V.,.;' r'T,.r'' : ,"yy'i ' ; r . rr- r , "0 r .V5 $ t v MirUtl t - :- - ' Did jyourSup-'-t .- e Mir'jng liniment only good " . s? It is Jar jaflaaulia tion of all flesh. . , . , , r r - e KA.rm KU&Tfl CAaOLIM alible wo nits, . f J . HonumejiteTombSjH t And aU kinds rajsdWngworilif' ' ITALIAN! AMERICAN MALE Orders will receive, prompt attention , , - satiftfaotion guaranteed. y-., ?f- ' OE K. wiLV.1?, Proprietor (BucoesBortiTJooree W. Claypoole) , .- . Cor. BflOA-k'D CRAVEN St$.,K ' ft o Bjwioe ' O. E. Mills a u my authorized agent .,- Kington..- A ivli maSO-lrdw;' jnriESj'JPiEDnonD, Aren't t aMiSottler TCT5 fiTf L' O 2 - i(p5JEWIjra GO 'S .PHILApSLPgfAja ;rC v , jNew Derne, N. C. p fbikr Pf eqiuni j the Oan ; ' . 'tprwlal Exhibition at Philadelphia .and (tpparfc JpoIqn. KeepsbetT than any other in warni cllraatee, and la th , faforttera -h I For sali. a ke sorbati.V-? w';' T.A.Groeu'aQragtana OH MIDDLE STREET. 6;- ri, RDpeBj wines Oanvafl, ; Oakum, I,. - J Oilj tol .'.otciJ before purcha- ink- r- ivil Orders takuU for Nota and Seines. 4gent for Ilasard Powder Oo. "' T ITT TTnTT . Hpv2dw NEW BERNE, N. 0 ..-fVnfffnrnftlTT , iitynd ntiineroiii .uimrtiMwiH, fmf- . . itlrt" io,o M. nr:. n tC Avoifl u n ilt prvtea t r iul w - u-t. t 't our r 'i "-t 9FA rial lrk t i. ... i ti tnonanl ? t -,-.--. 1 'KPft i. m v thai HA ) t"ilUH'il, dc 4 ), n n. re ft BileD n to riioiiH. or u n or '-' in v ot. 'u i on a. i v (l!rt ' ftiioB - 1 M-U. U f it t n " V. "I nU , ( ., i. u nf (! rii- r V t L T I ! 1' ihTHEj JOURNAL. NEW BERNE. N. C, SEPT. 8,. 1885, Do Wf Appreciate the Age HVeXire I ! K J 1. . . - t i iuucu ua we uoast oi our mouern improvements we are, most of us, behind the age we live in that is. behind the' best thincs ill it: we not only-fail to keep well informed of the minor special inventions and improvements that tend, to make life easy and fruitful, bat ; wo con stantly neglect eren-the old and familiar ones. Take telegraphing, for instance: excepting those whose business requires them to nse it constantly, there is not one man in ten, nor one woman 'in ' fifty; who will not aCIeast hesitate before sending -, an ' ordinary message in somewhat less than no time by wire, instead or the more tedious and troublesome mail bag, v even when it is perfectly evident that the advantage oi the, swUteri and surer method, small as it may . be, will greatly outweigh the slight ad ditional cost. As for traveling. why shouldn't we, when, as often happens, it is easier, pleasanter, safer, and cheaper than staying t hornet When I can take my entire family 'and my most cherished household goods in a small portable palace, and carry them away from the burning, blasting heats of sum mer to a land of cool comfort and health; when,, for business pur poses,? space is annihilated, and I am as pear the, center of the uni verse when I stand like a butterfly on the.rim of the wheel as when I anr clinging to the hub, like a tree toadwhy muBt I plant myself, like a telegraph pole or a tombstone, and never stir from the spot where was bornT .no. ; sir! We have scarcely begun to understand our opportumticSi or. to raniize what facilities -for? moving about are within our reach; much less to take advantage of them. A Modekn David. A m ild- looking ,man, speaking American with an English accent, called at the oQice at the Chronicle, and, handing a folded paper to-the city editor, asked the publication of its contents iq the next issue of that journal. The document bore the .heading; ;uCenitra n Pres, Taber- nacle," with the. motto -'Ood is Liove," and told of the fimrod ex ploits of the militant pastor in the w lids of Uacbnma, Santa liarljara county, jt apperrs that llev. vv. J. j8m,itlj; who is camping in tho vicin ity for his healthr hot aud killed last week "a California lion, meas uring seven feet in length. It la said they were, in elbee .quarters." The members, of tho Tabernacle congregation are mpcU pleased at tne prowo ui ineu nnepueruf finu, it is said, are considering the pro priety of changing ? the legend, "God is Love" to some reference to Pavid exploit twith the; lion and bear. ' ' ' Anol,het Large Supply of , f Also, Large Supply of , " HANCOCK BROS. GASTpNmopSE, .STREJJT tfSOITJPropmTorB. The O917 Firn-oiaM House m me cny. rhmnlhu nnnneeU with all Trains and Steamers. Large sample rooms tor ooramerj fllal travelers. . oeta-dU rJ. VitV'U Pork, 'Side;,UeatLaii:d " ff CHHSP. r.fHOLBaHKNlT al 11 dOiu (. BEIT J. 7' P AVIS, ' .?t"ij.-&an3WBxt.jaL'x.,.'-;!-' v-..i -.ap-- ,'vv: (SHlPPEa OF BANANAS.J ' CoutHcrnpFishi J Fruits , . i AND Prcducd'a' CpcbialtV.' 106 Barclay St. NEW YORK. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. .1 v PUOMPT REfCRNS MADE. pS T5 to 79 Fulton tion Market;' Dmhan ii Powell, 114 WasMnglan" at.; Wm. faaaker Co., 4i Harrison' at. " f ' BurruBi, I'reaUlHnt lt National Hank; Tra, on Cummlng t : W. K. Davis A Son. ' . ;. , eiiiu uum 1 !, I . f ' JJ Coeig To Tho Front !, rncDNix cigaii STor.n Vi'i'l lie fonnd at Hie old Krt; we wl'l s-y ii r,ii,: n "1 ''dle .. h" yim v f r rn-Ai -. bi'fu.. ca. I.,, . , t .'irb, and lintuy other guMU I,8ADA WATER, GINUER ALp ana t-i-i KUC K. WATER Aug. 4. PALSIERS. I I I AM hsftB lMI. W 9 i t MEETISGS OF LOCUES. . ; St. Johns Loihib, No. 8, A. F. & A.1L, meeUthe Sd Wednesday night In each montn. ' ' - ; ,e Nkw Bebnk Cbaftkb, No, 45, H. a. 114 meeU on the Sad Monday in each montn at if p.m. ?r 5 . EuaxKA 1 Lodgk, No. 7 1. O. 6. F. meets on the 2d, and 4th Monday nights lneacn monta. , . , . ..... . ., Assessment No. is now due. and must be paid on ot before the day Netjs Council, No." ,i, 0dkb of CnosEK Fbiends, meets on the 1st and Sd Wednesday nights in each month. Assessment No. 75 is now due. and mnst be paid on or before tin 4th day or July, V. , CosifoPOUTAH Couiron. No. 211, Akeb- ioar Legion or Honob, meets on the 1st ana tax Tnarsday nights in each month. . Assessment No. 71 is now doe, and must be paid on or before the 16th day ox Jaiy4;i800.,,vf,- 7,,ft, ,1M .-, Local Branch No. 95. Osdxb Of .thx Iron Hall, meets on the 8d Monday nignt in eaon montn. .-! 1 Assessment No. 03 U now due. and must be paid on or before the 13th day OI July, 1885, . , ,i,.fa?M.; Athenia Lodoi. No. 8. Kniohts or Pythias, meets on the Sd and 4th Tues day nurhts in each month. ( 1 Assessment No, loo is new due, and mnst be pataon or before pbe tn day ot Juiy, 1080.. i Elm Citt Camp. . No. 88. Fbatkrnal legion, meets on tne Sd and 4th Tuea days in each month. . .. Assessment No. 16 is now due. and must be paid on or before the 3d day of July, loss. TIMETABLE, Mnm -r; i !.''..''. "US: IIMaJ r,n,-WTir,mir.rtl Atlantic & N. C. Railroad TIME TABUS No. 16, In Effect 6:15 A.M., Thursday, July zaa, loot). , . EAST. was. No. 61. Ewrew No. SO ExpraM, PSM.4MS1 Pass.MaU arr. L're. STATIONS Arr. L'T r m. r. m A. M. A.M. 5 07 6 48 8 27 Ooldsboro, ... 11 68 11 15 10 88 6 45 22 8 UK La ur&ng.. Klnston, ...... XI . II 18 10 42 8 18 S 41 I WW. 10 30 Morehoad D 1 s,ao r. u. A.M. A, EAST. WEST. No.' No. 4 Pass, Tra'a. Hlitd Fgt. k rasa. Traia. STATIONS. Arr. L'to. Arr. ' A. . A. M. .6 40 I 8 00 at 9 14 9 88 10 14 10 63 11 W r. m. T 09 0 14 6 38 501 4 24 4 00 81 262 2 18 2O0 11 4 .M. 18 5 49 608 .484 4 01 3 85 2 58 2 22 2 08 120 1 09 10 31 967 9 13 861 8 16 8 00 A.M. Oq1cUWio,... Best's .. La Orange,... Falling Creek '725 s oi 0 Bl 10 (M 10 49 11 2 11 4il Vi '& CaswelL. Dover.... .., Core Creek .... Tatearora 11 45 Clarke's S 0 Hewbern I 3 ) RlTrdale......i 8 5$: 39 V 53i 9 00,: 8.50: U5i 1 A. M. aw 18i Oroatao. !i 1 4Ti Havelook.... 81: Newport., 501 WUdwood 6 Ifi; 5 34 i Morehead Olty ...... i 5 40; i Morshead Depot- i '. M. F. M. . Train 60 eonneeta with Wilmington A Wel- don Train bound North-, leaving Ooldsboro 12:28 p. m., and With Richmond A Danville Train West, leaving Ooldsboro 12:36 pan and Wilmington a weiaon Train 0WMatl:tp.m. Train 51 eannseta with Hlchmoaa A Iteavtllo Train, arriving at Ooldsboro 4:40 p.m., and with Wilmington and wellon Tram from the North at liM p.to. ' 1 Train 4 connects with W. W Fast Mall Eolna South, laavlnir Ooldsboro at T:38 D. m.. and with H. A D. Train going. West,, leaving uoiuauoro as r.vi pan. t t- ' - - Train 4, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri day... .i - W. Trains so and 51, dally exeept Sunday. Train 3, Tuesdays, Thursday a ad, aafudays uu ; Superintendent. Green, Foy & Co., BANKERS ud COMSSIOH MCE1ITS Office, South Fbont Street,. i Have rirst-Class FaolUtles lbr transacting a General Banking Bulaeaa. "Will reoelve deposits' subject to check or drift at fight; will buy or sel . Kjahapge on New tork, Phlladelphlaand Baltimore; will make loans on well secured paper, and make; liberal cash advance to Cotton OoTn,!JUce and Naval Btorea, and hold on storage or make sale for one commission, either In this mar ket, Norfolk, Baltimore or New York. . ...... feblodwtf . AURQRA.lNC. The FALL 8E88ION 'of ibta School will open . . y.r i'.-sV-j .-; , ri AuWt 31st, 1885. This lnstltuUon Is situated in a growing and progressive town, ' v r V f - i P V P.O'-KT. BONNER, Wnelflat I'.Sv"' ' JIhs. R. H. LANE, If oslo Teacher. . For board, ttyltlqn and terms, send to T V JiiONSKH; rmoipai . angio dwtf ' . Aurora. N. a , Y 5i't V' ri' ill" VVholosaie ' & Retail , ,rp ,v,. Mf')l-r, i , Jiil '.aauuuia if! ' 1 1 i. ' ' ' rt I Provided CrcsccriGS,' ' C t II i o1 in l , , .,rtE::t$asi Shoes All of which we are offering-VIST tow.-:-.''.' -'t j Order aoMcltHL . J J 3 J n . I A ! I Satisfaction' rajante4. dw IZZS. N. 0. STEAMERS. vw tnr isrTTfia-''" Stem' TraiiSTDortaticii' Co' BUMMER SCHEDCtJC OK THE HTEAMEB ELMfClTY' to go Into seet and erWr' Aprfl 17, 1886 ... t- ' .III .f M. I ' Ieve New Berne at etlock, p. m , Mr i au LAnaing, stopping at Adams ureua, Vandemere. Stonewall and iiayboro. ar rt vlng at Jjkke aodlngn Welneday, t io o'clock. a.'m:'' ' ( v . Leava Lake Landlhs; for New Berne l, i j ocioca, m Btopping at ay noro, tnona wall, Vandemere and; Adams Creek, ar riving at ew Berne. Fridays, i a. m. ii lAlZuL-i-i V.' t'. 1 n , i Lam New BerAd l Vstolodk; p. m?, for tf ,. Lake Landing, stopping at Adams Creek, ' Vandemere, Btonawall and Iiayboro, ar- -'riving at -LAke Landing, Saturday. 10 Mondays-, 'r.ytit v. if J i -.) .V. vil Leave Lake Landing at 12 o'elock, far New Berne, stopping at Bayboro,tone . wall. Vandemere and Adams Creek, ag- nving at New pmK, o'clock a.m., Tnea- By this Arrangement we kre able to make eiose eoaneetioB'Witn tne NOT4nern steam era, also having good accommodations both for passengers and frelsht at verv low rates. ask that the merchants and producers along its line to Hive It their cheerful snnnnrt Freighf reoelyed under oover. every, day of For further information enaulre at the of. flee. Foot of Market street. All (roods received onlv at our warehouse. , j.W.F.WUaRUS Co., Agent, Or any of Its Agents at the following places: . .ana, uhju, Aouni uree O. I. WATSON, Lake Landing, D. H. ABBOTT, Vandemere, : O. H. FOWLER, BtonewaU. W. H. BAWYKB, Bayboro. . WTf . BUBRDS A CO., JanZld&wly General Managei a. - THE NEUSE & TRENT RIVER Steamboat Company Will run the following Bohodule op and after September 9th, 1885: Steamer Trent Will leave New Berne for Trenton every Wednesday at 8 a. m and Friday after the arrival of the steamer Shenandoah; return ing, will leave Trenton every Thursday and Saturday, touching at all points along the river. Steamer Kinston. On and after Jnno 2flth. 1885. the Steamer Kinston will leave Kinston for New Berne every Monday and Thursday at U O'clock a.m.; returning, will leave New Berne every Tues day and Friday, stopping at Jolly Old Field and touching at all landings on Nense river, r Close connection made with steamer Shenandoah-of the Old Dominion Steamship Co. , JOHN H. BELL, at Newborn. W. F. STAlti.T.tonston. : ' D. s. Babeto, Poiioksvuiel I. T. WILSON, Agent at Trenton. J. P. QUlRkHXY, Jolly Old Field. J. B. Bahkb. Quaker Bridge. J. M. WH.TK. Sen'l Manager, ebTdAw v Klpston.N.O OL.D JDOMIIVIOIV Steamship Company. , & EMI-WEEKLY LINE t v . . t . ' , ' Foi Mew York; Baltipaore, Nor- i folk, Boston, Elizabeth City, Philadelphia Providence, and other Cities. ON AND AFTER : Mpndav July 2nd, 1883, UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE Steamer t&en&ndoaii arm u.t muIi ai tafii. Southern ifiiftmA A .lisab)b OMj. srerj (or Ne Bsrss. lsmmiixg isstss Rs Bsrns lor fus&Deuk ynif "! -"it 'if atk a ir iimssiniT at'fl.'taL mslrtny cless eaunectioA with Nop follt iStlir).K! R. tat Northern eius. Glass eonseottoii msds, B,tjMewt Usrns with suamsrs for Kfnston, PpUokstuie, Trentos sn4 all landings oa ;thi Hat asd frsui Elvsrs. N freights rsceiTed, lor shiui&enton TnMdayswlFridaTterSp.m. - , -FrsightlpnrarM promptly, snt lowt. rates gnarantMd.tddsstlnsHon. .)..,.( ' Bbnailoali saUS lu 'at Tags' Hc4 going and iotwnlng. j,,,,. rui',iU,' i-im V. taOBEBTB, AaU New rmt, Xl; i;.,Jl(jj " "Ats. Norfolk, f. A 5. . TAbB, Osa'l FrH Ag't' 1 ' 1 "j ChiDg of Pier in Kew York. OKI ;jN;;0eight;Line BOSTON, .pfiSfflBPSr '. J it : a. fit r.-i 4f ter this data wUl tKiy finmf I Sew tot It I .PIER.T. JfOltXH KlVElVt Ofio Kevt lorh and ' Baltimore tlM beat Lin n f - York,- in akin f d&ilv fMAUcilon Willi Baltimon lor Mew Bonei Hnnuii gnuuiu roiuvui mi uuit mis asi uud ,5EMIiWEiXLt' STJ?A$I Efc;., !.f)HS ,lKlT60htoSs1rlBUt) ,UJ!'U1J LsaTlng Mew Beras for JlatHnaOrs TUEBDATB fKUMISII IPS. UBKT isaiumors ioi ffsw.Bsras WWJtiTS dad BATU&P4TB I Agsau w as OIMat ; ,. j. ',i-,S tnU ) Uu :t ,.x ''-! ', ' J- fotighlSt.BsJ't.iid ' : vs w4a ftUtnv1' k i AIM 'OT mUU4lJlsVVJI, C sh Vi'l. Orda Jl OA. PhlUdelphUi ll Soath 'TorkliBalto.Tra.t.in,rter JforUrlTsr .SiMBiMoa, Boston, 6t Contra! Wharf. S. H. Fookwell, proTidenc K. I.t Vt: V. V. IV) 1 11 K, i .11 ' i , i i iv. " ill III BHIps leaxe Boston, Tueodays and Salarasrs. rw lorr nuiy. -.t j: iimir ii ftnesdi.is sdStr4mf 1 all kirer. Ja,oad..WdJMsdaya rrtdAys. i ) t i y t ,j ,i I. i Throngh bills lading glTea, and ratasgasram J to aU potoU, At tna difarthi nSAe of ta Sipaats ., ' M ,v .; : i m I-Oi ' N. C. LINE. d Kara I 8 H GRAY Agl Vrm Berns.M Wt 1ii'.'ir--""ll 'A" .17 . iAi aruo r q ire o Annuity Insurance Company WATSON fc STREET, General Agents) New BerneK. C. iWerefer pj permission to ite many hundred. Policy. JJoidcra m.rtfa Capliriaj-among'.wliom'are many ef the mot prominent "Dtfslntvs aha jjofes sional men of the Stale. It Ufi . New business written in 1884 over . f'l006,0O."f 1 Losses paid in 1884, over .... 300,000. Funds of Members deposited with Security Company, - 55000,4? The Finest System of Life Insurance in the World. u2841mw2my- . , , .ji. iMn T JM zv? - yr DEALER IIV Builders' Material, Machinists' Supplies, Machinery, Cotton Gins, Engines, Cotton Presses, Hay Presses, Cider Mills, Grain Fans, Rubber and Leather Belting;, Lace Leather, Machine Oil, White Lead, Mixed Paint. Linseed Oil. Glass. Putty, Lime, Brick, Cement, Plaster. BUILDERS' MATE-RIAL-Mechanics Tools. Builder's Hardware, flairi Material, Siddlery, Steam Bteam sittings. AUKlUULiTUJiAl, IflLPLEMENTS Flows, Cultivators, Harrows, Etc., Cotton Bagging and Ties. Kope, Twine, Etc, at LOWEST MARKET PRICES. Agents for Fire and Life Insurance. , GEO. ALLEN & CO MAX SCHWERIN. SCHWERDW ASH,, The Cheapest and Most Gents' Solid Color, Fancy and White Hearts, Ties, Bows and Suspenders, Latest Styles in Linen Collara and CuflH, tiuaker Olty Shirt, tbe best made In the We are SOLE AGENTS for the A. A. BATTLK MEN'S and BOY'S CALF 8KWED g!.50 8HOK8. is warraniea. niiooia any or mem in any way, reasonable time Rive oat. we will noon return pair and statement as to length of wear, either refund the money or give another new pair In exchange. Our success and gales with them have been Bhoe lu the world for the money. vnouier new ljoi jnsi receiveu in congress, wide ami rointed Toes, llntton Uuots English Balmorals, and for Summer Wear, Oxford Ties and Button Oxford. SCHWERIN & ASH, Middle Street, between Humphrey Howard and A. 11. nollbn. apSO ilwtf C. A. Nash & Co., NORFOLK, VA Manufacturers and Dealers In Sash, Doors and Blinds, Stairway, Window (Haws. Paints, Oils, &e. Also, a Full Line Builders' Hardware. 49 Any Eastern or Northern Prices duplicated, ijtlmatet furnished upon application. lullS dwtim GOLDSBORO RICE AUD PLANII16 MILLS, GrolclsToio, Uf. C, g Mbk MlliLERS and.nkanu&ctirers Do Blinds, Sash, Mouldings, Mantels, Ceilinffs, Flooring, Stair Rails, Balusters, Brackets, Newel Posts, And all and every kind of .Wooa Work for Buildings, (jjFrime foV Brick. v WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES A SPECIALTY. llaving just equipped ouf Factory with a Complete Outfit of thffl.est and Latest Improved Macninery, we, unhesitating, are prepared to say that we can compete in prices and class of work with an yv factory in our country. , f Estimates cheerfully mdo on all' cbIsscb of wood work. v . .... marll'dww W ho I e h a I e Cro c e.rs, - :? HAVBftEMOVED TtTIIKlR TW0;$T0RES, SOlTH OF THEIR FORMER STAND, And keejTof FJLOUK,. MEATS, COFFEE. SUGAR, SJKITPSJ MOLASa. SALT, TOBACCO. SNUFF AND CIGAllS, an' eTerythlntr; in th GROCERY LINE,1 a FUIX STOClT and a LOW PRICES for CASHV"0. ; H0R1TER SCHdOt '- Oxford, 3T.O., t)! y.. k Claasleal, Hatnamatleal and telcntlne Aeadeasr. with Mllltarr Oramst- . Tbe Fail Term of 1886 begins Mandar, tyi1infr' Ji: ,H3 Aa ample corps or able lnstrnctors Is pro tided, and the school ,toronghl. equipped JV-, i Terms for board and tuition the ssuna as beietolbre. " 8nl tmr Catalaa;. J. O. 4c C. IIORHKR. Jnlia dwiv of Ilariford. Conn. lko and Gas Pipe, Iron and Brass GEORGE ASH. Reliable Store in Town For Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes, " Dry Goods, Hose, United States, unsnrpnRsed lor lit mxl wear. Kvery pftlri wiinin anys of damneetll IMMKHSK, it Is the best, li nest aud cheapest SKJN ok ki.ag. u a24 b 1 'Trinitv Colleffe. Sbr. a s a a a . ' sa a ji moras win KraiBm J mft I T1 sW jffiMioW: Tuition In Preparatoty Ix part ment, per bioiiUi, t2.WtoSnn f Boanl.lch.dlngfarnUliedroomJ ' per month,,. t.OOtollOff For taraa aad pUlietf aat 41AT prop. j. p. HErrnAir, puiiuawim