s .w'-ui. .. jj- - - - '7' ! ' - , - - - ' , - - f " - - T ...- . 1 . . . . i.J .... . f .... t T . T ... TJKI'I' lr ffl. It1llll'l j 'r'pt J 1 i If n . -Bssa.ayBsa-p - .IlMA'Jlt'j V I. I' ;l ! S L J IIU'IW . .. .. t vf-M-a.. t 7.- i 1 , . . . j , , 1 j . . . -- r-iwinii ii j.flff ,un Tvin'iq'ci,, ..ir.rT. 'liUAuJi:ijl ji? cocr. JMi. VairiefahA W. ft. WMiaW ! WfrDmiA 0tinar Vttirn(l fmifctoa I fcfl v'TokiHN!lXOBJDAi ; , laasketa. vera UiL in tb ftnt a 1 ... .7 r.-V.: An ml I-k.. IIIMt.. X ms re ' t t K.-iin aeta. 6:20 1 12 hours, 44 mhiutes. . iimm 8:00-ft.: nr. TIousk an Lot ko Krnt Ob oorner 411viiy",A UAthWstree. Apply to j... ... Appointtmats1 Md reports for, over ars for mle at the journal omoe - ."iuiT8 fniuA lo wder and' guaranteed JoPwfrk,!4xecu!it this office ti ' "fW.ViJrf" "ftiw ill ' If you ' We 'Iiil'nod of any pint T- stationery . call at the Joubnal offl hd hV it done bofori) the busy Bcason 'twUAy'ak brighbi and '.. balmy Of DrinBoti Eexf ? ia 4if ting up t l4Jls4i(df-nezt to the Gaston tiousoi'-t . , Af&ottaayfam'iliisare layinj in a 'Hmfiffli ttribX for the comine; winter, The SnVer Cornet Band wiehee to eet- !J Llll. I - J &! l.a L effect. 1 ? .U i f M .1. 11 . 3 tf OuiiuihnielUurteU have returned from their different places" of recreation. -7 ,.i; ev,.,.',-.; Ue$pxtWn j(A M. C. A. thia eve ning at the Presbyterian lecture room metTTil. Cutler arrived from . Trenton yesterday iveajng with tur- A number of farmers were in the city' ,M yfstvdayi ttxAtbH 'alter! lafedlnfc and , ties, with which to market their otkton A valuable horse belonging to Ui, E. S?oiwittanlmai will be is a difll- . eult to replaoi. ' ! "w Mr. O-Erdmann.hung new Middle street yesterday. . It was painted by It aeems as thoueh the fish boys have Ha,'iaen frylog Wemaelvea for the last few .. .. ., holler the lqndejst. jMsot told ' TiiBewfuaiMf man Tafiaeeo Ltot ihttt when her Lauded it to ' 'the norter on board, he said "Boas der'a u.i fcftn.,niJD t'xl ?r1d -Cii 1 1f "'O'WesrT Hall, who were to Wts Been iVW'ti Wiaibbro' ihe 'il7lh 'inat.. M)nlhajteen' eommSited' By GoV! Scales W 400 JJoCrAi-tHbor at thet penlUntiary -oten . ttval Sc Norton U'horse' tonio, which la ' saidQ .a, 5ftlaber6medy for4 kai sa aawmntatire.of, disease. v ,wa ; M .We see. from the,No;feik lmtoarV? W t that a revival Wa joffccAMsnpse l Inland -at i si YtfaW er Jtity- I sere a ooiwersions. "ifllbet pr?thtMMMere rrie J men' acnoigwiiom were ne u ". . "years ZfVgSTJ j ...S - at the vtirbiol! Uiemrat a)n 'eetel'da'ai th'tt 6x4 eplt'thrttM amusjng a da and the nearest be j pouna 01 wie actual r'uier the gueaeer. J V Lv.iool opens tomorrow,. .... l j wetl for all wto can pois .o bo, to be present at.the opening we of L.6 6uBion, r"-t8Bhoald not, with out pressing tcouooiiy1, let their children be absent at t!Ja important time" There , is greai aavaniage vx nvuiK ww - .uyw. If elhcr In the sessions rtudiesnre ci; ' cr 1.. -4 rtfiy stud x one,-, can-obtain, the 1 1 -3 rrineifa!.,.. . ;,,.),.. ili VHbH ta A. if ..('I I ... If. ,A;r' Xi Ce schedule will taae -?w. Tv -orgerB will arrive f 'i t!fn about the 1 . re.V.iut 'varies 1 1 . !' 1 t "S .JOUE- a out ... '..caJ ' f - 17A t t 5 !t.- "' 1 cn ' r cl.Varfefnir,ft.WilIiaS! MrlWid Oettior have been appointed Railway Policemen f thelA? f IclSailtoad. These ap- ap pointments are made under a law pro viding orth6.aame, and "ooats po wrj or other poticer offloerB fn' pVeaeryiBjr Th Flr Balp. ' ; ' ' ;''", The first bale of new cotton was re- ceiveu a. ine dzenaogo yeBieruajrn), j,. was shipped from, La Grang 1 by, Wi TJi Hardee, on Capt. J. R. Wagner's trains consigned j MI Messrs.! Kail BroeItf gradeded strict low middling,' and was sold at'audion by Vt. f. Watson, Esq. Thft.2 bidding vaa quite '" sperited and it was , knocked off to Capt Matt Manly at lot cents per pound. The Vafe weighed 484 pounds Hrmealal. We -aCkubwleMge' with thanks an in- vifatipn, f rpm , Dr. ant, Mrs, A. Jl Pol iocki of Warrington,' Florida, to bo' pres ent at the jnan-ioge of their, daughter, Mi! V)rgiiai to JW.M.! Milia, Mi., oa Wednesday evening, the 83d inat. I But for the distance!, we 1 should surely be there: as it is, we can only send our ex? i!&Mkti&' many4 congratulations to the happy flouple and -wish them a journey through life of unalloyed pleasure. ; '' ; f. 3 tM J .. I I - . wjhii t)hliroh-8erviM hy the pastor. Rev. L. C, Vase, at 11 a.m. and 5 p.m.' Sabbath-school at 9i a.m. : The ftiibliy aniystrarjijsri trey corf illy in vited m all these services. ' . , ,. Baptist Church.-Services at 11 a. ra. and 7 p. i ,m. conducted by' Reyv A. J. Hires, Bunady-school at 4t p. m. Beats fre.nd the puclicoordlall lavited to attend. ..J, ' . . Christ Church -V.W. Shield. Rector. WtbJSeAftsy after Trfnity.1 'Services; at 11 a u.-Holv Communion and at p.un. Hunaay-aonooi at o p. m. ine public always invited to attend the ser- V. E. Church 8outh(-r-Servioes at 11 a. m, and at o p. m.r conducted by .the Pastor, VRov. Dr. ! Burkhead. I Buhday school at 4 p. m. seats free. Polite ushers. .The public cordially invited, (l' St. Stephen's Chapel (colored), a Queen street Seijvjpes at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. ' ' " :'- -;-' j"y.-iu st -i y tfcvi? ui'll ' Prsaal. ; U.'C. Taylor and family have return-J . . . ." . . T ' 1 t . 1 ! ' I I I ed from a sojourn-at9aneb0rDv Mr Taylor says jie djilnot ctok fojr. any of the big snakas or aligttorswhile down -e; but devoted his Inquiries to . the there quality ipt'lamg, efibepwiulletts and such wbichjhe j found to be very good ana" entitled to' an "honorable men- 'Capt. W. W. 'Carraway, oKai D. I R. Walker","?eiM-ptirwr, pr theyorip kditorialeign',iobk the train for Lenoir. Caldwell, county yesterday goes fn'tho interest re The season at the Atlantio hotel st M'oret'aAClesUeateVday. J. L. HartsfieUit of Kinston, wsi in The i BXArtalltr KmiiM Df (he) City J Fr'o.perilE.D.Ha ws have the following figures' as, to in terments in the two cemeteries of the trWUVLM to.AagMy.8fat, 1885: (iedar v'rovo, there were twenty toustorineota.ctha4eosasea, five vrereppdef oe yeA ld,t ad eleven w-sre under five years firs were over sjKty-fiVeV1 "pt. yVhota two ,'weraT Over seventy, and one eighty yearbld" Th causes of death were: aid age. three; ap&: pleats, oneJ,jppgeatiTe chUl,on, heart disease, two: congestions.' fou', 'Croup, neVciiolera infantum, onf stillborn, twa; malarial fever, four; typhoid fever, one, conramptf off,.' two; head-falK onei, drowned, one. One death occurred, i Paris. France, on In Craven county, - - - t-- " Sf'?"';"'''" "m! f cl J - J - J l I . Ar Greenwood Cemetery1-colored, there were fifty -eeved Interments and of this' .number --there were: twenty-six under five years oliof whoiu twenty fout were One year and under, seventeen rwere over fifty, six being over seventy and five 6ver eighfy ' jrears.J The cans of death were: consumption,4 four; bowe consamrticm.''eix, - pneumonia!, one typhoid ,';pneumbnia, one; " cor!S":tive) feveif, one; cor -wtiv'e. "chilU .two; old, aiV six; ' dropsy;' six unknown, two! head-fall, seven; fever, four; pre 'ature birth J' one; '.:: ,-py, ore;, cholera in fan t u : t ' ; r-o;,: v,one; L'!e"swf!'pg, . t ; d-wtiJ. . one; iiJae'y, di-' i,;Cm; t V.ll lorn,, V r -: cnrb'uncle, one,, loek-jw, one; l , ' ' 's, one.. . .' . " ; ' ! ' . ". ' - '09 (' ' i and real e ' .3 h for fcttie hi this c'.Ioo. a c Ice for Chattel mort- i 1 ! 'MrDswid Oettinger 'returned, fromtoi 1 fcjj Xtsrohitls'.njOwnAi i.J j . New ifofi on Wedneeavr onol LicBaoirvnaa, ahj(JI SepcJ 1,4,- Eiuston oW offers inuaual faisUilies to those wt.Q desire to board, New cotton ja .coming .iA.aow. an icouse took toe lead last 1. Mi.LMaan. of Waslinclc vwtinc Bif ststof, Kra;iavid Oettinger, xoiaa ads rnwis oi Meiasooro re tarried homer Thursday .iMsn a visit to relatives fn Lenpir. iirJ. 1 -fc a - Mr. J.. W. Evans, o Roanoke Island; was in vrwa rnaay, - e re frf) oring 1 ;; W? "L00" U?e te and baeeintr in the denot warehouse; eet- tjng teady fpr the opening cotton, j , tiftt Jpeclt. KeartiLiadllady reached Kinston vesterdav. Prof. M. will take charge of the musio department of Km ston College.-' ..' i-. .b-xi Mr. H. Clay Parrott. who' some weeks ago moved - his steam saw-mill ! near Goldsboro, will po move his family from his present residence near Kinston. The peripatetio -Venders of various commodities, who whilom entertained the public on the court bouse square, have folded . 'their . tents and . passed' away. , . , . , , , , m r Major W. J. Barrett will enter upon the duties of his office 1 as postmaster of Kinston on October 1st. 1 Mr. Robert (V Strong, the very efficient present clerk, will remain in tne omoe.- - ! - I Mrs. Susan King will more thia wetlt into her new house, oorner of Caswell aad Mollvaine sts.- Capt. W;' P; Mld yettewill at once take charge of- ths house vacated by Mrs. King, and cpn- iinue to iaae Doaraers. j ((,f Col, Simon Taylor, of Catherine Lake, Onslow county, was in town Wednes day night. He is on his way home with his daughter, Miss Annie, who has been spending the summer at Hickory. Miss Mary Taylor, daughter of Mr. Fred G. Taylor of Lenoir, has also been sojourn; ing for the summer at Hickory I ( , ( '. Capt. Hancock,- the- new passenger conductor on the A. & N,,C. R. R., is winning golden, opinions from those' who have the good fortune to t passes I gers on nis tram. , na is auve 10 we ,is terests of those ' in his care, polite aad attentive. No other road can boast of two such conductors as Powell and Hancock. . .. Chapel. Hill Kates. 1 The University opened Thursday, 37th of August, and the campus is once more alive with students. ' Iki "Freahmer" continue to arrive here on every train,, and the prospects for a large number are quite good. " ,-' Ail the newly-elected professors are here, and it is very easy to be observed that they thoroughly understand their duty. . Air of moot art tteWAievar, ana have even in this short time sainedl the good .will and esteem of all the students! W4 venture so say that the University of North Carolina can now boast of a t acultv witn., as,aua ability as any tooiiobeia tae ouujiiJ.u .i.i i , Muoh ''freshmg" has been done, in the last few days, but we. are glad to announce that this heathenish custom wilt hereafter be abolished. Dr. Battle and others of the Faculty have stated that any old students caught engaged in "freshing" ; will , be, immediately .dis missed from, college.-! Seven soph mo re ware summoned before the Facultyjaat Wednesday accused of basing. They will probably be dismissed. This is a severe punishment but is the only means by which hazing can be broken' up. -i it. r . si .' . ' ' ''''' 1 ' - ' ' V iV-V,.-.'. . . ;v list of Letters , Remaining in ..the Postoffice at Berne,- Craven county, N. C, 6th; 1885.1 " :"-r ,-!!""'- Bizzell. Cathrlne; Beet,' Bright. - , Deloaoh. Simon, i . - New Sept. Gasting, Arthur;' Green; Matilda; Gregby, Mary Jane : Gordon, oaran. 1 ueart,ueuie .. Ipock, Augtia, " 1 . Joyner, Esther, ."; t Mullen, Eliza PaVn ' AntriAHw: A II v A cjaaaava f mubuvhi . . , 1 Rn.aandv.- . . " ' : ' Spencer, Theodore)! Bimmons, Emily; pencer, r annie a. care Lura id. wacar well; Smith, Fannie; Smith Williams -Williams, James N.; Williams, Laura. : Persona calling for above letters, will say advertised, and give date of list. , -1 4-m, w ji M. MaklTv P. .:; Editob Journal:-Some months' ago the' stockholders- of the Atlantio and North Carolina Railroad held a meeting. and it was ordered that their proceed-' intra, with the report ef the officers. !be published. I learn that the printer has done1 his work, but neither have I nor any stockholder .that I can hear of, re ceived, a .copy. of the proceed ingrj. I am not : aware that (Uiere is a ' 1 . 'tig ; to conceal. ' and I can oonceh 1 . ason -iy -the report ihcfuli te sed. What is the Becretary or tne any doing that he cannot attend to mat ti?.t V. AStoceholbk :- - -I I-. 1, ml -i i-'-i) - ''Beaufort 1 Telephone: Iff. Alvia S. Willis has been appointed pObliafler at Morehead City, and we presii- will soon, iba. inducted.. irior'.cu. The apjo jutment is a go, 1 me and so" far "as we Jhave heard gives general . satisfaction. The captain of the schooner now un loading stone in Our harbor relates a fearful experience in the late atorm stmtgJhKOfne.-? He wn el ltteras Ai,;U t-ua. ana says it jh. te-nfKi severe blow he ever fioorred. 1: lost his f 01 el 11 i 1 8 .1 ' compelled to t row ov ' ' i s t "t f I ' carf-o. f , . lK'iiue a v. i f .r fmri 'I 1 about 150 to S J t tot.il..:.;-: ' ' were wa;. '. - t r nli .1 ovr r t . 1 ' 0 wo. ' r f s.) ',:;(Tl r r boo t '1 1 or crew t, ; . ' ! J L . t , I i r i I b..J he c.J t .-. t Special- to tb A'siea4 Upiaik say. a i storm Mnsidembladatalastoiasl idonaito cot- ll'K !kJ i , I).! load of dynamite axpModifleax Lake-' field today Two, merf and, a team of norses wiere Binwrr to pieces. 'The shosk wteflroi-mileaaroua9t"; - : " THE BODVS EXOOVMlftD'." ' : .. 1. itWdtttf! pt$. body , of strtu: veiia Ukwao was arowned i-ues- rUghti.stoouiMUhts-nornlii., The inriilAbEb' th'sT iififMcR cf walks.- Loitt&N.'Se'Dt! .(: the Prince of Wales arrived today at Stockholm." wheroiM' set with an enthttB.ast.oepHi6ri.,Th rrinoe was received at tu1 van way std ifvu, DyiiviB yeopriisvaq anecuonateiy embrac,hw Theity was profusely decorated with, aim in , honor , of the royal Visitor.';'1 V . ,f' liimm lOTiirofflssiPwrrv'i. fmt. WVitlX Minn". SeDt:'2.-6Win to me tow water ana tne tnreateaea oiose of. navigation on the Mississippi above Winona, the gate ot th Government dam as,,WinnebegP8hish reservoir was raised yesterday morning and a raise of five feet of water la renorted at Brainerd . and is expected here tomorrow, solvina th navigation problem for the1 present. It is tne- first test of j the reservoir sye- IW-M"! ttlH '-it !'.- --'J.i ' "'-I ' , 6TB1KB FIVE THQCSAKD WORXMEN. , LoNDOW -i.Sept,:: ' 2, Five ; thousand workmen employed in Sir nWilliam George Armstrong's machine, an gun works' at ' tlswiclc; near Newcastle struck -wttflfy today titecause' their em ployers refused to dtsaotiss two managers whp,had.mads'them9Slvesiiobaoxious to , mpkatopsH jsvMips piwute. 1 ..Madrid,, .Sept. IV-wCoqnt iBenomar, the Snaniah Ambassador aA Barlin. tela- graphs that aermany 's note7with refer enee to ine jaroimee is. oourteoua, nut gives', little tatisfacttofl. The note has not vet arrived hereiti The Spanish Gov- ernmeat haa, ,asoeiyd no information that a squadron, faa . beeOj seutt eo the BBB'UN?"Sept. ' S.-l't'is' Veportad thatl the ttpaniali uovernmenf asked KngliAJi support im the Carolines aflaiti and that the- English-, Government- replied that thijj adhered , to the previous refueaf to reooghise Spaniah' Suzerainty over the cGMnes."5"p to VT r.f. ( dinithck.'bebi 1 $itn the 'evenintr of Aug.81 W."Ri'BTOdka,'bf Phelps,' JI, Y., disooverediaTsaBpastied oomet, whsh tonight,, was ; verified) by Prof. - Lewis Swift.. Director, if&H fflun .Qhtora tory of this city. .its. position Js: , Right ascension, 13 hours 41 mlnhtes; deplma tion north, 89 degrefes'' miahtes. It hasnotolb iiot-inuclijtls.i aiia Is pretty fainb-i 1 Ik ia nariii .southeasterly, and cai easUTjbe; seen;, through; aiourrinch telescope v It is iq the constellatiph 6f not ante-dated iJ entitles1 Mr.' Brooks tp. the Warner prize or yzuo making the third, wqnj by pim tn.tha past throe Brown, ison pf. f eae voC j tbt. largest and best known stock, dfeealeradn this ooahty; drew-'fttKKr fro'nV the" Tint National Bank of" this fity last Friday1. He' has net bee heard IMhirMnos.! 'His father sayv thahihat san had- jwiahl hiiir about, 7.000 pf his money, having ith all about 812,800. There are .many rutnoraas'to the cause of youngJBrawjLJL disanpei anoerlhough it is generally m believed ii u wa.iiia. uv. 1 1 I ' w. ci -.' IftLa.' a I Irtjti thsIlnore4MtriftXuatKbrry. The houses of two baiytls were tired intp'Jatiiig1it) hyipiMias W disguise; but fortunately no one was injured. , Slanftiy.'O." Sept? il'dispaieh from Bowlusville aaya:.Train No J 5 1 on tha ladiaaat' BieemfiargtotF anr v estent Railroad., while running thirty miles, an hQur, ,wMihMwn.fxom the track by a misplaoed switch and' the engine and baiars'l'chi'' eortoletely.deinoliahbd. Enuineet , Hay ler aad i Fireman 1 Taylor Iware both fatally miured'Thpas6er gers were Mdiy-snaken vp' but nooa, Tb yictiB r DrnsalBA. Asa -u . Outside the Holts te'sld'enca at .Hober ken.' yesterday morning all was bright and obeerful. Beds of brilliant' flowers nodded lathe '.breeze and; .merry; ehir dren played along the .sidewalk and clustered about the front gate. Within, in the darkened parlor, enclosed in white caskets, and covered with masses of fraprant flowers, lay side by side the bod.es of Gretchen and Ella Holtz, vie tims of Prngist Am rFnde's fatal mis" tak. f "1 , i s: V-ug!f 'intensely sad, viiwi a beau..i'ul bue, for the bodies were so arrrjri tsat the . faces looked toward one fcn. a as if in sympathy. l r l ) c : k t ", crowt fa front cf a I u e I I s-i ino-eft-" 1 t-.t the un- ""i-f- T tO t' t 11 o'c! ' ' ?' 'c t a r 9 (i r. rtw . r 1 oft.-Ty- " r t r ws, . t 11 1 e o:' t-T. 1..e c. -v.s were covei . 1 ui wh.to embosssJ vslvet, sn.l c:i l a in- Mde -vers f lined'wltr! White- Tha. oferp which had baea.tapon qaaketo. ware . laid, in the: first carriage, which" they a, (most filled. , Qua of the most beautiful floral designs was a harp of rtfl and white roses; oh either side of which wUM'dova.'With'Mtstntohed winga was neBched. whUd atttke haae was, the rer'Greteben" iarerf blue immortsues. . This was young Dr. to wenthals last gift to. the girl to whom a had Immi fctiWhirf. '( - ' i Mrs. Bolts was toOusion overcome-to be able to go to the Have, and she, with the. younger, children, , rena iaed at home.' ', .. .. . ' ft Ik. nTAain .nlz.l tfc. . red to witness th last sad ceremonies www utwu wa vi uwinv w aiv uwi sxaaa . clustered more sIoselY about the graves. ine body. oLUretonent was first lowered into te ground, and, then Ella was laid bi uor Bioe. . .. waen' the Hrsl" cIMl" winhdad . oti Osstchena coffin several woman in the crowd sobbed alond, and the tears roll ed thick .and fast, down Mr. , HolU's cheeks. Near.bv him stood vounir Dr Iiowenthal, completely overcome, while avoand mm were au brothers' and te- tors trying' m 'Vaia' to-comfort him. Altar the graves had ; beew filled and cpvered with flowers, aad the! .carriages bad left, the cemetery, a, i ragged little ooy aoout io years pid begged permis sion to place a daisy, which he held in his hand, with the other flowers on the graves. Bis request was granted One of ths doctors who has harae of Mr. Am, Ende said .yesterday that be was not able to be up. although still suf fering from a severe headache. Strict orders have been given not to allow him to see the newapapera, and he does not yet know that Ella Holtz is dead. Some fear is entertained that he may lose his reason when be bears of it. UlaM Houses. They who live in glass houses should mind how they oast stones." "The wicked fleeth when no one pur- suetn." ' It is amusing to see how tender-footed oertain blood remedy proprietors have beoomeof late. They make much ado anouc "apes and imitators" when none are insight, ' The proprietors of B. B. B. would sat most emphatically that, their remedy stands noon its Own merit. Should we attempt, to imitate, it would not be those who do not understand the modus oper andi of that which they offer. Our own ions: experience in the nrofeasion ore oludes such an Idea. The field for blood remedies is large and broad, affording ampie room ror an present aspirants. We do not desire to close our door against others, neither shall it be closed against us. o. u. a. is the quickest remedy: does not contain mineral or vegetable poison, does not imitate, and is in the.neia as an honorable competi tor for public favor, aad its success is without a parallel. i For Sale wholesale and retail bv R. N Duffy. Cash to accompany the order. 1 COMMERCIAL. Joobmal OtTioti Sept. 6, BP. M dotton l " New Yoaic.. Santember 4. Futurea closed, brm. : '-,!,:-,. September, 9.71 December. 9.54 uctober, U.54 January, 0.60 November, 9.50 February, 9.70 ' Spots' firm; Middling 101-16; Low Biaauns 0-10: urainarv s l-in. New Berne market quiet. Sale of one bale at 1(H. Middling 9 M Low. Middling, 8 5-16; yrqinary , ., .,n, -.. . .. : 1 1 -.! aoamio niaKB-r. " 1 -COTTOSBlCXD flO.00 ' ' 1 , BABHM-HKaroeene,4tgals., 85b. "TrantirrasHaril, $1.00; dip, fl.55, .TAaT-TSoTall.SS , J BEKBvrax-iOe.'berlb: ' ' ! i fixxiv-On foot, sc. to7ei' CpDNTHHAM9r-l0Irlb. -i . , , y ,( ', IASP-rlOn, per lb. , ECKK 13o. per doaenv.. , 1 Fkmh PoBit-6o. per pound. Psinrf950-A per bushel. 1 t FoDDjnt 75o.afl.00 per hundred. 05IONB 11.00 per bushel. I Fkldp-ub-t .1ff .,.-; ' BlDXS Dry 10o.; greesi 60. , ; 'pBACHES'-$i.85erbueheIf, . , ,AWjns-80a50o.-per boehel. ' rtAaa-Sfvae. per bushel. 1.Tawx)W--5c per lb. -Cioiitb Orown, 40a60c.; 1" tt mcxu-)U0. Bar ntiBhaL iOAM--40etB. net bushel'. ' I l!TTJBJn-SV W8l; 1 ; ' : wopiv-juaiso. per psand. j PoTATOxa-rS-rees, ftOaAOo. Smuousa West lad la. dull aad n m- Inat; not Ranted;' BuildlM. B. iach, hea,'W!W;saps,l.Wpe- T?, .1-1 l f J-.WHOL8AUS MtdKsV i Naw; Mxa. Poa--lll.50 w : , BjjOBiKMH3mJke4, (Jsii,- llFtWii--t4.00aa.50. tlff 'J-, ,NAjiliU0Htls.t.7')a aU'if 'QUU.W--.rpnHiBiQU, itOHl xiW.l SAtT CJo.ail.00 per saok.. ,, ,nw 5 POWDKf 5.50. ' " - KlSHO--lJ5aT 'VvlWiCMilb :fl 1 j EiBOSEXX--10c. -vft 4 os taViiriiei; spt-w-r. lgss; we vtU ., at PnH" otton t ' All r"re.. horn .ter v ( tlicm lr i"-v n . . 1 All lw... Mi'.- are re.ueitid to ii.. 1 .i .1. ii'.'i mi p... h i. IN1 IXJWW KTOOB'hlWrtCtttLASS. : ,Crkw ja,4U,.otli Uoken toy, hmenu, M-pRasea ?.. uO, ve u. WXnrr toeetndntthPnl? AliioTbux PoBitnts, a-et..psrehei VBvyBsy'.'forflreiotB.'a quart. Offleaon Houth rront street, Mhwd linn 11 ;.. ..:.' I" 1UM .,:,.r,,l"or,ro, uprfcr Court of UarluMMi county. HarUt Otroltas; in ine ease ot bailie !. Mnulor, KxecuUl,of Win ifh" s84 sell at fnblle It fcefton.to the oif TltttBHDAY, the rllWT my akiuyrtu eltyvf Mw Hwne, M. C : lAMSltki. aud I (M'B Ultll .wALlhe """""'e nI Pl-, twill sell niton """ urainng inriner lnmrmallon. nrDlv to K. O. HU.I..New BorneyA IV V "m FP OKOllOK J. MKAOOK, e w Commlasioucr. .tt4ii.ii r. . CITY ORDINANCE. Be IT "OHDAWKo;"Ttiat on and after Septemher th-no"Tatneof"any kiud that may be breught'to, rliepisy for sale, shall be allowed to bo driven through aay street 00 samo -Uhout hvfag oue rope on fore foot and one on .head, and end of saidl ropes tahuL carried by some person no lees than 2J .years, pid. Any one guilty of above offence shall be fined upori conviction t fcot leaatbin five dollars for, each and ovory offeoee. E. H. MEADOWS, s4 5t . ! Mayor. Kindergarten: min. jh AK. (I KORKKTS wmrpAf)en l.cr KliKlcitrarteii Si'lumi imviuv sh.'iii.'u BEK 7. ""l ,r Dr. Slover " WILL UEOPEN HIS SCHOOL., MONDAY, t. '' ' "' BOl (I'll SKPf KMDKH 2 kt. lux ... 1 Private School' A. T. .tEUKIjm Will resume of hot Hol.fx.l, on- ' mi: " Hie MONDAY, SET,. i4t!n. ITomot attondnnoe on tha nnnninir vr ih easlcm la ee.rnestly requested, in trder u. the proper eluHlocaiioi. ml grausti toprove ment of the pupils . uepi. ist, 1 ' .. dim'11" -1'' ASA A FuM Line of (QooJb andj Sam ples always on Rand. '' '- Kultk el and made on short nptpo, and at as low priqe as Hie same can be had ! anywhere1 in Nerth'Oarolina. JTiti guaranteed. Middle street. ljiewjBne.N,C. set dwtf -For Sale or Kent, liie Store oil Pollnrk WfrnUr -nil t I , , I, n Dunn's, recently, occupied hy CUsinlmshn. BOSS ABW Appier 10 - .1 ) .1 M. . . Notice. ill n CHABIB1 K. XBUOrl'.. Has removed to his old atatiillia Rrrt.tn..t between Alex. Miller and li. M. Pa via. wher na wooKi Mipleaaett- to S6o his rrlofids and enatomera.,ait4 supply; thorn wlthj, Ik best Beer, veal and Mutton the, oiarket adords. JSr ttoa4ade4fvorea to maf part bf the city freeooharie.MR. .,.M,,aBiaMlm JTb! Wnfra; - " " " j. C, tCrWaainoB, :, . CBrrtluoJt CtoN:. ' WoTfoik, Va. FWte,tflferidiljo, lie watkav UMW,Tnbr9fMC4 va. . Rnaatal Wxtehtkm oimwliJrttn 4.Uf'ivi' rwniensea: WlllUra Brfla.V S. R'WWte Pf' r" ltl-lr-wly I I I H:".m aro YcarCih!:::3s -111. .',J.ir. -it T7TT -jll-M llfl- ped,tflit1Waitt5i BISKS, on GIN h HOUSES s'lrii VPrtST. ciJiss , titrnfintii, M. at the ..LOWEST '-POSSIBLE an a MtMinf mil Ui XATSOH&OTHEET, t fcnr7Sr. .Ti.trl'iffl.lTif ffl 'M r t.t.mh l 1 linn :. ' ht. W J.i!'t!1. ..- !(? (t-.l ili 1- I -n' t-t'-"? .;. -. '.I'lK J'i v-f .-.i'V J :.,.i: -..'. it'. " ' ,-1 !. -. t-?', h ni !!' CAI