til t - I UL1SHER8 iS JOrNriJISIT. - TUK DAILY Jol'R'A L Us a 21 column it. r, publlkbt-d daily, except Sunday, at tu.vu per year, IS.OO for six mouths. IMlvered lo oity suUa-rlucr at 36 cents per mouth. i mis WKtKLY Jocknai a SU eo.mil' paper, U published tvery Thursday'! t.JI pur annum. v . AUVCKI'UIXU KATKS (DAILY; Out loch u day tl.tw cents; cue week V.K one moaUitt.au; three months fieuu. ui months . H twvlve month Mt.UU. i. - Advertisements under bead of "Buslm Jeala," Maenta per tine lor flnrt. and S ,nU v ' ..SosdYtTtliwiuenU wtUbelkaertedbet 1 looni iifl tar at any prtua. I . -i .Notices of Marriages or lieatba. not toe: ten line win be Inserted fre. AU additional sattorwlUbeakargedteontoperUBe. ' V -. Payments for transient sdvcrllaemeiys feuat , , b kiadela aaraoee.; ItetalaradyarUwBiKaU will a collected promptly at the end of 4nch CoiuTiiuiii-atK.ia containing news or n'dUvl . euxuoa of local matter are solicited, j No - eoiuaaunleaUai una! be expoeteeT to be Ink- A- liebed that eontalua obJeellnnaMR personal : it lea; withholds the nan nfkrih that will wake snore than one column of Ihla 'paper:-"' - ,-. -.r--f , Any person fueling aggrieved at any auajnyt- nioua communication can obialst Um aan of la author by sppSontton af this Otllra inj bowing wherein the grievance exists. TUE JOUHN T'1 -rt- MEW BERKS?, . 0.VJU1Y ltB l AL . JCdM NT, i ajtiwdat tbe feel eateeat Kew Br, N IC UMWU4IMI MIM. - : f XOKE ABOUT, THE. KICE (JTJBS- ' meal, or srraonlated rice.'' are not MiianrMi wnn me receni uccisions oftlie' Appraielr of he'.JTew York a . Cuttoni IIoubo aud of AwiHtaht j SocroUrvFiaHOHiLDS.'iTliy Lave . .... . .' r . . . . UB WW MMIIIIIL' lldlll HIIII III IWeT.II t.nil l.mm aA r a Al. aa m( ah ah.I A en A l tucir claims,' but not obtatBiog aiy , aatiafactioo, are now making an ' 'effort to cot id taofe tcRtimony on ?i tbe sahject before t& Collector., tit : JSew York. That oar readers may . thorongbly andertuiid the nature 4 of tbU case and see . how it effects uie rice grwwen iu iuio nt'ciitw, tu . bare , taken some little trouble to v xanine is ana nave arnreo u cue '; i'olkminp eonclnsion: I neemeai or rrauaiaiea ru- :k f silled from the whole rice or crouiil into-eal, and which" is used tty mvwina hi idq uiauuiubvuiv w . uv-ii .. , araa. i1mifl1 at! 'Ht nr Vnr . Tainmm na an nnpnnmitpirni nttro ..! facUired : article. : Under' this ,Q .' eision "broken rice, beeaa lo be i . nortett. mixed with th meal, vrhi . wm BlltU VUii iUlOl 1UO UlltV,l .'f l;nf. nlnner witli nthnr lirol-pn ri Ttv so doie?. 'theY liar 20 nor ee , ad valorem , on, , what they plion! fs'iiay '2 cents per. pouud... To bfe ''It. k ," '- .i' ' ' ' ' j' ''.li' i piaininey import, uroitcn neoj v half cent per pound instead of twh ; . anil one-quarter as the law required Ckna mm a Kiln a rltam bAlf Haiti ii4. . tBlaa lUaiwitii(i ' iivtu w -a a a? kmAMTAil .aTVamVatraawa WiyanT . fa mad TaV1iam - .than our home production cane'M lta&ilA J :CiirlIianMml ..W 'liisiAfrin - K SMBjBVaw ) naiv.'a a' auw n aovvax.w '" l.nal MarlaUkl aJACOi aWIMUtninllr araaf V1ab .' ho as id separate jverf particle of oroKcn rice, u possiuie jroin ut au ute , iroKe rice; . to , gOMiwitf J tk wh'oie that ifi Viir1 bear as tbi siM j of ; the - broken is -1 hbs en ' :: tiaoced. . Buti these .Importers,' m " Aft . r - .1: . 1.' 1 I - mmf an latcjr Gnu urm; ui w uruaru ;l'ila a 4 takAftl AtiI luti Antir 4im tut oent ad ' valorem will screen it si ' . cloM as possible and by this bmsi ' UMHIil tDH 1 1 II I V .Ml .II i. U lll.il ' aiilaftitted as the cleaned rice t ' iiruiiMn iinr. Anlv fir rorna a' ' hn t proteMt and fiaoobrage , its pr Uctiot la the United States." ; Th ' tuaaner in whkk it has been eradi -W. robbing the producers of tb ' x&atry of their rights as welt ni jEbe ; jfoverameBl of - its. reronaei f Jirerj farmer- in litis section ,thatj jnakes a bushel of rioe to sell baa ' '' lanpat' rablied bv the manlier in which; ' this djitr faaa been collected. The! ; JDepartment U trying to'ebrrect tbel : error and tho fmera should unite. ' nd demand Us eorreetkMi, vv 1 -Bat why shoald tbe present Col , lector at the port of re w York hesi ' taie .longer to enforce a law so 4ai! WhysMp'WIvear testimony : why rice whu"h nn(fertli6 law should "iay, ent4. . per. pnnnd should im admitted at. one IfthtlaO rate. Is be not bound; to obey tlie. iawl la there any reason for further tea; imony - when .the Department at Washington has constrhed the law .zH made it so plain that he who runs may read! Assistant Secre tary FaibciiilD bus clearly set forth his viers to the Collector of Customs; i'.at uiuo ia heeded! Proceed tor the 'Jo&tt ofCommU' -" Iober of OublowToiBty. ' . The Gonimissioners met in regn lur session at their office in Jack sonville on tbe 1st Monday la Jtlv. rresont, Sol. Uornto, chairman: It 1 tr-tart, ETt. Frandta,. tjoRion aua u. jj. x'eueiier.-,.rr, a . a. s a - n it . t;The. fpllowlD aeeonnta were aa- dited aad alloved by said lioari JJ. J. ifarrell, one -'dollar lj for freight eh -LegiAl.atiTd.;dor.QQeiti from Magnolia to Eenansvdlo. i LC 11,, Uowftrtl, flvo dollam for lreignt a.,xgtdlattve doetments from KenaDftrilie to Jacksonville, Dateerl,5: tventy-flrfl .dolkra for bniltjing bridge across Qneqn'a , Lt A- Amy, . 1150 for rrpairing seven office ciraira. v r'3 r ; jQluiJI.iMa'ribbprhe. 77.84fir (k'liveiiog 5,500, feet , lumber at Jacksonville for bridgcv .K Thomas - jucuee, r 2a J5 Tor m iinirini'iJnrthff lHo:' ' r. r y r r - m amount of f 1.00 for accoant allowed AULlUt A8I, lOOO. , I ! ; llenjaminlWard. fl2,for taking tax list in Swaasbortf township. 1 v N. N. McMillan ( days services tatintf tar imtLw Stomp; BoOnd '. a;W4 l51akoKjrriH for, 2T day aervle taking Jielo Jackson Tlllei towusbiiMt; 'i.wt nr i fc,lW.,Hargetj $18 Tor tfaking tjctx list in Klclilituds towuHhio. " i- ; Charles QprotkT tl2 for takiiig 4 Richard E. .Gerockv $Q ,Iot e pairing, .White, Oak-tjriver and .slough bridges oar airansboro aad Polloksrflle roads.' "-' -T L John It. Sawyer;!,t j'fbt services as officer qf )ie joiy. for last Spring term in ease ot .v tat ? agatnsi George'N)Rfflair'f)r rape.' ; t. J. F.Oilea, 40.72 ' for services before Board"rt)i'. Oommiasioners, 0rders,eW!11;;;2;-;!s- ';.: -;: ' E. JJJixoh ., was allowed to list real estate in bttimp Honnd ana Hwansboro tovrnships, ' - i James Pudrick was nlacod noon the Pauper list;.wit an allowance of 12 per BioBlliwViYj i The Board adjoured until the 2nd Monday id July, 1885.'-:-. '; The Board, meti,,2ud -Monday' in jaly, lcesept, ftol.. Oornti chairman; Jt,iJ.I)avisTJ.i J) Co ton, B. La.Francksand --"B P.VP ThfJ foll6wiQg Orders were made by8kid.Bo.irdi. -i. Ordered, That .Joseph Marshall's land be reduced from 900 to 120 lThttt .4Thomaa Edens' !and,s8i acres now valued, at-1 850 be n dnced from its present valuation to at J AA - . ' ' ' The following' J Accounts were audited and allowed : at 'this meet ing: -y-rxj- K. Lrt'rancks, 125.20 for servicds and mileage as Coniminsioner.'n (Sol. Gornto, f 2iS0 tfor servii andrriieage a8"-Commi88loii6r."""'t t J. D,Costou, 920.G0 for . ser vices and mileaee as Commissioner. f r afflTTitlLn.ibliowiog Tat be levied;, 2flr 5-6 r cents County!, 8 f-frcehtr for- Poor,"l2' 1-2 cents ier oeirouis una zp. cones tor cau v Thai the Taxes tinder Schedul U and U be levied same . as th whieh the Stat levies.' , 5 ; The monthly allowance of th duoed tslollbwte , w ... . Matilda Milton and two'chfldre; from $6 pet month to 14 per mont for tbe three; Amanda McGoa a from 4 to 12' per month;' Caleb Saltetvftonx 140 per month to 13 per in on id: t. tscrews irom f i pei mppth to fl- Betsey Kellom wm boy increasea from i-j pei paoath to 12; Bicbard '. Garganqi and wife was reduced fedm 13 pc taonth,' each ,to. per month! each;, s Bplcey . Batchelldr wss ret duced from $5 ' to $4 per month; George 3ojroIX;iVom 5 t $4 pe month; Gngorons Wood and wifa from to W per ojontb lor botbt Holidar Sanders and wife from f 1 per month for both to 93 per month foi-bothi Polly, Villiaj from 12 to i par wvfitu . i,iivuv un, hut liams reduced rom f 2 per month to 1J0; HeorSparkman from ?2 per month to 1.50; Lucy Ward, lunatic, redicerl frbm f 4 per month to 92; Isom Taylor and wife reduced from f ,vet , metrtli;-to. jjeah Am an reduced from W per month to 92; Catharine White from 91.50 to 91f Patsey Ellis from 92 per! month to 11.50; - Alice Thompson fWBi2 linotitS' to 1; Kenan Marsh&ome from 91.50 to 91 per monthi Hariil Pickett 'from 94 to $2 per . month; .lizabeth .Aman from ffW,'(3 per month; Ceny Pittman from - 2 to I,50 per month; Hdfy Jones from 92 to If t per monthf H$t$ andjnina Willis from 92 permontlr ' to 91.60 per! month; Felix Brown and wife from' $3 per moath'.for both to 92 per month fat both. 6; ' . S . s i Tlii '. following'' paupers - were stricked from ttp list: a -..Was. Melton, ames ; Canady, Zadoc -Jrjnesf Jlenry Marshboro, Dave Littleton, Tom Padjott, Wharton, pinah -White, I'phrainj Atiibrose, Wm. Hauls, Julia Hill, Agnes Di 7, Joanna Jones, Tom Bryant, LuUlah Walton, Bettie Costoa, llicajah Farnell, Albert Mumford.;. . '. - f The Board adjourned until the first Monday ia August, 1885. By order Board Commissioners, , ; , J. F. Giles, Clerk. lYyMj;CpTTj!)IyTiXr.'l J Tho market, during the week showed a distinct rally in the rallies of options "generally but especially on the rnonths of tbe old crop year, The. very low -point to which the latter months', options had lines sold , last - week '" eansed a ' sort! of. nervous feeling to arise 1 f hicl in duced heavy:, buying and a y)ii se quent heavy advanee in he unwiths i named. The advance . began I on Tuesday And the values eon tin icd In vanil nnwSMi mAtiAn fill li l.i a 1 au t aajJiM ur vv fi, uiviivh w it L' i when a reaction set .ia - The cout-ye of prices is best shown; by following the course or July futures since uist week, xuis montn'saeuvery closed at 9.96' last-Friday night. , 0u Mon- uay lb naa laiiea to J.Jt out ran eq to 10.01 on Tuesday; i Off Wedi day it advanced to 10.28, and .ThiJrs day showed a further , ad vinc to 10.37. On Friday ;i, .riiactipn Arv feeling exercised some influea and it receded to 10.29, closing) fct that prion Friday-'4 hikht."". The advance from' the closing' bricea of last Friday to .those, of this -wdnk were on, July and Augrtjst fully points. A sympathetic .advaijce was shown by September Of tlj points, but the rest of the new crpp year advanced an average of abdut 5 points. , -r ''; , f : pot cotton showed an advance. closing at 103c. for middling tip- lands, against 10 3-lGo. last.weokr' ' lue wcai inture sales .mis weex were 57400 bales, against 48t,2D0 bates last weex. pot sales amonnt- ed to 4,082 bales, .: against 5,250 bales last week. r '9- fJJi The receipts at ports this week were 2,194 bales, 'as against 1,973 bales last week, and 2,789 bales the same week last year. The total re ceipts since September 1' were 4, 696,492 bales, as against 4,749,683 bales at the same time last year.; ; The following comparative figures are given to July 24: r ' "4.;,- Visible wpplv - : l.4,043 ' 1,678,201 ExptsBihoeSept, 1 8.811.773 1 8.75191 Six days' receipts " ; 1,868 , -8,188 Eiports continent - 1 8.105 4 V l.TPr Exports France - s 1.461 , ! m Stock, New Yorfcfc 17T;186 - : T 173,329 ConBolidatad Mock .-822,668 .843,064 f- The following is !the comparative Liverpool ; statement .foi;. the thiws tii yiI'vv V t July S8,'- : Jaly Vf, iiW 18IM:. tk 1884 Sales of the week . ; 43,000 '.J 47,000 Sales Amarioaa Vi 38.OO0 W 31.000 Sale for export i 8,000 vt i 8,000 Seles for spejolauoa 1,000 J ' i,oue Actual export ? ' ,-4,000 t ' 6,000 Forwarded t . i .i 8,000 ' '-4,000 Total et'k, Liv. , 781,000 r r 883,000 Of which ia Amer. 064,000 ' 614,000 loan, for the wesk' t itfiWetl. m 23.000 Of which Is Amer. 7 17,000 ttt 6i,000 Amount afloat 50,000' 144,000 Of which ia Amer. 16,000 51,000 The': Philadelphia? market has rilled quiet bat closes steady on a basis of 105c, for middling nplandi Jiradttreeft Hew; Orleans special- says: 'j Although the favorable con dition of the : growing cotton crop has' continued .heavy , weight ia the i ,'sitnation, : nevertheless - the squeeze in Aujrust at New York Im parted considerable bdsiness to the Ww Orleans future 1 market during the past few days, August advanc ing 23 points from tbe lowest figures touched this:. week end going 1(1 points Jilgber than last Thursday week. Septembers"aIso went np ) sympathy 3 points," and Octobers; ovemoers and Decembers 5. epotl are unchanged andflnn. ; The gen eral movement waB small. .'. -jV Sheriff's Sale, By vrta of execution In toy hand hi favor r iwiiwrfw k JoraietBon. ana nmitn. Lyoa a rieia, againat v. t aiaoe, i win eeu at tti Court House, In the City of Newborn. N. c. at Public Auntlon, on MONDAY,Uie I HIRl) DAT Of ALtfUHl, A.U. lWVfc at I WKLVH O'cloek, Midday, the following proporty, vlx. That certain lot of land alt uatrd In thn aau eity of Now barn, oil the aaat aide jot Meteal treet, between Broad and- fleaae , atreeu whereon are attnated the two new lioiuu ereoted by gold IT. a Maoe, being the wholo of tnatpartof lot Number w. voordlng to tta tlAn ofaald elt.v. fntivAiul in ul.l II. hi. Unoi fkaidq.M,Mo4 by Wm. M. Pearise aud wlft. e Alao. the brick atore An the lot of laad nrl Middle atreeL directly aouth of the Uura be. Alaa. tha leeie of the land whereon siilJ tore ia all i eecaud to eald V.-a. Um-4 by Chain, hond and othera. it -i ', 1 Also, the Iron bnlldlng en "tiuatoa Bouse Wharf." foot of aald Middle 8lsoet.'entnnliiliiit wv muwvm ivrmeny uoouwa vj aaii l1 . aiace and B, B. Laue. - i Aleo ilia lease pf the land whereon aali building W aUnefe-d, eiernted to said p, S www jr auu. 1.11a. Jan. a, aava, ' Thlalstflay of July.lAvi, ' . , . . i - , '- i MAYER HAHV. . Id . i Shecin of Craven Coont i RALEIGH REGISTER By I M. filLE, Printer1; ta Hi SUtfl.; BphSPrlfje to four Home raper and pay for It, : . irV oen pjfpf 2 iff jvy rpr ynnr State Democratic raner, d tneKti.Kinn Hkoihtfpi. Cavb new sulwerib. er, rmnltllntt tJ dlroet. Is entitled to fuo IIKuimtkb for one year and to .. i Wp1' F-;-l T''"irr " . which, tui III August 1, 1"), Is olffered cs a Premium. - . . He mote copies ef the ItKOtsriR mnlleil on flhijitinp., Adilreaa,) ijALEicii mzcizjzz,: ; i I 1 . 1 i : I I I'D- )f If i J , A fl i - ' im i i Absolutely Purei ' TliU nowrter neer Mnn.' A uiurvrl of purity, mrfintrtn, xnit wholratimnum, Mora eoiHunicHl-ihau Uie onllnnry Idmlii.auii tn aot b tHHil In u iwtltloii wlUi the muitlWiia flow lout, abort wrlla. uluin orphospitale nnwlleni. Hl.luilyliifiiM. Kotal Hakino I'oDiaOoJ lus wail -at., i. t " novla-lrdw Thi; Almighty Dollar. 1 1 i are How 'the UtisuKpectiiipr., Oftcir Uiillod.;!,, ,1 :,. , -w. .4 -. CriTAI. VKHsrs MRU IT. r' ' ' ill If. phfiDibUt thitlf money dipped Inui a. bnuloou si'Mily- of printer's Ink, lfi'lo be Mi Wath fftlm l.k-itR, ; ' ' c ... ' ,. ''.Why is It iimt Biich jit.if Iston t aunthnmaa wuonld all at oiu'A no bmiod nnninst tbe um pf "IWuan ntail Voti. MlrtorcsT"' ." ,' TUo! wHolnHict tii at potash iVa poison lo a bec.UHS Unit I thn wivy they hnvc of light ing K. Jl. m ho Inlter c-intulna potHub properly cotublmde' f; ; "-. i i . ) r Opliinii norphlnc, strj-Bn lihut, noonlte, WlilKhy, etc., are nil ili-tull) piilnoim, auil Art dally dktroyiiis the Hn- of futivpie, bud Hhy do not lhoHQ ment-ry uiitngalnit Ihemr It la becifuRe tlutra 'ji iinnjlmey lit sfi'1,1 to dd ho, lodlilo at rotmUi, In ropiivx.i(ililiml!ori,' ia roenrand by tho midlcfct profhiuilon M the UlekMt, ernndc at; mill inoftl Vowt-iful blood ramaiiy aver known to num. 3'fiOHe whd bo- llnve In rovenlra coiiililn.atloii and Indian fooliRlinrise an; snrcly In o eourtitron ta bo oomo ratlior craiiky'Nn their lilcn nt any tlir.e, ,;we imsort unilorHtiinUUnjly that Tot- tuib, M URod lu, Uvi) bianafaaturc of 11. U. H., Is iiot ftp(ilttou;aiul .the' puhlla need not pliuio any ebnddenec In atunj llonp' to Uio noutrary. The truth Is, 11. 11. fl. Is working tucb won. dora.in the irura of all bhxd p.irmn,crofnh, rheiimatUm, eatarrh, oU , tlmt, othors nre trinilillng lu Wiilr bntU; onl -cry. aloud Vnoifmn .",fiauil.n bte.uiui lhuv.latfir HhIM. nmpliaut niureh. Lot nny man qr .womiln ask any rrBpccinhlc doctor oc OrtiealNt If wa are ot rhthl'.'i De not donnlybd. but co jrlriitainiia and anil lor II. ik ihMid UecuKvl. it wnuvkiOR uv imim itMMreounMt in Auanta thnnAll olbor blood mnmdlcB ooinlilncil. We don't aaV - that 'all othera ar nolHona Or ifraudej: w uro not Uiat enally alarmed, but , me io aay our w me uvat. ana we nave tae proof. .Mend for our .T2-i(;o book, free, and beeonylboed, ' : ": . v - , j I b-Jt V '' ' 'fJ -;''' V'v- "Atlanta. Oil M Kor ue Vrholflsnle and retnll 1 by It. i onkr..' VVIltXJi Uash.toeaKnnpany itha S U l 1'ER I .V( r Eoad what tho Great Jttotho ethoU 1st Divine and 'Eminent ' j-f !' Physician Saysof '. ; Fonalo flogulator. (A p ''tt- AtLAKTA, OA'o Pell.aO.'llW, Uk.'J UnlDwi.i.: IXiar'BlrSohie fifteen years' ago Mtamthert' the recipe of Fcitakla lleenlator, and earefully studied authorities la iwgftM to'UB 'oinponehta.-niid then (i well' as aw) prouonneod It Vlte tlte moat aelentlfle bad kin.ful notnhlftiHloa of the really ronUM.om(iitl vocotjide ' aseiita koowft to aoleunc, -to, tvot direetly ' on tliB voatb and terln oiRftnu. and the ergaiia and purte ywiplhlalnr (llroeiry with theaei and IherefurB, providing aspoclfle remedy f"f alldtseaaeaofVhswotnb. aadef the adjacent iorMlis and partal ; ' ' Tonra truly.1 r. - I JKBSB BORlMOi M. !., I. B t Mie Mtr is Soedtd -trltb. qtck': sMtrami, rmtnlnlnx IRON aaid otbet laarlw tnnredtents, vblch claim ta sure vrytblBv EMALp COt PL A I JITS. We say ta yt. If yaw falae yaarlifr, REWA11E OC ILL SVII t Brsidilold's Female Begnlator I It pnrely vwrnlaWe compound, and Is onl intended for the FK.MALE SKX. For their pecoliAr disease 11 Is an absolute ," ' .''Bold by all druggtals. Bond for our treatise J)0 l;9 llpnltb wifj IJapnlnees of, Wpraan. ipniiru tree, winpo givos jmriuimRr.,. , . ' . Box 28, Atlanta, Gs 'Tor sale Wlioiosalo anttBotall by ft, Berry FREE f.ELlirLE SELF CIT.i A lavnrite prcscrinooa of one of the most "Jiow rHf.tt tur 'to su tii ryoii pcfillty,' ataaka. Wrakaea ' and ltcf.nr, "&cn ia pU Muled urelapc i'rte. UiuRgiK ill u. , Addrest DR. WARD & CO.. Louiaian. Mo. f JI j- - ; ft .'Unii iiti!i Q.- S - When you come ti New Berne for Jcni pr be sure M rtll t . , ; ... 1 -j JOHN SUTJEK. ' ON MIDDLE STREET, ' " ; incoud diioralKive K. K. JoneB'.: lio re on hand Tailor riults, Chamber o, Withuit li-dntMiilrt llurr-ini, Wardrobes, Mki ii-. Chain, Iiuui,'.,xil.'tH,(mro la- oIm.- ,'U-. i-iirbalebt I i . r.ocrc rsoTTnstFiacr,';. .)au2wjr - - ui u i... a . v connissjori . , Consignments of Grain, - Cotton, and other " . ' ; -j . t PRODUCE '.-.-i BOIjIOITB X.V r .PR0MPT ATTEHTI017 QUaHAUTEED I ?jv Cjrool, IVotioM.H, 'WiW OiU UUUUUl i GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS Pork,' Dacon, Floor Sugar, . Coffee,' Salt, Sy mn and MOLASSES. '. SNUFFandTOBACCa; I .... ;. Q! U I H A R D W A R Ii SDCH A8 Spades, Shovels Hoes, fAxes ' Nails Plow Traces Hames, C to. &c. , - s'-.-.i-'4'. ; " O E. N E E k 'jIl'yMIZ I ; MOTT'S SWEST CIDER, i '.";;';. "the REST MADE,'.. CONSTANTLY IN STOCK rricea lowjor cusn. . ... .- .. ; j Satiafaction guaranteeil.'' '. t!i' i Uigrieat casb jpriceai paid for country Produce. - ;-.(l.ii-...;'r: North West corner 'V . i- - ii--- i -i r". f ' t -j.- :t u v SOUTH FBOKT 4c .', --, 9 , ; UIDSXJI Streets, V j NEW ttKItNIf. v.' in. w f UK PBAOTICAI. TOPOHIALUBTIST Fersonally In attendaaee at his Iialrdreaalni and Shaving Haionn at the O an ton Hona With the beat workmen and new f nrnlturaJ sattefaetlon Is assured to those whopatroai ice blni. ..a to n- ,-y .-.v A-d F l'' :-Fot gA'iis' mn." -'.-tt HANCOCK BROS; ; li;; ." "'Ti "VI- ffew Central Hotelj , ', ;FOKlkBl,YnATkMAXHoTOl,'., r H. PATTSItsoiV. PrapnetAr, !ri Annminoes to hlsfrlendw and UieTravollnW Publle that this Klegant and Oaiaraalloua Prick Hulldbig . haa. lNen .newly rcUttod throughont. - ' ' -'r .. J 1e BfKWORHTBAUlsiiltimtfttl oil South Front atreot, (moat desirable lorAtlon In tire city). Near the oonUuenoe of Meuaa and Trent rivers, It Is susceptible of a constant breeao. and ho a river view of 66 miles. It baa the beuoltu of sea breeae and I free from DUMtnultoes." - t Offors special Inducements to commercial men.. :. - -- .. . , Cuisine of sunerlar xeellenee. - r ,: Omnibus and baaaaite wiuion at all trains piiu Bimmen. " , . , . . ,r . . ltates. ta.uuporaay. ' . - - apl7 Ilerchant Tailor, UP STAIRS, NKXTTO ODD FELLOWS' BILL 'mW Street Jjlfrw Berne i K. C , . iimvour4 i . t FRUIT AIID PE0DUCS , ! Commiss'n Merchants; --r NEW YOIUtV i Quick Sales & Prompt Returns saraKCMrm: t Musehlson A Oo . eor. Pearl Kt.. V. T - J K..Khl. Vloe-Tres. tiermnnla Ins rji N. V. - J. A, Qulon, Cashier frat'l Bank, Keabern. Gob. Olbba. Cashlor Nai'l Bank. Ht- Auirua- V"Hii'i waitorn, wiminBtnu, H, V. ' " .; apai dw3m .-, ' . ' V P. BURRUS vrCO., ; oraut a::d cc:::;j 1 i II li I xi:v7 ni:;::..:, :;. c. fobUdw rnorr.rsioNAL , p. u. rrLirrir, ATTOCN K Y AT I. A V. , -' NEW BERNE, N. C. ; Ortlcu on Mouth Front ilmt, -third Hoc from the eorm-r of Craven Will pnu;llHi lu the Uourla ot (KrU-rtt, JnnN, Uiihiow aud Crnva. Hmm-IiiI aiteution iveii to tie ro' cllon of elnium, and setlliug uutte n .i ... -ni per oua.. ,.,..: . , : ' j,-..iuaru O VlflN" 1 1 ".Car U I O IS . ; i iATTOICN IJV A JUW,... ' ( Offloe formerly oivupled tv Hniuiona A Manly, opponile Utuaion liuua, . ; WU1 practice In the Cobb Ua ot tta en Jonea, Onttlow, rierl, inin no u n4 Lenoir i-Toiupt attention puul to ooiiot-iiuna ; ' ; 4u-ia-uwtT. .' :"; C. R. THOMAS, ' ' a M SW W - -wV m ap ' aw-r- 1 ' ; A X X U It JN Jci X A T LAW. j ut ur corn or of Poll Kit ptreL novfcl wly :;." 'C. B. THOMAS. Jr., . ' wil.ttoraa.ey At ' Xj jaxacrl ' r BEAUFORT, N. C. , " Hl(lMn.afUai..nf1lnalta.lal a t M ill practice ,1a Cartpret and adjoining eountlus. (-... i- . . Prompt attention to oollectlou of elatma. ' ' '"'- ' . novtdwly .. ,- WTT.T.T AM'inT.A P1TP. hi a a a 1 1 W ' Tf I - - - - : ;: ' COUNSELLOR AT LAW,"' J Attenda all the courts held at New Berna - INortb Carolina. ;s , Particular attentlou paid to aaUeettnk claims, and oonveyauethg. ? - ;4V. . United IStales Commlwiionar. S ' i t nopi. uul im. - - s . siw . - L. J. Moon a. ;,-. ... Wm, K Cviaia. ; mj1UVUJLIiU W UAUXAKXa-Xi - ATT0ENEY8 AT LAWk ew ucrne, ... t, Will practise in the Courts of Carteret. Ora- -ven, (Iroene, Hy.ltt, Jouea, lu.olr, iiualow and Pamlleoeouutlee; " :. ' ' Also in the Hupreuie Court at Ualetgh ana the United State Courts at New taru aud Kalelgh, u- ;, , - mr uiumuns a sueeiaiu. - anaowu SIMMONS & UAfJt,i .;,7 r-Ti. vaA fsa u fit Onnkw( Carteret. PkiuIIco, Lenoir aod Hd 1 saw a-o - nmiWI Si WW WaTlsaj ' r fOMtdikwIj . ;, . .., -; UK. . J .. L. UJLi'AxUvo FOR THE SEflC:.V B t ATCULEY .af I'ilK ill'l' if'i.V l.f .l .1.,' 'f ' 3f HORIZONTAL FREEZERS WIRE DISH OOYEEiS i-'.Rl if;-.'u-':i, ffetieralHafdtrarO iVi.:t;. ti..Cdd.FUov ildtaf ipjirmpj;--)' it j.i. ii. MAN BE FOUND AT' V ' Irfj". ti.''. ; ii.t (i'l.'r1-- V- 7 -.i.lVi. "Jt ' . TrA. Green's Old 8tand ;ii i. .ii u - i; i J4, tt tl O.M.J oir MiDDti? stuestJ - i-iAiiiheJ i.ii..:-! . f i.t.. j W I 2'i. l' , GET HlS PCS4jiy -i".l Lorillard & pau ft Ait'i Snufla, Grain Sacka, Kopos, .Twhies, Canva, tQ,akiWi Paints, Oils, etc.,, tc, . .befoye purefcafc log. VvH- '.h'--i' ' Ii-.m .-i- ' QrdpTS taken for Nets and Jlplfl&j.. ' ' Agent for Hazard, Ppwdpr Ofl. -t '" .-:;v, P; uLnicn,;1 r noviWdw' ;; ' NEW' pENE., X. Barber, and Hair Drc Vr, With twentj-flve years exnerWnee, and iha" u nrm w ur pijy, wm give as pood a ..ve as n, a I a I -1 nywnero lor.Tr M I'KM i, , i fnrnltiire, ahdniUisfiHinrti,,,,,,. -i, . T 1 'Aliuqrascrr s uealdoontu ixxrlrKi, m' . ,,mWlW1T.V-.:.' ' .'jV.' fl. c i" Pboerilx-Hke 1 arisa f-o. ' and locate roy&fclf on I net to the corner of Ura. t HarkPt, where l-ehn'.l ta j ffsy old frlcjida, and f.--y r C1GAI.3. nonii i , - i , r Plug Chewing, FinoCi t many kinds of F.ru li ,, Heel, Durham, I kn oi l Cigarettes; and I e( ' -. ;. Call when you t 'Harch 17th, 1. . L. TAU no::" -I r Ou! L.t cla8 C(,ti-; -' ed in rira. LIfsisl r " " Total Capital -v I , : . -; D- -3.

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