- ..-T . - . - . .. ....-. f. j , ' 11 v r - "l . ? !iw,!lt 1 ;i- fttf .1 ft" W. ra r J-.' - I i . 1 . i i. 1. - 1 ... -,; t,j . :,;, ) ; ; uri )'; tv' .o-rq tail tS :jii),; (,1t.--'.t;i.-;) fa nJl w -. '-t ,. : ' ' ' ' ; ; i y. '. i ;; ) ' M '1 n n. i" ! 1 '!! 1 ; !!,. ! jii In 'i " -. . -i - Y ', 1 '- . . I .T; , . . ,,,.( i ' rf..'.),-.!, jf,-'! sm - k. VOL. IV. ;N0: 78;:' IT- ': -j- ;, '0 j :' i . V-v. - LOCAL NEWSi Joarnal MlaUt r AlnnM. ' New Berne, Uititud 85 6' North. " longitude, 77 Sf West, . Sub rute, 4:49 I Length of day( fA 1 San sets, 7:19 1 14 hours. 81 miuut?. fVan rii.cs at 93 p. nj.. -.jlt'.H' Wanted A good fchoe maker. Apply to ' olf;. '. J. .IcSOKLKY : Near corner of Middle and, Pollook Ste., New Burn,. C.'.t , lm : Lastdaf 0 Juno. U . ". Thermometer, in the JOUHNAJ, office 'f. ye8terdaj't8p.. 8fl0. j .v-j; '. , ; ft. P. Williams oilers 123,000 brick for -' and ifl'still inakiflg.5 Seftadw 3.' - t :'lw",t .H.jB.J)nffjgiTe notice that Je ". '-'.. wants to 'make room '.for his fall and winter stock. i Read "his advertisement r- " ' - : - x . .v , Plums are in ftbundance.vv-ftev..S. -4 Hunter, james uity, urotignt us in a ; yery- fine sample Saturday night, for - which ho has our thanks.' X'ti'iwayZ 'TheVegular jneetlrii bf jthe Board of - 'Trastees e New Berne : Aoadoro y will y, be held at 'tin! oflloe of the Prceident "lhis aftertoon at 5 o'clock; - ,. , Fi .... . 1 1 . . i ' ' '' - ' -1 ; '-....-iv t ' '.;"ttl'lB' TSC Ut" . - . i llr. James A. Bryan, chairman of the .' board, of .cotptycomniisaioners,' gives - ' notice that the eommimioners will meet 4 ;viu the' first Monday in July, instead of on the second Monday in AnguBt as heretofore, to revise the tax Iistr. ' ; ! ' A band of musie consisting of seven rfjpiece tfro'mw CblumbuB;, Qn.i passed ; ,down, toMorehead.City, & few, nights j ago.. It is said- that it will furnish the best niuaio ever given at Morehead., The crowd to rapidly Wcteaiinjg ' at the At: r- lanUo- Ilotelv end. for the ' next JwQ months it will be ttfis place for enjoy- , v . T .l-t 1 '"-CKasge of eheBle, ;v . . Oh Add after5 July Ist'a slight change J - will be made, in the echedules of, -the mail an4 !freigh trains on ; " the A. & N. C. railroad. The mail train V goJoVI wt will tfciTi.'KW Uefne at . W jW-.tWing least, will ave Jtew : Bern at. 8:04 p. m. Tle freight train fcbiAg east will leave NeVr Berne at 5:15 . rh. FlrylX?T;rT7:;w: . - ' j ; Mr.; Willie Kirkman, near Maple v Cypress I this coutity sends us the first cotton loasom.of the spason. ( It isyom iirif ikose- tcni wliich'he1 eay will . nveraknee higfy andjjshe result ;Of .''nome-made manure. -. Mr J. tevensoivjenda;. u$in one t .., fromhb'.hlcupencbWtfie 27th, "the'.'ret, vA'.'l"' 'hej of .rom, 'that .'."PastHriVliiK. vri.iatWM , ; : Acting Mavor .W.ogre had bofore . his cpuft .'yesteVday'E, Meadowa, E. -'Wi Bmaljwood and f , H. nackbnrn'for iiiist. drWmg." They'wee fined -41.00 'each land coek. Xhi8,"wa; ft.pretty ood representation at one Wecfiag; f rpnT,tlie j,Fathei,VThey rwant o make' these shelled blreeti tay lfor Uiera8elvtl,.!,.l,i ' Another itMe,, diQj(dotIjicepdct ' . was before tli'e court which added $8.00 nd eost to the city funds. ' ' . A KeW Berae Dv Abroad. "At the Webster Scientific , and Xit ; rary lastoMHi If orf oHk Voj. j jee are ' ' gratified to see that Master James C. V,I!W. rfiviplbhia grmfui tiou id ariuimolio, a certificate of dis tinction iij parlous 8tiid.ioBi testimonial " wiib a prize for general proficiency and' goditoiiuci, V'riJ 'sp'iicia,i pre'dit ih'sur vey ing. He is son of Qurformer to wns- 1 man, T. J. Latham', Esq?, and first saw the light id 4.hiB oity hfessacoees is the more plensing to us for .these reasons. , -: 1 f ' Th gtnrdm Klcht Trains. "... Traiado'uthe'A.- C. B.'R.,' for ihe cva venience of persons bf "this oit- and vicinit j, ,wjll leave for. Morehead at ri0:t5p.t(i. every Saturday and returnon ironlsys in-"advance, . , of , -.tbo;, regular mailtrain Red uoed rates will be accord- el ou the. road i and at the. hotels who take these , trips... .Thte k.. .. uiert will aiford jjusiness men, ' c' ' ' rn 1 poruons. whose employment Iwo-Jl prevent their taking, the regular traia earllor in the'evening, an opportu ' city of visiting the sea side without loss of time. . "',..,....: A Good Director. ' . -1.1 '-- . O e of the new directors on the part (f!M f ,te in the A. & N. C. B. R. bids its vory porviceable to that cor ,n. C' t!ie way up from the -.' r ''nsat I'arcbead, at i : ,n, he thinking the . r wc.'ik leaped from 1 1 to the tune of AVhcther he rro- ; 1 , ; is way or not : 3 t ilH' Tha IMaeaaalon At Plarenead City'. i "Your report of the speeches at More head City don't show how Mr. Simmons stood on the lease, "-said one of our friends and fellow-citizenS yesterday. No it does not show, for the reason that we were compelled to cut short our re port of his speech; ' After our report of the speeches of Messrs.' Bryan and Wo mack ,1iad been put in' type Tfe Were compelled to eliminate a portion of our report of tha speech of Mr. Simmons. We give herewith that portion of Mr. Slnimons , remarks which we had to omit on Saturday night, for .want of apace. ,,t I :tlt,. t , ' v.t QOa the subject sof lease Mr. Simmons agreed with the. . Governor and be be lt ved that nine-tenths of the .people in this section were in accord witn bim. lie showed that the . private stockhold ers had repeatedly voted for it; in fact, there never had been a proposition or a batch, of propositions before the stock holders' meeting but . they accepted some one of them,' and at the last meet ing, when, there was no proposition to lease, a resolution declaring that the road ought not to be leased was voted down by a large majority. In consid eration of these facts he did not see how Mr. Bryan could be so frightened about the Governor's, favoring a lease when he (Mr. Bryan) had always .voted and advocated the same thing. In defense of Mr. Womack, in regard to the judicial district bill which had been in cidentally brought into the discussion, he would state . that he was one of the committee sent to Raleigh to look after the matter, and he knew that Mr. wo mack favored Craven being put in a Democratic district, but the committee anrived at Raleigh too late to effect a change .in ;! the - bill. (Here Mr, Busbee arose and stated that during the session of the General Assembly and when the Question of forming the new Judicial Districts was being discussed. a communication appeared in the Aewf and Observer proposing a plan for redist tricting ' which . placed Craven in the Democratic district; this communica tion was written by Mr. T. B. Womack.) These are the points in Mr. Simmon's speech that , we .omitted, in Sunday's issue for-lack f "spacerWe intended at the time to make a note in today's Issue in regard to the Judicial District matter, as an act of simple . justioe to Mr. Womack, and as some seem not to understand Mr. Simmon's position in reeard to the leaser we publish bottt the items as they were originally intended to be published. -Y.fr v 1 c ; In justice to Mr. Bryan we will state that he was willing' and anxious to ex plain his position in regard to leasing. He had favored it heretofore, but now there was , a change in the . causes and motives " which , prompt cer tain parties -, to : desire a lease, am for this reason he oould consistantly oppose it..We 'regret that" .lack of space forbids our giving the speeches fuller. TherMwere alloodr antr-rwe thought lthe';8peech,,,6f Mr." Simmons very graceful and timely, coming as he flidyto Hid TrlieCof "his successor , in office v.;fiif i'.-f ' Injunction Denied ; .. . . . -rvfr ' In the case of T. H.-Jllallisott- and, others against the A. & N. C. Railroad Company and-ethers before Judge Phil lips,' asking that.' the company be re-' strained from loasing . their road, the Judge being of the opinion -that the company has the right and power to lease its road refuses, to grant the ro- straining , ordei" ; or an iprder to show CaU86. AJ. , ,' ... . iT. ,.;.,-! ., Penpal, s , in,M Lieut. DavidU. Jarvis or the U. H. revenue' marine 'service, "arrived ' Ta"sl night and will relieve- Lieut.' Gooding on the eutterfMewtw. - - -----r - Dr.; Charles fXun"ajnllji left fori Morehead City lastnight 1 '; j Cpt, Jofcl 'ARIchardsodV-family left for Morehead City last night. . ! Dr Win. Pell Ballanoe , and t family left for. Morehead City last night--' ;'; -Capt: ' AIexi!( Miller's family are at Beaufort T. , , E, ...... i,.;;,,,,;, ., Mr Joe W,, Watson has returned from Ba ltimore.? 'y.r.lj t hyuw ,''y . v - - .n . 1 n n.-...Bi;W"f.'g' W. l a HUuket; rW'Utip' The Washington correspondents of the Charlotte 06rtTand the Goldsbbto Messenger in. communications o these papers, state that 'Carraway, 'D..iB. Walxer'f'.of Wilson, Win Washington." ' Capt. Carr'away, in a card to the Newt and Observer, denies this bit of news in the following words 4- tiki . .? i : i.; Saturday, June SO, 1885. ' My attention has been called to an item in the Goldaboro Messenger's Wash ington letter, in which the writer (IL) states that "Carraway, 'D. R. Walker' of Wilson; is in Washington." " .Now, this is what I have to say; I am a bona fide citizen of Lenoir eounty, reared and born in said county, and am proud of her. And if any one is fooling around in Washington seeking an. ollice under my nom de plume or name, hail ing from Wilson or elsewhere, I;hereby pronounce the same a fraudulent swin dler. I have not been in Washington since December, lSSJ. . - , Wm. W. Carraway, . ,. .-r . Of Lenoir eounty, ; The only "D. R. Walker," of t n Krrs- . ' ' '..;"." OJwrtrr, r.-.lo;,-;h, N. C. ' If you have a bad co' 1, Sine's Syrnp c.:JTiir will cure you. Only C l or ;;alo by K. N. Duffv. ftl dwCu p - CIVIL SERTICE reform. I Letter of am Old Raw Beraran. . v . t Baltimore, Jane 25th. : Editor Journal: I Lave read witb. regret articles in yoar paper opio8ing the spirit and methods of the reform: which yon term "ciYil service nonsense.''. Borne of jonr roadera, see.no jonrnal .bat yonrs, ana may not be aware tnatthu movement is led by many of the most disinterested patriots in the country.: Nothing. is plainer to a close observer ef political events, than tbo absolute necessity of en tirely, removing the. subordinate Federal offices from.' the 'arena of politics. Thespoil8 system has so corrupted voters that in . many places an election is a mere ignoble scramble, for office, and men are chosen to responsible positions with no reference to their fitness, bat because they are pledged to reward the party workers. It is as com pletely . u system of bribery as If dollars were openly given for votes, And yet you prophesy that if the President do not make a thorough distribution of government offices among the members of the victo rious party, "another Democratic oampaign - will be a- quiet affair'! What a commentary on the motives of voters ! Patriotism' is not' to influence us; a desire for good gov crnmtnt will be no incentive to action; t he. preference of one polit ical creed to another will not bring us to the polls; unless wq know that, in the event of success, every petty officeholder is to be of our own party, Public office is a public trust, and not a reward for partisan zeal; there is no more reason, why a postmaster. or Federal clerk should be a Democrat or Itepublican, than that we should inquire into the politics of a steamboat captain or a bank teUrolii-xj.Ji '- "I was interested in examining the civil service in different conn tries of Enrope, especially in Swit zerland, which is a Federal Repub lic like ours. The elections '. there disturb no faithful officers, and the result is that none of them are par tisans: , the phrase . "Democratic postmaster" would seem to them: as much out of place as Democratic bookseller or ' fishmonger. They have, too, the strongest motive "for good conduct, knowing that nothing bnt dereliction of duty will deprive them of their posts; while the gov eminent on the: other hand se cures excellent servants for a tithe of what we pay; because a man will accept a very smalt salary, if it be permanent, and he have the hope of vpromotiov for t ! ability; and fidelity;'- - .All offices of a political character will naturally be assigned to friends Of n the" vh. administration; r wana these changes. President Cleveland, is making as rapidly as possible. Wherever his. method has been de-, parted; from, and the old party sys tem followed, misfortune has re sulted; 'some of Secretary" Man ning's appointments are scandalous. In the South many chances will be necessary, as for many yeara. her Federal.oQices havexbeen:gtven,to unscrupulous - politicians,- for the very reason that they were , such'. Every " Southerner knows wbata desperate , struggle it has oost to resist this corrupt influence,' and to restore the control of State affairs to men.of intelligence and property. In this battle we laid aside personal and party considerations: r Shall we now ::. divide in a quarrel for placet Yet as long as office and patronage are regaraeu as a re warn 01 victury, any party is in danger of dissensio and degeneracy. v.-i :. This question is more vital to the Southern, States than toother parts Of the Union; any mistake that they may make will inevitably restore the Republicans to power in 1888, and then may return some of the dark days which we trust we have left behind. It cannot be too often repeated that Cleveland owes his election to the. Independents, Who hold the, balance of power in several Northern States, and are a rapidly growing '.class in the large cities. They are men of character and cul ture, who acknowledge no party al legiance, but vote in whatever way seems best for the ' interests of the country. They supported Cleve land distinctly op the ground that he ia a thorough Civil Service Re former, and they still uphold him for the same reason. Let - these men believe that the Democratic party is determined that all spoils snail belong to the victor, and they will Rnrel elect a Republican tbo next President; for it is not sup nnonhla fliof. Mint: narlir Pfii a flin bo so foolish as to bring'forward a candidate as vulnerable as iilaine. If such ft cr.tar'rr; ' o come, we are responsible llr i;; and it is inost unwise now to imt a weapon into the enemy's han J,. and enable him r : uiS'i-..; to say four years hence we shall do ' just as ton have done, fill all offices with our partisans."' ''W'.' Newborn especially ought to com prehend the . advantage of putting business matters . on a pnrely. busi ness basis. . Does any one doubt that ' tne Atlantio and $T. C. Rail road wonld be in a more prosperous conditioK.aad party politic never entered into, or controlled its man- agemenu. .,.., ,,,, ,sx , . , ,f Most of the Federal offices are in their operation as completely affairs of business and' finance as is a rail roady ; and nothing should i b 1 re quired of the , incumbents but hon esty ahd. fidelity., , Trnly yours, , ..... Eirw. Graham Daves. i j i-iH- Swansbof o Iteins. ' ' ' '.Lr-i-m"-! :'i.n i ) i ; ' We' have the " tawflia saw renorted last week, and will send it to the Jova- HAbMOO.., fit,V.M V "... Our erub worm k re w to about 8 inches high and has stopped trrowinK a little. but we keep watching it and will upset agata.',;;r!','''i;' ,;T-':' Mr. Phil. Koonce has shinned about 800 barrels of Irish potatoes from one acre of groand and had plenty more to at yefc((, j wu r t.-;-w .y Schooner ClciA I.Af ia wnit.intr fur k load and has one. most ready. wiU per haps load for. New Berne next week. Scbr. Etta, also watting for a load,' She wilt load for O. W; Smith with spirits and rosin bound for New York, wo nn 4erstapd iiS:'ilu:ri v.!t:'.t;:Ki i James Blood eood. doceaaed. drenDed a gun in the river . near here about nine Sears ago, - Last week Capt. Nio. Moore, i fishing, caught the gup, brought it to the" surface all right. " The gun was loaded when lost, and flred: clear, we beard,; after patting! on new cap. AJ-. most equal to Rip. Van.Winkle of eld. , lira. Sarah F. MarshaL wife of John H. Marshal, died at her .home, of, con sumption, a few days ago, aged Si years. She was a strict member of the M. E. Church and died iri that belief, leaving an affectionate husband,- one child, and numerous friends and.;: relatives', to mourn her .deaths iH ,jt y..,v, Croos Ibokinr well: some are about done plowing their corn,. Had consid erable rain here, but not enough to In jure the crop,- but off a few miles from bare '. Mvera I ' parties report drowned crops. Mr, (X Y. Feqcae aad Mr. Jv F. Maides, from , Jopes county , were in town Saturday and report drowned al most witb them. " Mr. Maided met with a serere accident last Sunday which caused him the loss of hia right forefinger; i He was leading bit young aorse to watery we believe, wben the colt took fright and jumped and jerked.MrV.M., down with a , line around his' flngsr, breaking the bone. Mr, M. eame here, accompanied by Mr. FosoM,.to see .pe. MaUettij whereupon pti M.; and fr- Blount amputated the fiiiger, .Mr..,Maides, was doing:. very mt6'h "I!" nl' on heney about IS or SO people .in this neighborhood -' 1 took honey '.' Saturday Bightr-- Da"Rodgra took IS 'gams, Arch. Green 13 gums, Jim Hall, Balam Hawkins and iiili. Hawkins from 3 to 10 turns., and bo,obj Wb went to a bee taking Saturday nght; acoompanled by J.APittman (tweet Moaely, Bill' Haw- U uim' ueaey and otnersana trie i Bill. : John andi west ea : 'honev comb sjd fonght nosqnitoe was fun for piacewe,,wiw vn e vio f or o gurnsv and - alfhbuKlr' tneyj were pretty roodi Mr.'F. ftadto'bW these inen to pleatfe booie and' leayb him' a little honey, Ion the ohildreai ,tfey-m . - lnnnintmaaTa . .- . V.' w AsniNoioK, Jun 27.-The President today appointed Edward U i Heddeni to be collector of (customs 'at the port of New York! nans fll Beattia. snnrevor of eostom"jat iNaw , YDtk,auuf : BiiaaWi Burt, avl rr:PatoiatiNew .The i?as1tifenP3lay (BUBpen dedMo ra,- of the miatv And appointed'' James B. HtmbaiU at Pemuy4vaalav .'lit his Btedd. change ;wU take, effect Julylrttfi n ;Burchard said today,, in regard, to-his BUspension,1; that e preferred 'that the change! should be niade W fhaf.Vay, rather thanito 'resigtt 'te the' 'face 'ot ohareeaof :.' incfiliiiencir and of mUraaiV agement; which had- been, made against bim by. , personal enemies- ana whtca have been publighed in , several newt- Sspers. 'fie did' not' dispute ' the Presid ent t 'right ' b remove ' birn-j 1 but had soma little ourioslty taseetnttreasdnr, therefor ,i which thei rrosident iWdntd cive to ihe Senate, t His relations with secretary" Manning had aj ways been of the tnosr pleasant characrter," and he re grsttad : that a contrary hnprewiorr had arisen lstat jii8-removal badi-been spoken of. ., . late preBiueu oi vuj ioriua, . uuituuui bank, was sentenced, to tea yeara' im- prisonrnent in the Auburn prison this mbrninir ' by ' Judge Benedict, in the United StatefoourtCrf' r - - - s-; BtartllBK Cimi. . i f. J T Mr. K. R. Saulter, of Athens, Qa., says: "B. B. B. has cured on me an ul cer which baa resisted all other treat ment for 50 years." 0'11 - J. MfEUisj- of Atlanta, was oure of a stul.tcra f'se of it44 P!t,e.Jre years standing by the use of Hi B. ft. t As Etiior. " I have beenf almost eollrly cufed ef nasfl cflrrh tof several yekre st" Ji-jr, by t .ree boUes of B. B. B. fll have tried masy oUier- remedied, "buff none equal B. F. B. It is a (fiiok hir irhile others are slow. ' " H J. J. Uabdy, Editor "News," Tocooa, Ga. For sale in Newborn by U. N. Duffy. j GOMMEECIAli.-j Joubmaj. Ornox; June t9 t P. M. ! .f.KAnt 1OOTT0.' Mi If zvrpas;,; Jose 37- Fstarca closed steady. June,' I , 10.88 September, ia84 " ' ,A'.':,i, July -V : M.88 October, W August, 10.48 November, , !'.W Sputa quiet;. Middling. 10 7-16y Low Middling 9 11-18; Ordinary 9 7-18. New Berne market dull.' No Sales. Middling 9 7-1 S: Low Middling 8 7-8: Ordinary 8 7-16. . ,.. , ; - DOHRSTIO HIKKM. !! '; Cotton Seed $10.00, ; ihu ,..;..,vv ' ; Seed Cotton S3.60. , ' Babbkia Kerosene, 49 gals. , 85o. TuBjpaNTrjrB Hard, 11.00; dip, f 1.66. TAB-75o.a$1.25. Corn 0a7oo. ' BaaawAi 20o. per lb. Honkt 60c. per gallon. Bbbf On foot, 6c. to 7c. Country Hams 18c. per lb. " Lard 10c. per lb. Eoos 10c per dozen. Frksh Pobk 6o. per pound. t Pianuts 00a75c. per bushel. Fodder 75c.a$1.00 per hundred. Onions $1.66a3.00 per bbl. , j Field Peas , , . , . :. . Hides Dry, 10c. ; green 6e. Tallow 6c. per lb. Chickens Orown, 40a60c.; spring 30a80o. . Meal 65c. per bushel. Oats 60 ots. per bushel. Turnips 50c. per bushel. ' ' Wool lOalttc. per pound. Potatoes Sweet, 85a6uo. Pkaches-$2.00 per bushel. Apples $1.00 per bushel. . SHiNOLEB-West India, dull and n m inal; not wanted. ( , Building. 6 inch, hearts, 83.00; saps, $1.50 per M. ; '' wholesale prices. New, Mess Pobk 4(13.00. Shoulders Smoked, No. 3, 5c.; prime; 6c. C. K. and L. C. R. 6ic. Floub $4.60a7.00. Lard 7f c. by the tierce. NAlLft-Basis 10'a, 13.60. Sua ab Granulated, 71c. --Salt 90o.aSl.00 per sack, -. Molasses and Sybupb 30a45o. Powder $5.60. Shot $1.60. i Kerosene 9Jo. New llivcr Pccnufs Fresh parched evey day; 6 ets per quart At SUOTl' H, on Houtn Front street, New Berne, N. C. 49-Qo with the crowd. dlw BrickUrick! 125,000 Bricks Now ready and for sale LOW; delivered either at ray yard or In the city. Also prepared to contract for Brick Work of Call on or address. B. P. WILLIAMS, JuneOOlm . ,. Hew Berne, N. O, Notice. Notice Is hreby given that the Commit slonen will meet on thaFIRHTMONUAV la JULY,' Instead of the second Monday In Augnat. sa heretofore. r the purpoas at RE VI8INQTHETAX UT. Partlea Intonated will govern Ihemielvee accordingly.-!! JAMES A. BRYAN, ,lunWdt4 . Chalrataa Board Qomaisrs. - In Lenoir County. Two Miles from Klnaton. Contains Two Hundred and Nine Acres, 6ns hundred and fifty-nine of which Is clear farming land balance wood land. There la a nice dwelllng-honae. several tenant houses, good barn and other outhouses. Excellent well of watery l ,ii, . . ForVernitofaaleapplyto . i' H. a. TUlJj. . jonelStlwlm ' ' New Berne, N. O. ' There will bo a Meeting of ttMCoHimaakon era- or Craven County, at the new Court Houe1n New Bern., on the TtilKTlETH of uie rnwKnr auni g, at iEj, a.m.. for toe mn-poae of aeertlnlng i and forwanllDE the crating of aucU North Carolina aotdlera as are entitled loathe, sratnity rovlded fas by.UU last General Aaaerably, and for the tranaac- uon, oftwn ouk Dueineai as nay aaaaa beiura them. ... -pj-vo,r Jf:mihiAMES Avbrtan; r.,m,m land. Sale.1 r. w i ; .l.-r ,lr ill' 'I'.'l n '!' Ii it., By vi Irtae of an order of the Superior Court of Davidson antn NertA CaroUsa, made In the case of Saille C. Meador. Kzecotrix of W. W. Fl3. 1 shall nroatad to aetl at PnWie Aoc tion to the nigneat bidder, for uean, on the sremlaes bathe Olty of New Berne, ti. C., on lfi Ihursday. Ilnly' 0th', 18S5,'.' the following Hty lota 'belonging to tne eatf.te m nun w,w.iue.wwiK'i i !! t ! Lota Wok id. il 878. 7. is. L ' U tight lou In Joanna Beotta Brick Yard TTftct, numbered as (oIIowk W. 9t. 107. 108. 113. LU, llfr and US alern one acre of land oa Uy- pren aireeir ouuuoe of nty umita; aiao two cameterv lota ?( -. !: Persona deelrlns Information' In reference to the above; pieaae call- cat aW Ot HU1, Baal B- vaie Ageni, new nerne, n. u. !.l -;--ltu QaJOBOa Si MKAftOR, ,1 juneauui uommtaaioner. i. ,li ii, in, ii i ,i ii, ,,, tn, OGEAN HOUSE: ,noreneaa uity, ii. h . 'nis- Hoass formerly the' NEW bfcSNal UUUaVaavtagbeen .-,uV. 1 i;i:I- TIIOILOUGIILY ETOVATilD luraa aildltlona. or ramltnra . havlnc ' been added, Is now ready for the reception of 8nm- The Table will be supplied wlln the VERY this or any other market eaa afford. i'hei Proprietor has determined the House shall be kept Flrst-CUM la a-rrry rcaaact. J Tenna to rait the tiroes. , riil ) . ... Dm. a. H. HOWFRTOW. rj JunelSdwlm Manager.. i.t", ';T' ' raak , , ,.,.4.1. -t.aV ,-.-.. Bargain In order to reduc? to jSt6ck before going North, I haV& de : . ' N' termined to offer Inducements to Customers to Close Ontiny ' Spring and Summer Stock. v; ; I have a few ojf thoseijoautiulWliite -Dress Bobes for ladies, that hare been . . so popIarM through the season) wbich ' ' , I -will ckwe out cheap from SS.OO up. ' '- Still Ahead on White' Goods f The., most beautiful India Linen for .. 12fC per yard you ever looked upon. Call and boo it and you w ill ejcclaim, How lovely! . . i . -ii, j ttftn . Piques, 5c. per yard. ..v'. i, - All kinds of White -flood smt Bar- . "T-j ;ii : :: : : - !'.li ' Linen Torchons, 15c. for 12 yds. Hamburg- Edgings from 36. up fo a very deop and handaomo Uounoiog, 13i inches wide, for C0o., including all in termediate widths' at bottom priees. ' Big Drive in a Ladies' Balbrjggsn Hose, with a patent cleared seam, for 10c. cheap and durablil.- ' Also, Colored IJ or 6, for 5c. : We have astonished our competitors in the Sale of Straw Hate: Genuine Mackinaw Hat for f 1,25, ,, Panama Hats. 82.00. formerlv worth $3.00. Also, a nice Straw Hat for boysi wide brim, at 25c. We have just received a few pieces of Brown 10-4 Sheeting from an . auction sale, that we are selling at tho very low price of 20c. per y:ud;!' exceedingly cheap, worth 25o. nr vVc. " Hoop Skirts, life. Organdie figured Muslin, 8c, very fine, worth 10c. Fast colors. Figured Lawns, 6c. We bare had a big run on out $1.00 Black Qros Grain Dress Silk. , Hare a few patterns left. Come and see it. Really worth 1.25 anywhere. Black Bunting, alt wool, 20c. per yd. RASlitifnl Rlnrlr rtHnmawt 9..h T?.k. bon, 7i inches wide, for the low price Of to. , ., . Block Sash Ribbons, blue, ninlc ,and cream white, 75c. An enrilpftfl vnript.v nf TTmhrAllAa frnm 40c. up, including a handsorde line of Alpaca, and Bilk, and genainel Scotch Gingham Goods. ,.. ', .. , Parasols, 10.-. a pirce ' ' 1 ! ' t 1 " . ' " . We can surnrise vou on our nricea for Shoes r ' r- " Ladies' Foxe.1 Oaitera for 75c . " Nice Button Shoes for $1.00, . r Come to' Bee them and he convinced that we can save you money..' ' - The best Double Reinforced Shirt ever offered in thia. market a $1.0 a piece, tne only Shirt sold here thap is, rein forced front and back. Come and' ex-' am ine it, and I am sure you will like It. White Ijtv rt and Pique Ties1. Collars aad Cttffs, and all kinds (ientefur niahing Goods, .. , Samples' Furnishe d on ap- nlieation. ' i; l. u. " v :. .. ,..'! . i We are .continually, receiv ing) ppods 'y almost, tle,yery sieamer , ana myfte,., .,wq Wholesale Trado oalland examine.' he 't'.ti Bajyaajaa', ji : .,.!rVWnftl9TJ? making, any urhases, as.w are, ,pf , the.Wholesalp Merchant of; Me.w efnoutj : ;; not tne omy onet ,.,,., , ;k.,! lsV .f 1 1, 1 it s ' , I .,! .jf s6i,i.;;AaENi;Mo:toi;-; Li::iKu:;;:;.3 ccest::- Each Machine sold, by me guars nteed ' for FIVE TEARS. ' 1 ' ' ' " . .-i .;. m ,i . r- t : v . 'A'