I. ;; 3 ..'.,1 . PI ULlMlKRS' ANNOUNCEMENT. THE DAILY JOUK.VAL In 21 column paper, published dally, exwpt Sunday, At to.uu per year, S3.UU for tx month. Delivered to city subscribers at SO oeuta per month, THK WEKKLY JOUKNAI a SS column paper, is published every Thursday at l&UO fat aunuin. r ' - ADVERTISING KATES (DAILY) One loch one day S1.U cents; ouaweekf2.au; one month H.OQ; three months S10.UU; sis mouths JliOO; twelve months fAI.OO., Advertisements under head of "Business Locale," w cents per une tor Brat, and nu fcravry wibaeqnent insertion. y- - urttaemeitto wiuteiutotwm ' , rJSSS2 lUaauiiionai dLZ Notices or Marriages or Deaths, ' ten lines will t luaerted free; All matter will be charged S oenU per line, ....-.-..-LL'l.lfor me. to explain jnst what I hinted tonaaalnadvanoa. Hegularadvertlsemenu win be collected promptly at the end of each obMi. -s,(it- hi VimmnnUa ttkwtai aAntulnlnM aAaao am I 1U ..m....,,ue r "". rrr " r . llshed that conutna objectionable nMslX,oil.ito,,?V;,,6 9yA"r?8Kn sai1 tb6 youngster, With lues; withholds the name uf the author; t thai wui maM more tunn oue roiumiiof inia Any person feeling aggrieved at any auony i i . moua ooniniumcnuon can ODiamiuesauieoii .tL..i. : " " ahowlng wuerulm the grievance exists. i JUXv J vJUXviilJ. Kdltor. :l;SK:.EBNsc;.N,a. AUG. I,-1885.: MtMadat t-Poet NewBerae, Jl O. CIIACNCEY X. DEPEW ON jpiSTOEI Tn hin sttnAP.U hAforA . Aha, New Ynrk ChamhPr f flommRrce on the York Chamber of ommeree onuie death of General Geant, Mr. jha.ohi;jbx ,ii. xsri6w noc oniy raised-'the'lfatiphy pujriosity by claimine tchave in his possession r I -n- i -a? L-ll uflrH uiswqrm -wutou- w Bays it win oe suown mat tne uenerai's i saved firmness and prompt action tha Annntn frnni tli Mirnn nf af w yiim hf i, innb - - rl Way fBto the ,fuare. and ma,,e. t,U8 VHpJictioB concerning the history ; Viv ?ol the present era of this conntry;' . : . A' Utousand Vaan henca the 6tl7 men , - ' ; i' or thi great era who will be remarkable " c ,r be AiBAHAii Uwoouf and ulyses t ci : it&QM if "", r - - i How,- many of Mr. Depew's hearers believed this f LilHCOUf and Gbant. will most assuredly hUir i,!.w hntf; , , f- ... j 1 w -""i men who conducted' the war on the other side of the great conflict that c gave" these Itwo Individuals their ZHtm- i (nis.iueanew.iu.aiw s";.-" fk in history and it will be a remark- V able as the oneinscribod " to Li- ( COtH anflURAIlT, j,. , t : --r ' - v. i Xaar Thoasaads See the Coffin. C,? People crowded into Uodertekerl.wInT7lw ri.r Merritt's store in Eighth avenne in .m5M ; . . Ti a -i ru "UU"M5 Tl . I? to BO untnt-s. comn mas tne iruaru 01 . . . t T 1 vi.f h 7,. ,1 coffin. Yesterday the crowd passed Min ltbe.,left doorway, walked , suvuuu mm eivttv guvjo case cuu- - riffht ilonrwav In ' an incessant bnt J.,ja. - vii... JI '-'VluST''''1 I? 'liSittZSS I passed the coffin.. A seamstresa, ,-bad worked in Gen. Grants family twenty yearn go, wai, wrea print to the undertaker represent- ing Lieut. Grant at the capture 1 of .the city of Mexico. f,t;Vi.l rOil At 7 O'clock last night the line Oif waiting people extended along th0 avenne and far np z Twenty-first sueet toward seventh avenne, and i ' - 1 :: at 11 o'pirtr.s:. when thn room a wata AnU iri,n s ; finally closed to permit the coffin tb book ftolnteTetirig,iis";:that .would court liSSe, m . ; be packed for ahinment to Mt. Md- nrova to 1 PerhVina hot hh ?fp'ysfi . .. Gregor, there was still a great crowd waiting to see it. It was estimated t . - ' -r stknaV TA AAA .nA,lA Un A aVt. L. I Wat 1V.VW3 DeODie had nassed the . , - j .... 1 .L 1 comn unnng me two aays mat it Was On exhibition.: A DhOtOCTanhef f .-1 2 sjuuu. ywteruay nwraiug, ana took a picture w tne comn as it s lay under the plate-glass case, wua f ft dransld cravon draw ne of the - uenerai stanaing op it. , r k ?; j u j 1 a ' iWhe'ri 'Undertaker Merritt bAffan I e : i iJii.i'-iu. . n; 1.. . j: . i I I.!"4'v' urawiaw , mac ane or ine ioar, goidiscrewsinoaouDcnave inn jniowteage Diiti .' , ihal w fanten ' thsv mtld frimwinMn. I have not told the atorv bflfnra thrni " ate'to the, lid was missugh -The llate i was removed, before the coffin was shown to the tublie n Men, -day, ud was.'; locked,' away Ota' if . uiswci ; witu , , pviif wo. auo I drawer, wafi opened .after that at iuoibui tiiutss w auow tui piawj mji uoi. tjuay, the-Jiopnblican cani pecial Visitors, And -Mft 'Memlt MidatA for Sterii TrAnanrAr In Pmn. eays tna -somei,. weseavisitors must have carried the sere away. it may nava.oeen taicen as a uiaj uiT a wiacu m a ) ir," he said.', 'I hardly1 I- I . - 1 ' nr i ...t t nwnvenir," no .nmu. , -x f unraiy "' nujvwj i-yuiu uciirciawijr steal it lor its intrinsic vame." .. "Mr. Merritt ordered another gold ecrew to be made at once, ne will accompany the' comn to Mt.' Mc- reor 'today. It, will:befcrmt : V.anf ' the : a t o'clock - Saratoga il at the Grand Central Depot, will reach Mt McGregor at 4 k this, afternota. KSurt. . , . i lit .j'i.'.'::;- J;'-',.'--.' ! an iswuittln CHAPTER. Mr. Dspew Speak. SU11 Mysteriously crmni' ut. Mr. Channwv M. TiAnAwWrA.l bered up with more worthless shine mentatthe Grant memorial exer o.isAHof thft nii.itnhflf nf nnmmnA on Monday, that thare ia connected with the. dead General's Inaine a chantur of unwritten hitor nf the. . . . : t PTflar.ftKt linnnrt to t.h lf.nnrirli has excited curiosity, "j. Mr. DeDflW said that there was a crisis at the close of the war when, but for Gen. Gjrjajitjs tonnes the country might have again been plunged into civil I -f- OhW .lnof Vr,ilrf.1iA rim ft hanrm, h ' Biu ,-"rT epew 10 a nprtai I reporter j eoiruayt 4.11 at cnapcer I of historvof the . close of tho War !- 1 .1 A. I l.JtkJ -I' Biiouiu ijoi, o ten, uurwioruou , jsnii .1 there are otnere wno nave ondouot- 1 oomu J " inuoiaio - menus oi mo uonerai, ju.r.vjouK.nui, vreu. HiiariM). as likely to" know 'of tt ; as ' myself, .na Amw I lvJ UUIU. io any sense, jus inrimbrrt' I VirATAI n troir. onmA ier to waic some time before repeating the story as if. H7QA fsl1 f A ma hnf if n a na alua 8hmwmeD tiioniwui.wj - rr . mi. uepew wouiu give no mumo tion aa to wbat tlM! m Vfttflrinna inri. dent really was: - He . was asked if it involved ' an : explanation of the question of veracity between X roai- dent Johnson.' and Gen. Grant in connection with- the -position t of I and, together with the big police Secretary of War and the proposed man and a reporter with a ferocious removal xf Stanton. ' I "xuai4 . w: -no.. f u tucmoui, w which I refer," was , the resixinse. uu Mnwaaa hoM troublous times when therey was achange of Ad- ministration.4-, im it not, been for Gen. Grant's prouipt action the In- ciaent wouia, unaouoteuiy naye UOOU.ttfcLOUUCUTUY . LIOKIU- lUnUILO. refer to the Electoral Oommiss on 1 controversy vr;fv ' , ; r f When,. asked U'aw' it 'happened W " OU0mU lUe repository T)I important a character. Mr. I lAHAW1 rphirArt 1 thnarnl nvmc "Three yers or; more ago I was one of the gnesto; a, a private dinner party. . Geni Grant was also prea - ent no we were seaiea siae oy side. I had met him, 'frequently at dinner parties 'and, 'jn:'ocial way, but our relationbad been A some- what strainedi because' of..my atti- I Hi"' fcUHru-sciru iuuvvi I .v . wvnwvu f?0 M;wasveiy;jrienaiy, ijy t.hft timft tlifi r.lnt.h mis rflmnvnil an1 tne time tne ciotn was removed and cigars were. reached, the-con versa- tion drifted first ' from one topic to another; T At length he told me the story in qnestion, and I askod him -Wn 1,0.1 . K. ,io ne, ftsigBed .as p reason the hqibJlilyoC'ft;;terifcojito that wonld be aroused, as many f tuoss wno woum nave ueen Opposed to.him wnr still ' ali vn. NAvArrhA. liua-.'t.Va'a.it'lMk' ms sV r.i3uwvBrT)ieiiwuiut3uuiooii again ontll darintf hia last w t a- uuvs w ih,v 4v uisu ta"ed him., , l fpnnd- hiWTepressed la flpirit8., '( "told tne ' hb " doomed. I ewik'sbda't'.liia wnrk nn thn Anfiohioornnhif " TTa -i1.---;t-x- t . . u t.uafcreiniuou to uuuone wasm the WAy. of revisiott.(f The General depldrOdmelfKthatlircbnditioti worll(f not , petmitor his t treatih j Botae mattew mbre tn(ronehIv i theil reminded.:1:. bim btheMoJ4ll:' ,ncident 1 have snoken f.ffl ht wi t KahiT Z,7u : .j.i.jt.i -u. . . .'. ... 1 mTffin inauired if he , had i irinornorArArli the story ,in his, ,,Eemlnjscence4' he answered ' that be f ? bad not GeneraljVrJ remarked. ll l 1 answeredt ftnd proceeded to explain that it had been his intentibn to write of it fhll:- ThAr man . M as - - - I j.-. 1 things be had ieft fihaccompli8hedrer5t,by"al! u.s. Maoe,eingthewhoie of ttnrl ntnnra hctA - Vuion BD,nS i . . ... I worK had hot been i Snore .Complete): and thoronsrh. As to this; nartinn Jar thinff, there was noL ininnction of mraw. frnrwiawri: r never have mentioned it in mv Teil10.-.t,le !ron bHiwing pa "Gaston Hooa marks-vestordav. What -snrnrisea I .A .it iJ I ... , " . ""Mf As I have eaid, I may take it opon myself to write it as -he told it to me that is. n tne dudiic are enrb ons concerning jt.ro World, sai . in -, iv . i Explaining tioha oach's Failure gylvania, gives alocid explanation 0f John-EoaOh'a failure. Koach, HQ -flayS, and gave hn -aavs. in an ardent -RAnnhiinan . " 1 . . aad gave f 100,000 to aid in secnr UgT, Uarneicrs ' election. it was l'well ' understood" that if Garfield won i Iloach was to : prosper and if Garfield was. defeated Eoach wa to be made a victim: " Garfl eld won and Eoach flourished, Then Roach gave ": another V $100,000 to help Blaine's election. 'Elaine lost and lioach tuIocL r llat if Elaine had won, Boacb; would have swelled iuto a more maraiflccat shuvbnililfir than prrr nhnnrHor I v. vun 0liav,a nnA , navy yards would have been lum - m.cn wou,a tave eon at once mto aocK lor perpetual repairs. Well according to Col. Quay, Itoach went ,nto wo 100,000 gambles, won on "e flrst and. lost on the last A i v if i j - 1 . nwiu. T Chlenjra Police Force oa Its Nerve, U'small boy,-whose Wes iralged out like aaowjr&ynished into the Armory Police .Station in Chioaffo the other afternoon. ; v. ; ?. . TWa A hnW an nrlf in o K.,o I ment on Clark street." he, casDed. "j leuers can's urive 'em OUT and I wo wane a cop.'F " - - ' --Biflr Lieut:-- 'Arch'""Rli.irnlv:iinAA; . I A - . J , ' a . - . iionea luo ooy udoue tne uiena eenet . - some uension, "ii you cops is 'iraul, aer eane wiu clean 'em out. liark. give - up. j That's mo Xja tho ipap. tain. - ir poq peeiers is scared just - 1 twitter ,.. :-r n ' . .v l i,..!. "Tho big ' lieatenant blushed 1 TTapa T olnnao ff Yt n ant A AallfnM tn a Dig patrolman, )'go witfcthis boy i ana see wnai ine rumpus is over on' I f!lark Rtrflnt - ! - ' 1 ' I ' "Why don't yejr( comeyorsolf t" remarked Ilarkaway v Dick with some asperity. ; 'r - I Tbe lieutenant concluded' to co. beard, 1 startedl r'ont.v'M Whist; "and. uiw m i 101110 job iot ueoenv con- per," said the big policemankiiBe gobs, and if I kill him - the ' grand jury will be after houlin' me up for mansiawterj Oi'U prove he hed a gun in his left paw, all ihe same." in , jront or lib Jfourtu avenne I U Ol Ita N i) Y JJ Ita' H . ICl UU1U UH UUI1 u tion.ai i-J i .;. i: , uurs ' n's inst ate Mr 7 SmlAr'a baby? said a freckletl-faced young- Bier. . ;r , -. w , A t . V The big policeman drew ,h(sclpb I anil t.nrnnrl nctla . Thon tha tralTQif detachment ; went down the baa ment, crawled through .a coal-hole j and landed in the .back yard. "lie run in aer nouse,", yenea ayoung- ster perched .; on 1. a 4. wood-shed. Lieut. Arch. led the assault. From between two mattresses the party beheld a pair of shining eyes and vwu ruwo.ut BlliUJJ LBtttUf (1J J- 1 1 1 puvh ,;hu jicuH)u.auvf givw we matteesaakick, Jt'sonjy 1 at rnwin ' a rfMMan''-tiJLicaaa new. ,j i i 1 I'OPlffOJt OF jrAOOBB' pHAEMACYv -1 f " V; ;,, ,-Atlahta. June 18. 1884J I Six months aeo we had no demand Eor B. B. B., but now onf retail demand 9 Bach that we are forced to buy it In two cross lots.' We attribute the rapid tive size and price of B. B. B. boing urge bottiesror i.wj and its posiuve merit. The fact of its containing Iodide or Potash renders it more Valuable as a Biooa Kameay.: it sens well and, jfives cnstomern nntisatiflfactiofpuf remediea. i It sells well, gives, onr ens tomerS ;6nUre satisfact&n, and (, we lB..eferoiieei; wr"' w"i'u(.,P..( , -; 1 Vr V . 1 - ; Al .r . ' Via'-L rorsaiewnoieeaieana retauDyn.il. Duffy. ' Cash to accompany the order j , .... . .. 1 . . , . TJp ft f T. SHACKELFORD S? .-Mv WUJimif , ENTIST, i'i iltwitS? ' 'LXUUl"u -aki.x urri uui uiiiiuii ncuuuii . urr vr- By virtue ofexeeatlonsln my hands In favor 01 uemaresi a joraiemon. ana mlth. LlVod v. n. Maoe, 1 win aeu at the xne uity orirnewnern, w. u, on iumdav, the THIRD A. U. IKKO, t TWUiiVG ."'JSP8?' l"day, the following property, citv 4 New be nil tn th esuttiili JrfV 0 said "e'. hetwen road aad -'euse stneta aiMni Ulw Sat. Uwu.l X'.. . wnereon are situated the two new Ikhimp ?!5 J? 101 numDer oc9r.aJ.n8 ?. oj win. n. rearce ana wile, ej (Oareof allotted for a homestead Alao,th brick store on UieHotiof Irtn ,"iaJJ" VrSK'tW11! in M tprj aW the lease of the iad ertrt-saa P?re ""i""1? ?. Chairs, Hond and others. two stm Maoe arid B. B. Lane. A Icq tbe lease of the land whereon sold 2"wmg u situated, executed to said v, h S-ti&Ji- - Vlt ' I KWSSiig 'kiJQ , i BheruT of Cra van Count 1 1 S EN D FA B 3 Af.j PL E COPIES THEY P0S,T ftOTmW.H TUir'l'Ci"ts n nrtPVrn ,nc "tl0 A..U ULwIhl til, BALEIQH, N. C The largest,' best and cheapest paper sub iu ed In the State. Telegraphic "Jf't events from every accounts of Dart or i tut world. . Full Market Ilenorts. A tmner for nvertr family. Established 172 and ti ls UitUjreVr ery year, Send vournnme. nontofTted AililmAi ami no for one year, Sl.im fi r 8 inmiths, , - - . Kvery North Carolinian should take It,- The Urest, most proeiv- ive pner In the Htate. ' rniB WKEKLY NEWS-OHEIIVER. Kaielgh, N. C. f ! . i:j . LJ.W.Li'Lbail. Absolutely Pure llits powder never' varies. A .aturvel of purity, strength, and wholtwtmeness." Mora economical than the ordinary kinds, and can not be sold In eomuetltlon with the multitude of low test, abort weight alum or phosphate powders. Bold only In eaiia. Koyai. Makino Powdkb Co. lot Wail -et.. tl.Y. -, novls-lvdw Alsnighty Dollar. I If ft saw,.., - - - V- IlOVi' the' Unsiiripectliig' Often Gulled. are it t CAPITA I. VERSUS MEKIT, . ' It Is possible that money dipped Into bounteous supply of. printer's Ink, Is to be used to teach false Ideas. LWtifris uV that such peiHistent anathemas ahonld all at once bu hurled against the use of HPots8h and Potash MIzturcsT' GThose vholnslst that Itnsb Is a poison do so because that U the way they have of fight tug B. B. Ii.. as the latter enn tains potash properly combined. ( ; , upturn, morpniue,' - tnrycnnine, aconite, whisky, eto are: all dead!) poisons, and are dally destroy Ing the Ilvesof people, and wh do BoMheae men cry outagalnst themT It Is beoauso Ihero ia no money In sight to do so. Iodide of Potash, In proper combination, la regarded by the medical profession as - the quickest, grandest, and mont powerful blond rained? ever known to wan. Those who te- Ueve In revoaled combinations und Indian foolisluiess are surely In a condition to be comeratber "cranky " in thole Ideas at any time.' We assert nnderstAndlntrly that It- Ash, as nsed In the manafacture of II. B. B., Is uut a poison, and tho-pnbllo need not plitco any confidence In assertions to tho contrary, The truth Is, B. 1U B. Is working such won dors in the tare of all blood poisons, scrofula. rheumatism, catarrh, etc , that others are trembling In 'their boots, and cry aloud "poladh," "fi-add," because they fenf Its Ut umpbant march. Let any man or woman ask any Mspeotahle doctor Or druggist if are not right "; Donoi e deceived, but feo Hub t alone and call for H. H. B. and b cured. It la making Ave times more cures in Atlanta than all other blood remedies combined. We doa't say that-all others are pontons or Kaa; we are not mat easily aiarmeu, oni we do say ours Is tbe best, and we have the proof, Hend foronr 32-pftc book, free, and oe-convHK;ei, . .. . ..j. ., -I oil" f BLOOD BALM CO., i t U t ' Atlanta. Oa. For 'sale' 'wholesale' and retail by B.' N, IHJfc'S Yji.Oaah toaocomiwny the ordor. S.U.FFERING ."VVOMEN 3 ! ft 4ii Read what the Great Method ist Divine and Eminent . ! . i ; ..; w , -u;, osvisVf. Dr.::jy.BllADFIELD'S 1 , v. Fenale Rogulalor. I'M ;m;iS ...... nn t .'ii . u Dn,JJ BAfirrw.Ti Dear Sir Soma fifteen years ago I examined the recipe of Female Itegnlator, nrtd carefully studied authorities tn regard. to Its components, and then (as well' as now) pronounced It tJ be the most solentlflff and skillful, 'combination of tJie really reliable' remedial vegetal ilo agents known to Science," to not directly on the Womb and uterine organs, and the organs and part sympatlilrJng lUreclly with thefes; and tJiorefort, providing a specific remedy for aljaiseasosof the womb, nudof lUe adJacon.t vigHUB uuu Nrui. f uun truly -y . t i . 0 . ; JESSE BORIKP, M. U., uS.1 .i : ! i.-.ilr-" ! .- ,.:.'. :..-.-; . ' CATTIOll J -S - Ths eMtrjr Is doodad with qaae It naatraras, -scntatninjr IRON and other Injnrlous lma;rcdlcjti, which-elaim t ear everything avask; FEMALK COH PLAIKTS. 4 We say t yoa, it yaw val yoar Jlfe, BliWABK O' ALL SPCHI f ( Bradfield's Female Regulato a purely vegetable compound, and Is only Intended for Alio FEMALE SEX. '. JTot the If pecmigrdisease it is an absolute . - :'. , ' JSai: ,;l SPECIFIC ' J.' SJold by all drogglsts. Bend for onr treatise oil tne Health And Happiness of Woman, mailed free, which gives nil particulars. -:- . Tub HBATJJ ttI.D Kiatri.ATI)ro CO., : : : - Box 3ft, Atlanta, dv Far sale Wholesale and Retail bv R. Birr p rr f?i A -UToriw sracription of one of the most ocd and niccetsfol snecuUits in the V. S. retired). lor the cure ot Mervan Debility, out MaaheiMl. WmklCH and I -' v. Set kMpl4(llHlednMkpVre. llnipRim tan f.U It. , Addfsts PR. WARD & CO., Louisiana. Mo. v V. ..J-. ' When Von come to Kew Iierue for FurO ttre be sure to call at . ' " ' " , JOHN SUTEIl'S; ;V; -"i ON MIDDLE STREET, ':" Second iliy-.ralrf;v8l,Il. Jones'. ' He ecim on band Tarlor biiillf. Chsmher Bel. Walnut llmlnteails, llurpsim, Wardroiws, MaltreRM'H, t hairs, Ijouncek, Koli.tAiure in' Die' elc. For sale at 1 fc . KOCK BOTTOM miCI Jau2wly w r - L al Li ul connissioN . i i - Consignments of Grain, Cotton, and other -PRODUCE aoXiZOXTiaD. FSOUFT ATIElinOK aUAIUNTEID Dry Goods, JNotions, c it a. rr s; v t BOOTS AND SHOES. GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS Pork, ' Bacon, . Flour Sugar, Coffee, Salt, Syrup and ' MOLASSES. ' SNUFF and TODACGO. HA RD W A II sncu as Spades, Shovels,' Hoes, Axes, Nails Flow Traces Hames, &o. &c. ; ' ' , -1 J.,,armei,'R supplies GENERALLY ' " "'-Alio- MOTT'S SWEET CIDER, TOE BEST MADE, CONSTANTLY IN STOCK Prices low for cash. . . Satisfaction guaranteed. : Highest cash ' prices paid for country Produce. f,n is: .V: " V t&'Vdll and see me, '' : " North West corner ;: , -, t SOUTH FRONT A -"'""; H atTDDLK Streets, , , NEW ISEItKE. N, C.! Mar.'w ly 30, W. 11. DEWEY ) ,'. . f sn THB FRAOTICAL i:pfi-ti TONSOEIAL ARTIST Personally In attendance at his Halrdreestni I and Hhavlne Haloon at tne uasiob House I witn tne nest workmen and new furniture Mntlsfactlon Is assured to those who patron. tee him.',. . . ... ,.dj;. New Central Hotel, . FOBICBBI.T BATUf A IIODBB, r, . . W O. ysr, . XI o r.n ' S ' M. PATreftRAK. Pr.nrtrfnr. . Announces to his friends and the Traveling J Public that this Kleeant anit Oommuflfcina Brick Building , has , been newly roUttod thronghont. - ., "' The KWCKNTKALls situated en Honth Front street, (most desirable location In the city). Near the continence of Nonse and Trent rivers, It is susceptible of a oonstant breese, and has a river view of 60 miles. It has the braeuta of sea breese and U free from monquiums. , . . Oilers special indnoements to eommerolal men. . Cuisine of annerior excellence. ' '!: ' Omnibus and baareairB wairon at all trains Hates. S2,w per day. -'O'1 : ' - p!7 I). W. JIURTT, Merchant Tailor, UP STAIRS, -.f7 '.j";-:-:;'---''.; OB FELLOWS' HALL f - Middle Street, ' t:''t:';:-- ": -'..; New Berne. N, C. , . mayopwu W P TTPDTTtt xr nn .,j,vuvw ; vv,, t CHAIN AND COTTON ' - ' ' -; COLimSSJpN UEECHANTS, ' - NEW ItEItNE. N. C. -- febHdw - . -;-! ; PA' r-a rv n Z-V:.y.;LSiLJ U b rihfotnn1 n J 1i PA TPUT TT7Cr . xrv c3 ' i v j ' ,w " o uuiue or apruau attuuueu. q i or MWJJMJiiATJU jyJSrJkiS. --T. ; 'v; Our offioo is opposite i the U. 8. Tat obtain i atcpts ent (Jlhoe, and we can in less time man tnoae rcmow irom l . .1 . Pierrrim.n' I,. yiR4Jiiu Hcnd MU1WL OR DRAWING. nr. .i?..... ...... . - .1 e aaviso as to ratcntabiutv free of oharge ; and we 77T4 ROE NO FEE UNLESS r ATE NT IS ALLOW ED. . i .. i We refer, here, to the Postmaster, the Supt. of Money Order Div., and ct officials of the TJ. S. Patent O.oe. or circular, advice, terms, and ref erences to actual clients in your own tta or county, writo t.i is ' C. A. SNOW .i cq. Oppo'.te Pat.- t . Wa -:.: ...s.d.'c. ri:or:; . . . A . 4 i. p. it. mLi.iir'.n, ATTOltNKY AT LAV,- - : r NEW BERNE, N. C. Otllce on South Front street, third dou. from Hie corner of Craven street. Will practice In the Courts of Carteret, Jones, Oubkiw and Craven. HieclAl attention given to the collection of eutiius, and settling estate of decutuM d per sons. Jautuwu . OWEN II. GMTIOIS, ATTORNEY AT MW, Oflloe formerly occupied by Simmons A Manly, opposite Uaston House. Will practice In tbe Counties of Craven' Jones, Onslow, Carteret, Pamlico and Lenoir Prompt attention paid to eolloctloua. ' - apr2-dawlv. - ' c. n. THOMAS,; ATTOENEY AT LAW. OHIO on "Craven street.l n Btanly Building Hour wntor ui iunw. Bbrtjuv. . uuviuwi ' C. R. JHOMAS, Jr., . Attorney At Xjaw, . - BEAUFORT N.C.V- -' Otflce on corner of Turner and Front streets. Will practice In Carteret and adjoining eon n ties. - .-....-.. I 'rompt attention to collection of claims. ..j . ; novsdwly , .u ,.' ' WILLIAM J. OLaSkeT COUNSELLOR AT LAW,. Attends all the courts held, at New Berne ' North Carolina. -. - . ' hartloular attontlow paid to collecting claims, and conveyanolnc. United Htates Commissioner. ' ! Sept. 18th. 1884. t - dw Ii. J. Moob. : Wsc. B. Clahkk. ATTOENEY S A T.I AW. New Iteruo. N.- C.";' WIU practise in the Courts of Carteret. Cra ven, Ureene, Hyde, Junes, Lenoir. -Uuslow -and Pamlico oouu ties. Also in the Hupreme Court at Kalelch and the United Utalus Courts at Mew heme and tuueurn.''' '.-..ew,,; collecting a specialty, , . ap6dwtf .: St.. SIMICOSTS, . . , f't-',rtBSIir'siASTI.T SIMMONS & MANLY, - ATTORNEYS AT LAW. - VlllnMAHMln th.Hmti4.JilAam. fn. ' I Onslow, Carteret, Iamltoo, Lenoir and Hyde, and In the Federal Court at New Berne. , leiMMidtwiy DK. J. B. CLAWC, OJEaVIST,.,.;, u ' riwbbri, 1). o. .. ( Office on Graven street, bt waeVi folloo ' land Broad. . ' '' apr-dwly FOR TIIE SEflSCl '.. :'" ."c,'"1-' ij ' T'-rs rtj fn-iil ? BLATCHLEY '-''- f ''',.!.;;. j i-w .. ;:"'t. ;i'-trH EORIZONTALtFREEZERS :;Rig:eraipi;0ff --v.- ; ,: : '. ; v . .v , ....! ', .' I U K , C3 0:0 ju.1i, it B.V isPXa" 'PAWS' Tjrr T T) "P Tl T O IT ft 'ft Tf T TJ OI if x hjj jj J.OU UV VJJiJiO" fAKr); General Hardware t vvi;;H.'cUTIlal Odd' Felloitt puilJiig FERDKliriD JLHO:) ? r :CAn"bE FOUND AT-!"-a i " .' ;' ..( .ir 7::V-r-::u si- aV' ? -.': T.A.Oreen'sOld Stand! ON MIDDLE STREET. ; ' &.i":ti' - "wlJJjj-''ilV-Wv?l .? . GET BIS PSICE9 ON- ".'i" ;y '' 1.',-1 ';r''Ui--.' -,.f : ' V '.-,.. 4-t. i .SV (S-i ocerieo. Larillard 4; Gail &Ax'sJ3nufffr, Grain Sacks, Ejpofl, Twinea, Canvas, Oakum, Paints, Oils, otc,' eto:! before parohis, ing. Kjsr-b.'a':,M-&!?j t53 Eici-' . Orders taken for Nets and Seine. Agent for Ilasard Powder Co. t ' y. ULBlcir,"; nov2fidv NEW. BERNE, ii. p ,.;i'-v.-r-x::.ii..'l harder and fjftair-DxesSer, y twent.flve years eipeHence. and tb, Neatest and Best Furnished Bxhion In tb. With tWfintw-flV VMrtl InarianM mn hm ' city, will give as pood a shave as can be bad anywhere for TKN CKNXii. New shop, lurimnre, and satlRfaevlon KUraitee L . jimuioiirr nfXtuuulIU) lietilrk. " " marlKdl f . ' "' , ; ; . ; riBe irom the h ana J0CM myself on : Kiddie f' nest to tne corner of Mrs. Bwei t s wnore i shall berle--1 1 m,?'d.C"end8 niay Plug Chewin2). Kine Cut c, pv , rnan tin,i r c - . " "'"' ; ueei, UurUam, Duke cf 1 (Tattos; and Pine C lorl n-li-. . 1 i jun i i , Karen 17tfc, 1SC3. r t i,i. 1 iorne, Ti. t class CoEipani'fs r: I J. 11 -9 1:1 ' Tof-,1 Cental "ov r I 5'