EiSTEUN NORTH CAEOLUi : QQLE WORKS, . EW BE5iE. N. C. ,"' v.ft - --" tv a: r b 1 I iinniimnnro 'i-Amna - ' ALAUAAlAllLUAALiO. -- MILL 11. . . Au4 Alt UiliiAk Ijmvt ittit Miill,llnr tvnrfr In - i fALIANa AMERICAN MARBLE Orders will receive prompt attention gun. iv. wijujiib iropneior . - iHuccoaor o peorge W. Claypoole) ''..'.' (fcr. BROAD A!SD CRAVEN Sta., - t. El, JIUI.I.KU IB (BY BUUlUrUiUU BKUUI in K ids ton 'at'-vv r.k' maJMHydw Wh lo sale Ac K e ttxil .- nBiLscdH in ' : All nf which v ftre offrino- VE&T Orders olicited ) iriT nncnri n m ni nn UllhHIil HllhHIII y i j. , i u n finxrl i ice uream ranor. rj)',Cfeamtfcl,Fralt. Ices can be baa at au . ' The ntmost flare will be taken In elvlnft!to A GoodMrticlo of Cream. J . f. I. , r v. ; " 7 - & w a ai . v - in w . ' : '-.Verywipectfully, v : r V 1? JOHN DUNN. JAUES REDUOND, . "i rvnnr n Tin . hjitt or inCELEBRATlSUi vi-t f. . -a j w : ' . ' " ti .,4.t1::V;i?ii;n'' V'v'.v -; '''' ' l'liJ.'1: - BREWING GO'S .IIALELI5HIA;;--, V'.'!' LAGER BEER New Berne,' N.' d . ; TnU beer took premiuhis at the Cen tennial Exhibition at Philadelphia1 and the Paris Exposition. Keeps hotter than 6Rf fllJftwr o warm diniates, and is tht fyo jite brand wherever known; ( . f For sale in kegs or crates. . - dw "'"nrRILITV r- s : ft rroTa mult junoe,oe " irt A wi a t t jf pretetH .fti.d Ifarn tanpoftwit i 'ore tr.MiiM rrwas-. . that IIAA pi iih UteQ- , n li l.u' mcM, or fluM a or ijui' -umitd on prinrl- :1 c by rtirwt uaf n A 4-AiM if tunriti iiiof the htt n on l rotnrL. ii iive bon i , aoaI vigor. TIIE JOURNAL. NEW BEENE. N. C. AUG. I, 1381. , TVwlc for Soathtra Womea. Labor for the purpose of self-sup pore was almost unknown among uie wmco women of the aonrh on ucr the regime of slavery, Bat with the new era of freedom, inaa garated and accompanied as it was with great destruction and loss of property, the hard necessity or"do ing something for a living"- fell upon thousands of women in that section who had never before an dertaken directly to earn a dollar. Labor having been dignified by iroedom, and made "respectable" by custom, many women of the South have been led, as their sisters at the North long since were, to work without the stress of actual necessity, because work contributes to their independence, and even to tneir pleasure, w itli this change in the social and industrial situations, public attention at the South has been directed, by the press and by essayists and lecturers, to the dis covery and development of suitable and remunerative employments for women. The climate of that lavor ite section opens many occupations co women that are m a measure closed to them in the North; and their love of out-door life leads them to choose such avocations as flower gardening, fruit growing, bee keep ing,, dairying, poultry raising and the like, rather than the harder and more confining work in offices and shops: A capable and energetic woman can direct the work of many -suitable out-of-door occupations with much greater pleasure and profit, and with less loss of nervous torce, than result from school teach ing, writing, clerkmc or other of the employments usually chosen by her sex. ' The new South will yet prove to bo an inviting field for self-supporting women. 'Boston Herald. fruit in the Pledmant Belt. All through the Piedmont belt the country is especially adapted to the growing of fruit, and practi cal demonstrations of what can be done in this line were given at the Agricultural Fair held in this city last year." Peaches, pears, apricots, cherries and luscious fruit of all kinds, nearly all of perfect growth, were exhibited, and yet not a single person has attempted to can this fruit and pat it on the market for home consumption in competition with the Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware,' Maryland and California canning companies, all of whom are making money. Over 20,000,000 cans of vegetables -and fruit were consumed in the South Atlantic States daring the last twelve months. At Tryon city, on the Afiheville and Spartanburg railroad, at Oaffuey'8, Spartanburg and Seneca, and at Greenwood, can ning factories would undoubtedly pay. , The machinery is not very expensive and the work can, all be done by women and girls, with a few male inspectors. Extracifrom (Jrcenviue correspondent Hews and Courier. If you have a bad cold. Sine's Syrup of Tar will cure you. Only25o. For sale by B. N. Durrv. . ' fel dw6m , llo For Tho Mountains! The following are the Bound Trip Rates from New Borue to Points ou the W. N. O. Hailroad: : ; i:i , . To Hlckry..................,.4i:i.W ; ." Morgan toa......i-M...... 14.79 " , Old Fort WM..,wl.,;.i HJOf : " Black Mountain...: .... 18.85 " Ashevllle ...............,....... 17.56 - " Warm Springs 1J6 , Tickets good to return until Oct. 8Iet, 1R85. ,: . , . .i - W. DUNN, .. JvllOdwlm . i, , . Gen'l Pr. Agent. NOTICE. STATE 0F,NOKTH CAROLIKA. H. tf, i r , ' . . Ci-ayen County, ThA snliacrlber havins rtuallflcd as Admin istrator of the estate of Elisabeth Wynne, de ceased, on the 20tb day of June, A. D, 1885, be fore the rrorjate uourc ot xraven oouniy, hereby notifies all persona having claims against said estate, to present them for pay ment on or rjeiore mo win nay oi juiie, isno, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their re covery. ,. All persons inaeDtea to saia caiaie win make immediate payments . , Done this Ann oay oi June, idho. ' : JOHN. N PATE. june21 dSw ..Administrator. NOTICE. , . t The nmlersiirned. N. 8. Richardson, has duly qualified as Administrator of the estate of Ann Rebecca Scott, dee'd, and. hereby give notice that he requires au. persons naving claims against the estate of the said Ann Re- iinwii Hcott to Dresent mem to uie saia mlnlstrator. dnlv authenticated, for payment on or before the 1st day oi August, inw, or else this notice will be pleaded In bar ot re covery. 1 - rereons inaeuwa iv iu rwutio uubk without delay. - N. B. HicriAKiHun, Auministrator, - CHA8.C. CLARK, Attorney. .... New Berne. . C, July 21st, 1885. . C W RALEIGH REGISTER Subscribe to your Home rsper and pay for It, -; and then remit S2 to pay foryour . State Democratic Paper. er, remi inns a u i iw v, m cuuuou w tuv JLV1VOAS laa 1U1 rv J va w , . "V . Webster's Praetical Bictieiary, ' whloh, until August I, V1' is offered as a I'ri'iiiiuiii. ' , . Siiinplo copies nf the Register mailed on application. Auurra, . . RALEIGH REGISTER, RALEIGH, BT. C. MEETINGS OF LODGES. , St. Johns Lodob, No. 8, A. F. & A. M., meets the 2d Wednesday night in each montn. , ,. ' Nxw Bkbnk Chapteb, No. 46, B. A. If., meets on the 2nd Monday in each montn at o p.m. Trent CoraaL, NW 411, Boyal Ab- Oanum, meets on the 1st or 8d Friday nights tn eacn montn. : Assessment No. 71 is now due, and must be paid on or before the 2d day or Jttlyr 1880..; j i, i an - v Eukeka LOUOK. No. 7, I. O. O. F. meets on the 2d and 4th Monday nights in each month. Assessment No. ia now due, and must be paid on or before the day . - . i , . .. . . . . Neusb Coumoil, No. 1. Ordkb. OF uuosen ibixicd8, meets on the 1st and Sd Wednesday nights in each month. Assessment No. 73 ia now due. and must be paid on or before tin 4th day or. July, I8a. .. ' Cosmopolitan Council No. 211, Amer ican Legion op Honor, meets on the 1st and Sd Thursday night In each month Assessment No. 71 is now due. and must be paid on or before the 16th day of July, 1880. . . Local Branch No. 05. Ordkb or the Iron Hall, meets on the 3d .Monday night in each month. i Assessment Do. 5a is now due, and must be paid on or before the 13th day of July, 1885. Athrnia Lodob. No. 8. Knights op PXTHIas, meets on the 2d and 4th Tues day nights in each month. Assessment No. 155 is now due, and must be paid on or before Ithe 9th day of July, 1885. Elm City Camp. No. 38. Fraternal Legion, meets on the 2d and 4th Wed nesdays in each month. Assessment No. Iff is now due, and must be paid on or before the 2d day of July, 1885. TIME TABLE. Atlantic .& N. C. Railroad TIME TABLE No. 16, In Effect 6:15 A.M., Thursday, July 23d, 1885. EAST. WKST. No. 61. Expreea No.T Express, Pus.Mal Pua.allall STATIONS ArrT'iL'Te" Arc. L'ts. r x. r. h A. M A.M. 5 07 Ooldsboro, ... 11 58 11 15 6 45 'tl g OH 10 80, 5 48JLi a OranR.., 11 18 10 42 8 67 a.2o 6 27 Klnston,. io m 8 18 New Berne,.. Morehead foi 8 41 pot,..- P. P. u. A, X. A. M EAST. WEST. No.S No. 4 Htaec Ft A Pass. Tra'a. MUed Frt. A Pass. Train. STATIONS. Arr. L'T. Arr. L'Tet A. st. A. M. 0 40 7 29 8 00 8 34 9 14 9 38 10 14 10 53 11 27 11 46 2 0,) P. M. 7 03 H 14 5 38 6 01 4 24 4 00 8 31 2 62 2 18 a oo 11 40 P. M. 18 6 49 6 08 4 34 4 04 3 86 2 60 2 22 2 03 1 20 I 09 Ooldsboro,... Best's , La Orange,- . Falling Greek , KlmUm,.. ....., Uaswell Dover .. Core Creek Tnsearora Gierke's NewbernA... ........ Bhrerdale Oroataa Hsrelack Newport .... WUdwood Morehead City Horshsad Depot- !725 7 54 8 U0 01 9 31 10 OS 10 4V 11 23 11 42 12 25 2 55, 3 09: 3 43; 4 27: 4 its- SSI 2 59; 134 3 47 io 4i: 10 27: 68: 9 09; 8 60: 8 06: : a. M.i 10 81 9 67 9 13 8 64 8 16 8 00 A. M. 4 si; 4 50: 5 35: : P. st. i P. U. : Train SO connects with Wilmington A Wei- don Train bouud North, leaving Ooldsboro 12:23 p. m., and wHh Richmond 4s Danville Train Weet, leaving Ooldsboro 12:35 p.m and Wilmington a weiaon irain soutn at 4:Mp.m, Train 61 eonaeeu with RicbmoBd A Dsaville Train, arriving at Goldsbcro 4:40 .m., and With Wilmington and Weldon Train frotu the North at 4:54 p.m. .,.,,,....! Train 4 connects with W. fe W.tFastAIaU going Bonth, leaving Ooldsboro at 7:38 p. in and with K. I). Train going West, leaving Ooldsboro at 7:45 p.m. Train 4, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri days. Trains 50 and 51, dally except Sunday. Train 3, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays W. Dunn, Superintendent. Merchants, Bankers ud Manufacturers SHOULD BEAD BRADSTREETS A Weekly Jonnwl ef Trade, Finance, , and Pnbile Etonomy. Sixteen Pages every Saturday. Oftentimes Twenty pages, sometimes Twenty- ... -' 4 , , four Pages. FIVE DOLLARS A. YEAR. '' The foremost purpose of BbAdstrkkt'S is to be of Dractlcal service to business men. Its special trade and Industrial reports : Its weekly epitome ol bankruptcies throughout tne umteatstaiee uauinww, ana me sum maries of assets and liabilities, are alone worth the subscription price; Its synopses of reoent legal decisions are exceedingly valu able. As eommerclal transactions, In Uie wider sense, are eemlng to be more and more conducted on a statistical basis, the Informa tion contained in BKArjeTascr's Is of the first Importance both to produoert and middle men. The - trade and - agricultural : situation throughout the United States and Canada is reported by telegraph to BradatraeVs up to tne nour oi puuuoauoo. . - : . ; SINGLE COPIES. TEN CENTS. '; THE BRADSTBEET CO. -liVrJTt. 281, 19 9H0ABWAT, ' - ' '.. NEW YORK CITY. . I STOS W SOILS, MI. I1", W. TW COTTO f-MfA. S4B. The "Mule lh.w;.ive,") os. u iSlti. S3, r m. ItgffTHUWtH adnmiiki8Tfasa. snT mm aiss poa u t wi.hi, tie lb. Aavll aa4 HI Tl. Bliwr nK Vlo Outer Artinisf GASTON HOUSE, . , KEW liEUJIE, . U, , S: R. STREET & SON, ProprietorB. The Only First-class House in the City. Omnibus connect with all Trains and Steamers. Large sample rooms fur eommer) clal travelers, oeuai-ou STEAMERS. ITEUSE'l TRENT RIVER :; .: Steamboat Company WUljmn tbe following Schedule ou and after JulySd.1885: . ; ... ; v , ' u:t Steamer L H. Cutler Will leave New Berne for.- Trenton every Friday; returning, will leave Trenton every Saturday, touching at aU polnta along the river. Steamer Klnston. On and after Jane 20th, 1885, the Steamer junaton will leave Klnston lor Mew uerne every Monday and Tburguayate o'clock a.m. returning, will leave New Berne every Tues day and Friday, stopping at Jolly Old Field ana loucning at au ltuunugs on .neuae nver. Close connection made with steamer When andoah of tbe Old Dominion Steamship Co. W. K. STTBON, Ja., at Newborn. W. F. Stably. Klnston D. B. BABKca, PollokavUle. I. T. WILSON, Agent at Trenton. J, P. QU1HIBLT, Jolly Old Field. J. B. Barks, Quaker Bridge. J. M. WII'TE. Gen'l Manager, eb7dxw Klnston. N. O NEW-BERNE AND PAMLICO Steam Transportation Co'v. SUMMER SCHEDULE OP THE STEAMER ELM CJITY to go Into effect on and after April 17, 1886 Tuesdays L,eave new jserne at o e ciock. p. m., lor Lake Landing, stopping at Adams Creek, Vandemere, Stonewall and Bayboro, ar riving at Lake Landing, Wednesday, at 10 o'clock, a. m. Thursdays- Leave Lake Landing ror New Berne at 12 o'clock, m., stopping at Bayboro, Stone wall, Vandemere and Adams Creek, ar riving at New Berne, Fridays, 2 a. in. Fridays ieave new Berne at o O'ciock, p. m, lor Lake Landing, stopping at Adams Creek, Vandemere, Htonewall and Bayboro, ar riving at Lake Landing, Saturday, 10 o'clock, a.m. Mondays ieave ume utnaing at n o ciocs, m., lor New Berne, stopping at Bayboro, Htone wall, Vandemere and Adams Creek, ar riving nt New Berne, 2 o'clock a.m., Tues days. By this arrangement we are able to make close connection with the Northern steam ers, also having good aoeomniodatlons both tor passengers ana ireigni at very low raws, ask that the merchants and producers along its line to give it their eheerful support. Freight rocelved under cover every day of the week For further information enquire at the of flee. Foot of Craven street. K. K. PIERCE, Agt. New Berne, N. 0., Or any of its Agents at the following plaoes: Ann, LCjifi, Aaama ureea, Q. I. WATSON, Lake Landing, D. H. ABBOTT, Vandemere, O. H. FOWLER, Stonewall, W. H. SAWYER, Bayboro. B. H. GRAY. JanlldAwly General Manager. OLD J30M.IIVI01V Steamship Company. SEMI-WEEKLY LINE For New York, Baltimore, Nor folk, Boston, Elizabeth City, Philadelphia, Providence, and other Cities. ON AND APTEB Moridav July 2nd, 1883, UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE Steamer Shenandoah Southern Railroad at Elisabeth Olty, every HONDA Y AND THVBJIIr&Y for New Bern. Returning leaves New Berne for Elisabeth City erary TUESDAY AND FRIDAY at 4 p. m., making clese connection with Nor folk Soothers R. R. for Northern cities. Close eonneetion made at New llern with ataamere for Klnston, Polloksrille, Trenton ana au lanouigs on me mens ana Treat Rivers. No freight received for shipment en Tuesdays and Fridays after lp.m. 1 , , Freight forwarded promptly and lowet rates raaraateed to destination. Fare to Elisabeth Olty and return. 4. To Norfolk, . TuBal iimore.ss. xp new xora, vis.su. B. B. ROBERTS, Ag't, New Beraa, OtrLrarraa A Tdbhbb, Ag't. Norfolk, V. A W. H, STAItrOBO, Gen'l Tt't Ag't, , i - New York Olty. Changs of Pier in Few York. The N. C. Freight Line FOR NEW YORK, BOSTON, PE0Y1DENCE, and all point iVorthanrtVVest After thU date will recelv rrelght la New Yoik forMewBeraeat PIEJB 7, XORT1I BlYlSlC, OfM of Jlev) Tork and Baltimore Transportation Co. -!--;:; o - Merchant should remember that this It on ef th bast Staasi Lines ent of Naw York, makin dally maeetioa with Baltimore tor. Naw Burma; all in, Ida, and ealyene cnapge., , , , , x t h. SEMI-WEEKLY STEAMERS Betaen; IsT- Berw : '.and . Baltimore, ., -. -i (Toaching at Norfolk) - ' Lesrtnir Mew Bene for Baltimore TUESDAYS FRIDAYS (turn. - Leave. Baltimore foi New Berae WEDNESDAYS dnd. SAT (TED ATS a. p. av ;; i ... . ua ' 'ivs vt-st .. 'fsatasM a lakewat ETTBEir POST IE, G on 1 Jfaaagsr,., ' . - - '.V.W tight St., Bol t, aid AS. W. MoOABUOC, Ag" Neifolk, Ya. 7" , W. P. Clyde, Oo, rkUaaelphla, lp South '. ham. .' ,. ; ' .( i' ' YorkBalio.Tran.Lle,Pier fonhrtvei E. Samriaoa, Hoe ton, as Uontrai waarx. . K. U. RoakwelL Providenee U.l ' Ship, leave Boston, Tuesday aad Satafday. r - . - nw xora amy.: r - 1 ." . BolUmore, Wednesday endSaturdey - F4 B, Moadaye, Wednesday Fridays. ..,,.: 1 1 1 . . proTidemce, 8ataTay.. - : 'i; Taroagh hill lodiag givosw aae rata gasraa toaUoolaki.at the differ t nole of th apaale. . -. , , : --"t,-.;- Iroid Briih'i Bilk tsl Ship f& "";;'N.: C. LINE. . . . d . Mar ly 8 H GRAY Agn New Berns.M C. A. .:r.-:,. - , OBFOLK, "VA,i UHbtunnudikim talus. Ml , . V FalaU, OflsVe. AI,'a FeOI LJe BnlUers' Hardware, j i. ' 49-Any Eastern or Northern Prices duplicated. Estimate! rarnlnhed upon ai-pUsatton. i : i 1-' 'J., i JU11S MAX SCHWEEIN. THE CHEAPEST Another Lot of those Handsome and VBSTSjnst received. We can show some entirely new patiurns in same. ; Nice Line of Cents' Solid Color and Fauev l-i Hose. Geal.' Kcrkwur in endleea variety; lota of White, Black and Handsome flqu aearr ior a eenis. We are SOLE AGENTS for the A. A. BATTLE NEK'S and BOY CALF SEWED "N.SO SHOES. is warranted. Should any or them in any way, reasonable time give out. we will upon return pair and statement a to length of wear, ne money or give anoiner new pair in ezenauge We have them In Coiurress. Button nave uxioias anu naitau uiiora l ies, just Middle Street, between Humphrey & Howard and A. H. Holton. ap30 dwtf OOLDSBORO RICE AND PLANING MILLS. 6old.sTo:ro, N". C, J. STRAUSS & Co., Prop rs, RICE MILLERS and Blinds, Sash, Mouldings, Mantels, Ccilinjrs, Flooring, Stair Rails, Balusters, Brackets, Newel Posts, And all and every kind of irame or .Brick. WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES A SPECIALTY. Having iust eauicned our Factorv with a (Jomnleto Outfit of the Best and Latest Improved Machinery, we, unhesitating, are prepared to say that we can compete in prices and class of work with any factory in our country. tftr JiiStimates cheerfully nude on all classes ot wood wots. mar!7 dwCm & 0. E. LODGE, Hay! May! Hay! Salt! Salt! Salt! 0 Pure Manufactured IGE. CRAVEN ST., BELOW EXPRESS OFFICE, feb8 dwtf NEWBERN, IV. C LIME. 500 Bbls. Rock Lime. ROSENDALE AND PORTLAND CEMENT, PLASTEK, liVIli, White Lead, Paint, Oil, Varnish, Glass, Putty, Etc., Etc. Lister and Whann's Land Plaster and Phosphate, Etc., Etc., IMPEOYED BMk BROTHERS, Wholes al e C r o c o rs, HAVE REMOVED TO THEIR TWO STORES, SOUTH OF And keep of FLOUR, MEATS, AIOliASsES. SALT, TOBACCO, SNUFF AND CiqAitS, everything Jn the GROCERY LINE, a FULL STOCK - aad" atr LOW, PRICES for CASH. a2 b Trinitv College. Tfc Fall Term will begin Aug. 10th aad eloae Dee. . 188S. . : jf , TERMS. TnlUon la College Classes, 'peA t V M month-.r.. . . ; " 16.00 Tuition in Preparatory Depart- " men t, per mouths..-.. J2j60 to S.00 Tuition ta Busineea Oourse.. .. v , . IJW Beard, Including furnished room, per month r 1.00 to liW For oatalogM and particulars address ' " ' 1 j PROP. HstmCArt, if f Trinity CoUege", Randolph GoH. f, lullOdwlm & Co., man us H llada. ii.i,v.v. U' l.HaB oh. . UWOIU GEOEQE ASH. irRIM ASM 1MB IAMB VI WoT Afa st U mm STORE IN TOWN f vi uiv tiling , . xti jr .vruuua. Gents' Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes, XlUUiVO ailU VCL119C&, Umbrellas & Notions. Cool, Imoortcil SKF.nsucKKR i oitb and - Fancy Tie, Bon a and Scarf. We aell Six Kvery pair. wiiinn any of damaged either refund Boot. Balmoral, and in LowaiuHm wu uie uung ior suninier. SOHWERIN & ASH, WON OF FLAG. Manufacturers Doors, Wood Work for Buildings, Flow Brand Guano, COTTON SEED. . GEO. ALLEN & CO. THEIR FORMER STAND, a COFFEE. SUGAR, SYRUPS HORNER SCHOOL,; , Oxford, XU". O. A Classical, Mathematical said Scientific - f Aeadeaay, with MWtmrf Orcaaw Isatlea and Dlictpllri. v m The Fall Term of 18S3 begins Meaiday. iljr T, 1885. : . i ' Aa ample corps of ablo tnstruntors la pro. TldoU, and th wchool thorouchlT aautnnoA for efficient work, ' '" - ' Terras, for board and tnitlon the same as heietofort.' . 1 SeBd foe Catalofrw. . ' ',',. " '"' I. dc J. C. HORNER. Julio dwlw j , ' . .i t . . i .. ;i - x . - v r, . . ' . v. . .; .. ' .... & .A

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