- - -'- A,, A' A - -AAA'AA"" AAA' 'X 'AA'l '",-i' : ",-',r A A, 1 - I i ---Tv'-A' Al ';V ; - f':"'v'"r :A Atw. Or A - t- A.,-.? ' aAf A.uA- :- r;AA ;t A, ., rA . . . .a -A. TJTIJtA, r"V1 'V A"7 jljuii ;: VOLvIV. , NEW BERNEiN,OTH NO. 151; ' i ... .; .. . I ..... . .:' 'II 'UKf "i lUl.tili rti.,i:.l ., ...H.' . . . . - , ,. , ; . LOCAL NEWS. -ioarnal Miniature Almanac ' New klitudo, 8!P 6' North. ( , , ' M , T lontwaae, 37" b west. ' Hun ri89H,fl:60 I Lengthf day, i , seta. 5:54 I la hours, 4 minutes. ,umu suutiit o.ii a. m t -tri-'-'n'-' - ''y - -" ":. 1 A' sraall lot of. Hyacinth. BcUs, ,4TriM:Urop Holland, for gale by ' f 24 8 ,1 HANOPC Peos. ' t- it ou are to aeod of any printed ' utalionery, at the JOURNAL office be it done before the busy Beaoon Mrs. Jbbkins has still several vacan. i 'cina in her School, which aha would be pleanwf to have tilled by the 1st of Ucto- Warrantee 'deeds and real hjortgages for sale at this office. estate ... : Hres were oomfortabie last night " ' , i ottbo squeesed up to 8.05 yesterday: . Yjbuterday teems tQ have been a bad , - ) day for chiren the city, , , - ,j The beautiful Bunseta, that so illumi- " . naUd the western skies last fall, hare reappeared. T'' X"- V ""! -" ""Theira' was 'a partial eclipse pf the VSVi VV v pfcrning 1 beginning i ar . 1 ' o'clook. U,ipap 5w Penieans saw , Xht fUrrtwyBtfriTed yesterday. ' ThejjargOiWj&a very small being about omrhusind brought WT y"Capt."irerry , HSj. Tttrner.TChey were tolerably 'fair ' for the season. . The'Boar.pfffJity CpHncil was in special eessitfn last night t6' 'consider a oommunjcatipij addressed, to the Major ' , byl iiwetod.1 Daksnath, 'touching . th right of the city to lease the property at ' the1footofPolpck. streetr'i! The matter . wast refetreyio'the ?ky! attorney, , , Capt. J. M. White was ip the city yes- 'uMf lnd,api5eared,!to bl in V good humor over the proapects of plenty of . I water in ttieeusV. lie hafjhsftldlunohed a flat boat at Kinstoa whioh draws only - fofjoealriibheeiotl w$te in&, - will be prepared to take cotton though f ' a dry fall should. cota. - ' A beauti,f ulyacht is job the 14 Do minioii HAUWtr-rOkArm Mr L. Pike of New York.Tj She was brought in by (o; ri3oitue84ly, and Mr. Pke(is having her put in trim for - these1 wafers?'' New Berne is a delight--' fn ;plm tin plenrora' seekeradurlris; the fall and whijer,' f They can have i c their pleWne -"boats, fine horsea with - SDL4Va'doB8'? BttMj irtvld , oan find plenty 'of game. or The testing of the well at the corner ' 01 rjJlock and Middle streets yesterday crow. Though there,; was- no, xoit-j r tnt two accWenta occurred. 'Jimmlej - " Lout,,f a little boy seven or eight years " ' ol J was run over ty 'the Excelsior nose' J oatrli s ancTiito loot badly hurt.and a liU'tscol&redJiXeeaivadablowohthej -hpadfom a, hpsjj oouplipg. Th.wound-i we , taken off, ,tej figld andcared. - - for at tneir respeciive nomn. ;' 1 laraoaml. . : " .1 "V. v- ... v.. " .fi!)'' iw Mr. Joha Uaatf o Hyde county is in e$y and will return on tktfJBiat CtyFmade fffr them' rCdrl of svfiioh they tLJsy.f. fx?-- - : n f .TJ i tV.l H. Suitan has returned fredf ' the 1 .andisgettitJighf, ablg'siook'of 'A new scedule goes into effect for the sUaran -Jlti'j May. JBy this change she v ' 'c rCrSSreart-f. tcf Ad-... c,o. k.'BayboroI Stonewall, Van dei.. -i nd Lake Landing jbn Honday and Iiiurndays at' 10 a. m.A Returning will leave Lake Lkndinjf Wednesdays and Saturdays 'at 9 a. m. arriving at , New Berne Thursdays and Sundays at 1 a. m, See corrected schedule else- wl. a. , L'r. tir ; r.r ' b i: . Will. Gardner and another t.lian were driving yesterday eve v' a the'horsa took fright on . 0et and ranaway, upsetting the r n ulug it to peioesand throw t. a risers some distance. Two i-; cLiUrei an over and badly hurt, one of I, t. M. Bowden's, whose arm ,. t- "'- 't, and one of Mrs, Helen Salter's la .1 so Vera! teeth knocked out Badly i : t s n d frightened, but it Is hoped not i . a." . :-;:hv : '.'.owing standing committees of V.-.-.rjKon'i Christian Association ! l . erpointod for the ensuing r-i c: ... ' Cional Ekercises n; J. J. Wolfenden k. P,E.Fov, Chair 1 T. J. Crowder, ry VWVl'ov. U. h. Li Slid A. -P, Well Vcaiea. r.l J ; ' i - The well near the corner of Pollock aod Middle 'streets whioh Mr.- Samuel Cook has been engaged in deepening, was tested by the fire department yes terday raj 'pronounced sufficient to that vicinity. It has been bored to the depth ef fiftytfiviroet. T. The? Atlantio engine gave it a fair test for twenty minutes and pnlyjuoceeded in reducing the "surfc water. The" Button' engine was then put in and both worked to their utmost capacity for twenty-five minutes, when the water sank below one suction bose he, other, continued for some minutes but did not exhaust. In eight minutes , after the engines quit work there was seven feet of water in the well. , A. When the test was over. Dick Hilton, the Button engineer, said, "Gentlemen, it's a good welL" Jno, C. Qreen, the Atlantio .engineer, camo up, looked in and', said, "Gentlemen, you can say wha . you, please, but that, is a good well." tor several minutes gentlemen continued to pass and, looking in , would say, ''Gentlemen,, that's a good well." So the general opinion is, it's a good well. ; ; r'A -r- The CamnlDk BusIbcm. We copy below an article from the Baltimore Btnineu Advocate on the can- nipg. business of that city. It will be seen that Messrs. Moore & Brady, the proprietors) of the canning establish ment in this city, are among the leaders in the business.'. "Wcf hope their opera tion toay .beComr as extettsive in this lily as they are in Baltimore: Amono; the many important commer cial industries of Baltimore there is no one particular branch that claims mors attention, o in which more capital is employed than the canning business. On the introduction oi ine process or ruLnnintr in this citv. sorao vears aeo. oysters only weie canned.' But as time progressea tne. canning oi, iruics, vege tables,' meats, poultry, fish, etc., were introduced, and today large canning establishments, giving employment to thousands of menr women and children, are in operation throughout this city. The rural districts are largely "engaged in this important industry, thus afford ing a ready market for" almost every article produced in; or .on .the soil or taken from' the ' water! Notwithstand ing the large number now in operation throughout the country their products find ready sale, not only: on the Ameri can continent, but throughout Euiope and the East. i Of those engaged in this business in Baltimore we know of no firm who has a higher reputation or whose goods stand higher or command better prices in the market than, that of Messrs. Moore & Brady, foot of Montgomery street. The building occupied by this enterprising firm is 87 by 835 feet, giving employ- ment to about 700 persons. The machin ery in this establishment is of the latest and most improved pattern, run by an engine of one hundred and seventy-five horse power. This is probably one of the largest establishments of the kind in the country, as well as the most suc cessful. This firm is 'also engaged in packing raw pystprs, which have an im mense , sale throughout the country, They Use none but the best articles, and great care is observed in the handling. The finality. of Lgoodaj turned out from, their hotse'have made for it a reputa tion unsurpassed by any. other bouse in the oityt and the demand for their prod ucts is rsDidlv. inoreaine. The centle- Jmen composing the firm are active, en ergetio, lniejugensoapinesa meu wuo stand high ' in business circles, and whose mode of honorable dealing has mar justly feel proud. i . . Editor JotENALL submit for ... th CO D rJAU tMUfrlUU JUL -f HW UlltJ WUWU the Tfnfvwlnw m'- imh An 1M I I AN" OIWINAMCB KESPECTINO FIEKSw' .1 :I. Be it ordained: That., hereafter. wjhen a nreiwii ooeuf sviuuniunyiuuiB of thiicity.1t shall be the duty,, of the Mayor, forthwith; to Institute an in qairyJoto the. causes of said fire;-and he shall be authorised, and, empowered tn summon, any and all persons he may consider .necessary, to . appear: before him and testify vespooting the same; and be shall make a ; full report, in writing, of the origin and extent oi such fire, with such remarks respecting the same as he may deem expedient, to the next meeting of the common coun cil which shall be held after such invee tigationv'.""'"" "J:i- v - IL. All persona failing to appear De fore suoh court of inquiry, who have been summoned: or appearing shall re fuse to testify, shall be liable to a nne not exceeding forty dollars, or tor im prisonment thirty days or both, at the A ianratinn nf the Ma vor. . III. The Mayor shall be allowed, as a compensation for bis services in this behalf, three dollars (S3) for each day, or part -of a day, neoesearily occupied in such investigation. , The propriety of this enactment is so obvious that it is scarcely necessary to say anything respecting it. But the fact tht the origin and particulars of a fire W"i te 'fctriotly ecanned and scru tinised, will have a great tendency to prevent the horrible crime of arson; and the publH will mot be: left ia doubt whether It was acoidental or intended. If acoidnnt-al, o the rnlt of. culpable negligence, the fact will be shown. And further, it; will greatly facilitate the collection of insurance policies, as the l,.uranoe Companies will have a full, ;,:r; 1 pnthorif.'iveet u.mentreHpect- . re; and a sirori; prima facie t iv 1 be made out r-'.bPT for or v: .' 1 1. i. ' ., H. EobiiiiR. A; SELECTIONS BT 8. ' ' "Is it worth while to jostle a brother, f Bearing his load pa the rough road of lire? - . ;. . . f Is it worth while that we jeer's! each V'V otnerr - . ir ? I In blackness of heart, that we war to j.:-the knife f yi. S , uqo pi$y us aii in our piuiut siriie, God pity us all a we jostle each other; , God pity us all for the triumphs we rear "lOi iifnd s-- When a fellow .goes down-Vneatk his r ' load, on the heather, "; " v Pierced to the heart: toords'are keener . .thansteeL' ..j s ji :. . ? .' And mightier far, for woe than Weal. Wore it not well in this brief life's . . journey. u On, over the Isthmus, down into the tide.."'.! 1 v,. We gave him a fish instead of a sernent. lire lolding the band to be, and abide Forever and aye, in the dust at his side? , . . . ( - . u Look at the rose, saluting each other; Look at the herds, all in peace on the -.' ; piam. :-.' l . .; Man, and man only, makes war on his brother, And laughs in his heart at his peril and pain. . Shamed- by the beasts that go down on tne plain. Is it worth while that we battle to . humble Some poor fellow down into the dust? uod pity us aul Time, too goon, will tumble All of us together, like leaves in a gust, Humbled indeed, down into the dust.1' . CHEAP PLEASURES. A poor widow lives in the neighbor hood who is the mother of a half doren children. Send them a peck of sweet apples and they will all be happy. A child has lost his arrow the world to him and he mourns sadly ; help him to find it, or make him another, and how quickly will the sunshine play over the sober face! You employ a man, par him cheerfully, and speak a pleasant word to him, and he leaves your house with a contented heart to light up his own hearth with smiles and gladness. As you pass along the street you meet a familiar face, you say "good morninir" as though you felt happy, and it will work in the heart Of your neighbor. We can make the wretched happy, the discontented cheerful, the affected re signed at an exceedingly cheap rate. Who will refuse to do it r . , A Sad Calamity., The many friends of Deputy Sheriff W. B. Bordeaux, of Pender county, were shocked yesterday to hear of the painful death of this estimable gentle man. It , seems that Mr. Bordeaux stoppad a few moments at Clayton, Johnson county, last Saturday moraine on hB way from Raleigh, where he had been to convey some prisoners to the penitentiary. While Mr. Bordeaux was conversing with some friends the train on which he was going home started off and was moving rapidly when be tried to board it, and was thrown under the cars, bis left arm being broken in two places, and he besides receiving several injuries on the head. His Injuries were not at first thought likely to: be fatal,' but after lingering until yesterday he died. Mr. Bordeaux was wen known here and was respected by all who knew him. ? He was a young man of good habits and was a member of the Presbyterian Church. WU. Star. New York Republican Convention. . Sabatoqa, Sept 23.-At 13.20 Mr. James D. Warren, chairman' Of the State committee, called the Republican f State convention to order, i Kev. Dr. B. V. Leach, of Albany, invoked the Divine blessing upon the labors of the conven tion. He implored that the hands of the President and the other members ol the Federal government might be up held by .. grace from, above. The gentleman also alluded nf nrtv whir as the repre- which blotted out the irreligion of slavery from the nation. The roll having been called, chairman Warren announced that the State com mittee had agreed upon Senator Warner Miller- for temporary chairman of the cpnvntion. - (Applause.) ' The " chair appointed " Hon: A. ' B. Cornell' 'and United States Senator Elbridge M. Lap ham to esoort hua to the chair. Mr. Miller was reoeived with much enthusi asm.. . J ' . f .- ;y : ; ' The Asherllle Postnuster. -WASHDiaTON, Sept. 23. The Presi dent has appointed W. T. Weaver poet master at Asheville, N. C, vice H. . L Gudger, suspended. ftiiXUr-,?Ar! Death of a Oood Woman. On the 22nd inst., at 7 o'clock p. m. . at bt home in New Berne, died Cynthia sanaerun, coiorea, agea seventy-six She was connected with some of the most estimable and worthy families of the - respectable colored - people of the olden time, and during her long and active life was the household servant of several families of repute and distinc tion in this community. Her character was unimpeachable lor honesty and in tegrity, and those who knew her best accorded to ber tne reputation or a good christian woman. She was of that class of her race who during her term of ser vice maiutained towards those whose wants she administered to, a confiden tial relation, and with it, a respectability that proved the dignity of her character. This character was not disturbed in the hour when freedom came to her people, and all who knew her. mourn now with sincere grief, her passing from among us, -" rv:"2 .'' "' ' Ui You can not expect your children to thrive when they are being destroyed by worms. Give tVicm a few doses of .hriner's Indian Vermifuge and they will be restored to health. , j A CLIPPINGS.'11 Up in Vermont f lt,000i skating rinks areofferdor saiern..:n i '.tii -.The refusal ; by i; a. teetotal., tailor to make clothe, for . rnmseUers . is a ' new cause for temperance discuss lop m Lop ' The penalty for selling a cigarette to a boy or girl under 16 years of age, in New Hampshire has been made 820 for eaohoffence.;jj;in.tt if..- ui- I India women do not like to- be doc tored by men. . Lady Dufferin is Psesi dent of a society to educate women1 for medical .practice.,, , . ..... An agitation to change the name of the Methodist Episcopal Church South is likely to result, ttis thought, In choice of Episcopal Methodist. The ill-feeling in France toward Eng land is indicated by the fact that one issue of a leading Paris daily journal contained five articles abusing the Brit ons virulently. The medical periodicals contain nu merous paragraphs and letters com plaining of physicians who, it is urged, selfishly force themselves upon publio attention. , . . The Emperor of Russia travels in rail road cars that once belonged to Napo leon in., but they .have been thorough ly improved, and are said to be the finest in the world. - A New Haven beggar with a swollen hand and a story of awful suffering from rheumatism, has been exposed. He produced the pitiful symptoms ;by binding his arm with cord. Oysters are cheap food, and yet a steward explains that they are unprofit able for the hotel tables, because guests never think of letting them take the plaoe of any regular course in a meal. A Baltimore negro has literally worn two fingers off in many years of shovel ing coal. The case is reported by a phy sician as a curiosity. There is no ap parent disease, and no inconyenience. Boston is astonished by its first big and gorgeous apartment house. It is in the Black Bay district, its tenements are J3.000 to $6,000 a year, and its con venience draw wondering sightseers. Most of the camels in the menageries how come from Bastrop county, Texas, and are the descendants of the herd im ported by the 'Government just before the war for use in array transportation. The increaseing masculinity of Eng lish girls is a topic for many London essayists. In dress,' talk, and manners it is tne rasnion witn uaugnters oi wealth and refinement to be as much like their brothers as decorum will al low.. ,. ':; :. ' ' The modero . beaverage in cheap tav erns tn .Normandy is cider that tastes like vinegar and water. , and is sold at two. cents a quart. A tourist says that a mouthful of good New England apple juice' would delight and astound a na- li st' iw C)I''! ) Julia Smith; the Connecticut woman who got fame by refusing to pay taxes to a Government that would not let her vote, remarks to those who predicted unhapplnese from' her marriage five years ago, aged 85, that she isextreme- ; Superiority In American hotels oyer those of England, , as judged by Black wood's, lies in the fact that whatever the guest wants is ready for him at ,all hours. From the posing of A letter to the eating of a meal he finds the facili ties in readiness. ,i , ' i The Weston BeV OaiyersRyaf- ter letting girls into its medical depart ment many years, now. excludes four candidates. The President says that the best opinion now 'is -that feminine pupils in, medicine or surgery ought to be in separate institutions. Charles Grf.-Leland writes that the niasses in France believe that our civil war was between the Bpaniards of ttouth America and tne negroes . oi norm America. He affirms, that as fast, as Frenchmen learn that We are very much like Englishmen their feeling changes to hatred.. Somebfet fbaenlbelitiilMoiy onde ped tMPttlMmf through htfm died miles of wire would become com mon, and that ooorq steamers on a voy age would keep up communication eieo trioafewtth the shore. rThevfirst ..prf ds3Uun hsWinff eoins true the second -fs h pefully regarded, though regarded as wid whenmyfooiq; frn Resolutions of Respect t Trenton. N. C. Sept. 82. 1SS3.":. lAt a meeting of Zion Lodga No.' 81, Al F. & A. M., the following resolutions were passed and ordered to be pubusbed in the New Berno Jocbhau I . ' . J. I KlNBKTSeOT' Whereas. It has 'txaaaed the Supreme Architect of the Universe to summon from his labors npon earth oar beloved Brother, Jas. U.' Pollock, calling him br His Omninotent will to that ludg ment whioh await all who are toiling in this earthlv temple: and. Whereas. The vUasonio ties wnicn have so lona bound as in mutual friend ship and enjoyment to our departed friend are severed, no more to do re united antil the day when the grave shall yield np its dead: therefore Keeoivea, mat we swoereiy mourn this disruption of covenanted friend -. . . i . . ship, 1 bearing' in tender remembrance his fidelity to Masonry and nis aevouon to the principles it inculcates. - Resolved. That we earnestly sympa thize with the relatives and friends of our deceased Brother,- and tender to them consolation which the Iworld can neither give nor take away: and thaivve will wear the usual badge if mourning for the space of thirty days. Resolved. That a oopy of this preamble and resolutions, be, forwarded, to the familv of our deceased Brother and in sorted in th New Berne Journal and Goldsboro Messenger, . ? :i , i - ; CHA8.C. GRSEN, v . ? 8. E. Kooncs, ! J. P. BROaP!, . f ' Committee. l!'": 'ntmrtUmtCmmm.-' M's y'' Mr.' R. R. Saulter, of Athens," Ga., says; B. is. B. has oared on me an ul oer which had resisted all other treat ment for 50 yearn. 4 -. , J. M. Ellis, of Atlanta, was cared of a stubborn case of Eczema of twelve years standing by the use of U.U. a. . Am Baiter. . ' ' I have been almost entirely cured of nasal catarrh or several years standing, by three bottles of B. B. B. I have tried many' other remedies, but none equal B. B. B. It is a quick care,' while others are slow J. J. HARPT, Editor News, Toceoa, Ga. For sale wholesale and retail br R N. Duffy. Cash to accompany the orW. DIES. Cynthia Sanderlin. colored, at ber residence in the city of New Berne, on Tuesday, September 22d, in the 80th year of her age. She was for fifty years a member of the A. M. E. Zion Church. The funeral will take place at three o'clock, p.m., today, from the A. M. E. Zion Church. Friends and acquaint ances Invited to attend. COMMERCIAL. Journal Omoi, Sept. 23, 6 P. M. OOTTOH. New York, September 22. Futures closed quiet. September, 0.55 December, 9.62 October, 9.61 January, 9.70 November, 9.55 February, 9.81 Spots steady; new offered at ic. under quotations. Middling 10116; Low Middling 9 11-16; Ordinary 9 1-16. New Berne market stead v. Sales of 23 'bales at 8.90 to 8.95. Middling 9 1-16: Low Middling 811-16: Ordinary 6 1-10. domestic market. Cotton Seed $10.00. Barrels Kerosene, 49 gals. , 85c. Turpentine Hard , $1.00; dip, fl.60. Tab 75o.a1.85. Corn 60a7oo. Beeswax 20c. per lb. Beef On foot, 5c. to 7c. Country Hams 12c. per lb. " Laud 10c. per lb. Eoos 12io. per dosen. Fbesh Pork 6c. per pound. Peanuts 50c. per bushel. Fodder 75o.a$1.00 per hundred. Onions 13.60 per barrel. Field Pea Hides Dry, 10o.; green So. Peaches 81.25 per bushel. Apples 80a50c. per bushel. Pears $75c. per bushel. Tallow 5c. per lb. Chickens Grown. 40a 50c. : spring aOaSOo. Meal 80o. per bushel. Oats 40 cts. per bushel. Turnips 50o. per bushel. Wool 10al6o. per pound. Potatoes Sweet. 80a35o. Bbinoles West India, dull and n m- inal; not wanted. Building. 5 inch, hearts, 83.00; saps, $1.50 per M. wholesale pbice8. New Mess Pobk $11.50. Shoulders Smoked, No. 8, 6c.- prime, tso. u. a. and u. u. etc Floue 84.00a6.50. Lard 7f o. by the tierce. NAtts-Basis 10's,$2.50. Suoar Granulated, 7ic. SALT-90c.a$1.00 per sack. Molasses and Sybups S0a45c Powder $5.50. Shot 81.60. Kerosene lOc. For Sale, THE HOUSE AND LOT n Cravciii ttrMt. beloualnx' to Mrs. H. U. Whaler, adjoining thone now occupied by her. For particu lar apply to ' A.K. PARSONM, S(jiiu , ai,b. n. ooott s otore. ; new Boardin llcuso. Having opened a NEW. BOARDING HOUSE, ever the stores of 8. K. Baton and 1C. H. BUltan, on Middle street, opposite the Baptlit Church, I am BoW prepared to en tertain atl persons deitrlng 'permanent or tranal'ent board and lodging; or those wish lng ' table board only. J- Special attaaUea palil te Csauur- dal Travelers. BeXdlm MRS. A. K. HOWKRTON. Allen's Forty Lessons , in Bookkeeping. CLEAR, CORRECT, CONCISE ENDORSED BY BINGHAM, BTJB- "WELL, LEWIS AND OTHERS. 1.H TE1CHEI CiJUKDIirriflB IT. Price $1.50, To Schools, $1.00. Post- aee paid... bix Ltessons sent free. Agents want- GEO. ALLEN & CO. sepSOdwSw Newbern, N. Insuro YcurC:nI:::c3 ' t Y A : .;r5t -.; .' , Tbe undersigned - are pre pared to WEITE RISKS on GIN 1 HOUSES ' in YUOZT- CLASS : C01IPAimi3, and at the'lOWEST POSSIBLE Insurance Agent. a cabd: NewBbenk,.N. C"" l September 23, 1883. I would most respectfully iy that I have recently returped from New York and the Northerh'Tlfar' kets,, where I purchased Fa'l Line of Staple and Fancy, Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes,, Hate, and Ladies and Gentlemen's Famish ing Goods, and that I. .will open a FIEST-CLAS8 DEV GOOMjSp'OEE on Middle street, opposite the Bap tist Church, Sattjeday, Septem BEE 26th, and will sell for One Price and exclusively for Cash. I will have Mr. D. F. Jaetis and James Hudson with me as sales men ; 1 have, had eight years' ex perience in the Dry Goods business under Mr. Asa Jones.' Hoping my old friends and customers, and the citizens of New Berne and sur rounding country, will give me a share of their patronage, I remain, very respectfully,. GEO. HOWARD. Sep22(lw2w A RARE CHANGE For a Good Farmer. The Plantation known aa inn PAI.VIN PERKY PLACE, two and a hair ml lee from New Berne, on the Trent road, is otferttl frr sale, CHEAP for CAHH. It contains eight hnndred aeres, seven hundred of which are eloared. It Is well adapted to the growth of corn, cotton, and every variety of iruck A splendid dwelling and outhouses beautifully located. Two tenant houses; a fine orchard and vineyard, which alone, owing to ooave- nienne to manet, will support a small fiunlly. This Dlantatlon Is drained liv Trnt rlv..r and Jlmrale's oierk, and extends to 'Trent road. Is splendid for stock raising, and a nne chance for investment. For particulars addross Mrs. OALVIN PKBKY, New nemo, N. C, scplSdw2m or to Journal ouioe. THE ., ....... Emerald Cigar Factory NEW BERNE, N. 0., C. EEDMANN, Prop'r. Having taken Doesession of the nw hniui. lng specially constructed for my business on Middle street (opposite Odd Fellows Hall). I am now enabled to do full Justice to -my patrons, in the manufacture of the Finest Brands of Cigars, . which are of sufficient merit to deserve the popularity they now nossesa. Aside rmm h excellent material used, and the superior man. me ULiiSAJNLiiNKHS observed In the manufacture of my goods give them a srest ' pre-eminence over the Tenement Hnnu made Cigars of the large cities so generally smoked by the nnthlnklng, and so often the. -cause of serious ailments and disease. In connection with the Faotory la a hand somely appointed . 1,,. ' Smoker's Emporinnl'5 ' where every kind and variety of Cigars and Tobacco may be found at retail. 1 A full line ef Smoker's Goods, Including : ' Meerohautu. Brier-wood. and ever v&rletv of Pipes and 1lgar Holders, Pooches, t. f FINK IMPORTED HAVANA C1QAHH, and In fact every thing kept in a Flrst-Class TP- PATRONIZE HOME MANUFACTURE aep2Uddm : EVERYBODY ! ; GOME AND SEE US! hi ;wij uavk jusr.uKCKiyjiD quit Fall Slock of Dry Goods Boots and Shoes, 1 .! !! Hats, Notions, , Groceries, Crockery, M .1 ' ; l '.i.-MS jr.''. K Liquors, Which vk raorosE 6 'jp&tf ,Kit)'Mt VERY LOW FOR CASK VW will make it to your interest to nil on Maoazroti- . Jii i' -U; 'OUR IMMENSE. he tore bnylng elsewhere. . Then be sure and mill) Innnvsnntf'U - - '"' . i: - Jut TATLOit; iimi;A 1 , 'Brick; Block, Middle: it. n s ; i sepl3dw6n i ! '-I ll !.:V I ti! I J M