1; THE JOURNAL. Das uwu j ay. -'"Pi' (0 O t jy. U ftf b whit reJ shirt eoV V ; : 4 - ' w offered for flb.Vf, 'VvSs 1 ; . Why is it the best?: f 3; i lt. It is mad of the best nttterials-T:; 1 . . 4 Wamsutu'wuslin, t? fci.Z?- - Brookfield 2J0Q toen, x , . .t s 1 ,,' ;", ' :".,V .. ,.cuiv6. n. t.tspooI cotton. , ; 'v', 1. . -a .-.! V.' Slut-. . 'V'ssk. 2d. Its worltmsnship' ii. janequsid s si t!i-s V i French Placket Sleeves,; 'Zh 7-'ttXil'-.Q :' ' ': -i Reinforced Bttoiu . "":. A Vi rfc ...:n " h ' " l :;. Tall men Short nitty 'v'-'.'iro j , u, wen, txau iucii, rH . j ' . . -Rk-men Little men. . . . . MAHVf ACTUUD B 1' ' SSSSSSS DANIEL MILLER & CO. 'ji' Q ;;;':.: Dr Gwdd Notions,'-' (flj .y; fj; S- , ; 1 Gents' Furnishings CO' andii HOPKINS' PLACE. CO 100 LINEN. - Tf vnnr Hf.ilir does not keen it. tend hil 4a tonlAl Mill rn. ' arArn. rAm. r !; ' t . ( f ttfacturers, liultimore, Md. v , We are constantly; k receiving New Goods 7hich we offer at Bottom ; Prices.. We have won the name of selling Goods CHEAP, and we arelceeping up the reputatibni:Bea Mailt 01 .me iiuiiicut; uctrcitiixs we are uueruxg i r .i - ) it this season; ; Gent' Half Hose, FU Regular Made-. Balbrigan aU4 'Sflid Colore; ' o n-vr?f.;i; , rrr tiR CAESIMEBES. hftse i few pieceif left over lor Gentlemehand Chi , dreiOTear,Kh.ioh we offer VKRY CHEAP. V 0 -- - LAWN3, figured, bcautiraj, stjlqa, at Oc. ... ,v y pi White la t -Slil I VSTfl ' CATJCO, aa good f Via made, at 4o'. ando. ' u Twd Wide Bleached and Unbleached DSniestic at &0 Per yard Pride of the West, Wamsutta, New York Mills, - ; Q I Fruit of the , lopmf jSarkerv 3 . M An a host of other brands of Doiheatios wbidlw we offr VEB Y4 CHEAP. ( AVe hare Nice Worsted Dress Goods at lOo. per yard. Lace Bunting at 10c. ,7 THEN SEE OUK if llun's Veilings Cashmeres, Alhatross. fZ-vt"" ...... oerges,,,. .- 1 mjpfn. juvosus, "-Buntings, ; y - TShallv Delaine . ADd.:t6f)t;.of othci linda . of DKESS GOODS, irhicb can U bought VKIti. UllJSAlr. iryu want a bargain try ng pn JJress U6oda. Soe our jobs in Summer Silks and Black Silks " lovely; Embroideries lof all stylos from,2d.-np.:We.ba7tbie 1 See oar Swiss and Mull EmhrbideyIrish Point, Bretonne a.d Oriental Lace. , : '',.' ir ,Mt i'.'. ' 1 Ladies' Hose a prices from So. up. . ' r n '-( y ? , -cats' Sock, at u. j jr;; 0 r; g ) o 3 J & . .C 25c. Corset. 7,. -f.u ' , Handkerchiefs from So. up. f ,t1 no . .,. , AH Wool Jerseys t 11.25. A i--' ' ".. ..Towels, lwge, at only Be.; V f -7 jr J'4 Large All Linen Towols for lOe.'-'to.4- .Vjfi .'' -Avi' j ITapMns, 4o., all linen. - V.D-'";' .r . J I !": eell our SHOES oh! so cheap. We have a lot' of JJantL Sewed Shoes for ladies':wcarr which we are offering VETtY CHEAP. ' 11 -t o ' . PLE ASE ! ' PLEASE ! ! PLEASE ! ! ! f - 1 :; V:'Bon't Ask For Credit! ; And don't forget tliat AJ 11 BAKEIl'S is the rlr.co to huy Bargains Cheap for CAGIL V7o pay . Sp ecial Attention t5 Itho Tholccab rr.do, a3 we have many bargains to! cell to HEW BERNE. N. C AUG. 1, 188?. Arrival and Departure Mails. A. A at i i i . X MAIL CLOSES, v For North. West and South, Via w. u. . K. at o;30 a.m. . t. For - Beaufort ' and .' the East, -6:00 p. m. ' ! For Washington, Swift Creek, Hyde and Beaufort Countie Mondays. Wednes days, and Fridays at 5:00 a. m. 4 t or Trenton. roUoksville and ' Mavs- ville daily at 7:30 a. m. , , 1 1 , or uranteboro, Bay Jiirer an J van- demere, daily at 8 a. m. "1- ' ! ' ; -,, ;'"'.' ". . .'OFFICE HOURS:' 'i -fv . In Moner Order and - Reirietercd Let ter Department, from 9 a.m. to 4 p. m. In Mailing Department from V a. m. to 5 p. m., and from 7:30 to 8:30 p. m. Ofnoe open constantly between these hoars except when mails are being dis tributed or sent. ." :., . . farmer Allen's Suaplclon.1 1m "I snppose yoa all have heafd ot old Farmer Allen. He was a great temperance man, yon kaowsWell, thirteen years ago " we all went' to camp at , Portland, v One : terribly hot day we had a clambake, and in the tent was a big barrel ef chain pagne punch, strong panel), too. Allen came along very hot and very thirsty, and looking at the tent bhw the barrel of pnnch.:T;;s " H? ' "'Jlello, boys got some lemonade, haren't yout' said the nian.r," i 1 "xes,' replied the boys, winking at each other; 'help yourself.' j The farmer went in, took , one glass, smacked his lips, took another ana liked it so well: that bo wanted more. In a little while he, came ont or the tent looking very rosyi anu very unsteady in bis movement. Llo reflected a moment and then said:-'-'-v-'" ;""-''7i " 'Shay, boys (hie), tash almighty nne (nicj lem'pade in cash bar-(bic)-rel; bat (hie) dont yoa think (hie) it tashts (hie) a leetlo : mite ' of the " W- a . a . . ..i bis i Hiavosr "-notion vazciic. 1 r Every&cdj ! In orderto reduce my Stock before going North, I have de termined to offer Inducements to Customers to Close Out my Spring and Summer Stock. -1 have a few of those beautiful White Dress Robes for ladies, tbat bare been so popular all through the seaRon, which I will clone out choap from f 3.00 up.' " ' Still Ahead on Whito' Goods ! The nut beautiful ' India Linen for 12Jo. per yard you ever looked upon. Call and see.it and you will; exclaim, How lovely! ; " . ... f Piq'uea, 6e,''per yard.' . ; n-.r ' ' All kinds of White Goods at Bargains. , Linen Torchons, 15c. for 12 yds. ; . Jlamburif Edgings from flc. up to a very deep, and bandsomo itouncini;, 131 inchoB wide, for. f0c, including all an- termudinto wiiittts nt bottom pi'ii'.es. i 17E3DTTVS . ; Tower of Strensul:? A Bin Drive in aLadins' Biillirigean Hose,. with a. patent cleared m!am, for 10o. cheap and durable. Also. Colored Hose for 5c. Sot Made i PouTics.-Dhln't Senator Horsey make his. money in "Why bless yop. nos Politicians never do. Supporting .their party, and devoting time and attention to their: political duties is a periods financial tax upon them.- '! ; Don't they get rich 1" "Oh, yes; but not out of politics.'' ' Tnere'S' Horsey, vior metance. I'll guarantee - politics, have had thousands of his money. IV If it was not for running across a jab. .now and then to dig a canal, or sell bid boats, or Dniia new ones, or stock mail routes 'for the: Government, pouuca wouiu ruin iota oi peopie.-t-tittsiurgh Telegraph. DiFFictTLTlEEl. Wait not for you difficulties to cease; there ip nb soldier's lory to be won on peace- iui ueiua, uo Haiioi 'a, uanng w- pe shown on . sunny seas, no trust or friendship to be , proved .when all goes woll.i- Faiths patience, heroic love, ' devout courage, gentleness are not to be formed when thert are noMoubts, no irtitations, no dif- fin!H:r ,,,"-;.v"'.:. "'.,v-T A A fond father presented his Xouri year old boy with a trumpet,' with which he was greatly infatuated; aii ay tne boy tooted "awav delightedly, and at bedtime, whop bis grandmother prayed; the little fello said:; 'Oli, no; .I'll tell you wnat let's dot 'grandma; yoa , pray anq 111 keep ; on blowing;', Tro i ST; MCHOLAS YOUNG:FOLKS.h ,'. ,- t.i'l'i it u" i 5 rii.J ATTRACTIONS ' FOE 18845. No printed periodical can take the nlaee of parent, pastor, or HCDooi-veacDor; but a 'good magaslue ean supplement their work and In aneuoe to wonderfal dot(re. In view or this. It Is not extravagant to sav that In stead of "Can we afford to take St. Nicholas? " the question of aveiy earnest household In Kngiisn-epeaKing oounuiva, to-day, should be "Can we afford nor to take Ht. NieholasT", The magazine. darlnK lu eleven hnnnr years of eslstanee, under the editorial charge UI ART A PBS DODGE, has grown familiar to hundreds of thousands of young readers: and their Interest and In telligent enjoyment have constantly In spired the editor and pnblieheisto fresh ef. fort. To-day, Its strength In Its wholesome growth, It sympathy with young life, It hearty recognition of the; movement of events, and Its steadily Increasing literary and pictorial reeoosiv- 'i'he following are some of the good tittups already secured for future nnmbers of 8U Nicholas MIII Owl Kamlt." a serial storr for hnv by the popular author, J. T. Trowbridge. --eroaallyCelmete4.'Mlluslnitd uh- pere on famous places in Europe. Ky Fnuk H. atsrhtei. ...... Illsteric Olrl.' a comranloh aerleato Hstjorlo Boys." Ky K. B. Mreoks. ' "Heady for BnstBeaa," BUKKestlons to boys about to choose an oocnpaiion, -baaed on personal Interviews with prominent rep resentatives of various trades and profes sions, liy fi. J. Hums, MIri vest Back taHdia." a serial. Bv K. "Talks far Ttsns Folks." s series of popular papers, by H. H. (Hslea Jarksea). "A-Bwajr iae uw-sMkm," recollec tions of a boy-page In the U. H. Henate. containing much political Information, both Instructive and aniuaing. By Edmaad Al. Ditv Bad tks es1la."a Terr fnanv serial sury by a new writer, Chas. TrryL ahert Morles by Loatsa M. Alrelt. 1 he rrojrrfi af i nv. tiim" descrip tive papers, lif i. Has, K. ltoKna. "Art Wsrk for seniu k'eks'i naners on decorative haudioraii, by low, it. I tand. 8heea or SllTr'i a storv of Texmllfe. BTliilM H.T.V ll'i.mM, Ilnkrr. , A Osrdes ef -rn"i Ix-ine st Bhort stories forKlrl". i'T l-dnT VVHIrrs Tles ef le 4 Bt.1', etoris of adventure, hy It. H. vi.. Spstul Pspcrt I'T l-lh wn Krll.ru. "t'srtoosi tnr I o.nnml irls"i funny plrtnres.iiv (t. . I a . ... "Frsm Irh lo -. f ', (, i f, p.iint. NrM'ruj l.lciol ,-t I if . .. 1 in..., We have nHtonished our competitors in the Sale of Htraw Hats: Genuine Mackinaw Hat for Sl;2fi. Panama Hats, $2.00, formerly worth $3.00. - ' Also, a nice Straw Hat for boys, wide brim, t 25c. Wo liavo just received it few pieces of Brown 10-4 Kheotinr? from nn auction sale, that wo are selling at the very low price of 20c. per yard; exceedingly cheap, worth Sou. or 30c. Hoop Skirts, 15c. ' Organdie figured fine, worth 10c.' ! ' MuhIui, 8o.. very Fast colors, Figured Lawns, Re. Wehayehada big run on our f 1.00 Black Uroa Uraln Ureea Bilk, liave a few" patterns left. Come and see it Really, worth fl.25 any where, t s i . 'JBIack: Bunting, all wool, 20c'. peryi -M ., Beautiful Black Ottoman Sash Rib bon, 7 1 inches wide, for the low price ot wo,-.:'' i -t , , u Block 8nsh Kibbons, .blue, pink and oreamwnito, voo. ' ; r n r v An endless variety of Umbrellas, f rom 40ci up, including" a handsome line of Alpaoa and Silk, and genuine Scotch Qingham Ooods. 1 ; . ' . i Parasols, lOc. a piece. " V. We can surprise you on our prices for Shoes: ' - . - - . Ladies' Foxed Gaiters for 75c. , '.'Nice Button Shoes forSl.00. s Come to see thorn" and bo convinced that we. can nave you money, . , ;! ,, ; , ? '"The best Double Reinforced Shirt ever offerod in this market t. 1.00 a piece. the only Shirt sold bore that Is rein forced front and back. -A (Jorue and ex amine it, and I am sure you 'will like it. White La rn and Piquo Ties, Collar and'CuffA, and nil kinds Uenta' Fur nishing Goods. :f ' Samples' Furnished on ap We are continually receivl ihglqoVdsjbyimostvefy 8toamer,, ,..r. and; ','v invite, the Wholesale Trade to s call and examine . the . . . Bargains f in1 every Department,' before making any purchases, as we are one ' of the Wholesale Merchants of New Berne, but not the only one. , 1 1.1 .l:i ('-. W -iu.. . ' ' . -. tl - 1 ' ' - " f ! - -L-"'' r ' : - . , . Wine Hills; . . ""Buckeye" Cider ! . t Mills; "Iloore County . : Grit" Corn Hills; "Haid of ; the South" Corn and Wheat' "... Mills;" Cardwell's Rice and v ; Wheat Threshers; Dcderick's Perpetual Hay Presses; 4Mea : dow King'! Mowers and Reap- ers; Gullett's "Magnolia" Cot ton Gins; Carver's Cotton Gins, Feeders and Condensers; Liddell's "Boss" Power Cotton ' Presses; "Roanoke" Hand Cot- ton and Hay Presses; Taylor Manuf'g Cos Engines, Boilers and Saw Mills; "Eclipse" Cot ton Seed Hullers and Sepa- rators; "Buck Thorn" Barbed, and 3 Plain Wire; Tennessee Wagons; "Acme Harrows ;" Cultivators ; r Grain Cradles; Grass Scythes; FeedCutters, and Agricultural Implements - generally. Also a. full line of ' Belting, Packing, Rubber Hose, Babbett, Steam Pipe, Steam Fit-; r tings, -Inspirators, Injectors, Rectors; Clr cular , Saws, Saw Glimmers, Files, Lacing, Belt Hooks,' Machine Oils, Etc., Etc., Etc. ,.f)-.''-i;.J!:',?'.i:-';tV-r ' -'".i.'.V, r".-" :-:. f ' ' t yl':'; ... 41 . jm 'Hi.,.: :. . Iron Front, Craven St., New Bern, N, C. SOLE AGENT FOE THE f;.:L!:"T n::::::::3 c::.:E8Tio GEI7I1TG IIACmiTE, E.,ch ?';ic.liine sold by mo iniarantoed for i n E YEARS. , i Harper s Magazine, . S .f; i-'iv-; !.;:.' ' . . '' " "' ILIUSTIIATBD. '.?'? i With tho new Volume, beginning in Ueccmbcr, ' ilarper'p Magazine .will conclude its thirty-fifth. year The oldest periodical of ita: type, it is yet, in each new. volume,. a new. magazine, not Simply . because it presents fresh snbjeots and new- pictures, but also, and ' chiefly, because1 it .steadily ad- vanoca m tho roctbod itscit ox maga lino 'making. : In";;.a ..word, the Magazine booomes more and more the faithful . mirror of T current -life and movement, r Leading , features ' in the attractive '. 'programme ' for 1885 aros new serial hovels b' Constance J?enir more Woolson and W, D: HoWolls; a new novel entitled ' "At the Red Glovc;7 descriptive" illustrated papers by F. D.: MUIot,- E- Swain Gifford, E. A. Abbey, H; Gibson',and others; Goldsmith's fSho Stoops to Oonquor," llustratcd by Abbey; important . pa iers on'Art, Science, cto, .. - :. . ' t i . . ' ' " '.:' '' ' ;' : Harper's Periodicnls. ' PER YEA.lt:, ; : . ' : BAUrEU S MAGA2iISE.................l 00 ABPR'8 WEEKiV..:,..;;.,.:... 4 00 Aawfu'S bazau.;.. dAKPKit a Vodno "PBopi.E';i-.,L; a oo dAKl'KR'8 FRANKLIN SQUARE LI' PRARY, One Year(&2 Nnmberg).........,10 00 . . t - -. ... - . ' rooture Free to all ' subserlben ' In tha (TnlteU States or Canada. , j . Tho volumes of the Magazine becin with the Numbers for June and De cember of each vcar. c When no rime is specified, it will be understood that tho subscriber wishes to begin with the current number. , The last eleven 1 Semi-annual Vol nnics of llarp'er's . Magazine, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of $3.00 per vol ume. Cloth Cases, for binding, 50 ccnta each by mail,' postpaid. - Index to llarpcrti Magazine, Al- pnaDeticai, Analytical, and Ulassiued . 1885. rHarper's: ILLDSTIIATED. if, ...........ai oo too for Volumes 1 to 60, inclusive, from Juno, 1850. to June. 1880. cue vol.. 8vo, Cloth, fi.00. llcmittance Bhoultl be made by Post-Office Money OJor or Draft, to avoid chauce-cf lo.-s. Newspapers aro not to copy this ad vertisement without the express order of Harper ';( "' :. A ,1 !r-s 1!.; : : I : r; ,Tho Volumes of tho Weekly 1 with the first number for Js each year. When no tl.ua i tioned, it will be undcrstoe 1 l subscriber wishes to co v the Number next niter t!,o u-.. ' i order. The last Five ArTiunl Arol Harper's Weekly; ia neat c!:- 't I ing, will be sent l y mail, post"-? t or by express, free tf cxpcn. e ( ed tho freight J:' s rot eseeel lar per vol ), f . r 57 per veL . I.-; i ti. "'3 f..r cat'i vr' y a cf n- . of OI J. able ppr' f -r I ' : :2, will la i '- i l rccci-t cf ( 1 0: t t co i.Ioney ( avoij c! -nee cfl i. Newspapers i : t tj rcrtioemcnt wi 1 , t t'.e of Ilsrper I'i ' ' n.::i , Do send for Circulars, Prices," : ;Etc.,' as you will save money by Habpkr's ; Wbkkit has now, for twenty years, maintained ita position as the leading illustrated w eckly Trews paper in America. With a constant increase of, literary and artistic re sources, it is ablo to offer for the ensu ing year attractions unequalled by any previous volume, embracing , a capital illustrated serial story by W. K. Nor ris ; illustrated ar tides with special reference to the AVest and Souths in-' olnding the World's Exposition at Now Orleans; entertaining short sto ries, mostly illustrated, and important papers Dy nign authorities on the chief topics of the day. iA A " v ,. FjVArv nnn Vhrt ilcnirea trnclsinrlli boliticai iruido. an nntertsininir and in.' structivo family journal, entirely free irom objectionable leatures m either letter-nress or illustrations, should sub scribe to Harper's Weekly. :: ' Ilrpor's Periodicals. PKB YEAR: UARl'KR'8 WEEKLY,... HARPER'S MAOAKINE. HARl'EU'S UAZAR 00 UAHPER'S YOUNG VKOVLE........,.. 00 HARPER'S FRANKLIN BQCABE U- ' BHARY, One Year (53 Numbers).J 60 Poitafo Free in all Bnliaorlt.nro in the United States or Canada. M - to

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