r.k A.--- --tJC3(5 ai'3.-Xe "ZVjnEtt-H 8s t . -1 9. is orJyT afi;pstfJf biau yr but it is a part Ewralaf?J- ' " may have it ; at least, what v .zi-i,rt t'i " 1:1." r J 4KRVI ,uragnojia''l La.HU Loth freshenc mA imm KCETII OHOL'SJ :'" yf i f - ft 4 l'.t.;4!W.t rllonunients, Tomb3: it A lid all kinds Grave and Bnlldt rig-wort In ITALIAN&AMEHIC0 fMRBU: . Orders will receive . attention (Booceaaoir to ytyrge w. CUfpeole)( - : . O. E. MiLLKR Jaz-Btr ifitfiorfaed D KinBton ; raaSO-lvdw ITA: i a nee . if!(""1 1 t--r, ?.r";-,.vi- "'.yww . , Af ent iMAt-Battleyo'1." re? Th&JtgprehliysJatsir., (ennLl :Vhibitiont Philadelphia. ao4 the Pa iixposiiio mitiOB. Keeps hotter any other in warm climates, and is tht known."' . Foi'salein keR9r orates.j' , , Wit 1 I . . I iil . ' FEr.:i:::.:;D umioii Tr?fln!l01d,8tp rvrt tYTTrtT erf tj rpn T GET HIS P2ICES ON v. s s . f C5 fx .a uail ft A's Snuffsmn 64ls, Rapes, j' J",f tsSfcOW Paints, Oils, etxC ftc,' before pqrehat ing' '" . . -. ... , , : , OrI s taken or Nets aid Seinesv Ai for E!ataid'Pewdet!o.1 t t hi NEW 'BERNE, N. C rj Ui H. i ttMi I'll-'' - .!!. from - - . . A"" . t fr-r t t nor v .;3 NEW EE2NE. N. C.;. S2FT,. 1 iV. After Jbmarck-WJiat2 . .0mny-considers herself ft Miunat in navingp'O ereat a man us Bismarck ; to guide her destinies He is Undoubtedly a marvelous ruler in' hia waj?-ClI takes rack with the ; foremost-rukrtf a!! hi.; tory,' There is no mere miuisterWj a king that cah'compar wUh him lor be is iv.tr fcnnrior or hvuh such masters 'of ' statecraft', iu Cardinal Jiicheilc.Br, ljnf:;t,'inajr W 4onbte J whether , j , t atare. , of. , Gprm any would' i not be i brighter IiikI; that pation amor.g IW rulers ' haTf store tor so ot statesmen trained iff public lire, but with no such commanding talents ns.'. the Vin-eat'.xliWijtollop. Kismareki -dwarfs ''all the "-public men "in Germany, ' and when he Mita - fall ; the reins of Kwer there is' no-v. one to follow who will command the willing t)be- menceoi iueut maB people, tuag pis jndre fortunate in this re spcctiler ? parliamentary system f trains to bublid life nartv chiefs in whom the English people bare eodu dsnce;' bonce the death of even Mr. Uiadstone would be no such calam ity., to the people of England as the .decease of Prince Bismarck wohld.be to. the German nation. uyloffiUigent reader of the news bapers could name a score ol states men in England who would make very creditable premises: but Ger many would lose prestige the world over were her eroat chancellor to be removed by death .""We haTe snlen- did material tn thia country out of which to. make temporary rulers. bufcdntottuBfitely, our convention system ostracizes our lead mgstntes men so far" a the office of president giushed generals, aei chief magis tratoSliutoar most popular states men ore alwavs iflrnored in 'seleotine candidates for the ' presidential of- fice.jTbe be$t Onr pablic men can .hopeuMi after (W brilluint congress- loiiaiJcareep -w -to- become cabinet ofllcora or ibreign ministers. So far we ha-e got along very well, bnt it shows howfcirrlonsly popnlar govern ment works, in different countries. Iu . Great Britain - the governing Lpqwer is always lodged in the lead- nig-Hiutesmen oi toe country, wuiie ( n . the; United States' the highest po sition of honor and trust is generally anaea over 10 fome luira-raio law- yeor nondescript politician. . Bnt the point we wishoa tb make was, e very greacpess 01 jtsismarcK may so dwarf, his successor that iSeroiany) hia ladi fier prestige, wlych ate now possesses, of being Ik .' J.. J -A. A! -iA ' - J' ff: nie luromoBi; uaiiuu, so lar as nim toryjfcpwe'rs oonCffniid, of all the wpyd.-Dmdrest's. titoTidic4byian Aei ef :tlj reialattire or . ,0., VII UeoigeJII. tn Third of Ma. r 1 1 vmlr, n4 ' dM the tunf ft j 14 Hfk board of tweuty-iour tnmWef. . If ebefn Graded Sciiol A jUndcr Mia AagpiMS of the Trole or , y1' the Newbern Aoademy. ) Prof. tioiv W. Neal. Prof. D. L. Kl Hh. Mni. A. B fVrebre. MiwItUria NanTy.l ' Murv Wllliumn. 1 Ida Ohridclniut. Mlsa Kuchtl BrpokBeld, " baimah A.Oliver . - ki ! . A nnl. Hhailal.ilr TIia TrnkUM would fMHllftr.fnlTv-ICAll the aueollonorTiareata sad KuardlisHtb the ad- KantM o"red fbv thV edifratlnh of tbelr CjUI liimn aim wrnuj, a. Hw-Jtfwatim .mora HiiooJ'""! ' " "" ' i . iM.rb'wiiia lost rear, a la rue and rommo- iffiuKbiiUdmii haa beu ereowd. which, with jlheold imi lull Hi!, will fumwh accommodation to wiiz Bunarua pupns. - Bibuuijet, iu tim ruldn of beautiful grova.lt U aurrotindeil .,--fimpleruid well kept p'oundx, toroby of. i.-.Uik'touifuriAnd wwrnapf reietlo N4 .' Kxi.rt-lenrS hri iltewn that In aecarlatr Wie arn ivw of HieprMeut corps of terhra,Hie IriiHWHi have been fortunate In obtaining the ( ru-w rt, tb,9 well quaUflefl for tbepoal (lqaaaasiKAeliliU. X . , ; ' f In ih ten orradea are embracfd all the Drl mnrv.lntennediate and advaiveod ftradearfif Btunlea, eniDraoinB uno ana uruea, ana tHUxht fron .Hi ntcal approied tvxst books JifjihJ JjoitkOTlucsica. . . Classes are reaularly tanhl tn tbia baautt tfi andraoeful bollj eereiaa, B .irr 411e': SjUa f Ball-tis'!, la taught by an expert th dvaanead grades, FKn.j7;, -. . rxi-'rii nrr -' A.rranBnMint are !belh"f made' itnt teaching voh1 and InHtrnraental moale, ptMUllDK ana U rawing rm lavunwie ivrais. atum lAMtarafiion of the school, over Ave hmninut mtnllit wpm enrolled. Having: ae. oommndatiun for elht hundred, the trusteea are willing anuanious mexienu lueopneni of the wilitKil to tiie children of Crvenn(l lite a4iM,,m,H ruuuut nip i jvtj vcw w ( r,l t.nil MHl. "' ' ; .. ; . - U(,l lKird oan be tiad in Newhfrr at yery low yi ices. : ;,.ftl j..V i-.'aATKso,Tcrnofr.-: - Tn hR hlldrpn whoa iwrpnfa are cltl- sensof theciiy of Nelro, lolton Is free: iviwMtA rhiWirpn whoart narenia are not oltizens of Mewbern, the following charges are luade: : ' . -r , Tnltlon In Primary Terart- int..m ;... Tuition in Intermedial le- part llltUt m.m Tuition In Advauoed Grnda tLOOper month '2,V0t M Ik'parlment . i . ausHdwlf ; i t n Wti'tp. '' ' J t?.' Tttinmo, ' CnmiutK Co.,K. C. , t ' no ' "i, 1 t orrvr- , aitu ait Pros., 8. it. V'lilte A iSorfiHB, Va. JuL.nlwly St.Johk8Lodo,No.,A. T.&Aiif, meets the 2d Wednesday night is mc month., t .;-.-,,, - I NkwJBebhk Chaptkb, !No. 48, B. Li. M. meets on the 2nd Monday in each MonthatSp.m, ; ; ' "r .; .' ,;.iVi,J Ecbkka Lodg, No. T, I.' G.' Q. T, meets on the 3d and 4tb Monday1 nights ASBCHsmenc not is now aof, in ms be paid on or before the t,Hr Of ! F a tf. :.'vi. :.. ka,!'? OJ j ....- r. "rT in ee Assessment' No. 73 U how due, ani must be paid on or before tlii 4th day oirfuiy, moo. ; - . Oo6MorouTA Gotjii oifi'No. 811, Ameb icak Lemion or Howoa, iarue thlst and 3d xtiursday nlht 4 in each month. Assessment No:' 7 1 is now doe, ad must be paid on or before the 16th day o( July, lo5.; - .-- k Lodab Bbascb. No. Oaosa or TBI Iron Hll,' meets on the -8d Monday nizht m each month. Assessment No. 62 is now due, and must be paid on or before the 13th day or July, 1885, Athenia Lodoiu Not 8. .Kimirrs bt Pythias, meets on the Bd and 4th Tues day nia-hts in each month. Assessment No. 155 is new due, and must be paid on, or before (the Oth day oi juiy, 1009.4. ,, Elm Crrr Cakp, No. 38, Fratkbhal Ucqion, meets on the Sd and 4th Tues days in each month. Assessment -No. 16 is now due, and must be paid on or before the 3d day of Atlantic t ft. C. Railroad TIMS. TABLE Ho. 6. , 0) In Effect 12:00 M.', Sunday, September 6th, 1080. EAST. I VfaSt. No. H. Passenger I No. 60 I PasscDser STATIONS Arr. IVve. I Arr. IVve P. H.l 5 U70oldeboro 5 1S1 La Granj !........, A. A.M. 11 W 11 16 10 38 6 iti 6 22, 11 18 8 67 8 trfl f. jMewpeme... a 2lK.lntoD,...... A. M.'A. M. l)ally eicccpt Rnndny. EAST. I WIST. No. l. Mixed Vr.! . a- . I KixedVst.li I J Paaa.. Train , BavTraio. L .STATIONS. Arr. L've .1 8 18 I Nswtmrai-w... I 8 fi I 8 5i UU! RlTerdale....: 8 02 j 8 07 V UHi V Hi Croat. .... i v 7 61 Ir i7 M 9 ai 9 81 ; HTlock. ...! 1 saK. 'T S3 9 6S1 10 IH! Newwrt.u-... I KM! IN 10 U; 10 It! WUdwood. m . ll IV us in i P. M.: P.W. ' IV oji iu 13 i (wraneaa uity. ami w Mpmisaa uepot...! i vw AM. I A.M. rally except Sunday. EAST. I NO.S "Hi. Nd. Mixed Ff(t-. A Mlxar- Ft Psss. Tra a fans. Train, STATtOfS. Ar..j i I-'v. Art.', a,1 P.M. S 18 i "4 84 ;IH ,v 8 81 2 61 2 17 168 1 16 40i T ! , 8 00 8 81 9 14 9 88 10 14 10 68 11 17 11 45 6oldbero,S..,-.v Best's ,.... Iia Oraxufs, iminm FalllDtOreek,. KlniUin,-... 7 01 ' 14 638 SIM 4 1 8 66 S28 47 113 166 , 7 25 It II 04 0 31 10 0 10 40 Jl 23 11 41 12 2T Caswell-. iKiver OoreOreek Tatearora Clarke's., Newberd.. Train &0 eonnaeta with Wilmington 4k Wel- don Train .bound North, leavlBf tioUabnro 12:10 p. m., ana witn nionmooncr a irtutun Train West, leavlnr Ooldaboro 19:85 p.ra and 1 iiminewnc weiuuDirminauuiniti:p.ni. Train 61 eooaeew vith Blchmond A paaville Train an-Mag at Ontdibera 4:40 .m.: and with Wilmington and Welion Train from the North at 4:54 p.m. , Train 4 connects with W. df W, Fast Mall eoliia Booth, leaving Qoldaboro at 7:88 D. m.. and with K. 4 D. Train going West, leaving Uoldahorp at 7:16 p.m. ... ,.,--.... Train 4, Mondays, Wednesdays and Krl days. Trmn 3, m oi ny t , i n n rsday and Saturdays Superintendent. Merchants, Eaniers and Manufactiirers l J- - Eiirvrri n cfin ". BliSTIiEEX'S feKiy jonrnai or Tnor, Finance, and Fnbile Etononyi. Btvleen Pages every Saturday. Oftentimes Twenty cngea. Bomevunca weniy r ; - m rages... 7, , ,.. . .- FVJi POLbARa A-YKABJi rirT The foremost nnrrxiae of rlBADSTREKT's is lobe of nractlcaiservloetobhslneasmen. Its special trade and. Industrial reports; IU weekly epitome ol Hnknurtulai thmmAwit tli i :n:,t-eU r isfc it and Oaniiuiv, aMt feuaauia. niarieS of aiiseu and liabilities, are alone warth the subscription prtoe: Its synopses of recant legal decisions are exceedingly vain, able. As commercial . transaotloua, Ia the wkler sense, are coming to be more and more eondnoted on a statistioal basis, the lnforma- tldaeontaJneninrlR4U(TRSaT-SMOf wierrst IrajKH-UueeiHHh te nfu4HPers aud u,klue- men, ... the trade and agrlenltaral sltnatlon throughout the- United States and Canada M reported by telegraph to licadatraai s p tu the hour of publication. . j SINGLE COPIES, TEN 'C&ffS. iJlIE . Bit A DSTftEET CO. . j 279, '281, 2K 283 BROADWAT, ' NEW YORK CITY. REGISTIin Fj P. ML E1LEL Pricto' tis Still, 8iaseribe tfl you? lonie Paper and. pay (p H j anq then remit T- to pay for ynHTi State Dcnocratic. Paperf thcBt,'FToH P-ntBTien. Facta new suhaaiin. or. tt'inittiint ti direct. In entitled I4 ti9 jvK IMT nn I, r oite j Bar H 1 1 vt IVf . , - 7.. i l.fc-b. until Avcwt I, In i iv,.-i,. i .. oi-p'c. r.f ti-.e Kv. , is oftored as a ;i-tkr ma ill J rni TT V " TT 4lkA4& A V. A A ralf;s?i, it. Ci tU -"r--" S ?r r. iiTW.iifBTE iirii Tiirr.iPn i WW WW TUCVkW wi .S Ol"' t"'DV Tussflajs ' Unn tiuu'd. ,tti , Leave New Berne at 5 e'clattB. ri.'Tu'i', d Ike IsuUsrrtoplBMAdMasOTer4 ' Vaademere, Htopewai) and lteyeorova)i 10 o'eisck,aSTav l.i kinhn-i ln tlib TJtUrsdaya-';iJt"i'!stjl'tiI MuIiwriT um,e i k o iiwuuxipr wrfW' w.nvr 12 o'clock. m atonblng at Barboro. rikenr. wall, Vandemtn-e and Adams Cteek: an riving at Kew Beraa, Krtgayst 2 a. m.l Fridays tnyt jueave new perne St AtDC k.Bra.fr ") ilAXe lautdrng. sopplni at Adarhs Creel-, r-i Vaodemata, sttoawwalC and liaybdu,iar riving a Lsjte,i4Bdnis, r4atry. iu O'cloplcif ri.n - ,. ' , ... f. ..j J - , . . - J , teav un lAixiing at io'ciocs, nt., ir r :ixaw eraa,apping ax. uayooro, nran wall, Vandemere and Adams fjroek, ar riving at New Kerne, 2 o'clock a.iUy Tuee- i " I." i-Hi'i l 1 7SI ' f'l! BythtkaTrSnKenieutwe are able to make (lose connection with the Northern steam ers, also having good acectn modattens botb for-paaaengen and freight at very low rated, aak that Uie marchaau a4 frodee-s along Its line to give it their cheerful, support port, .y 1 PTeigut reeeivea uuuer eoververy the week . ........ J-,-, IT For furtbeY Information enauife sit the or tee. Foot of Market street. . i) ti . I , , , . NtYtieiur, ti.C. . AUIUVAAl IBUUOUIBlOt ' W . A-l S3 A TV I rjni, lIDTUUiu, Trur . rr attjrwtj u.Ha.Aa I'tWkF.HUHRrjSA'tX). , JanildAwly General Maoagei s. UEUSE ' & . TRENT RIVER Steamboat Company Will ran the following Schedule on and iiflc September 9th, 1885 1 .. ' i-i'.t; Steamer Trent Win1 leave New Beme for Trsutou ever) Wednesday at 6 a. m And Friday after thn arrival of the steamer Bheuandoah; return ing, win leave Trenton every Thursday ami Matarday, touching at all points along the river i . . M " Steamer; Klnatos. Oil anil after June 2Uth. 1H85. the KLf amer Kinaton will leavn Klnaton lor New Uerm every Monday and Tbaraday at 0 o olottk s.m .'..111 Aa.r V, ..... 1 , . . . A.,A.r 'I'. . ... day and Friday, stopping at Jolly Old Field and touohing at all laudiuga on Ni use rivur. Close eonneotlou made with steamer Hbeu asdoah of the Old Dourinton Steainshlp t'o. ' rtl : JOHN. H. BKtifj, at Newbern, 1 ' 'W. F. STAkt. kinaton. ' t ,0. 8. BAtanS,PollokavlUe. i . .1. .T. WIUBONr Agant at Trenton. : ; " J. P. O.CIISBXI.T, Jolly Old Field. J. B. Basks, Qnaker BrldgSi J. M. WHTK, Oen'l Manager ;MdA-wii .,(tfii Klnston. N.0 ' OLD ; lQMlllOI , StjgunsliiB;,R Company, ' faEMl-WEEKLY LINE ' Po7 JTow York, Baltiniore!, Nor- l,ruuiAa4upnia,,A'roTiaene, and otue tJlttek' .-A t-.--s.ti Ti..rf X!;,:. ' ''' ON AND AFTER "; '111! ill ?-fiu. ,i)i.i..i.. .11 ' IJ.NTII.iF U RT II E R N Q Tt't'CE mi. 1 l, s.f. ! . WsWiekv.' Wa1aprivki at traln'oa Norfolk aaataera ataUfaaa at EUaaaeUtOity.Svery Uf.-.JH4NAT JaD HmT)AT 'it' ' fen New Baras.-' Beianiinr leaves'TTeW Bern jrijj TWPMs1EiARlIA''. at 4 f.-nu, aaaklpr cla caoBsctioa with Noc foUt' SoatAem 'K. .R. for Northern .cities, dose eoaetiosi ,mad at. Hew Heme!" wltk Mamers for Klastoa, PollokTill, i Trentea sad all landings en the Neaae and' Treat Biters. He Irelghts esossve for shipment on Taeedavs and Fridavs sftwSt4rj.n. Freight forwardad promptly an4 lowwt rates! faaate4 .e4tosUiiatiOB.-'''- 4 1 noatuumoaa pajis n. M nags jacay 'goiny .?. .vui (.. .1 . .11 f '. B. B.BOBEttlrS, AfjHf.New Berme,,;. 1 - i.V.' nb-.m Ai'ts. NtfsttJU. T.A JT. H, 8Aroai, Osa'JIr't Ag'K i .il-t v, ;.i.wiE?i itntMB Her lort. Ull CHS t lil 'tw, Jit-it I t"- llll." - j ,4 .IA .YSUOIjTUlA Til j for NEWyoR;,,: ' 'A 0 v1 iiiiT i."l! irnswaaiaeai .: j:or a4'ifBKre I: -n. i TVanuMrfA ' ' Oai fl 1 -----I . .-It a- MeethanU stoald featex "rtaxt tkls is on ol he heat Steaas Lines eat oi new York, mnmrc daily eoaaeetioa with Baltinioia for kw iiraf aUiaaide.ajtdoalyoaaeaaniie. ti.A'-J-.-- . &HUI WEEKLY ;T E AM EPS i:l;t:7fc :: tit. T-::i4 i t,n-.' - CTeacamgat i atfciaj , . OavingHsw Berne lor Fimoro T""" F"AY8 f RiiAYS at 1 p ra. . l., y iiiii,n,.r fnj Sw Berwe.WlNSIAYo dnd SATUtiAe f,-rt. . v ageats are as loUsea; .1 -'-- . .... - ... ECBIN FOSTni,.Oi,Jfsaagi , -tn.i ti l4titM8.BaiJl4 Aft. W. M0OA&&IGK, Agt. Norfolk, W. ara. ' . ' ' . ".''-7 L Yerk A"Bateo.traa.rs.ir' '.Noitrtm . .c2?TSr- .j Tavw iTivr't'i . 14 '. Shtjl i, ian, Tae.dajrt and) Sawrdars. w any 01 iia Agtmia av Mif, raijuwiUK piaoes: , , ABKLKB. Adams Creeks ..... 7 , O. I. WATSON. Lake LandlnA; .. 1i. D. H. ABBOTT, Vandemere, f" ' r this date will receive freight la New York I ill!.'. . -rr . r j - rsw lujinuij. - . mnn. Win(lafS"'8ata- ... ''m .tLl Jmer, laoadsfs, Wednesaays Frldnr. . . - , - -r f j , roTitUoee, Bataraaw." . TkroBfh kuis iadiaf given, aad rates gmavaa to all seiau. at the dif.rsat nflses of ike paalea. , . . r v, -5 t r ' "" " .l;:llL.;it:r.Vrlit'4J" Jjk XI C LI.jm. i d KarSSli S K OKAY Al New Berae.R i.: s i v LasM AaJLiS aV "Wo. Ha,ve.Jii4jt F A T A j KT( ) a K ( ) BooU and Shoes,- Hats, .Motions. Grocenes. ; We will make i V to onr interest , to,ealJ onusdind exwiRtNTp OTDtWtore0iryi4VlsewhriA TVrtnd t?0Mtf RnSlrtlOtrf . t:pl3dw6iu -IN Insurance Company WATSON &' Slllfe,'Genferal Age&ew BsrnlT, C. We refer by permission to its many hundred Tolicv Iloldu. in North Carolina, amoDg whom ar many of rtehllihlnof lieBtaU' -Hltw- New business written, .884 j)vcr (' ;-J,i0(,(i00. LosHespaid in 18M,6ver ' .' . '. :0O,000. Funds of Members deposited with Security Company , o5i,0()0. The Finest System of Life . i .,. ' 11129 aim mm - " GEO. ALLE DEALER IN Builders' Material, Machinists' Supplies, Machinery. Cotton Gins, Engines, Cotton Presses, Hay : Prf6Ps, Cider Mills, Grain Pans, Rubber and Leather Belting, I.aoe Leather, Machine Oil, White Lead, Mixed Paint, Linseed Oil. Glass. Putty, Lime, Brick. Cement, Plaster- BUILDERS' MATE RIAL Mechanic', Tools i Jnilder's Hardware, Carriage Material, Saddlery; Steam and Gas Pipe, Iron and Brass Steam Fittings. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS-Plo-ws, Cultivators? Harrows, Etc., Cotton Bagging and Ties. Rope, Twine, Etc., at LOWEST MARKET. PRICE3. ' Agents for Fire and Life insurant . GEO. ALLEN & CO 0. E. Hay ! Salt ! .ftfcleii.'i Hay! ne'H Pure Manufactured ICE. YviCRAyEN 8T-' BELOW EXPRESS OFFItE,- fcdwtf jvETviiuiN .fyix c; A llCE,il!D PLlIJItlG ,r;ILLS ColclsToro, HWCj J. STBflU$SCo;Prop'rs, RICE MIIJiERSdIanucurers Doors, ! Blind SashMouidinglM Cciliis, flooring, Stair 15racJfeta. And all an'a every (ind of WITOW AND DfiOSTSlAHES 'A SPECIALTY. paving jnH(iuippe4 our Facttry with,Opmplete Outfit of th Best and Itest Imnrocrea Machinerr. we. trnhesitatiriff. are nrenarorl tn aav 4obpote in prices and clasa ofWl with W , . vu w. .HIIJ w.p UU (mtiYl . eg ira.r) Is I1AVB BEBlOVBDf TO T1IEIE O, 1 TWO STOKES, CpaTH CF Aid keep of FlU rtEAT HTlSl.ARMl:a R A r.T ;OTArlri' rmhta ' in the : GllOOsaBl' Iaa)' Kaaataetanrsamd Dealers la Baak,DMra and BUsAa, Stairway, WI.Hmt r'-.. " v llta,OiU,A. AJ.BUIBllMiara ti k -3 Any Kastern or Northern Prices dnpllcated. Estimates, furnished upon application. lteceiveT Our V I J II Y . ( ; O OI1S Brick Block, Middle Street - . . ' a THE- Annuity of Kariford.iGonn. ' the. most; premineat bUrJiKf-S.iirMlVifsTf . jl ' - -Iti It, 3X11 Insurance in Hie Vorld ft LOBE, ; Hay! ; Salt! Salt! ;0 if?! Raifs, Bialiistcrs JNette Posts. . Wocd Work for Buildings, any factory in our country. ' M. eiWMW VS WIWU Willi, i ' dw6m 1-: 1 rocecSy TIIEIR FORMER STAND - ;lB,Fp3UaAn, SYltf IOrrBB a xtr5 ..t, I .XINB, fULL STOCK and at OllXlERS h '1 V - ! . t

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