0& 1 lUP'?- TtottHUDt wiUtake 'ptaoev t rhUaelphiarind hot Baltimore ttrted yesterdays, i i t ts.-A w K'l The ateJtmrK:S(na,O0Ai from Eliza ibeth City 4 nd A'Jm .CH'fy from Hyde g r .-3ounty,arriTede6teraaf morning.. ,;'( "1 y v-'AJl(Ongl the Wcleie of ' try qV" making : ., its way to fhe 8herumdoah yesterday, " : . noticed s great number of eucum- , Jr!rti' vv; . si.ni.ti.i.i '.! ' ; ; - -"Steamer STienonrfoafc left, with usual : punotaaiityiiyeeterdayi, ' taking' out a ; ;C number of passengers and a large ship-t-'J .' jnentef trucks suMt"'- v''-:" ; : i , TW friends of Mr i Washington Bryan V' complimented him last night wilh a I ; fine serenade by the Silver Cornet Band, i f wiclvai ckbwMed by him in a neal little speech. ' ; F. C. Roberts, &q.j ; was unanimously jected'.Secretary.' and'JTreasurer of the A,. &K. C.Jt., E,'. Company, yesterday. ? And the fact that it was without oppo- : litloa, la sufficient compliment to his , - V efficiency, to dispense with any that we - could pay " s Ik wa Mrs.'' O.-' Marks and children " who left on the" tram' for New York on J Thursday. 'Mr,' 0,'t Marks is 'not gone : V .and does not take the children with him whan ha' does so. nor does he hate a . bie- "S. in- the middle of his name, ;V . HrWtoe CHsVeniii go6ds toeate .teiliSlil reacyMoriheadob MrHnAT thht the A. & N. C. Railroad Compaiy' W -ieasedi iheirroad to " Tbomaa A. Qrem of this city for thirty f thousand j dollars : $et .annum, yhiph : rendered a denial on his part, necessary, not only positive Du'frequent when he 5. ' ' reached there on Tnursday '- 'We saw yesterday the- commission of " : Capt. Matt-Tlanly as Postmaster at Hew : v" Berne, and learn that i he wil assume ' " th dnties on July thff first. Postmaster t t General ,yilas Vputft his, name dpwn in ''.;V real John Hancock style, while Presi ' '. dent Cleveland shower respect td the ' i eoonomib feaiures"'pf the rniniBtratjon and uas. no surplus y A tremendUotJralnfertMii'thls sec- tion vestedar- Near Rrverdale a.cu! seteiday- wear itrveraaie ,,vui as washed outyin (the rack of covered, with ,waJerK' for, about bert was theroai ' one hundred yards. .;Capt. Powel, wlio ; yasii charge c4 a epeoi stookh'olderi' : "train, W rpell'lKcottpW . , engine from the oar and talra'.i Cross ' " in4 then puak the.lwuf ove. VCapLiSani 1 Howard went down wioh a force to pre 'V':.. train. . . . , t ' it .Jl , " .!? - President Bryan requesU us to an' V ' nounce that a special train will leave "'New BenRp.iDni wen Ismvday 'night forMorehead City, leaving the depot at 10 ftflotk,!rtpppjnp M Ma J. IMnnison mill until 10:15, and will return Monday morning kt ftdvano jaf.the mail train This is to irive business men- and clerks an, 1 ippb'rtihlty Voti jiisitipgi I Morehead City without running a Sunday train, f;.v-v- : r. - The ReUrlnsf JPrpplat, I f to V. ; Col. John D. Whitford, the retiring President ortoe A, & N, p. R, R. Co. has held, atvp08iJioi for many jeara, ' and tliroueh many vicisitiides of a try ing' character both to" the corporation "and, its management 1 From the earliest days of the porapany he has been a firm aJvuoato,; and in . fact oae of the first promoters of the project to build It, and while- h&m now to retire frbmlto man- " .poo-t it fe.gratifyirig to bjs friends to know that it was a conflict of interest mifnila of the Presidency': that has broualkt about that result. i - 'Y Bw Bchedal a mn Treat Hirer. - 1 -On and after Jdne 29th, the Steamer rinufnti' will leave '.Klinslon. for, "New Ierne on Mondays and Thursdays. n.-:;rt!lt! cm Tuesdays 'and (i Fridays etonicg at Jelly OKlfield and all - land j... ,,rn- j river. . -,j - ''. OtrlF "r Juty SJ, the steamer ILL. - r leave Kew- Berne .for Trectonon Fridays. Returning, leave Tr .:.,non faturdnvs. touching st all I - , 8T0CKH0LDERS'JlETIXtf, - Th claalnc' ; - j . the unusual quietness which charac terized the meeting of the Stockholders of the A. & N. C. Railroad on the first day was transposed into s rierce debate, ! taking a wide range.' '' 5 - The meeting assembled at the hour ppointed and was called to order by the chairman, Col. Paul Faison. Mr. Arnold Borden was placed in nomination for Director,' Mr. Jos. A. Bryan having declined, and received almost the entire vote cast. " ' Messrs. W. B. Duncan, Jho. C. Wooten and CoU Jno. W. Hinsdale were elected the Finance Committee for the ensuing year. X - , .The chair appointed the following gentlemen as committee on proxies for. the ensuing year:. J, C. Kennedy, L. J. Moore, JI.;W. Wahabr F. M. Simmons, F.Jones and W. T. Calio. ; Col. J. T. Morebead proved that a res olution, which he read, adopted at a former meeting, concerning free paHses, be made a by-law of the company. An amendment was offered, when, on mo tion of Washington Bryan, the matter was laid on the table. We will "give further notes on the closing scenes" tomorrow. ' 'After adjournment the Directors held meeting and elected Washington Bryan, President; F. C. Roberts, Secre tary and Treasurer; Dr. J. P. Bryan and George Dees, members of the Finance Committee. The other officers and em ployees are continued for the present. The Day We Celebrate. What are we going to do on the Fourth of July ? The present outlook seems to say nothing. Has the fires of patriotism died out, or are they merely banked and ready for use at a moment's calling? If so. let the young men of the city take hold at even this late day and get up an old-fashioned celebration, Let an orator be chosen, a reader for both Declarations, May 20th and July the 4th, selected, and let the people be assembled to hear them. It is too late for a display of pyro technics to be provided. ' In faot that is not necessary to a celebration and only an ornament used at the close, whioh haV for 'prndentiat reasons been dis carded by some authorities, and inter dieted by others. But the true gist of a Fourth of July celebration is a patriotic assembling together of the people, and a rehearsal of the declarations and ac tions of those whose efforts set in motion the revolution which procured our lib erties and the fruits of whose labors we are permitted to enjoy. For this pur pose we have all the matenar at baud, in abundance, and we call upon the younger members of the Bar ot, Craven county to Oome boldly to thd front, take the lead in this matter, organize movement -read- the declarations, de liver orations and not let the day pass unheeded In former, vears a lawyer who . had neither read the declaration or delivered an oration on the Glorious Fourth was difficult to find, -and as that profession has-'sreatlr 'increased in numbers it should be another reason for the ob servanceof this the' great "day n our National history; while there is no ex cuse for its neglect.! i-K ;;''. i -sf-s. JT. hit Bi.f-'iV-": ri.- v '"'"t M Mrs. W. H. Barker and. children left The SMnandoah took'onfr as' passeh gars yesterday . Mrs. and? Misel Mamie Stimson. Mrs.- Potter and Miss Sadie Eaton, all OttlaTVisltrtoniaffie State, of Maine; Misi ; Nettle'.HoIlfsier" for New Yorkl nd Mr. 4 Reiser, 7 and -Mr. Ironmonger, a former trucker in this Vicinity, for Norfolk. . :ni ( .M. A, Gordon, of Egyptwas intthe niitv VBSterdaTJtf wla-'f l M-xwrit, Hatttraa 1 Rcllea. - A- ' ' ''! , 1 Ht. Homer W.' Styfon.of HatUfas, was in iub jfBwiuaji uiu icpuiw the existence of an old-time camp meet ing at Hatteras; another one in a short time at Chicamaccmico tfTxV TlSl.fT Mr.. Styron brought; with him .and turned over toMr. Thos. Williams some old relics of the steamer Eome, a wreck which a 'few months ago the Baker Wrecking Company, blewnp on; the ocean beach some seventeeii miles south of Hsttcras.-The steamship gome was, fiftv. tears aeo.! - the V finest ' steamer on the Atlantic coast and the passenger medium of - communication between New York and Charleston, B.'Ci On one of its trips in 1833 it Was wrecked at the point designated above and sev; era! lives were lost,, the event creating a profound sensation,, as many of the unfortunates represented some of - the wealthiest and best known families of the Carolir-aB, among them theCrooms of New Berne, who left a large estate, which was a subject of litigation' for years, in fact a cants edebrt, and which was finally gained by the Winthrop family of this city. ' . , . . . ,' TIe Hew CoUeete. : i -. n A T t A TI-1 j ' 1,1 1 vin 11.14. 4uuairuwaiwiu wooh-i; sums the duties of Collector of Customs I for the Pamlico Distriot and we learn thatCapt. Hardy B. Une wiU be bis Deputy. Ca work, well prepared for the duties. These gentlemen are too well known in this community to need that we should say that the offices will be well and fficiently filled. Tha Raw PfeaMeatt, Mr. Washington Bryan has been elected President of the Atlantic and N. w C. . Railroad i. Company. Mr. Bryan is one of our most respected citizenB and has the reputation of giv ing strict attention to any dnties that devolve upon him. ' In the new sphere to which he has been called by the board of directors he will have a fine opportunity , of displaying 'f executive ability, business tact and genuine push and we have no doubt, he fullv abore-1 ciates the responsibilities as well as the ----- -f , . - ' - a . . . , m ... m m I nonors me pamauiy oi vnw uoaru I conferred upon him. I We congratulate Mr. Bryan upon his I promotion and assure him that in the JoubnaL he shall have an earnest ally! in all endeavors to promote the prosper ity of his company, and the section of I Muinfn ttivi.iflr). nklnli kia 1 inA Avt.Aflflfl I - . vc..avw.I i.n. I The Directors from this county se-1 lected bv the Governor- to represent the! State's interest in the Board of Direo- .... n, a rt n Da.imad n nave been already announced Messrs. i Washington Bryan and C. E. Foy. The I first named has been elected President of the Company, and we have spoken of him in that relation. Of Mr. Foy it is only repeating an Often stated fact to say that he is one of our most energetic business men and enterprising citizens. No enterprise, since he reached the state of manhood, in this city but has had his hearty support, and in many valuable undertakings he has taken the lead. His position as Direc tor in the railroad will enlarge his field of usefulness to our neonle and we have no doubthe will fully improve every opportunity of doing so'. O&e Batter. PWUnnnM. ffAtltno- nr nrvnlah of late. Not long since through the fW o?. were aiscpvered on mes Tar river Talker it challenged the State 4I morning lasu: Under the staircase, fn nH-. k.kio. mn.r. Kmri . . m and we would so prove it were we an authority upon the fubjeoti The Abes- Observer now says: - w. tee rerson, oi iw.b. iinniit .t.i. hiMuiis ti "ii. nine pedestrian of Eastern North Co- Una." tt makes hia S4 milea arr dav. from Nashville and return. June 5th be made 5 miles in 57 minutes, carrying 83 pounds of mail matter. He challenges any mail carrier in the State to beat bis record." A nresent resident of Wilson once lived in Petersburg and worked at his trade in Richmond, walking the distance morning and evening. How is that? WHwmAdvanM. We have a mail man who makes Tren- ton viatolloksvUle, 20 mass-each de taking all the mall tter,', and a mule to drive besides. Twetotjr-Bvia.'x'aaura'iae T-Ur' ' L On the 27th of June. 1800. Hie Union AdVelorem nartv of Craven county inet f .h i not, ft hnnae.-lflietf at the Middle and Broad street crcgud " 1 i.l. ui i: i : piaoea rue luituwiuK win uvujwo - tion: . v-' For the Senate: Francis If. Harpe. - For House of Commons: F. E. Alfred ana Lnaries u. iari. ' ' m a . ya Mi m . ,The convention was presided over: by JohnH. Richardson, Esq., and, J. M. Harrison was the seoretary. A oom - ..... f-. M.j...' 'wrsi milteeoonsi8ungoirf. u, riarniM, nam. w.,on, """"T"' Kmsey $. F French Joseph S Davis .- n, , .ir.-ll T I - T..II and H. Tv Gnion srere appointed ; toj se - lectcandi4ates. ; . ? j .. I The follpwinti Whereas'.!! preceeded the Resolutions which,, were, endorsing the nominations pledging the support J Printiogj had an, interview; wibh Seoret ...iU;...ntin ninHinrthAutnniAltarv Manninat this. afternoon inrearard of the late Senator JJ ft Fhume, Legislature and extending to him their warmest thanks., ., :,iM -'..-.:,-:'--f UTtn.A.A.al Takl-4-rA- MVAtUlffll aWi !f Atl of. publio affairs, both State and, Na V UaiTJOO. AU WV Pwvf tional.it becomes the duty of all good strength in the cause of the "Union the Constitution and the enforcement of the Laws ' to neat tne nnnappy ainerenoee now existing and to give to the people the) power of equalizing taxation in the State. Therefore be it resolved, &c We also note S3 arrivals that day at .. . . T..t ..j.m..n we w asaKwm uU.,.uu o - ' ton House, That 200 barrels of turpen tine were sold at $3.80 to for vir- ffin and vellow dip. - while hard only commanded tl.80, and 85 barrels tar WSS turned over at $1.57i, r.' : l The schooner Howard cleared that day for New York with naval stores by Wm I April 15 and. 16, 1885 gold medsds so P.Moore.- l,--' ' nr,vJ?Me!AWM5? To any body who has disease of throat nr luncra. we will send proof that Piso's - Cure for Consumption has cured the same complaints in other cases, aa dress, E. T. IlAEXLtTNI. : Warren, Pa. J "J..;. 1 -Jii '.us,'.) .; fi f;i.;J Lei: KiMtOn Items;! U2. L(i (it Li-r.'l'l . ii'-.. l.:";i! I . I ..The m uchncteded rain earoe Thursday and refreshed the oropa wonderfully. : . r MraiE. F.Co?tandMra, JvA,.Pridgen Misses Gertrude Hooker and Nannie Latham returned from "Black Mountain Tuesday evening," charmed 'with" the beautiful scenery of the mountains and the work of the Assembly.., , , , . Quite a large crowd of ladies passed through, for . Morehead Wednesday evening. The excellent hotels at that place will soon be filled. ' ' The cemetery has- been thoroughly cleaned and its appearance much im- S roved under tha direction of the Rev. irael ; Harding Tha . .commissioners deserve credit for this appointment. . The Park commissioners have placed in the Parka serviceable nump which was much needed.' They deserve oredit for their untiring 'efforts in fixing the Park as place of resort for the town. ' Wednesday ' was ! aV gala day for Eookerton. , A grand, railroad meeting and barbecue the attraction. A large crowd attended from Pitt, Greene I. T .. . " f110" oun"28' wn?' 1. a mo "WW UVIO VI U4UDWU W OO lUUlOl A.awa dinner the crowd adjourned to the base ball ground and witnessed a fine game, though not a matoh game, STATE NEWS , tileaned from our Exchanges. . . t.J.J. M M- A . UU.vAlfJKUatU AUVWIf MID. UbAUUI him aiiibt a nnllnrtinn nf ironical nlanta oTowinff in fiBf vRTfl Ifimons: oruncpR and bananas, and they are all growing nicely. Especiallx -is this true of the MD"; wnwn wa f "g000 authority, grew at least a foot last Sun- Elizabeth City Carolinian: In this locality two crops of Irish potatoes can be raised on tne same land every season We do it every year Or, alter raising a crop of peas, either cotton or corn can be matured on the same ground. This is now a common practice with our bet ter farmers, and with it improving the land all the time. Wilmington1 Review During the shower yesterday afternoon the light ning descended the. chimney of a. house on Front street, between Queen and Wooster, occupied by a colored woman named Patience Merrick, and smashed her stove to pieces, tore up the zinc on the floor under, the ; stove and killed a dog which was lying under the house, Fortunately no Injury was sustained oy 0,IJ urnw no.UB ' , Ooldsboro , Jtestetiaer: . Evidences of an attempt to fire tbe vacant brick store I Of Mr. K. 1). rlOlt, On& dOOT SOUtb Of tne i near tne iront. we noor . was saturatea with and ?on1 'P f this was a lot trash which had been fired, some of I wm vmu yi I of! the') staircase was also- very much oorobd' It is very fortunate that the I are went out, and tnat tne diaooiicai attempt of the fiend was thwarted. Washington Gaeete: A colored boy was' drowned off of the lighter J. J. Wolfenden at Myer's wharf last Thurs- I aavnigmvMC seems necouia nave seen I saved tad ;tfie two negroes on the boat I at the time lent their aid.; There was I some, .suspicion, of foul play r bqt Dr, I Bltmnt.'who examined the body, says there were no contusions or anything to lead him to: suspect that the Dot had been murdered. 1 TJie i body was found lSvK I Saturday' iaprningi jj prarkial i mill illus Up stream. I S'i0U2 ei.t. t I Aii8.nMW.PirVate advices from I an Mthe'ritative'otiree represent that In'. W !' . . af . " - - - - 2 2 a IV"''""" -"' , i $ termioauon el Uispresenj malady is regarded possible, ol,-t',:. ,. I ' pAEi3, Jujie'23. The government has decided to; mae ine rjosenuies ot ao- I IIlirH.A VAIlll IITJH DtrBlru lUUUiaii A. K.ti: tikh,krii, 5v tw lHotBi a. inyalideaiv.wherice it wUl be conveyed to Abbeville,, where, in ac- ioordance witn tne wisn oi me iamuy, tit will be buried. " . . iraa -il'Imb ' Manntajp: madi a nnmbtKofc dismissals . tt Treasure Department today, m- w ABUinwTVtr. - of o. -owreKirj 1 eluding -siiteen, clerks- in, the Sixth Ir "w"1: T89 , iUIlT- iT; 0wiaf f Bi Bureau: of En craving and Ujg- JthA otherw&e eurtaUed. iJ" - -iATJgti,"G;?, June Jfi3-Oaw'tne 1 kait -AS Ian4 VtvAltV tw tKA. aaMll(Lll - 1 of Elbert: andi. Madison? the? recent hot I UaB tnvjiru vaaw- wuuwavo I weather has generated a disease, called I resulting frequently' Id, death." , In one neighborhood eight children "died In ten day s,' tnree oeing cnuaren or, inomaa Bridges.! If any entire families are now confined to bed and the crops cannot be attended to. Offers have .oeen made for the necessary, labory but without re. i suit, ana tne wneas is standing u me fields nnharvested and the cotton hopelessly in the grass, : is WASHmcrTOiJ. June 23. The Presi I dent has made the following awards: gold watch to Lieut. -Commander Joee I mJ? tar tallantiervicee to the crew nf tha atranded Amfirifeaai bark Oneco. T ill, rfHDUiuv uia vmw u& wa uuuun I Iowa on Lake Huron in the fall of 1883 la sUvtr 1 medal )td.BafaellGronzalez I Spanish pilot tor. rescuing two .aearaeto - 1 of the nsrerue iremon reo. v, .-i&Jo; silver medal t Mateo: . Vidal and Jose I Car telle for. aiding .Qonralc:- gold medal to- Rafael Herrerm. for rescuing two seamen of the-American schooner Belle Hooper on April 19, 1880V. Richmond, Va., June 23 The police authorities of Martinsville. . Henry county", have on their hands a murder! case 01 twenty years ' stana mg. x ester day a grown daughter of Petes Grins, a colored man, told them that her father killed Mr. George Ponnill, a prominent citizen, who was found dead, in 1805, in bis own office, with his pistol by his side. It was tnen supposed that be bad committed suicide. . Grins' daughter savs her father was cruel to ber, and was the cause 01 sending ner nrotner to orison for horse stealing, and it seems to have been a desire for revenge that led the daughter to expose her father. urine will be tried for the murder. " .' 1 1 .:( The Paris National writes: "There are in France 86.000,000 of human be ings who work hard from morning to evening, and who do harm to no one. fhere are besides in this country 300,000 1 rascals who rob and murder, and who pass by the name of the army of crime, There are, furthermore, in France 800,- 000 politicians whose sole occupation is to excite class against class, and whose ayowed aim is the destruction of every existing institution. With re gard to the 86,000,000 of Frenchmen, nobody pays any attention to them; but the other 600,000 are the obiect of the most careful solicitude on the part of the governing classes, If a professional malefactor commits a oriminal . act, every effort is made to save him from merited punishment. and if a professional agitator incites his fellow citizens to pillage and worse, he is a privileged being." Malarial Polaon. The drouth in Southwest Georgia last spring dried up the wells, and we were compelled to use water from the creek on the plantation. Tho result was that all were troubled with chills and fever. I carried with me several bottles of Swift's Specific, and as long as I took it I had perfect health. As soon as I ceased taking it, I, like the rest, was af flicted with chills. When I resumed its use, I was all right again. We have used it in our family as an antidote for malaria poison for two or three years, and have never known it to fail in a single instance. W. O. Furlow. Sumter Co., Ga., Sept. 11, 1884. A Cripple Restored. I a boy (Lona White) into the Orphans' Home, nonr foirvrt. frnm r!salnmhiia. TTa wmI one of the poorest creatures I have everl seen nothing but skin and bone crip-1 pied and deformed by Hcroiuia, wmcn i had attended him from his birth. About I eignwenmoniMagoi coinmTOoeu B"' I mg nun Hwirt s Hpeciao. After several i bottles bad been taken and no visiDie i reBultS to be seen. I began to despair, I but continued the medicine. At last I signs of improvement became apparent, and from that date to the nresent there has been OonBtant improvement Of both mind and body, lie is now about lour-1 teen rears old. and is one of the bright est boys 1 have ever seen. I nonestiy believe that he will ultimately outgrow the effects of this loathsome disease under the influence of Swift's Specific. Tbe two cases of erysipelas which were treated some two years ago with S. S. S. show no symptoms of return of the disease. U H. f atnb, Sup't Orphans' Home. So. Qa. Conf . Macon. Ua.. Nov. 1. 1884. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free.' The Swift Specific Co., Drawer 8, At lanta. Qa. For sale in Clew Uerne at u&nuuuit BROS. COMMERCIAL. Joubnal OrnCK, June 26 6 P. M. COTTON. New York, June 25. Futures closed firm. June, 10.33 September, 10.21 July, 10.83 October, 10.00 Aucust. 10.43 November, v.vu Spots steady; Middling 10 8-8; Low Middling 9 0-8: Ordinary 3-8. New Berne market dull. No Hales. Middling 0. 8-8; Low Middling 8 13-16; Urdinary 8 3-8. : DOHIR8TIC lUBKtf. Cotton Seed $10.00. Shkd Cotton $3,50. , Babbels Kerosene, 49 gals., 85c TUBCRNTtira Hard, $1.00; dip, 11.65. tak 70o.aai.sja. , Cobn 60a7oo. ' Beeswax 20o. per lb. Honey 60c. per gallon. BEEF-i-On foot. So. to 7c. Country Hams 12c. per lb.. -:- Labo 10c. per lb. Eoos lOo. per dozen. Fresh Pork Oo. per pound. Peanuts O0a75o. per bushel. Fodder 75o.a$l. 00 per hundred Onions $1.66a2.00 per bbl. Field Peas HiDES-Dry, 10c.; green Se. Tallow Sc. per lb. ' Chiokens (irown, ,40a50o.; spring 80a30c ; . MkalM(5o. per bnsheL 'Oats SO ots. per bushel. , Turnips 50c. per bushel. Wool 13al7c per pound, Potatoes Sweet. SoaSOc SaraaLES West India, dull end n on- inal; not wanted. Building. 8 inch. hearts, $3.oo; saps, fl.oo per M. , ... i - anntMiM nirat. ' . New Mess PoRK-ia.00. . :0 pvn Shoulders Smoked,, No. . 1,1-. .50.; r.vr i KJ LJ ieree.:' w4 Lard 7t by the tierce. Nails Basis- iu, axou. ; Sdoar OraBulated, 7S. t-rnvi ii aa. - i t - jaoF.anriari awp oiamiTi mmtao, . t H0T-41.W.' : KKBOSE59iO. 1 Ihw River Peahufs- Praab parehed ever day; S eta per quart At SCO' N.q. '11 O, I on Sooth Front atreet. New fiprnn. - 49tiQ with the crowd. - I ill For Sale, A BMAIX UWELUNO HOURI with itarn Stablee and Bueev Home, fuel inline i.. tollable for a nloe dwelllnp with a rrontnl from fie to 7s feet aud 110 dep U autt-aur-Vf,1-- sdjoliiing the lot or lk, ticeeii. ca Apply to June?l lw K. CV KEIIOE, Farm For Sale, In Lenoir County, Two Miles from Einston. Contaloa Two Hundred ar.d Nina Acres. one hundred and flfty-ninu of wlilch Is dear farming land; balance wood innd Tiyre i a nice dwelllng-hotae. several tontint honwu. good barn and otber onihnusii. txcollrnt well of water. For terms of sale aprly to JonelHdwlm Ne EeriiP, N. C. Notice. Tnere will lw aUeetinv of llieCommliwloti- eja of Craven County, at the nnw Couit House, In NwBwn.. on the THIRTIETH nf- lePKEHENT MONTH. at TEN. A.M.. for ti. purpose of ascertaining and forwarding tlio claims of audi Nortli ( arollrhv antdlnnr nn-nie enutiea to lue gratuity provided for by tbe last General Aseml)ly, and for tho tninnac- tion oi such oilier uusineaa as may coiue botore them. JAMES A. TtllVAW June lti.lH.so. id Cbalrman. Land Sale. By Virtue Of au order of tha Hnnevtnr (Vim. of Davidson county. North Carolina, made In the ease of Bailie C. Mondor, Executrix of W. " - riic, i nimu proceed io Ben at. inline Auc tion to the highest bidder for Owih, on tho premises In the City of New IJeinc, W. C, ou Thursday. July 9th, 1885. the following city lota belonging to the cgtf.us of said W. W. Fife, to wit: 4m Lots Noa. 220. tt. 37H. 21. 2. 'fi. Klght lota in Joshua Scott's Krlnk- V...I Tract, nnmbered as follows: 90, H7, 107, 10S, 11:!, hi, iiu ttim no; iiiho. one acre or inna on 1 y press street, outside of clt limits.- niaa in cemetery lots. fersons desiring Information In rofererjee to the above, please call on K. o. mil. Ileal Es tate Agent. New Berne. N. ('. UEOKUE J. MEADOK. Jnne&dtd Comiulssioner. "v --ttk t XT ITATTPITI J Kj Vj 1 1 1 I I I I ' MOrehead CltV. N. C. v " vl This House, formerly the new bernk house, having been snrin ATT fl ITT V T WATT A rniT ""u ns kw lumuum naving oeen added, is now ready for the reception of earn- mer Visitors. I Tne Table win be supplied with the veby I BEST this or any other market can afford. I Tne Proprietor has determined the House "" " KePl trsi-c-iass in every rcqpect. 49 Terras to suit the times. Dn. w. II. HnwtkTnv ' Junel.l dwlui Manager. D. Schedule B. NOTICE. All parties doing huslnosa as raerrhants or otherwise, npon all goods houclit In or out of the State, or any others llnhlo under Schedule "B,' are required by law lr l!st the same during the first TEN days In July.' Persons ailing to list within the tl mo will bo placed on the delinquent list aud will beeliarredwWh double tax. 1 will bo at my ofl'.aa to rooelv the same. Ulanks rurnlshod. . " , JimErn nelso " JunUdtd Register of Deeds;' ICE CREAM PARLOR! I have opened, In connection with my OOJU FECTIUNKHY. an Ice Cream Parlor. ' lea Cream and fruit Icea can be had at all hoara by the Plate or Measure. --' The utmost rare will be taken In siVirig trl my customers A Good Article of Ice fr 1 ' The public are oorUiaUy Invited to Qtlfeil will open:",;1V. Wednesday, May; 6th. ; t; vory respectfully, . j. JOHN DUHK.-ii BENJ. We DAVIS, Commission Uerchanf , f-.Tl Hl'in, Southern;. Fisli,:;Friills, Avn . . . .. . . . Producd al SpedaltVrj: ig6 Barclay Sth NEW YOUK t JaOONSiaNalKNTaSCLICITBrt' -dll ' , ( , PHQM PI BSTURMS MADB. fm V. new York Kimnnnbi' 11 . iiikakcn. ' . ' W to 1 filton riah Market: fir.,hi "J" PowalU WaahlnKtoe tit Wlav HurW' '. a-X Harrison at. , ., . . r"""- ' ai nnviouai nana; iwV - tonCBBSBalnf Co ; W. K. pay la 4 QaL r!v y. - V j AMOTUEIE SUPPLY' bf i'i 's' ' lMJUUk JLU1U ' UI1U' ' - HelIadeCanaes fTon BOY8TRS rACTOftY, Justf leeelVSd St . ' MSB. 8ZAM.Y-8 BTORE- t ' aaarSaSm. PoUok street. - t'- it .1 ,. ...... -... ) 1 -i r. t j 1 li'