:.: 1 1 -W M " sVOnawtt r'frv i';tti "-r-st! -tfU''; f vl ..r ji ... r . - t ? -, ..;;'r-'' ' ?. ! .. . : V; .1. ;NEW BERNE. N NO. 131. mm mm i m - i m j- . - mm. .. ii ;ii i ii ii f ' ih- r vr ?v w n 11 Uf' II-11 AJ 1 XL - . i: H v -Jr BV J. : A aAJ A. . W .-, M. W. XJ VI . '. . ,., i !. .,., : V. -") ' ' ... 1 ...... 'I" ; s , . mi-- A V - LOCAL NKWS, ;n ' i J.L.L.'. 1 " irTr Ti'. ii. OAPKiLL-Merchant UilorX . J x,' Mas. A. T. Jerkins Private choo). W. ' . r .;. a .M.m A few Hptiiw. Utitod." S' ' North. ; y ' -' longitude; 7T3 s; wt. VUViwM,''! tWti cf'iy, Vvno Srt :87 13 hour. 55 miunU "... Wnon ri. W 10 SO p.m. ...If, i f ' : i 11 ; ; ,v v - ' ".' . v ,. :- ! ' t". 1 . '.-,':.-." i " .,lt, , FAU..$AMPfcR8 at N. M. OASKILL'B. . ia wi.'. tonslgned to Marisellua Adam's Iy Nv Boyd t Lak w Landinff. Hyde county, Arrived ou th Elm City last i-, Friday. The owner i requested to utuoomt forward, pay'-charRe and take lroprty. W. F. TCHBD8 & Co., ' I 4 m!2 ' AgeDts. : ' ' V Suits mad to crdcnr and tuaranteed to fat at N.U Gaskill's. , ; , .si September The (board of city couooil meet to- Too much, rain; Jl m bard to get the tiring exactly right. . , , IT." M. Gaskill announces his readiness lo take meaures for suita."'; 1 . ' - . j,.Np Jdayor'a .Ckiurt for over a week. .' ; : . The steamer Stout arrived last Satur- '.'V;"':; day night vith 'a full cargo of general ''?..V.jfr ''''; The steamer irpcrinwrtt that was run I C ' v ' k jT-BtiOTf ipr Pamlica soanil last week on '..-:V"--N,.ttoWunkV)irft1oak;,haa'' arrived in palll--, more. , i ' ' aiireteainerS.. tFarmt ifaZ, fcapt i ' . Walker? arrived yesterday from Rbck- fH SfwM Maine ifith" a cargo "Of ice for " v...- ,v Watson & Daniola. ,ri . - ' i '" " .S '?''. :i : . .1" for Kinston and will go through to that ' k. 2 51 ft'V'F600!? hvlng ftttnlahed .,; ?, plenty o water " " ' f The steamer Si out will sail today for Baltimore, carrying' out the k first new ablllhix season;1-which arrived from Kinstoaon Saturday last. g'U3fa?gi owd Jat fhp theatre last night to see the paintings of Mr. Arthur '''tVTni'llr"" to-night wiU 'T i tsynsent old Testament scenes and,are entirely new.i . - jBOito thrf theatre- to-night- The ,tJifcOngs exhibited byj Mr: Butts are ; exceedingly flue and the scenes illus . tratod are highly, interesting and in- Tit4 WucOve.Ne , one sbonld: fail to see J bslePaiC admisBion i-fee. is, .(ft small W that Qn'Jcan not affftjd to rhiss'it.' Tick I -.c!.Bt Meadows drug Store: n ' UJtrff.rii JacoVKerbebkket' oh Middle itfeetf ba brokbr'iround for a! jtwo oq ! 'story J)ok Wlding. It' ilt be ' 36x36 ifciff(ilfrfo, onej side will exteiid back 104 imoCM(tbW.il e jqwite linj improvemont - ' onJyjbriokHdin'g on ;that'side ft the street between Broad and Pollock. -V Tb .ease , of 'Jerry Joyner, colored charged with robbing. G Ufqrd Joyner, 1 colored , of two hundred and JXty 4ol M t Urst waabefore Justice, Brtaon yester M f day. Geo. H.vWhlte appearedifor: the 00 I ptoeeoation-, and Jerry was sent to jail jwr to defatilv Of -ball .in the sum of iflye "KaXred'tfiflars for appearance at the iiext term ot the Superior Court. ; ,,.Saf Crvejrnr.. n . Nortn uaroiina proau North Carolina produced a tt-pound wfrjvielon and it t waa, a ygreat. qjg .:. w . :npe fbero wae a dfsppsUion on (the " " part of th; las . General Assembly tp r MCnore Craven county as a part: of trtM??th (Carojlnil, you oight to hftve said . "UC,ravenJ" cbuhty . produced a 7? pound " watermelon.: J I "s;r r : Mrf . A T. Jerkins opens sphool on the 14th inst. Hfjr Jjcbpol is constantly growr jng in popularity wUa the sniau cwi- d ren and fiT Worthy "of patronage. 4fl jf 4J pr. 6eo. Slover begLns the fallsessjon J lsf his school on the 21st inst. He knows how to wapaKe( boys, and be has he happy faculty of. winning their affeo- , tions as well as commanding the highest I'eepoct. frpTTj , Iri4iyi4pallf., He baa added the military featard, and the I.,,;ata authorities have promisea w.iur- n' i nim ine nocessafy gutitifH " SWUeff In. . ; '' , ' ..' ,..CIr. V. C. Erdmann. manufacturer of cigars - i 'i . oved to the new brick buildipg on - i " 1 1 etroet next to tho tformer. sifa or , ' .i irotoi. :- --..f:A.- Kl ' I r. ', Y.rater3; sajoon apd..' billiards, i r -rp i to the riext door below Etd- "a ul'.,. tumebuJlding.-i Both these l ---a rooms 'adiiiratlj', ar ; f - : .f- "ctiiye trades. ,. '.' ' ' ,1 s terprising bard 'f cutting back, to ' on v-' ' i there'is now i t "0 .- ! k store?, ' i ! ' .1 t r bis ciia- Parnonal. . r; 1- ; .r . v,' , Sheriff 'Halm is off on a trip North. Mr. J. S. Winlhrop and' family, of Florida were at the Gaatoa House yea- tarday.'..;.;.;:. Mrs. Capt. Dave" Boberts returned from Morehead City yesterday morn ing- - . . , . .1 .a ..: .f. ,5. S - .- II . - i ill, I I, li ft l 40tt Fto""; Baleigh. ' . 4. W v, . Rji.TjcioaAug. 29.J885. Ihe much needed rain has come at last to this section, not, aibe old-field preacher said in bis r-rarer for ram. "a gully-washiog down pour, oh Lord, but a steady all-night drizzle drozz'e." When I was ' last in Baloigh, the mud was ometUiue foarfnl. this time the dost was equally so: owing to the diffi culty of getting 'water the streets are sprinkled, except occasionally from Heaven, but the people' here ar pro gressive and pot content to stand still as we in New Berne are, and I doubt not will before long have artesian wells to give free supplies of water. They are already preparing to avoid the evils of next winter's mud by paving i'ayette ville street, the sidewalks are to be widened several feet and the centre of the street paved. We already have ar tesian wells and hard, shelled streets; we are waiting for Raleigh to catch up. Ed. Journal. ? Almost all. the State House officials are out of town and Capt. Roberts, the aeoper of the1 buudinir. is availing him self of their absence to have a general house cleaning. I peeped Into his office and that of the Governor's Secretary where everything is in apple pie order with beautiful new carpets. - There has been, no nrnolotmcnt, as yet, of' a Librarian, end the library is closed to the great disgust of some of the boys who are anxious to get a neop, once a week, at "Coues' Key," the latest and best authority on the birds of America. yrqituolocy is now uie popu lar Craze, and several of the boys in town are self-taught taxidermists; one of them thanked me the other day for getting the committee last winter to buy Dn Cpues'.book, saying he bad learned more: from it than from all the other books he had studied. Charles Hervey, a lad of sixteen, entiroly self-taught, is preparing, from the directions ia JrueB' Key; a tree filled with the birds of Wake count v for exhibition at the annroachinor State Fair."" ' ' v , The Church of Good Shepherd is still without a Rector., Rev. Mr. Gibson, of Petersburg, Va., a nephew of Bishop Atkirjsou, has been called to fill Mr, Rich ' place, but, as yet, the vestry have' not informed the congregation whether he has acoepted or declined, so the sup position is that ho is debating the qnes tion. Air. Kicn resigned on account of bis health; be said he needed three months' rest, if not six, he is universally beloved, not only tn his own- congrega tion, but outside of it as well, and the general feeling seems to be that it would be well to keep Rev. Mr. Button, tempo rarily filline the pulpit, till Mr. Rich entirely recovers, and then recall him to a post where he has made so many friends. Great fears are expressed, by other denominations interested in St. John's Hospital, that that excellent in stitution will suffer from the loss of Mr. Rich's services; he was the life of the hospital, but,, though "it may ; -languish a ; while; this noble chanty is too dear to the hearts of the Raleigh people for them to allow it to go down, . , . . , c i - wuy cant we nave one in New lierner We surely seed it, and if there is any thing . in, .which every denomination, and the outside sinners could cordially co-operate it ought to besuoh a work as Tue first bale of cotton was sold here on the 27th at Hi cents, it graded mid dling. ; This . I suppose may therefore be considered the begin ing of the cotton toe. r Vr.- ,-; M.. Ii, . ,!v,ySwansloro Items. Fjsh aje pretty scarce since the blow. 'Quite a'coof snap, "and the mosquitoes had to skedaddle away. We are expecting a steamer here to rua in the waters, of Bogue sound and Whi Pak riyer. ft t! , ' Messrs'. Cr B.' F. and O. W. W! 'are going . t0 ' commence : teaohing school again next week. - : " i , We tblnk 7the " postoffloe here will un(terD"n change yet, sowe shall have to Iftok put for, something else. j Qiirlitte.towrkcan boast of as many pretty girl? for its size, as any place.; If votr don't -believe it. coma and see., t ATe'c'rible storm of wind and rain, last Tuesday .. evening and night. : Serious darnage .w crops all around ; ' fruty al most entirely destroyed. The wind lasted hfire about' 1 hour, and1 blew down-our trees and fences fearfully. No damage to vessels or boats in our harbor ss we hear of. wv- 'V i L'1' ' P.ig trial In town last week. : Qne roan was up for -whistline: a reel at another. and. another up for cussing a double jig at some one. Une of the parties applied to a J. .P. for a "general satisfaction warrant.' v The J- P. not being: able to find authority for issuing such warrant, $ general (Compromise was; made be tween all ' concerned, and peace, de clared r & f' Dave Hall," while traveling the road carrying the mail,v came upon a huge loggerhead turtle i which he. captured after awhilp,. but' couldn't put hiai iq bispnRgyjRO Javetied ajr-turtlei by the tail and' was dragging him along all right. Dave stopped1 for a moment hear a lot fine hoj;. Tha hogs of course wanting, to -know, -all things,', oame around the turtle,' and one of them tot his long tail too near the turtle's mouth; turtle grabbed the latter end of. pork close up, and next thing Dave knew-, bis Ttiirtla was. going through the woods after a large hog hsa a streak of - light ningvnud but for the separatioa.of hr3 aad tail, sorxie serjoa a itri"g;e plight have been done.' fciow DaveilaU'claims dsmtircS for the loss of his turtle,'. hnd the owner of the hog claims damages for t' g If ?s of his hog a tail. . ' ' .'.--,V i :' ' ."".-' Kinston Items. ' We nominate Judge McKoy for next uovemor.,;,. i- y.- ,.; ;; j Kinston College opens fall term Moo day Sept. 7th. -. .. y ..,:u .c i Judge .McKoy is very severe on per jury, ne sentenced a negro, this week. to five years in penitentiary for; this Watermelons continue plentiful. : By tne way, we saw one yesterday at i& U. Tyndal'a that, fiive men.- could stand arouna; n was a monster. - . v -Solicitor Allen has made a fine im pression during his term here. He is alert., energetic, affable, learned and every way well qualified for the arduous duties of bis office. IWsrs. Lewie Einstein and pavid Oettinger went to New York last week to buy fall stock of goods. Mr. James F, Hill went to same place on Monday for some purpose.' There were five marriage licenses is- sased by our Register, George Hodges, during August. - Three for whites, two ror colored, parties: one pair was from La Grange, the others from the country. The negroes who are confined in jail. make day horrible and night hideous witn their cries and yells. They call it singing. We propose that the Sheriff give each one a taste of the shower bath, sod see if their ardor may not be cooled a little. The case of the vouna gentlemen. Messrs. Frank Rhem, James A. McDan- lel, Julward Barrett and Elisha Lewis, for violating n town ordinanoe oa June 6th, (standing on platform of railroad car) which was appealed from the 41 ay or 's court, was tried before Judge McKoy in Superior Court Saturdays Sentence of jury, not guilty So the boys can oontinue to tell the girls good bye, and look at men who resemble Jim blaine. Wednesday night the mercurv in our thermometer became frightened and ran down towards the bulb. Stopping at 50 degrees. Some of our farmers be gan to tremble for their sweet potatoes end hurried some fine ones into market. The little boys began to look up shoes and stockings and dream of Christmas. tint to-day (Saturday) the wind has "fetched a compass" and. being gently from the south, calls out palm leaf fans and the watermelons.- ',. Nowitzky, the medicine man. while dreaming sweetly of bis future prospects and perhaps revelling in the idea of the millions that are in his particular busi ness, was gently robbed of sixty dollars, on Thursday night. The thief seems to have been asquainted with the usee of boat nooks, for ne extemporized one of those implements, by driving a nail in the end of a pole and reaching for the Eantaloons through an open window. Caving depiived Mr. N. of making a bad use of bis money, by taking it from the pockets, .the bifurcated garment was left near the window to guide the detective in his work. CLIPPINGS. . . . i ' Light blue eyes are the oddity in a pure-blooped Louisville negress. ' Rhode Island retains the greatest den sity of population of all the States. ' Robert Browning again thinks of visit ing this country,' although he is 73. ! 4rt?. Within a week after publishing a book on the perils of Alpine climbing, a Vi enna lawyer fell down a glacier land was Killed. . . The Castle of Buda, a heme of Hun garian monarchy for centuries, is to be completely rebuilt by the Emperor Francis Joseph at a cost of 83,250,000." The death of an aged Obioan was caused by the shook of discovering that ne was oniy wj years oid, instead oi Do ing, t-.e centenarian that he had sup posed. . The head of the Roman Catholio mis sions in China reports that ten thousand native converts have been massacred within ten years. . - Five white misson aries have been lost. 4 ) . , Prince Leopold,' only son of the late Prince Frederick Charles of Germany, has started on a long tour in the East. The possession of 84,000,000 enables him to oo as ne pieases. , ' . ; , Officers of the Chill navy talk a great deal about the anticipated time when they may sack Ban Francisco, and their idea is said seriously to be that a project of that kind is quite feasible. ; f It is estimated that the opposing can didate lor tne uistrict Attorney, of Luzerene county, Pa., thave promised fifteen hundred Poet Offioes to politi cians, though, there are only a hundred to be filled by anybody..- .... , - .Vt iV. , ',i The ex-Empress Eugenie is making' a round of European watering places as the Countess de Pierrefounds. The de tective police of Carisbad, learning that tne assumed title was ncutious, report ed her aa an adventuress, ;t Six of the clergymen who made a re cent bicyoie tour of uanada travelled a hundred miles in a day. The same distance has been covered by profession- sionat riders fin ten hours, but on a smooth track with the slightest iof wneets g : , . ... i - v.. . The fortifications iurroupd2 Paris became he lurking places of vaga bftunds ana scoundrels, whom the mili tary are nqw driving out, at ihe ' same time destroying the woods and shanties which sheltered them', and from which they sallied forth to rob. ,,v - j 'Twelve mounds of incinerated human bones have been dug up in France, at a point which makes it likely that they are the remains of Oaulo-Roman war riors. Who, ia the time of Hannibal, fell in defending the Rhone against that Uenerars passage, ,K r v I i ' Big tassels were put by a Memphis woman on the ears of ner house, and a ribbon bow on his tail, in order to dec orate nun to her satisfaction for eques trian use; but he liked the adornments so little that he ran away and threw her off, nearly killing her. -; "- fWiillH "' ppm ' ;-;! r1liil!TWfWt.'. FKACS, AS9CEED. i London Aug. 29.-It is almost certain that peace between England, and Russia on the' Afghan question s now .eotu pletely assured. ' The two governments are at present busily engaged in arrang ing the lasti details of a mutual' under standing and i negotiations are 1 proceed- raX8 CATTIJ ,rVSK IM 114-INOlff. - Texas fever in the. Good win,, herd at Kankakee, Illinois, a special dispatch from that point says that Good win pur chased 200 herd of steers at the Chicago stock yards,; where they were reported to be Michigan cattle, though it is now said that Texas ticks are fQ,und on them m great numbers. Six herd have died, and ten more are sick. A dispatch from Chester, Illinois, savs the State vetenarian has discovered the presence of Texas, fever in the herd at the prison, where two head bave already died; ' The cattle were purchased at tho east St. Louis stockyards. .:'! THB CHOLpR A . MADRID, August 28. There were .V 575 new casesof cholera and 1,100 deaths from- the disease reported throughout Spain yesterday... . . . Toulon, August 29. Eleven persons died in this city from cholera yesterday. Washington, August 29. Secretary Bayard today received a cablegram say ing that the Cholera had broken out at Nagasaki, Japan. The death rate is re ported to be large. The port has been ! declared infected. ' THB SPLUVA.N-MCCAFFRY FIGHT. ntuwuuiMf: 4 .. . . on t l. u . . 1 1 : McCaffrey fight was decidod at the -end of the sixth round in favor of Sullivan on account of a foul by McCaffrey, al lowed by the referee. THE SMALL-POX IN MONTREAL. Montreal, Aug. 20. There were forty, five new cases of small-pox re ported yesterday, only fifteen of which were authenticated. How the Monkeys Tricked thb Bees. Two monkeys sat un der a tree in an Indian forest. One monkey was seen to busy himself in smearing the other wfth red clay earth. When he had succeeded in entirely eoVerlnhis companion, be disappeared in a neighboring wood, leaving the other a mass of clay, but' for two small eyes. Then the bedaubed monkey " aa seen to climb to the liollow of a tree where was a bee bive. The bees buzzed about the intruder, bnt all they could do Was to ; leave their stings in his 'clay coat. " At length they swarmed away in 'despair, and tho clever' monkey helped himself to the honey-comb "Then the other monkey' came out of his hiding place and proceeded to pick off the clay covering from his brother. This done, they set to work at the honey-comb and finished it. Electricity to Eemove Tat- too. Any piece of tattooing on the body can be entirely removed by electricity, andj"if properly ' done, no Boar need oe left. The process is a gradual one, because the eradi cation has- W ' be ' done piecemeal, and care exercised to prevent the platinum needle from -burning more than half through1 the inner cuticle, This caution trill render the scaring of the skin-1 after the-wound heals impossible; 2Pi I". Sun. 1 . u,,l i ' i U m Six thousand letterr of Peter the Great have remainedunder suppression, The Emperor of Hussia tow permits the publication of a selection. . ,,,,, Glass Honse. ..' 'They who live in glass houses should - mind how they cast stones.?' 'The Wicked fleeth when no one pur i ;;-Buetn." - " It is amusing to see how tender-footed certain blood remedy proprietors have become of late. They make much ado about apes and imitators" when none are insight. ; ; ' xne proprietors oi a. a. a. would say most emphatically that their" remedy stands upon its own merit. .Should we attempt to imitate; it would ho be those who do not understand the, modus oper andi of that which they offer. Our own long experience ia the profession' pre cludes such an ideai ; The field for blood remedies la large and broad, affording ample room for all present aspirants. We do-' no desire to- close ' our door against others neither shall it be otosed against nsUiBl -B. B. ia the ! quiokest remedy, does not contain mineral; or vegetable poison, does not-imitate, and ia in the field as an onor.abtejCompeti tor for public favor. andit success is without a paraHel. "' - u -A ror sale wholesale and retail by B. n. Duffy, .Cash to accompany, the order. Worms do exist in the human body to a greatxtent, and are,,6fton the cause of disease and- death. Shriner'a Indian Vermifuge will destroy and expel them ' '.;, n DIED, v :' : ' ' ,1 At the residence of D. S. A man, Ons low county, on Tuesday evenine: Aug: 25th, Mrs.' Rachsel 'Mortoni widow -of me iai west juorwa, agea aoouiij vnara. ,: . . t ' 1 . I v, m in r. i She Was a christian Woman and lea res setsral - children,' grandctyldren and great gtandohildrea' and' many friends and relations to mourn tier deathvi The familjjaervicea werejeonflucted bi Ectv If. Fetrell, at Queen's creek clmrch, a large concourse of people attending. COMMEKClAL. JOUENAL OlFIOB, Aug. 29, B P. M. '" ' COTTOir. v New Yohk, August 29. Futures closed quiet, i.' September, 9.86 , December., 9.65 October. ' 9.67 ' January. 9.72 November, ' 9.63' i February, 9.82 Spots steady; Middling 10 5-16; Low Miduting 99-16; Ordinary 9 5-16. New Berne market quiet; Middling 9 1-4: Low Middling S 11-16: Ordinary 1 1-4. , . I, oonnsTic market. Cotton Seed ?10.00. Bakrbls Kerosene, 49 gals., 85c. Ttopenttjix Hard, 81.00; dip, 81.55. Tar 75c.a81.25. COEif 60a7oc. Bxeswax 20c. per lb. Beut On foot, 5c. to 7c. Country Hams 12c. per lb. 'k Lard 10c. per lb. Eoos 13c per dozen. Frksh Pobk do. per pound. Pbakuts 50o. per bushel. Foddeb 75o.a81.00 per hundred. Onions 81.00 per bushel. Field Pxab Hides Dry, 10c. ; green 5c. Peaches $1.25 per bushel. Apples 80a50o. per bushel. Pears 875o. per bushel. Tallow 5c. per lb. , Chickens Grown, 40a50c. ; spring 20a30c. Mbal 80c. per bushel. Oats 40 cts. per bushel. ToBNipa 50c. per bushel. Wool 10al6o. per pound. Potatoes Sweet, 50a60o. Shimoles West India, dull and n im- iual; not wanted. Building. 5 inch, hearts, 83.00; saps, 81.50 per M. wholesale prickb. New Mess Pork 811.50. Shouixers Smoked, No. 2, 6c.; prime, 6c. u. li. and Li. u. ojc Flour 84.00a6.50. Lard 7io. by the tierce. Nails Basis 10 's, 82.50. Sugar Granulated, 74c. Salt 90o.a81.00 per sack. Molasses and Syrups 20a45c Powder 85.50. Bh. t 81.60. Kerosene 10c. Dr. Slover WILL KEOPEN HIS SCHOOL. MONDAY SEPTEMBER 2'ST, 1885. sol dtd Private School. MRS. A. T. J ERR INS will reaame Die dunes of her School, on KONDAY, SEPT. 14th. Prompt attendance on the openlns 'of the seKHii-in in eHrneolly requested, In order to the pronor ojamiocaiion ana greatest improve- m. nioi ine pupug. .Sept. 1st, dim . 31. GASKILL, MERCHANT TAILOR. A Full Line ef Goods and Sam pies always on Land. . Suits cut and made ' on short notice, and at as v iow price as tne I same run he had "J anywhere, in North Carolina, Fit guaranteed. Middle street, New Berne, N,C. . sel dwtf For Sale or Rent, The Store on Pollock street next to John Dunn's, recently occupied by O. Erdmann. .' Apply to aui d2W ';, H. 8PEBLINO. Insure Your Gin Ileuses The undersigned ; are pre-. tafed to WRITE EISES on GIN HOUSES jn , TIBSt- CLASS COMPANIES, and at the LOWEST, ' "POSSIBLE BATES; . ' : WATSON & STREET, Insurance Airenta. au27dwtr . , ,. , - Notice; :1: CHARLES K. IjLSOW HftK removed to his did stand on 'Brnari atreet between Alex. Miller and IS. M. Pane, where he would be pleased to see his friend and customers, and supply them with, the best ceei, veaisna Mutton tne mantel airords. tor U eats delivered to ut nart at tha !tv free of charge.. auUdlm Coii Tp The lTohtt i PHCENlX CJIOAR 8TOBB Win bo forind at thS eia speti '-ire wlir Say tha rkoond door from th.aorner of Boatfa rrant ann middle streets, w here yon will enrithariNGsrotaARsTVoBAooo, Can dies and. KEUlltLand maor ethet goods yen may want. ' , . , , , , A lao, "Good VOOU SODA WATKB, atXQEB OamitwkOoCKc." . -T Norfolk Co.. Va, WMtMeridge&;W ;,Pommis$ion Merchants; 1 1 1 UWtTBt HtRWtWt . XWHtt, VA. Ppeo'al attention- (tree to the sale'orjrjf . TON.Ut'PvN, P&ANUTB, POTATOaS, ami ail IVntrvPrik1nM 1 Raferenees: Williams Bros., 8, ItHrhfte A Send down vonit ehokf class Croekery ami Ctilua, mail I-okph 'jov. OtnamenU, RerpFakt-H, tie, ami, tiav on. SOOTT to wnmt thftM. A!o.tiu' I'if.nntB fresh parched everr tlay. foritr 'ets. a f.imrr! Onlcoon Honlh ront min-nt, between Jiau eock mad Middle streern. c-4-t)(-rti, S c. Assignee's Saie! Bv virtiiA rtf o. .i.I '.1. . signee of IT. a. maip r ...m ..n Close up said trust, .1 The Entire Stock, of IT. S. KACB; ia the Store in tha Afn-Lr. n . , City of New Berne, AT COST FOR CA61L SAID STOCK CONSIKTS OF Drugg, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Varniih, Hardware, Canvass, Ship Chandlery, Lie. Parties ilfisirinr u n.i. .v.. ; .,i i to their interost to tali ut ouce unV'i'i-- miuo nam ocock. JOHN WALKER au6d4w Assignee of U. S. Mai . . Cigars. Ghi Another Lot of Cigars Jiwt In Which I am oiiering'at ibices Lower Than Ever. CALL AND EXAMINE MY STOCK'. JOHN DUNN. 1T60. 1 Newbern Acadeiiy EJtablisliod by an Aft rf Hi r,iplsl:i . N.O., VII Ceoii;.) iji. ti 'J iiifd of St. veinber, 17()l. it Is nnilnr Die eonrr..i of a bnara of I wonij -iour irwtoui. Newhern Graded Seliooi (Under the Ansplreti of thr 'Jpi'.w, f the Nowiicru Acaoemy j PRtsriPAt: ' Paop. PRlutTiiojiAa. . AKSTSTAT!:: Prof. UeorgA W. Nenl, Pivf. u t. il'i Mrs. A. H Keroorn, Jll;i.ri Moil " Mury WIlllaniR, ' I ;., , .. , , ,. Mine Kacliel HKx.kflfUl, Hmhh.iIi a Miss Aiinii: t:hl-iii - IfOTICE. The Trunteex vi-onM wsffiMK- An w c attention or parents nm' Ku;iri u'iio . ,, vantages oitnrod 6r the nl'ieit o i , ,','. children and wardn, nur.o .Nov5).-ia i.t .1 Hchool. During the Inst j enr, n nuil ennj-iio- dlons building hH hc-n r. , ! .-,! uiiV-, ;, the old buildiner.wiil i!mu nororarliaii ,'.'. to, elRh' hundi-cl i.r..i:.i. fitiiu:4 ti iuo midst of a ben.nl !fnl irmve.1t in Ktr-mn,,! ,' ?Z.,npleB,", we" kept evi'iiinlis vt)wv ..f reiing comfort ami inniMs;f i.creoiiuii u, ii,,, pupils. . i l Experience hjts shown that tn cprnrlfiR II'.' services of thepi'cwnt ccrpi oftwich.Vi s' u, trustees bave txten fortimn.n in .'n ,i ,, . services n these well quaiil:. d u..- ti j... '. ttonsassiKnrd them. ' ' ;sti;die8. " In the ten grades are eml rnc .1 n!! (tip ! ; -mary. lnternAsdtaLe ami .tv . stndles, embracing Lmin ni.d iie. :,i..i tangnt rrom the mostnpptovi.il i vf V. -pow In use. , .. . CAUSTHENICS. ClaiFes are regn ! rly taul i r. i a U.i u i , -ralandgraooruibotlily exosnsS. Altea's trystrm of Rtortk-trrri-.'lii" IS taught by an exr-crt flu th.;' 'nivij-o il grades, kres. t - : Isjr Ammeamenta ar te:n:i'.:,s I ,r teaching vooal- nn.t, ii ..mtveuir.l ,A,i. . painting and draw-in;' nr. .vv i:- . . . -i "-Attbe lastsesmon f fne aei-.t't. i- . hundred pupiin wer, onvoMnl.- a..iv!) i: -'oommodatlon for ps!h hTiri-.l, ''.i tnis,. . h are willing and auxU.nu tex:e:nlllielKf.. of the school to Hie rliiUtvu i i" .'r,v.i:i .iui the adjoining cimr.tiOi r.;. irv.-r-,' n rate of tuition. J9T Good board can be ha 1 In XewSt ui at very low prices. .i -x ' RATES OF TCITtO.t." '' Towblte children Khrsa pnrenti aiet iM. To white ehlidreu rli. r:a..,ii.riiv not elllaena of Jtownrrn, the (hl:iv.i i,. ' ', U u n are made: . . ., , , Tuition In Primary Eorait- .'SlttrtJ""' $IJWcrfWaih Tuition In Intermediate Ue- partmeat..... i ,-l it f. Tuition In Ad vanoed Oioil j , ; Department . School Opens on Monday, Slpfckfi!7th ii j I I'l, tif.' Furnitus-f i Hl(ltfi'l ;i'rAir When ytm eome to HewrAlittVVij, nrebesore to call at . ' . 1 v,-v- .vrf.j- ;i r Hiiit .:! Mtf JOHN SUTEK'a S'5-! .i!f ... -Ai ir,4ii.f Second door above K. R Iorws'4 , , ; i fr' If, o T -,e;pa ..n hana lVr Suite, Oh.iiiHwi' '. ' AfVrr w. - Jao&wly A tsro, Marina swa a, momsim, ya, . JnlSWwly . : :'t. ..(.-. : . ii-I,ir-5 t

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