v t s: - ;: ... ... f lite': 'V. . if: '- f :: t.. i r '1 ! A Clear. Slcirr is only a part of beau y; : ?seari-Everdy4 ilooks rike it. MatmnhV iialm both beautifies. ' r ? 7, freshens and ,C.iAAU. s EASTERN SDSillKimOO I -1' ITALIAN&A"ZniCA.1 UARZLE v Orders wil? t$HfTprompf Attention satisfaction guaranteed, , OK K. WIL'J.I Proprietor iBneoeasor to-Georeb w: CiavDoolet T . E. ltoX?B,ii my autfrorizei agent n runston. r. f. V V . PHILADELPHIA- LAGER EER This boot tooicroiAiuiiiri at the Con tennUL ExkiMUon' t Philadelphia' and ti,- Taris ExMeition; ) Keeps better thati , C: t M5rla fJeimaimites- kn3 la tt favorite brjvjerwejfpi fjj For sale in kegs.or orates,, ,,, 4w,., r:::::::::D'ULnic:i . v JOAN BE FOUND AT.j inA-, T. A. Green's Old Stand ON MIDDLE STREET. GET HIS PRICES ON Groceipies, Lorillard & GaU & Ax's Snuffs, Grain Burks, R3pes, Twines, Canvos'YJalramV Tuiuts, Oils, etc., etc., before, puroha ;lng. . - . .- , : i r-i . Orders taken for Nets and Seines. ; . Agent for Hazard Powder Co.' ' W 4 i p. ULRicn, nov28dw NEW BERNEN C r ""'UTT : ',iim baf- i i'(d phf . , i - . 'i iae r thauiAS or rat: 4 'u id ' -'I o ; tut j ..k.a.wl tMaiTtor '--r.3Ts . I ruf)3. i .n'V . H. BliOWJN , 1 , Hid the i in tie i l.e hud new THE JOUKNAlw DEP.I7E, N. Cm SEPT, 19. 1881. ' - Caltlmr AUIgators. ? We went oat "to a MisiiEBlbpi 'swatap accompkoieU" by Jeteiiil ne groes? and as t lie v- Colon el had promised two bits to the first black man who should sight an alligator there was a feeling of rivalry among Caeia. The day was awful hot, and though alligators were as plenty as frogs,' v e beat around for . an hour wrtnoafci getting sight of ,one. It was . tbcij; hoar for sleep.' As we fifla!!y.gat6erdon a long spit of sand ,whcli projected out into the bayou for 200 feet; the Colonel called Un oaa of tbe bLkka and said; ; . , "Coiue, Mosesr'"ityou'll swim for n. j, ix jud&Q, me upnzo nan a uoi V f 'SdrVl wou't be cotchod, masaa," "jo, Here H.-no danger. Here's nfre rifles to protect you." A Th negro; went' half way down 4 the spit, and then had deep, dark Waterloo 'eacn'Biae oi mm. tie vavmjc I Quqqu 1VJ DUX ltVO 1U Wl .1 J ' . 1 J? j, robiMl and pUncad Ja with a croat ..u.e's oaniBgyemi' wuispereu ine uoionoi' ... . i '"But Bup pose one of the reptiles .seize hlmf I nZ;M ; r -Mlhen I'll, give the money to his widow! ' .:; v; - t'jThe black swam oot about thirty ieet, kicking' and splashing, and we waited siowiy)down the spit. All of a Budden he screamed ont and turned fot the : shore, and as we loonea we saw from ten to fliteen great saarlans niaking a bee line for him from as many 'different direc tions. Everybody opened Are, and the -reports Of rifles; the yells of the swimmers, and! the shouts of the other blacks made an exciting scene. Two pf as took a big alligator which was directly in the, man's wake. and though we fired ten or twelve shots t liia snout ; aj, close range, ho; was1" within 1;hfee 'feet of the negro when the swimmer was riullod out. : Heran his fore foot on the oanK. opened nis jnontu iiKe a oarn door, and, as ho snapped hia Jaws together, a piece or buck or toot n flew clear over our heads. The five of us kept firing ., away, but he turned and sailed off, 'a. if, the bal lets were so many peas. When, the battle endd; two bf therteptilos were floating f bellyi up, and the) were hauled ashore' and rffftr.to" U skinned. c ; ' : j 'IIoir did yoa feel !" I asked Of the swimnPor when he had dressed. . "Pidn't baye ,po , feelings fall, aau," he replied. "itxwas jist like my. arms an' legs war' try in' to swim a piece or ice back yore." fi rj:'; - j' Appointments and reports for over seers for sale at the Journal office. -J-r a sL Eatabliahed by an Act of tb Lglslfttare of oeorge in ine-xniraot no- , v.. vinber, l7il(ti. it to nd the control iro Mi oi m Doara oi iweniy-iour iraiiee. Newbern Graded Schoo i (Undet the Annpleet ot theiTragtees of . - theKewuemAeaeinjr.) . .l . v m ; Paor. FSl CE THOMAS. - V'I ''' I pw7i S'jlnitot Prof. Georgo W. Neal, Prof, D. KKlUn. Mrs. A. 14 Ferebte. Mlsa Maria Manly, ""Mary Williams, ." . i. r . . i . 1 1 i . n iu. viiiriniijiiiia, Mtai Uaabel BrookHeld,' Baunab A.OUve H 1, . f i, tu "4 4 i ii-JJJl' '- j I ,H .''i The Truataea Vobld reapcctfnny call, th ouenuonerMurenia anagnaraianaio me aa vantagea ottered for tbe education --of their chlldreo aianla,; af jNewlfern yraUed 17(1 1 1 ii ilia juni , n iaio ..in vuuiiuut dlous building hw beea ereoted which, with e otd buiiuing.win iwnwii oooommnumion nlizht huiulred DnnllH. Situated la the mldHt of a beautiful grove.lt la surrounded by amptu api weu Kepi grotto at uturauy oi ferlng cowfort aud-rattausof ceeraallon tor the pupils. - .. .... .. I tj r Kxperlenoe has shown that In securing the aervloeaof the present corps f Uaotoera,tlie trustees have been fortunate In obtaining the services oi those well qualified lor the nosl ttons assigned them. "' '. In in ten grades are embraced all the frlj mary, intermediate ana suvaacea grades or Studlca, embracing ilAt)n anda-OTOoc, and taugiu irom, ute iuohi approveo. hull uuujui mmf I it nmm . . tr .-. , ,, Classes are refralarly tanphi In this1 beauti fnlaadgraeefal bodily axerelso. . . .i . Is ; taught bf 'an .expert ta the advajicod grades, vbbm. ,.Hlai.i .'oi1':, t inrMi , Wng4iadV'ftr teaching vocal ana inmrumnnwu- mwpg, painting and drawing on ravorabld terms. ' . . . 1 . ...1 - I.." l.l.l,l AUAMWA hnmiiwil minilH vrA enrolled, llavlna ac- cuuimodatlon fore'shtlHmUrrdi tne,truat"S i wiiliMK u-ad sniLkLKi toexfe'iia uae beaoui ri.e acliool to the children of Craven and bre a i ' t counties at a very moderate rate ol tutiH.ut kwsN caae--Baa lu wewuniu ai very low prices. Ti)wl it r " irra whose ' 'nw fvre clU " tot nioi il ewlerii,kuujn-l8rua. .1. 'Jo white children whose parents are not cltlxeos of Mewlwriv the following charges aw aiaae: n Uillll . - m Tuition In frlmarr lVjcart- nmnt a- W per tnonWf Tnitton In Iflterniealatelief i i t Ai " pnrtiuciit."..; ' 180 .h Tuit ion In Advanced Orada .: SCadJJp::- cn t:zhj, Seplcabcr 7li ansUdwtf : Uf,:VT J.B. wniTK, ,J C. Ktttekt-DOR, . Currituck Co., N.O. Norfolk Co., Vs. Co., n- . rr i i , V Cr 1 1 1 I r 1 1 - i . . I l...u.avt' llOWATEn 8TKFFT,SnilFLK, VA. fJ'irr' 'l Btt7it'on pivon '"ofTOT. 1,,-s.i S. 1 l-A.NL IS, IHU'A l . .-t, mid ! . i4,i, Williams V-ro.. P.'E. VMtA Bi'O.. ai iuu j niik, Noilolk, Va. ,juidwly f . ;;,: .. .. - MEETINGS OF LODUES. ' " St. Johns Looob, No. 8, A. P. ft A. M., meets tbe 2d "Wednesday night in each montn. " r ? , t . , j Hew' Bkeni ChaptibI No. iaf. 1L A. if., meet on the 2nd Monday in eacn mooth kt 8 p.m.' r . U t-H- j " ErmitKA' Lodob, Nd. T,' I. O. O. P meets on the 2d and 4th Monday nights in eacn montn. . ..,. . n ., :-,--m t : Assessment No. is now' de. and must be paid on or before ths day rtjTfi Mil -i Q Sit i KXUSK U0DH01L, HO, I, fJBDKB Or CH08Kir Fbiknds, meets on the 1st and 3d Wednesday nights in each month.: Assessment No. 73 is now due, and must hp raid oa, or before thVtth day ot JUiy,Jt930f,.v . .., :'. Cosmopoltcaji Gockcil NlL.811. Amkb- IOAH Lkoiom or Hohor, meets on the 1st ana tsa inursaay night i in each montn. Aggeesmect N6. 71 ia now dim, and must be paid on or before-the 16th day ofJuly, 1885. I"' ' LoOaIi Bhahoh No. 95, Obdkb or thi Ikon Hajta, meeto oni.tM.84 Monday night in eacn montn. ' T - ;r Assessment. No.- 58 wow due, and must be paid on or before the 13th day ' ArnftfriA xofor, No. 8, Kniohts or PYTUriAfS.'tawetfl on tha ti and 4th Tnaa- oay ntgnts m eacn montn. - i ABaessment No; 155 is new due. and must do paidion or oerore I the ma day or juiy,itHJO., -. -I.. . ; Elm Crrr Cabp. No. 88. Fbatkkr At utaiOH, meets en the Sd and 4th Tuee- aays in each month. - f; 3 ti ) Assessment No. 16 is now dueand mnst be paid on at before the 2d day of July, 1885,. lit tt ;P,TABLE,H is tiuitlkC Aillantic & N. C. Railroad 'tjA':r vj'' v:- 'jjvr,-;j j 'TIKB TABXJ -iVo. 18, ; In Effect 13:.00 M., Sunday v September ,. . otn. looo. A. . ,-, EAST. WBSf. No. tl Ne.60 Passenger Passenger STATIONS Axr. ii've. Arr. L'T r m. r. m. A. M, A.M. 11 18 5 07 C 48 Ooldsboro, ...... 11 68 11 15 10 88 5 4B La Orani. Kins ton. .......... 8 22 10 42 8 OH Mew Berne...... 8 67 P. M.P. M A. M. A. M. Dally except Sunday. EAST. I WBST. No. 1 : : No. 2 MizedFgt.a: j MlxdFft.A Paw. Train, j STATIONS. i rasa, xrala Arr, L've! Arr. Ltts 8 Sis 0 00 Birerdal...l,....i 8 02! 8 7 08i ltf CroataS .......7...... I T 61! 7 tW HUi 9 84 i HTelock. ......-. i 7 28! 7 88 6S: 10 (: Newoort i 6 64! 7 04 l12j 10 ltt Wildwood.........! 41! 46 Jff 85? -M 43j Morehead Oity i 5 65: 20 10 60! Morehead Depot.-! ! i 00 P. M. .P.M. A.M. A.. juany except unnaay. , . j EAST. WEST. Ne.t No. 4 Mixed frt. A MbjaFgit Pass, Train. jrass, xra a I a Arr. IVv. Arr. a.'ts A. M. ' A. M. 6 40 Xi oo 8 81 ,U '188 10)4 10 58 11 27 11 45 P. M. 7 03 6 14 S 88 604 4 10 8 66 5 28 2 47 I 13 1 65 P.M. Ooldaboro,-.. Best's ... 25 M80 S 0 0 84 6 JjM t-rnr,. FUintdreek.. 6 4 6 0S 4 Si 60 KUutw. i ' 1 1 10 (M 10 4 11 28 Dover... 8 SI 2 61 UorsOreak Tuearors Ohvrk'SM.a., Newberd .2" 1 68 1 16 an? 12 2 ! Maaeae 1 a I Train 60 connects with Wllmlnarton A Wei; aon xram oonna fiortn, leaving uorasnoit 12:16 p. m., and with Richmond A CmvlH Train West, leaving Ooldsboro 12:86 pja ia4u W 1 imington we won Train soutn at 4:Wp.m Train 61 conaeets with Kichmoad A DaavilU Train, arriving at Qoldsbcro 4:40 p.m . and Witt Wilmington ana weiioa rrain; from, tni North at 4:64 p.m. r r Train 4 connects with W. A W. Fast Mall going South, leaving Ooldsboro at 1:36 p. ra. and with V, AD, Train goiht West, leavlni Ooldsboro at 7:46 p.m.' 1 Train 4, Mondays, Wednesdays and Frl- .rajttjl, Jtaf sdayt.TUvifrsdaysajid Saturdays w. Daan, Uerchuts, Banker, wi Kin-4ctiir8rj BEADSTREET'8 j 1 Weekly Journal tf fndK Pioaiw " ' V1 and hWOtonomy. Sixteen Pagaa every Satnrday Oftentimes twenty rages, -sometimes rwenty. . fourPaicea. The foremost nnrposa of Bbaiwtrskt'B is to be oi praeueai ser vioe to onsiness nan. l special, trada. and Industrial1 report ; r weexiy epitome or aaaiuwps inrougneai thUaltedMtateaandOaaada, aad thssnm- marlea of auiaeta and liaMilttea, ar. alone worth ths subscription price; It synopses of recent legal deolslona are xceodingly valn- ablet' iAa eorumerclal .tntBaaoUone, rri the wider sense, are comma to be more and mora conducted oa a statistical basis, the Informa- tlonontaind t n bradstrbbots is of uie nrst Importance both to producers and middle men. ilnmit i yjl t.tf The ..trade - and. atrrkioltural : . sltnatlos UirougiiouA the United ittates aad Canada ts repnvtml by telegraph to Bradstreetv Bp to tltittour ef pubUuatkon.-n: ii .- s i-i.t iha it.wl;.ii v Aji : i its cn .v. ?it ,..tvii-.J b i i n t 'NEW TORK CTTT.' , .1.1, rt . t MLELGH' REGISTER By a.:H lillt FfiU lis ri y ( I -.. 'ilii'H ' . "(" ' i-"' ,... I ....' .-, . -ftn;:t-i Sabacrflie to your Uome Paperand pay sap it ' and the remit 82 to pay tor your. , j State Detto'cratlfI PaT3(rr,.w theBi.irtir RiWlWrf1 Pach Aewstthswlb- er. ' remiMlng ti d I iwl, is entitled to the Kkoihtkk lor one year ana to . ' . . ..l Imw4 m t 1 A-..r 'iiV'h" nnlil Ankust 1. lSSiji Is offered as a s.unil roii.n of the Uki,i-ticr mailed rm npniK'tttion. Aiiiiiv., -. , .' all I n ti i'. . WIMa'nf aiLij us U TV M SB.I. . f ' ''P-7WY t-i ri4i!l-! ' ' r STEAMERS. a. Am A a. A4 r'mL'mm Wwi.Mla. AlCuLaUUlUkULUii WW V. MrMEE 8CHKlSlLB JF THK BTeImEB rueaasys . Ijeava New Berne t t e'clock, p. m , for uun uuMnnsr. swnpraE ai Ainmrurecx, v Vandemere, bU)waJl nd, Kayhoro.ar- Vandemere, Bttaaewajrand; Bayboro.ar Thnrsdays ' , Ijeava Lake Xandlnk for New''fcsfne i ft ia w M., Fwypui at Bayborof Htene dAdama. Creak, ar- . wail, vandemere am riving at Newierne, Fridays, a. m. lr flilOiiti 1. .UUJli- Ml Leave New Bens. t'6:a')bcM p. n. for v ltke Lsmdlnic. stopping at Adams Creek, Vandemere, Btonewaliaad Bayboro, ar riving at take Umdroav Batnrday, 10 reiocB,-,nvH: LIU1 ISO Mondaysvav nfiCI tumtt nt . iave LABdHig at 120'cloca, m., for - i new nerne, stopping at nayooro, oione . -wall. Vandemere and Adam C reek, ar- ,u "vln ,w uoruft roiwai tses- ' it this arraneemenfwe' sre' afcretd mkke oiose connection witn uia-aortMra steam ers, also having good acoom mod athms both for passengers and freight at very low rates) aak tht the merahant aaa prodaoqrs along its' Una to give H their cheerful ' support IW 11BV V FrelKht i viviku TowiiTwi. uuuor' auTuri tj vary way UJ the week J?ot further 'lnrorma'tkln Wa'nlrVa't'the of- iwai. w aitu jaax no L iwhh n.:. in Mil rrt'KjtXerf ry ftl?uriTOPuae, Or any or ttk Agehktat ilia foUowlng places: l O. I. WATSON, Lake Landing, 1 ; ' D. H. ABBOTT Vademer( - . u. . ruwiian, eionewaua i ' W a BAWYEKBaybonv ' " 'lanildAwly"' .General Manatceis. I I.I...IA M.I M , Ull fl , , , i . r , 1 JI. ,wiw ilTPliBi" ' '' i i'nf'l lnf" flf'f 'i1' till'- NEUSE X'TEENT RIVER Steamboat Company WUl run-the fonowing Bohfale on ana after September 8th, 1884 c ) J 1 il ..., '.fti....! Steamer Trent ; 1 Will leave New Berne for Trenton every Wednesday at 6 a. m and Friday after the arrival of the steamer Blienandoabr return ing, will leave Trenton every Thursday and Hatnrday, touching at all points along the over. , . Steamer Klnston. On and after June 28th. 1885. the Steamier Hint ton will leav Klnston for New Benin everv Monday ana xnoredav at u o'clock: a m. returning, will leave New Berne every Tues- oay ana jmuay, stopping at jmiy uia rieit and touching at all landings on Neuae river. Close connection made with steamer Hheu audoaii of the Old Pominlon Steamahlp Co.j JOHN H. BELL, at Newbera. W. F. Stawlt. Klnston- i "' .. j A.B. BAanrJs, fttfloksTUle. 'I L 1 WILBON, Agent at Trenton. J. P. QOTfaaiT, Jolly Old Field. ' 1 J. B. BAxa,' Quaker Bridge. J. M. WH.'TE.Gen'l Manager. ebTdsrw - : ,:j SlttOAtN.O ; VJa, teanishipT Company. i ctWlrv ttmrnri r t litn rpm-yv JbJblkAiX AsAaS A.') Pw New Irork, Baltimore; Nor- Flllfidelpbla, providence. , )v r f amid otaer' Cities. Mondav July;-2tcL 1883.: UNTIL iFUBTHEB NOTICE ' i' '' ', '"jrV'VIM I'l 'ili HvV" i.Steamcr Sheiiiiidoih Wi' "1 ' IJly-lUjaVi. iLJ; XUlJ-i. " --. -aa-tJU S1 1TBI 111 MUa OB awtMIUIgl 90taerBi AMlraad at. EUsabetk Cityevsry MONOAT AJID THVRttb A V-$8 btl Hevr Berts; ietwAiiiig Wves Kfcw 'Bern iil LPIalil AB rtUOAT !"- at 4 p. making class connection with Np iui DuHmBin k, k. ior rinrinnm eiuea Itsoas eaansMioa: iyisdel fet- Hswi gains aanseu with steamers for . Jk.ln.ton, PqllolUTille,. Trcuton anA'aUTMiduigs e-.rBs'1 Nenss 'and Treat auawH. a migaia reeerreo' lofiaaiwanats Taesdays aad Fridays after 1 p.m. . . - rrsightfarwantod promptly aa&lewest-ratel gaaraateeo Moestuuuoa. . i .. 1 - ttheuandoah all td at Nag Head? golpfe wm.ovHuusiiiiiiiuj (jwha 'j ! slopwaTf. A, IfawiBstwaV W.' V. BrATt Fdail ta'i'rrt Ag't, ' 1 " . U fisw geraenjt Vn "time itlt jit y rul n: lod t,ii ,t i -j-vrt)-) f FOR NEW YORKr i After thU data will receive freight In New York -yiq oia' erjaratttsintf oaf I 1 Herts Ante tis'otlltt rcfnfiiymt tnis uf ens of ebswt StM,iuiM oaacrnrwjYwrk, makgHg Sally oaaecuosf with Baltimor for w Berae; alliasida,aadoalyeasaaaags. ' jn-rm I Jf JfTaotatas-si BorlAtlftl 1 Ijeavliig Hw Berns farBalUmcrs' rtlESlJiTI I KliMl iiipm. Ajeave juiumwi ioj Hew Ban ' UN E. IATS(do4 SAT agaats are as rouswaat : a - EUBHf FOSTKB-O-wn Jfaaagar, 1 V ' . ... ,jfB'tfart!lfd' .AS.W.WTABAIOjAsNet4D4s)-fa.1 .H w. r. ayds, har-.-ii-- York a Baha, Tram. XJaa.Pler Jfona rivst EJ'aaipeua, Bootoa, AS Ceatral wharL . f . . A.M. Rnckwwl PrevidonceB. I. -.!. i tnk. Fall River, Derrick wtarf . " - Ships laave Bnetoo, Tcasdaf sd Batardaya, " N.w llt aly. 'k " " Pkltimore, WMlnwdsyi sndSatarday ,7" I '"' Fall KIT6T, Moaday. Wednesdays 1 Friday. . '. , l.:r.-tt-i. . Provlaanoe, Satardays. -, - Through W lading givaa. aad, nuesssaraa toa'Jpoiau. attko iLtwVKUca tt the TJ3 B.L1 DOI1W. AAV UJAsarsams. foatlLWan M Vaasj a , 1 1 . " . lercnces vo mcmai cucnu in yomr own l kUrttlyg B OEAy Art KmJSeTaaJ!! -10 HI gui D? 4 s L U l: ;ci.,. Cjaa!M"atf.iil)l Waa-Jls-wajJ W a-staaal WATS01T & STREETr General Agents, New Bernp. N. C. U Wtrefet" fcjjpermw,tc itf)Oiairyr jiTdrfliFblitfrfloeiflWNorth a I Carolina, among whom "are" many of the most promineTit hnsiners and profes I siomI B)etj ,e the State, i l ' rXil1 iTeVbusineWrnmfs 1884 Q5 eneral HlarttWcire. Builders' Material, MachinLBts' Supplies, Machinery Cittton Gins. Engines, Cotton Presses, Hay Presses, Ci4ert Mills. Grain Fans, Rubber and ' Leather Beltihg,! taco ;Llther, machine Oil, White Lead, Mixed Paint, Linseed Oil. Glass, Putty, Lime, Brick, Cement," Piaster. ' BUTLDEBS' MATE-RIAL--Meehanica t Too Isjj Builder' fiHardwatew Cartiaare Material, Saddlery, Steam and Gas Pipe, Iron and Brass Steam Fittings. AGBJCTTLTIIBAL -IMPLEEIENT-flbws, Cultivators, Harrows, Etc.. Cotton Bagging and Ties. Bope, a ' a.- ' "m -i v j. w ngenis ipr xire met MAX SCHWER1X , ,,4 . SCHWERON ASM, lhe Cheapest and Most Gents' Solid Color, Fancy and White Scarfs, Ties, Bows and Suspenders, Latest Styles In U Be a Jaiani a n d Cu f rs, Uuaker Ulty bbirtr the best made lu tbe We are SOLE AGENTS for the A. A. BATTLE MEN'S . a KUY'S CAL.V IEWID 88.80 8HOBS. i nmiiin nauiua any ot uiem in any way, reasonable time give' out. we will noon return pair aud statement as to length of wear, vuv .uuuvj v. i,g auv.ua. in. ail lu WUill.us.1 ' I I - i h. ' .-1 I ' Our success and sales with them have been Bhoe la the world for the money. Auuiuer new in jnsi reoeivea m txingress, wiae ana minted Tocg, Itntlon Boots English Balmorals, and for Summer Wear, oxford Ties and Button Oxfords. . SCHWEEIN)& ASH, Middle Street, between Humphrey & Howard and A. II. Holton. apSOdwtf t .. ..U'i , .' rilGy OF FLAG; DADL Wholesale HAVE REMOVED TO THEIR TWO STORES, SOUTH OF THEIR FORMER SfiNor And keep of FLOUR, MEATS, MOLASSES. SALT, TOBACCO, everjrtliinir in the GROCERY LOW PRICES for CASH. T ' i i ir ii - G. A. Aisia ' " sTmAI. C7. - Ml- WW Palats, Oils, Ate. Also, a Fall Idas Bwllders' Hardware. Any Eastern or Northern Priors duplicated. Estimate! furnlslied upon application. ai. LP 41. Bjl.fl it. IK JCi. l"iH ' A H 1 i - y 7 T r Pure naua.XA UJcIIIUI CRAVEN febSdwtb AEl7 14 ObUiaedind all PATE AM6 at jnne or abret or MODERATE FE&SJ Onr offioe'b opposite the U S. Pat. ent OffioerMtl we ean- elitAija Patents in less tirnev than those remote front Send AffODi; OJ? VSAWlKQ. We advise as to paten tabilitri, free ef charge; and wa VHAKGH $0 FEB UNLESS PATENT IS ALLOWS ED. ,i.J.;,kf.'f.,Brc.a t.-j-,iolpi We refer, here, to the,'PtetmMter the SupL of Money Order Vir and ot lEpiala of tb.p.U. 8,. Patent Omec icfXlirel eXt t i k ST. BELOW E A, V r" w .vvraEY tdaitended to TUB IfKV jc. ..mt '.v. tll.'l VU'M over IZ,1 aAQ iAuerinsurance. ALLEN & CO ,f , , GEQBGE,4p. Reliable .Stqre.m, Town For Clothing, Gents Furnishing Goods, Boots ani Shoes, ; Dry Goods, Hose. United Slates, unsurpassed for fit and wear. Kverv nalrs wnnin any of dnmaeed' either refund IMMENSE, It Is the best, finest and ehes pest , , , . , . tnl f Crocers, COFFEE." SUGAR, SYRUPS, SNUFF AND CIGAitS, an LINE, a FULL STOCK and at ssrji f .a-a iajsr Glut, r a J tot 0 iJ fj i. 5 - ',J5"riJ U0 kTri.arr.Tiii &IH!Sa1! Salt ! i - Lit tl IDE. XPRESS OFFI WBERNs! C. FOR SAMPLEVtOPIES COST NOT$lSa. IS AND 0SERVER; hrtuiaA IULEIGH, N. & JJ- ,bert and cheapessvpapcr pob- V? n B,- tegraptTianuTof MtinteroatlngeTohui from everjCfart of the Ltlil Irpf, import-- A-rfr for every ramify, .JsMblished and aela hnttaaa.. 4ry year,:-1 . . . . Send yonr name, pnatofflce address and 82.0 ftr one y..n Rt far months. - 44-cry North lrullnnn slioold take It. Th -Uvesa moat progressive naner la tha ui.t. . i I -THS WEEKLY NEWS-OBSERVER, 5 . lifTrrTrrr tso" far- Ths Only lret-ela House in UieClty. tat uaveiers. w ' sa uu SOU fl XDOTrlAII 1 , . t . ' ' 1 ? I . , .. I i , t ' v 11